HomeMy WebLinkAbout012208 City Council Minutes /~~'-PR~ , 0 / -, '4>~ /t://' "'. ( 4646 Dakota Street S.E. I ,Ioooo.j f Y' lu ~j PriorLake,MN55372-1714 \ . ~ / RE'GlJLAR COlJlfClL MEET"ING MINUTES \'~t('f~' ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Girouard, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Police Chief O'Rourke, Planning Director Kansier, Planner Matzke, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Ad- ministrative Assistant Green. City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Speakers receive a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. Comments: No person approached the Council to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 7, 2008, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. Erickson abstained due to his absence at the meet- ing. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of 4th Quarter Investment Report. D. Consider Approval of December and Annual Building Permit Reports. E. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. F. Consider Approval of December, 4th Quarter and Annual Fire Call Reports. G. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptors and One (1) 2008 Dodge Charger Police Vehicle Through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program. H. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.004 Authorizing the Execution of the 2008 Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for Street Maintenance. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 Councilor Millar requested that item 5G, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptors and One (1) 2008 Dodge Charger Police Vehicle Through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program, be removed from the Consent Agenda. Councilor Hedberg requested that item 5B, Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report, be removed from the Consent Agenda. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Millar: Questioned why the police department is requesting that one of the vehicles be a Charger rather than a Crown Victoria as it is an additional $2,300. O'Rourke: Replied that the Charger was a new addition to police certified vehicles in 2006. Explained that the Charger leads in evaluation results for performance competitions conducted by the Department of Jus- tice through Michigan State Police test drives of chase vehicles. Noted there is less fuel efficiency and a higher cost of operation but believes the high performance (acceleration, braking) and public perception of the vehicle has value. Anticipates a substantial increased residual value over the Crown Victoria's at auc- tion because of the Hemi engine and scarcity of Chargers at the auctions. Millar: Will support and watch for evaluation of performance and auction value over the next few years. Haugen: Noted that the purchase of a Charger would be within the budget and asked if the Police De- partment would choose to buy three Chargers if they could. O'Rourke: Replied he would not recommend the purchase of three Chargers at this point. Currently cops can choose a preferred vehicle to drive; and, the Charger has limitations in that it is not as wide as a Crown Victoria which is important when training new officers and two officers need to be in the car. Also, officers have much equipment that takes space in the passenger side of the car. Erickson: Asked if the Charger's cylinder deactivation system achieves better mileage. O'Rourke: Replied that the current Charger vehicle has the cylinder deactivation technology and ques- tioned how mileage would be without it. Noted that the Charger achieves less than one mpg difference from the Crown Victoria. Erickson: Asked if the six-cylinder engine on a Charger would fit the Police Department needs. O'Rourke: Does not believe it would. Haugen: Agreed that resale on the Charger should be better than the Crown Victoria's. Asked how many miles are put on a car per year and sought confirmation that cars are rotated every three years. O'Rourke: Affirmed the three year rotation and noted that the 2006 Crown Victoria's have 55,000 and 57,000 miles and the Charger has 44,000. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 08. 005 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF TWO (2) 2008 FORD CROWN VICTORIA POLICE INTER- CEPTORS AND ONE (1) 2008 DODGE CHARGER POLICE VEHICLE THROUGH THE STATE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Hedberg: Commented that the general fund balance last month was below $1.5 million which is equivalent to one month of cash requirements. Received tax receipts in December and the general fund balance is now at $5.1 million which is closer to the desired 45% fund balance. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE TREASURER'S REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 PRESENTATION Snowmobile Task Force Status Report. Police Chief O'Rourke reviewed the purpose of the task force and its accomplishments to date including the implementation of a snowmobile hot line, posting of signage and education done by police and the snowmobile club. Described areas where violations of the snowmobile ordinance have been observed and complimented the snowmobile club for its diligence and working toward keeping their sport in town. Terry Hutchinson, snowmobile club representative, was present and displayed one of the signs designed for the snowmobile park and ride locations that have local ordinance reminders about the time and places for snowmobiles. Comments: Hedberg: Perceives that the snowmobile club wants this to work and asked if there have been more viola- tions and enforcements this year than previously. O'Rourke: Replied that there have been eight citations issued this year and, with no snow, there were none in 2006 and 2007. Hedberg: Supports keeping snowmobiling in town as long as we can. LeMair: Asked if there have been complaints about the route along CR 21 from Franklin Trail to TH 13. O'Rourke: Replied the Police Department has received no complaint emails or calls on the hotline. Noted that the snowmobile club has been trying to educate people about the switch to the other side of the road. Hutchinson: Commented that the routes along CR 21 and CR 82 both seem to be working great. Erickson: Commented that he is a member of the task force and that it has done a good job of putting the routes together and considering alternatives. Complimented the snowmobile club and the Police Depart- ment on their education and enforcement stating this has been a harmonious season of snowmobiling. Millar: Complimented the club and the task force for its work and recognized that snowmobiling is part of the culture of the community. Believes their actions have extended the life of the sport in the community. Haugen: Thanked Hutchinson for his leadership and expressed appreciation to the entire snowmobile club membership. PUBLIC HEARING Consider Approval of a Resolution Upholding the Decision of the Planning Commission to Approve Variances From the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for the Redevelopment of a Home in an R.1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. Planner Matzke explained that the public hearing is being conducted because the Dalsin and Dumke property owners appealed the decision of the Planning Commission regarding variances for the Robinson property on Northwood Road. Noted that the Planning Commission added the requirement of a $10,000 escrow to cover any possible damages to neighboring properties during construction. Described the lot conditions and the proposed building plans. Described the variances requested and the variance hardship findings. Comments: LeMair: Commented that the majority of the variances already existed prior to this redevelopment request. Matzke: Affirmed noting that the requested east side variance does not currently exist. LeMair: Asked the distance from the end of the wall of the house to the east to the property line. Matzke: Five feet. LeMair: Asked if that was acceptable due to no other structure being within ten feet at the time of con- struction. Matzke: Explained the side yard setbacks and stated that this was built before current ordinances were enacted. Hedberg: Asked for clarification of points of measurement. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing opened at 6:52 p.m. Comments: Allison Gontarek, 16676 Franklin Trail, attorney for Dalsin's and Dumke's. Stated that staff has relied on assertions that Robinson kept neighbors informed; a shed on the property is actually further south than shown on drawings; drainage is untenable and nonconformities have been ignored. Showed video of cur- rent situation of the properties' sunlight and shadow vs. sunlight and shadow with the proposed addition. Stated that a Prior Lake firefighter said that houses would be too close and a fire hazard. Stated an engi- neer identified there would be a 45% increase in runoff and asserted that landscaping done by Robinson is also increasing runoff. Stated that Robinson moved property stakes three feet into neighboring yard. Be- lieves that Robinson has not satisfied hardship criteria; and, that the shed should be removed per noncon- forming variance. Tom Dalsin, 16033 Northwood Road, distributed a handout stating it shows the location of the outbuilding before it was moved. Spoke of potential fire hazard caused by having buildings closer. Water runoff is a problem. Stated that Robinson did not share specific designs of proposed plan. Requested that Council consider the impact on his home. Agrees that Robinson should have a chance to expand his home but that the proposed addition will triple the size of the home. Stated his agreement to Robinson building on the existing home's footprint. Lisa Dumke, 16037 Northwood Road, believes Robinsons have right to improve the property but that the proposed construction impacts the welfare and safety of her property as well as its financial value. Con- cerned there may be additional runoff and settlement problems with her foundation. Stated that the Robin- sons moved the property stake three feet into their property and it took several months to get the property line properly established. Requested the Council to consider the property rights of all the residents. Bruce Dumke, 16037 Northwood Road, stated that a three times square footage expansion of the house is unreasonable. Stated that sunlight to his property would be restricted and his gardens won't grow. Com- mented on dangerous crowding stating that proper separation is needed due to sound, etc. Concerned about his foundation shifting believing it has been exacerbated by Robinson's recent landscaping causing drainage to be directed to his house; and with this new addition his property would be taking on even more water. Stated that some of the variances are half the minimums required. Referred to the shed being moved stating it was not legal. Jerrad Robinson, 16035 Northwood Road NW, thanked staff for its continuous assistance with this matter. Read excerpt of an article about neighborhood opposition not being a factor in denying a property owner his rights. Requested that the Planning Commission decision be upheld. Stated he went to both neighbors with a sketch and neither provided feedback. Stated he moved the shed to put it between the Dalsin garage and his deck to provide privacy. Erickson: Asked if the previous location of the shed was on the property line. Robinson: Replied it was five feet from property line. Stated that his contractor has met with the Planning Commission to discuss every possibility. Referred to ordinance 1102.605, paragraph 6. Matzke: Read the code and synopsized that it stated a second story could be added without variances by using the existing structure. Robinson: Asserted that to build a new structure, the existing variances had to be requested again and referred to a court case supporting the use of variances. Stated he spoke with Building Inspector Baumgartner who informed him there is no danger of fire and that code requires six feet between structures and that roofs can be four feet apart before any additional fire protection is needed. Stated his insurance agent came to his home and has written a letter stating that AllState has no setback requirements. Asserts that the hardship criteria support his position. Believes that the only property affected by shadowing is his 4 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 property as the neighboring property structures are situated more southerly than his. Addressed drainage comments by displaying neighboring roofline and rain gutters that drain water onto his lot stating it then drains onto the Dumke lot. Noted that the engineer and staff agree that a swale would eliminate water run- off problems. Noted that parking availability would remain unaltered as the proposed addition is on the other side of the house. Compared market values of the properties and taxes paid per square foot. Ques- tioned whether it would be better received if proposed structure was moved closer to the lake and more in alignment with their houses. Stated he is asking for reasonable use of his property to add a 500 square foot addition. Referred to a report about property values increasing by improving properties. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing closed at 7:46 p.m. Comments: Erickson: Asked what the proposed square footage of the finished house is. Matzke: Replied that the proposed addition is 507 square feet per each of two floors which will most likely result in 2,500 square feet finished. Erickson: Concluded that it will be the smallest of the three homes under discussion. Noted that adding a second story to the current dwelling would require no variance and it would have the same effect on the sunlight and shadowing as this proposal. Noted that no variance for impervious surface is being requested and queried whether rain gutters are required. Albrecht: Replied that the additional 45% of runoff referred to is from Robinson's lot only and that there is a considerable amount of water coming through their lot and it is not a 45% increase for the total area. Noted that the engineer indicated a swale would accommodate it. Stated that the noted issue had to do with the building of the Dumke house and if there is water infiltrating it may have to do with the landscaping and sloping done on the Dumke property. Stated that any potential additional drainage could be ad- dressed and cut off some of the draining that is coming from the Dalsin property. Erickson: Asked if it should be recommended as a requirement of approving these variances. Albrecht: Agreed that staff could be directed to review and minimize existing and future drainage. Noted there is not a house design yet to require gutters and that process is built into the building permit process. Erickson: Noted that there is only a single point where the houses are ten feet apart and any concern for a fire leap is only that one spot rather than a continuous length of house. Noted that is the only variance that is additional to what existed before this request. Will support the Planning Commission decision. LeMair: Expressed surprise that the Planning Commission decision was appealed. Noted that many of the houses in the neighborhood hug the property line and that this house appears to have been in the neighborhood the longest. Asked how many feet the Dumke house is from the property line. Matzke: Ten. LeMair: Stated that the eleven variances requested are mostly just documenting what was already there. Gutters should probably be required and perhaps should be directed into drain tile. Agreed that a swale might help Dumke's with runoff problems. Noted that it appears the shadows fall from the Dumke's house onto the Robinson's house. Asked if there is a tree replacement plan for the large tree in the back yard. Matzke: Replied that the Robinson's stated they will attempt to save the tree; but if it is lost, it meets the threshold for removal without replacement. LeMair: Noted that care with backfilling would be needed to avoid foundation shifting on the Dumke lot. Robinson: Replied that the contractor will access through the current foundation with bobcats and will backfill as building. There will be no backfill on the adjacent properties. LeMair: Asked if the addition will have a basement. Robinson: Replied that it will match the current basement for floor level and used primarily for storage. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 LeMair: Understands that change in a neighborhood is difficult and there are concerns. Stated that it is reasonable to build this project. Will support the Planning Commission decision. Hedberg: Recalled his own experience of building with neighbors angry during that building process. Hopes for future congeniality between these neighbors. Addressed comments in the letter from attorney Allison Gontarek regarding arbitrary and capricious use of City's municipal authority. Noted that there have been two noticed public hearings as well as significant exchanges of information by all parties orally and in writing. Stated that the Council's task is to look for a factual basis to overturn any decision of the Planning Commission; and to do anything otherwise would be capricious. There is an orderly and diligent process that is followed. Noted that much of communication received from applicants and appellants referred to lack of communication between them, but the Council cannot act on that basis. Commented that Robinson quoted the international building code and that it seems there are townhouse associations where structures are placed near to each other such as this. Observed that there clearly is a drainage problem and there should be instructions to assure that drainage is properly dealt with. Noted that the neighborhood is being replaced with newer upscale homes and each improvement increases the neighborhood values. Asked how the heritage tree ordinance would affect the tree. Kansier: Replied that the definition of a heritage tree is 27 caliper-inches and this tree is 26 caliper-inches; and that there is no penalty for removing a heritage tree but it would have to be replaced. Matzke: Added that the Council could include replacement of the tree as a requirement if it sees fit. Hedberg: Reiterated that this 25-foot lot was annexed as a legal nonconforming lot and with proper pro- tections, it is hard to suggest that it should not be approved and welcomed as an upgrade to the neighbor- hood. Will support the Planning Commission decision. Millar: Will support the Planning Commission decision. Understands that it is difficult and that there are animosities, and he hopes they are put aside. Asked if the shed placement made any difference. Matzke: Replied that it did not and if the shed had never existed, the minimum five feet would still be met. Millar: Noted that the sunlight and shadow issue is impacting the Robinsons more than anyone else. Asked staff to address the fire safety issue. Matzke: Replied that the building officials indicated they spoke to Robinsons. The space meets the zoning code and the building official did not express any concern about safety issues. Millar: Will support directing staff to review drainage matters on the proposed plans. Haugen: Agreed the drainage needs to be reviewed and it would be an asset to all concerned. Confused that the sunlight issue was brought up as it appears to have no adverse affect on the neighboring houses. Stated there is nothing in the insurance industry to preclude space between structures as it regards a fire issue. Commented that dealing with variances never pleases everyone, but the Council has to dismiss emotions and deal with what the law says. It is a buildable lot, the proposal is creating a reasonable use of the property and it will increase the value of all area properties. Believes it would be inappropriate to over- turn the Planning Commission decision. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.006 UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE VARIANCES FROM THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK, MINIMUM DRIVEWAY SIDE YARDS, MINIMUM STRUCTURE SIDE YARDS, SUM OF THE SIDE YARDS, MINIMUM SIDE YARD BUILDING SEPARATION, MINIMUM 50' + WALL SIDE YARDS, MINIMUM LOT AREA, AND MINIMUM LOT WIDTH TO ALLOW FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THE R-1 ZONING DISTRICT. Matzke: Asked if it is intended to have as a condition that the applicant must have a drainage plan pre- pared by a registered engineer that is approved by the city engineer. Hedberg: Added that condition as an amendment to the motion. LeMair: Seconded the amendment. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The amended motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding the City's Standardized Construc- tion Contract for Street and Utility Construction for the Ida Circle and Trunk Highway 13 Improve- ment Project (City Proj. #06-11). Public Works Director Albrecht presented the bids, indicated that no special assessment appeals had been received and recommended awarding the bid for this project. Comments: Millar: Commented that it is nice to see bids come in 26% lower than the engineers anticipated. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-007 ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CITY'S STANDARDIZED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FOR THE IDA CIRCLE AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CITY PROJECT #06-11). VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report Regarding the Proposed Inspection Vehicle Replacement Program. Public Works Director Albrecht described the proposed plan explaining that it would put more environ- mentally friendly vehicles in the fleet and save money by driving vehicles that are more efficient for their intended purpose. Explained that vehicle usage is tracked so the cost of usage is known. Noted that in- spection vehicles are used in construction areas that are not plowed or otherwise maintained and police vehicles are not necessarily the best vehicle for those uses; and, some GPS and surveying equipment does not fit into police vehicles. Requested approval to incorporate the inspection vehicle replacement proposal into the 2009-2013 CIP equipment matrix stating that it would allow the City to take advantage of new technology as it comes on line (flex fuels, turbo diesels). Comments: Hedberg: Complimented staff on a great report noting that it is not smartest to use the old vehicles "until the wheels fall off." Millar: Concurred and asked if up-front costs are needed to start the program. Albrecht: Replied that no up-front costs are needed as retiring police vehicles would be sold first to have cash in the matrix to make the purchase. Stated there is an underlying commitment to residents that this plan will be a savings. Erickson: Commented on new things displayed while watching the Detroit Auto Show and it sounds like a good program to be in a position to use new technology. LeMair: Believes it is a good plan and queried when the first vehicle would come online. Albrecht: Replied the program would begin with selling this year's police squad vehicles to build up cash for the first vehicle purchase in 2009. LeMair: Suggested considering a way to move that date earlier. Asked if the hybrid vehicles could be con- sidered immediately and believes City mechanics can be quickly certified. Will support. Haugen: Agreed it was a great report and a good idea. Agrees with accelerating the program if we can find a way to do it. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2008 MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE REPORT AND DIRECT STAFF TO INCLUDE THE INSPECTION VEHICLE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM IN THE DRAFT 2009-2013 CIP EQUIPMENT MATRIX FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving the City of Prior Lake 2007 Pay Equity Report. Assistant City Manager Meyer explained the pay equity reporting requirements and that the City is in compliance with all areas. Comments: Millar: Will support. Hedberg: Trusts that the statistics are accurate but would have to study what they really mean other than that they reflect that the City is doing a good job. LeMair: Will support. Erickson: Glad we are in compliance. Haugen: Concurred. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-008 APPROVING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PAY EQUITY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events Haugen: Complimented staff for putting together the Winter Blast event noting that attendance was re- stricted because of the weather but those who were there had a good time. Millar: The next Council meeting will be the 2008 State of the City address. Hedberg: Reviewed the Chamber of Commerce awards for Business of the Year and Business Person of the Year. Noted that the President's Award was given to City employees; specifically Assistant City Man- ager Meyer, Police Chief O'Rourke, Police Lieutenant Hofstad, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges and Parks Foreman Skluzacek. February 19 will be Skate the Lake. LeMair: The Prior Lake wrestling team is ranked 4th in the state and the youth team won the Lakeville Invi- tationallast weekend. Next weekend the youth team goes to Willmar/Litchfield. Hedberg: Mary Haugen, #719 Activities Director, was named 2007 State Athletic Director of the Year. Millar: Conveyed sympathy to the Barsness family in the loss of their mother. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Hedberg. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. 8