HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 22, 1996 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, July 22,1996 7:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. CASE #96-055 Amendment to Priorview Planned Unit Development to replace 38 apartment units to one 3-story building containing 61 units for assisted living. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: i 16200 ~~ek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota~~72-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DPH~ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 24, 1996 The June 24, 1996, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Kuykendall at 7 :00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Kuykendall and V oOOof, City Planner Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Park and Recreation Director Paul Hokeness and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. ROLL CALL: Criego Wuellner V oOOof Loftus Kuykendall Absent Absent Present Present Present Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY KUYKENDALL TO APPROVE THE MAY 28, 1996, MINUTES AS WRITTEN. There was no objection. Consent Agenda: MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 96- 22PC. Vote taken signified ayes by VoOOof, Loftus and Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY VONHOF TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 96- 23PC. Vote taken signified ayes by VoOOof, Loftus and Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearings: Commissioner Kuykendall opened the public hearing. A sign-up sheet was circulated to the public in attendance. HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: Planning Director Don Rye presented the information from the planning report dated June 24, 1996. A summary of his report is as follows: MN062496.DOC PAGEl In late 1995, the City opted to participate in the Livable Communities program through the Metropolitan Council. As part of that participation, the City adopted certain goals related to provision of housing for low and moderate income families. In January of this year, the City submitted its' Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council for its review. In that plan, the City indicated the Housing Implementation section would be submitted to the Metropolitan Council as a plan amendment by June 30, 1996 and the amendment was intended to address both the plan implementation requirements of the Land Planning Act and goals of the Livable Communities program. The document is intended to provide a list of detailed Action Steps the City intends to take in order to achieve the Housing goals, objectives and policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. There were no comments from the public. Comments from Commissioners: Loftus: . Some communities have Truth and Housing policies regarding housing codes. . Rye explained St. Louis Park's Truth and Housing program and its success. . Discussion on housing inspection and financing. V onhof: . Variances on properties should be recorded. Rye explained State Statute requires recording variances and the City does follow the statute. . Future affordability of homes. . Rye explained the financing available for residents. . Bill Jaffa from the Scott County HRA added comments on financing. . Affordability through an Ordinance. . Agrees with statements in the Neighborhoods (reference IlI\Plementation page 6 F.) - should be in Comp Plan. Rye confirmed they are. Contradictions in what the City has done in the past. . Agrees there should be code enforcement with sale and supports amendment. Kuykendall: . Impacts on encroachments from other zonings (industrial to residential, etc.). . Implement an Action plan for living areas above businesses such as down town Prior Lake. . Check into grant applications relating to housmg, work and live areas. . Supports Amendment. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 96- 39PC. MN062496.00c PAGE 2 Open Discussion: Add the "Truth in Housing" program - implement a code enforcement policy. i.e. point of sale. Policy for City Staff. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Loftus and Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. Old Business: AMENDMENT TO PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. Park Director, Paul Hokeness was present to answer questions. There was no discussion on the revised issues. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE P ARK DEDICATION AMENDMENT. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Vonhofand Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. CASE #96-045 PRELIMINARY PLAT PROPOSING A 28 LOT, SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT TO BE KNOWN AS "MAPLE HILL SECOND ADDITION" A 11.5 ACRE SITE LOCATED SOUTH OF COUNTY ROAD 42 AND NORTH OF THE DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS "KNOB HILL". The applicant has withdrawn the application for preliminary plat approval and has indicated he does not intend to pursue the project. No action is required by the Planning Commission on this matter. New Business: Reception for retiring Commissioner Tom Loftus at the City Council meeting on July 1. Rye introduced Jane Kansier as the new City Planning Coordinator. The lake tour is set for July 11, to discuss lake issues. Rye explained City Council's recommendation to change the Planning Commission's chair term limits in the Bylaws next January. Discussion on trailer parking. MN062496.DOC PAGEl MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY VONHOF TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Vonhofand Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Don Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary MN062496.DOC PAGE 4 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER SCHEMATIC PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ALLOW AN ASSISTED LIVING PROJECT IN THE PRIORVIEW PUD FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND PRIORWOOD STREET DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A JULY 22, 1996 INTRODUCTION: Eagle Creek Villas LLC has applied for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow the construction of a 61 unit assisted living building on the vacant portion of the site. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The present applicant has no connection with the developer of the original PUD. BACKGROUND: The Priorview PUD was preceded by Council action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the 15.05 acres of buildable land on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cates Street and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Priorview Second Addition consisting of 20 units , was approved in 1991. In 1987, the developer asked the City to consider expansion of the PUD to include the so- called Holly Court property to the north and increase the number of units to 148. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request and the application was with - drawn. In April of this year, staffsubmitted a status report on all PUDs in the City for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The report noted that there had been no construction activity in this PUD for 8 years and also that the current applicants had expressed interest in developing the remainder of the PUD for some type of housing for the elderly. The City Council tabled the issue of the status of Priorview PUD to allow for the submission of a development proposal for the site. 16200 ~~~(RP.-S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DISCUSSION: The proposed Schematic PUD Plan requires that a variety of issues be addressed before a recommendation can be made. These issues are as follows: Density-The original PUD was approved at a gross density of 6.07 units per acre and a net density of 7.04 units per acre. The first 2 phases consisting of 68 units were built on approximately 5 acres of land with a net density of 13.6 units per acre which was consistent with the previous R-3 zoning. The remaining 8.5 acres were to contain 38 units at 4.47 units per acre. It seems clear that the intent was to concentrate the units on the relatively low amenity part of the site in order to preserve as much of the wooded and wetland area as possible. The new proposal would have 61 units on 8.5 acres for a density of 7.17 units per acre which is comparable to the overall density of the original PUD. This proposal contains more units on the northerly portion of the site but they are contained in one building instead of two as previously approved. Comprehensive PlanJZonin~- The Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan designated the subject property for Medium Density Residential use, which suggested densities of 4 to 8 units per acre. The Year 20 I 0 Plan recently adopted shows the property as Low Density Residential which has a maximum density if 3.5 units per acre. The comparable zoning would be R-I, Single Family Residential. However, the site is still subject to the PUD zoning. Conceivably, the 38 units allowed on the northerly portion of the site could be built under R-I zoning but not as apartment buildings as approved. Changing to townhouses on this property would also entail an amendment to the PUD. Because the proposed development would result in densities greater than those contemplated by the current plan, it seems that a Comprehensive Plan amendment may be necessary if the applicant is to proceed. If such an amendment were to be pursued, it would seem likely that the amendment could be limited in such a way as to limit development of the property to something similar to the proposed project to insure that the development intensity of the site is limited. Another zoning issue is whether the 10 acre minimum size for PUDs is violated by this request. If the proposal is considered as an amendment to the original Priorview PUD, there is no issue. If the proposal is considered a new PUD, it would not meet the 10 acre requirement. Staff is seeking an opinion from the City Attorney concerning this issue. Street Construction- The original PUD called for the extension of Five Hawks Avenue northward to Cates Street to provide a convenient north-south for residents of the Five Hawks neighborhood. This idea had been restated in the Comprehensive Plan in the Planning District section. Objective 3 for the Five Hawks district reads as follows: The completion of Five Hawks Avenue should be established as a priority project in order to improve north-south vehicular movements and establish the main entrance to this nei~hborhood from Hiihway 13. The applicant has proposed that the street connection not be made. Staff believes that this connection is important to a significant portion of the community beyond the subject property and the street connection should be retained as planned for the past 15 years. PCREPORT.DOCIDR 2 This will improve access to the elementary school and provide a convenient access to Highway 13 for residents of the area to the north of the site. Parks/Open Space- The proposal as presented does preserve a significant portion of the site in its natural state. Staff believes that it accomplishes this to a greater degree than the original PUD and will do so even if Five Hawks Avenue is extended to the north. The Parks and Recreation Director has indicated that no land dedication is necessary from this development. Consequently, a cash dedication would be required. A trail connection along Five Hawks Avenue would be desirable as it would tie in with the sidewalk now in place along the west side of Five Hawks Avenue. The school district has indicated an interest in the wetland and wooded portion of the site adjacent to Five Hawks School for use as a nature education area. They envision trails and instructional areas within this portion of the site. As a result, the school would prefer that Five Hawks Avenue not be extended through the site as it would reduce the area available to the school for their use. One problem which potentially exists with regard to school use of the land is related to density. If the property is conveyed to the school, the land available for density credit decreases and the net density of the project increases. Staff has no objection to the use of the property by the school under some arrangement with the developer as long as the land is still tied to the development, but conveyance of the land to the school would be problematic. Utilities- The attached report from the engineering department indicates that utilities are reasonably available and adequate to serve the subject property. The report does point out the need to provide for a water connection through the site to provide for a loop to the north. Fire Access- The Building Official has indicated that the layout as proposed would likely not be in compliance with Fire Code requirements. Improved access and increased hydrant placement on the site would likely be required. This can be addressed in the detailed plans required for Preliminary PUD submittal. ParkinWTraffic- The site plan attached to the application shows 33 parking stalls on the site. While this is probably sufficient parking for the use, it does not comply with the parking requirements in the zoning ordinance. The parking requirement for housing for the elderly is one stall per unit. The applicant is proposing .54 stalls per unit. Many communities have a reduced parking standard for elderly housing. Some cities require that .3 stalls per unit be provided with a condition that the use must have room on site available for an additional .2 stalls per unit. Either the applicant must modify the plan to show one stall per unit or the parking requirement for this type of use should be modified. The proposed use is not listed in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, however, nursing homes do and these are probably the most similar in characteristics to assisted living facilities. Nursing homes, on average, generate 2.6 vehicle trips per day compared to an apartment building which generates approximately 6.5 vehicle trips per unit. Based on PCREPORT.DOCIDR 3 this, the proposed development would generate about 160 trips per day while an apartment building with 61 units would generate about 400 trips per day. If the Planning Commission believes this is an appropriate request for the proposed location, the following should be kept in mind: · A Comprehensive Plan amendment will likely be required to deal with the density issue. . The parking requirements for elderly housing will likely need to be amended. . The proposal will enable the City to make substantial progress toward the attainment of Livable Communities goals related to lifestyle housing. . The City required the previous developer to make the right-of-way for Five Hawks Avenue available to the City. · The proposed use is compatible with the development in the vicinity. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. 2. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan as presented, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density and satisfactory resolution of the parking issue. 3. Recommend denial of the request. 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: Alternative 1 ACTION REQillRED: Motion and second to recommend approvals of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. PCREPORT.DOCIDR 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR AMENDMENT TO PRIORVIEW PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road, SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday, July 22,1996, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Pri,orview Planned Unit Development. APPLICANT: Eagle Creek Villas LLC 7765 175th Street East Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: This property is located north of the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street, just north of Five Hawks Elementary School. REQUEST: The approved PUD allows an additional 38 townhouse units in this location. The applicant proposes to replace these units with an assisted living facility for the elderly. This facility would consist of one 3-story building containing 61 units. The building also includes dining facilities, community spaces, offices and support spaces for the residents. The plan also shows 33 surface parking spaces. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prepared this 3rd day of July, 1996 by: Jane Kansier Planning Coordinator City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON JULY 6, 1996 16200 ~~~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Planning Case File No. CjL;-05S Property Identification No. .,. City of Prior Lake ..2s;-qD;)'/O(J--cJ LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E./ Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714/ Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional o Rezoning, from (present zonini) to . (proposed zonin\:) ~ Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance o Subdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision o Conditional Use Permit o Variance Shee":~~~t~g V'll + },.,,'-" I: ~~~~ l;:~l~b fjJ;~'7~ ~ :~ ~4;C1 Applicable Ordinance Section(s): b 7/ ~ & .3.-4 Applicant(s):~~6 r~ G ~ ~L I L/ ~ ({~ '- L C-, Address: -;, 0-7 "\ E3- /7 ~ .r +- Home Phone: 4 l( 1.... ") g.s-D Work Phone: Ll <-( J - SC)~- ~ Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee ~ Contract for Deed Purchase Agreement Legal Description of Property (Attaclra copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): <\f?L- r4{.J~ To the best of my knowledge the information procided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition. I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that appJ atio is will not be processed until dee ed com Jete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~ G~ at...) -Cf0 (0- ~cr-?6 Date Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLAI'lNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL APPROVED APPROVED CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING Date MILLER HANSON WESTERBECK BERGER, INC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 19 June 1996 Housing Proposal: Prior Lake, MN Statement of Use Designed as a 61-unit assisted living facility, this three-story wood framed building would contain dining facilities, community spaces, offices, and spaces for support services. The exterior materials would include siding with brick accents. A covered portico at the main entry becomes the focal point of the building and acts as a sheltered drop-off during inclement weather. As we look to the future, providing care to seniors will require greater and greater investment in developing a continuum of care beyond the traditional care center model. An assisted living environment allows residents the freedom and privacy of their own apartment on a month to month rental basis and the opportunity to purchase additional services as needed. The environment offers choices for those individuals who need varying levels of support and services. Residents have the freedom to pursue an active social life, entertain family and friends and continue to make choices in a safe, comfortable, and secure environment. .. 1201 HAWTHORNE AVENUE MINNEAPOUS MINNESOTA 55403 612-332-5420 FAX 612-332-5425 .::1: 0 ." ,. ,. ,. ,. c: ::D 0 Z tn )> OJ en z c: c: 'tI c: - ~ 3: ::D "a ? Z m OJ j! ::D 0 r- m 0 Z G) m ::D 0 ?<. ~ m C) -a 0 ~ OJ :J: ~ ." c: 0 m ::D c: ::D ? i5 0 z z " 0 :J: ~ Z Z ~ -a tn C) C) II 0 Z tn tn Co) en OJ ~ 0 C>> c: 0 ." ~ ? m ~ ~ tn 0 r- 0 II . . 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CONFEROUS '.~ _ IART"N HAMS o.'t€aiAl'l'lJeN<< "'IUDo.' 1_ I'IIftJU'IES. IN:. YoOOUl1."MhSlr...-t t:1""...,~,U.. ~ ~";.n liUllltWM \'AUn L'">l:a:€QUt.tf !D.. INC. ''':.I'''~ Wi:" IIi(jo'.' Ph.... !':..IO, ...,~ t'rt'" I...;......:. "~I!~ SITE AREA . l1',45t AC A~': ~,'" "EACH USE: 104 D,'.J (:.'.-.-'''(HI'H,~__'.) ".IC~UC 2 P~~~!G SPACES / UNIT ~~::=caca. a..ac 6.0 UN/4C wooou... '.uc c---- oeVEL~NT' 4.15,. OIl._GMt:NPACI,uAC PRIVATI! I PUBLIC 13.3 M. LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS' OPEN sPACE 76'1; Of TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN de.e ~ Il,SYI1ATIC Pul~ 32.- /2.... Gai, (, Assada,,,s Inc. ;:n......_.... .'"'1lI ,.-.._....~,... .'J,),j)~JI ,. ; ~ ",.. I"u. " ~. ~ fVIi .101_. .......- .....- ~.I..... U~'oI 1D lOt UN"" 1 ..-.. ... ....... Priorview m ru:l Prior Lake, MN. EAGLE CREEK VILLAS ASSISTED LIVING CENTER GradinlVW etlands: Approximately 2 acres of this site will be disturbed to allow for the construction of the building and parking lot/driveway. The remainder will be left in a natural state. A 2 acre wetland is located on the southwest corner of the site as shown on attached Exhibit A. The Developer, City and School District are working together to raise the normal water level (NWL) of this wetland up three to four feet to create a better functioning water quality treatment facility in this wetland. The wetland receives runoff from the Westbury Ponds and Triangle Car Wash areas. The outlet for this wetland has eroded and been lowered in the past, and with this development, a new outlet would be constructed that raises the NWL to elevation 918.5. A 0.3 acre wetland also exists in the southeast corner of the site. This wetland will not be disturbed by filling or draining. The creek system that drains the wetlands in this area is also classified as wetland areas that are shown not to be disturbed. The creek system conveys the storm water runoff of this area northwesterly to Green Heights Trail and discharge directly into Prior Lake. The development will be required to comply with the City's erosion control standards. Whenever possible, a 30 foot grass buffer strip should be provided along the edge of wetlands to limit erosion. Watermain: An existing 6" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. An existing 8" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the north at the Five Hawks A venue stub street. An 8" watermain is proposed to be constructed through the development along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The construction of this line will provide another loop to the City's system. The proposed watermain system will need to include a fire hydrant on the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of the proposed building to provide adequate fire protection to the site. SanitaJy Sewer: 16200 ~"P\~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER An existing 15" sanitary sewer line with adequate depth and capacity is available to serve this site. The sewer line flows northerly along the east property line at the site. Streets/Access: The proposed development intends to obtain its access from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. The preliminary layout shows a private driveway and parking lot connecting at the north end of Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed parking lot and drive aisles shall be constructed to City standards with concrete curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing. The City has a 66 foot wide easement for public use to construct a roadway and utility lines along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The easement was conveyed to the City in 1983 from the Priorview Developers for a fee of one dollar. The extension of Five Hawks Avenue through this site will help to interconnect neighborhoods and provide a northerly connection to the Cates Street area. Trails/Sidewalks An 8' bituminous trail shall be constructed along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The trail will provide a pedestrian link from the Five Hawks Elementary School to the Cates Street neighborhood. , 1 I, G:\projec:lSIEAGCKVIL,DOC