HomeMy WebLinkAbout020408 City Council Minutes p n.l'(y, .~~ ~ '\ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. ~j Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 , ..., / \"'~~ESO::::// REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Planning Director Kansier, Public Works Director Albrecht, Economic Development Director Snook, Finance Director Teschner, Police Chief O'Rourke, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges and Adminis- trative Assistant Green. City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. It is no longer than 30 minutes in length and each speaker will have a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Topics of discussion are restricted to City government topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 22,2008, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.009 Accepting the Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Ad- vertisement for Bids for the 2008 Street Overlay Project. C. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.010 Appointing the Specialty Engineering Consultants for 2008. D. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.011 Approving Change Order #1 for Fire Station No.2 Construc- tion Project. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRE- SENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 -~~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~-------~~. ~--~~-- Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 PRESENTATION State of the City Address Mayor Haugen spoke about the essence of government and invited members of the staff to report on the 2007 progress toward the ten vision elements of the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan. Following staff re- ports, Mayor Haugen addressed opportunities and considerations for 2008 and longer-range planning. RECESS Deputy Mayor LeMair called for a brief recess at 6:55 p.m. RECONVENE Mayor Haugen reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Presentation of the 2008 Equipment Replacement Report. Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges reviewed the proposal for replacing and managing equipment in- cluding options of refurbishing, lease and rental, operating specialized equipment to zero value, alternative fuels and fuel site upgrades, scheduling vehicles and equipment, partnering for equipment and vehicle pur- chases and considering used rather than new equipment in some instances. Reviewed equipment planned for acquisition in 2008. Comments: Millar: Asked when replacement of dump trucks will be recommended. Friedges: The second meeting of March 2008. Millar: Asked if the four pieces of equipment recommended in the report for purchasing on a partnership basis are the only options recommended for such purchase. Friedges: Replied that every time a new piece of equipment comes on the market that performs a job more quickly, city staff will explore the option of purchasing the equipment by partnering with another entity. Hedberg: Commented that saving ahead is the epitome of financial conservatism and that the equipment matrix reflects the importance of asset management. Stated that the overall structure of the matrix allows for setting aside money to deal with equipment needs over time. Agreed that it entails taking some risks such as trying to make a piece of equipment last a little longer and if there was no money set aside we could not take that kind of risk, but this gives us flexibility to support using some equipment to zero value. Likes having the data (hours, usage) behind the analysis to decide whether or not to acquire a new piece of equipment. Believes the report demonstrates the best in asset management, testing of our own thinking and keeping an eye on new technology. Friedges: Responded that this kind of report will be brought to the Council annually before making acquisi- tion requests. LeMair: Complimented the report and commented that its key attribute is being able to apply the informa- tion provided by it. Erickson: Asked about the pros and cons of increasing the percentage of biodiesel in fuel. Friedges: Replied that up to 20 percent biodiesel is available and the City is increasing its percentage of bio in the fuel in small increments to see which is effective. Higher bio is cleaner for the engine, but in- creasing the percentage too quickly can plug up the engine because of sloughing contaminants. Noted that the City's fueling sites have to be treated because using a higher bio could allow a fungus to grow in the tanks. Plan to start with B5 and may work to increase that in a year or two. Erickson: Asked about the pros and cons of a higher biodiesel from a cost standpoint. Friedges: Replied the fuel costs more as the bio percentage increases. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 Haugen: Believes the analysis and process will lead to good decisions. Complimented the leadership shown by analyzing the fleet and determining when changes should be made. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearings were scheduled. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertise. ment for Bids for the Brooksville Hills Improvement Project (City Project #08.011). Assistant City Engineer Poppler reviewed the main elements of the plan including the reduced street widths, additional stormwater pond, voluntary rain gardens, driveway reconstruction program and raw water line improvements. Noted that the public meetings have been held. Comments: Erickson: Will support. LeMair: The project is much needed. Will support. Hedberg: Asked how the stormwater ponds will complement each other. Poppler: Replied the new pond will be clay lined so it will not filter into the wellhead protection area and water will be treated in the new pond before it goes into the second pond. Hedberg: Asked if the ponds will have increased capacity for stormwater management. Poppler: Affirmed. Hedberg: Asked if any issues were brought up in the public meetings about pond design noting that con- cern was expressed on an earlier date about retaining the usefulness of the active park space that remains. Poppler: Replied that the shape of the pond is altered to have a more natural look to it. Noted that con- cerns had been expressed about vegetation as sledding occurs in the area. Staff met with interested par- ties and worked with them on the overall design. LeMair: Commented that he lives in this neighborhood and that concerns had been expressed about whether there would be chemicals in the water and about trees around the pond. After meetings with staff, people felt more comfortable with what would happen and how to get involved with the process. Hedberg: Stated he wanted to assure that the additional ponding would be a nice addition to the neighbor- hood. Believes the rain garden program helps with stormwater management and adds to aesthetics of neighborhood. Noted there is still available help from the City for residents in that neighborhood who are interested in having a rain garden. Millar: Concurred with previous comments. Will support. Haugen: Noted the infrastructure improvement is needed, liked the neighborhood involvement and that people were listened to, likes the rain garden program, and the assessment per unit is similar to past pro- jects. Will support. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.012 APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE BROOKSVILLE HILLS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #08-011 FOR THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNE- SOTA. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Staff to Solicit Professional Services Proposals for the Arcadia Avenue/CR 21 and Main Avenue/TH 13/CR 44 Intersection Feasibility Studies. Public Works Director Albrecht described the areas requested for feasibility studies noting that they are all critical to the downtown area and that a retail section on CR 44 would be impacted by changes to that intersection. Informed the Council that Scott County had included reconstruction of these intersections in old transportation plans, but now only includes projects that have financial commitments. Stated that these intersections are gateway intersections that identify downtown so options for reconstruction should be in- cluded that will include the look that is desired in the downtown area. Feasibility studies will provide street- scape features and cost analysis. Believes the feasibility studies need to be done to show County that the City is willing to commit to the projects and to learn what the County would need from the City. Noted Re- quests for Proposals can be solicited from four consultants who are in the City's transportation pool. Comments: LeMair: Believes the studies are needed and is concerned that these projects used to be on the County's radar and no longer are. Albrecht: Responded that the County has changed its plan improvement process and these projects would be placed into the County's current plan if the City has the money to put into it. LeMair: Will support. Erickson: Commented that the intersection reconstructions are important and asked about a timeline. Albrecht: Replied that two scenarios will be brought to the Council; one with current funding and another showing more aggressive funding. A more accurate plan can be devised if a feasibility study is conducted. Erickson: Asked if the City would be the entity to determine when the projects would happen. Albrecht: Responded that the County has money allocated for projects that cities request that are not in the County's ten year plan; and, the County has indicated it would use such funds to pay for its portion of these projects. The City would be able to request the County to solidify the funding if the study is com- pleted. Cooperative funding from MnDOT would be sought for CR 13. Millar: Noted there are serious traffic issues with the Main and CR 21 intersection, the Council has been discussing Arcadia for quite awhile and he is ready to address these situations. Will support. Hedberg: Asked when work on CR 21 north of CR 42 is scheduled. Albrecht: Replied that the north end is scheduled for 2009 and perhaps the entire CR 21 will be open by 2011. Hedberg: Commented that these projects are urgent because traffic issues will become worse faster when CR 21 is finished; and the downtown redevelopment is a top priority. Noted that Requests for Proposals are being prepared to go out to developers for the downtown and there still is no clear picture of what the vehicular and pedestrian pattern will be. The decision about Main and Arcadia are critical to downtown. Will support and wants the feasibility study to be done quickly. Haugen: Concurs with previous comments and recommended the whereas clauses of the resolution be revised to list the intersection layouts clause prior to the funding clause. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.013 AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SOLICIT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROPOSALS FOR THE ARCADIA AVENUE / CR 21 AND MAIN AVENUE / TH 13/ CR 44 INTERSECTION FEASIBILITY STUDIES AS REVISED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting an Advertising Signage Policy for Seasonal Signs on Interior Facing Fences on City Athletic Fields and a Resolution Directing the Staff to Initiate a Zon- ing Ordinance Review and Amendment if Necessary. Assistant City Manager Meyer reviewed the history of developing the policy and informed the Council that the Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) considered which parks should be included, types of signs, fees and code compliance. Reviewed the provisions of the proposed policy and advertising fee package and the issues associated with them. Advised that the PAC recommends that the City's portion of revenue from advertising sales be allocated to the park equipment replacement fund. Introduced PAC Chair Mike Feri- ancek. Comments: Erickson: Suggested that advertisers could choose in which park to locate their sign. Believes the sellers must be better defined and recommends that they should be youth athletic organizations. Agrees with giv- ing an advertising space to the VFW because of its support of Memorial Field. Noted that the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community donated $450,000 for lights at Ryan and suggested they should be given an advertising space at Ryan. Believes a review process should be established to determine whether such an advertising program should be ongoing. Meyer: Commented that the proposal of an advertising program was originally brought to the City by the American Legion. Millar: Concurred that the American Legion came to the PAC requesting to be able to sell signs in Memo- rial Park. Asked City Attorney Pace if commercial signage can be limited to just ballparks in terms of estab- lishing a new ordinance. Pace: Replied she does not think so because it would be an off site sign and believes different venues cannot be treated differently. Does not know if laws pertaining to commercial signage distinguish between private property vs. public property unless the government is something different when it is acting in a pro- priety function (a money making venture). Believes it is a problem, but will work with staff and study it. Millar: Has concerns about having signage at Ponds which is a more open park and he does not want to change those aesthetics. Suggests signage be contained to Memorial Park. Questioned how sales agents would be defined. Meyer: Replied that the concept was to provide the same sales opportunity for any civic organization. Feriancek: Added that the goal of the PAC was to have sales agents be non-profits within the City of Prior Lake. LeMair: Noted that there are non-profit athletic groups in Prior Lake. Millar: Wondered if there are unforeseen problems if zoning for commercial signs cannot be restricted. Hedberg: Stated he likes the idea of advertising signs in the ball parks and thinks it is fitting with small town values to see small town businesses advertised. Asked Pace to describe her concerns over revenue sharing. Pace: Replied that it appears most of the work would be done by City staff and a 50-50 split of revenue does not seem right. Commented that if a local business wanted to put up sign to support the home town team and paid a fee to do so, she would have no problem with it. Hedberg: Noted that the staff report identified three categories of cost and that he likes the idea of a 50-50 split with various non-profits, but believes it should be the net revenue that is split. Asked about Pace's concern regarding content of advertising. Pace: Replied that signs are a form of speech and protected by the First Amendment. Commercial signs must be content neutral meaning the City cannot restrict the language on the sign (such as tobacco, alco- hol). A local government cannot infringe on First Amendment protections when it comes to commercial speech except in very limited aspects. Believes companies could take us to court if they believed their 5 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 rights were infringed upon. Referred to past legal battles trying to regulate cigarette vending machines. If the City says it will allow commercial signs, particularly off site, then the content of the ordinance or policy would have to be neutral and not prohibit a specific product. Hedberg: Finds that troubling and commented that if the City cannot distinguish ballpark signs facing in- wards from other kinds of off site signage, and cannot restrict the content; it is not appropriate to have ad- vertisements for alcohol or tobacco products in venues with youth events and he cannot support this. If reasonable restrictions can be established, he would then support with the 50-50 revenue split amendment. LeMair: Commented that this proposal should not become bogged down because the City is afraid of what mayor may not happen. Does not believe there will be a big legal bill by proceeding with something along the lines of this proposed policy. Believes the City should establish spots for advertising and then sell them and consider addition of spaces later if so desired. Recommended advertising sales spaces should be at more parks than just Memorial. Recommended that sales agents should be defined and should in- clude youth groups, not just non-profits; and that the 50-50 revenue split should remain as proposed since it was intended to provide fund raising opportunities for youth groups. Believes the City should establish content and advertising restrictions. Haugen: Stated this proposal is a good idea if it can be done with modifications and qualifications. Sup- ports the idea of creating a small town feel. Believes Memorial Park would be the primary location and that it would be a mistake to open it up to any location due to dealing with different age groups at the different parks; and if there are only one or two signs at each field, it doesn't look good. Suggested that if advertis- ing is wanted at multiple locations, they should be allocated to one field at Ponds and one field at Ryan. Agrees the City should be as restrictive as possible about who can profit from this. Supports the American Legion being a sales agent. Proposed that the cost per sign should include the sign itself, the agent should be collecting the fees and the City should have no responsibility for collection. If an entity approached the City for signage, the revenue from that sale would all go to the City rather than pay a commission to some group. Would not want tobacco or beer advertising on the fields as they are all used by youth. Believes there will be less signage available at a softball field than at a baseball field because of less distance from foul pole to foul pole. Concerned about whether there are ordinance issues or if there are first amendment restrictions; but if those concerns can be resolved, will support. Erickson: Recommended that there be a list of designated sellers and if someone contacted the City about an advertising space, the City could direct them to the list of sellers. Asked if the responsibility of advertising content could be placed on the selling agent, believing they would not market to tobacco or al- cohol companies. Pace: Replied the City cannot have another entity do what it cannot do for itself. Suggested a creative way to circumvent the First Amendment issue would be to create ordinance regulations; but she would pre- fer to have policy rather than ordinance. Suggested arriving at a requirement that any product or advertiser that is required by federal law to put a warning label on its product, must put same warning label on its sign; or come up with a compelling government interest to prohibit certain types of products. Commented that it is not a hard and fast rule that the First Amendment can never be infringed upon, but there must be a com- pelling governmental interesting in regulating something that is protected such as speech; for example, to protect the health and well-being of children. LeMair: Asked how cigarette ads are kept off TV and suggested the City could adopt something similar. Pace: Replied it may go back to compelling government interest to protect children from harmful products. Erickson: Requested clarification about whether the fee should include signage, believing the concept was that the City would sell the space and the advertiser would choose a vendor with the advantage to the City being that the advertiser could change their sign if they thought it needed replaced for any reason. Haugen: Replied the City would have better control with just one vendor avoiding problems of different types and quality of signs. Recommended the City have final approval of sign configuration and language. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 Erickson: Asked if the advertiser would have the option of when to replace its sign rather than having the City furnish the sign. Haugen: Agreed that was sensible and the advertiser would deal with the expense of replacement signs as long as they still come back to the City to assure final consistency. Pace: Asked if there could be political signs. Haugen: Affirmed. LeMair: Believes the City should provide a list of sellers to anyone who approaches them about purchas- ing a sign. Millar: Asked what other kinds of signage could happen if an ordinance were adopted allowing signage in ball parks. Pace: Believes all would have to be accepted. Kansier: Believes the ordinance could not be defined to have signage just at ballparks. Pace: Questioned distinguishing between temporary, offsite or seasonal signs. Kansier: Replied that current ordinance allows temporary banners in commercial districts, but they are not off site. Commercial banners are not allowed in residential sections at all. Millar: Could support signage at Memorial, but does not like it at Ryan where it is so open. If changing the ordinance would open it up to have signage everywhere, cannot support it. LeMair: Commented that gymnasiums have advertisements that have paid for score boards, but busi- nesses do not put up signs all over in the high schools. Haugen: Asked if there were differences for compliance for signage inside a building vs. outside and if there would be a difference if signage is inside the ballpark. Pace: Replied the ballpark would have no difference. Noted that signage inside a building is not an off site advertising sign. Reiterated that her biggest concern is regarding the First Amendment and that it seems less risky if the zoning ordinance could have language to make it very narrow. Kansier: Commented she has been struggling with it and has not found a way to do it yet. Haugen: Summarized that if there is a way to meet legalities, it appears as though four members are in favor and one has reservations. Millar: Expressed concerns about it leading to signs in the hockey arena at Lakefront. Haugen: Sought consensus from the councilors about: . locations where signage would be allowed. Agreement was reached to offer signage at Memorial Park this year and consider other locations in the future if the experience is favorable. The City Attorney and staff would need to examine the ordinance for amendment purposes. . sign material. Agreement was reached to accept the materials as proposed in the staff report. . definition of vendors. Agreement was reached that vendors should be youth organizations or those that contribute a large percentage of proceeds to youth activities which would encompass those within city boundaries as well as those who attend school within the ISD 719 boundaries. . Proposed that the fee structure should be set up to include the cost of the sign in the fee, establish one vendor and have the advertiser pay for the sign. Meyer: Commented that the concept proposed was that the advertiser would want the City to facilitate the production of the sign and would pay for both the lease and the cost of the sign up front. Haugen: Clarified that the sales agent would be responsible for collecting the fees. Erickson: Suggested separation of the cost of the sign and the cost of the space so that an advertiser could replace the sign when they felt it was appropriate such as excessive weathering or new information. Haugen: Agreed. Pace: Noted that one of the conditions for signage would be to state that the City is not responsible in the event of vandalism or theft, etc. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 Haugen: Agreed. Proposed that the City should get bids or quotes and identify one vendor. Feriancek: Advised the Council of PAC discussion regarding splitting the revenue and having the City por- tion go into the park equipment maintenance fund rather than the general fund believing this could be a good revenue source for the park fund. Hedberg: Reiterated his suggestion that administrative costs come off the top and proposed that could be identified as 10 - 20 percent; and then the net revenue is split 50-50. Agreed the City's 50 percent should go to the proposed park fund. Feriancek: Replied that the non-profit is doing the marketing and spending their own time to do the selling and thus incurs its own administrative costs. LeMair: Commented that it is key to have enough revenue for the non-profit to go out and sell and they have to have that motivation. Feriancek: Reported that the PAC believed it could control advertising and would be against tobacco, al- cohol and adult advertising. Commented that the PAC's original intent was to put advertising at Memorial Park, but when the issue of advertising in multiple parks was proposed, they wanted to consider that. If Council wants to limit the advertising to Memorial Park, the PAC supports that. Mayor Haugen sought consensus and agreement was reached to have a process of referring an unsolic- ited buyer to a list of sellers and the buyer could choose which of those sellers they would like to conduct their purchase with. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING A PROPOSED SIGN- AGE POLICY FOR SEASONAL SIGNS ON INTERIOR FACING FENCES ON CITY ATHLETIC FIELDS INCORPORATING DIRECTION FROM THE COUNCIL ON LOCATION, SIGN MATERIAL, DEFINITION OF VENDORS AND FEE STRUCTURE, AND A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE STAFF TO INITIATE A ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW AND AMENDMENT IF NECESSARY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Millar: The Rotary fundraiser, Valentine Getaway, will be held at the Wilds this Saturday. Hedberg: Skate the Lake on February 16 at Captain Jack's. Erickson: The caucuses are held tomorrow night. Get involved. Haugen: Congratulated Chair Crooks, Vice-Chair Crooks and Secretary/Treasurer Anderson on their re- election to the SMSC Business Council. Will be attending a meeting with the Governor and state repre- sentatives regarding transportation issues at the League of Minnesota Cities on Thursday. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by LeMair, and seconded by Hedberg to adjourn the meeting. With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ruJk Frank s, City Manager ~~~ Charlotte Green, Administrative Assistant 8