HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2010 report - Natl Broadband Plan vs MN Task Force Rpt[1]237.19 MUNICIPAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES5 Ways Publick Ownership Solves the U.S. Broadband ProblemA Method for Automated Planning of FTTHA primer on broadbandAmericas Digital Inclusion Summit NTIA ResearchBB_Initiative_Fact_SheetBlandin Foundation – OCTOBER 2010Blandin_BBSB_Whitepaper_March_2011Blandin_report_BB_2010_Jack_FINALBreaking the Broadband Monopoly - Christopher MitchellBroadband - Build It YourselvesBroadband and TelecommutingBroadband Development GuideBroadband EconomyBroadband for America - The Third WayBuilding broadband infrastructure for jobs in Greater MinnesotaCardiocom 2011 Frost and Sullivan AwardCommunity Broadband Partnerships Demand CreativityCommunity Broadband Resource ProgramCommunity Broadband Snapshot ReportConnected PatientFCC to Release Ambitious But Pragmatic National Broadband PlanFiber Optic Initiative - City of Red Wing Minnesota 08 22 11Fiber Optics for Government and Public BroadbandFTTH Access Network InfrastructuresFTTH and Independent Telcos- MarAprFTTH deployment costsFttH Is Green TechnologyFTTH Network - Market Drivers, Economics and TechnologiesFTTH network economicsFTTH Tech PresentationFTTH Testing Valuable Case StudiesFTTH_Assessment_of_CostsGreen Effect of FTTH - FTTB NetworksGuide To Fiber Optic Network DesignGuidelines on public financing of broadbandHealth in Intelligent CommunityILSR Tells the FCC to Embrace Community Broadband NetworksInfrastructure_as_a_Service_whitepaperInnovation Demand and Investment in TelehealthInstitute for Local Self-Reliance 2010yearendreportIntroduction to Open Access NetworksLake Minnetonka Communities Complete Market Studylessons learned - case study on Burlington TelecomLive at the speed of lightLocalizing the InternetMinnesota Broadband - PlanningReportMinnesota Broadband Availability and AdoptionMinnesota fiber networks on the riseMinnesota UHS Broadband Report_FullMinnesota's Information HighwayMunicipal BroadbandMunicipal&UtilityGuidebooknational-broadband-planNetworkInfrastructurePublicPrivateNORTH AMERICAN FTTH STATUS - MARCH 31, 2011Open Access NetworksPrior Lake Demographic InformationPublicly Owned Broadband NetworksPublicly Owned Networks - Christopher MitchellScott County GPS Fiber Data Acquired from Access CommunicationsState of Broadband in MN 2010State of the industry--mobile health q1 2011State of Unified CommunicationsThe Broadband EconomyThe Economic$ of FTTHTo communities that seize broadband initiative, benefits flow fastWhat Solution Providers need to know about FTTHWho should build the next generation of high-speed networks