HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 20, 2008 PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING .................................................................................................................................................. THURSDAY, MARCH 20th 2008 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. ............................................................................................................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of March Agenda 3. Approval of February meeting minutes 4. City Council Action on Advertising Sign Policy for City Parks-Kelly Meyer 5. Natural Resource Section of MPP - Danette Moore 6. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges . DNR Finn Project . Ryan Park . Jeffers Pond Floating Board Walk 7. Set up May parks tour 8. Dates to remember: . Monday April 7 at 4:30pm is the work session with City Council for the Park Replacement Matrix. . Monday, May 5 at 4:30pm is the work session with the City Council to review the PAC 2008 goals. This meeting will also include the LAC and their 2008 'goals. ALL PAC MEMBERS NEED TO ATTEND THIS WORK SESSION. 9. Future Meeting Date a. April 17th, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 2/21/08 6:00 p.m. -7:05 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Feriancek. Members Present: Mike Feriancek, Dan Ruhme, Ron Ceminsky, Kelly Loose, Kendall Larson. Kyle Haugen was absent. Staff Present: Al Friedges, Kelly Meyer City Council Liaison: Warren Erickson - absent 2. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY AGENDA: Motion by Kendall Larson, Second by Ron Ceminsky; Ayes by Feriancek, Ruhme, Ceminsky, Loose and Larson, the motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF JANUARY MEETING MINUTES: Motion by Ceminsky, Second by Ruhme. Ayes by Feriancek, Ruhme, Ceminisky, Loose and Larson, the motion carried. 4. UPDATE - ADVERTISING SIGN POLICY FOR CITY PARKES Meyer: Advised that the City Council had deliberated over this item for quite some time during their first meeting in February, and had many of the same concerns raised by the PAC. The Council directed the City Attorney to further research two issues that they felt needed to be regulated to move the policy to implementation - (1) ability to prohibit promotion of the sale or use of alcohol or tobacco-related products in a youth facility, and (2) see if a zoning solution could be identified that did not include allowing off-site signs throughout the greater community. The Council also suggested changes on other minor operational terms. Advised that at this point, staff and the City Attorney are working to see if the outstanding issues can be' addressed, and this item will go back to the City Council at its March 3, 2008 meeting. Ruhme: Asked if staff believed that there would be acceptable solutions to those two items that would move the project forward. Meyer: Advised that staff believed the policy would become more lengthy and a bit more complicated, but believed it would address the issues raised by the Council. No formal action required. 5. REVIEW 2008 PAC GOALS: Feriancek: Reviewed each of the draft goals individually and asked for staff and PAC members input. 2008 Goals: 1. Continue to implement 2030 Vision Plan goals & objectives with respect to park, recreation and open space. 2. Produce a final draft of the MPP report. 3. Continue working with Comp plan 4. CIP 2008 - 2012 5. Continue with restoration park projects 6. Dedicate Ryan Park (lighting & shelter) 7. Lakefront Park Hockey Rink (possible refrigerated rink) 8. Involve schools and county with park plans and communicate efforts with community. Ceminsky: Asked if all the improvements at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park had been completed. Friedges: Explained that the shelter was 60% complete, and that the dugouts were on schedule to be complete for early spring. Also advised that there was some restoration work to be completed by the contractor. Advised that the City would be participating in a dedication at P.L.A.Y.'s first big tournament of the season on May 2,2008. All projects are scheduled to be completed by that day. Larson: Asked ifthere is a bridge planned between the lakes at Jeffer's Pond. Friedges: Explained that there is a possibility of a floating boardwalk around the rapids if the City can get some grant funding. There is also potential for implementation of Fishing in Neighborhoods program in this area. Larson: Asked ifthe acquisition of the Pike Lake property was the reason there was no CIP money available. Friedges: Advised that the purchase of the park land did have a significant impact, but overall the property is worth it. The City was able to leverage significant grant dollars to acquire this property that it otherwise would not have been able to purchase without a referendum. The parks Capital Improvement Program is funded in large part through funds acquired through development. Since the development market has significantly slowed, the City will likely not be adding or developing new parks. So to use the dollars for this acquisition seemed a win-win for the community. Ruhme: Asked for clarification on what the F.I.N. program was. Friedges: Briefly explained that it is a DNR program that helps fund improvements for Fishing In Neighborhoods. The fishing pier and stocking of the pond at Lakefront is a F.I.N. program. Meyer: Suggested that the staff bring a more detailed presentation back to the PAC at an upcoming meeting. Ceminsky: Asked for an update on the funding commitments by the Jeffers Estate for the Jeffers Pond Nature Center. Meyer: Believed that because the School District was unable to commit their part of the project _ the ongoing operational costs- that the project had stalled. Did not have enough of the detail to be able to share much more regarding the status of the project. The newspaper had indicated that the Jeffers Estate was redirecting their available funding to other projects. Did not know ifthat meant that they would not be willing to participate in the future if the project was resurrected. Friedges: Added that the Jeffers Estate may help fund the floating bridge. No formal action taken. 6. NATURAL RESOURCES ADDITION TO THE MPP REPORT Friedges: Discussed that it is his recommendation that the PAC undertake a process similar to what we did for athletic fields, in order to develop the Natural Resources chapter of the Master Park Plan. Believed that if we are going to add this type of chapter, that we get input from a larger group than staff. Identifying property to retain is a relatively easy part, but identifying restoration need and future possible amenities is a larger task. Feriancek: Suggested a bus tour of natural resource areas when weather gets warmer. Wants to see the MPP move forward in 2008. PAC members agreed. No formal action taken. 7. PARK EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT MATRIX. Friedges: Review the process for identifying all equipment and its life expectancy, and for costing out replacements to maintain existing facilities. Discussed that currently there is a line item in the Parks general operating budget annually to address the maintenance of facilities. This will not be enough to fund all of the improvements in the matrix. Staff has met with the Finance Director and we believe we will be able to establish a Park Equipment Replacement fund, or savings account, that would be funded annually from whatever money is budgeted and not used from the park facility maintenance operating budget. By doing so, this will help in addressing the peaks and valleys over the 20 year period of the matrix. Loose: Asked if adding usage fees for youth programs might also be contemplated to help fund equipment replacement. Friedges: Did not believe usage fees would be used to fund the Park Equipment Replacement Matrix, but it is a possible revenue source for funding other MPP projects. Ceminsky: Suggested that the staff begin a campaign now to keep these types of issues in front of the public, particularly if they are referendum related. Friedges: Under the current funding analysis, 2024 is the first year in which a referendum might be needed related to replacement equipment. Currently, the staff and Finance Director believe that we can fund equipment replacement until then through modest $20,000 annual increases to the general operation budget for park maintenance. Ruhme: Asked where the $20,000 increases to the general operation budget come from. Meyer: Advised the that general operation budget is funded through the City's property tax levy, but clarified that it doesn't always mean a dollar-for-dollar impact on the tax levy because the increase could be offset by decreases in other areas of the City's budget. Ruhme: Concerned with costs for maintenance of new parks particularly if the MPP projects are to move forward. Suggested more dollars than $20,000 might be needed. Friedges: Confirmed that the replacement matrix does not anticipate the equipment for future parks. Loose: Asked if staff is comfortable with the life expectancy timeline. Friedges: Confirmed. Loose: Compliments staff on the conditions of existing parks and equipment, both older facilities and new. Feriancek: Advised that PAC members are welcome to attend the March 17, 2008 City Council workshop when the City Council will discuss the park equipment replacement matrix. 8. FUTURE MEETING DATE - March 20th (6om). Motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:05pm. Submitted by Kelly Meyer, Asst. City Manager ~ "' <II III ~ a. .lll:: >< > ~ ::J ~ .- I .lll:: ca .! LA- ..... .lll:: a. ~ 0. a. ..., <II ~ ca ca E ca ..., ca ~ 0. "'0 .lll::"' 0. ~ .lll:: ~ C 0 .lll:: .!! ~ ~ E ~ u ca ca Itj ca ca .!a <II 0. 0. ~ 0. ca ..., ...I - U ~ ~ LA- C <II - .- .- <II .lll:: - ca D::: ~ <II ~ E ca <II I- ::::: <II III .S; ...I .c <II ca ca <II a. ..., .c.lll:: "'0 ..., C <II E ..., III 1;; ~ 0 .- .- ~ .- .lll:: ~ ~ 0 .... ca <II ca <II ~ .- ~ ~:I: ~ 0. U U :I: I I I ~ Q) o .!!l 'li) e: ... ~ .'2!l ~ III .- ... Q) ~ .~ .s g! ~~ ~ as III III tl E Q) 8 co~OQ) co..c::: ~oc..~ i5 .5 l.!:! .E ~1'- 0, E Q) Q) ..c::: Q) ~~.s.Qj5 .... ~ ~.... ':;: .s 'iij ~ ,- Q) :> III e: 10'0(.):; III '0 0 ..c::: e: Q) 0 e: Q) ft ~ >co ..c::: Q) .'2!l Q) Q) :> I-IIl III e:... Q) ..c::: .... ,5 1O~ s:::: co 'QOC- 'iij co Q) 'C: ..c::: 0 ci .... E Q) QJ QJ ~ ~oo:: ~.s .s .5 '" g ~ ~ Q) u: .!!l III III g "e: ;!: t3 ~ ~ =''*~ ~ > .a ~I ~ .. 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Z \ \ I ~ \ i 1 I I ~ I CITY OF PRIOR LAKE DATE: 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone 952.447.9800 Fax 952.447.4245 ORDER NO. 2008. www.cityofpriorlake.com Name of Organization: PRIOR LAKE LEGION BASEBALL Name of Seller BILL REED Contact Phone: Contact Emafl Name: Business or Organization Address: Contact Phone: Contact Emafl P~~~~~\~RI~I"Gil~\l'II~~: Pt..EAS:ECIRCt..EiONEi..;~.COMPt..ET:EONEFORMFOREACHSI(jNPURCHASE1). 1 Year -- $825 2 Year -- $ 1 225 3 Year -- $ 1 525 Includes 8'x1 0' Full-Color Sign Includes 8'x1 0' Full-Color Sign Includes 8'x1 0' Full-Color Sign for $325 8: 1 season fence lease for $325 8: 2 season fence lease for $325 8: 3 season fence lease fee of $500. fee of $900. fee of $1 200. TOTAL DUE AT TIME OF ORDER: Business or Personal Check Only Payable to the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE SIGN DESIGN Please use reverse of this page or an additional sheet to provide a drawIng of your sign design. Be sure to double-check all spelling and Identify desired colors for each area of your sign. Logos or artwork will need to be provided In electronic format. If using artwork from a business card, please provide a card and the contact person where your cards are produced. City staff will contact you to finalize the design prior to ordering. ADVERTISER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE "ADVERTISING SIGNAGE POLICY FOR ATHLETIC FIELD SIGNS ON INTERIOR FACING OUTFIELD FENCES IN CITY PARKS". I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY, AND UNDERSTAND MY ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE ADVERTISER. By: Please Print Name of Signor: Please Print Name of Organization: FOR CITY/SALES AGENT USE ONLY Sales Agent Checklist 1. Provide Copy of Order to Customer I Advertiser. 2. Verify that Sign Drawing submitted has complete information, including colors, spelling, and artwork. 3. Collect Fee for Full Amount of Package Selected. 4. Remit Order Form & Check payable to the City of Prior Lake to: Kelly Meyer CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone 952.447.9802 or 952.447.9800 ($30.00) ($325.00) Sign Approval -- City Use Only Total Amount Received Less City Administrative Fee Less Sign Fee SUBTOTAL COMMISSION DUE (50% of Subtotal) Sign Design / Artwork / Content Approved Authorized by Date SIGN DRAWING: 10 FEET 8 FEET ADVERTISING SIGNAGE POLICY FOR ATHLETIC FIELD SIGNS ON INTERIOR FACING OUTFIELD FENCES IN CITY PARKS SECTION 1: PURPOSE The City of Prior Lake is a Minnesota municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("City"). The City is asked from time to time to allow not-for-profit youth athletic organizations representing Prior Lake to sell and erect advertising signage on fencing and scoreboards within City athletic fields for the purpose of fundraising. The City's 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan provides that "The mission of the City of Prior Lake is to enhance the quality of life for current and future citizens by providing quality services which result in.... preservation and effective use of lakes, parks and other natural resources, economic vitality, and the promotion of partnerships, volunteerism and civic pride for the community's diverse population." Specifically, the City's 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan provides the following direction: · Plan for and fund on-going infrastructure maintenance and replacement needs, including completion of a park infrastructure equipment replacement matrix (Community Capital Assets) · Identify and develop non-tax revenue {Strong Financial Managemen~ · Minimize capital and operating costs through collaborative efforts with other public and private entities. (Strong Financial Managemen~ It is in the public interest to permit athletic fields signs on certain areas in designated City parks to generate revenue to fund park infrastructure equipment maintenance and replacement, and to help promote the success of not-for-profit youth athletic organizations supporting Prior Lake area athletics. This policy sets out the terms and conditions under which athletic field signage may be permitted. In adopting this Policy, the City is acting in a proprietary, rather than legislative capacity. This Policy is a one year experimental program. SECTION 2: INTERPRETATION AND REVISION The City of Prior Lake reserves the sole and exclusive right and authority to make interpretation or revisions to this policy which it deems appropriate in its sole determination. . SECTION 3: CITY CODE In the event of inconsistency between this policy and Prior Lake City Code, the City Code shall take precedence. SECTION 4: ADVERTISING SALES & DISPLAY The City will make space available on scoreboards and interior-facing outfield fencing within City park athletic fields for the display of Athletic Field Signs as defined by the Prior Lake City Code, and as permitted by this policy. 4.01: Non-Public Forum - By allowing limited types of advertising within City park athletic fields, the City does not intend to create a public forum for public discourse or expressive activity, or to provide a forum for all types of advertisements. The display of advertising within City park athletic fields is intended only to supplement tax revenues and other income dedicated to the replacement of parks infrastructure, and to provide fundraising opportunities that support not-for-profit youth athletic programs in Prior Lake. C:\Documents and Settings\KellyM\Desktop\Draft Advertising Signage Policy 2.doc Scott County Page 1 of 1 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE WETLAND This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Scott County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepeancies are found, please contact the Scott County Surveyors Office. - 5,(;(Jlt 1'1 .".' "~. I~: ,. !oor.' S ".-~ 'H..~~' ~ , I.c-;l' - . ~;1- tf"~ ( --,---i-1__ . r~ I . Lie, 1 .' _ __ ,..(\--L......)' , .._ March 13, 2008 http://gis.co.scotLmn. us/servletl com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap? ServiceN ame=overview &Client Versio... 3/13/2008 Subject: Nature Garden Date: Monday, March 10, 2008 From: Maureen Peterson and Bonnie Lurquin To: S1. Michael Buildings & Grounds Committee F or: Prior Lake Grant Proposal I. Purpose: Build a nature garden at the south end of S1. Michael's property beyond the church parking lot II. Who will build it? A. Eagle Scout candidates 1. Gus Muench- developing trails 2. Ben McGahn- build and install benches and birdhouses 3. Ryan Orhm- purchase and install 4 fitness centers 4. Joe Gibson- build and install pier B. St. Michael Building & Grounds Committee C. Volunteers - J" LA.,(l io r Natu;(.t,' i s+ ~ Cst m i c,h ~ ell 8~"'.3 - ~ III. Educational uses: A Science (Preschool-Gd. 8) B. Language Arts (Preschool-Gd.8) C. Physical Fitness (Preschool-Gd. 8) d. Art c1asses(Preschool-Gd.8) E. Music c1asses(Preschool-Gd. 8) F. Social Studies(Preschool-Gd. 8) G. Open to the community district -wide IV. Funding tS~ O()(},(JO A. Grant from Prior Lake Foundation ( 2,S88.981 V. Time Frame (Phases) A. Walking paths , 1. Planks above ground or Woad r:hJps 2. Survey of wetlands provided by Bill Schmokel & Scott Swanson 5wo nSon B. Wooden benches and birdhouses C. Observation dock at the pond D. Four P.E. fitness stations (similar to those at Cleary Lake Park) 1. Chin up bar with sign 2. Sit up station with low bar and sign 3. Two others to be determined E. Sept., 2008 School Year 1. Walking paths and one other phase completed 2. Two other phases completed in spring, 2009 VI. Funding 1. Bills will be submitted to Steve Sammis of Prior Lake Foundation VII. Timeline for Prollli~~lt. 3J, A. Deadline is ~, 2008 for fall grant. B. Request money for this summer for Eagle Scout Projects C. Eagle Scouts final approval (1-2 months) D. Take proposal to St. Michael Parish Council for approval this spring Fried:! es E. City of Prior Lake recommendations (AI ~) VIII. Further Questions A. Is it required to have the wetlands "delineated" by a wetlands specialist? ------.------......--...--- - . it, B. Is a permit required from the DNR? C. Who will prepare and review a preliminary plan showing the proposed items and their locations? ~ . ~~ ~ - ~. ~.g~ C'\l",,:l _I:: .!~.s;; '5E!~ "' Ii) Li; ,,' " R~ " 10"'" ~.. ~ls ~ ~ ~ ~. . .~ ~t) ~ ~~ ~. ~~ KI ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~! ~ ~ - ~L;:: ~~ ~ t::3 ~ i 410 ~~ ~~ !it c;;:; 0 0 . . LO iE~ '" ::,:>z f"') ~~ w<( iE~ iE<( W ~ It w I ..J a. "lit" ~ WLL .. ::j 0 t') I ~W P <(Z m , a.:J , ex) I I I.. 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