HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 13, 1996 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, May 13, 1996 7:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: 96-012 - CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS "EAGLE CREEK VILLAS"- SUBDIVIDE 13.5 ACRES INTO TWO LOTS AND THE EXTENSION OF PRIOR WOOD STREET. (4.A OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 96-029 - JENNIFER LAMBERT - ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT CERTIFIED THERAPEUTIC MESSAGE IN CERTAIN COMMERICAL LOCATIONS. (4.B OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 96-034 - PHEASANT MEADOW - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, TOWNHOMES SOUTH OF 170TH AND EAST OF THE SUNSET HILLS SUBDIVISION. 96-037 - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING INV ALIDA TION OF VARIANCES. 96-027 - COOPERATIVE POWER ASSOCIATION - VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE PROPERTY AT COUNTY ROAD 42 AND TIMOTHY A VENUE TO CONSTRUCT UTILITY POLE. (4.C OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 96-030 - ROBERT OSTIDIEK - VARIANCE REQUEST FROM THE CITY CODE TO CONSTRUCT A POLE BARN ON THE PROPERTY AT 4510 JACKSON TRAIL SE. (4.D OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 96-031 - ANDREW SIEBENALER - VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE PROPERTY AT 3842 PERSHING STREET TO CONSTRUCT A 2-CAR GARAGE. (4.E OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 96-032 - MICHAEL LEITCRMAN - VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE PROPERTY AT 3044 170TH STREET TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE F AMIL Y HOME. (4.F OF 4/22/96 AGENDA) 16200 ~~k Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 9gt3J'J2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 96-035 - THOMAS MANSK - VARIANCE REQUEST FOR PROPERTY AT 14840 OAKLAND BEACH A VENUE TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION AND GARAGE. 5. Old Business: 96-039 - CONTINUATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING SIDE YARD SETBACKS, REPLACEMENT OF NON-CONFORMING DECKS; HOME OCCUPATIONS AND CITY REIMBURSEMENT COSTS. 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: New Planning Commission members 8. Adjournment: AGOSI396.DOC PAGE 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 8, 1996 ~ The April 8, 1996, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Kuykendall at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Criego, Loftus, Wuellner, V onhof and Kuykendall, City Planner Don Rye, Assistant Planner Michael Leek and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. ROLL CALL: Criego Wuellner V onhof Loftus Kuykendall Present Present Absent Absent Present Commissioner Vonhofarrived at 7:05 p.m. and Commissioner Loftus arrived at 7:06 p.m. Note change of spelling on Commissioner Criego's name on pages 11, 14 and 16. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY CRIEGO TO APPROVE MINUTES. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Criego and Kuykendall. MINUTES APPROVED. CONSENT AGENDA: RESOLUTION 96-11PC (Gene Tremaine Variance) RESOLUTION 96-lOPC (John Schoeller/Carol's Furniture) MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO APPROVE RESOLUTIONS. Vote taken signified ayes by Criego, Wuellner & Kuykendall: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: 4.A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5, SECTION 5-4-1, OF THE CITY CODE AND SECTION 4.1 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6 PERTAINING TO SETBACKS; TITLE 5, SECTION 5-5-8, SECTION 6.8 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-06 PERTAINING TO HOME OCCUPATIONS; AND SECTION 5-7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY COSTS. Assistant Planner Michael Leek presented the information from the Staff Report dated April 8, 1996. MN040896.00c PAGEl Amendment Permitting One 5' Side Yard Setback and Permitting Replacement of Non-conforming Decks: These proposed amendments grew out of the 1995 variance summary report. As the Commission has observed in various discussions, the granting of one 5' side yard setback, particularly on non-conforming lots of record in the Shoreland District, has become fairly commonplace. The proposed amendment provides for a minimum structure separation for health, safety and welfare reasons. Similarly, the granting of variances to permit replacement of non-conforming decks has become commonplace. In 1995, the City Council passed an ordinance which permitted such replacement without a variance everywhere but in the Shoreland District. The proposed amendment would allow replacement in all districts. Home Occupations: The proposed amendment would simply make home occupations permitted, accessory uses in the residential zoning districts, without need of formal administrative or Planning Commission review. This is viewed as desirable, particularly in light of the increasing numbers of people wishing to engage in reasonable occupations out of their homes. The criteria is still quite stringent, so that occupations like small engine, auto and marine repair would probably not qualify as permitted accessory uses. The Commission could, in fact, enumerate types of occupations which it feels would not qualify as permitted home occupations. Reimbursement of Costs: As development steams toward the City, the types of projects have become, and will continue to be, quite complex. The City's current fee structure cannot keep up with the costs incurred for complex projects, particularly those requiring additional attorney or consultant services. The proposed amendment would give the City Manager discretion to require reimbursement in certain cases. Comments from the audience: Tom Foster, 5795 Shannon Trail, had a concern in Section 4.1B of the Ordinance and felt the same deck elevation should be addressed as well. He felt there could be problems if someone raised a ground level deck. Comments from Commissioners: Loftus: . Vast difference in some of the issues. When the City has a number of the same requests for variances and grant 5 yard setbacks each time common sense would tell us to make a general rule of this. As long as the separation between buildings are a certain distance - will be supportive. . In the discretion of the City Manager - If the City Manager feels there has to be a number of additional reviews I can understand the necessity of an ordinance. . The Home Occupation issue is a revamping of what home occupation as been. This is not a standardization. In the existing Ordinance the City has allowed at least one PAGE 1 MN040896.DOC ---.----.------- employee who does not reside at the residence to come to the home. This would be a major change. Has difficulty with this change. · Supportive of side yard setback and reimbursement of City costs. V onhof: · Supportive of 5 yard setback as it stands. · Question to staff regarding decks - Does that apply to any setback if it was a nonconforming setback? Leek said it would apply to any setback. · One problem the City could have would be with past records. People will bring in the original survey which does not show a deck and will say it exists and there's no permit or paperwork. There should be some language to say it was a legally recognized structure by the City. Leek responded if the resident was not able to document its existence then the City should not allow reconstruction. · Rye suggested inserting the word "legally" between "deck" and "existing". · Home Occupation Permit process - Under these criteria someone could put a sweat shop in a residential area and it would be legal under this criteria. The City or Planning Commission should retain some control. · Reimbursement for City Costs - Good idea. Is the City going to run into any legal problems for cost? · Rye explained it is a normal procedure. The City could get into the middle of a project then realize they need 40 hours of the City Attorney's time to unravel something. At that time the City takes a pretty good hit if they are not able to recover the costs. It is costs the City would not routinely cover in circumstances where an environmental or traffic study or a consultant is required. It goes beyond the normal fee schedule. · Leek pointed out the Ordinance would provide a notice of those anticipated additional costs and an estimate of those costs would be provided as soon as possible so the notice issue is taken care of as well. Wuellner: · 5' side yard setback - question on impacting new developments. · Leek responded it would have an impact on all new developments. · Not comfortable with this. The Commission granted 5' side yard setback variances for substandard lots. If someone has a reasonable size lot what is the sense in just giving a 5' side yard variance? If the intent is to make it easier to develop a substandard lot he would support. Would like to see it rewritten to apply only to substandard lots (in terms of width). · Support the home occupation revision. · Reason for adding the 10% of the flooring? Leek said there is a trade off contemplated. Right now there is a specific permit, cost and process. Looking at the home occupations historically there are a number of home occupations the City does not know about or are inconsistent with what the City would grant. For example there are a number of small engine repair businesses in residential areas which is not appropriate. In exchange for "making it easier" to get started in a business, on a small MN040896.00c PAGEl - - - -- - - ~-- --- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - scale, the provision is intended to somewhat restrict the way in which that home occupation can be operated so if it expands beyond the appropriate the applicant should start looking for a business district location to operate. Criego: . On the deck issue - There are situations where decks come right up to the side line boundary. That deck will rot away and under this Ordinance it can go back up the way it is. . Leek said under this draft ordinance it could. In fact under the Ordinance right now outside the Shoreland District it could. . Shoreline? Leek responded right now the code is written in such a way a person cannot replace a deck within the a shoreland district that is nonconforming. Under this proposed ordinance it is a blanket provision that would apply to all existing decks meeting the criteria whether they are in the shoreland district or not. . Rye brought up the issue of building code limitations and distance from the property line. Typically it would require a two or three foot setback. The City will verify with the building department. . 5' setback _ agree with other Commissioners. Approved on mainly substandard lots. F eel uncomfortable to allow any development go beyond the 10 feet. Like to see wording changed. . Home Occupation - It seems very limiting. Understand logic but should have additional wording or change the 10%. It does not need to come before the Planning Commission or Staff. . Reimbursement for city costs - As a City we are trying to promote development in our community. Under this request we would be charging the developers an extra amount of money. There is too much discretion to the City Manager. . It shows anti-development. Will not support with the proposed language. Kuykendall: . Reimbursement Issue _ disagrees - It represents good management process. This is not a problem. Any business knows if they try to push something through they know they will have to pay the additional fees. Supports the reimbursement issue as is. . Home Occupations - Do not use a percent. Agrees with Criego. Floor area excludes garage. . Rye explained the Ordinance does not include accessory structures. . Retail sales produced on site - could encourage warehousing and distribution. Hate to see that allowed on site. Kuykendall: . No opposition with discretion of Planning Director. Could add additional verbiage, something relating to the discretion of the Planning Director. . Rye stated from his perspective it is an option he would not want in the Ordinance. If it is going to be subject to some review then the City should continue with the present procedure. Otherwise make it a permitted use because each application would be PAGE4 MN040896 DOC - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- challenged. Two-thirds of the home businesses do not come into City Hall. If someone starts to repair motorcycles in their garage and the neighbor complains the City has a basis to deal with it. 98% of the occupations operate within the Ordinance. V onhof: · Agrees - Question if the City has a complaint that applies within the ordinance but not within the intent of the Ordinance. Rye said the language in the proposed Ordinance represents the experience of a number of communities. This language is fairly standard in its application. Leek suggested language "or any other nuisance factor shall not be discernible at the property line." In case there is some nuisance factor the City has not thought about that may arIse. Loftus: · Nobody mentioned a clerical person such as a bookkeeper coming to a home. Some person coming to the residence to do work. Where do the other businesses sit that have an existing business? Would like to see a "go slow approach". As a Commission we should try a pilot program. We should try to apply it, not hurry it along. Criego: · This is not a major issue. Delaying it does not resolve it. Add the 1 employee with the home occupation. Kuykendall: · 5' setbacks - Should only apply to substandard lots. OVERVIEW: · ITEM ON DECKS - insert the word "legally" between "deck" and "exists on the date." · REPLACEMENT DECK OF THE SAME SIZE - insert "location" and "configuration of the deck at the time, etc." · CHECK BUILDING CODE REGULATIONS - Rye said Staff will look at the building code and determine whether or not there are specific setback requirements for a deck in that circumstance and if not, provide a provision which would not to allow construction up to the property line. · SIDE YARD SETBACKS - Only related to substandard lots with respect to width. Some subdivisions are presently approved for substandard lots. Reference as lots of record prior to 1987. · HOME OCCUPATIONS - Supporting as long as language is added to limited to one employee and #G. Objectionable to noise, etc. Limit to a maximum amount of 300 sq. feet or 10% whatever is greater. MN040896.DOC PAGES - -- -- --- ------------- -------- -- - -- - - . REIMBURSEMENT COST TO THE CITY: Manager make a recommendation to City Council for Council action. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY WUELLNER, FOR STAFF TO MAKE RECOMMENDA nONS AND BRING BACK TO THE COMMISSION FOR REVIEW. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Wuellner, Criego, Vonhofand Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. Chairperson Kuykendall closed the public hearing. 4.B 96-026 - MURIEL ROUNA V AR V ARIANCE REQUEST FOR 16594 INGUADONA BEACH CIRCLE: STREET AND LAKESHORE VARIANCE REQUESTS. The Planning Department received a variance application from Muriel Rounavar who proposes the construction of a new house with attached 3-car garage on the subject site, which is legally identified as Lots 6 and 7, "INGUADONA BEACH", Scott County, Minnesota. The applicant requests 3 variances; 1) a 17.5' lakeshore variance to permit a lakeshore setback of37' instead of the 54.5' feet permitted under the lake shore setback averaging provision of the Shoreland Ordinance, and 2) a 5' front yard setback variance to permit a setback of20' instead of the required 25'. Michael Leek presented the information from the Staff Report dated April 8, 1996. Staff concluded reasonable use of the property can be had, and legal alternatives exist to accomplish the applicant's objectives and thus the Ordinance criteria had not been met. Patrick Lynch, III, Area Hydrologist of the Department of Natural Resources submitted a letter of objection to the requested variances stating he does not feel an adequate attempt to design a structure which considers the lot constraints and required provisions of the Shore land Zoning Ordinance had been made. Comments from the public: Bud Waund spoke on behalf of the applicant and the current owners of the property. Mr. Waund handed out information packets to the commissioners and went on to explain the proposal and changes. He said he met with Staff and was told of the new Shore land Ordinances and realized the proposed home was too large for the lot. According to Mr. Waund's calculations and compromises the house does fit into the building envelop. Staff did not previously view the revised plan and calculations. Muriel Rounavar, 16037 Northwood Road NW, lived on Prior Lake for 5 years and owned lake property in Michigan for almost 30 years. She is aware of ecology and the environment and is not trying to put a white elephant on the lot. She feels she is not PAGE6 MN040896.00c asking for the world just asking to be fair and would like to see her home on this property . Bill Brastad, 4808 11 th Ave South, Minneapolis, stated they bought the property 42 years ago and at the time the property was in Spring Lake Township. It was a summer cottage. All the neighbors have turned their summer homes into year round homes. He would like the applicant to have the home she really wants. He has been at other hearings and applicants were granted several variances. He is urging for a fair setback from the lake so the buyer's home will not have to be back further from the rest of the neighbors. A recess was called at 8:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:57 p.m. Comments from Commissioners: V onhof: · Clarification from the staff and applicant's lakeshore measurement. Leek read Ordinance Sec. 9.3D2 regarding setback averaging from the Ordinary High Water (0- H-W) mark or 50 feet whichever is greater, and further explained the measurements. · Measurement from lakeshore - Leek explained the 904 O-H- W measured from the adjoining lots. There is a specific survey that shows the 904 O-H- W elevation. · Cannot see where the hardship criteria has been met especially with the building envelop. Wuellner: · Cannot disagree with V onhof. The law is very exact. · There is no choice but to deny the request. The hardship criteria has not been met. A home can be built within the envelop. Criego: · No further comments. Loftus: · Leek explained the average lakeshore setback. · Rye said the operable dimension is now a setback of37 feet. · The neighbors are closer to the lake because of existing variances and circumstances. · Question of property being a substandard lot in the Shoreland District. Leek stated the lot exceeds 10,000 sq. feet which is substantially larger than the 7,500 sq. feet which is buildable without a variance under the Shoreland Ordinance. · The slope is not a location issue. · Mr. Waund said they are proposing a triple garage. Also a neighbor is interested in buying part of the adjoining Lot 8. If applicant sold part of the lot, she would be able to build the house she designed. They could shift the house on the lot. · Leek said there are a couple of issues related to that and pointed out the lakeshore measurement. Selling part of the lot is shrinking the building envelop. It would also MN040896.00c PAGE 7 - ------_.------~~---- -- -- - require an administrative land division where variances would be required. The process would have to be approved by City Council. There are many variables being talked about. Kuykendall: . Based on the information there is a buildable area of 40 feet by approximately 75 feet. . Waund: The new plan for the house is proposed at approximately 2,900 sq. feet including the garage. . Leek asked what is the proposed finished lower level of the house be? Mr. Waund said where between 2,200 and 2,300 sq. feet. . The Commission has to work within the variance hardship standards. The applicant can put a reasonable one story house as well as a two story house on the lot. Muriel Rounavar said she wanted a one story as a retirement home and wants all living space on one floor. She doesn't feel the neighbors would like a two story house. Bob DeMarse, 16576 Inguadona Beach Circle, said there is probably not a legal lot size in the area. The applicant would make a reasonable improvement to the area. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO DENY THE APPLICATION BECAUSE OF FINDING A LACK OF DEMONSTRATED HARDSHIP UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE CRITERIA UNDER RESOLUTION 96-12PC. Discussion: The Commission has to follow the restrictions and ordinance. The applicant can build a very nice house within the building envelop. This does not prohibit the applicant from building a home. The DNR is also stating there is not a hardship. Vote taken signified ayes Vonhof, Criego, Wuellner, Loftus and Kuykendall. MOTION DENIED. Commissioner Kuykendall closed the pubic hearing. A recess was called at 9:29 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:31 p.m. OLD BUSINESS: Joint Meeting with City Council on May 20, 1996. Chairman Kuykendall will draft an annual report. There was a short discussion on Planned Unit Developments. Don Rye briefed the Commissioners on a letter from the Met Council regarding the Comprehensive Plan. PAGEl MN040896.00c MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND WUELLNER TO ADJOURN. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Wuellner, Criego, V onhof and Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Don Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary MN040896.DOC PAGE 9 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4.A. Public hearing to consider application of "Eagle Creek Villas" for preliminary plat approval for the development known as "Eagle Creek Villas." 13.541 acres of land located between Five Hawks Avenue and Duluth Avenue to the Northwest of STH 13, Prior Lake, Minnesota M~chael Leek, Associate Planner, John Wingard, Assistant City Engineer _X_ YES _NO-N/A April 22, 1996 The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an application for preliminary plat approval for the project known as "Eagle Creek Villas". The proposed preliminary plat consists of 2 blocks, each containing 1 lot, and an outlot. The overall project consists of 20 buildings with 2 units each, for a total of 40 units. Once constructed, the project would proceed under a "condominium plat". The proposed preliminary plat indicates individual lots and duplex units upon each lot. It should be noted the duplex units are indicated for illustrative purposes only, they do not represent a present request for lot subdivision. REVIEW PROCESS: Because two family dwellings are a "permitted use" in the R2 zoning district, the applicants do not need to proceed with a conditional use permit. Nor are the applicants seeking PUD status for the project, or any variances from either the Zoning or Subdivision Ordinances. Thus the only matter under review is the applicants' 2 block subdivision. SITE ANALYSIS: The subject site consists of approximately 13.541 acres and is located between Five Hawks Avenue and Duluth Avenue to the northwest of STH 13. The current Land Use Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (up to 10 dwelling units/acre). The parcel is not located in the SD-Shoreland District. 16200 ~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The site contains 3 natural features of note; l) a wetland on the North, 2) 2 areas of steep slopes on the Southwest and Southeast, and 3) several existing trees. The proposed project is, of course, subject to the recently adopted tree preservation ordinance (Section 6.16 of the Zoning Ordinance). ZONING COMPLIANCE: Lot and Setback Requirements: The following table indicates the requirements for a standard subdivision in the R-2, Urban Residential Zoning District and the proposed standards for Eagle Creek Villas: STANDARD SUBDIVISION Table 1 PROPOSED EAGLE CREEK VILLAS Maximum Unit 5.5 Units per Acre Maximum Unit 2.95 Units per Acre Density Density 30' from Flood Lot Area: iIlUIt": Front Setback: ~. Wetland Setback As can be seen from the table above, the proposed project is in compliance with relev~t Ordinance requirements. Landscaperrree Preservation Requirements: The proposed development is subject to provisions of the Landscape Ordinance. The developer will be required to install an irrigation system and a letter of credit will be required to cover the estimated cost of both the landscaping and irrigation system. The 2 ECREEKPC.DOC/RML project is also subject to the provisions of Section 6.16 of the Zoning Ordinance, i.e. the tree preservation ordinance. The applicants have provided an inventory as required by this ordinance, but will be required to provide a preservation plan which shows which significant trees are to be removed and which are to remain, as well as the size, type and location of any replacement trees which might be required. PRELIMIN1\RY PLAT ANALYSIS: The preliminary plat is the legal document identifying the proposed lot locations, areas and dimensions, road location, storm sewer, grading, location and grade of sewer and water as well as proposed tree planting. Once preliminary plat approval is granted by the City Council, the property owner has a vested interest in the plat. For one year following preliminary plat approval, no ordinance amendment shall apply to or affect the use, development density; lot size, lot layout, dedication required or permitted by the approved preliminary plat. The proposal consists of 20 duplex units. As a part of the project, Priorwood Street would be extended from Five Hawks on the West to Duluth Avenue on the East. The proposed units would be located along the proposed street and a private driveway located on the North side of proposed Priorwood Street. There is an existing drainage and utility easement on the south-central portion of the site which should be vacated by the City before approval of final plat. The applicant has shown a new easement which would be dedicated as a part of this plat to replace the vacated easement Finance Assessment/Fee Review: See Exhibit A, memorandum from Finance Director Ralph Teschner dated March 12, 1996 for reference to this issue. Park Analysis (Prepared by Paul Hokeness, Parks and Recreation Director): The park dedication for Eagle Creek Villas will be cash in lieu of land. The cash contribution is 10% of the gross acreage of the site multiplied by $1,300.00. This plat has a total acreage of 13.541 acres, which would represent a total cash contribution of $17,609.30. Payment is due prior to release of the final plat. SidewalksfI'rails: The extension of Priorwood Street from Five Hawks A venue to Duluth A venue will include the construction of a 5 foot wide concrete walk to be built on the south side of the street. The costs associated with the construction of the sidewalk along Priorwood Street will be the developers responsibility. The 250 foot section of sidewalk along the existing stub street of Priorwood, will be the City's responsibility. See Exhibit B for a layout of ECREEKPC.OOC/RML 3 ------------------------ the existing sidewalks/trails in the Five Hawks Avenue area. The City is meeting with ISD 719 representatives to layout the trail system west of Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed trail extension would connect to the existing trail constructed in the Westbury Ponds development. . j Engineering Review (prepared by John Wingard, Assistant City Engineerr, Sanitary Sewer: A 15" sanitary sewer was constructed through this site in 1973. The sewer line serves the Creekside Circle neighborhood and flows northerly along the creek to the area where the proposed priorwood Street will cross. The 15" sanitary sewer then flows westerly along the north edge of Priorwood Street to the west edge of this development. Then the sewer line turns and flows north to Cates Street. The construction of Priorwood Street will improve the access capabilities for the City's maintenance personnel to this existing sewer line. The developer proposed to connect 16 of the proposed 40 units directly to the existing 15" sanitary sewer line. The other 24 units will be served by two new 8" lines that t!e developer proposes to construct that will connect to the existing 15" sanitary sewer line. Grading/Erosion Control: Almost the entire parcel will be disturbed by the grading required to prepare the site. The southwest comer of the site and the water quality pond in the northeast comer of the site will require 6 to 8 feet of cut. The area where the units will be built around the private driveway will require 3 to 6 feet of fill. The east one-third of the site, and the low ~ 300 foot east of the west end of the site will require 8 to 10 feet offill. Since the development will be short of dirt, the developer will need to make arrangements to purchase fill to grade this site. The fill will need to be truck-hauled on Five Hawks Avenue or Duluth Avenue. The developc::rj'r~oses to construct 300 feet of boulder retaining wall ranging in height from 2 to 4 feet along the south pro,pert;' 1. . The preliminary grading plan shows that 4 to 8 feet of fill will be placed over sections of the existing 15" RCP sanitary sewer line. In some areas the existing pipe only has 4 feet of cover over the line. When the developer's grading contractor places the fill over the line, special care will be necessary to protect the pipe. The City intends to televise the sewer line during the month of May 1996 to inspect the line before this project begins. The developer will be responsible for any damage done to the existing 15" RCP sanitary sewer line during the grading, utility, and street construction. 4 ECREEKPC.DOC/RML The development will be required to comply with the City's erosion control standards. Whenever possible, a grass buffer strip should be provided along the edge of wetlands to limit erosion. Watermain: An 8" watermain is proposed to be constructed through this development from an 8" stub in the existing Priorwood Street to an existing 8" line in Duluth A venue. The construction of this line will provide another loop to the City's system and eliminate the dead end water line that is located in Priorwood Street. Sanitary Sewer and Water Services: As shown on the preliminary utility plan, an individual sewer and water service shall be provided to each of the 40 units. EasementslRight-of- Way: The preliminary plat shows the dedication of 55 feet of right-of-way for Priorwood Street which should be adequate to meet City standards for a 36 foot wide back-to-back street with a 5 foot wide concrete walk along the south side. The developer will be required to dedicate 40 feet of half right-of-way for Duluth Avenue at the time of final plat, to accommodate the future upgrading of this street to a two lane urban design with sidewalk/trails. The developer will be required to dedicate drainage and utility easements over the wetlands, creeks, storm water ponds, and over all sewer and water lines constructed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. Along the west edge of Lot 1 of Block 1, the fmal plat shall dedicate a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement from the center of the existing IS" sanitary sewer line to the east to protect this 20 foot deep line. Storm SewerlWetlandslWater Quality: Storm water runoff will be directed to a 0.5 acre water quality treatment pond located in the northeast comer of the site. The pond shall provide 1.0 acre feet of wet storage volume to meet the NURP standards of the 6 acres of direct drainage from this development. The City will require that the pond be over-excavated to a depth of 4 f~et below the NWL to allow the pond to treat 8 acres of off-site drainage. A portion of the 0.5 acre water quality pond is shown to be located in an existing wetland. The excavation required to create the NURP pond will enhance the existing wetland. As shown on the attached Exhibit C, storm water runoff from over 700 acres eventually drains into the creek that crosses Priorwood Street. The creek serves as the outlet to Rice Lake and Crystal Lake. ECREEKPC.DOC/RML 5 Approximately 130 feet of the creek will be filled in and replaced with a 48" storm sewer line where Priorwood Street crosses the creek. The developer will need to provide an emergency overflow swale to allow overland drainage to cross Priorwood Street in case the 48" storm sewer line would become plugged. Approximately 15,560 square feet (0.36 acres) of wetland is proposed to be filled~ong the northwest edge of priorwood Street. The developer will be responsible to mitigate at a 2 to 1 ratio to replace the loss of wetland. The preliminary grading plan shows on-site wetland mitigation of 14,005 square feet (0.32 acres). The developer has approximately 3 acres of wetland area in the banking system from a project in Credit River Township and this area will be used for the remaining area needed to meet the Wetland Conservation Act as stated in the City's Local Surface Water Management Plan, "Up to one acre of "debit" wetland (filled or drained) will be allowed to be replaced through wetland "credit" in a bank which is located outside of Prior Lake's city limits, but State and County governments are exempt from this policy." The wetland delineation was performed by the developer's representative during December of 1995, and then reviewed in the field with the City's Water Resources Coordinator in early April of 1996. When the frost is out of the ground, the wetland delineation will need to be checked again. If the wetland boundaries change substantially, which would affect lot lines, unit density of street location,. then a new preliminary plat will need to be submitted. Streets/Access/Circulation: The proposed east-west street which will be called Priorwood Street is proposed to be a public street built to City standards with a 36 foot back-to- back bituminous surface with mountable concrete curb and gutter. The street will connect to a 250 foot long stub street constructed to the east from Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed street connection to Duluth Avenue has adequate site distance. The street layout plan also shows the construction of a private 200 foot long driveway to the North. The extension of Priorwood Street from Five Hawks A venue to Duluth Avenue will eliminate the dead-end street system of Five Hawks Avenue. The street connection to Duluth A venue will improve the access to the Five Hawks Elementary School. The school district will use Priorwood Street as a route for school buses and this should relieve some of the congestion at the Five Hawks Avenue/Highway 13 intersection. In the City's Transportation Plan, priorwood StreetlFive Hawks Avenue is classified as a minor collector street. The projected traffic for this street will be between 2000 to 3000 average daily trips and this development's 40 units would generate about 360 of the trips per day. The Transportation Plan specifically recommends the construction of priorwood Street from Five Hawks A venue to Duluth A venue to improve the City's street circulation system. 6 ECREEKPC.DOC/RML - - .- - - - - --- - - - The Transportation Plan identifies Duluth A venue also as a minor collector street. The City measured the traffic on Duluth A venue in 1993 at 4125 trips per day and the traffic volume is expected to increase to 6200 ADT by the year 2015. The City's Five Year Capital Improvements Plan for 1995 identifies upgrading Duluth A venue to an urban section in 2000. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Adopt Resolution 96-15PC recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas as presented and subject to conditions contained in Resolution 96-15PC, or with specific changes directed by the Planning Commission. 2. Table or continue the public hearing to a date and time certain and provide the developer with'a detailed list of items or information to be provided for future Planning Commission review. 3. Recommend denial of the application based upon specific fmdings of fact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion to adopt Resolution 96-15PC recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas. ECREEKPC.DOC/RML 7 EXHIBIT A INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Planning Ralph Teschner, Finance Director EAGLE CREEK VILLAS (assessment/fee review) March 12, 1996 @// A 13.5 acre parcel in Section 2-114-22 (PIN #25902099 1) is proposed to be subdivided into the plat of Eagle Creek Villas. The property was originally served with sewer utilities in 1972 under Project 72-7 (Phase I) and was assessed for sewer only, a frontage of 1655' and 14.09 acres for trunk sewer acreage which was deferred until 1987, at which time the assessment plus accrued interest was certified. Therefore a lateral water and trunk water charge will be applied. The tax status of the property is in a current state with no outstanding delinquencies. The balance of special assessments are detailed as follows: Legal Description PIN Number Code N 15 Ac. 2-114-22 25 902 099 1 42 Type S&W Amount $20,717.22 Since utilities are available to the property site, the cost for the extension of services internally will be the responsibility of the developer. In addition to these improvement costs, the subdivision will be subject to the following City charges outlined below: Stormwater Management Fee Collector Street Fee Trunk Water Fee Lateral Water Fee 16.8 cents/sq. ft. $15oo.oo/acre $1750.oo/acre $150' @ $20.00/ff. The application of these City charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net area lot calculation of 8.76 acres of twin home units (381,684 square feet) as provided within the site data summary sheet of the preliminary plat description: Lateral Water Charge: 150.00' @ $20.oo/ff = $3,000.00 Trunk Water Charge: 8.76 acres @ $1750.00/ac = $15,330.00 Storm Water Management Fee: 381,684 sf@ 16.8/sf= $64,123.00 Collector Street Fee: 8.76 acres @ $1500.00/ac = $13,140.00 These charges represent an approximate cost of $2390.00 per twin unit within the proposed preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas. Assuming the initial net lot area of the preliminary plat does not change, the above referenced storm water, collector street and trunk water charges would be determined and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. SPUl3. WRT 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER l!l S -I 5> '0 ]~ c..W t-W o~ ,~ (j ,~ ~W c..-I (.!) ~ (, f.\ ~ I ;::;: ~' I~ ~ .. z I' ~ f. 11 . I $. " I ! ~ -~ ~ ,.0.. '" '-'.! V1 l!' 'r ' ..; ~ ~ I q ! . ~ Ii " 00 Z I '<t I 0 "J '" -_._.__.~-------, ~---- ! ~ ~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1\\\1 ~ ..h'I,,".,,;ld!~''i1 :.! \\\\\\\\\\\11\\1\\\11 ,. f~ " . {t...! ~.' :,;,1 H 1"'''1 U :::\f;,l!! fr :0 Ii ~~ 1~ '; z,-.,t,. ~~ I} iHh i1 1-- -I : r i I ~~ .J~il IV' $- I I ~ " L - C, <:: -z ;:; ~ ~') ~ , <: -o~ <. '"") l... ;::- .~ , u h . 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Has the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or COnd~Ona1 use pennit on the subject site or any part of it: No Yes What was requested: When: ,paM.DO peit~ the Prior Lake SJbdivision Ordinance and agree to provide the d do th work in ac rCance with the provisions of the ordinance. 3-S-Q6 Date Fee CMners Signature Date THIS SECl'ION '10 BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNINi DIRECroR PLANNIN; m1MISSION CITY' <DmDL CDNDITIONS: APPROlED APPROlED DENIm DENIm DATE OF HFARIro Dt\TE OF HEARIN:; Signature of the Planning Director rate CITY OF PRIOR LAKE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS "EAGLE CREEK VILLAS" You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station # 1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road, SE (Southwest of the intersection of CR. 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday, April 22, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the Preliminary Plat, (subdivision), of the following legally described property into a 40 unit, townhome development to be known as "Eagle Creek Villas." The subject site is legally described as follows: Legal Description: That part of the North 15.00 acres (as occupied) of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Center line of Old Trunk Highway No. 13; thence North 88 degrees, 04 minutes, 10 seconds West along said North line a distance of 255.78 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 1 degree, 24 minutes, 16 seconds West a distance of 173.00feet; thence South 86 degrees, 53 minutes, 21 seconds East a distance of 238.00 feet to the Center line of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13; thence Southwesterly along said Center line a distance of 327.29 feet to its intersection with the Easterly extension of the northerly line of the plat of JO-ANNA STEPKA'S HI-VIEW ADDITION TO PRIOR LAKE; thence Westerly along said Northerly line of said plat and the Northerly line of the plat of JO-ANNA STEPKA'S HI- VIEW 3RD ADDITION to its intersection with the West line of said northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly along said West line to the Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterly along the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning. Containing 13.379 acres. Or more commonly described as approximately 13.54 acres of land located Northwest of State Trunk Hwy. 13, and between Five Hawks Avenue and Duluth Avenue in Prior Lake, Minnesota. A complete copy of the Preliminary Plat application is available for review at the Prior Lake Planning Department located at 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372. An 11 x 17" copy of the maps can be mailed to you by contacting R. Michael Leek, Acting Assistant City Planner, at 447-4230 between the office hours of 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. 16200 ~W~.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this public hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. R. Michael Leek Acting Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, April 6, 1996. Date Mailed: April 5, 1996 ECREEKPN.DOCIRML 2 - - ~-~- --- - --- .. RESOLUTION 96-15PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "EAGLE CREEK VILLAS" SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED HEREIN. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS: the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 22, 1996, to consider an application from "Eagle Creek Villas" for the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas; and WHEREAS: notice of the public hearing on said preliminary plat has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes and Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issues and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat according to the applicable provisions of the Prior Lake Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and found said preliminary plat to be consistent with the provisions of said ordinances; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission fmds the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas to be consistent with the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it hereby recommends the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Eagle Creek Villas subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing shed located in the southeast comer of the site shall be removed by its owner prior to the fmal platting. 2. The developer will be responsible for any damage done to the existing 15" RCP sanitary sewer line during the grading, utility, and street construction. 3. The developer will be required to dedicate 40 feet of half right-of-way for Duluth Avenue at the time of fmal plat, to accommodate the future upgrading of this street to a two lane urban design with sidewalk/trails. 4. The developer will be required to dedicate drainage and utility easements over the wetlands, creeks, storm water ponds, and over all sewer and water lines constructed outside of the dedicated right-of- way. RS9615PC.OOC RML 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - __ __ u_ ___ ___ --------------- -- -- -------- - --- - -- --- - --- -- --- - ~ 5. Along the west edge of Lot 1 Block 1, the final plat shall dedicate a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement from the center of the existing IS" sanitary sewer line to the east to protect this 20 foot deep line. 6. The developer will need to provide an emergency overflow swale to allow overland drainage to cross Priorwood Street in case the 48" storm sewer line would become plugged. 7. The developer will be responsible to mitigate at a 2 to 1 ratio to replace the loss of wetland. 8. The private street shall be constructed to City standards. 9. A revised landscape plan showing the proposed irrigation system(s) shall be submitted for review before approval of the fmal plat. 10. A tree preservation plan be submitted for approval prior to approval of the fma] plat. 11. Storm water, collector street and trunk water charges will be determined and collected in the context of the developer's agreement. 12. The wetland delineation will need to be field verified again when the weather conditions allow for a thorough analysis. If the wetland boundaries change substantially, which would affect lot lines, unit density, or street location, then a new preliminary plat will need to be submitted. 13. All public and private streets, drainage systems and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer in accordance. with City adopted codes and ordinances, and in accordance with the Public Works Design Manual prior to application for fmal plat approval. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1996. YES NO KUYKENDALL CRIEGO LOFTUS VONHOFF WUELLNER KUYKENDALL CRIEGO LOFTUS VONHOFF WUELLNER Dick Kuykendall, Chair Prior Lake Planning Commission Donald Rye, Director of Planning City of Prior Lake RS961 SPC.DOC RML 2 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4.B PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER At~ At"-lENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT CERTIFIED THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE IN CERTAIN COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS R. MICHAEL LEEK:, ASSOCIATE PLAt'fNER _X_ YES _NO-N/A APRIL 22, 1996 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a request from Jennifer A. Lambert to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit certified therapeutic massage in appropriate commercial locations. Ms. Lamb.ert wishes to offer massage services at the same location, and in connection with Kay Lyn's Coffee and Tanning, which is located in PriordaIe Mall in the B3-General Business Zoning District. The Zoning Ordinance is presently silent as to such use. DISCUSSION: Over the course of the past year the Planning Department has received numerous requests for information regarding providing certified massage therapy within the City. In fact, during 1995 the Planning Commission issued a home occupation permit for massage therapy. The Zoning Ordinance is silent with respect to this use. The City does have an ordinance regulating "Sauna and Massage Parlors" (Section 3-5 of the City Code). That ordinance was apparently crafted to regulate concerns about such parlors which arose during the 1970' s, and do not directly address "certified therapeutic massage." All three of the City's commercial zoning districts (Bl-Limited Business, B2-Community Business, B3-General Business) permit uses which have similar perceptible impacts on traffic and other factors. Indeed, "Private Club-Health Club" is listed as a conditionalIy- permitted use in the B I zoning district, and as a permitted use in the B2 and B3 zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance does not defme either a "private club" or a "health club", but it is conceivable that massage therapy could be offered by such a facility. 16200 ~~~~~~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN E':! ".-\L OPPORTUNffi' EMPLOYER F or the above-stated reasons, city staff believes that it would be appropriate to amend the Zoning Ordinance to permit certified therapeutic massage in connection with retail businesses and personal services in the City's commercial zoning districts. The draft ordinance attached to this report does so and provides a definition of "massage therapy" or "therapeutic massage". Section 3-5 is silent as to where in the City massage services may be offered. It would be appropriate to amend this section so that the relationship to use/zoning districts is explicit. Ms. Lambert has also provided copies of ordinances from the cities of Burnsville, Eagan and Lakeville governing the provision of therapeutic massage services. The Commission may wish to recommend to the City Council that Section 3-5 be reviewed an amended to more directly address professional therapeutic massage services. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the amendment as presented or with changes suggested by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the City Council deny the amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1, recommending approval of the proposed amendment to the City Council. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion to recommend the City Council adopt the proposed amendment as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission. A separate motion to close the public hearing is in order. 96029PC2.DOC/RML 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 96-XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5-1-7 AND 5-3-3 OF THE CITY CODE AND SECTIONS 8 AND 3.1 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE (83-6). The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Section 5-1-7 of the City Code and Section 8 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance (83-6) are hereby amended by adding the following terms and definitions: MASSAGE THERAPY OR THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE- A scientific health care or health maintenance technique or procedure carried out by a massage therapist, and involving the massaging and kneading of human skin, muscles and tissues for the purpose of easing mental and physical tension, the breaking up of fatty tissues and muscle spasms and the improvement of circulation through the body. MASSAGE THERAPIST - A person other than a person licensed as a medical doctor; chiropractor; osteopath; podiatrist; licensed nurse; physical therapist; athletic director or trainer; or beautician or barber who confines hislher treatment to the scalp, face and neck; who for compensation practices and provides therapeutic massage. Section 5-3-3 of the City Code and Section 3.1 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance (83- 6) are hereby amended as follows: 3.1 PERMITTED USES: The permitted uses for each district are listed below. Accessory uses and essential services are also permitted. Mass~e therapy or Therapeutic Massaie is permitted as a use accessOl::Y to Retail Business ~xctWt ~h~n the retail business is operated in col\iunction with a Motor Fuel Station) and Personal Services businesses in the B 1- Limited Business. B2 - Community Business and B3 - General Business districts. MASSORD.DOCIRML This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this _ day of , 1996. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of , 1996. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 MASSORD.DOCIRML 2 \ .-4 4>' 3SC ~ AM qh - ():27 PIDt ---... ~ cr:L'Y OF PRIOR ~ APPLICATION FOR AMENCMENr 'lD CITY mDE, a:HP PLAN OR CITY ORDINANCE Applicant: ..;rcNNI~e,- 11. L~/-r Address: t./ ~7 c.; W. I J~ rH I !'AtlJIfftP . Heme Phone: o,l;.-89o-~'l~~ Work Phone: t,/~.. B7a~~,'''' !ItA~, 4C'~1:) ~ . Section of Ordinance or Comp Plan Amendment is IEquested for: 3; J }/?8N-f41J 'lJH SJBMISSION REOUIREMOOS: :EJ: Caopleted application fom. (B.) Filinq Fee. (C. j .-i'are~l . I",,"Llil=Liuu ;;;:~P:,p (D, ~ ~:;;;~~ ...t'1ey......-: = ~ ~= ElI.fte.... c..ctified Ly en Ab e l"IY 2d by i-r."" Duestor of, ~~nr). ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS $ALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNJ:N3 CX)MMISSION. To the best of Iq{ knowledge, the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section .7.9 of the City Zoning Ordinance which specifies the requireme.'1ts for amendments. I agree to roviqe, ~ormation and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinarc'.., /) 101 /1' ignature SUbmitted this.d.i taay of t1.t.c~ 19<<1 b Fee ONners Signature 'lEIS SEO'ION 'lD BE FILLED 0l11' BY THE PLANNIN3 DIRECl'OR PLANNIN3 cmMISSION _APPWlED CITY COUN:IL APmJlEO CONDITIONS: DENIED DENIED HE'.ARIN3 mTE HE'.ARIN3 DM'E Signature of the Plannin9 Director Date NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5-3-3 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 3 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD MAKE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE A PERMITTED USE IN CERTAIN BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICTS You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at Prior lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE. (Southwest of the intersection of County Road 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday, April 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an amendment to Section 5-3-3 of the City Code and Section 3.1 of the Zoning Ordinance which would make therapeutic massage a permitted use in certain business zoning districts. If you wish to be heard in reference to this item, you should attend the public hearing. Oral and written comments will be considered by the Planning Commission. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Planning Department at 447-4230. Prepared this 2nd day of April, 1996, by: R. Michael Leek Associate Planner City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON APRIL 6 AND 13, 1996. 16200 &igU1@~/PWe. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNllY EMPLOYER PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: Conduct public hearings to consider a conditional use permit (CUP) and preliminary plat for "PHEASANT MEADOW" Williams Development LLC, represented by Terry Schneider 12.5 acres located north of STH 13, South of 170th Street and East of Sunset Hills Addition R. Michael Leek, John Wingard _X_ YES _NO-N/A May 13, 1996 APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The Commission previously reviewed applications by the applicant for Schematic PUD, Rezoning and Preliminary Plat approval for a 50-unit townhouse development. Those applications were subsequently denied by the City Council. Because townhouses are a conditionally permitted use in the RI-Suburban Residential district, the applicant is now proceeding with applications for CUP and Preliminary Plat approval. The purpose of this item is to consider two distinct but related applications: a conditional use permit (CUP) and preliminary plat for the project known as "Pheasant Meadow." The applications are being considered at the same time. Each application requires a separate public hearing. The Planning Commission Chair should call both public hearings to order simultaneously. A separate motion in the form of a recommendation to the City Council, will be required for each application. To assist the Planning Commission and facilitate the public hearing process, the following draft resolutions are attached to the agenda packet: 1. Resolution 96-20PC Resolution recommending the City Council approve the conditional use permit (CUP) for Pheasant Meadow to allow a cluster, townhome development on the 12.5 acre subject site. 2. Resolution 96-21 PC Resolution recommending the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow subject to conditions. The resolutions are in draft form and should be amended to incorporate facts, fmdings and conditions as determined by the Planning Commission during the course of the public hearings. REVIEW PROCESS: The proposed CUP should be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 7.5(C) of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7.5(C) provides in significant part that "...A conditional use shall be lWproved if it is found to meet the following criteria...." (Underlining added) Draft Resolution 96-20PC outlines the standards and conditions for approval of the CUP for Pheasant Meadow. Subdivision Ordinance 87-10 identifies all of the components required for a preliminary plat. The preliminary plat is the legal document identifying the proposed lot locations, areas and dimensions, road PHEASPC2.DOC I 16200 ~ Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER location, storm sewer, grading, location and grade of sewer and water as well as proposed tree planting. Once preliminary plat approval is granted by the City Council, the property owner has a vested interest in the plat. For one year following preliminary plat approval, no ordinance amendment shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout, dedication required or permitted by the approved preliminary plat. Draft Resolution 96-21PC outlines the conditions for preliminary plat approval for Pheasant Meadow. SITE ANALYSIS: The subject site consists of 12.5 acres of land located between STH 13 and 170th Street, (CSAH 12), and east of the Sunset Hills neighborhood. The site is surrounded by single family housing to the north and west; vacant land to the east (planned for Neighborhood Business in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan); STH 13 and the "city limits" boundary of the City of Prior Lake to the south, (single family homes are located in Spring Lake Township south of STH 13); and Woodview Park to the southwest of the subject site. The entire site is zoned R-I, Suburban Residential. The Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan designates the site for Low to Medium Density Residential land use. The site has been tilled for many years. There are no wetlands nor steep slopes on site. There are approximately 100 trees located along the east and west sides of the site however only 1/4 of the trees are species regulated by the Tree Preservation regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The land is gently rolling and slopes generally from a high point on the northern part of the site to the southwest. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS: The following table sets forth certain, specific Ordinance requirements and the proposed project's consistency with them. _.....~ ::::::::::::::::fffiPi~~ifp~lw:::::::::::::::::::::::::m::::::::::::::::::~::~::::::::::~::::::::::?::::::::::::::::~;!~K::::::::::::?::::::::::::::::?:::::::::: ,'L~;'~"==::!i;;~::;~:i~'~ndi~;;:~i," units shall not be subject to setback requirement on the individually platted lots underlying the unit. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 2 Section 7.5(C) sets forth several criteria for approval of a CUP. These criteria and the staff analysis of compliance with these criteria are set forth below; 1. The proposed use conforms to the district permitted and conditional use provisions and all general regulations of this Ordinance. The proposed use is consistent with the conditional use provisions for the RI-Suburban Residential zoning district. It is also consistent with the general regulations of this Ordinance. 2. The proposed use shall not involve any element or cause any conditions that may be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons, shall comply with the performance standards listed below. Testimony in connection with the previous application focused on additional traffic which would be generated by the proposed development. Previous staff analysis has demonstrated that the additional traffic generated by 50-units would be nominal, about 400 trips per day. The present proposal would generate about 336 (64 fewer) trips per day than the previous proposal. Staff concluded that about 90% of the trips generated would be to and from 170th Street, and only about 10% (about 34 trips) would be added to Sunset Hills if the Balsam Street connection were made. Thus, the overall conclusion was that existing streets had sufficient capacity to handle the additional traffic generated by this development. Staff does not anticipate that the proposed use would involve elements or cause any other conditions which would be dangerous, injurious or noxious. 3. The proposed use shall be sited, oriented and landscaped to produce harmonious relationship of buildings and grounds adjacent to buildings and properties. The landscape plan for the proposed project provides for substantial screening from the adjacent single- family residential areas. It also now incorporates several "boulevard trees" which render the plan consistent with landscaping in other residential areas of the City, as well as with the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The proposed use shall produce a total visual impression and environment which is consistent with the environment of the neighborhood. Because the proposed buildings are limited to 2-units on the proposed plan, and because of the proposed landscape plan, the total visual impression and environment should be consistent with the surrounding neighborhoods, which consists of both single-family residences and townhouses. s. The proposed use shall organize vehicular access and parking to minimize traffic congestion within the neighborhood. The proposed project provides sufficient area for vehicular parking. Although the currently proposed plan does not show the proposed connection to Balsam Street, it is staff's opinion that a plan with that connection would provide a better overall traffic circulation pattern. 6. The proposed use shall preserve the objectives of this Ordinance and shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The type and density of the housing proposed is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the objectives of this Ordinance. Specifically, the proposed project would address the City's Livable Communities and lifestyle housing goals. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 3 The performance standards are set forth in Section 7.5(0) and relate to the following factors; . Fire protection, . Electrical disturbance, . Noise, . Vibrations, . Odors, . Air pollution, . Glare, . Erosion, . Water pollution. The proposed project is not expected to result in any of the nuisance factors set forth in the performance standards, and is thus consistent with these standards. PRELIMINARY PLAT ANALYSIS: The subject site is owned by Williams Development LLC, represented by Mr. Terry Schneider. The subject site is proposed to be developed with 42 townhome units, public streets and one cul-de-sac. The developer proposes to install a five foot sidewalk along the west side of Pheasant Meadow Lane and along the south side of Spruce Road. The preliminary plat indicates the proposal is to provide access to the project via Pheasant Meadow Lane. An alternative is provided indicating a neighborhood street connection from Pheasant Meadow Lane to Balsam Street. The alternative would result in the elimination of two units and is not proposed by the developer but rather, has been shown on the preliminary plat at the request of City staff. The developer proposes to construct one large storm water pond on the southeast part of the site. PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW: The preliminary plat indicates the development will be served by Pheasant Meadow Lane with the easterly extension of Spruce Road to the vacant neighborhood commercial property. The name of Spruce Road should be changed to a street name which is not currently used within the City of Prior Lake. The developer does not desire to construct a westerly street connection to Balsam Street. Staff recommends the street connection be installed in order to provide neighborhood connection and the ability of residents of Sunset Hills Addition to access the future neighborhood commercial district without having to drive on CSAH 12. The connection will not create excessive traffic because only the residents of Sunset Hills Addition and Pheasant Meadow would likely utilize the access. The street connection is consistent with policies of the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan as well as a requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance. 1. The name "Spruce" Road shall be changed to a street name which is not currently used in the City of Prior Lake. 2. Balsam Street should be connected to Meadow Lane as indicated by the alternative shown on the preliminary plat. 3. The application refers to the future intended use of covenants and/or homeowner association agreements for maintenance of the exterior of structures as well as common grounds. The developer should submit a draft of the covenants and/or agreements as a condition of preliminary plat, as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Landscape Plan Review: PHEASPC2.DOC RML 4 The landscape plan has been revised to add several boulevard trees consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance. Based on the review of the Landscape Plan for the Pheasant Meadow PUD (revised 12/21/95) the requirements of the landscape ordinance, Section 6.10, are met in the following regards; The ordinance requires either 1 tree per unit for multi-family projects or 1 tree per 40' of perimeter, whichever is greater. The number of trees required by perimeter calculation is greater in this case (approximately 2,611 feet of perimeter divided by 40' equals 65 trees vs. 50 trees by unit calculation). . The plan provides 95 trees, which exceeds the required number by 30 trees. Section 6.1 O(E)4(b) requires that at least 20% of the required trees be larger than the required minimum. . The plan provides 20 trees, or 25010, which are larger than the minimum. This exceeds the requirement by 5%. 1. The landscape plan should be amended to show the required irrigation system as per the Zoning Ordinance. 2. In the opinion of staff, the landscape plan should be amended to add additional shrubs and ornamental trees around the entry monument. . NOTE: A letter of credit equaling 125% of the estimated cost of landscaping and irrigation system will be required at the time of buildine permit issuance. This letter of credit will be held until one year after installation of the last material. Subdivision Identification Siens: The Prior Lake Sign Ordinance specifies that two signs, not to exceed 50 square feet of sign area are permitted on private property at each principal entrance to a development. The preliminary plat indicates an entrance monument will be located southwest of the intersection of Pheasant Meadow Lane and CSAH 12. The Sign Ordinance requires the developer to include a covenant, establishing responsibility for maintenance of the sign(s) over the entire project. The covenant must be approved by the City Attorney and recorded on the property title(s). In addition, appropriate easements shall be provided for the approved signs on the property where the signs are to be located. 1. The developer should provide the required covenants and easements for proposed entry monuments as required by Sign Ordinance 94-6. Tree Preservation: The site is devoid of tree cover with the exception of the eastern and western boundaries. A tree location survey was submitted with the preliminary plat. The tree species located on site are: Boxelder, Maple, Elm, Oak, Ironwood, and Poplar ranging from 6" to 112" in caliper. The majority of mature trees are Elm and Boxelder which are not regulated species for purposes of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. According to the survey, 26 of the 100 trees located on site are species regulated by the Tree Preservation Ordinance. The developer is responsible to submit a tree preservation plan indicating the number, location and caliper inches of regulated trees proposed to be removed and those trees to be retained. A tree preservation plan is required in addition to the tree location survey submitted by the developer. At that point, staff will be able to determine the adequacy of a replacement program for the development in accordance with the Tree Preservation regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. I. The developer should be required to submit a tree preservation plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 5 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS: EasementslRi~ht-Of- Way: The preliminary plat shows the dedication of 55 feet of right-of-way for Pheasant Meadow Lane and Spruce Road which should be adequate to meet City standards for a 32' wide street with a 5' wide concrete walk on one side. The required right-of-way for Balsam Street would be 50' for a 32' wide street, with a sidewalk to be included. I. The developer will be required to dedicate 50' of right-of-way for 170th Street on CSAH 12, at the time of final plat, to accommodate the future upgrading of this street to a two (2) lane urban design with bituminous trails. 2. The developer will be required to dedicate drainage and utility easements over the southeast stormwater pond and all sewer and water lines constructed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. Gradinl:/Erosion Control: Almost the entire parcel will be disturbed by the grading required to prepare the site. The north half of the site will be cut 2' to 4' to allow the site to drain to the south. The south half of the site will be filled 2' to 7' in the street and building pad areas and cut 4' to 6' in the ponding area. The grading plan proposes to construct 4' to 6' high berms along the north edge of the Highway 13 right-of-way line and along the south edge of the 170th Street right-of-way line. The berms will help to screen the townhouse units from the street. The development will be required to comply with City erosion control standards. Special care shall be taken to prevent erosion from occurring onto the City's park property. Sanitary Sewer: An 8" sanitary sewer line has been stubbed to this site at the Balsam Street location. The developer proposes to construct an 8" sanitary sewer line in between the houses on Lots 38 and 39. Storm SewerIWetlandsIWater Quality: Storm water runoff that will be discharged from the site will drain in a southwesterly direction through a series of ponds, ditches and pipes located in W oodview Park, then across Sunset Trail (County Road 81) and into Spring Lake. To minimize the impacts from this development to Spring Lake, the developer proposes to construct a water quality treatment and rate control pond in the southeast comer of the site. This pond will be able to be enlarged to the east to also serve the undeveloped property to the east. (There are no existing wetlands located on the site). The developer proposes to excavate the east end of the existing pond in Woodview Park to create a small settling basin to treat the stormwater runoff from the development plus the east half of the Sunset Hills Addition. Streets/Access/Circulation: The preliminary plat indicates streets, sewer and water will be installed by the developer per City specifications. All streets and utilities are proposed to be public. All streets are proposed to be built to City standards with a 32 foot back-to-back bituminous surface, mountable concrete curb and gutter. The street connection to 170th Street or CSAH 12 shall be constructed to match the location of the Walnut Avenue intersection. The proposed street connection to CSAH 12 has adequate sight distance. The street layout plan also shows the construction of a stub street to the east called Spruce Road. This street will be a future connection to the undeveloped property to the east. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 6 The City staff has asked the developer to also provide a connection to the west to the stub street called Balsam Street, which was constructed in 1987 with the Sunset Hills Addition. Residents have previously expressed a strong desire not to have Balsam Street extended. City staff and the Scott County Highway Department feel that the street extensions of Balsam Street and Spruce Road would minimize the number of accesses and crossings onto CSAH 12. The extension of Balsam Street would eliminate a dead end street that does not have a turnaround. The City's snow plowing crews currently have to back up on Balsam Street to plow the street. 1. Balsam Street shall be extended from the existing street stub near the west property line of the site to Pheasant Meadow Lane. A sidewalk connection should be included in accordance with the Planning Commission's previous review comments. Watennain: Water main service is available to serve this site from an existing 16" line located on the north edge of 170th Street and from an existing 6" line in Balsam Street. The preliminary utility layout plan shows a connection to the 16" watermain in 170th Street. The developer will be responsible for all costs associated with the connection to the 16" watermain including the costs to remove and replace 170th Street, traffic control, detours, wet taps, etc. The watermain construction within CSAH 12 will require a County permit. If Balsam Street is required to be extended, then the 6" watermain should be looped to the west to provide for this connection. If Balsam Street is not required to be extended, then the City would prefer not to have the 6" line extended in between the townhouse units. As shown on the preliminary plans, the developer will be required to extend an 8" watermain in Spruce Road to serve the future development to the east. An 8" watermain should also be extended to the south plat line to serve possible future development to the south of Highway 13. 1. An 8" watermain shall be extended to the south plat line to serve possible future development to the south of Highway 13. 2. As shown on the preliminary utility plans, the sanitary sewer layout shall include an 8" sanitary sewer stub and an 8" watermain stub in Spruce Road to serve the future development to the east. FINANCE REVIEW: The subject site, (PID # 25-910-005-0), was served with water and sewer utilities in 1973 under Project 72- 7 and was assessed 820' of frontage and 22.2 acres for trunk acreage charges. Of these charges only 150' and 2.82 acres were assessed currently. The remainder of the 22 acres was deferred and there is no city record of payment on either this parcel or the adjacent 10 acre parcel, (PID # 25-910-005-1), that was previously sold to Howard Monnens. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the subject site. The tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. PARK AND RECREATION REVIEW: The subject site is located in the Spring LakelWillows Planning District identified in the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. There are a number of parks located in close proximity of the subject site including: Woodview Park, Sunset Hills Park, and Willows Park. The Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan indicates there should be a trail connection through the subject site linking the future regional trails along CSAH 12 and STH 13 to Woodview Park. In addition, there should be a pedestrian link from the development site to the neighborhood commercial property to the east. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 7 The preliminary plat indicates a combination trail/utility easement connecting Pheasant Meadow Lane with Woodview Park. The plat has been amended to follow the staff recommendation with respect to trail location. The trail is recommended for this location because it provides better access to Woodview Park and the topography is more suitable in this location for connection to the proposed trail system within the park. In addition, a trail in the staff recommended location will not infringe on the rear property lines of existing homes in the Sunset Hills neighborhood. 1. A 5' wide concrete sidewalk should be constructed along the entire length of Pheasant Meadow Lane to the end of the cul-de-sac and be connected to an 8' bituminous trail to be installed to the west edge of the plat. The specific trail location to be determined by staff. The developer will be responsible for the costs associated with construction of the sidewalks and trails located within this development. 2. A 5' wide concrete sidewalk should be located on the south side of Spruce Road which should be constructed with the installation of other streets in the PUD. 3. A 30' wide trail easement over the 8' bituminous trail shall be given to the City of Prior Lake at the time of final plat. 4. The park dedication for the preliminary plat will be a cash in lieu of land, the amount to be determined at the time of fmal plat. (The cash dedication amount is determined by multiplying 1.25 acres (10% of the gross acreage for the site) by $1,300.00 per acre to determine the total cash dedication for the project. The cash dedication is estimated at $1,625.00. 5. A connection should be made to Balsam Street, and the connection should include a sidewalk connection. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Adopt Resolution 96-20PC, (recommending the City Council approve the CUP for Pheasant Meadow) and Resolution 96-2IPC, (recommending the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow subject to the conditions outlined therein) as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. 2. Continue the public hearing to a date and time certain to allow the developer and/or staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. 3. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDA TION: Alternative # 1. ACTION REOUlRED: A motion to adopt the proposed Resolutions as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission. A separate motion to close each of the two public hearings. PHEASPC2.DOC RML 8 '0'\,& \.2 ;:,~t- QJqtt> PIDt 034: '. ; 1 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PER-tIT Appliomt: williams Development LLC ~e Phone: 474-0307 Address: 1535 Bavarian Shores Dr. Chanks, 51:)11 R 1f<<:>rk Phone: 441-/?44 Property o..mer: same as above Heme Phone: Address: same as above 1f<<:>rk Phone: Consultant: Project Developers, Inc. Terrv schneidei'hone: 545-0505 Mdress: 600 So. Hyw 169, st. Louis Park MN 55426 U ~~d So. of 170th st. East of Sunset Hills subdivision Proposed Conditional se n.J ress: Legal Description: see attached survev Existing Use of Property: vacant Property Acreage: 12.05 acres Present Zoning: R-l Conditional Use Being Requested: CUP for townhouses Deed Restrictions: X N:> Yes If so, please attach. Has the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit 011 th~ subject site qr any part of it: N:> X Yes Request: Previous submlss10n for 50 unlt PUU When: Dec. 95- Anr. 96 &JBMISSION RIDUIREMEN1'S: (A) Completed application form. (B) Complete legal description and parcel identification nurrber (pm). (C)Filing fee. (D)Deed restrictions, if necessary. (E) Fifteen copies of site plan drawn to scale showing existing/proposed structures. (F)Additional information as requested by the Planning Director including but not limited to: existing grades and buildings within 100 feet, drainage plan with finished grade and relationship to existing water bodies, if any, proposed floor plan with use indicated plus building elevations, landscape plan with schedule of plantings and screening, curb cuts, driveways, parking areas, walks and curbing. (G) Certified fran abstract firm the names and address of property owners within 500 feet of the existing property lines of the subject property. (H) Application and supportive data are due 20 days prior to any scheduled hearing. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN; aHUSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.5 of the Zoning Ordinance which sp:cifies the requiranents for conditional uses. I agree to provide information a.'1d follow the proced,\e5 as outlin.ed in the OrdinanCe. Appli~~igna~h~ Dat~/15/96 ~ (jJiJj;..~ 4/15/96 Fee ~ers Signature Date PI.ANNIro (J)MMISSION CITY (l){JN':IL APPROlED APPROlED DENIED DENIED mTE mTE THIS SEcrION ro BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNIN; D CDNDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date PROJECf NARRATIVE PHEASANT MEADOW CUP 4/15/96 We are proposing a conditional use permit in a R-1 district to allow for construction of 42 townhome units on 12.05 acres of property located south of 170th St. and east of Sunset Hills Addition. The property is currently vacant, and has been tilled in the past. Their are few trees actually located on the property. The resulting density for the development would be 3.2 units per gross acre. The property is currently owned in fee title by Williams Development LLC. The project has been designed to take advantage of the natural topography and the wooded park area to the south west of the site, and serve as a transition from the single family neighborhood to the west and the heavy traffic impacts of Hwy. 13 and the commercial area farther to the east. The design of the units are generally Rambler walk-out units or Split entry units with two unit structures. It is anticipated that the sewer, water and streets would be put in by the developer to city standards and dedicated to the City as public improvements. It is expected that site grading would begin as soon as weather permits in the spring of 1996 with utilities and streets being installed as soon as site grading is completed. As noted on the preliminary utility plans, we were able to accommodate the sewer service from the Balsum Street stub. We would anticipate construction of a model unit during the summer of 1996 with sales of townhomes to begin at that time. It is anticipated that the project would take approximately two years to sell out. Each townhome would be offered for sale as an individual owed unit. Their would be a townhome association formed that would own and maintain all of the common area of the site as well as the exterior of the units. The final make-up of rambler vs. split entry townhomes will depend somewhat on market demands for each type of unit. Based on our preliminary site plan the project would contain 12 Rambler walk-out units, 16 Rambler units with full basements, and 14 Split entry look-out units. It is anticipated that the rambler units would market more to the empty nester market with only two people per unit, and the split entry units marketing to both empty nesters and professional couples, with an estimated person per unit count of approximately 2.25. This would result in a total of estimated people in the project of 95. This would therefore result in 42 families, an estimated 90 and 10 children. The project has a building coverage of 1.38 acres or 11.4% of the site. The project has approximately 6.2 acres (51% of the site) of open space that is available for open air recreation and would be protected from development as part of the townhome association documents. The project has approximately 51 % of the site available as open space available to all residents. The dwelling units are sited to allow them to take advantage of the natural topography of the site and provide a significant number of the units to be orientated toward the wooded park land to the west of the site. The common open area would provide ease of access to the park area. The primary access to the site is off of 170th street an major collector street. The physical characteristics of the site (lack of any tree cover) and surrounding road impacts are greatly enhanced by the layout and grouping to the townhomes that follow the natural topography, orient themselves away from Hwy 13 and towards the east and west. During the public hearings for the PUD questions were raised as to the traffic that would be generated by a townhome type development versus a single family development. The standard daily traffic generation rate according to the Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE) for single family homes is 9.55 trips per day. For a single family development of 30 lots this would generate a traffic volume of 286 trips per day. The lTE rate for townhomes is 5.86 trips per day, which results in 246 trips per day for the 42 townhomes, 40 trips less than single family. If you factor in that the units will be marketed primarily to empty nesters, you could realistically assume that the trip generation rate could be around 80% of a normal townhome development or 199 trips per day. - . - - - .- - ---..-.--.------ - - -- -- - - U1 z I r;- _ 3: -,8-- w I ~ 0 01 ' ~ I g? 0:: I f- ~ I iii ...J \ I "" I I~ ",- '....1 ___ i- ...J 10 :J _____ I ,- I 11131' (133~lS-HIO{I'---~~:C: !~ i1':;;111 __ ' , .) _GI 'ON----L- I:,' _ _ _ ~_' - ,OVOCJ ~ )..~~ilO=<) l~ I ..".. ., I I - -J I I 1 I 1 I - ,__::- -1. 2 I "!./L~ / '~2 / :(/ ! (') / ' I / .J,' (l 'y .1 \ \ , '. /. / / /-~. 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The subject site is legally described as follows: Legal Description: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying northwesterly of State Trunk Highway No. 13, and west, south and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence East (assumed bearing) along the north line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 375.80 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on a bearing of South a distance of 200.00 feet; thence East a distance of 13.10 feet; thence South 4 degrees 52 minutes 42 seconds East to the centerline of said State Trunk Highway No. 13, and there terminating. Or more commonly described as approximately 12.5 acres of land located south of 170th Street (County Road 12), and about 100' east of the intersection of Balsam Street and Spruce Trail in Prior Lake, Minnesota. A complete copy of the CUP and Preliminary Plat applications are available for review at the Prior Lake Planning Department located at 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372. An 11 x 17" copy of the maps can be mailed to you by contacting R. Michael Leek, Acting Assistant City Planner, at 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this public hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. R. Michael Leek Acting Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, April 27 and Saturday, May 4, 1996. PHEAPN2.UOC 1 16200 ~~le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -- --- -------- - --- --._--_._.--~._._-- ------ RESOLUTION 96-20PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PHEASANT MEADOW. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS: the Pripr Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 13, 1996, to consider an application from Williams Development LLC, for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Pheasant Meadow; and WHEREAS: notice of the public hearing on said CUP has been duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issue and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the CUP of Pheasant Meadow; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission finds the Schematic PUD are consistent with the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission finds the CUP of Pheasant Meadow in harmony with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the project; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission finds the proposed CUP of Pheasant Meadow is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP of Pheasant Meadow meets the criteria for approval of CUP is contained in Section 7- 5 C 1-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it recommends the City Council approve the CUP for Pheasant Meadow subject to the following: 1. Subject to installation of Balsam Street from Pheasant Meadow Lane to the eastern terminus of Balsam Street located within the plat of Sunset Hills Addition. 2. Approve the cluster, townhome development consisting of 42 townhome units. 3. No minimum setback standard from the units to the platted lot line of all proposed lots. 4. The following zoning standards shall apply to the CUP of Pheasant Meadow: RS9620PC.DOC 16200 ~Ie Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STANDARD REQUIREMENT :j[I_;j:~:.~IIj:[:IIII[:::::I:jI[j;\1I::::::::::::::::[II:I:::::::[:[j[[[[[[:[::[::::::[::::::::::::I:::::::::::Ii_[~:.~:::\::::::::::::I:::j::I::i.;.1ijfII\I:ff:I:fiI:IIiiIIIiiI::\:i\\ .CSAH....i.2....(i.70ih...Street.....SS.;..from.Centeri"iIie..of.....Proposed......c.sA"lI.."ii.....i~5;..l~o~....C~~t~aiii~...~t Setback Setback PROPOSED PUD *The individual townhome units shall not be subject to setback requirement on the individually platted lots underlying the unit. Passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1996. YES NO KUYKENDALL CRlEGO LOFTUS WUELLNER VONHOF KUYKENDALL CRIEGO LOFTUS WUELLNER VONHOF Dick Kuykendall, Chair Planning Commission Donald Rye, Director of Planning City of Prior Lake RS9620PC.DOC CC RESOLUTION 96-21PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "PHEASANT MEADOW" SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED HEREIN. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS: the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 13, 1996, to consider an application from Williams Development LLC, for the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow; and WHEREAS: notice of the public hearing on said preliminary plat has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes and Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issues and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat according to the applicable provisions of the Prior Lake Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and found said preliminary plat to be consistent with the provisions of said ordinances; and WHEREAS: the Planning Commission finds the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow to be consistent with the Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it hereby recommends the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Pheasant Meadow subject to the following conditions: I. Approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Pheasant Meadow to allow a cluster, tovvnhome development. 2. The preliminary plat shall be amended so there is no structure, (deck), encroachment into the setback areas adjacent to the boundaries of the plat. 3. The landscape plan shall be amended to show the required irrigation system as per the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The landscape plan should be amended to add additional shrubs and ornamental trees around the entry monument, and to provide for boulevard tree plantings. 5. A Tree Preservation Plan shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Section 6.16 of the RS962IPC.DOC 16200 ~Ie Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. 6. The developer shall submit a draft of the covenants and/or agreements as a condition of preliminary plat, as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. The developer shall provide the required covenants and easements for proposed entry monuments as required by Sign Ordinance 94-6. 8. A minimum of 30' setback from the 100 Year Flood Elevation to all building pads and house locations is required. 9. A 5' wide concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along the entire length of Pheasant Meadow Lane to the end of the cul-de-sac and be connected to an 8' bituminous trail providing a pedestrian link to the west edge of the plat. 10. A 5' wide concrete sidewalk shall be located on the south side of Spruce Road which should be constructed with the installation of other streets in the PUD. 11. A 30' wide trail easement over the 8' bituminous trail shall be given to the City of Prior Lake at the time of final plat. 12. The park requirement for the subdivision will be a cash dedication in lieu ofland, the amount to be determined at the time of final plat. 13. The name "Spruce" Road shall be changed to a street name which is not currently used in the City of Prior Lake. 14. Balsam Street should be connected to Meadow Lane as indicated by the alternative shown on the preliminary plat. A sidewalk should be constructed along Balsam Street, with the specific location to be determined by City staff. 15. Dedication of 50' of right-of-way for 170th Street on CSAH 12, shall be required at the time offinal plat, to accommodate the future upgrading of this street to a two (2) lane urban design with bituminous trails. 16. Dedication of drainage and utility easements shall be required at the time of final plat, over the southeast stormwater pond and all sewer and water lines constructed outside of the dedicated right- of-way. 17. As shown on the preliminary utility plans, the sanitary sewer layout shall include an 8" sanitary sewer stub and an 8" watermain stub in Spruce Road to serve the future development to the east. 18. An 8" watermain shall be extended to the south plat line to serve possible future development to the south of Highway 13. 19. Five complete full-size and one II" x 17" set of the preliminary plat indicating all required changes identified herein, shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to submission of a final plat for the development. Said full-size plan sheets shall be at the same scale as the final plat. 1\S962IPC.OOC CC 20. The preliminary plat is valid for 12 months from the date of approval by the City Council. Failure to submit the final plat of the within the required time frame shall cause the preliminary plat to become null and void. Passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1996. YES NO KUYKENDALL CRIEGO LOFTUS VONHOF WUELLNER KUYKENDALL CRIEGO LOFTUS VONHOF WUELLNER Dick Kuykendall, Chair Prior Lake Planning Commission Donald Rye, Director of Planning City of Prior Lake RS962IPC.DOC CC . , PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING INVALIDATION OF VARIANCES R. MICHAEL LEEK, ASSOCIATE PLANNER DONALD R. RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A MAY 13, 1996 PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this item is to consider two (2) proposed amendments to the Prior Lake City Code and Zoning Ordinance 83-6. The first amendment would render all variances granted null and void after one (1) year, rather than after one year only if appealed. The second amendment would render variances granted before November 5, 1985 (the date of publication of the last revision) null and void six (6) months after publication of the proposed amendment. DISCUSSION: This issue arose in connection with concerns raised by members of the City Council regarding a variance issued in 1977 and building permit issued in March of this year for property identified as 15100 Martinson Island Road. Since the issues were first raised, the City Attorney has concluded that the subject site was and is buildable "...without necessity of a variance..." because it meets criteria contained in the Shoreland Ordinance. (Memorandum from Suesan Lea Pace, City Attorney, to City Manager and City Council) Nonetheless, the discussions about that property led to two realizations; 1) that state statute and previous Prior Lake zoning ordinances did not provide for invalidation of variances, and 2) that the amendment adopted in 1985 only invalidates variances in one year if the variance has been appealed. The proposed amendments would eliminate the language "if appealed" and would render variances granted under the previous ordinance null and void six months after adoption and publication. 96039PC.DOC 16200 ~ Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the amendments as presented. 2. Recommend the City Council approve the amendment with changes directed by the Planning Commission. 3. Recommend the City Council not approve any of the amendments ACTION REOillRED: A motion to recommend that the City Council adopt the proposed amendments as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission. A separate motion to close the public hearing is in order. 96039PC.DOC RML CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 96-XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-6-6 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 7.7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE (83-6). The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Section 5-6-6 of the Prior Lake City Code and Section 7.7 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance (83-6) are hereby amended to read as follows: 7.7 INVALIDATION: Any conditional use allowed by the City Council and/or any variance allowed by the Board of Adjustment or the City Council, if allllealed, shall become null and void one (1) year from the date either or both were granted, unless any necessary, required and/or appropriate permits have been issued by the issuing authority as required to meet any special conditions attached by the approving authority to the grant of conditional use and/or variance or to approve the spirit and intent of this ordinance. ~ van3l1CO!l vanloo before Nov~mhe1: 5. 1935. fllf lVhich ;:~;:: ~Of approppaW ~i~ hlIYe "'?t SIX (6) ~~nths of publIcatIon of this o;di~~~~ revision shall become null and void. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this _ day of , 1996. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of , 1996. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 0RD96XX.DOC/CC --- -..-- - - -~----- ._---_...~---~--_._._--- ----- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5-6 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 7.7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD RENDER VARIANCES GRANTED BEFORE THE PASSAGE OF ORD. NO. 85-10 ON OCTOBER 21, 1985, VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning COmmission will hold a public hearing at Prior lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE. (Southwest of the intersection of County Road 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday, May 13, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an amendment deleting Section 6-3-1 of the City Code and Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed amendment will render variances not previously exercised, and granted before October 21, 1985, void six months after passage of the amendment. If you wish to be heard in reference to this item, you should attend the public hearing. Oral and written comments will be considered by the Planning Commission. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Planning Department at 447-4230. Prepared this 22nd day of April 1996 by: R. Michael Leek Associate Planner City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON APRIL 27 AND MAY 4, 1996. 16200 eag?~P~~~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: Consider height variance for Cooperative Power Association Property located at the Southeast corner of Co. Rd. 42 and Timothy Avenue, legally identified as Part of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 30, Twp.115, Range 21. R. Michael Leek, Associate Planner YES ...x.... NO May 13, 1996 SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Cooperative Power Association (hereinafter Cooperative). Cooperative wishes to erect 4 steel poles with a height of 60' instead of the 35' permitted under the Zoning Ordinance. As a part of the project 2 existing poles would be replaced and 1 distribution pole, as well as the guy wires would be removed. Cooperative has also proposed substantial, additional landscaping on both the East and West sides of the property. The proposed changes are part of a larger upgrade which will result in more reliable service for customers of Cooperative, including Prior Lake residents. The overall project is described in attached Exhibit A. DISCUSSION: The subject property is about 12,000 square feet in area, and is located in the Rl- Suburban Residential Zoning District. The substation was constructed in 1985 under Building Permit No. 1985-0302. About 5,000 customers are served by this substation. The lot is substandard, measuring about 55 feet at the front, and containing about 8,200 square feet. The property is developed with a single family house with a building footprint of about 961.44 square feet. The property does not currently have a garage. The location of the proposed new poles, as well as the existing poles to be removed is illustrated on the attached site plan. The applicant has also provided a "cross-sectional" view illustrating the differences between the new and existing poles, as well as the relative height of the trees to be planted as a part of this project. As a part of its request, Cooperative proposes the installation of additional landscaping on the site. (See attached "Planting Plan") Specifically, Cooperative proposes to install 21 trees. For illustrative purposes, if this project were subject to the City's landscaping 16200 ~ggl~~fe~Is.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 4.\7-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER requirements, and based on 1 tree:40', 17 trees would be required. Minimum sizes would be 2 1/2" caliper for deciduous and 6' for coniferous. The number proposed to be planted is 4 greater than would be required, and the mix of plant materials includes some sizes which are larger than would be required under the landscape provisions of the Ordinance. The materials to be planted are according to the following schedule; type: Number: Size: Amur Maple 6 Austrian Pine 7 Black Hills Spruce 3 Imperial Honeylocust 5 8'.10' balled and burlapped 6' balled and burlapped 6' balled and burlapped 2 1/2" balled and burlapped Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. Cooperative provides an essential public service. In doing so, they are limited in making changes by the size of the site. If the Ordinance were literally enforced, the applicant would be foreclosed from making changes which would 1) increase the reliability of electric service which in turn would be of benefit to its customers, including residents of Prior Lake, and 2) reduce the visual clutter of the guy wires currently on the site, and better screen the substation. For these reasons, literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in an undue hardship to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. The small size of the site, as well as its location in an already developed portion of the community are circumstances unique to this site which severely limit the options for making changes to update service to Cooperative's customers. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. The hardship results from the application of the Ordinance to this limited site which is involved in the provision of an essential public service. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed variance observes the spirit and intent of the ordinance in that it would result in visual clutter on the site being reduced, would provide for better screening of the 9627V APC.DOC/RML 2 site from the adjacent residential and commercial uses, and would thus better integrate the site into the surrounding area. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variance( s) the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. )lECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the request for meets the Ordinance criteria, staff recommends Alternative No.1, approval. In the event that the Planning Commission approves the requested variance, the approval should be conditioned on installation of the landscaping as depicted on Planting Plan. ACTION REQlJIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9619PC approving the applicants' request for variance. 3 9627V APC.DOC/RML <: ! ,.., /'~ C<"" J? 10' /,-;.,. ~ -' ~......' CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE VA1-w7 PID*~ '13 OOIUJO '33 Applicant: Cooperative Power Association Home Phone: 937-~~a' Address: 14615 Lone Oak Roads Eden Prairie. MN ~~~44- Wbrk Phone: 949- Property Owner: Minnesota Valley Electric CooP ~ r----Home Phone: Address: 125 Minnesota Valley Electric Drive.Jordan55352Wbrk Phone: 423-2313 Type of Ownership: Fee X Contract Purchase Agreement Consultant/Contractor: Phone: Existing Use of Property: Essesential Service/Electric Substation Present Zoning:~\ Legal Description of Variance Site: Part of NEis of the NEi of Section 30. Twp. 115. Range 21(Attached) Variance Requested: Variance for heiqht 70' Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes X N:> What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe ~e ~ of ~r~ements proposed: Installation of four steel poles to serve substatlon. Two eXlstlng poles replaced & one distribution pole removed. AI I guy Wlres removed. New landscape plan to be implemented. SUBMISSION REOUIREMENl'S: , (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-higlrwater mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D) Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 n-20 '-50' showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPrED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN:; <n1MISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies r81Uiranents for variance procedures. I ~prOVide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. r:r4--;(~ APPlicants Signature Submitted this ~day of March 19-26 Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS '10 BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNIN:; DIREX:TOR PLANNING OOMMISSION CITY COmcrr. APPEAL APPIDlED APPROVID DENIED DENIED mTE OF HFARIN:; mTE OF HEARIro CONDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date , 1-------- V- - I r i /2 to' t:t ~ II- I - "1. I I 1 H\7'S'J\ ---~ --- -- --9-- --- __L.l I ' I I Ii I WZ ~~ i \ \ -.J ~ I \ a~ i i ~ ~~ i: ,.1 / u--' ", / 0.... (/) ii. II I / i I ,1 / \ I I i .s / ~_L . i \ ' / ~. / __~_ .-<4: //0;)/ il / - .__ - - ___.__1 // ]^:~~]HHDJ \1 ( --~ ~ : "'-" i ~' ! I "-" ! i i , " " " '~ ~'> o o o tn W .> <[ o >- I f- o 2: f- 111 C OJ 0 -0 -!:::QJ 0. lI1 ..J u OJ..Qc U -0 'C ,OJ OJ o 0. +' .-"- C o lI1 ~ ~~'8c OJ Q>- Gl 'v OJ +' +> c+>cd~ p .;.::; lI1 .- +' i1J Z lfI +> IfI Q. ._ ~ ~ ..Q 0 W Xi1Jx:J' LJ WZWV1Q:: ~\ t ~p l \ W --1 o CL L o I---< I- <[ l- V,) CO ~ Vi ,,0-.6t: "O-,L "O-.L > .-Y: ,,0-,09 0'- \.0 241 181 I,l C 61 '\. ~ . ~n ~~ -~ .-lr .~ :2 t ~ ~g ~7~ l ~ ~ ~ ~\ II d~ [ . ~~ ~ ~I ~ l~ ~ ~ "fl~&~ ~~~~i.J:!~ l ~ (..~ 11~~ ~. r..:. ~:t -=,... ~.~ ;F :i~ ~~ ~~. ~ +\;l\ .q- "1 ~ ~\ 3~ ~'\: ~ \ . ~i\' IJl \ ID~ .1: ~ ~IB i~ !~ . ~.~ r~ rT; !~ .(1)) - 1<) I I' / II /.L / V / If I t' / i I , , . ; I ;! / ; .'" t ~ 1r, 96-027VA Glendale - Prior Lake 69kV Transmission Line Cooperative power Association * Transmission & Environmental S~rvices ~ February 1996 ~~OPERATIVE 'W&fgWER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie. Minnesota 55344-2287 (612) 937-8599 . Mlnnesolll Valley Electrlc ~ 20425 JOHNSON MEMORIAL DRIVE P.O. BOX 125 JORDAN. MN 55352 Project Need The majority of the line that Cooperative Power Association (CP A) will constrUct will be built using single shaft wood poles as shown on the drawing. However, steel poles will be used at the Prior Lake substation and to turn the comer at the northwest quadrant Highway 13 and County Road #42. As a result of the project.. MVEC will place several lines of distribution underground to minimize visual impacts. Overhead distribution as an underbuild on the proposed 69kV line is expected to be placed along Highway 13. north of the intersection. Fewer poles will be placed along Highway 13 than the existing overhead distribution circuit. Average spans will range from 250 to 300 feet. Average height of the poles is 65 - 70 feet. This Project provides a second source of power to Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative's (MVEC) Prior Lake Substation. The substation serves not only existing loads but also new loads recently established. New growth is expected to continue to place greater need for reliable power. The second circuit is needed to provide adequate and reliable power to the growing areas served. Route To provide a reliable second source of power for the Prior Lake Substation. The route was studied by the Co- ops and NSP. After initial review. the route was discussed with the municipal planning staffs. The landowners were also notified of the plan to provide any input on the proposed route. Alternatives were limited once the decision was made to start from the Glendale Substation located at the intersection of 138th Street and Dakota Avenue. Project Goal The Line For electrical purposes. the route begins at CPA's Glendale Substation. From the substation, the project double circuits NSP's 115kV tranSmission line for approximately 1.2 miles. affecting 8 NSP poles. NSP will convert their H-frame poles to a single steel pole, with double circuit davit ann construction. fypical CPA Structure Along State Highway 13 showing distribution underbuild. PROJECT ~IAP & SCHEDULE ON BACK PAGE EF EXHIBIT A PROJECT AMP ....... .......C'o~ -...;~ ....... F .A.U.Y · rACt; . o CPA Phase I ~ CPA Phase II . ~ 29 !" <5 . .. ~ > Substations NSP Reconstruction 27 · Phase I Construction: NSP Reconstruction & CP.:4/1VSP Tap Transmission Polesfrom Tap to County Road #42. Phase II Construction 1997: Countv .- Road #42 into Prior Lake Substation Easements No easements are expected to be obtained from residential home owners. NSP' s reconstruction will occur in existing right- of-way. Cooperative Power will use public right-of-way for placement of the poles, and obtain maintenance and tree trimming easements for their 1.2 miles. While the 1.2 miles is currently undeveloped, CPA has considered the probable development alternatives for the properties. 1996/7 PROJECT SCHEDULE Design l~farch 1996 NSP Reconstruction April 1996 Municipal Approvals iWarch 1996 Start Construction Phase I August 1996 Phase II Completion April 1997 May 1997 IfYOll have all}' questions contact: Kevin Maas Land Use Manager Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, !v1innesota 55344-2287 ( 612)949-8287 ~ u Q) . o H ~ ~ 0\ \0 ~ o rJJ ~ .~ ~ Q) ~ Q) ~ ..... = QJ ~6 ;.= ~ b() ..-4 . 0 = = ~....-4 0 · ,.... ,..-.4 ~ OJ .,...c..... ~ . .-4;> rJ'J rI:J · .-4 - ~ Q) rIJ · 0 ~'.- ..' \J1I · .-4 "- 'WI . ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ <.. 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Q.) 0 t) N Q.) .. \.4-ol rJ) \.4-ol Q.) ~ bO cd rJ) ~ H :::i 8 0 o H ~ Q.) rJ) bO :::i ~ U 0 ...-J g ~ ~ q-; --,LO~ ~ H :::i Q.) ~ Q.) rJ) H ~ > Q) 0 :Jo~~ rJ) I I c:t\ ~ .r/'J ~ ~ OJ y ~ o CIJ ~ o ...-4 ! r./'j . :r./'j ...-4 OJ a ~ r./'j r./'j = 0 .~ ~ ~ ~ b()~ = 0 .,.... r./'j ~ OJ . ,.... .....-4 )( . ,.... ~ a . ~ r- N o .J:; 0\ -, ~L- ~ i I i'- ~~ j ~J ~ I lJ i I: u :1 , . I . .' 'I' tti' -1: R~- 11 ! ! ~ I ' -II! L_-1. ,/ I I I -, " ~__'h.~ _,.' ~ j,~ I ~ '.. 'i . ~ : . -~ ~ NOTICE OF HEARING FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 5.1 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF POLES TO SERVE AN ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION, SAID POLES TO HAVE A HEIGHT OF 70 FEET INSTEAD OF THE PERMITTED 35 FEET ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE BI-LIMITED BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT. You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection ofC.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, April 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: Cooperative Power Association 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-2287 SUBJECT SITE: Part of the NE 1/4, of the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Twp. 115, Range 21. REQUEST: The applicant proposes the installation of 4 poles; 2 existing poles are to be replaced and 1 existing pole and all "guy wires" are to be removed. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 16200 ~~~~~. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: April 8, 1996. 96027PN.DOCIRML 2 - -- - --- --------- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - RESOLUTION 96-19PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 25 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF 4 POLES HAVING A HEIGHT OF 60 FEET INSTEAD OF THE PERMITTED 35 FEET AT THE SUBSTATION LOCATED ON PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PART OF THE NE 11/4, OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TWP. 115, RANGE 21, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Cooperative Power Association has applied for a variance from Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the erection of 4 poles with a height of 60 feet at its substation located at the intersection of Timothy Avenue and Co. Rd. 42, in the RI-Suburban Residential at the following location, to wit; THE NE 11/4, OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TWP. 115, RANGE 21, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-027V A and held a hearing thereon on May 13, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variances will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the subject property are unique to such property, and do not generally apply to other land in the district in which such land is located. Among the conditions applying to the subject property, 1) that it 16200 ~8gt~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - - - - - -- -- --- - - - - - is used for the provision of an essential public service, 2) the site is relatively small, thus limiting placement of the proposed poles. 6. The granting of the variances is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-027 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. Pursuant to Section 5-6-8 of the Ordinance Code the variance will be deemed to be abandoned, and thus will be null and void one (1) year from the date of approval if the holder of the variance has failed to obtain any necessary, required or appropriate permits for the completion of contemplated improvements. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby grants and approves the following variances; A 25 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF 4 POLES HA VING A HEIGHT OF 60 FEET INSTEAD OF THE PERMITTED 35 FEET. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on May 13, 1996. Richard Kuykendall, Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 9619PC.DOCIRML 2 lLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4.D '~. "ackSon rail R. Michael Leek, Associate Planner YES ..x. NO t...... INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Robert W. Ostdiek. Mr. Ostdiek wishes to build a 32'x 56'(1,792 square foot) pole building for the storage of personal property, such as collector cars. The proposed building would be located 74.68' from the East property line and 147.62' from the front property line. DISCUSSION: The subject property is zoned RI-Suburban Residential. The property is in the plat of Titus 2nd Addition, which was approved by the Prior Lake City Council in 1974. The house and attached garage on the subject site were constructed in 1976. Section 4-7-4 of the Prior Lake City Code regulates "pole buildings". Specifically, such buildings are permitted only in the AI-Agricultural and CI-Conservation zoning 4istricts unless specifically approved by the City Council in cases where the proposed use is compatible with that type of structure, and when a pole building would not be offensive to other property owners or persons within the City. Because the use of a pole building can only be approved by the City Council, the Commission's role in this variance is to make a recommendation to the Council as to whether or not a pole building should be allowed, as opposed to actually granting the variance. The maximum size of detached, accessory structures in the RI zoning district is limited to 832 square feet by Section 6.2(A)3 of the Zoning Ordinance. In 1994, a number of variances were granted to permit the construction of a 3,500 square foot pole building on the property identified as 13151 Pike Lake Trail. (Case No. 1994-0032). At the time this report was written the file was being microfilmed, and thus could not be.reviewed. However, conversations with the Building Official indicated that the variance was granted on the condition that the building be used only for hay storage in connection with an active farming operation. The use of such a building for agricultural purposes can be distinguished from its use for the storage of personal property. 16200 1!8~~~Is.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The subject property is anomalous in that it is in the RI-Suburban Residential zoning district, which is designed for urban-style, sewered residential development. However, the 2010 Land Use Plan assumes that this area will remain unsewered, thus limiting development potential. Thus, while the area is likely to remain rural residentiaVagricultural in character, its use is limited by regulations intended for smaller lot residential development. For these reasons, the Commission may want to consider whether a zoning change of some sort would be appropriate for this area of the City, and may want to recommend to the Council that it consider such a change. Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criterion goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. It also goes to whether the applicant has legal alternatives to accomplish the intended purpose without the requested variance. In past decisions, the Commission has concluded that a component of reasonable residential use is the provision of2 covered (i.e. garage) parking spaces. The subject property does currently have a garage. In addition, the applicant doe have a legal, if not as desirable, alternative available without the requested variances. Specifically, the applicant could construct up to an 832 square foot detached garage for the storage of additional personal property. For these reasons, there would not be undue hardship with respect to the property if the Ordinance were literally enforced. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Because staffhas concluded that there would be no undue hardship with respect to the property, this criterion is de facto not met. Mr. Ostdiek's request is in part based on the contention that the property is unique because of its size and its character, and the character of the surrounding area. Staffhas concluded that because reasonable use is available, this argument is not compelling. However, as stated above, it is an anomalous situation that the Commission may wish to address independently of this request. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. To the extent there is a perceived hardship, it relates specifically to choices made by the applicant in acquiring property requiring storage. It is not a result of the application of the provisions of the Ordinance to the subject property. 9630V APC.DOC/RML 2 - __ - - - __ _________ __ __ __ __ _n __ _ -- - 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed use of the building does not appear to be the type of use contemplated under Section 4-7-4 of the City Code. In this respect, the request to permit a pole building does not appear consistent with the spirit and intent of the Ordinance. Similarly, because the proposed use is for the storage of personal property, as opposed for example for agricultural use, the area variance would be inconsistent with the provisions in Section 6.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the building area variance requested by the applicant, and recommend approval of the variance to permit a pole building in the Rl zoning district. 2. Approve a building area variance as requested or as modified by the Commission, but recommend denial of the variance to permit a pole building in the Rl zoning district. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the request for building area variance and recommend denial of the variance to permit a pole building in the Rl zoning district because the Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the request does not meet the Ordinance criteria, staff recommends Alternative No.4, denial of the request. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9617PC recommending denial of the request to permit construction of a pole building in the R I-Suburban Residential zoning district, and Resolution 9618PC denying the request for a variance to permit a detached accessory structure with an area of 1,792 square feet. 3 9630V APC.DOC/RML CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ~licant: ~i,,:{ tJ. pS~ofe4 Address: l( 0 - t' I: ~o 'J- S h,;,.. [4 k~ Property Owner: % 11'1 'C- Address: .s ~ f'" ~ Type of Ownership: Fee Consul tant/Contractor:. VA~-030 PID# ~y - orr '" / 1-0 Hane Phone: 5$"37"- Work Phone: Home Phone: Work Phone: Purchase Agreanent Phone: lftf~ -(/1~~ 1ft! s-- '2l ~ 7 Contract Existing Use tJ 1.1 I of Property: 11 es / ~efllj;f Legal Description cI of Variance Site: LtJ f II tJ(1l I;) Variance Requested: tA <;~ Present Zoning: I'M~oI4. Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, use peIIIlit on the subject site or any part of it? What was requested: When: Disposition: Po/~ 8t.(/1~'AJ' / obtain a variance or conditional Yes ~ NJ B tA ,./d,'". c, ../ . -;/2~ ?iX~6 4/ SOBMISSION REOUIREMEm'S: (A)Completed application foon. (B) Filing fee. (C)Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proJ;X)sed building elevations and drainage plan. (D>Certified fran abstract fim, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (pm). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 "-20 '-50 I showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLIOlTIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN:i moo:SSION. To the best of ~ knowledge the infoonation presented on this foon is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies rEqUiranents for variance procedures. I agree ~ infOtmat:i~r/ follow the procedures as outlined in the OIdinance. . W. OJ;;1;{.wt (~M FEe. ~7 .1J J -N1- APPlicants Signature O"V'NetZ-) Submitted this~day of 111~h..I1 19.:L'P Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS '10 BE FILLED our BY THE P!.A.NNIN:; DIREcr'OR PLANNING CDMMISSION CITY COtThx:n. APPEAL <DNDITIONS: APPRGVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DM'E OF HFARIN; DM'E OF HFARm:; Signature of the Planning Director Date ..-l - <t a:: I- "1 ~ ~ ~ '" \1) ~ w -cno 5"0 ::c. (Dc) ~;I' <t 0'" ..-l z -.l Iq ). ~ It} w ~ a.. 96- 30VA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY N 89059'52"E 352.00 ""/' ~~- --~~' (9Z.0'-)./ ,'\ \ ~f<Sl 'i:'-~~ 0 5'0 "'.. 0.0 ""i-....o '" OtO .. (l'I eo> ~, \I> ..." ~ (88.Zr) rZ.I/ . -I f-_u^>- 'c . tl-L ~~^..~''C ~ (91.91) - --+II) ~:"g~".J' ~ . r~/'. J:.V $.'1.~ ~ rt.OM. <) I Q j ~ ~I ,q,"PO.sED Our [.~.6[J I q III III BUfLDI}lq- 7'f"H ! ~ r I (,,~) ... i r!,"-~'l? ~! II I \~ t / / I I : fj / Y -rlf"lItl5~"rft"'I!R ".. I;I~ I' 10 lor "I" pt:(OP1!qy w.... _ l:!q.8"! I' ~~9.19 / I S89021'31"W '-0 \ 8'71.1;;:',.,'17''-'' T R A I L :<. (99.0~) . 9tS Z' .(95: 3) I I -!}. ~ .. '" ~__ _ -E~;:l'<l~.y.e .. '" DDO~ SILl. /9Z. /11) ~9'?3~) ~/.1' ~ c,ve~""" I ~ ""~~~:UJK~: q-AR. / ., ~ 85.41 ., I .101.7;- (;qa %t- ,0..." SUL 6'''.<. t:i.. ..I l~ ~ I I I I I . '-.-"'99.~L- JACKSON I NOTE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot" II .,nd 12. Block l. .TITUS 2NO ^OOrTION. acc~~d\ng to the ~ecorded plat ther~of, :;cott (:n'lnty, "1innesota. H'1.OHG "ON ~HT ANa ID€NTll'ICAnoH DISC IACTUA~ SIZEI SET AT A~~ OOIHTS IHOICATED. MINH. A€G. LAND SURVEYOR .- 7095 0 Denotes Iron monument set"_ , see note . Oenoteg j ron monument found (9VJ1) nenot~s exLsting elevation [93 $] nenntes proposed elevation ~ -N ~ BENCHr4,\RK IN FEET I /6fJ SCALE I 11 'Z# ~fJ Top of ."'1'?11 r.r'p lor.at':p.d hrtw,~~n thf? Qxi~tina dw~l I jnq Anrl .J~~k~on 'rrail. EJ~va~l~n lQQ.OO'as"um~rl d~tum BOERHAVE LAND SURVEYING, INC. r hereby ceTtify th~t this survey, plan or report w~s pTepared by me or under my direct supervision and th;at t ;am a duly Re~istered Land Surveyor under he laws of the State of MinneAota. / .. ./:.' ~ "" ~ '.v. .J e~ lioerl1ave RI.S D"te , 'AI<CH 14; /906 R"l!. !'In. 70'15 1(24) Miroka Circle N.E. Prior Laice'. Minnnolll SSJ12 ~12''''''5.9IS' NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES; 1. A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 4-7-4 OF THE CITY CODE TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A POLE BUILDING IN THE RI-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; 2. A VARIANCE TO PERMIT A DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE WITH AN AREA OF 1,792 SQUARE FEET INSTEAD OF THE MAXIMUM 832 SQUARE FEET PERMITTED UNDER SECTION 6.2(a)3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection ofC.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, April 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: Robert W. Ostdiek 4510 Jackson Trail NE. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Titus 2nd Addition, Scott County, Minnesota, also known as 4510 Jackson Trail NE. REQUEST: The applicant proposes the construction of a 32' x 56' pole building for the storage of personal property, such as collector vehicles. The proposed building would be located as shown on the attached survey copy. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 9630PN.OOC I 16200 ~ Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: April 11, 1996 2 9630PN.DOC RML RESOLUTION 9617PC A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A REQUEST BY ROBERT W. OSTDIEK TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A POLE BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4510 JACKSON TRAIL NE. IN THE RI-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Robert W. Ostdiek has applied for a variance from Section 4-7-4 of the Prior Lake City Code to permit the construction of 1,792 square foot pole building for the storage of personal property on property located in the RI-Suburban Residential zoning district at the following location, to wit; Lots 11 and 12, Block I, TITUS 2ND ADDITION, Scott County Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-030V A and held a hearing thereon on April 22, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The request does not meet the Ordinance criteria, in that reasonable use of the property can be obtained if the Ordinance is literally applied, and legal alternatives exist for placing a detached, accessory building on the property. 5. The granting of the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance would serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-030V A are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case 16200 ~~gl~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245fAN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby recommends denial of the requested variance to permit a pole building in the RI-Suburban Residential zoning district. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 1996. Richard Kuykendall, Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 2 96 1 7PC.OOC/RML RESOLUTION 9618PC A RESOLUTION DENYING A REQUEST BY ROBERT W. OSTDIEK TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 1,792 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4510 JACKSON TRAIL NE. IN THE RI-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Robert W. Ostdiek has applied for a variance from Section 6.2 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of 1,792 square foot accessory building for the storage of personal property on property located in the Rl- Suburban Residential zoning district at the following location, to wit; Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, TITUS 2ND ADDITION, Scott County Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-030V A and held a hearing thereon on April 22, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The request does not meet the Ordinance criteria, in that reasonable use of the property can be obtained if the Ordinance is literally applied, and legal alternatives exist for placing a detached, accessory building on the property. 5. The granting of the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance would serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-030V A are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case 16200 ~8~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the requested variance to permit a 1,792 square foot accessory building in the Rl-Suburban Residential zoning district. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 1996. Richard Kuykendall, Chair ATIEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 2 9618PC.DOCJRML fLANNING REPORt AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4.E SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 3842 PERSHING ST. SW R. MICHAEL LEEK, CITY PLANNER ..... NO INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Andrew and Renee Siebenaler. The Siebenalers wish to construct an attached 2-car garage with living area above it. The proposed garage would measure 20' x 24', and would result in a front yard setback of 19.49 feet instead of the required 25 feet. DISCUSSION: The subject property is zoned Rl-Suburban Residential and is located in the SD- Shoreland District. The subject property was platted as a part of GREEN HEIGHTS in 1927, several decades before this area was annexed by the City of Prior Lake. The lot is substandard, measuring about 55 feet at the front, and containing about 8,200 square feet. The property is developed with a single family house with a building footprint of about 961.44 square feet. The property does not currently have a garage. The proposed garage and living addition would meet the required side yard setbacks, and the resulting impervious surface coverage would be below the 30% limit on coverage. The survey submitted with this application does not show the impervious surface calculation. If the variance is approved, the survey submitted with the building permit application should have been revised to show the percentage of impervious surface coverage. The existing side yard setbacks measure about 13 feet on sides. This is too narrow to permit a reasonably sized driveway which meets the 5 foot setback requirement for driveways, thus restricting use of the rear yard area for a garage. In addition, location of a garage in the rear yard would result in a longer driveway, and thus increased impervious surface coverage. 16200 J:!8~I~~S3(~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. It also goes to whether the applicant has legal alternatives to accomplish to the requested variance. In past decisions, the Commission has concluded that a component of reasonable residential use is the provision of2 covered (i.e. garage) parking spaces. The subject property does not currently have a garage, and their is no alternative available to the applicants which would not require a variance. For these reasons, this criterion is met. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. The hardship results from the narrowness of the lot, and the placement of the house (constructed in 1977) on the lot. This in turn results from the time period during which the lot was platted under a different jurisdiction. These circumstances are unique to the subject property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. The inability to construct a garage on the subject property without a variance is the result of the application of the Ordinance requirements, and is not the result of any actions of the applicants. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The structure resulting from the addition proposed by the applicants would be similar in scale to other houses in the neighborhood, and would have a front yard setback also in keeping with other houses in the neighborhood. Thus, granting the variance would observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. 9631 V APC.DOC/CC 2 RECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the request for meets the Ordinance criteria, staff recommends Alternative No.1, approval. ACTION REQillRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9614PC approving the applicants' request for variance. 3 9631VAPC.DOC/CC _ -- -- ...-- -- - - -..-- - --- --- --- -.-- -- - 'C'Applicant: Address: Property o..mer: Address: Type of cwnership: Fee Consultant/Contractor: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLI<M'ION FOR VARIANCE VA%-03} PID# 2.5- 1'")94 -r;~-o L Home Phone: 44tJ-/ S"Ah Work Phone: ~. A~~, Home Phone:= . ,-if:;j?, Work Phone: Purchase Agreement Phone: Existing Use (J of Property: ~~~~,~ Present Zoning: (t-I~O Legal Description~ /J I I I:. I . of ~ariance Site: 1lo qrcth ~",f!A9nrs Vanance Request~:~ -;;;;;:;:~ ; . 5'11:. u ;t Lf-t.-d. T _ULVU_~AAA.L/ Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use pennit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes >\ N:l What was requested: When: Disposition: Descr~e '~fiM6i~,rj;'"h2i]}lrop;lSed:~LJf u?r,}f, LAJ~ 111 <if':tN SDBMISSION REOUIREMENrS: (A)Completed application fonn. (B)Piling fee. (C) Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-higlr-water mark; pro{XJsed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract finn, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the a~erior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or privat~ covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at P-20'-SO' showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPI'ED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN:i <D1MISSION. To the best of my knowledge the infonnation presented on this fonn is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree t provide. 0 tion and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. ... Submitted this lday of ~\'- 19cty THIS SPACE IS ro BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNIN:; DlREcr'OR PLANNING CDMMISSION CITY comOL APPEAL <DNDmONS: APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED J::lM'E OF HFARIN:i J::lM'E OF HE'ARnt; Signature of the Planning Director Date ~ ~. ('fj o I \C) 0\ _-..-.-:::J t I =.B--~ ',~J II I ~:h ~ , ,~ herre' l I ' ~~~~ . ~~q, \i~.;tM ~~ v. ~~~~:1 rc,:h'~~;i s w I f--+--. ' 1 ir~""\, > " ,"He}'>, , 'k '1~ ~~:J~:iJI ~,f , \ I I r---t- ',':,__ \ ~.it['.;cZ , ~ tJ L ill ~ i, / ~ Ii. \; ~\ i,{. ~~~~._.."._~~ ) i \. ~ H- I .'~~ ~ I " \ r : ; I&~ (~-"1 'Ii, , .. I I \ \ I .r I [Z) f' .i. 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T' ~iil{- Ii I -=: 5 I~. ~' U l , , , ! - I i I i ~ \ / In ~ RESOLUTION 9614PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 5.51 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 19.49 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED, 2-CAR GARAGE WITH ADDITIONAL LIVING AREA ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3842 PERSHING STREET SW., LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 36, GREEN HEIGHTS, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS I. Andrew and Renee Siebenaler have applied for a variance from Sections 4 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of an attached, 2-car garage with additional living area on property located in the RI-Suburban Residential and SD-Shoreland Districts at the following location, to wit; 3842 Pershing St. SW., legally described as Lot 36, GREEN HEIGHTS, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-031 VA and held a hearing thereon on April 22, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 16200~. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - -- --------- - -- - - - - 5. The special conditions applying to the subject property are unique to such property, and do not generally apply to other land in the district in which such land is located. Among the conditions applying to the subject property which the Board of Adjustment relied upon are; 1) its small size, 2) its narrowness. 6. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicants, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-031 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. Pursuant to Section 5-6-8 of the Ordinance Code the variance will be deemed to be abandoned, and thus will be null and void one (1) year from the date of approval if the holder of the variance has failed to obtain any necessary, required or appropriate permits for the completion of contemplated improvements. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby grants and approves the following variance; 1. A 5.51 foot variance to permit a front yard setback of 19.49 feet instead of the required 25 feet. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 1996. Richard Kuykendall, Chair A TIEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 2 9614PC.DOCJRML NOTICE OF HEARING FOR A 5.51 FOOT VARIANCE FROM SECTION 4 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 19.41 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED GARAGE AND LIVING AREA ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE RI-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL AND SD- SHORELAND ZONING DISTRICTS You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection ofC.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, April 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: Andrew and Renee Siebenaler 3842 Pershing St. SW Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: 3842 Pershing St. SW, legally described as Lot 36, GREEN HEIGHTS, Scott County, Minnesota. REQUEST: The applicants propose the construction of an attached 2-car garage with living area on the second level. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 16200 l!8~~~~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ------------- - between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: April 8, 1996. 2 96031PN.DOCJRML ------------------------------------------ P AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4.F Consider variance for Michael Leitchman 3044 Spring Lake Rd./Co. Rd. 12 R. Michael Leek, City Planner YES .-X.. NO April 22, 1996 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Michael Leitchman. Mr. Leitchman wishes to construct a single-family house with attached 2-car garage on the subject site. The proposed structure would have a front yard setback of 60 feet instead of the required 85 feet from the centerline of Co. Rd. 12, and a rear yard setback of 11 feet instead of the required 25 feet. The proposed impervious surface coverage is 18.4%, less than the permitted 30%. Thus a variance is not requested for coverage. DISCUSSION: The subject property is zoned Rl-Suburban Residential and is located in the SD- Shoreland District. The subject property was is located in the original plat of Spring Lake Village. As can be seen from the attached survey, literal application of the Zoning Ordinance requirements would result in a very limited building area; about 23' at its widest point. The proposed house itself has a "footprint" of about 1,040 square feet. The applicant has evaluated other locations for the proposed house, most notably flipping the plan so that the garage and driveway would be closer to the East property line. However, the County has indicated to the applicant that the proposed driveway location is preferred because it provides the optimum line of sight. As can be seen from the survey, the proposed front yard setback is consistent with the setback of the existing house to the East. The proposed house location would also maintain substantial separation from that house. Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. It also goes to whether the applicant has legal alternatives to 16200 ~~~I8.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER accomplish to the requested variance. Particularly because of the manner in which Co. Rd. 12 (which has a greater setback requirement than a local street) wraps around the subject site, literal enforcement of the setback requirements result in an essentially unusable buildable area, and thus an undue hardship. For this reason this criterion is met. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. The hardship results directly from the application of the Ordinance requirements to this lot, which is a part of a plat which pre-existed the requirements. These circumstances are unique to the subject property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. The inability to use the subject property without a variance is the result of the application of the Ordinance requirements, and is not the result of any actions of the applicants. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The structure resulting from the addition proposed by the applicants would be similar in scale to other houses in the neighborhood, and would have a front yard setback also in keeping with other houses in the neighborhood. Thus, granting the variance would observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: I. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the request for meets the Ordinance criteria, staff recommends Alternative No.1, approval. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9619PC approving the applicant's request for variance. 9632V APC.DOCIRML 2 VA qh - D51, pm# .;J-f -/:j 3 C'IS- 0 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~,~ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE 't.pplicant: ~.~ Home Phone:j-.3~7-(n-Q-Jo~ Address: " ~ "JV~ ~ 11!.1 /J~ Work Phone: Property ONner: ~r. Home Phone: Address: .=l044' 1 ({)fVI .sf, Work Phone: Type of ONnership: Fee ~/ ~ntract Purchase Agreement Consultant/Contractor: 'J?1)~ ~-.d;/V2.. Phone: ~'lJ- 0 ~ 9 '6 Existing Use of Property: ~ Present Zoning: ~I Legal Description of ':'ariance Site: ~ ? .. ~ 7! ~ ~:3 ~ t:;;t ~ 'V~ Var~ance Requested: _~u.J ~ c;;~_"'" ~ + - - -'---- Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, use peonit on the subject site or any part of it? What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of improvements proposed: ~11 j----rnj.lo ~~ ~ /~~ tJ~ d SUBMISSION REOUIREMENI'S: (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D>Certified from abstract fim, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the a~erior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification NUmber (pm). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel nap at P-20 '-50' showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. obtain a variance or conditional Yes )( ~ ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPrED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN; <n1MISSION. To the best of my knowledge the infoonation presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirenents for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. m~ r?~ Applicants Signature ~~~ Fee GWners Signature SUbmitted this Lday of ~ 192.t. THIS SPACE IS 10 BE FILLID OUT BY THE ~ DIRECTOR t:lA1'E OF HFARIN; t:lA1'E OF HFARIN:; PLANNING COMMISSION CITY comOL APPEAL <DNDmONS: APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED Signature of the Planning Director Date SURVEY PREPARED FOR: MIKE PETERS 4048 134TH CIRCLE SAVAGE, MN 55378 '" ~ gol, " '" :0 "", "~ -'0..., ~j) " ,</ """// '-, '-. ~ o I SCALE 20 / / / / /< (:. / " ,..-:,(!~ ~. "? . \>.. .\ " ". "-. f)1'~C;CRIPTION </ Valley Surveying CO.. P A. SUITE 120-C, 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL FRANKLIN TRAIL OFFICE CONDOMINIUM PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 TELEPHONE (612) 447 _ 2570 ~o-v.:)L. VI-\. // / / / L-__ / , ,... (( v N89044'08"E --66 82 .__ Hull l"L <).15.15 MlIb €'l 918 61 ?16, I o. ;;. ('~ .." .--"'1.3)... _._' ","_ ..IS.OO.. :3/ ell 9.15.4 ~ I: (/tV r--~--r'" 81" I -~I" I - ..--.- J .. - ----r ro" il@~ ./ ~s 0 I I ""o~osro I ~ 'le . _ ..J ~ HOun r '~ ~'-_ I @,i..1 . I tIf (J4".Gr J, :;: '" r~ - 92'.. : GE:D ;\ -!1.2!._ l ~ : \ ~ "'0 \ ,0 \..!!!..~..J : ~ 1 ;: - - - - - - - - -... _ _ _ ~. Hull rL - -- 48 )] _.. _.11 918.30 . ..'..7-.. '8.0 /-- :'.~ ,0 0. -"""0' / ,~!" ..CJ q'- 0" s\ ,,; ~o; ~~ 0. 1,. ..,'" ~ ~ 1,' /,0) .. <- ~ .. ... ..... .. :IU i C7I e-N O. o Q. 0 ,.. ~ "':onO --0 '7-~ I '.ISTING HOlIS . /' orew --- ~o , I .... -1'.00__ WZ.J -~., - 7" R4V ---+---- "___ ELEO 92~." J .... ----- -------- [,ot 6. Block 33. Spt'ing ['ake Village, Scott County. -_ location of the pC'opoeed house as staked this 12th ~ot 7, and the west half of Minnesota. AI "0 sh""ing the day of March, 1996. NOT~~' BenchmaC'k gl. 926.G2 top of the NbC'thwesteC'ly setback hub. 924.2 Denotes exi"ting gC'ade elevation . ~ Denotes pC'oposed finished gC'ade elevations Denotes pC'oposed direction of finished suC'face drainag.. Set the proposed gaC'age slab at elevatio 926.37 Set the proposed top block at elevatio 927.00 IN 40 I FEET o Oenf1fn 1/2 inch . 'of inch .,.on montItMnt s.t and morlted by Llc.n.. No /0/83 . Denot" "on ,"O"umwwt found ~ a.notes p f( NtJrl"~' The l""..st flocC' elevation 'Jill be 923.96 ~ot Area = 12,160 sq. ft. N"t impeC'vious coveC' = 18.4% 'h....1Jy C_f,IItrtt"......,__ by I'M or under "., ~ ...-vi.,.. tJrrtI tltet f om a duly fie.,.," Land S..,.,. under ~ ~O, ".. Sta.. oIIIt12 ~,,~~ ....~ ..-I Oat. .;3 -/7 - ..,. Lic.n.. Na. 10183 FILE No. 3765 800K 213 "'AGE~ ..----..-------..-.- CORRECTED NOTICE OF HEARING FOR A REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES; 1 15 FOOT FRONT YARD VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD 12 OF 60 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FEET; 2 14 FOOT REAR YARD VARIANCE TO PERMIT A SETBACK OF 11 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET; FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE WITH ATTACHED GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE R1-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL AND SD-SHORELAND DISTRICTS You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, April 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: Michael Leitchman 664 Crazy Woman Canyon Road Buffalo, Wyoming 82834 SUBJECT SITE: Lot 7 and the West 1/2 of Lot 6, Block 33, Spring Lake Village, Scott County, Minnesota, as shown on the attached survey copy. REQUEST: The applicant proposes the construction of a single-family house with 2-car attached garage. The proposed structure would result in a front yard setback of 60 feet instead of the required 85 feet, and a rear yard setback of 11 feet instead of the required 25 feet. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property . 16200 ~8~~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: April 11, 1996. 96030PN2.OOCIRML 2 RESOLUTION 9614PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 25 FOOT V ARlANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 60 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD 12, AND A 14 FOOT V ARlANCE TO PERMIT A REAR YARD SETBACK OF 11 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQillRED 25 FEET, TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE F AMIL Y HOUSE WITH ATTACHED, 2-CAR GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3044 SPRING LAKE ROAD, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 7, AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 6, SPRING LAKE VILLAGE, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Michael Leitchrnan has applied for variances from Sections 4 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a single family house with an attached, 2-car garage on property located in the RI-Suburban Residential and SD-Shoreland Districts at the following location, to wit; 3044 Spring Lake Road, legally described as Lot 7 and the West half of Lot 6, SPRING LAKE VILLAGE, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-032V A and held a hearing thereon on April 22, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variances will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 16200 ~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI1Y EMPLOYER 5. The special conditions applying to the subject property are unique to such property, and do not generally apply to other land in the district in which such land is located. Among the conditions applying to the subject property which the Board of Adjustment relied upon are the severe impact of the setback from Spring Lake Road/Co. Rd. 12 on the available buildable area. 6. The granting of the variances is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variances will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-032 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. Pursuant to Section 5-6-8 of the Ordinance Code the variance will be deemed to be abandoned, and thus will be null and void one (1) year from the date of approval if the holder of the variance has failed to obtain any necessary, required or appropriate permits for the completion of contemplated improvements. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby grants and approves the following variances; 1. A 25 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 60 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD 12, 2. AND A 14 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A REAR YARD SETBACK OF 11 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET 3. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 1996. ATTEST: Richard Kuykendall, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 9613PC.DOCIR.ML 2 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: Consider a lakeshore setback for Thomas A. Mansk Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 97, Scott County, Minnesota, also known as 14840 Oakland Beach Avenue R Michael Leek, Associate Planner YES l NO lVIay 13, 1996 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Thomas A. Mansk. Mr. Mansk proposes the removal of a portion of the house which has a current lakeshore setback of about 37 feet, and the construction of a 7' x 14' addition which would have a lakeshore setback of 40 feet. He also proposes the construction of a 32' x 22' garage which would also have a lakeshore setback of 40 feet. DISCUSSION: The subject site has 10,000 square feet oflot area above the OHW of 904. It is wide but shallow, having an average depth of about 100 feet. Thus, if the front and lakeshore setbacks were strictly applied to this site, there would essentially be no buildable area. The site also slopes quite sharply from about the front third of the house to the shoreline, further limiting the usability of the site. The existing house on the subject site was constructed in 1984. It has about an 840 square foot "footprint." As currently configured there is a small gravel drive area which appears to accommodate 1 vehicle off-street, rather than the 2 spaces which would be required under the present Zoning Ordinance. The proposed garage would meet the front and side yard setback requirements for this district. It should be noted that if the garage and driveway are eventually constructed the driveway opening would be limited to 24' rather than the 28' currently shown on the survey. The southeastern corner of the house has about a .7' setback from the property line. The proposed 7' x 14' addition would increase the lakeshore setback of the house and comply with the side yard setback. With the proposed garage and addition, the impervious surface coverage on the site would be 24.6%. 9603SPC.OOC/R.'vlL 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. The site does not currently provide off-street parking for 2 vehicles. Such parking could be provided without a variance, so the cogent question is whether the garage is necessary to insure that this applicant has reasonable use of his property or not. Similarly, the question with respect to the addition is whether reasonable residential use exists without the addition. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. The application of setback requirements which leaves no legal, buildable area, and the steep slope of the property are circumstances unique to the subject site. To the extent that a hardship exists it is the result of these circumstances. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. Any hardship which exists is the result of the circumstances of this site and the application of the Ordinance to it, and does not result from the actions of the present property owner. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed variance observes the spirit and intent of the ordinance in that it would increase the closest distance between the OHW and any structure on the site, and, to some extent, would improve the setback on the east side of the house. Moreover it would still result in a property with impervious surface coverage less than the maximum permitted in the Shoreland Ordinance. It would also result in off-street parking, required under the current Ordinance, but not currently provided for on the site. ALTERNATIVES: I. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variance(s) the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. 9603SPC.DOC/RML 2 RECOMMENDATION: Because staff is uncertain whether the first criterion is met, it is not making a specific recommendation at this time. ACTION REOUIRED: A motion directing staff to prepare a resolution consistent with the Commission's findings. 9603SPC.DOCIRML 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE .~i=*: A{~~~ ~ iZ~(~~: ~ - ~.~ t3-. ~~ Type of CMnership: Fee Contract Consul tant/Contractor: v/-l& -DoS- PID# ~-:; - IC/A -cr:;,\ -0 ,. Home Phone: ",,"-S6/6 Work Phone: Home Phone: Work Phone: Purchase Agreement Phone: Existing Use /, /" t of Property: 1(1.5/ c: /1 I (!v Legal Description ---- A of Variance Site: Ppc-I /( L .5 Variance Requested: '-/0' 1,5~ r &...Jc 5-~ Present Zoning: 111 cr~ f'2y 9'oc../ Eu~7rCl;/l , Has the applicant pr~liously sought to plat, rezone, use permit on the subject site or any part of it? What was requested: When: Disposition: obtain a variance or conditional Yes X N::l . improvements proposed: .. .. q -~ ~;"'\.... SJEMISSION REOOIREMENI'S: (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C) Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D) Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Camplete legal description & Property Identification Number (pm). (F)Deed restrictions or privat~ covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel nap at In -20 '-50' showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPl'ED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNIN; a::MMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requiranents for variance procedures. I agree to provide infO'U.. follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. ~__ ~ ~ _ Applicants 'Signature SUbmitted thisl.2.day of 4/,y 199'6 ~~"-v 4~~ Fee CMners Signature THIS SPACE IS ro BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNnX; DIRECl'OR PLANNING CDMMISSION CITY comcrr. APPEAL CONDITIONS: APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DATE OF HFARIN; DATE OF HFARIN; Signature of the Planning Director Date 96-035 4. SURVEY PREPARED FOR TOM MANSK 14840 OAKLANO BEACH AVE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 (612) 440 - 5616 Valley Surveying CO., P A. SUITE /20-C, 16670 FRANKLIN TRAil FRANKLIN TRAIL OFFICE CONDOMINIUM PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 55372 TELEPHONE (6/2) 447 - 2570 o~_ ..~ 'J 41\rO ~ ~ r.e. EL. ~. . ...,., S~ -. '-, "4, ""'--.. CIy ''''--.. 4v~ I\rv~ 921. '9 Po, .r'Of? O( l. 5,;>,:~:~ 4Jr€, ., OEseR r P1'ra.! : Teact 1". Rp.gistp.ced r,.:lOcI ~l)CVti!!y No. 97, Scott County, r1inn~sota. Also showing -!\ll vlsi.ble imp~ove__nt" ilmi enc!:"oach__nts onto anti off ft"om said ;>copet"ty if any. f)endllMck Et. 'n5.17 ~op nut of. hyd. nea~ the ~ co~n..t" of p~09'"~ty. ?1.6.R dl!noc-es p.xistinq grade elevations. ~ Lor AREA "BOVE "L 9040' 10,000 SO FT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE NET PROPOSED' 24 6"10 ROY 4/4/96 T. Ihow pnlpOMd adcl'n,QOnIQ. a impft"'Ylou, surfa<<. o [ SCALE 30 60 I o O~"oIn 1/2 inch .14'"ch Iron mot'I~'" ,.t. and mf'Jl""~d by ltc'"'~ No 1018.3 . Dl!'''O'.fs ,ron ,"Ol'U",,",' 'ound ~ Denofe.s P K '-"0" ,e' @ O~rm'l" )IJrf;CIOI Landmark (outld I "~'rby cert,f., fha' 'N, JUt'W'f wen rwftlOl"ft1 by m~ _ or tlt'de" "'y d;rK' JUIJ..-vi.,Oft and ".." , om a duly ,,(',",.0 )frd S"",,o, uttdw ,,.. ","'. of the S,g" '1 ~".,o.~ -I ., , ;, - .',' ~ ,r . ..; , d ..t?r.,.. . /.~- ~"7."""-,,, Oat, c..' (...,: -91" Lic,"n No IOlS3 IN FEET FIt! No 9160 BOOK ~PAGE ~ . NOTICE OF HEARING FOR A REQUEST FOR A 35 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LAKE SHORE SETBACK OF FORTY (40) FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED SEVENTY-FIVE (75) FEET TO PERMIT 1) REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF THE EXISTING HOUSE WITH A LAKE SHORE SETBACK OF ABOUT THIRTY-SEVEN (37) FEET AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7' X 14' ADDITION, AND 2) THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 22' X 32' DETACHED GARAGE You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection ofC.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, May 13, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: Thomas A. Mansk 14840 Oakland Beach Avenue Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 97, Scott County, Minnesota, as shown on the attached survey copy. REQUEST: The applicant proposes the removal ofa portion of the house on the lakeshore side and the construction of a 7' x 14' addition on that same side, and the construction of a 22' x 32' detached garage. The proposed addition and garage would result in a lakeshore setback of 40 feet instead of the required 75 feet. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces 16200 1!8~~1l!~~~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~ substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: May 1, 1996. . 2 9603SPN.DOCJRML DNR METRO REGION I . TEL:6l2-772-7977 Ma~ 07,96 6:45 No.OOl P.Ol ... IN2roject Review Worksheet DNR - Division of Waters I Metro Region "'~i"'" \~rojectName r~ d!4pS,c ~~)~\\.< :.~... '1.. \ . . ~I ....... ,,;. I.:' ",..,,. , /Y:::: ,,:,,:,"Ptaject Type (check all that apply): .;, ,,' \ I ';'.. ,f;~ tS'ti'~ L~ <,ft:""';' ,"" R Ly,d. . ','" ..4.. '," , ..' ~v I 7/2. -i9 to S'~c,c: ~/A;Nce o Preliminary Plat OPUD o Final Plat ~arianc:c o Subdivision o Other " ....'' , '.' DNR Jurisdiction (answer all): . ': . ( Ya No Floodplain 0 C . ~S.103F.IOI) Yes No PraUlOtod W.ten 0 C (M.S.I030.24S) i.?' No Shoreland 0 (M.S.I03F.~Ol) Ya No Water AppropriatiDn 0 0 (M.S. I 030.255) I . t{', . .... " ,". 'Comments ....~Ir.~'.:>'..:.'.' OF 6BJEC77d^-" 7b , .$SIJ'A;v c& , .' :, ;' '<{. " '. ,'\: . :} '; \ . ," ~ecommend.tions and Proposed Conditions A-.JIIJ'~15 .PItt!1A-?r e?e(Jg~ 1/1/ P~~t!: B'EFii,e c. COI'M,,"F/V C~. N6AJe. ) o tJ.i F:.L "f1IA ~ :;('. r -it iV rR!: il5 (.. "., tfA..<, '-' ~ €~ PE'~ 9'- lT7tJN / ~tJ.Af ~ ue:T1/J A\ , Reviewer t'~~, La.--L Title A(~ ~~trl-Phone 772.-)1(0 Date 7 IHd '9~ PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING 1) SIDE YARD SETBACKS, 2) REPLACEMENT OF NON- CONFORMING DECKS, 3) HOME OCCUPATIONS, AND 4) REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN CITY COSTS. R. MICHAEL LEEK, ASSOCIATE PLANNER _X_ YES _NO-N/A MAY 13, 1996 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The Planning Commission first reviewed the proposed changes at its April 8, 1996, meeting. At that time the Commission recommended a number of changes, and continued the matter to allow staff to make the recommended changes. The attached ordinance draft incorporates the recommended changes. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the amendments as presented. 2. Recommend the City Council approve the amendment with changes directed by the Planning Commission. 3. Recommend the City Council not approve any of the amendments ACTION REQUIRED: A motion to recommend the City Council adopt the proposed amendments as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission. A separate motion to close the public hearing is in order. 96039PC2.DOC 16200 ~ Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 96-XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5, SECTION 5-4-1, OF THE CITY CODE AND SECTION 4.1 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6 PERTAINING TO SETBACKS; TITLE 5, SECTION 5-5-8, SECTION 6.8 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-06 PERTAINING TO HOME OCCUPATIONS; AND SECTION 5-7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 7 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY COSTS. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Title 5, Section 5-4-1 of the City Code and Section 4.I(B) of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 is hereby amended as follows: B. All structures, whether attached to the principal structure or not, and whether open or enclosed, including porches, carports, balconies, cantilevers and chimneys or platforms above normal grade level, shall not project into any minimum front, side, or rear yard setbacks. Provided, however, accessory structures for all residential districts shall be permitted within ten (10') feet from the rear yard setback. Provided. further. that decks not meetin~ the required setback m&j' be replaced if the followin~ criteria are met: I. The deck existed on the date the structure setbacks were established; 2. The replac~mel\l d~~k i~ tIu: same ~i7.e. l:l1nfwratjgn. lllCa~; :? ~::tion as the dec~ in existence at .the t~me the structur~ .setbacks :~r ~ :t;;I~~dcJ.: 3. The deck IS constructed pnmanly of wood. and IS not rootl__ _r Q_ ~___' Title 5, Section 5-4-1 of the City Code and Section 4.1 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 is hereby amended by adding (C) as follows and renumbering the succeeding provisions: C. Substandard lots of record located in the RI-Suburban Residential and R2-Urban Residential zoning districts may have one (I) side yard setback of no less than five (5) feet as long as a minimum separation often (10) feet is maintained between structures on the lot and adjoining lot. Title 5, Section 5-5-8 of the City Code and Section 6.8 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 is hereby amended as follows: ~ home occupation sueR as art stuaiEl, Eifess makiftg, teaelHng Elr tHe prElfessieBal effiee ef a j3Rysieian, eBgiBeer, afem.teet Elr aeeo1:IIHa:Rt, may be permitted as an accessory use in residential zoning districts if it complies with the requirements of this section. The Prior 0RD96XX.OOC Lake Planmng Commissian may issue a Hame Oee1:lflatian PeI'Fl'lit fullavfiag a heariag fer '..A1ieh abatting praperty OVJfiers ha':e beeR Ratified. A. All material or equipment shall be stored within an enclosed structure. B. Operation of the home occupation is not apparent from the street ri~ht-of-wa,y. C. The activity does not involve warehousin~. distribution or retail sales of merchandise produced off the site. D. The home occupation ~ shaU be carried on persons ey a memeer ef the family residing in the dwelling unit and not more than one employee who ~ not reside in the dwellin~ unit is net 1300 efthe fam.ily. E. The home occupation shall be carried on wholly within the principal at: aeeessory structure. Space within the dwellin~ devoted to the home occupation does not exceed 10% of the floor area or 300 square feet. whichever is ~reater. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or detached accessory buildin~. F. Exterior displays, at: signs (other than those permitted under the Sign Ordinance, 94-6), and outside 8eetioR 6.1 eKterior storage of materials a:atI eJCterior indieatioR ef the home aee1:lflatieR or ...ariatien [ram the resideatial eaaraeter af the priBeipal strnet\:H'e shall not be permitted. G. Objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, dust, electrical disturbances, odors, heat, glare or other nuisance factors shall not be discernible at the property ~ produeea. H. The home occupation shall not create excessive automobile traffic within the neighborhood. Title 5, Section 5-7 of the City Code and Section 7 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 is hereby amended by adding the following: 7.12 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY COSTS A. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to provide a procedure to reimburse the City for its cost of review, analysis, and evaluation of development proposals, conditional use permits, comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments, and enforcement of this Ordinance in cases where, due to the level of complexity of the application under consideration, excessive costs beyond those normally incurred by the City as a result of the administration of this Ordinance are incurred. The excess costs result from problems presented in review, analysis and evaluation which necessitate intensive investigation and research. The intent of this section is to insure an adequate level of review of these cases and to insure that the adverse effects of development on the City are minimized and compliance with goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and this Ordinance are obtained. 0RD96XX.DOC 2 B. CONDITIONS WHERE REIMBURSEMENT AUTHORIZED 1. When multiple Planning Commission and City Council meetings are required to review a particular item and additional staff time is expended on that item subsequent to the initial meeting. 2. When it necessary to retain consultants and experts to review requests and advise its staff of specific impacts of a proposal, including but not limited to impacts on traffic, utilities, drainage, and aesthetic or environmental characteristics of the community. 3. When it is necessary for the City Attorney to review the proposal. 4. When other extraordinary costs are incurred by the City as a result of the Administration of this Ordinance. C. PROCEDURE 1. When the City Manager finds that the conditions outlined in Sec. 7.12(B) exist, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Council that the additional costs be reimbursed. 2. In the event that the City Council decides that additional costs will be incurred which require reimbursement, the City shall notify the applicant that the City will incur additional costs at the earliest possible time and, if possible, provide the applicant with an estimate of the expected additional cost. 3. The applicant shall pay the estimated additional cost to the City by certified check or bank money order. If the amount paid to the City initially is insufficient to cover all City costs, the additional amount shall be billed to the applicant. Any money which has not been used to pay additional costs after the applicant's request has been processed shall be refunded to the applicant. 4. No Certificate of Occupancy for any project subject to this section shall be issued until all money owing to the City has been received. 5. All costs billed under this section shall be based on the actual cost to the City of staff time, overhead, material costs, and actual billings from consultants, experts and attorneys. Current Section 7.12 to be renumbered to Section 7.13. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. 0RD96XX.DOC 3 Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 4th day of March, 1996. ATTEST: Mayor City Manager Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of , 1996. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 0RD96XX.DOC 4