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_Table Of Contents
1110 - General Provisions
1111 - Definitions
1112 - Official Maps
1113 - Signage for Regional Facilities
1120 - Districts and Maps
1121 - Land Use Table
1122 - Use Definitions and Conditions
1123 - Nonconformities
1124 - Adult Uses
1125 - Communication Towers
1130 - Shoreland
1131 - Floodplain Ordinance
1132 - Planned Unit Developments
1140 - General Performance Standards
1141 - Ag Residential Performance Standards
1142 - Commercial and Town Center Performance Standards
1143 - Industrial Performance Standards
1144 - Architectural Design
1145 - Trees Open Space Landscaping and Fencing
1146 - Parking
1147 - Signs
1150 - Site Plan Review
1151 - Conditional Interim Use Permits
1152 - Variances
1153 - Amendments
1154 - Appeals
1155 - Enforcement and Fees
1160 - Motorcyles
1161 - Building Permits and Cert of Occupancy