HomeMy WebLinkAbout031708 City Council work session Engineering Division Public Works Department MEMORANDUM City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota St SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 TO: City Council FROM: Steve Albrecht, Director of Public Works DATE: 2/14/08 RE: TH13/150th Street Intersection Workshop Presentation In 2007 the City's of Savage and Prior Lake completed ajoint study of the THI31150th Street Intersection and adjacent TH 13 Corridor from Oakland Beach Avenue to Green Oaks Trail. A draft of the studies findings and recommendations will be presented by SEH at the February 19th City Council Workshop. The City of Savage has reviewed the draft study and recommended option and supports proceeding. Include for the City Councils review are the following items: I) Draft Study 2) Recommended Altemative 3) Neighborhood Service Area Map for Intersections Staff requests that the City Council provide direction regarding the following questions after reviewing the information provided with this memorandum and the workshop presentation: I) Is the 150th/THI3, Oakland Beach/THI3/, Green Oaks Trail/THI3 project a priority for the City? Ifit is a priority where should the priority rank in comparison with the ArcadialCR 21 and Main/Ridgemont/TH 13 projects? 2) Does the Council support pursuing the recommended option? 3) Is the proposed pedestrian tunnel and trail system a priority? Staff offers the following comments for consideration as the Council reviews the project information: a) While the 150th Street/TH 13 intersection is not the highest accident intersection in the corridor, this project does provide a solution to the current safety issues at the Oakland Beach intersection which has a G:\Streets_and_ Transportation\ 150th- TH 13 Intersection Study\TH13-15oth Memo.doc higher rate of accidents and will become worse as trafIic volumes increase. The safety benefit to I 50th is different in that this intersection also services the High School and special consideration may be warranted. The project also deals with safety issues related to the Prior Lake Rental Center access. b) Pedestrian safety in this area would be greatly enhanced and this project would provide the I st phase of a needed TH 13 pedestrian corridor. c) The project takes in to consideration costs and impacts to both Prior Lake and Savage and tries to balance them to achieve a viable project. This project would represent a true partnership between the two Cities in which both partners make sacrifices to accomplish needed safety improvements for the larger community. d) This project presents options that are supported by MnDOT Staff and therefore will maximize the potential for State dollars on the project. e) The intersection restrictions will cause additional traffic primarily on Fairlawn Shores Trail, Green Oaks Trail and Glendale A venue/Rustic Road. The traffic volume impacts to Glendale A venue/Rustic Road and Green Oaks Trail are anticipated to be very minimal based on the traffic data obtained by the study. The impacts to Fairlawn are larger however that segment of street is part of the City's State Aid system and was designed to handle much larger trafIic volumes than it currently ex~eriences. Additionally the signal at Fish Point Road and TH 13 provides safe access for the entire I50t neighborhood to TI-I 13. The proposed additional volumes are not substantial but the City may have to make some control tweaks along the corridor to ensure safety is not compromised by increased traffic. 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SEH DRAFT MEMORANDUM TO: John Powell, City of Savage Steve Albrecht, City of Prior Lake FROM: Mike Kotila, PE; Mark Ray, EIT DATE: August 23, 2007 RE: Preliminary intersection control findings for 150th Street at TH 13 SEH No. ASA V AG0703.00 MTKA 1. Background Study Purpose In 1996, MnlDOT worked with the Cities of Savage and Prior Lake to develop an access management plan for TH 13. The 1996 Access Plan identified the TH 13/150th Street intersection to be perpetuated as a full access intersection. Adjacent local street intersections (TH 13 at Green Oaks Road/152nd Street and Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Avenue) on TH 13 were identified as right-in/right-out intersections in the access plan. The 150th Street intersection was identified for full access, but due to a severe skew between intersecting roadway alignments, the long term geometric configuration of the intersection was undetermined. Since 1996, the Cities and MnlDOT have implemented safety improvements on TH 13 including turn lanes on TH 13 when the Prior Lake High School was opened westerly of the intersection in 2003. Skew corrections on the 150th Street approaches to TH 13 were not made at that time. Increasing traffic demands in the area due to regional growth on TH 13, local growth from nearby residential development and high school activities have increased local concerns for traffic safety in the corridor. South bound left turn safety is a concern at the TH 13/Zinran intersection. Eastbound and westbound cross-over movements are a concern at 150th Street especially due to high school activities which attract trips from and across TH 13 at these locations. A severe crash occurred involving school age drivers in 2006 has raised local concerns to a higher level. In response to safety concerns, the Cities of Savage and Prior Lake have initiated this design study. 2. Study Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide sufficient level of traffic operation analysis and design feasibility to define a long term operational plan for the corridor of Trunk Highway between Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Ave and Green Oaks Road/152nd Street, including the intersection of Trunk Highway 13 with 150th Street, in Prior Lake/Savage, Minnesota. The intersections adjacent to 150th Street are being considered for access modifications to reduce movements to right-in fright-out only. The need to develop an operational plan has evolved as a result of growing regional and local traffic demands. Findings in this study will allow City and State representatives to make informed Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200, Minnetonka. MN 55343-9301 SEH is an equal opportunity employer I www.sehlnc.com I 952.912.2600 I 800.734.6757 I 952.912.2601 fax Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 2 decisions regarding the future of the TH 13 intersection with l50th Street and the adjacent intersections. 3. Study Location TH 13 is classified as an "A" Minor Expander and serves both local and regional traffic. The intersection of l50th Street with TH 13 is located in Scott County on the border between Savage and Prior Lake, Minnesota. l50th Street is located roughly halfway between the central business districts of Savage and Prior Lake. Attachment A is a figure of the study area. Land use along TH 13 in the study corridor area is primarily residential with some commercial. The Prior Lake/Savage High School is located less than 1 mile east of the intersection of l50th at TH 13. Residential development in the area has not reached full build out and in the area to the east of the study corridor with 98 lots still empty. 4. Existing Conditions Currently, the intersection ofTH 13 with 1 50th Street is a four-legged intersection with two-way stop control on l50th Street. TH 13 is a two-lane undivided rural section highway through the area, however, at 1 50th Street, the northbound and southbound movements have exclusive left and right-turn lanes. The majority of the land uses in the area are residential and some light commercial. The posted speed limit along TH 13 transitions from 55 mph at l52nd Street/Green Oaks Road to 45 mphjust south of l50th Street. Along l50th Street, the posted speed limit is 30 mph. One major traffic generator in the area is Prior Lake High School which is located just to the east of the intersection, along 1 50th Street. MnlDOT traffic counts, collected in 2006, show that TH 13 has an AADT of 17,800 north of the intersection and 16,400 south of the intersection with l50th Street. l50th Street has an AADT of 1,450 vpd west ofTH 13 and 2,000 vpd east ofTH 13. The intersection of TH 13 and Oakland Beach Road/Zinran A venue is a four-legged intersection with two-way stop control on Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Avenue. Oakland Beach Road and Zinran Avenue are each two lane local streets with a single lane of approach to TH 13. Each approach widens immediately before TH 13, allowing right turns to bypass a single vehicle waiting to cross or turn left on TH 13. If the queue exceeds two vehicles, the right turn space is blocked. Northbound and southbound TH 13 operate with a through lane and a right turn lane. The posted speed limit along TH 13 is 45 mph and along Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Avenue is 30 mph. The intersection of Green Oaks Road/152nd Street with TH 13 is a four-legged intersection with two-way stop control on Green Oaks Roadl152nd Street. Green Oaks Road and l52nd Street are two lane streets with a single lane of approach that widens immediately before TH 13, allowing right turns to bypass a single vehicle waiting to cross or turn left. If the queue exceeds two vehicles, the right turn space is blocked. Northbound and southbound TH 13 operate with a through lane and a right turn lane. Left turns are made from the through lane. The posted speed limit along TH 13 is 55 mph and along Green Oaks Roadl152nd Street is 30 mph. a. Intersection Volumes Turning movement counts were collected during the AM and PM Peak hours at the intersections of TH 13 with 1 50th Street, Oakland Beach Road/Zinran A venue, and Green Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 3 Oaks Roadll52nd Street on May 23, 2007 while school was still in session. Figures in Attachment B summarize the AM and PM Peak hour turning movement counts. Minnesota Department of Transportation turning movement count and approach count data from June 13, 2006 was also used in the analysis to identify trends in traffic patterns when the school is in session and when school out for the summer. The AM Peak hour occurred from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM. This time frame coincides with the start of the school day at 7:20 AM at the Prior Lake/Savage High School. The PM Peak hour was from 5:00-6:00 PM which does not overlap with the high school dismissal time which occurs at 2: 10 PM. b. Crash History Crash data from 2003-2006 was obtained from MnlDOT's MnCMAT data files to identify historical safety concerns and develop collision diagrams. Attachment C, in the appendix, provides a detailed breakdown of the intersection crashes, as well as the Metro District averages from 2002. Crash diagrams are in Attachment D for review. A brief summary of the crash history is included below. Between 2003 and 2006 there were a total of 8 crashes at TH 13 and 150th Street. Four of the crashes were right angle and two were rear-end crashes. The crash rate at the intersection was 0.30 crashes per million entering vehicles while the severity rate was 0.40. These rates are higher than the 2004-2005 Minnesota Metro District crash rates for rural thru/stop intersections. The Metro average crash rate was 0.20 and the average severity rate was 0.30. The intersection of Oakland Beach RoadlZinran A venue with TH 13 had 14 crashes of which 8 (57%) were rear-end collisions. The crash rate at the intersection was 0.50 crashes per million entering vehicles while the severity rate was 0.90 (higher than Metro averages for rural thru/stop intersections) The intersection of Green Oaks Road/152nd Street and TH 13 had 5 crashes of which all 5 were rear-end collisions. The crash rate at the intersection was 0.20 crashes per million entering vehicles while the severity rate was 0.20 (lower than Metro area averages) 5. 150th Street Intersection Traffic Control Alternatives based on Existing Conditions Traffic control alternatives were considered consistent with the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) guidelines which evaluate all-way stop control, signalized control and roundabout control for full access intersections. a. All Way Stop Control All way stop control has been considered for the intersection. TH 13 is configured as an undivided 2-lane highway with a rural cross section. Northbound and southbound left and right turn lanes are in place at 150th Street. Very high through traffic volume demands on TH 13 make it undesirable to create an all-way stop condition as stop sign control on high volume multilane intersection approaches presents several operational and safety challenges including capacity, assignment of right of way and driver compliance. Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 4 Under existing volume conditions, MMUTCD all-way stop warrants are NOT MET due to low volume demands on the side streets. The all-way stop warrant analysis are attached as Attachment E. For the above stated reasons, all-way stop control is not a recommended treatment along TH 13. b. Traffic Signal Control Existing (2007) traffic volume demands on TH 13 at 150th Street DO NOT SATISFY minimum volume thresholds prescribed in the MMUTCD for consideration of a traffic signal. It should be noted that not satisfying a minimum volume threshold is only one indicator when considering signalization. Many other factors (See the MMUTCD) should be considered prior to selection of signalization as an intended method of solving operational problems that may exist. Warrant 1 in the MMUTCD requires that 8 hours of volume demand be present to consider signalized control and Warrant 2 requires 4 hours. Warrant 3 considers only the peak hour volumes. None of the volumes met the minimums for Warrant 1, only 1 hour (11 am) met the minimum for Warrant 2, and no hours met the Peak Hour requirement for Warrant 3. The failure to satisfy any of the signal warrants was based upon the relatively low minor street volumes. Volumes along the major street (TH 13) did satisfy the minimum thresholds for a signal. Attachment F summarizes the signal warrant analysis under existing conditions. c. Roundabout Control The Minnesota Department of Transportation has adopted the practice of considering the use of a roundabout at an intersection if an all-way stop or traffic signal warrants have been met. In the event that neither the traffic signal nor all-way stop warrants have been met, the existing two-way stop condition would be evaluated as part of an overall access management plan along the corridor. Based on the existing conditions warrant analysis, a roundabout is not a recommended course of action. However, in the interest of planning for future conditions analysis was performed based on existing and future conditions. A summary figure is included as Attachment G and a written summary is below. A single lane roundabout has a maximum volume to capacity ratio (V/C) of 1.01 and 1.02 during the AM and PM Peak, respectively. As a rule of thumb, V/C ratios over 0.85 are not recommended for roundabout operation. The high V/C ratio during the AM Peak is due to the high volume of northbound thru traffic and the high V/C ratio during the PM Peak is due to the high southbound thru traffic volume. The V/C ratio improves with the use of a double lane roundabout over a single lane roundabout. A double lane roundabout has a maximum AM Peak V/C ratio of 0.50 and a max PM Peak V/C ratio of 0.51. Based on this basic analysis, a double lane roundabout would be preferred over a single lane roundabout. The operational demand for a two lane roundabout increases the size ofthe right of way needed. The high differential between mainline (TH 13) and cross street (150th Street) traffic demands should also be considered. With a low percentage ofTH 13 drivers turning at 150th Street, natural gaps in the circulatory roadway may not occur frequently enough to serve the minor entries and under these flow conditions. In addition TH13 drivers may not yield to circulatory Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 5 flow when yield conflicts occur infrequently. Roundabout design would need to consider this imbalance of traffic flow to safely promote yielding by entering vehicles to the circulatory flow. Another challenge with using a roundabout at 150th Street is that the approaches are skewed to fairly extreme angles. This could increase the right of way needed for the project to allow for the appropriate approach geometry. Operational benefits that a roundabout would provide include: full access for all movements at the intersection, reduction in vehicular conflicts, the potential for smooth flow for all movements during the off-peak times, and no signal maintenance costs. In the most recent 3-year crash history, there were two right-angle collisions out of the five total collisions. A roundabout at the intersection could aid reducing those types of collisions however, roundabouts may increase the number of rearcend collisions. Additional analysis using Rodel and/or VISSIM should be performed if roundabouts are to be considered. 6. Short Term Traffic Demands - Planned Development A review of short term traffic growth due to imminent development to determine effect on need for traffic control has been performed. a. Build-out of Residential Subdivision A mostly vacant residential subdivision was included in the study due to its' close proximity to the intersection and the impact it will have once it is fully occupied. A field study done in July 2007 found that there were 98 empty lots in the subdivision. It was assumed that only single detached family homes would be built on the lots. The ITE Trip Generation Manual 7th Edition was used to develop AM Peak, PM Peak, and Daily trips forecasts. Trip routing was performed based upon based upon known traffic patterns (turn move counts) and trip comparison of trip length/travel time through the local transportation network. Attachment H includes figures of the trips routed through the study corridor during the AM and PM peak hours. b. Expansion of High School The Prior Lake/Savage High School currently has an enrollment of approximately 1,850 students. The school district anticipates enrollment to grow to 2,450 students. The original high school transportation impact analysis plan (on file with the City of Savage) was based on an estimated a student population of 2,000. The method of analysis used in the original traffic impact study was extrapolated to represent traffic impacts of 2,450 students. Updated traffic data was used in developing trip volume and routing estimates for the additional students. Attachment I includes figures of the trips routed through the study corridor during the AM and PM peak hours. 7. Access Management Plan A few different access management and safety improvement plans are under consideration for the corridor. The following sub-sections describe the options considered at each of the three intersections in the study area. Each intersection's assumed access condition would be considered with assumed access conditions at adjacent intersections when traffic routing is considered. Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 6 a. Zinran A venue/Oakland Beach Road Two alternatives were considered for this intersection. The first is the complete closure of the Zinran Avenue access to TH 13 and reduction of Green Oaks Trail to a right in/right out configuration. Zinran Avenue is being considered for closure for multiple reasons. With the exception commercial site on TH 13 (boat dealership which is now closed), there are no other private accesses along Zinran Avenue. The closure Zinran would shift trips Avenue to the intersection of TH 13 at l50th Street. The second alternative would be to provide right in/right out only access from TH 13 to Zinran A venue and Oakland Beach Road. Unlike complete closure of Zinran Ave, the limited access would still allow drivers to get to the commercial site at the intersection of TH 13 and Zinran Avenue directly from northbound TH 13. Support for the reduction in movements at the intersection comes from multiple sources. The first is the safety concerns related to vehicles making left turns at the intersection. Currently, there are no separate left turn lanes for either the northbound lefts or the southbound lefts from TH 13. Left trons from the through lane result in exposure to a rear end collisions and/or evasive (and illegal) maneuvers through the right turn lanes. Rear end collisions were the most common type of crash at the intersection between 2003 and 2006 and all of the crashes occurred along TH 13. Furthermore, a detailed review of each of the crashes revealed that of the 14 crashes that occurred at Zinran A venue/Oakland Beach Road between 2003 and 2006, only 3 of the crashes would have occurred if the intersection was a right in/right out only configuration. b. 152nd Street/Green Oaks Road As part of the corridor access management plan this intersection would remain a full access intersection with TH 13 and have stop control for the minor street approaches to TH 13. The roadway network around the intersection does not easily facilitate alternate routes for drivers in the event that the intersection was made a right-in / right-out intersection. In addition to no readily accessible alternate route, current peak hour volumes entering and exiting the intersection on Green Oaks Road are less than 20 vehicles during both the AM and PM peaks. On l520d Street, entering and exiting volumes are less than 25 vehicles during the AM and PM peak hours. Appendix B summarizes the AM and PM Peak hour trips at Green Oaks Road/152od Street. Safety concerns at this intersection are less severe than the Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Avenue intersection or the I 50th Street intersection. c. 150th Street See the Section 7" 1 50th Street Intersection Traffic Control Alternatives based on Near- Future Conditions" for detailed analysis on the different traffic control alternatives for the intersection. 8. 150th Street Intersection Traffic Control Alternatives - Short Term Traffic Demands The volumes used in this analysis includes expanded high school enrollment and in fully occupied residential development. Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 7 a. All Way Stop Control Very high through volume demands on TH 13 make it undesirable to create an all-way stop condition as stop sign control on high volume multilane intersection approaches presents several operational and safety challenges including capacity, assignment of right of way and driver compliance. All-way stop control is not a recommended treatment along TH 13. All- Way Stop Warrants are not satisfied. b. Traffic Signal Control Each of the corridor access management alternatives was run through MMUTCD signal warrants, the only one that lead to a MMUTCD warrant being satisfied was the complete closure of Zinran A venue which resulted in displacement of trips to the 150th Street interesction. The primary turn movements experienced at the Zinran Avenue and TH 13 intersection is the southbound left turn and the westbound right turn. If Zinran Avenue is closed, the westbound rights shift down to 150th Street. Satisfaction of warrants is dependant upon the proportion of right turns included in the warrant analysis. With a 50% right turn reduction applied to the right turn demand, the Eight Hour, Four Hour, and Peak Hour warrants were satisfied. Attached to this memo is summary of the warrant analysis. The traffic signal warrant analysis, with the right-in/right-out condition at Zinran A venue, is included in Attachment J. The traffic signal warrant analysis, with Zinran A venue closed, is included in Attachment K. c. Roundabout Control While a traffic signal warrant would be met with the closure of Zinran Avenue, even with the change in the configuration of access points along the corridor, the high differential between mainline (TH 13) and cross street (150lh Street) traffic demands may reduce the number natural gaps in the circulatory roadway available to serve the minor entries. Roundabout design should acknowledge that TH 13 drivers may not yield to circulatory flow when yield conflicts occur infrequently. Thus, the analysis performed in Section 4.C remains relevant, even if a signal warrant has been met. 9. Enhanced Access Management Plan Based on the findings of the traffic control analysis at the intersection of 150lh Street and TH 13, alternative methods of improving safety at the intersection were sought out. An enhanced access management plan was developed to accommodate traffic demands while improving safety at the intersections along the corridor. a. Oakland Beach Road / Zinran A venue This intersection would be modified to a right-in / right-out configuration for traffic on the minor streets. See Section 6.a for further support for this intersection configuration. Existing turning movement counts show that few vehicles make left-turns from the side streets. One heavy movement that would be disrupted by the limited access would be the southbound-left turning vehicles. However, this southbound left turn demand would be served 150lh Street. Traveling this route would extend a drivers route by less than half a mile to a location that could safely serve the demand. Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 8 The real benefit from the modified access would be seen in terms of intersection safety. Attachment C shows a list of the types of crashes that occurred at the intersection. A majority of the rear end crashes occurred while vehicles were waiting to turn left from the southbound through lane. Right angle collisions also occurred as vehicles were turning left at the intersection. Combined, the right angle and rear end collisions comprise over half of all the crashes that occurred at the intersection during the 4 years of crash data reviewed. b. 150th Street Based on the traffic control alternative analysis, an alternative method was sought out to correct safety concerns while meeting the travel demand needs of the corridor and surrounding communities. A layout of the 150th Street intersection was developed to in1cude right in / right access to/from 150lh Street. Southbound left-turns from TH 13 would also be allowed by providing an exclusive southbound left turn lane and median opening. An additional component of this intersection re-configuration would be the re-alignment of the west leg of 150lh Street. Currently the west approach to the intersection is at a skewed angle. The reconfiguration would square up the intersection with TH 13 and improve intersection sight lines. The greatest benefit from the modified access will be seen in terms of intersection safety. Attachment C shows a list of the types of crashes that occurred at the intersection. A majority of the rear end crashes were due to vehicles getting hit while waiting to turn left. The right angle collisions also occurred as people were turning left at the intersection. Combined, the right angle and rear end collisions make up well over half of all the crashes that occurred at the intersection during the 4 years of crash data reviewed. c. Green Oaks Road /152nd Street Similar to the original access improvement plan, as part of this enhanced access improvement plan this intersection would remain a full access intersection with TH 13 and have stop control along the minor streets. The roadway network around the intersection does not easily facilitate alternate routes for drivers in the event that the intersection was made a right-in / right-out intersection. 10. 2030 Traffic Forecast Based Met Council Regional Model outputs City of Prior Lake's Comprehensive Plan, a growth rate for volumes along the corridor was determined to be 1.2% per year. This This rate was used to acknowledge background growth, but was not applied to the high school traffic volumes or the full build-out of the housing development. Attachment L summarizes the future AM and PM peak hour turning movement forecast, based on the limited access at 150lh Street and Oakland Beach Road/Zinran Ave. 11. 2030 Traffic Analysis Analysis on 2030 Peak Hour traffic volumes was done on a macroscopic level. Simulation software was not used in the analysis due to the low volumes at each of the intersections and the similarity in movement trends between existing and future volumes. a. Oakland Beach Road / Zinran Ave With the median closure at this intersection overall traffic flow is not expected to improve much over existing conditions due to the fact that the current high volume movements are Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 9 along TH 13 and are free flowing. As noted in Section 8.a, the major improvement to intersection, as a result of the restricted movements, is the safety of the intersection under both existing and future volumes. b. 150th Street With the median closure at this intersection overall traffic flow is not expected to improve much over existing conditions, due to the fact that the current high volume movement along TH 13 is free flowing at 150lh Street. An increase of southbound left turns will occur due to the shift in the movement from the Oakland Beach Road / Zinran Ave intersection. The east leg of the intersection will see an overall reduction in the number of vehicles that turn at 150lh Street. The reason for this is that most ofthe existing traffic on 150th Street is either through or left-turning vehicles. These vehicles would now have to shift down to 1520d Street in order to make a left turn. c. Green Oaks Road / 1520d Street The biggest change in traffic patterns at this intersection due to the restricted movements at the other intersections would be the increase in left turn volumes from the minor streets. Highway Capacity Software was used to evaluate the performance of the intersection under the 2030 volumes. During the PM Peak hour the level of service (LOS) on the minor streets was F for the through and left-turn movements on both legs. On 1520d Street the right turn movement had an LOS B and on Green Oaks Road the left turn LOS was C. Traffic on TH 13 had an LOS B heading northbound and an LOS A heading southbound. Attachment M summarizes the HCS output for the intersection under 2030 conditions. 12. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the analysis performed on this corridor a strong case for full access traffic control treatments cannot be made. Considering the nature of the existing safety issues and the high cost and impact of any full access treatment that could be considered, an access management and safety improvement solution is recommended. TH 13 should be planned with a median separation of northbound and southbound lanes. This center median treatment would eliminate safety concerns related to southbound left turn movements from TH 13 to Zinran A venue from the through lane. The median should be extended through the 150th Street intersection to restrict low demand left turn and crossing movements. The higher demand southbound left turn movement with displaced left turn movements from Zinran Avenue would be served with a protected southbound left turn channelized to allow only that movement at 150lh Street. Right in and right out movements would be allowed at Oakland Beach Road / Zinran Avenue and also at 150th Street. The existing conditions and traffic demands along THl 3 at 1520d Street are less severe than those at 150lh or at Zinran. An opportunity may exist however to eliminate a commercial driveway from TH 13. The effect of the above suggested access changes at 150th Street may result in an small increase in traffic demand at the Green Oaks Road/152od Street intersection with TH 13. The increase volume is expected to be less than 100 vehicles on each of the side streets during the peak hour. The intersection of Green Oaks Road/152od Street should be monitored for safety concerns that could develop as traffic volumes increase. p:\pt\s\savag\070300\tratlic\dratl tratlic study report 082307.doc Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 10 Attachment A Project Location Map Q) > ~ UI l!! c.l ~~ Q! co ~ a. .C\ .4 00-10 ~~ \ G-.\ H'II'P\"" . arnage' I . ~wy . \ I d~~> rI fLower JRrTor:I'ake S T ~-R-cE ~ ( <( C: a OJ 15Oth'SI-5 Savage ) ,,'I, r6'?' ''I>~ ~~ o JJ-,~.~ "IS !iJ ;:,0<$ f'5"t -~ ~ !2. ? .:0 'b ~. ~\ ~ '?-. if ~% o . 1> I C\l0'S\ d?-?,.U\\0 '(ope. " \ <v ! ) 01- a E Q) OJ "0 C2 COil. ( "l]tl),-O -L~;.",;r "'-SOO'M~j LJueH::a ) Twp. ~ of: UI '" X ~ I ~ B co e g~ Birch'Rd I I ~ <( -0 a ~ :;: ~ R i ve r 1 c.l .>< a a 00 ., :c .0 cf I HOt 6) ) S ~ SEH o 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet Study Area Attachment A Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page I I Attachment B Existing Peak Turning Movement Counts Oakland Beach 150th 152nd City of Savage and City of Prior lake TH 13 at 150th Street Preliminary Design Study 1,007 415 "t- 142 I 6 I 289 120 131 ~ 1 L. +-- 6 15 ...- 5 -- 1-- 7 ~ ~ T r 124 1 --+ 11 ~ 3 869 3 I 19 875 305 NB Oiff 5B Oiff 875 305 "t- 41 l_ 9 I 259 37 ~- J 1 L. +-- 5 16 ...- 13 -- 1-- 47 ~ ~ T r 286 22 --+ 3 ~ 2 805 227 I 72 1,034 275 4 NB Oiff 58 Oiff 5 1,030 270 "t- 23 I 2 I 267 1 8 ~ 1 L. +-- 0 4 ...- 15 -- 1-- 12 ~ ~ T r 8 0 --+ 5 ~ 2 1,010 7 I 17 1,019 287 ~ SEH AM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes 6:30 - 7:30 Oakland Beach 150th 152nd City of Savage and City of Prior Lake TH 13 at 150th Street Preliminary Design Study 654 1,183 70 I 15 1,059 I 109 "'L- 63 .J ! L. +-- __.!L._ 19 ..- 7 ~ f- 8 -3" ~ T r 113 1 ---+ 8 ---::a.. 4 I 583 I 3 I 17 590 1,074 4 NB Diff SB Diff -14 586 1,088 48 I 93 957 38 "'L- _28 ~~ ..I ! L. +-- 6 107 ..- 14 ~ 1- 24 -3" ~ T r 71 10 ---+ 7 ---::a.. 8 534 23 I 41 565 978 -2 NB Diff SB Diff 2 567 976 23 I 7 965 4 "'L- 12 .J ! L. +-- 0 14 ..- 11 ~ f- 7 -3" ~ T r 18 1 ---+ 6 ---::a.. 7 548 13 I 14 568 982 3t. SEH PM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes 5:00-6:00 Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 12 Attachment C Crash Summary Table .. " Do ~~ ,,~ ~ .. fJl .. su~ '-;:::"00 lUU,eN i~.!!:!:' I-.a~g .5 eN M.S! ... ~ :ell I-l!! ~ .5 Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 13 Attachment D Collision Diagrams Collision Diagram TH 13 at Oakland Beach Ave S&Zinran Ave Location: TH 13 at Oakland Beach Ave S5Zinran Ave Time Period: 111103 - 12131106 Pm:' ~R_ F NORTH J r-- - Date: 06112107 @ 7.15.16 - 17:20 - L-C-O ~ ~ 2.18.05 - 04:40 - OO-C-O ) :L ~ 11.3.05 - 11:30 - L-C-O II' 1 0 12.6.05 _ 08:35 _ L-C-O 1 @ 4.7.04 - 7:35 - L-C-O o 6.7.04 - 18:11 - L-C-O @ 6.1.06 - 12:11 - L-C-O ) ) ) 9.20.06 - 08:06 - L-C-O @ l______ KEY ~ --000-7 ---7 Motor Vehicle Backing Up Motor Vehicle Out of Control Motor Vehicle Ahead Details Unclear :1 -r- * o Fixed Object . Fatal Accident @ A Injury Accident @ B Injury Accident @ C Injury Accident o Property Damage Accident ---70--7 T 118,800 1 June 12, 2007 I I I ~ o 9.29.04 - 08:48 - L-C-O ~8.80ol ~~~ -"~ - """ @ 12.3.03 - 08:43 - L-C-O --7 0 8.17.05 - 16:55 - L-C-O r ~ 3.3.05 - 15:44 - L-C-O r 05.26.05 - 17:25 - L-G-W r No. of Accidents Fatal = A injury = B injury = C injury = Injury Total = Property Damage Total Accidents = t.:::::::= _ 0 0 3 5 8 = 6 14 -- -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES [1] ENTERING ADT = 18,800 [3] SEVERITY RATE = 0.9 [2] CRASH RATE = 0.5 Sideswipe Left Turn Light: L - Daylight (1) Rear End / ON - Dawn (2) DU - Dusk (3) Property Damage DL - Darl<. lighted (4) DO - Dark. Ughts Off (5) o - Darl<. Unlighted (6) X - Unknown (0. 90. 99) Right Angle B Injury 2005 ADT Other Veillc~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Weather: Surface: C - Clear or Cloudy (1. 2) 0 - Dry (1) R _ Rain (3) W - Wet or Waler(2. 6) S - Snow or Sleet (4. 5) S - Snow. Slush. or Ice (3. 4, 5) F - Fog. Smog. Smoke (6) M - Muddy (7) B = BIaMng Sand /Oust (7) Db - Debris (8) W _ Severe Crosswinds (8) 0 - Oily (9) X - Other or Unknown (0. 90. 99) X - Other or Unkoown (0. 90. 99) @ [Dale] - [T1me (Ivs)) - [Ugh! -Weather - Surface] FIGURE ~ 1 i o l ~ 9- ~ i % I ; 0: ~ :i: Location: TH 13 at 150th St Time Period: VV03 - 1213V06 Pm:: ~R_S- NORTH J r-- - 12.2.03 - 07:06 - L-C-O --J l______ KEY ~ ---000-1 ~ Motor Vehicle Backing Up Motor Vehicle Out of Control Motor Vehicle Ahead Details Unclear d -r- * o Fixed Object . Fatal Accident @ A Injury Accident @ B Injury Accident @ C Injury Accident o Property Damage Accident ~ T 118,800 I June 12,2007 Collision Diagram TH 13 at 150th St No. of Accidents Fatal = o o Date: 06112107 A injury = B injury = C injury = I Injury Total = 2 I Property Damage = 6 Total Accidents = 8 L.::::::== I 2 o d 010.11.04 - 17:44 - L-C-O @ 5.19.06 - 07:08 - L-C-O r- 5.3.05 - 07:29 - L-C-O 1 0 7.13.06 - 18:53 - L-C-O ~8,8001 ----.1-- 02.16.06 -15:40 - L-C-O @ 425.03 - 17:48 - L-C-O T o 4.14.04 - 16~6 - L-C-O T Sideswipe NOTES [1] ENTERING ADT = 18,800 [3] SEVERITY RATE = 0.4 [2] CRASH RATE = 0.3 Left Turn Ught: L - Daylight (1) Rear End / ON - Dawn (2) OU - Dusk (3) Property Damage OL - Darl<, lighted (4) DO - Darl<, lights Off (5) D - Dark, Unlighted (6) X - UnI<rtaMI (0. 90. 99) Weather: Surface: c - Clear or Cloudy (1.2) 0 - Dry (1) R - Rain (3) W - Wet or Water(2. 6) S - Snow or Sleet (4. 5) S - Snow, Slush. or Ice (3. 4, 5) F - Fog. Smog. Smoke (6) M - Muddy (7) B - Blowing Sand /Dust (7) Db - DebrIs (8) W - Severe Crosswinds (8) 0 - Oily (9) X - Other or Unknown (0. 90. 99) X - Other or Unknown (0. 90. 99) ~ [Date] - [nme (Ivs)) - [Ugh! -Weather - Surface] ~ Right Angle B Injury 2005 ADT Other Vehlc~ COLLISION DIAGRAM FIGURE -, I I ! ~ j f i ~ ~ ~ '" ~ a: 8 ~ Collision Diagram TH 13 at 152nd St WGreen Oaks Rd Location: TH 13 at 152nd St WGreen Oaks Rd Time Period: VV03 - 1213V06 Date: 06112107 Pm:: MWR_ S- NORTH J r---- - ) o 6.30.06 - 8:52 - L-C-O l______ KEY ~ ----000-7 ---7 Motor Vehicle Backing Up Motor Vehicle Out of Control Motor Vehicle Ahead Details Unclear 1 -r * o Fixed Object . Fatal Accident @ A Injury Accident @ B Injury Accident @ C Injury Accident o Property Damage Accident --D-7 -, 117,2001 June 12, 2007 to 8.23.05 - 14:04 - L-C-O @11.18.05 -18:39 - ~ ( ( I I I n7,2001 o 8.14.04 - 17:00 - L-C-O o 6.30.06 - 8:52 - L-C-O ) 012.18.06 - 19:34 - D-C-D f No. of Accidents Fatal = A injury = B injury = C injury = Injury Total = Property Damage Total Accidents = t.::::== 0 0 0 1 1 = 4 5 -- -, NOTES [1] ENTERING ADT = 17,200 [3] SEVERITY RATE - 0.2 [2] CRASH RATE = 0.2 Sideswipe Left Turn Light: L - Oayllght (1) Rear End / ON - Dawn (2) OU - Dusk (3) Property Damage OL - Dark, LIghted (4) 00 - Dark, Ughls Off (5) o - Dark, Unlighted (5) X - Unknown (0. 90, 99) Right Angle B Injury 2005 ADT Other Vehlc~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Weather: Surface: C - Clear or Cloudy (1. 2) 0 - Dry (1) R - Rain (3) W - Wet or Wat"'(2. 5) S _ Snow or Sleet (4, 5) S - Snow. SIIlsh. or Ice (3. 4, 5) F - Fog. Smog. Smoke (5) M - Muddy (7) B - Blowing Sand /Dust (7) Db - Debris (8) W . Severe Crosswinds (8) 0 - Oily (9) X. Other or Unknown (0. 90. 99) X - Oth... or UnI<nown (0. 90. 99) @ [Oate] - [TIme (I'lS)] - [Ught-Weather- Surface] FIGURE .go r;j ~ i ~ 9- ~ ,: I g 0: I Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 14 Attachment E All Way Stop Warrant Analysis using Existing Volumes SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 . Minnetonka MN 55343 MultI-Way Stop Warrant Report Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Northbound: TH 13 Total Approach Volume: 10,337 Approach Speed: 45 Southbound: TH 13 Total Approach Volume: 10,733 Approach Speed: 45 Eastbound: 150th St Total Approach Volume: 722 Westbound: 150th St Total Approach Volume: 876 Warrant Summary Criteria A -Interim Measure ................................................................................................................................................... Not.Evaluated If traffic signals are justified, stop signs can be installed as an interim measure. Criteria B - Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Criteria C - Minimum Volumes and Delays ........................................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Delay data not evaluated Average of 8 highest hours does not meet volume criteria. Criteria D - 80% of Volumes, Delays, and Crashes .............................................................................................................. Not Satisfied Delay data not evaluated Number of crashes (-1) is less than the minimum required (4). Average of 8 highest hours does not meet volume criteria. Analysis of 8-Hour Volume Warrants: Time Major Major Minor Minor Crit C CritD Total Avg Total Avg Major Minor Meets? Major Minor Meets? 18:00 - 19:00 1528 1,144.4 93 77.9 210-Yes 140-No Major 240-Yes 160-N 0 Major 13:00 . 14:00 1191 92 07:00 - 08:00 1115 92 04:00 - 05:00 106 9 10:00 - 11:00 1123 88 16:00 - 17:00 1695 87 14:00 . 15:00 1213 86 19:00 - 20:00 1184 76 08:00 - 09:00 1029 76 21 :00 - 22:00 750 68 06:00 - 07:00 924 67 01 :00 - 02:00 68 6 00:00 - 01 :00 147 6 02:00 - 03:00 51 4 05:00 - 06:00 362 33 22:00 - 23:00 422 25 23:00 - 00:00 261 16 11 :00 - 12:00 1137 129 15:00 - 16:00 1491 115 12:00 - 13:00 1320 115 17:00 - 18:00 1810 109 20:00 - 21 :00 1008 105 09:00 . 10:00 1079 100 03:00 - 04:00 56 1 Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 15 Attachment F Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis using Existing Volumes SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. 11.11 t S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna rvarran S - ummary Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Northbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 10,337 Southbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 10,733 Eastbound: 150th St SE Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 722 Westbound: 150th St W Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 876 Warrant Summary (Rural values apply.) Warrant 1 . Eight Hour Vehicular Volumes ........................................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Warrant 1A. Minimum Vehicular Volume .........................................................................................Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 18 . Interruption of Continuous Traffic .............................................................................. Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 4 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 1 A&8 . Combination of Warrants ......................................................................................Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 2 . Four Hour Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. Number of hours (1) volumes exceed minimum < minimum required (4). Not Satisfied Warrant 3 . Peak Hour ................. ....... ............................................................... ................................... ................................... Not Satisfied Warrant 3A . Peak Hour Delay ...........................................................................................................Not Satisfied Approach volumes on minor street don't exceed minimums for any hour. Delay data not evaluated. Warrant 38 . Peak Hour Volumes ......................................................................................................Not Satisfied Volumes do not exceed minimums for any hour. Warrant 4. Pedestrian Volumes ............................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 5 . School Crossing .................................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant 6 . Coordinated Signal System ................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 7 . Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Satisfied Number of accidents (1) is less than minimum (5). Volume minimums are met. Warrant 8 . Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. I ..,1 S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna rvarrants - ummary 700 I 600 0.. c.. -5 ell 500 e 0. 0. ~ Q) E 400 ::;, (5 > :u .c 300 Cl J: I Qi 2! 200 ii5 '- 0 c: ~ 100 0 I I I Warrant Curves Peak Hour Warrant Four Hour Warrant [Rural, 2+ major lanes and 2+ minor lanes curves us d "- I '" ~ "'- ~ '" I ~ I ~ ,I ~ ~ ............... '--... I---.. - " 'I. I I 1 'ii I 2~ I 50 I ~ 21 ro 180 ~o r~ 1~li "0 I I'i l~ I 200 400 1800 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Major Street - Total of Both Directions (VPH) Analysis of 8.Hour Volume Warrants: Hour Major Higher Minor War.1A War-1 B War-1A&B Begin Total Vol Dir Major Grit Minor Grit Meets? Major Crit Minor Grit Meets? Major Grit Minor Crit Meets? 00:00 147 4 EB 420-No 140-No .-- 630-No 70-No -.. 504-No 112-No -.. 01:00 68 5 EB 420.No 140-N 0 .-. 630-No 70-No -.. 504-N 0 112-N 0 .-. 02:00 51 3 WB 420-No 140.N 0 -.. 630-No 70-No -.. 504.No 112-No ... 03:00 56 1 EB 420-No 140-No ... 630-No 70-No ... 504.No 112.No -.. 04:00 106 9 EB 420.No 140.N 0 --. 630.No 70-No -.. 504-No 112.No ... 05:00 362 27 EB 420-No 140.N 0 .-. 630.No 70-No .-- 504.No 112-No --- 06:00 924 49 EB 420.,yes 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112.N 0 Major 07:00 1,115 66 EB 420-Yes 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112.No Major 08:00 1,029 44 EB 420.Yes 140.N 0 Major 630,Yes 70-No Major 504-Yes 112.N 0 Major 09:00 1,079 57 WB 420-Yes 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70.No Major 504. Y es 112.N 0 Major 10:00 1,123 50 WB 420.Yes 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112.N 0 Major 11:00 1,137 87 WB 42().Yes 140.No Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504.Yes 112.No Major 12:00 1,320 65 WB 420-Yes 140.No Major 630.Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112.N 0 Major 13:00 1,191 52 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630.Yes 70.No Major 504.Yes 112.No Major 14:00 1,213 51 WB 420.Yes 140-N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-No Major 504- Y es 112-No Major 15:00 1,491 76 WB 420-Yes 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-No Major 16:00 1,695 57 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major .630.Yes 70-No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 17:00 1,810 70 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630.Y.es 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112.No Major 18:00 1,528 62 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630'Yes 70-No Major 504. Y es 112.N 0 Major 19:00 1,184 45 EB 420-Yes 140.No Major 630-Yes 70.No Major 504- Yes 112.No Major 20:00 1,008 74 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112.No Major 21:00 750 37 EB 420- Y es 140.N 0 Major 630.Yes 70.No Major 504.Yes 112-No Major 22:00 422 15 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630.N 0 70-No -.. 504-N 0 112.No ... 23:00 261 10 WB 420.No 140-No .-. 630.N 0 70-No .-. 504.No 112.No -.. Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 16 Attachment G Roundabout Analysis using Existing Volumes Intersection: 150th St Single Lane Roundabout. AM Peak EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR PHF tHV 47 22 3 13 5 23 2 805 227 37 259 9 0.90 1.00 Default Values Parameter Assumptions Approach WisDOT FDM FHWA EB WB NB SB Single Double Single Double o - inscribed circle diameter (ft) 131 131 131 131 130 160 131 180 r - entry radius (ft) 66 66 66 66 65 80 66 66 cP - entry angle (deg) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 v - approach half width (ft) 13 13 13 13 lane(s) prior to flare 13 26 e - entry width (ft) 13 13 13 13 at yield point 13 26 I' - effective flare length (ft) 131 131 131 131 15 to 330 if needed 131 131 Southbound 339 ~ "L- 972 +-- 22 18 343 J ! Westbound "L- 46 T r 949 318 Entering Volume = 1,452 80 ~ Eastbound % Left Turns = % Crossing = % Major Street = 7% 75% 92% N-S 118 ~ 306 ~ r 1,149 Northbound Volume to Capacity Ratios (V/C): ~EB WB NB SB _ 0.08 0.07 _ 0.29 Capacity Summary Shows 100% & 85% capacities based on paramters chosen; default FHWA thresholds shown for reference only 2,500 -100% Capacity . FHWA 1-Lane - -85% Capacity - - - - FHWA 2-Lane WB NB SB 6 44 4 Queuin (feet): EB WB NB SB 050 2 2 348 10 095 6 5 538 30 :c 2,000 Q. .2- ~ 1 ,500 ii: ~ 1,000 C w 500 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Circulatory Flow (vph) 2,500 3,000 Source: FHWA Roundabouts Guide (2000) Roundabout Analysis SEH Inc. 6/26/2007 Intersection: 150th St Single Lane Roundabout - PM Peak EBl EBT EBR WBl WBT WBR NBl NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR PHF fHv 24 10 7 14 6 28 8 534 23 38 957 93 0.90 1.00 Default Values Parameter Assumptions Approach WisDOT FDM FHWA EB WB NB SB Single Double Single Double o - inscribed circle diameter (ft) 131 131 131 131 130 160 131 180 r - entry radius (ft) 66 66 66 66 65 80 66 66 4> - entry angle (deg) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 v - approach half width (ft) 13 13 13 13 lane(s) prior to flare 13 26 e - entry width (ft) 13 13 13 13 at yield point 13 26 I' - effective flare length (ft) 131 131 131 131 15 to 330 if needed 131 131 119 1,121 J ! 't- +- 46 ~ Eastbound Westbound "t- 53 T r 629 79 Entering Volume = 1,742 % Left Turns = % Crossing = % Major Street = 5% 87% 95% N-S 80 1,087 --+ ~ r 628 Northbound Volume to Capacity Ratios (V/C): IIIiII EB WB NB IiiiII 0.08 0.06 0.54 Capacity Summary Shows 100% & 85% capacities based on paramters chosen; default FHWA thresholds shown for reference only 2,500 -100% Capacity - FHWA 1-Lane - -85% Capacity - - - - FHWA 2-Lane Dela~ (sec/veh): I ~~ I ~B WB 4 NB 7 SB 46 :c 2.000 c. ~ ~ 1,500 o u:: ~ 1.000 c w 500 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Circulatory Flow (vph) 2,500 3,000 Queuing (feet): EB WB NB SB 050 2 2 29 382 095 6 5 85 573 Source: FHWA Roundabouts Guide (2000) Roundabout Analysis SEH Inc. 6/26/2007 Intersection: 150th St Double Lane Roundabout - AM Peak EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR PHF tHV 47 22 3 13 5 23 2 805 227 37 259 9 0.90 1.03 Default Values Parameter Assumptions Approach WisDOT FDM FHWA EB WB NB SB Single Double Single Double o - inscribed circle diameter (ft) 180 180 180 180 130 160 131 180 r - entry radius (ft) 66 66 66 66 65 80 66 66 cP - entry angle (deg) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 v - approach half width (ft) 26 26 26 26 lane(s) prior to flare 13 26 e - entry width (ft) 26 26 26 26 at yield point 13 26 /' - effective flare length (ft) 131 131 131 131 15 to 330 if needed 131 131 Southbound 349 J 1:....- 1,001 +-- 23 18 354 J ! 82 ~ Eastbound Westbound 1:....- 47 T r 977 327 Entering Volume = 1,452 % Left Turns = % Crossing = % Major Street = 7% 75% 92% N-S 121 ~ 315 ~ r 1,183 Northbound Capacity Summary Shows 100% & 85% capacities based on paramters chosen; default FHWA thresholds shown for reference only Volume to Capacity Ratios (V/C): I Max I EB WB NB 0.51 0.04 0.03 0.51 Dela~ (sec/veh): I A; I E2B WB 2 Queuing (feet): EB 050 1 095 3 WB 1 2 Roundabout Analysis 5B 0.15 2.500 500 100% Capacity - FHWA 1-Lane - -85% Capacity - - - - FHWA 2-Lane NB 3 :c 2,000 Co ~ ~ 1 ,500 u:: ~ 1,000 c w "~orthb und 5B 2 NB 26 77 3,000 " " SB 4 13 ..... 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Circulatory Flow (vph) 2,500 Source: FHWA Roundabouts Guide (2000) SEH Inc. 6/26/2007 Intersection: 150th St Double Lane Roundabout. PM Peak EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR PHF tHV 24 10 7 14 6 28 8 534 23 38 957 93 0.90 1.03 Default Values Parameter Assumptions Approach WisDOT FDM FHWA EB WB NB SB Single Double Single Double o - inscribed circle diameter (ft) 180 180 180 180 130 160 131 180 r - entry radius (ft) 66 66 66 66 65 80 66 66 CP - entry angle (deg) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 v - approach half width (ft) 26 26 26 26 lane(s) prior to flare 13 26 e - entry width (ft) 26 26 26 26 at yield point 13 26 /' - effective flare length (ft) 131 131 131 131 15 to 330 if needed 131 131 122 1,155 J ! t- 671 ~ 32 47 --:J,. Eastbound Westbound t- 55 T r 648 81 Entering Volume = 1,742 % Left Turns = % Crossing = % Major Street = 5% 87% 95% N-S 82 1,119 --+ --:J,. r 647 Northbound Volume to Capacity Ratios (V/C): I Max I EB WB NB 0.52 0.03 0.03 0.28 Capacity Summary Shows 100% & 85% capacities based on paramters chosen; default FHWA thresholds shown for reference only SB 0.52 500 -100% Capacity . FHWA 1-Lane - -85% Capacity - - - - FHWA 2-Lane 2,500 WB 2 NB 2 SB 3 :c 2,000 CI. ~ == 1,500 o u:: ~ 1,000 c w Dela~ (sec/veh): I A~ I E2B Queuing (feet): ..... EB WB NB SB 050 1 1 10 27 095 2 2 28 81 ..... o o ..... 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Circulatory Flow (vph) 2,500 3,000 Source: FHWA Roundabouts Guide (2000) Roundabout Analysis SEH Inc. 6/26/2007 Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 17 Attachment H New House Development Peak Hour Trips 22 8 "L- 0 r 0 8 0 0 .J ! L. +-- 0 0 ..c-- 0 +-- - O~ ~ T r 0 0--. O~ 0 22 0 I 0 22 8 NB Diff SB Diff 22 8 "L- 28 I 0 0 8 22 .J ! L. +-- 0 0 ..c-- 6 +-- - o~ 1 T r 10 0--. O~ 0 0 2 I 0 2 6 NB Diff SB Diff 2 6 "L- 0 r 0 I 6 I 0 0 .J ! L. +-- 0 0 ..c-- 0 +-- - o~ 1 T r 0 0--. o~ 0 I 2 0 I 0 2 6 2 NB Diff S8 Diff 6 3t. SEH AM Peak House Development Trips ~ SEH 14 26 t- O I 0 I 26 0 0 ~ 1 4 +-- 0 0 .s:- o -- - o ---3" ~ T r 0 0--+ o ---.. 0 14 I 0 I 0 14 26 NB Oiff 58 Ojff - 14 26 t- 18 I 0 I 0 26 14 .J 1 4 +-- 0 0 .s:- 4 -- - o ---3" ~ T r 32 0--+ o ---.. 0 0 I 6 I 0 6 4 NB Oiff 58 Ojff 6 4 t- O I 0 4 0 0 ~ 1 4 +-- 0 0 .s:- o -- - o --1'" ., T r 0 0--+ o ---.. 0 I 6 0 I 0 6 4 6 NB Oiff 5B Ojff 4 PM Peak House Development Trips Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 18 Attachment I School Expansion Peak Hour Trips 4 15 "L- a I a 15 a a J ! 4 +-- a a ~ a - - a --3" ~ T r a a --+ o~ a 4 a I 0 4 15 NB Diff SB Diff 4 15 11 I 0 0 I 15 "L- 4 J ! 4 +-- a 0 ~ 7 - - o --3" ~ T r 40 0--+ o~ 0 a 25 I 0 25 7 NB Diff SB Diff 25 7 "L- a I a 7 0 a J ! 4 +-- a 0 ~ 0 - - o --3" ~ T r 0 0--+ o~ 0 I 25 I 0 I 0 25 7 25 NB Diff S8 Diff 7 ~ SEH AM Peak School Expansion Trips 20 0 t- O I 0 0 0 0 .J ! 4 ...- 0 0 .r- 0 - - o -3" ., 1 r 0 0-+ 0-. 0 20 0 I 0 20 0 N8 Diff S8 Diff 20 0 t- 50 I 0 0 0 20 .J ! 4 ...- 0 0 .r- 30 - - o -3" ., 1 r 0 0-+ 0-. 0 0 0 l 0 0 30 N 8 Diff S8 Diff 0 30 t- O r 0 30 I 0 0 .J ! 4 ...- 0 0 .r- 0 - - o -3" ., 1 r 0 0-+ 0-. 0 0 I 0 l 0 0 30 N 8 Diff S8 Diff 30 Jt. SEH PM Peak School Expansion Trips Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 19 Attachment J Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis with Zinran Ave as Right inlRight out Also includes new house and school trips SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. IIAI t S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna ""arran s - ummary Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Northbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 10,615 Southbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 12,077 Eastbound: 150th St SE Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 740 Westbound: 150th St W Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 1,009 Warrant Summary (Rural values apply.) Warrant 1 - Eight Hour Vehicular Volumes ........................................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Warrant 1A . Minimum Vehicular Volume .........................................................................................Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 18 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic .............................................................................. Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 5 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 1 A&B - Combination of Warrants ...................................................................................... Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 0 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 2 - Four Hour Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. Number of hours (2) volumes exceed minimum < minimum required (4). Not Satisfied Warrant 3 . Peak Hour ..... ..... ....... ..... ................ ....... .............. ....... .......................................... ....... .................. ............ ..... ....... Not Satisfied Warrant 3A - Peak Hour Delay ...........................................................................................................Not Satisfied Approach volumes on minor street don't exceed minimums for any hour. Delay data not evaluated. Warrant 38 . Peak Hour Volumes ...................................................................................................... Not Satisfied Volumes do not exceed minimums for any hour. Warrant 4 - Pedestrian Volumes ............................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 5 - School Crossing .................................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant 6 - Coordinated Signal System ................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 7 - Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Satisfied Number of accidents (1) is less than minimum (5). Volume minimums are met. Warrant 8 - Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. J IAI t S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna vvarran S - ummary 700 I 600 a.. 2:- .c u ell 500 e c.. c.. <( Q) E 400 ::;, '0 > '- Q) .c 300 Cl I I CD l!:! 200 Ci5 '- 0 c: ~ 100 0 I I I Warrant Curves Peak Hour Warrant I Four Hour Warrant [Rural, 2+ major lanes and 2+ minor lanes curves us d I "- '" '" ~ ~ '" ~ I ........ I ......... ~ '----- i'-- ~ I~ 1M 2~ I - "''J. I I 1 n I Oi o 1 "! 11~'i I '0 . Oil 2j 50 2~ I I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Major Street - Total of Both Directions (VPH) Analysis of 8-Hour Volume Warrants: Hour Major Higher Minor War-1A War-1B War-1A&B Begin Total Vol Dir Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? 00:00 159 4 EB 420-No 140-No .-- 630-No 70-No --- 504-No 112-No .-- 01:00 72 5 EB 420-No 140.No -oo 630.No 70.No --- 504-No 112-No -oo 02:00 55 3 WB 420-No 140-No -oo 630-No 70-No -oo 504-N 0 112-N 0 -oo 03:00 60 1 EB 420-No 140-No --- 630-No 70-No .-- 504-No 112.N 0 -.. 04:00 110 9 EB 420-No 140-No --- 630.No 70-No ... 504-N 0 112-No .-. 05:00 374 27 EB 420-No 140.No -oo 630-No 70-No oo. 504-No 112-No ... 06:00 1,087 61 EB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70.No Major 504-Yes 112-N 0 Major 07:00 1,474 59 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70.No Major 504. Yes 112-No Major 08:00 1,104 52 EB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70.No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 09:00 1,130 60 WB 420';Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 10:00 1,191 58 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70.No Major 504.Yes 112.No Major 11:00 1,209 99 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-No Major 12:00 1,408 74 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70.Yes Both 504-Yes 112-No Major 13:00 1,275 60 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112-No Major 14:00 1,301 59 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 15:00 1,626 69 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 16:00 1,700 59 WB 420-Yes 140.No Major 6~0-Yes 70-No Major 504- Y es 112-No Major 17:00 1,792 78 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-N 0 Major 18:00 1,672 70 WB 420-Yes 140.N 0 Major 630-Yes 70.Yes Both 504- Yes 112-No Major 19:00 1,268 45 EB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504- Y es 112-No Major 20:00 1,080 86 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-No Major 21:00 806 37 EB 420.Yes 140-N 0 Major 630.Yes 70.No Major 504-Yes 112-No Major 22:00 458 18 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-No 70-No --- 504-No 112-No .-- 23:00 281 10 WB 420-No 140-No --- 630.No 70-No --- 504-No 112-No oo- Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 20 Attachment K Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis with Zinran Ave Closed Also includes new house and school trips SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. lIAr t S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna ""arran s - ummary Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Northbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 10,615 Southbound: TH 13 Number of Lanes: 2 Approach Speed: 45 Total Approach Volume: 12,077 Eastbound: 150th St SE Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 785 Westbound: 150th St W Number of Lanes: 2 Total Approach Volume: 1,807 Warrant Summary (Rural values apply.) Warrant 1 - Eight Hour Vehicular Volumes ........................................................................................................................... Satisfied Warrant 1A - Minimum Vehicular Volume .........................................................................................Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 2 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 1 B -Interruption of Continuous Traffic .............................................................................. Satisfied Required volumes reached for 13 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 1 A&B - Combination of Warrants ......................................................................................Not Satisfied Required volumes reached for 7 hours, 8 are needed Warrant 2 - Four Hour Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. Number of hours (12) volumes exceed minimum >= minimum required (4). Satisfied Warrant 3 - Peak Hour ... ................... .............................. ............................ .............. .............. ....... .............. ............................ Satisfied Warrant 3A . Peak Hour Delay ...........................................................................................................Not Satisfied Approach volumes on minor street don't exceed minimums for any hour. Delay data not evaluated. Warrant 38 - Peak Hour Volumes ...................................................................................................... Satisfied Volumes exceed minimums for at least one hour. Warrant 4 - Pedestrian Volumes ............................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 5 - School Crossing .................................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant 6 - Coordinated Signal System ................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant 7 - Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Satisfied Number of accidents (1) is less than minimum (5). Volume minimums are met. Warrant 8 - Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated SEH Inc 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200 S. IIJlI t S Minnetonka MN 55343 Igna ""arran s - ummary 700 :c 600 c... ~ ~ <) ClI 500 e a. a. <l: Ql E 400 ::l "0 > :v ~ 300 Ol I I Qj ~ 200 ii.i 5 c: ~ 100 0 I Warrant Curves Peak Hour Warrant Four Hour Warrant [Rural, 2+ major lanes and 2+ minor lanes curves us d "- "'" ~ ""-. I~ ~ "- ~ ........... ~ '-....... 110 "-. 2~ 11 70 1I .............. ---'9 1QI 1~ ~1~ I 2~ .0 I 2~ I I 0 r~ I I I I 50 2i I I I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Major Street - Total of Both Directions (VPH) Analysis of 8-Hour Volume Warrants: Hour Major Higher Minor War-1A War-1 B War-1A&B Begin Total Vol Dir Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? 00:00 159 4 EB 420.No 140-No --- 630.No 70-No --- 504-N 0 112-No --- 01:00 72 5 EB 420-No 140.N 0 --- 630-No 70-No -.- 504-No 112-No .-- 02:00 55 6 WB 420-No 140-No --- 630.No 70.No --- 504.N 0 112-N 0 --- 03:00 60 1 EB 420-No 140-N 0 --- 630-No 70-No --. 504-No 112-No -.. 04:00 110 9 EB 420-No 140.No --. 630-No 70-No -" 504-No 112-N 0 .-- 05:00 374 27 EB 420-No 140-N 0 --. 630-No 70-No .-- 504-No 112.No --- 06:00 1,087 64 EB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112-No Major 07:00 1,474 132 WB 420-Yes 140.N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504- Y es 112-Yes Both 08:00 1,104 79 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630"Yes 70"Yes Both 504-Yes 112.No Major 09:00 1,130 104 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-N 0 Major 10:00 1,191 104 WB 420.Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112.N 0 Major 11:00 1,209 178 WB 420-Yes 140- Yes Both 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-Yes Both 12:00 1,408 134 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630- Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112.Yes Both 13:00 1,275 108 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504- Yes 112-N 0 Major 14:00 1,301 106 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630.Yes 70.Yes Both 504- Yes 112-No Major 15:00 1,626 123 WB 420-Yes 140.No Major 630~Yes 70.Yes Both 504-Yes 112.Yes Both 16:00 1,700 101 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630~Yes 70-Yes Both 504.Yes 112-No Major 17:00 1,792 129 WB 420.Yes 140.No Major 630.Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112.Yes Both 18:00 1,672 120 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-Yes Both 19:00 1,268 62 WB 420-Yes 140-No Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112-No Major 20:00 1,080 152 WB 420-Yes 140-Yes Both 630-Yes 70-Yes Both 504-Yes 112-Yes Both 21:00 806 62 WB 420-Yes 140-N 0 Major 630-Yes 70-No Major 504.Yes 112.No Major 22:00 458 30 WB 420-Yes 140.No Major 630.No 70-No .-- 504.N 0 112-No --- 23:00 281 20 WB 420-No 140-No --- 630-No 70-No --- 504-No 112.No --- Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 21 Attachment L 2030 Peak Hour Turning Movement Forecast Includes limited access at Oakland Beach RoadlZinran Ave and 150th Street City of Savage and City of Prior Lake TH 13 at 150th Street Preliminary Design Study Oakland Beach Ave 1,313 545 t- 175 I 8 I 537 0 175 I J 1 4 ~ 0 Zinran -- 8 .r- 0 -- 175 15- 0 --3' ., T r 4- I 0 --+ 15 --. 0 I 1,139 4 I I 15 1,143 552 14 NB Diff 5B Diff 1,129 552 t- 39 I 11 I 324 I 217 39 .J 1 L. ~ 0 150th 5t -- 11 .r- 0 -- 39 4- ~_ 0 --3' 1 T r 559- -0- --+ I 4 --. 0 1,089 I 343 I 4 1 ,432 328 5 NB Diff 5B Diff 6 1 ,427 322 t- 66 I 3 I 318 1 10 J 1 L. ~ 6 152nd 5t -- 14 .r- 49 -- 66 110- I 103 --3' 1 T r 10- ! 0 --+ 6 --. 5 I 1,313 9 I 110 1,327 373 wth Rate te 150th 5t Green Oaks Trail Background Gro 1.20% ~ SEH 2030 AM Peak Hour Partial Access at 150th. Zinran Rin/Rout. Full Access at 152nd 6 :30-7 :30 City of Savage and City of Prior Lake TH 13 at 150th Street Preliminary Design Study Oakland Beach Ave 150th St Green Oaks Trail Background Gro 1.20% 863 1,536 t- 80 I 19 1,516 0 80 I ~ ! 4 ~ 0 Zinran -- 19 ...- 0 -- 80 11-- 0 -3" ., T r 4-- I 0 --. 11 -:z,. 0 I 783 4 I I 11 787 1,528 5 NB Diff SB Diff -18 782 1,546 t...... 70 I 119 I 1,212 215 70 J ! L. ~ 0 150th St -- 119 ...- 0 -- 70 9-- I 0 -3" ., T r 263-- 0 --. 9 -:z,. 0 I 712 48 I 9 760 1,221 -3 NB Diff SB Dill 3 763 1,219 t...... 98 I 9 I 1,205 5 15 ~ ! L. ~ 8 152nd St -- 36 ...- 75 -- 98 61-- 52 -3" ., T r 23-- 1 --. 8 -:z,. 19 695 17 I 61 731 1,287 wth Rate te ~ SEH 2030 PM Peak Hour Partial Access at 150th. Zinran Rin/Rout. Full Access at 152nd 5:00-6:00 Preliminary intersection control findings August 22, 2007 Page 22 Attachment M Highway Capacity Software Output 2030 Forcast Conditions at Green Oaks Road / l52nd Street Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst M. Ray Intersection Green Oaks Rd & TH 13 AQency/Co. SEH Inc !Jurisdiction Date Performed 08/09/2007 Analysis Year 2030 Analysis Time Period 6:30 am Proiect 10 East/West Street: Green Oaks/152nd St North/South Street: TH 13 Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adiustments Maior Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 5 1313 9 1 318 3 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 1427 9 1 345 3 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- -- 2 -- -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 1 Configuration LT R LT R Uostream Sianal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 49 6 10 103 0 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 53 6 10 111 0 6 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach Y y Storage 2 2 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 1 Configuration LT R LT R Delav, Queue Lenath, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LT LT R LT R Iv (vph) 5 1 59 10 111 6 C (m) (vph) 1211 473 62 166 54 698 Iv/c 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.06 2.06 0.01 95% queue length 0.01 0.01 4.52 0.19 10.93 0.03 Control Delay 8.0 12.6 210.2 28.1 652.8 10.2 LOS A B F D F B Approach Delay -- -- 183.8 619.8 Approach LOS -- -- F F HCS2000™ Copyright @ 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.\ file://C:\Documents and Settings\maray\Loca1 Settings\Temp\u2k135.tmp 8/23/2007