HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 12, 1996 -. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, August 12, 1996 7:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case 96-068 - Maris Stolcers, requesting a lake shore setback of 0 feet for the construction of a deck to an existing cabin at 5395 Shore Trail NE. B. Case 96-071 - Dave Smith, requesting an impervious surface coverage of 34% for the construction of a garage and driveway for the property at 2950 Spring Lake Road. C. Case 96-067 - Eagle Creek Villas request a 21 foot front yard variance for properties at 4170-4176 CJ Circle. D. Case 96-061 - Consider Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to permit churches and day care facilities in the C-I, Conservation District. E. Case 96-062 - Consider Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to permit fences in County road right-of-way. 5. Old Business: Case 96- 055 - Eagle Creek Assisted Living Facility Hearing Continued. 6. New Business: Gensmer Appeal Regarding Lot 7, Maple Park Shore Acres 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: 16200 ~~ek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, MinnesotaP5~2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ; J}1H:>t PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 1996 The July 24, 1996, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Criego at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Vonhof, Kuykendall, Wuellner, Stamson and Criego, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Acting City Engineer John Wingard and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. Roll Call: Wuellner Kuykendall Stamson V onhof Criego Present Present Present Absent (arrived at 7:06 p.m.) Present Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECONDED BY STAMSON, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 24, 1996, MINUTES. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Criego and Stamson. MINUTES APPROVED. Commissioner Wuellner abstained from voting. Public Hearing: Case File # 96-055: Eagle Creek Villas LLC applied for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow the construction of a 61 unit assisted living building on the vacant portion of the site. Commissioner Criego opened the public hearing. A sign-up sheet was circulated to the public in attendance. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the information from the Planning Report dated July 22, 1996. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The present applicant has no connection with the developer of the original PUD. The Priorview PUD was preceded by Coqncil action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the 15.05 acres of buildable land on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cates Street and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Priorview Second Addition consisting of20 units, was approved in 1991. MN072296.DOC PAGEl , '\ Staff recommends approval of the Schematic Plan, subject to the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment related to the density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show extension of Five Hawks. Wilt Berger of Miller, Hanson, Westerbeck Berger, Inc., Archeticts & Planners, explained the proposed facility and the site surroundings. Mr. Berger pointed out they tried maintain as much vegetation on the site as possible and build the facility on an area with little vegetation. He went on to say they were not in favor of connecting the road to the south and preferred to retain the trees. Deborah Rose, of Care First Incorporated, Minneapolis, is a resident of Credit River Township, and has been in long term care since 1981. Ms. Rose went on to explain assisted living. The proposed facility will enable individuals to live in a secure environment having a 24 hour security service and assisted care available. It will provide various nursing services. A market study done by Scott County Housing Authority indicated Scott County as well as Prior Lake is under served in this area. The apartment size will be approximately 500 sq. feet. Acting City Engineer John Wingard, explained the engineering issues of wetlands and grading; the sanitary sewer line will be easy to tie into. A waterline will need to be extended through the site and help provide a looping system. Storm water drainage for this site is adequate. The wetland on site can be improved by raising the water level by 3 feet. The water quality would improve a sedimentation pond. The school district is also supportive. Street and sidewalks will tie in with the Eagle Creek Villas and Five Hawks Elementary School. Comments from the public: Marcus Mikla, 16477 Five Hawks Avenue SE, stated his concern for the water main coming from the north end of Five Hawks crossing the creek and disrupting the area. He said the residents on Five Hawks like the area the way it is. Other concerns are tree removal and the road extension. Mr. Mikla is in favor of the assisted living project. Leanne Weyrauch, 16457 Five Hawks Avenue SE, is in favor of the assisted living but not in favor of destroying nature by having the road go through. She does not feel it is necessary for another new road. As a taxpayer she is concerned for the expense and the problems it can cause. The wetland water quality will be improved. Parking addition would remove more trees. Mrs. Weyrauch presented a petition opposing the connection of Five Hawks Avenue and disturbing the wild life area. Wayne Annis, 4607 Colorado Street, claimed he was involved in assisted living since 1986 when a developer came to Prior Lake to construct a 100 bed nursing home. At the time it was voted down. Mr. Annis gave an overview of nursing homes. He is in favor of the assisted living facility depending on the way it is handled. Mr. Annis would like to MN072296.DOC PAGE 2 see this publicly funded. Shakopee has a new hospital/medical and assisted living care quarters in one complex. Jordan will be constructing a similar facility in 1997. Mr. Annis said he has been through this process many times and would like the project delayed until the Commissioners see Shakopee's development. Russell Lawrence, 16493 Five Hawks, lived in Prior Lake since 1971. He is in favor of the assisted living and the location. Mr. Lawrence explained how previous planning commissioners allowed a narrow Five Hawks Road where emergency vehicles cannot drive through with the parked cars. There is a safety issue involved. Also, many of the area residents enjoy the woods and walking paths. Miles Bristol, 16495 Five Hawks Avenue, said he enjoys the quiet living on Five Hawks Avenue. Dar Fosse, 16228 Franklin Circle, Principal of Five Hawks School is against the construction of a new road. Mr. Fosse said the school district and City have been working together to preserve the natural environment. The main concern for the road coming through as it is right in the heart of two drainage areas. He explained the drainage and wetlands. The school district would like to develop the area into a nature center. Not only is this area a benefit to the school but to the public as well. He does not want to waste the special natural area. One of the University of Minnesota's landscaping classes would like to come out this Fall and develop a trail system. Charles Cappuccino, 4206 Cates Street feels the development would be a benefit to the area but is opposed to any street coming through Five Hawks to the north. Rhonda Wolf, 4171 Cates Street, stated she lives next to the creek and is concerned for the water level as well as the wetland. She supports the assisted living facility. Developer, John Mesenbrink, explained the water level and the proposed wetland. Russ Lawrence pointed out two owls and the unique wildlife in the area. Michael Conlin, 4091 Cates Street, is against the road but not the assisted living. Commissioner Criego explained the discussion process and procedure of the meeting. Wayne Annis, read a short piece from the Metro Area on Aging. Wilt Berger addressed a water and sewer line issue. The public hearing was closed at 8:13 p.m. MN072296.DOC PAGE 3 Comments from the Commissioners: V onhof: . First issue is to consider this a new PUD or an amendment to the existing PUD. . The natural amenities provide for a new PUD. . The assisted living facility meets with our Livable Communities Act and Comprehensive Plan objectives. Supportive of the development. . Waiting for the City Attorney's opinion to come back with a decision on the PUD. . Wetland issue of raising the water 3 feet. Will the City have to treat it as a N.U.R.P. pond? . Wingard explained the drainage and grading. . Parking issue - only 33 spaces proposed. Busy weekends will need more parking. . Deb Rose said they can see what other facilities do. Possible off-site parking. Both hospitals and nursing home facilities in Minneapolis regulates 1 parking place to 10 beds. . These are apartments providing assisted care. . Deb Rose felt there would be approximately 20 employees. . Recommend a better parking facility. . Comprehensive Plan states roads should connect neighborhoods. This also means we can connect with trails. Expects to see a trail system on the plan as part of the development. The neighbors, school and public will use these trails. The City made the road connection to Duluth Street. All that remains now is a trail system as part of the plan. Kuykendall: . There should be a definition in the Comprehensive Plan for assisted living. . Would this facility be limited to the elderly only? . Deb Rose said the building would be handicapped equipped. If the market had to change it could assist others. . Agrees with Commissioner V onhof on the street extension. . Wingard said the current streets would handle the traffic. . Pricing - Deb Rose said the cost would be $95 to $150 per day. It would depend on the services being rendered from the facility. This is will be an average priced facility . . John Wingard said the City can look further into the water line. . Supports raising the pond and dam the pond. . Concern for the parking. . Would like to see the City Attorney's position on the PUD. . Supports the pedestrian walkway. This is a unique area Strongly supports trails. . . Would like to see more information on pricing such as Shakopee's new facility. . Supports the general philosophy. . Consider pedestrian scale street lighting. Stamson: , MN072296.DOC PAGE4 · In favor of the concept and Will benefit Prior Lake as a whole. · Developer took into a lot of consideration with the wetlands. · The north end of Five Hawks was not built as a connector street. It is not a critical connection. · Trails are important. · Agrees with Commissioner Kuykendall with the lighting. · Need City Attorney's opinion on the PUD. Wuellner: · This is a wonderful opportunity for Prior Lake and fully supports the facility. · The City is combining the neighborhood. · There will be coordination of the traffic flow. · We need to connect the roads for public safety but not necessary to connect Five Hawks Avenue. · Another opportunity to enhance and improve the wildlife area. · You cannot have street lights on a wildlife trail. · In favor of the entire project but cannot put a street through. · The City should follow the easiest route to include this project into a PUD. Criego: · Agrees with all the comments. · We need the facility and it is a wonderful project. · Against the road going through. · The trail system is exactly what we need going through. · The lighting has to examined. · The wetlands are an important asset. Any clean water we can get into the lake is needed. · Need legal opinion with PUD or amendment. · Agrees with Wuellner to take the easiest way to implement the plan staying within the guide lines. · Review the limited parking area. · It fits in Comprehensive Plan. · The waterline should be examined to make it as easy as possible. · Question the wood vs. the brick on the exterior of the building. MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING UNTIL AUGUST 12, 1996, AT WHICH TIME THE PLANNING COMMISSION CAN REVIEW THE CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT; CITY ENGINEERING REPORT OF RELOCATING THE WATER LINES; TRAFFIC IMPACT OR NO IMPACT; TRAIL PLAN WHICH WOULD INCLUDE THE PLAN BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR OVERFLOW PARKING. STAFF TO COME BACK WITH A CLEAN DEFINITION OF ASSISTED LIVING AND MODIFICATION OF MN072296.DOC PAGES --- -- --- ------ -- -- -- - -- - - " THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPROPRIATE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Wuellner, Stamson, V onhof and Criego. MOTION PASSED. A recess was called at 8:45 p.m. Commissioner Vonhofleft the meeting at that time. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Old Business: There was a discussion to tentatively reschedule the boat tour of Prior Lake to the week August 19, 1996. Commissioner Kuykendall said he would not be at the August 26, 1996 meetirig. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECONDED BY KUYKENDALL TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Kuykendall, Stamson and Criego. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Recording Secretary Connie Carlson MN072296.DOC PAGE6 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4A CONSIDER LAKE SHORE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR MARIS STOLCERS 5395 SHORE TRAIL NE JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATO~ DONALD R. RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR VJ.MJ . _ YES -X... NO MARCH 25, 1996 The Planning Department received a variance application from Maris Stolcer, who is proposing to construct a deck addition to an existing cabin. The proposed deck addition is located on the south side of the cabin, resulting in a lake shore setback of 0 feet. The applicant is therefore requesting a variance to the 75' lake shore setback. DISCUSSION: This property was platted in 1950 as a part of North Shore Crest Addition, prior to its being annexed into the City of Prior Lake. Like many properties in this area the site was developed with a seasonal cabin in 1956. At this time, the applicant is proposing to add a 10' by 20' 7" deck to the existing cabin. This lot is 280' long on the long side, 50' wide on the north end, and 36' wide along the lake shore. The existing cabin is located at the south end of the lot, just 10' from the Ordinary High Water Elevation. The width of the lot and the cabin's location make this a substandard use, defined by Section 9.2 (8,3) of the Zoning Ordinance as "any use of shorelands in existence prior to the date of this ordinance which are permitted within the applicable zoning district, but do not meet the minimum lot area, setbacks or other dimensional requirements of this ordinance". This section goes on to state the following regulations for deck additions to substandard uses: a) Deck additions may be allowed without a variance to a structure not meeting the required setback from the ordinary high water level if all of the following criteria and standards are met: 96068pc.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1. The structure existed on the date the structure setbacks were established; 2. A thorough evaluation of the property and the structure reveals no reasonable location for a deck meeting or exceeding the existing ordinary high water level setback of the structure; 3. The deck encroachment toward the ordinary high water level does not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the existing setback of the structure form the ordinary high water level or does not encroach closer than thirty (30) feet, whichever is more restrictive; and 4. The deck is constructed primarily of wood, and is not roofed or screened. Since the proposed deck does not meet all of these criteria, a variance is required. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. The existing use of the property will continue without this variance. Furthermore, a deck meeting the criteria in Section 9.2 (B,3) could be placed along the west side of the cabin. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Because staff has concluded that there is no undue or unnecessary hardship this criterion is not met. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. Any hardship results from design decisions made by the applicant, not from the application of the provisions of the Ordinance. Thus, this criterion is not met. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. -2- - ~_._.. .-_...- - - -..-.. ~._--_. .- - The proximity of the proposed deck to the lake shore is inconsistent with the intent of the Shoreland District to preserve the natural environmental values of the existing lake shore. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the applicant has legal alternatives which would allow reasonable use of the property, and thus that the Ordinance criteria are not met, staff recommends Alternative No.3. If the Board of Adjustment finds that this request meets the applicable criteria, approval of this variance should be subject to the condition that the deck addition be drawn on the certificate of survey by a registered land surveyor, along with the dimensions of the deck, as well as distances from the lot lines. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9626PC. -3- SENT' BY: DNA j 8- 7-96 7:41AMj 6127727573 => 6124474245j #1 /1 Minnesota Deparlm~nl. of Natural Resources Metro Waters - 1200 WamerRoad. St. Paul. MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (612) 772-7910 Fax: (612) 772-7977 7671 (:0. August 6, 1996 Post-it" Fax Nole To Co CoJOopl. Phone It 0..1" Mr. Dun Rye Director afPhsnning City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 "'lion... ~ 772..-' I." Fux 11 Fax It RE: DA vm SMITH IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE V ARJANCll REQUEST (SPRlNO LAKE). AND MARIS STar .eRRS SEmACK V ARIANCn REQUEST (pRIOR LAKE) Dear Mr. Rye: Please inco'l'on&lc: Ihc: fullowin8 DNR comment.! into thc record of the Planning Commissio.a bearing for the subject variance requests. DA VID SMJTH lMPJ.:;K VIOUS SURF ACE COVERAGE VARIANCE llliQUEST I did nol receive a site pllU'l or survey fur the: Smith imperviou.~ sudil" l:OVCI'age variance n:qucst. However, 1 know the lob in the 13ulte&11ut Belich SubUivision were platted many years ago, and contain many existing substandard lots. Is the lli7.c of the proposed sarage addition and the width of the proposed driveway the minimum n:quircd to alleviate the hardship the applicant must demonstnte? Is it a three-staU garage on a lot more suited for a single or double garage'? Without the benefit of a site: plan. it is difficultlO provide any J'eQommended alternative to the: proposal which may reduce the variance. It should also be noted that, allhough lhc applicant is reque;ting a 4% Var1am:e from the: city's required 30% maximwn impervious covl.-ragc, Minnesota Ruln 611 S. 3300, subpart J J. limits impervioWl surface to 25% of. Jot in the shon:land district. Thi~ i~ to minimize the impl1Ct.~ of stormwalcr runo1f on sucfa.ce wlIter fealures. AJllhal beiug said, I do not havc adequate infurmation on which to provide a DNR r=ommendation on the proposal. I trust the Pl81uting Caaullission will cunsider allthc: fKCts, including the hardship which the appli~t is required 10 demon:nntc. PlcllSC consider the questions I raist.-d with respect to the garage/driveway dimensions as lhl..'Y ~l.lc: 1.0 &he ovcrlll.1 constraints of a slUalllot. ~ MARIS STOLCERS SEmACK VARIANCE }[ appears there is ample space to locate a detw;hed ~k meeting the n.:quircd ~lUTe setbad:. If it must be attached, it could be attached to the rear (north side) cfthe existing cabin. That, too. would require Il set.bw;k variance, although significantly less than the zero setback requested. I would be most interested in hearing the hardship argument on this one. The DNR ill very much opposed to the granting ofthi~ variance. and urge; the Planning Commj~"inn to deny the requem befOTc them. Several options exi$t which either eliminate or greatly reduce the need for a setbw;k variance. This one seems so blatantly counter to the intent of shol'eland zoning. J need soy no more. Thank you for the opportunity to rc:vicw and comment on the two varil1llce requests. Please forward II copy of the dec;i:sion made: On lhcx mall&:::nl. clln me at 772.7910 ifhave any qU~"lItiuns regarding the DNR cornmcnts submitted. Sincl.Tcly, '~J~L~[~~gL-- .. Area Hydrologist 1>'IIR (nforlllalilln: oI1.1<Jti-01.~7. I-XOO.7()(').(,IK)() . 'ny: ()112lJh 54X4. I I$lJ(j (,57 J42lJ '\11 I::~u,d 1)1'~'u1ClInil) 1:-.ml"III),-. \Vhll V;\lu.., hi.,.,......ilv ft. ."rillh",1 nn 't"'"e,d,ol! l'iJIl\'r ('111l111'"Ill~' i' c.., \1illinru:u uf 10':1 "11..1 CIIII.\UIIII.:r \\'~I'.II.: Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LA1~ USE APPLICATION q~- DW -1=1'-;;11::J- 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional o Rezoning, from (oresent zonin~) sheets/narrative if desired) to (proposed zonin~) A f') \\ Iv' )t -+0 I 7 'f ()c:-cJ<:.. TV o Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance G '>tl 5, TIN' &" Cl46~# o Subdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision o Conditional Use Permit ~Variance \ Applicable Ordinance Section(s): Cf . '3 (,4,;1- 1 MAr<.rs I Applicant(s): S ro L v=,2..S Address: p~ C}"L/ ;= r / j I"Y1 d;( t: ...s;- A/ E" .' Home Phone: ~ f.;L- ~ 7 /-~G,.JfO Work Phone: ~/ d- - 7 ~-~ 'T9S-- Property Qwner(s) [If different from Applicants}: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee Contract for Deed _ purchase Agreement ---- Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): ~C)..,- ;;L} A L-crG/C ~ N o/t!!.47+ S 64-.1 dh r' ../#I G!", ,~/" I _ _._ ~'-' ' . , ; .: ,. . '. > - To the best of my knowledge the information procided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, [ have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that applications will not be processed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. "7/l"A~ S~ 7-/~-7 (... Applicant's Signature Date Fee Owner's Signature Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: ~ = Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date NOTICE OF HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOllOWING VARIANCE: A 75 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A SETBACK FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OF PRIOR LAKE OF 0 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 75 FEET FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DECK ADDITION TO AN EXISTING DWElliNG ON PROPERTY lOCATED IN THE R-1 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT AND THE SD (SHORELAND OVERLAY) DISTRICT IDENTIFIED AS 5395 SHORE TRAil NE. You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, August 12,1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANTS: Maris Stolcers 4654 Fillmore Street NE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 SUBJECT SITE: 5395 Shore Trail NE, legally described as Lot 2, Block 2, North Shore Crest REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to construct a deck addition to an existing dwelling in the Shoreland District along Prior Lake. The proposed deck will have a 0' setback from the Ordinary High Water Elevation of 904' instead of the required 75' setback. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public Interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: July 31,1996 96-068va\96068pn.doc I 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTL'NIn' EMPLOYER ---'~:3771--ff C..ii"LQi F .."'" ",,,,, '; W\ ~~.,~g \1 4 .J, 5 I 6 7 \ 5~~L~k~a.... 5S4'! . . ~_.....,_._---- / .,.~~ ---=ro. l'l/S'- 6 E I~l'n 12 I~Zj: 13 I~Z25 w :::. I.:'. ct I~Z1q to 15 LJl a. 111 25;- u !6 142'0 . 16 ,0 II 5ll"10 i~"O 5S/0 f\fVlt3LE.WOO DOll.. ,"'5 .... r" r,;;; \~'i2 3 3 4 3 6 7 8 .J--.,.."'" ~ \ \ " I'lJ30. 14 \13 1211110\ 9. /11I1/'- II 0 /6'0\ / ~-. 5~ORE. L.l'i. r'rD1'f;:'-\:"~17 ~--1-l =lK I I ; :\ DOl i . A 6TH N ;..~ Ar5D~N ;7 :'''. ~ tLlq !lljo 18 .R 1~500 ... C~RlZlAoe 'rilL-\.. ~D. ..1",~:Z1 I I~ ~O I :: '1\ I \ :srTh o .:. r .. ~ , _PRIOR o \ 5 - 11.j~'1c; ( ? ILl q ..... '- -..: ' OUTL - CITY PRIO" Lt. -f ,p. l! L'll< ~ SURVEY PREPARED FOR: MARIS STOLCERS 4654 .FILMORE STREET N.E. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN. 55421 \ \.' Valley Surveying Co., P.A. SUITE 120-C. /6670 FRANKLIN TRAIL FRANKC./N TRAIL OFFICE CONDOMINIUM PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 55372 ~---"ELEPHONE (6121447-2570 ---- iRA\\.. SHORE 0 ......... " --- ~f: ..... ~ l'l6'~~-OO_' -- I I' ",-, ----'i91~ / { I \ I ~i / J / -- .. .Lut : ~~Io ,<- .. 0 ~/N ~I~ ~ g ~\j / ~ \ //] i \ I ~ r'\ \ .. 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"At;i RESOLUTION 9626PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LAKE SHORE SETBACK OF 0 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 75 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK ADDITION TO AN EXISTING DWELLING BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Maris Stolcer has applied for a variance from Section 9.2 (B, 3) and 9.3 (A,2) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a 10' by 20' 7" deck addition to an existing dwelling on property located in the R-l (Suburban Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) District at the following location, to wit; 5395 Shore Trail NE, legally described as Lots 2, Block 2, North Shore Crest 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case #96-068 and held hearings thereon on August 12, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The request does not meet the Ordinance criteria in that reasonable use of the property can be obtained if the ordinance is literally applied, and legal alternatives exist for the placement of a deck without a variance. 5. The granting of the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance would serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 6. The contents of Planning Case 96-068 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. 96-068va\res9626.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the requested variance to allow a deck addition to be located 0' from the ordinary high water level. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on August 12, 1996. William Criego, Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 96-Q68va\res9626.doc 2 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4B CONSIDER IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCE FOR DAVID SMITH 2950 SPRING LAKE ROAD (CR 12f\.t V JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COO~AT~ A / DONALD R. RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ YES 1-. NO AUGUST 12, 1996 The Planning Department received a variance application from Mr. David Smith. Mr. Smith wishes to construct a new, attached garage as shown on the attached survey. The proposed garage, along with the driveway leading to the garage, requires a variance to permit an impervious surface of 34% instead of the maximum 30% allowed. DISCUSSION: The subject property is zoned R 1-Suburban Residential and is located in the SD- Shoreland District. The subject property was originally platted as a part of Butternut Beach, which was platted in 1926. The property is currently developed with a house with attached garage. The legal building envelope on the property which results from the applicable front and rear yard setbacks is about 8 feet deep. On June 10, 1996, the Board of Adjustment considered an application from Mr. Smith for several variances that would allow him to construct an attached garage. On June 24, 1996, the Board approved Resolution 9622PC, granting an 18' variance to permit a 67' setback from the centerline of Spring Lake Road rather than the required 85 feet (see attached resolution). This variance essentially allowed Mr. Smith to build a 26' by 24' attached garage on the east side of the dwelling. Unfortunately, the original variance application did not include a request to increase the permitted amount of impervious surface. Also, the certificate of survey submitted did not include the area of the new garage and driveway in the impervious surface calculation. This omission was discovered when Mr. Smith made an application for a permit to construct the new garage. Therefore, Mr. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Smith is requesting a variance of 4% to allow a total impervious surface coverage of 34 percent. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. It also goes to whether the applicant has legal alternatives to accomplish to the requested variance. Arguably, Mr. Smith currently has reasonable use of the property with the existing house and garage. Moreover, Mr. Smith also has alternatives for the expansion of the garage which would not require a variance to the impervious surface. For example, a garage addition measuring 10' by 22' could be constructed along with the driveway area, which would not exceed the 30% impervious surface. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Because staff has concluded that reasonable use exists, there is no unnecessary hardship. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. Any hardship which exists results from the Mr. Smith's desire to have an oversized 3-car garage and not from the provisions of the City's Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The intent of the Ordinance is to insure reasonable use of property which conforms with at least the minimum standards set by the community in its Ordinance. In some measure this means that the level of development of any parcel of land is dependent on its particular characteristics, and that any parcel should not be overdeveloped. The proposed project does not meet this intent, in that it provides perhaps more development than should reasonable be accommodated on the subject site. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 96071pc.doc 2 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Because staff has concluded that the request does not meet the Ordinance criteria, staff recommends Alternative No.3, denial. If the Board of Adjustment finds that this request meets the applicable criteria, approval of this variance should be subject to the condition that the garage and driveway addition be drawn on the certificate of survey by a registered land surveyor, along with the dimensions and distances from the lot lines. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 96-27PC denying the applicant's request for variance. 96071pc.doc 3 ~ Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. ~b-07 . -" - C'JI -~I rO "<l,f~ City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: o Rezoning, from (present zonin~) ! - to (proposed zonin~) I 0;..- Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan ~r City Ordinance to- S~bdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision o Conditional Use Permit rf^ Variance Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheets/n~rrat}ve if desire~ "'1" J fA'~--4 ~6~. ~_.r / Q ~ ~,~( C~y ~ / Applicable Ordinance Section(s): w... Applicant(s): . /Au P <;.t::!/.J.,J., Address: . /:S"1()- ~;;h~"" /:.A1., Home Phone: ilYs:, 9{1.2.... ~ M Wark Phone: Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: I,n- /) 7~) .2. q 8v-.--;.hr .J,J.,;.-r fj~~-~ Home Phone: ~ Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee _ Contract for Deed _ Purchase Agreement )/ Legal De~cription o~ Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): /Cft .2"7 J .2<'( 5Ld/V'';v;d. ~&AC/' - To the best of my knowledge the information prodded in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have r~ad the relevant section;;; of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that a~ will not b essed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~ %i Y J /-/1-1;; . icant's Signature Date Fee Owner's Signature Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date NOTICE OF HEARING TO CONSIDER A 4% VARIANCE TO PERMIT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE OF 34% INSTEAD OF THE PERMITTED 30% FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE AND DRIVEWAY ADDITION ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE R1-SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THE SD- SHORELAND DISTRICT AND IDENTIFIED AS 2590 SPRING LAKE ROAD You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, August 12,1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANT: David Smith 2590 Spring Lake Road Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 SUBJECT SITE: Lots 27 and 28, BUTTERNUT BEACH, Scott County, Minnesota. REQUEST: The applicant proposes the construction of a garage and driveway addition which would result in the impervious surface coverage of the lot to be 34% of the lot area, instead of 30% as permitted in Section 9.3 (8,1) of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship Is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an Interest In the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and Is not contrary to the public interest If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: August 1,1996 96071 po.doc: 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER \...0"" \-c" Go\J ' Go\J' " COUNTY OF SCOT T ?RDfftt"y ~ I I ,,:.it~; -e-:'ii.t.-~. \ -1--;: ''1, .~:" t'i ,.~!~~::.~~/ CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 101. 70 ("8, ql) ~ ',<:1-;' ~rJ \VO.,o l,: '.-_= :..~' ~ - --. - .. --; (]) <r <ti (]) 6g.q 0)/,: ~I< '" RFAH.$ " o ,.v,E <.i. ,'/./q. "" z"'",o ~ -, ,..,'C',,~ 5.'.t..l.. (.9",,' z-v) r.ff.o ~"'1." " >i :tl <D ...J-j - ~ r -~. L;-=-~ .". ,'1l,55 . ';~. 'j ~ .', .. '. ,- " ~ . ~_ ~".-1.:-_J/~ " . ~ ~""-.' , : '.~/?!F") ... .. ,I/O. 100.201 8'7VHL .-/' --.., , :3/T \ ~ e'lE ".c- ~. ,3,:,,: ,.' 9OZ::. 'z' f. . ROAD NO. 12 LAKE ROAD) ~ 131":: ./.9';:1 {1" ~ - COUNTY ( SPRING ?ROP~RT'I ~ESC~rp~lQN ~C~5 0f hn~;5~ 3n~ ~arAge !4a~ :'34 ~t. -\:-0?-3 0: _:,:,n~:""'? ,:~"j ~- :.. .~.~ Lots 27 ~ 2~ . RU,..rF.RNUT BF.^CH" ^c=~rrii~g :1 ~ne ~~~0~1~d ?l~t th~~~of Sc~tt ~~untv. :~inn~~ot3 ~~~ ~..~~ ~~. ~mO~~':l~ll~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ p~rspnt~~~ "f t"lo. 1,:- ~ ;:'1:""-:--3. ..:.~\ o Dl!!nc':es lC00 monument c;l?'t ".lenct~5 l:::>n 'nonl.lmenc found . :)"!notl?5 concC'-!'tl!! slan ;)~not'!s l!!xlsting spot elev~tion iJ-:!notes 9r'Jpos-::=d ~J.:\jatit)n ~, ! . (1%1.8D.j -N I i1 [ ] 3F.~ir:H~AARK 5 C.:. Ll:: IN C'!!" , !J :/J 2/J ://J SOlk~ in ~o~~r ool~ lOC3~~d in che n;'c~.i1'...;E?'st 'luad:"~nt "f ~1()C't:,wood ~c~d ~nd ~9cLng r.ak~ ~o4d g:ev~~lon 122.~5 N.G.~.n. BOERHt\ VE LAND SUR VEYING. INC. I ner~hv '.lI!r::if:t ':~=lt thl~ ~lIr'VII!,!. ;1[:t" 'Jr :-erort ...15 :"r'!~r1rl!d h? :TIp. "'r 'l!'tder :on;.-' rtirl!cc: !!lUpleH.....!~t...m :1n(\ tn.~t ! =lm , ';lIi'." ::l~~:scp.rl!d L,;m.d 51Ir'/II!YQr 'lndt.":- .:.!J.e t,.".",~ 'Jf ::~:: ~:;1te .,r "Hnnl!s,.,t:t. (...~~~'i~~ ;.1;:l,!!:C :::'rl~"~~":"I':~. ~!...~ J;1:-a .r:?'<'/I- -,7'", I ?~6 :.s241 \-1itOC" C'irclt ,'J F.: :'r:llf : _lice. \finn~(n~ (~r':': t. I 2..14 ~.') I~.s ~P?: 1~< File No. 96-040 Variance STATE OF MINNESOTA) )88. COUNTY OF SCOTT ) The undersigned, duly qualified and City Manager of the City of Prior Lake, hereby certifies the attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the original. Resolution 96-22PC X on file in the office of the City Planner, City of Prior Lake. Dated this2~i~'~ay of i.. '{ t /L tfJ __ ,1996. I j - . I', '. \ ~ -.. .. . .. . ". '" , ~ .' ,~.':<' {City Seal) __.' f " .... '. '.-" . Doc. ~iLtR40 .,' ... ...'). .-." '.... OFF:CE OF TEE CCL~ RECORDER ~~ SCOT'!' COUNTY. M::llNESOTA / t _ Certifiec ,!i:ed and or Re~ded on 7 tJ ~~-J 11-.. . t aoec~an. ~unty Recorder . . .. .......:......: ..' , .) :,'~~:.... ~~,' l::y: Deputy 16200 ~Weo~fflfu Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota S'5~2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTC:'<ITY EMPLOYER RESOLUTION 9622PC A RESOLUTIONAPPROVING A REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE 1. AN 18 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 67 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE CENTERLINE OF SPRING LAKE ROAD RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 85 FEET; ALL RELATED TO A PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2590 SPRING LAKE ROAD. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. David Smith has applied for a variance from Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of an attached garage on property located in the RI-Suburban Residential zoning district and the SD- Shoreland District at the following location, to wit; 2950 Spring Lake Road, legally described as Lots 27 and 28, BUTTERNUT BEACH, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case 96-040V A and held a hearing thereon on June 10, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The request meets the Ordinance criteria, in that reasonable use of the property' cannot be made without the requested variance. 5. The granting of the variances is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variances would not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable haedship. 16200 ~~1~~(P~ve. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTt.:NITY EYlPLOYER 6. The contents of Planning Case 96-040V A are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the requested variance. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on June24, 1996. ~ Richard Kuy en g Director 9622PC.OOC/DR 2 RESOLUTION 9627PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE AND DRIVEWAY ADDITION WHICH RESULTS IN AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE OF 340/0 INSTEAD OF THE ~UM30PERCENT BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. David Smith has applied for a variance from Section 9.3 (B, 1) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a garage addition and driveway on property located in the R-l (Suburban Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) District at the following location, to wit; 2590 Spring Lake Road, legally described as Lots 27 and 28, Butternut Beach, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case #96-071 and held hearings thereon on August 12, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The request does not meet the Ordinance criteria in that reasonable use of the property can be obtained if the ordinance is literally applied, and legal alternatives exist for the construction of a garage addition without a variance. 5. The granting of the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance would serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, but is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 6. The contents of Planning Case 96-071 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. 96-Q71va\res9627.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the requested variance to allow a garage and driveway addition which would result in an impervious surface of34% instead of the maximum 30 percent. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on August 12, 1996. ATTEST: · William Criego, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 96-071va\res9627.doc 2 Minnesot.a Department of Natural Resources Metro Waters - 1200 WamerRoa.d~ St. Paul,; MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (612) 772-7910 Fax: (612) 172-7977 August 6. 1996 PosHt" Fa1( Note 7671 Dl1I$ $" I Mr. Don Rye Direc'lor ofPl1W1mg City of Pour Lake 16200 Hagle Creek A\lenue: SE Prior Lake, Minneaota 55372-1114 RB: DA vm SMITH :IMPERVIOUS sURFACE COVl:::RAOE VARIANCB.REQUEST (SPRJNO LAlOS). A.ND MARIS STor.eRRS SETBACK V ARIANCn REQUHST (pRIOR. I..AKE) FUJI * ?J (:0, W,e. f'none I 7.., Fallil Dear Mr. Rye; please inc:orporah: the full owing DNR commenLs into the record of tho PlIIOning Commisaion bCaritla for tho INbjec:1 ".n~ re.qo:csts. DAVID SMll'H J.Mi>ER VIOUSSURFACE COVERAGB VARIANCE 1WQUEST I did nul ~-ive a site plan or SI.U'\I~ furffu::Smi1h imperviousSudllC4 eoVlll'agevan.nco rcq1.lC'.$t. However,! knoW the l~ in the Buttcmut Be~h Subdivision were plat:1ed many years AgO. and eQotain many ~ substandard lots. Is the $i7.e of thc proposed sarage addition and the width of the propo8l:d driveway the m.irUmum n:quired lb alleviate the h..-w.hip the applicllnt must demonstnte? Is it a three-stall gatage on a lot more suited for a sinsleoI double gara~7 Withoutlhe benefit of a site plan. it is diffitull to provide any reconut1ClIldec .Jlcmative to tb&: proposal which may n:duce 'be variance. Il should also be noted that., althougbthc: aPPuClUlt is recp1e1Cting a 4'1e vari81'lCC from the city's required 30% maximwn impervious I;OYI."1'&80, Minnesota Rules 611 S. 3300, subpart II. limits Unpel'Vioua sutfa= to 25IJ,. of" lot in the shoreland district. This is 10 minimize the implIll:ts of storrnwatcr runoJf on surfsce wat2r fe4lures. Alllhlll being said, I do not have adequate infonrtation onwhit,:h to provide a DNR n:c:QtDmendation on the proposal. I truSt the PllUU\ing Ccmnussion will consider llll tllC: facts, including the hardship whK:h the applieant is required to demon:stnalc;:, Please consider the questions I raised wi th respect to the garage/driveway dimensions as Ih'-'Y relats: to Lhc overall am:stIai.uts of. small lot. MARlS ST01..CERS SETBACK VARIANCB It appears there is ample SpllCC to locate a detached d.ec:k meeting the required SltUCUlTC setback. If it must be attached. it could be attached to the rear (north side) of the existing c:abin. That, too, would require a lICtbllf;:kV.nlUlCC, although significantly Jess than the zero SClba<:.k requested. I would be most interested in hearing the hardsbip orgument on this Me. 'Tb4 DNR is vcry mw:h oppo..<;ed to the granting ofthill variance. llndurgn the Planning Commis...ion in deny the requd. before them; ~cvcral nptlom: exist whilOlh either eliminate or greatly red\lc:e the need for a setbllClc variance. This CII'le s;eems so blatantly counter to the intent of shot'eland zoning. 1 need say no more. Thank you for the opportunity to review and l;ommc:llt on the two variance request$. Please forward a copy of the ~i:sion Jl.I~ on Lhex matlcnl. Call mo at 772-1910 if havl: my qUc."Slions n:garding the DNR commc:nu submitted.. Sim::LTc1y, '.'t" ~ :J -. _: "'K~ -" - _ - ... ._ 4"..~. M. ((@--.-.. Patrick J. L h III Area Hydrologist llNR Inrmlll::rtilln: tlll-l,)fI-n 157. 1-~IX). 7l'i,.f,{KIO . Try: () 12. 2<,1(, ;~/loJ. I ~IJU (,:17 ,\f.J:lt) '\11 l:':t.llt-.,lJ C)..~.,.tli.lnil)- ~;tur'h~sl.-'t Wh.. .v;~lli~~" 'J\'\.'~t',il\' ,ftt _ Printyll n:i It"."':r~'lt'lt l'"all,'r- (\lflfdiIHn~' ;J c..a \.1inlmOllHtf I C)",l Illl..t CI"'~"UIh.:r ""~~,t... PL NNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4C CONSIDER FRONT SETBACK VARIANCES FOR EAGLE CREEK VILLAS 4170-4176 CJ CIRCLE i JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINA TQR~. DONALD R. RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ · _ YES ...x... NO AUGUST 12, 1996 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Eagle Creek Villas to allow the construction of a 3-unit townhouse building on the site located at the northeast intersection of Cates Street SE and C J Circle. The building, which is presently under construction, is located 21 feet from the Cates Street right-of-way instead of the required 25 feet. The applicant is requesting a 4' variance to the front yard setback. DISCUSSION: The subject site was platted as Lots 1-4, Block 4, Second Addition to Lakeside Estates in 1982, prior to the effective date of the current Zoning Ordinance. While a conditional use permit for the construction of a 4-unit townhouse was also approved in 1982, that building was never built.. In May, 1996, a building permit for the 3-unit building on this site was approved. The 3-unit building fits within the "envelope" lots for the planned 4-unit building. However, as was subsequently discovered, the building is located 21' from the front lot line instead of the required 25 feet. Section 4.2 (Lot and Yard Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance notes that a 25' front yard setback is required for structures in the R-2 district. Furthermore, Section 4.1 C states that "any lot of record may be used for the erection of a structure conforming to the use regulations of the district in which it is located". Therefore, a 4' variance to this provision is required. Variance Hardship Standards: 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 1 96067PC.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. The building could be realigned on the site to meet the required setbacks. If this were the case, however, the building would not fit into the existing "envelope". 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. A unique circumstance applicable to this property is the fact that the existing subdivision plat includes the building envelope. The plat was approved and recorded prior to 1983, the effective date of the current Zoning Ordinance. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. Any hardship results not from the application of the provisions of the Ordinance, but from design decisions made by the applicants. Thus, this criterion is not met. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The size and appearance of the 3-unit townhouse is consistent with the other buildings in the area. Thus, it does not appear that the requested variances would be contrary to the public interest. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. RECOMMENDATION: While there is not a definitive hardship, the circumstances surrounding this property are somewhat unique. The Planning staff therefore recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion adopting Resolution 9625PC. 96067PC.DOC 2 / ....-, .~- - -... r" ,.~ '- -; -'~- r- .... -- '- ~./ . .. L.- ,^" i-'"' . l." l; I '\ \ ' \ '\.. .' -:--~ . /~ /- ,- qlo -DG 1 '- ., ". .., 1- ,'''' 'i' - / Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. i- - '- City of Prior Lake LA1~ USE APPLICATION ~'2 '~.~- - ,- .. - - 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional o Rezoning, from (present zonin~) to (oroposed zonin~) o Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance o Subdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision ~nditional Use Permit ~ Variance Applicable Ordinance Section(s): Applicant(s): F n (_ i-It'- (.;71- (!<"A-- (..,) t ( (v/-Y Address: -)) (p ~ r:- ," -, ~-.J~ Home Phone: Work Phone: (I \( I ,-~ oS y Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone: y Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee' Contract for Deed _ purchase Agreement ----->' t- Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): , To the best of my knowledge the infor Ion procided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant Ions of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that app 'catio will not be proces tit deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. ". $/..ftJ -; . - q. q t:. Date Date Fee Owner's Signature THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING CONOlTIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date NOTICE OF HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: A 5 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 21 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE-UNIT TOWNHOUSE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE R2-URBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THE SD-SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT IDENTIFIED AS 4170-4176 CJ CIRCLE. You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, August 12, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANTS: Eagle Creek Villas 7765 East 175th Street Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: 4170-4176 CJ Circle, legally described as Lots 1-4, Block 4, Second Addition to Lakeside Estates REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to construct a 3-unit townhouse building on an existing lot which will have a front yard setback of 21' instead of the required 25 feet. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variance against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or are not consistent with the above-listed criteria. . Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: July 31,1996 96-Q67va\96067pn.doc I 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQLAL OPPORTL'NITY EMPLOYER I . ... r- Ul Ul N I]'l o 0/0'_ , . ?~ / fd i .J I; ~ - 'aJ lD ~fJ1 < CERT.:2, ,... C\J GARD~N'Sg v CD II'l I .~ Cl 10 3RD 0 - C\J !::: I~ ",,:'~8 u49~ 4' 11I1 \91. " faI' I 2~r~ . , ~ , rw", ~' tD 3 1 2 I I (J 111I I ~ ...~'o . 14~'''. i 1"2:'14 q~~ () ~ <J 21:'" , .tol' ;'1 ~'2.(('-- t"V \"Ac. ,~ I ~-<;.~~ I-. . ~>s, :!!' r"'C=:- 3" \IJ sr ~IOO .,1 ~ , 12'1'; I . ~~~.I~f. ;;~ '133/ I .'5j''5 , 17 IE ~Ol.O - ~,"-;; .' Co '\ _/W'f" ::v:=.lJ'l : w ~ - ~ ~ r=L- -= ..........S .......... r-....J -r- 150 S r: ~-. 'OiII<:r rt ~. o " 7 I a .01. 4(08:;- . U.J CIl 9 U.J CIl ~ ~.~ <t CIl ....J U.J 'I~~ '1~Z' 10I (7 " S A : _ ~~1. .' 0., crlWtlt . .-!.~ 'S S 210 '" _ 95 . :: , ; ~. ~ 'f;l1J:1/ +34/-"i . f A. - 97 . I ,... I . ')~' I"", ~! 5;1 ~ 2-:"'32C: I ~I f, :5". ~-I ~ I - ~. i- 156_6:~! n ~:75 ' ,~/ ft- ~'":) Ji::. 121220 ~i.'" ~~r=2!?31'5 - TIlACT 5 t. ~ ~ Aa*' '10405 4 3 ~ 5 .. .~ S ,., '! ,,'s/ ST. S. E. p~ 2 I I ESTATES \ I 208558 OLLY OUTL:'j A ...... L .... -.. JRr-- f'" _" J '" . '0 .",-.~ o~ G <\, C. 0 'l, ~~ "'- '" c. /.J.pqy GENSMER VALLEY SURVEYING CO. 1 P. A. 16670 FRANKLIN TRA IL S. E. PRIOR LAK~ MN 55372 OFF ICE. 447-2570 FAX 447-2571 "'.'1 9" :' f,C. tL. '1" .1 r ? ;::..~' ..: ..... a _J,__ -. -... -. .- -iiUiIL: -- - , .... , "'M ~._.,,_..'.. GOD 9 ::. ~~ -- -.- I""'iii:'O' 2 I....:.....~-I ..... ~ ilJ .. .:-_._~- !!:N 84'45'00. , ---90. 00..- NU. IL. ..... ~L __ fJ'-~~-- _.u~.' : ~ ~ ~!! ;,!/ I C!E!:) -: ! ..t.O ;.-io~-o .. .. - '!:= I I I 1 LI'''cpoeco 1 .. -. I 1 I o , I' :/ . .:0 "'~I~. I . , :( ~-l.....!..-,^"" I., ). '1 ,-.1: h ..-.,. ~= f;I ~=f I." 13.1 I~! I "~c..'" 10.,,, .....' I 1'..!!.'.!.J'..90 Qo , . , '" . o V!..~i' 45 '00. _iJ.. , ,- d ""a 11.. ~ tN' .,,-, .t9.'0 .,. O.,V,.." .. lI, . ...... '" !.~^~.... J: r. 81 e; f: ...... ...... ![. :~\ . .. , ~ i ~~ .. ~. ~ ,.j u, . a- I : ; IU, i .~ . ", ~ Wh~ -/ I ' ',.... ,., -__. '''0 - II.' - : / // . ( t, \~ '. I . -- 1:.<' ~' (.. .tf.tO ", . 0: ';::' 0 ,C) lJ'l' ~C) '<) aun.o... ... o ..1 ,.~ - I .~_~.. I _ ~ no......' . . .. ': - -0- 6 -.J!.!-- ..... lL. .t'_ ,. ...e II. .t'.1O J ., ", " ! : 1t\t1 ~~. o .,e- 0lIt"""'1" -. 9'7 '9 1C, .. ..t, " r.e.IL. .... '1 DP.scRIP'l'ION: Lot", L 2. 3, ~ 4. fllock 4. SECOND A/lO'N TO LAKESIDE ES'l'ATI".s. Scott County. Minnesota. Also "hewing the loc"ticn of the proposed hOIl...e. as staked this 23rd ~y of April. 199b. ...." . Nm'~:<;' l!enchn..rk fUevaticn 921.44 Top nut of Hydrant at SE corner of OJtlot PO. 921.4 ~2C).5 Denotes existing grade elevation Denotes propcll'leCl finished grade elevations Oo!notes Pr:0p08ed direction of finished 11l1rface deainage Set the peoposed gae"qe slab at elevation 920.67 Set the top of. block at elevation 97.1.00 The lewest Elooe elevation will be at 917.96 N..t Lot ae.... = 5.400 sq. ft. REV 4/30/96 TO SHOW PIlOPOSED SLOG a GRADES. ~ ~ -'.. - : --- --- ~i-'- -] , "'''frY ,.:n' ,.,.' ."".i' ,-/-tj': r;{1RvE" WA~ "QEO~R!O BY ,"fE .JR -:!.,r'" .., 1.!I~'J' :.;Pf-C, '~/:'J"" .IUD 'HAll H" ~ nUL" &,IC!NScO Alii.' :,;,~. '''J!:I': ; j~AW$ ')1= ''"If sr.ar,..t:/ifINNEsorA /C~r~~/~ -'/:,,/,'.":.1".1'" 'It, . ;" " 'J:"' ,J ~4r;.; o.i ','" IlPf f:~-.'tO lIS r.-MiE _2~_ en w ~ ~ en w . i ~ ~ .. ; ] I i ] j I ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i { : ~ g i ! ~ ~ ! ~ ~ - ii . ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l . r S ~ ~ ~ ' ~ :c ! ~ i ~ ~ -:;: ... ; j ; ~ . 8 2 S ~ ~ ] ~ w o - en w ~ <t ...J o I- i ~ i , S { i ~ I ~ i ~ ': - ~ ] , - , ~ ~ J i ~ . i ~ s ! ! i ~ I i i ~ } ~ t i .I ~ .. ; :s : ; J : ~ ; "i ~ ~ :: E . ~ ~ l i :I 0 8 - ! i , ~ ~ i ~ i 1 ! i ~ .. ., f ~ ,11 i oS ~ 1 j I ! . S ::l ... e: Iii; ~ oS i ~ 1 !! i i e~~!_i= i ~ i : _ ~ > ~ i ! "i j ~ i .s . l ~ . ~ - .s '1 ~ ! ~; ~ ~ I ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,I ., ~ ~ f~ f = t j ; ~ . 2 ~ ~ ;5 ! ~ i ~ 0. ~ ~~ ~; i' I ~ > 3! ~ ~~ ! j ] H ~ ~~ 3 ~ ~I ~ J ~~ l' S ~ i . ! ] ~ is ~ ~ : ~I ig ~ 0. ~ ,! "E € ~ ~ ! .c~ i ~ ! H I ~ . .~ ~ ~ :s ~ s :>:~ ~ ! - , =~ s ~ R. ~ h ~ "i , h : ~ ! ! ! " -; . .. S > i , c ~ = i : . . i ~ , ~ - :s 1 ~ . . ~ "i F ~ i ~ i ! ! ~ I ~ . ] , . ~ i f S l g j ~ . t I r ~ } . "i . t I ~ f e - . ~ 1 J ~ i ~ > s . i i " ~ . ~ i ] ~ I ~ ! ~ 0 , i . t ; j i i 0 ~ ~ 8 I 0. I ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ i . i i ~ ;5 ~ i .2 J - ~ ~ ~ i ! ! j ~ ~ 1 t ~ . ~ 1 F " F . ! :s , ~. ~ , ~ ~ , ~ 11 l' ~ j .s ~ oS ~ j ~ ! ~ z :! ] . - ; ~ - ~ j j ~ 1 j - i ] ~ ] 0 j I j E ~ ~ > 1 ! = > ~ ~ ~ F ~ S I ~ ~ ~~ ~ . . ~ ,I J ~ i : 1 ~t 8 : € I !~ S ~ 0 s ~~ = .5 " € ! ~~ ~ ~~ ~ = j ~ ~~ i ~ i ~~ 11 - ~~ ] i ;5 ~ t;S ~ ~6 ~ . = 11 1 ~ S F t f ! ~ ..; ~ ::f "i ~ E ~ ~ j .. ..; l;J ,,~ --i:' rj..,'/)~:,~ i...~ i .....- - SiJ.Us3 ]OJS])I., '-:1 111'* 'z,., ",.... ~:2. i> I... Jl.!"o;~ -. II CI~ , -..,-.., " i : _'\ /\ I I,......., ~I i '" 'J -'.. L-_ ......._..; l!! ~ ~--- l(") z - o o <t o z o u w en ::-: I I I V) l'..i t-- ----:-:::-- f ,,- I ~~ / "\,I '..J) ~J ;'Ic-J '1;:'..... . I:i!t IiI". 1)1. -5J j!iU ith: IH,~ !iUJ , , , ~__-L r-~'~~~~::~' eJ ;---_,_ ,~ / -- I L'...i .. 1 ~~!~ 1 I 12~! i :~::! =: J WUt!u ;.t:; I z ~~9" I ~ g- .I~; ~i I ~iU &1 I gi!~ II" . :~; o~~ I r~-f I r- .....-: :\") (--'~ _.:.t l,..i \- -- ----, , ':c -.J ILL: ~ .s: d~ ~~ ~'t a:~ -S:!oi ~~ ~.. ~ :;-it ::::Il. ~ RESOLUTION 9625PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 21 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 3-UNIT TOWNHOUSE BUILDING BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Eagle Creak Villas has applied for a variance from Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a 3-unit townhouse on property located in the R-2 (Urban Residential) District at the following location, to wit; 4170-4176 CJ Circle, legally described as Lots 1-4, Block 4, Second Addition to Lakeside Estates 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case #96-067 and held hearings thereon on August 12, 1996. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. prior to 1983, the effective date of the current Zoning Ordinance. If the building is moved or realigned, it will not fit into the existing "envelope". 6. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicants, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. The application of the required setbacks leave no legal buildable area. 7. The contents of Planning Case 96-067 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. Pursuant to Section 5-6-8 of the Ordinance Code these variances will be deemed to be abandoned, and thus will be null and void one (1) year from the date of approval if the holder of the variance has failed to obtain any necessary, required or appropriate permits for the completion of contemplated improvements. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby grants and approves the following variances; 1. A variance to permit a 3-unit townhouse which will have a 21' front yard setback instead of the required 25' setback. This variance is granted with the following terms and conditions; 1. The improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the site plan submitted by the applicant, and attached hereto as Exhibit A. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on August 12, 1996. William Criego, Chair I AITEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 2 EXHIBIT II A II VA L LE Y SURVEYING CO. I 16670 FR,aNKLlN TRAIL S. E. PR lOR LAKE, HN. 5':372 OFF ICE 447-2570 FAX 447-2571 P. A. ~pcv CiENSHEq ,,1' J' ~ ' .. - , -_. _.. .n.? tt. oS ~~;.L. I'"~ "'f". ~- -_.. --' -- \ ttU8 I.... \ ..... o--.....~':. _.. I .' 1 .,..' I I I, II If, '\ I ,,- f,e. &~~. ",..0 ~ .......--. ! '....:....~..J 9 Mue n I '.0," , " , ___._~I-- -" -....... , Q..,.fL ...,..\. ; "0." ~ __9_'~.!'___-=":~ ~fN--8:"5'OO' W'!.... ~ ,. I ---90 OO'''-! '\ .:1 <:ffiI:. I I , Jo -~I ..1.0 I ao -io~~ I ;1 ......... , -. f 01;:;";\ . I I ev...o... , ~ ,''"" 0' I ~~i !..~-~... 0"/ 1 I ~ ~ ~ I .:0""... Ilrt J= I :( ,-'-1~^~,.. c:::A..... ~~ I. lit' ).: 'Ol. ~_~ ~ ...~/;_~:~L:'- ~,@ - r:r~ ~f j " ~'~"~O.IP ..,,1 I V l_1 I ' . . r. ,.o,u....90 ao '."'~D 00 1,.,,- 0' ." I ..... -1 ..' '-i--o- "-- 0 '!/v 8"'5'00' J <m:D"r; ---- ''1:1 ::::: 6 /: r~~-= 11- -l:~t~1 TFf .,... t C .....' . ~ I : .... ~... .,..v...., CllI""...... 0 ,It. I ' .... Ci!OD .. : ~: '~ '=' ,Q ~<:) . '-0 1I1 MU" (1,.. .,t. ,. TC ~ .." T. r.c. .... II. '1 OFXRTPTtON: .... eM (.or:" L. 2, J, , <I, fHock 4. SEC::NO A"C>' N 1'0 ('AKES roE E:5'1'AT!'-S. Scot:: C-'"'Unty. Minnesota. A l..o !Ohcwin<; the loc"tlcn of th.. pC"::lpos<'!d hC1I...... as staked !:his U.,.d dl'!y ot I\I"'i L L9%. Nm'~-:'''' ~cl1n..C"k Elevation 921. 44 l'op nut of HydC"ant at SE co.,.ne.,. of OJtlot !'. ~2l.4 Denotes existing g.,.ade elevation ~20.5 Oenot~ pC"oposed finisned gC"ade elevations Oenote!l pC"OpOSeddit"f!C,;icn of fini"hed ,,"C"f/3ce dC"ainaq'! Set the pC"OpOSed ga.,."qe slab at elevation '/20.67 3et !:he top of. blocl< at elevation 92L.00 The Jowest flooC" elevation will be at 9l7.96 N..t r.ot aC".... % 5.400 sq. ft. ! ~ REV "/30/~6 TO SHOW PROPOSED SI.OG a GRAOES. .,ro:f"" :;; -"",,,' .~.;- ~ut=vE" ilA") ..,,,,.,-:3.REO lfJY !IifE.]P ()~ t:" :.' "j".' .1t.1C ~"'A 1 : .... .: t",t" ,,;(("1'5(:; '1;: -' 'y., AltO; IJF r...,. s,~.J:' t: ""IN/II€SQrA ?.-.Cdv~ a:~ r;" afa ".t" .1'i'J"~. .....:... -~---= -: /L.::-r14 ." ,,,., Y:~-.'~ 1,4-=.)", ;. Z J S '-IIr.F Z' a AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: PLANNING REPORT 4D CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT CHURCHES AND DAY CARE FACILITIES IN THE C-l, CONSERVATION DISTRICT N/A J0.tfJO DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR---U'~ _X_ YES _NO-N/A AUGUST 12, 1996 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this request is to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance which will allow churches and day care facilities in the C-l, Conservation District. BACKGROUND: Several weeks ago, staff received a call from the Department of Human Services inquiring whether the Lutheran church located at Five Hawks Avenue and Highway 13 was properly zoned to permit a nursery school- daycare facility. In reviewing the ordinance, it was determined that the site is located in the C-I, Conservation District. It was also discovered that, not only is day care not permitted in the C-I district, neither are churches. This means that the two churches in the City currently within the C-l district are non-conforming uses and are subject to the non- conforming provisions of the ordinance. DISCUSSION: The C-I District was established to " recognize vital environmental resources of the community as steep slopes, wetlands and unstable soil conditions and allow development only after careful analysis." The application of this district in the City has been inconsistent with the stated objectives of the district. The C-l district covers street and highway right-of-way, schools, churches and some parks, in addition to wetland and slope areas. Some time ago, serious consideration was given to eliminating the C-I District altogether because there have been ordinance provisions added which address the concerns. for which the C-l District was originally established. It is likely that this will be accomplished in the new zoning ordinance. For the present, however, the current provisions of the ordinance must be applied. Normally, zoning ordinances are amended when there has been a significant change in conditions , there has been a Comprehensive Plan amendment or there was a mistake in 16200 ~~gy~~~~~e. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER the original zoning. In this case, staff is of the opinion that a mistake was made in including churches in a C-1 District without making them a permitted use. In both cases, the site of the church does not display characteristics which would justify its' inclusion in the C-1 District and there does not appear to be any other circumstances which would warrant such inclusion. This request has been initiated by staff in the interest of correcting an apparent error in the ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the amendment to allow churches and day care facilities in the C-1, Conservation zoning district 2. Recommend denial of the amendment 3. Continue the case for specific reasons RECOMMENDA nON: Alternative I ACTION REOillRED: Modon and second to recommend approval of the attached ordinance amendment 8 1 2964D.DOCIDR 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 96-_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-3-3 OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 3.2 OF PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Section 5-3-3of Prior Lake City Code and Section 3.2 of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 are hereby amended as follows: In the listing of permitted uses under C-l Conservation, inseert the following: 14. Churches 15. Day care centers This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this _ day of , 1996. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of , 1996. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake ORDPRO.OOT 16200 J!>1g1e Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING REPORt AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4E Consider amendment to zoning ordinance to permit fences in County road rights-of way N/A ,,,,- n l Donald Rye, Planning Directo~'- _X_ YES _NO-N/A August 12,1996 SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The City has received an application from the Harbors Community Association to amend the zoning ordinance to permit the construction of a fence in the right-of-way of County Road 42. BACKGROUND: The Harbor Community Association wishes to construct a fence in the right-of-way of County Road 42 in order to meet the objectives contained in the attachment to this report. These objectives relate to screening, noise reduction and security and access control. The Association has indicated that a fence on their own property will not meet these objectives because of the topography of the area. The right- of-way line is located on the hill slope below the level of County Road 42 and a fence on the property line would not provide the screening the Association desires nor would it adequately address the other objectives. Consequently, the Association has asked that the ordinance be amended to allow fences on the right-of-way of County roads with County approval. The fence as proposed by the Association would exceed the height limitation for fences in the City. If an amendment were to be approved, the height limits would need to be addressed in some fashion. City ordinance currently states as follows regarding fences: Fences shall not be permitted in any ril:ht-of-way. DISCUSSION: The provision which prohibits fences in rights-of-way is a common one in City codes. The reasons for such provisions are as follows: · Public policy- As a matter of public policy, public land should be available to the general public on an equal basis. The theory is that public land should not be generally available to individuals or small groups to enjoy a privilege not granted to the general public. If no public purpose is being served, there should be no private use. · Liability- The City may have liability exposure by allowing private use of public right-of-way. Some Cities will allow limited private use subject to specific agreements which specify the conditions of use, contain a hold-harmless or 16200 ~!gr~e~e. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4 45 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER indemnification clause in favor of the City and provide for insurance coverage to the City to be provided by the user. . Interference with public functions- Private use of a right-of-way may interfere with the public functions of the right-of-way. In addition to streets, rights-of-way often contain public utilities, signage and pedestrian facilities for the benefit of the general public. Private use should not interfere with these facilities. While private use can sometimes be shown not to conflict with these facilities, most communities as noted have taken the position that private use is usually not allowed. . Traffic Safety- Private use may compromise the safety of persons using public streets if the private use obstructs traffic, confuses motorists, blocks views or otherwise acts as an impediment or hazard to traffic. Because of potential liability issues noted above, most cities do not allow private use except in rare or unusual circumstances. The attached memorandum from the Engineering Department underscores these concerns. Proposal- The applicants have proposed specific ordinance language as follows: Fences shall not be permitted in any right-of-way, except that Scott County may permit construction offences within the right-ol-way of County State Aid Highways. This language was submitted to Scott County for review. The response received by the City was that the County was opposed to the specific language proposed and suggested that the City may want to consider an amendment which limited City regulations to City streets only and remained silent on the issue of County or State highways. A copy of the County response is attached. This application, and the County response to it, raises both regulatory and policy issues. While the City may have some authority to regulate the use of County or State right-of- way, City regulations may be superseded by other authorities if superior public purposes are being served by these other authorities. For example, the State could build a noise wall along Highway 13 as a means of protecting the public health. As a policy matter, the question is whether the City wishes to continue to assert control over fences in State or County rights-of-way, knowing that the possibility exists that City controls could be overridden, or is the City satisfied to allow the County and State to regulate their own rights-of-way, knowing that each is also subject to the concerns outlined above regarding the private use of public right-of-way? If the City were to adopt language along the lines suggested by the County, the City would have no control over such structures and would have no guarantee of some minimum level of aesthetics. The attached map shows the County and State roads in the City which would be affected by the language proposed by the County. However, given the position expressed by the County, it does not appear that the County is anxious to issue fence permits on a wholesale basis. Traditionally, MnDOT has not freely issued permits for the use of its' right-of-way and it would seem unlikely that they would adopt a more liberal position in that regard. AL TERNA TIVES: 812964E.DOC/DR 2 ~ 1. Approve amendment as requested 2. Approve an amendment consistent with language suggested by Scott County 3. Approve amendment with specific changes adopted by the Commission 4. Deny the request 5. Continue the case for specific reasons RECOMMENDATION: Specify policy direction and recommend Council adoption of ordinance language consistent with the suggested policy direction. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second consistent with desired alternative 8 1 2964E.DOCIDR 3 Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION q~-o(P;l, 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional o Rezoning, from (present zonin~) sheets/narrative if desired) to (proposed zonin~) v ..e-~~~~!~ .B Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance tA.fI~. - 'AI~ .t~ o Subdivision of Land ~ :..k~if?4".~~ ;: o Administrative Subdivision ~ . ~ - ...." ~ ,'~"- A......l ~ o Conditional Use Permit ~ ~~ L~ -~~A~afl;JlJ~ o Variance Applicable Ordinance Section(s): , . , I S-~,(."t...., ("I<D. ~S'-or) E C~VI"" VIV' i l--tr Applicant(s): I-I~ ~,~ Address: 6Si {:, HA6{8 ,;.~ 'i? /iAc:::. H N',~ Home Phone: ~ I 2- ,c.{ Y -i'"" 16 t 7 Work Phone: (PI,- Y 'I S' 77 V<j Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants): Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee ~ Contract for Deed _ Purchase Agreement . Legal DescriPt;::n~~~ttach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): A),1- ~tr~ To the best of my knowledge the information procided in this application and other material submitted is co~rect. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that ap~tions will ~ be processed until d~med complete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~~ ~nv~T'j .~o-S. ~'1 A " J I.... ' cr 7 - L - 9 C, Applicant's Signa9fre p~~~~~ '~ Date - Fee Owner's Signature Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATEOFHl ARING CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATEOFHl ~RING CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date T Appendix ( change noted in italics) 6.11 ScreenUng: (<>rd. 95-05) Proposed change in wording for (E) regarding the last sentence. Fences shall not be permitted in any right-of-way, except that Scon County may permit construction of fences within the right of way of County State Aid Highways. __ ____ _______ _u____ __________________ -- - IT A~pr::.N~\)' (HM<f.,tl~ CO,,",I'-'/.-f.,v/'1 PR%SrJf..) Proposal for North end of Harbor South o(Hwy 42 North oftennis court between the Don Kotula and Dr. Ed Reese properties. Objective: . Act as a security barrier . Reduce sound . Reduce, or eliminate sight of traffic on 42. . Eliminate trespassing down hill to lake through Association property- Summer and Winter . Retain a uniform look that is attractive and adds value. Ways to meet objectives: . Plant Spruce trees: To block out the sight of automobiles (seedlings and small transplants) 1-3 below have been completed and paid for already from voluntary contributions. 1. Plant close together (5ft centers) 2. Several rows deep (2 rows deep on each end and 12 rows deep in middle section. 3. Length of area - 850 ft.; Depth 10 to 65 feet (Approximately 1,050 seedlings planted). ... Through voluntaty contributions- this will add one row of taller spruce trees towards top of bank next to proposed fence. They should be 5-8 feet tall. (approximately 40 trees over a 240 ft distance). . Build Fence: 1. Treated wood - 525 feet long 2. 23-35 ft from curbs on County highway 42 3. 7 to 8 ft. fence (Approximately 6 -7 ft above highway) Constructed from 2" x 6" x 8 ft. treated lumber & 4" x 6" x 10 ft. treated posts (posts rest about 3 ft in ground). will eliminate almost all road noise. will not eliminate all sight problems until trees reach 15 ft height. Should eliminate security problems and the way trespassers reach water. . Cost of spruce trees and fence: . Fence _ approximately $24 per lineal foot. Total projected cost = $13.000 . Spruce trees - Approximately $100-$200 depending on size and variety. Variety of spruce - Norway, White, Colorado Blue and Black Hills spruce. Size - 5 ft - 8ft Optimum number = 40 Total proiected cost = $ 6.000. (based on 40 trees x $150) . TOTAL PROJECTED COST for optimum size fence and number of trees = $19.000. SCOTT COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND LANDS DIVISIO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 600 COUNTRY TRAIL EAST JORDAN, MN 55352-9339 GARY L. CUNNINGHAM (612) 496-8346 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BRAD LARSON ASSOCIA TE ADMINISTRATOR rwrn@rnowrn~ n. 19~ U OJ Fax: (612) 496-8365 July 18, 1996 Jane Kansier Planning Coordinator City of Prior lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E. Prior lake MN 55372-1714 RE: Fence Ordinance Dear Ms. Kansier: This is in response to the City's consideration of an amendment to the city code and zoning ordinance on fences within the public right-of-way. While we do not have a problem with the proposal, Scott County is opposed to the amendment as written. If the ordinance is recommended for change, the change should not specifically reference Scott County right-of-way. We recommend that the ordinance specify that no fences shall be placed within the right-of-way of Prior lake streets. The ordinance would be "silent" on State and County highways. This we believe would satisfy the City's concern on their system, continue to maintain the State's and County's statutory authority on their system and not "advertise" the idea that private fences may be allowed on public right-of-way. If you further questions or need additional information please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Bradley J. larson, .E. Associate Administrator - Public Works and lands BJUan c: John Roach, Assistant County Attorney An Equal Opportunity/Safety A ware Employer INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: DON RYE, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND ZONING JOHN WINGARD, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER -:)"f"W FENCES IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AUGUST 5, 1996 We have given careful consideration to the request by private individuals to construct fences i public right-of-way. For the following reasons, we would discourage the construction of fence~ in City right-of-way. I . The fence can create an obstacle to the City's maintenance or public safety personnel th t might need access to the City's property. . If the fence is constructed on public property, then the issue of who will maintain the fenc needs to be resolved. The City's maintenance personnel are busy and have a lot of facilitit$ to keep in good working order. Maintaining our streets, water and sewer systems should be ~ higher priority. : . The design and location of fences needs to allow for good visibility for our motorists J pedestrians. I . The City needs to allow adequate space for snow storage along our streets. Fences can ~ damaged from the weight of the snow when the plows clear the streets. I I . The fence can become another obstacle for a car that is out of control that leaves the pav~ surface. The traffic engineers are requiring clear zones on streets to improve the safety. I These ideas are mutually recognized by other cities as reasons why you seldom see fences in Ci~ right-of-way. I hope this helps to provide you with some of the rationale used by the .City ~ formulating our policy regarding fences in public right-of-way. ! 162~~~J~~., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER __ I ~"'~ 7l 'f ,~ ~ ; ,i :tf.;\' -W I, ;.Hi! ~ -f,-W~~i - ~ . ~, 1 - -t: ' ,: i--- I ~ l ~ () -;--- "''''-" -~, ~, ~ ~,,-, I l- . f I~ ,: fA' ,.~' I,:, Ii' . '- - '... ~';, . . ",I" ; I,' ' .___ ,_. . , IL"" \ ....,1 \ I'~ : . r- 1 ! :o~',-.~~:W ~, 'L' 1 ~ :....,1 !, !i: .. -, I. . '. Q,.'-.'- ~-", , . i: ~"r ~ I~' .!;.L( ~J .. ! I '\ I~'" I .l' " , _~._~~ --------+----' ,Ill ". . . ~ II L.: :',~,: ~T g~~ ~'/~~~'<-:\~':--II" ~'I-'.-J .,' '\, ~ '1" He:j~ " "\ ~ I, i " ' . ~ => _, I ' [' I ~ 1'1 I " . ,;f\ . ~L. " ,\ I' , t! '\\ 'r- ~ ,/, ,~ I j;- I ~ "\ _ c .' ...... ' _ _____ __:i1il . ", ;:_~~jdi I'" I' ~- ~" - p- ~. 'l~> .. I t~" l;i' ~~ I ,;~ : ---::::::'~,' , . ~~ I '. 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FIVE HAWKS A VENUE AND PRIORWOOD STREET JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR YES X NO-Nt A -- AUGUST 12, 1996 Eagle Creek Villas LLC has applied for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow the construction of a 61 unit assisted living building on the vacant portion of the site. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The present applicant has no connection with the developer of the original PUD. BACKGROUND: On July 22, 1996, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this proposal. The Planning Commission reviewed this proposal, heard testimony from several citizens, and then closed the public hearing. The Planning Commission then tabled action on this time until August 12, 1996, in order to obtain additional information DISCUSSION: The information the Planning Commission requested is listed below (in bold italics), followed by the staff's response. 1. The City Attorney's opinion on whether or not this application can be considered as an amendment to the original PUD since the developer has no connection with the original developer. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The City Attorney has determined that this application may be considered as an amendment to the existing PUD in spite of the fact that the developer has no connection with the original developer. A memo from the City Attorney is attached. 2. The City Engineer's report on relocating the water line. See attached memo from John Wingard, dated August 7, 1996. 3. The City Engineer's report on the traffic impact of connecting Five Hawks Avenue versus eliminating this connection. See attached memo from John Wingard, dated August 7, 1996. 4. The trail plan for the area, including any plans between the City and the School District. The City's trail plan for this area includes the extension of the existing trail in Westbury Ponds to Five Hawks Avenue. Sidewalk will also be extended along Priorwood Street to Duluth Avenue. A sidewalk or trail along the right-of-way of Five Hawks Avenue to the north is also desirable. The City has no plans to establish nature trails on the subject property. The development of nature trails on this site is a private matter between the developer and the School District. As mentioned in the original staff report, the developer needs all of his land for the density of this project. Conveying land to the School District could affect the allowable density. 5. The City Engineer's recommendation for overflow parking. See attached memo from John Wingard, dated August 7, 1996. 6. A definition of an "Assisted Living Facility". A generally recognized definition of an "Assisted Living Facility" is "a residence that provide rooms, meals, personal care and health monitoring services under the supervision of a professional nurse or other medical professional, and that may provide other services such as recreational, social and transportation". These facilities are generally marketed toward the elderly, but are also used by other individuals with special needs, such as handicapped or Alzheimer's patients. The Planning Commission can approach the need for a definition in several ways. First of all, the Zoning Ordinance could be amended to include a specific definition. The disadvantage in this approach is that the Planning Commission must initiate the amendment process, which includes a public hearing and approval by the Council. This process may add time to the review of this application. pcrept2.doc Page 2 Another approach is to ask the developer to identify the users of the proposed facility. This list would be reviewed by the Commission during later phases, and could then be incorporated into the final approved PUD plans. 7. Necessary modifications to the Comprehensive Plan. If this plan is to proceed, it seems that a Comprehensive Plan amendment from the Low Density Residential designation to the Medium Density Residential designation may be necessary since the proposed development would result in densities greater than those contemplated by the current plan. If such an amendment were to be pursued, it would seem likely that the amendment could be limited in such a way as to limit development of the property to something similar to the proposed project to insure that the development intensity of the site is limited. In addition, if the Planning Commission recommends that the plan proceed without the connection of Five Hawks Road, the Comprehensive Plan should be amended to remove Objective #3 from the Five Hawks Planning District, which states that "the comvletion of Five Hawks Avenue should be established as a vriority vrQject in order to imvrove north- south vehicular movements and establish the main entrance to. this neighborhood from Highway 13". At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on whether or not the proposed use of this property for a 61-unit assisted living facility is appropriate. If the Planning Commission believes this is an appropriate request for the proposed location, the following should be kept in mind: . A Comprehensive Plan amendment will likely be required to deal with the density issue. . The parking requirements for elderly housing will likely need to be amended. . The proposal will enable the City to make substantial progress toward the attainment of Livable Communities goals related to lifestyle housing. . The City required the previous developer to make the right-of-way for Five Hawks Avenue available to the City. . The proposed use is compatible with the development in the vicinity. ALTERNATIVES: , I. 1. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. 2. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan as presented, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density and satisfactory resolution of the parking issue. 3. Recommend denial of the request. 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission pcrept2.doc Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative 1. ACTION REQillRED: Motion and second to recommend approvals of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. pcrept2.doc Page 4 r- j~~ ro- (-- CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT & FlJCHS, P.A. Attorneys at Law Thomas J. Camrhell Roger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Gary G. Fuchs James R. Walston Elliott B. Knersch Suesan Lea Pace (612) 452-5000 Fax (612) 452-5550 Andre.) McDowell P,'ehler M.mhew K. Brokl John r:. Kelly Marguerite ~1. McCarron George T. Srerhe\1lson July 23, 1996 TO: Don Rye, Planning Director Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator FROM: Suesan Lea Pace, City Attorney RE: Amendment to the Priorview Planned Unit Development I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The purpose of this memorandum is to address those issues raised in your July 22, 19961 memorandum concerning a proposed amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow construction of * sixty-one (61) unit assisted living facility on the vacant portion of the site. ! Both of the issues you have raised focus on the fact that the applicant who has requested In amendment to the PUD is not the original developer. Like Conditional Use Permits and varianc~~ a PUD runs with the land, not with the owner of the land. : Your memorandum indicates the original PUD was approved in 1983. I'm assuming thatlin 1983, the PUD received fInal plan approval, and that the property that is the subject of the requerted amendment is included in the minimum to-acres which received fInal PUD approval. ! Assuming the foregoing, City Code Section 5-5-12, 7(f) provides that: Amendments may be made in the approved final plan when they are shown to be required by changes and conditions that have occurred since the ("mal plan was ! approved, or by changes in the development policy of the City. A change in density ~d use must be authorized by the City Council under the procedures set forth in Title 5-~ 10. (Emphasis added) Based on the foregoing, the PUD may be amended not withstanding the fact there is a ne developer. Remember to have the new developer enter into a development agreement, and pleas let me know if you have any other questions. SLP:kgm cc: Frank Boyles, City Manager Suite 317 · Eagandale Office Center · 1380 Corporate Center Curve · Eagan, MN 55121 ~._--,.\. I - . . \ ",,- o~ :. :,~~:; r/ ~ ",.Ioa 'GRAIN~ CROSSIHGS UPPER PRIOR LAKE & ,- 1-. 1_ i ~I EXISTING PARKS & TRAILS ~ I~ B EXISTING PARK ~ PRIVATE PARK; RECREATION FACILITY IS REGIONAL PARK El TRAIL r!'NI'COf"I....of~...~~lr..... ."r< PROPOSED PARKS AND TRAilS I 0~"'" ' ~:,.,"O'" . ~~~."~ '~ ' '-:: ~ PROPOSED PARK r==1 PROPOSED TRAIL t:.=.J (m.-, ~ 01........ .,." ~I tfPt,' rn pAAK I TRAIL SEARCH AREAS '. f \ L:'~ .- -' -" I RICE LAKE _.-- -. MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR JOHN WINGARD, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER AUGUST 7, 1996 RE: EAGLE CREEK VILLAS ASSISTED LIVING CENTER GradinWWetlands: Approximately 2 acres of this site will be disturbed to allow for the construction of the buildin and parking lot/driveway. The remainder will be left in a natural state. A 2 acre wetland is located on the southwest comer of the site as shown on attached Exhibit . The Developer, City and School District are working together to raise the normal water lev~l (NWL) of this wetland up three to four feet to create a better functioning water quality treatmedt facility in this wetland. The wetland receives runoff from the Westbury Ponds and Triangle calr Wash areas. The Outlet for this wetland has eroded and been lowered in the past, and with thi~ development, a new Outlet would be constructed that raises the NWL to elevation 918.5. A total of 181 acres drains to the 2 acre wetland. The drainage basin includes a mixture of singlb family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, school, open space and park uses. The 2 acre wetland receives 31 acres of direct drainage. Exhibit B shows the sub-drainage districts ~ through L which drain into the 2 acre wetland. There are six ponds located in this 181 ac~ drainage basin. The storm water runoff from this 181 acre basin can be controlled to a maximmh discharge rate 13 cfs by construction of a dam and control structure at the present Outlet of the ~ acre wetland. The high water level (HWL) of the 2 acre wetland should be designed to be 3 feet below an door or window openings of houses adjacent to this pond. The lower level walkout flo r elevation of the house at 16595 Dutch Avenue was measured at elevation 923.66, so the HWL f the pond should be set at 920.66. A 0.3 acre wetland also exists in the southeast comer of the site. This wetland will not e disturbed by filling or draining. G:\PROJECTSIEAGLECK.OOC L 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 553l2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447- 245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The creek system that drains the wetlands in this area is also classified as wetland areas that are shown not to be disturbed. The creek system conveys the storm water runoff of this area northwesterly to Green Heights Trail and discharge directly into Prior Lake. The development will be required to comply with the City's erosion control standards, Whenever possible, a 30 foot grass buffer strip should be provided along the edge of wetlands to limit erosion. Watermain: Ii As shown on the attached Exhibit C, the City's watermain supply system does not contain man north/south connections in the area near this site. Water is fed into the system from the wate tower located on Tower Street. A 20" trunk main distributes the water in an east/west directio~ A 16" trunk main is located along Elm Street that loops to the north and then along the southerly edge of the lake. An 8" line is located on Duluth Avenue that provides another north/south loopi. Since the gap between the Elm Street loop and the Duluth Avenue loop is nearly one mile apart, the City is recommending that another north/south loop be provided in the Five Hawks Avenue area. The City modeled the water supply system in the Five Hawks Avenue area to see how waJ supply and fire protection could be provided to this site. The City's Comprehensive Water PlJ establishes a 3500 gpm fire flow for supply and to provide this level for a duration of three hours. The construction of the watermain loop along Five Hawks Avenue will improve the City'~ operating pressure during a fire by increasing the pressure from 39 psi to 55 psi. i An existing 6" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwoo~ Street intersection. An existing 8" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the north at th~ Five Hawks Avenue stub street. An 8" watermain is proposed to be constructed through th~ development along the alignment of Five Hawks A venue. The construction of this line wi1l1 provide another loop to the City's system. The proposed watermain system will need to inc1ud~ a fire hydrant on the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of the proposed building tel> provide adequate fire protection to the site. I The construction of the 8" water line along the Five Hawks Avenue alignment could follow tht proposed street or trail. The Five Hawks Avenue alignment would eliminate the dead end lin that exists on the Five Hawks Avenue stub street. If the Five Hawks Avenue street extension i not constructed, then the alignment of the 8" watermain should be picked which saves as many trees as possible. ! An alternative alignment for a north/south watermain connection would be along the e~ property line of this site. The 8" watermain would follow the existing 15" sanitary sewer lin that is located along this property line. This alternative alignment would cross through trees an a wetland. i I I I G:\PROJECTS\EAGLECK.DOC 2 Sanitaxy Sewer: An existing 15" sanitary sewer line with adequate depth and capacity is available to serve this site. The sewer line flows northerly along the east property line at the site. Streets/Access: The proposed development intends to obtain its access from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. The preliminary layout shows a private driveway and parking lot connecting at the north end of Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed parking lot and drive aisles shall be constructed to City standards with concrete curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing. The City has a 66 foot wide easement for public use to construct a roadway and utility lines along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The easement was conveyed to the City in 1983 from the Priorview Developers for a fee of one dollar. The extension of Five Hawks Avenue through this site will help to interconnect neighborhoods and provide a northerly connection to the Cates Street area. The Five Hawks A venue extension would provide another north/south connection in-between Duluth Avenue and Willow Lane. The extension of Five Hawks Avenue through this site would require a considerable disturbance to the trees, creeks and natural features of this area. If Five Hawks Avenue is not extended through this site, there will be minimal impacts to the City's overall transportation system. The streets will still be able to function without becoming congested. The City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan recommended that the construction of a new two lane undivided roadway be extended along Priorwood Street from Five Hawks A venue to Duluth Avenue. This street extension is designated as a minor collector street and is being constructed this summer with the Eagle Creek Villas Development. The extension of Priorwood Street will eliminate the dead end street system by Five Hawks Elementary School. The Transportation Plan designates the extension of Five Hawks Avenue through this site as a local street. Trails/Sidewalks: An 8' bituminous trail shall be constructed along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The trail will provide a pedestrian link from the Five Hawks Elementary School to the Cates Street neighborhood. Overflow Parkin~ or Public Parkin~: The trail system, parks and natural features of this area could attract enough interest to justify the construction of a public parking lot. The 61 unit assisted living building will require a bigger parking lot than what has originally been shown (a 33 stall lot). With the expansion of the lot by the developer to serve the 61 unit building, there is not enough room on this site for an overflow parking lot to be used by the public. Residents will need to use off-street parking or the Five Hawks Elementary School parking lot for parking. G:\PROJECTSlEAGLECK.DOC 3 \ \ , - , 0 u G) \ 7 .t v ~ U. IJ'\ ... <; "1 , i I : l' T . \ : T I " z ti S< w ~. ~I 1-1 .~ /1' I ~. ,1 ) c,~-I. ......1 /! / ~~~ / / I ....~ .,./ I . ~ . i f .J. .... -'-.-1 / ~.-' ;::' .,; .r'- "'II' '-r-:--------- I I I I I I I I I I ..J.J ..J .J I CY.: I ...... I (/) I <( ~ m - :I: >< W ~ I , --~I- I ~-- ~~ \ tr'%\ ... I <~"\.(~.~-- ,0 \ " I <f\'\~ --.' () I 1 \:, .\;~~,.., "'" . - +- - - - +- - ,\\rV1tt>-" 0 -+----+-- I ~>W~<~\ :~~ 1 ~;(~ ' O.t:t 1 . 'fr ~ fi~ ~\\ ~, >'0-\\\ ! , /~'___ 1 ~~. 3/\ v' " : - - --.. I :::: ~I'i 'v'1-,' .., ---.., - - ..... . ...:7,1/ I I ..:] ('\ I ./, ~.J I >-- ~( I (~ 1__ ~ l. ./ yo/' I' // .~ ,: l l 1 / I I .~ r-\. I - I I I t,- -- I' \ 1\' I ' \ I \, I " , ' I " ";'. t- \ \ 'OS".. r ---_,_L__ , I \ ,,-.' 1\\ I \ \ I~, \-'~,- 1-"- - - - r -...:-. -::\ "- I \ '\. ,..... 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[iI - I [iI I [iI I 2 ~ ~ ~ ::0 ~ ~ 0 - ~ en C"'.l 0 :j 0 en 2 2 ~ C en 0 ~ .., ~ ::0 > c:: > .., C"'.l .., ~ .., ~ ::0 - ::0 :: 0 :: ... 2 > > - - 2 2 ~trr --:)c \ :I \~ . !'~0;= I; g! II.. I ~ .; / to. .-. ._ .-::=-- PLANNING REPORT SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER SCHEMATIC PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ALLOW AN ASSISTED LIVING PROJECT IN THE PRIORVIEW PUD . FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND PRIORWOOD STREET DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A JULY 22, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Eagle Creek Villas LLC has applied for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow the construction of a 61 unit assisted living building on the vacant portion of the site. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The present applicant has no connection with the developer of the original PUD. I BACKGROUND: The Priorview PUD was preceded by Council action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the 15.05 acres of buildable land on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cates Street and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Priorview Second Addition consisting of 20 units , was approved in 1991. In 1987, the developer asked the City to consider expansion of the PUD to include the so- called Holly Court property to the north and increase the number of units to 148. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request and the application was with - drawn. In April of this year, staff submitted a status report on all PUDs in the City for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The report noted that there had been no construction activity in this PUD for 8 years and also that the current applicants had expressed interest in developing the remainder of the PUD for some type of housing for the elderly. The City Council tabled the issue of the status ofPriorview PUD to allow for the submission of a development proposal for the site. i: I 16200 ~~~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DISCUSSION: The proposed Schematic PUD Plan requires that a variety of issues be addressed before a recommendation can be made. These issues are as follows: Density- The original PUD was approved at a gross density of 6.07 units per acre and a net density of 7.04 units per acre. The first 2 phases consisting of 68 units were built on approximately 5 acres of land with a net density of 13.6 units per acre which was consistent with the previous R-3 zoning. The remaining 8.5 acres were to contain 38 units at 4.47 units per acre. It seems clear that the intent was to concentrate the units on the relatively low amenity part of the site in order to preserve as much of the wooded and wetland area as possible. The new proposal would have 61 units on 8.5 acres for a density of 7.17 units per acre which is comparable to the overall density of the original PUD. This proposal contains more units on the northerly portion of the site but they are contained in one building instead of two as previously approved. Com,prehensive PlanlZonini- The Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan designated the subject property for Medium Density Residential use, which suggested densities of 4 to 8 units per acre. The Year 2010 Plan recently adopted shows the property as Low Density Residential which has a maximum density if 3.5 units per acre. The comparable zoning would be R-l, Single Family Residential. However, the site is still subject to the PUD zoning. Conceivably, the 38 units allowed on the northerly portion of the site could be built under R -1 zoning but not as apartment buildings as approved. Changing to townhouses on this property would also entail an amendment to the PUD. Because the proposed development would result in densities greater than those contemplated by the current plan, it seems that a Comprehensive Plan amendment may be necessary if the applicant is to proceed. If such an amendment were to be pursued, it would seem likely that the amendment could be limited in such a way as to limit development of the property to something similar to the proposed project to insure that the development intensity of the site is limited. Another zoning issue is whether the 10 acre minimum size for PUDs is violated by this request. If the proposal is considered as an amendment to the original Priorview PUD, there is no issue. If the proposal is considered a new PUD, it would not meet the 10 acre requirement. Staff is seeking an opinion from the City Attorney concerning this issue. Street Construction- The original PUD called for the extension of Five Hawks Avenue northward to Cates Street to provide a convenient north-south for residents of the Five Hawks neighborhood. This idea had been restated in the Comprehensive Plan in the Planning District section. Objective 3 for the Five Hawks district reads as follows: The completion of Five Hawks Avenue should be established as a priority project in order to improve north-south vehicular movements and establish the main entrance to this nei~hborhood from Hi~hway 13. The applicant has proposed that the street connection not be made. Staff believes that this connection is important to a significant portion of the community beyond the subject property and the street connection should be retained as planned for the past 15 years. PCREPORT.DOCIDR 2 This will improve access to the elementary school and provide a convenient access to Highway 13 for residents of the area to the north of the site. Parks/Open Space- The proposal as presented does preserve a significant portion of the site in its natural state. Staff believes that it accomplishes this to a greater degree than the original PUD and will do so even if Five Hawks Avenue is extended to the north. The Parks and Recreation Director has indicated that no land dedication is necessary from this development. Consequently, a cash dedication would be required. A trail connection along Five Hawks Avenue would be desirable as it would tie in with the sidewalk now in place along the west side of Five Hawks Avenue. The school district has indicated an interest in the wetland and wooded portion of the site adjacent to Five Hawks School for use as a nature education area. They envision trails and instructional areas within this portion of the site. As a result, the school would prefer that Five Hawks A venue not be extended through the site as it would reduce the area available to the school for their use. One problem which potentially exists with regard to school use of the land is related to density. If the property is conveyed to the school, the land available for density credit decreases and the net density of the project increases. Staff has no objection to the use of the property by the school under some arrangement with the developer as long as the land is still tied to the development, but conveyance of the land to the school would be problematic. Utilities- The attached report from the engineering department indicates that utilities are reasonably available and adequate to serve the subject property. The report does point out the need to provide for a water connection through the site to provide for a loop to the north. Fire Access- The Building Official has indicated that the layout as proposed would.likely not be in compliance with Fire Code requirements. Improved access and increased hydrant placement on the site would likely be required. This can be addressed in the detailed plans required for Preliminary PUD submittal. Parkini/Traffic- The site plan attached to the application shows 33 parking stalls on the site. While this is probably sufficient parking for the use, it does not comply with the parking requirements in the zoning ordinance. The parking requirement for housing for the elderly is one stall per unit. The applicant is proposing .54 stalls per unit. Many communities have a reduced parking standard for elderly housing. Some cities require that .3 stalls per unit be provided with a condition that the use must have room on site available for an additional .2 stalls per unit. Either the applicant must modify the plan to show one stall per unit or the parking requirement for this type of use should be modified. The proposed use is not listed in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, however, nursing homes do and these are probably the most similar in characteristics to assisted living facilities. Nursing homes, on average, generate 2.6 vehicle trips per day compared to an apartment building which generates approximately 6.5 vehicle trips per unit. Based on PCREPORT.OOC/DR 3 this, the proposed development would generate about 160 trips per day while an apartment building with 61 units would generate about 400 trips per day. If the Planning Commission believes this is an appropriate request for the proposed location, the following should be kept in mind: . A Comprehensive Plan amendment will likely be required to deal with the density issue. . The parking requirements for elderly housing will likely need to be amended. . The proposal will enable the City to make substantial progress toward the attainment of Livable Communities goals related to lifestyle housing. . The City required the previous developer to make the right-of-way for Five Hawks Avenue available to the City. . The proposed use is compatible with the development in the vicinity. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. 2. Recommend approval of the Schematic Plan as presented, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density and satisfactory resolution of the parking issue. 3. Recommend denial of the request. 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: Alternative 1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend approvals of the Schematic Plan, subject to a Comprehensive Plan amendment related to density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show the extension of Five Hawks Avenue. PCREPORT.DOCIDR 4 EAGLE CREEK VILLAS ASSISTED LIVING CENTER Gradin~W etlands: Approximately 2 acres of this site will be disturbed to allow for the construction of the building and parking lot/driveway. The remainder will be left in a natural state. A 2 acre wetland is located on the southwest comer of the site as shown on attached Exhibit A. The Developer, City and School District are working together to raise the normal water level (NWL) of this wetland up three to four feet to create a better functioning water quality treatment facility in this wetland. The wetland receives runoff from the Westbury Ponds and Triangle Car Wash areas. The outlet for this wetland has eroded and been lowered in the past, and with this development, a new outlet would be constructed that raises the NWL to elevation 918.5. A 0.3 acre wetland also exists in the southeast comer of the site. This wetland will not be disturbed by filling or draining. The creek system that drains the wetlands in this area is also classified as wetland areas that are shown not to be disturbed. The creek system conveys the storm water runoff of this area northwesterly to Green Heights Trail and discharge directly into Prior Lake. The development will be required to comply with the City's erosion control standards. Whenever possible, a 30 foot grass buffer strip should be provided along the edge of wetlands to limit erosion. Watermain: An existing 6" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. An existing 8" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the north at the Five Hawks Avenue stub street. An 8" watermain is proposed to be constructed through the development along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The construction of this line will provide another loop to the City's system. The proposed watermain system will need to include a fire hydrant on the northwest, northeast, and southeast comers of the proposed building to provide adequate fire protection to the site. Sanitaly Sewer: 16200 ~~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER An existing 15" sanitary sewer tine with adequate depth and capacity is available to serve this site. The sewer line flows northerly along the east property line at the site. Streets/Access: The proposed development intends to obtain its access from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. The preliminary layout shows a private driveway and parking lot connecting at the north end of Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed parking lot and drive aisles shall be constructed to City standards with concrete curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing. The City has a 66 foot wide easement for public use to construct a roadway and utility lines along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The easement was conveyed to the City in 1983 from the Priorview Developers for a fee of one dollar. The extension of Five Hawks A venue through this site will help to interconnect neighborhoods and provide a northerly connection to the Cates Street area. Trails/Sidewalks An 8' bituminous trail shall be constructed along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The trail will provide a pedestrian link from the Five Hawks Elementary School to the Cates Street neighborhood. G:\projedsIEAGCKVR..DOC Planning Case File No. CjL;-05S Property Identification No. r .;z s:-qo;;r/ 0;;-0 City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230. Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: Brief description of proposed project (anach additional o Rezoning, from (present zonini) to . (proposed zonin~) I25J Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance o Subdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision o Conditional Use Penn it o Variance Applicable Ordinance Section(s): Applicant(s):~-Q,- {; "'"" ~L I V ~ I (&t:x'J L- L G, Address: 7) !d.. '\ e. /7 ~ ~ +- Home Phone: tf It 1 -- 7 g sD Work Phone: Lilt J - SO!:::>- ~ Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone: Type of Ownership: Work Phone: Fee c-/' Contract for Deed Purchase Agreement Legal Description of Property (Attaclra copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): '..If'L 4#~ To the best of my knowledge the information prodded in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that appl atio is will not be processed until dee ed com lete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~ Date (? -'" d ~) -q&, to - ;) Cf -96 Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL APPROVED APPROVED CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING Date NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR AMENDMENT TO PRIORVIEW PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road, SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday, July 22, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Priorview Planned Unit Development. APPLICANT: Eagle Creek Villas LLC 7765 175th Street East Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 SUBJECT SITE: This property is located north of the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street, just north of Five Hawks Elementary School. REQUEST: The approved PUD allows an additional 38 townhouse units in this location. The applicant proposes to replace these units with an assisted living facility for the elderly. This facility would consist of one 3-story building containing 61 units. The building also includes dining facilities, community spaces, offices and support spaces for the residents. The plan also shows 33 surface parking spaces. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prepared this 3rd day of July, 1996 by: Jane Kansier Planning Coordinator City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON JULY 6, 1996 16200 ~~~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MILLER HANSON WESTERBECK BERGER, INC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS 19 June 1996 Housing Proposal: Prior Lake, MN Statement of Use Designed as a 61-unit assisted living facility, this three-story wood framed building would contain dining facilities, community spaces, offices, and spaces for support services. The exterior materials would include siding with brick accents. A covered portico at the main entry becomes the focal point of the building and acts as a sheltered drop-off during inclement weather. As we look to the future, providing care to seniors will require greater and greater investment in developing a continuum of care beyond the traditional care center model. An assisted living environment allows residents the freedom and privacy of their own apartment on a month to month rental basis and the opportunity to purchase additional services as needed. The environment offers choices for those individuals who need varying levels of support and services. Residents have the freedom to pursue an active social life, entertain family and friends and continue to make choices in a safe, comfortable, and secure environment. . 1201 HAWTHORNE AVENUE MINNEAPOUS MINNESOTA 5S403 612-332-5420 FAX 612-332-5425 .:1: 0 ." . . . c: ::IJ . 0 z (I) )> aJ en z c C '0 C - -t 3: ::IJ '0 r= Z m aJ ~ ::IJ 0 ~ m 0 Z G') ::IJ 0 ?<. ~ m C) 0 ~ aJ ~ "'tI ~ -n C (5 m ~ c ::IJ r= c5 z z ,.. 0 ::t 0 =t z Z -t "'tI (I) C) C) II 0 Z (I) (I) Co) en aJ ~ 0 ~ c 0 -n ~ r= m -t -t (I) 0 r- 0 II 'z II -t . . ~ 0 C) Co) ~ '0 1::1 II Co) '0 ~ 0 0 en 0 -n - ... ::IJ 0 6 ~ C) m r- ~ " m s: z -I I. ... . 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JAM: 2 P4Wo}!'!G SPACES / UNIT ......D ..... 6.0 UN/4C WOCIDl...U,I) ....toe c---- DEVELO~'ItENT 4.15 Ao 0'"'' GRI;I:H PACt u IoC PRIVATli / PUBLIC 13.3~. LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS & OPEN sPACE 76~ OF TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PlAN dale , : ~ 'I&. I ',,, I' ~'ftIO&,f\Jrft 1D ..... 1oIIO~.Are. .....- ~.l"'." .""'1"; To) tOt UN'" ,,~ ... ........ Priorview Gol, & Assoclo,.. Inc. "!~-~~:~'i: ~ 1~y)1AT\C pUt') 32.- /2.... mru:l Prior Lake, MN. EAGLE CREEK VILLAS ASSISTED LIVING CENTER Gradin~/W etlands: Approximately 2 acres of this site will be disturbed to allow for the construction of the building and parking lot/driveway. The remainder will be left in a natural state. A 2 acre wetland is located on the southwest comer of the site as shown on attached Exhibit A. The Developer, City and School District are worki.ng together to raise the normal water level (NWL) of this wetland up three to four feet to create a better functioning water quality treatment facility in this wetland. The wetland receives runoff from the Westbury Ponds and Triangle Car Wash areas. The outlet for this wetland has eroded and been lowered in the past, and with this development, a new outlet would be constructed that raises the NWL to elevation 918.5. A 0.3 acre wetland also exists in the southeast comer of the site. This wetland will not be disturbed by filling or draining. The creek system that drains the wetlands in this area is also classified as wetland areas that are shown not to be disturbed. The creek system conveys the storm water runoff of this area northwesterly to Green Heights Trail and discharge directly into Prior Lake. The development will be required to comply with the City's erosion control standards. Whenever possible, a 30 foot grass buffer strip should be provided along the edge of wetlands to limit erosion. Watermain: An existing 6" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. An existing 8" watermain has been stubbed to the site from the north at the Five Hawks Avenue stub street. An 8" watermain is proposed to be constructed through the development along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The construction of this line will provide another loop to the City's system. The proposed watermain system will need to include a fire hydrant on the northwest, northeast, and southeast comers of the proposed building to provide adequate fire protection to the site. Sanitmy Sewer: 16200 ~~"J1:~S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQL'AL OPPORn:NITY EMPLOYER An existing 15" sanitary sewer. line with adequate depth and capacity is available to serve this site. The sewer line flows northerly along the east property line at the site. Streets/Access: The proposed development intends to obtain its access from the Five Hawks A venue/Priorwood Street intersection. The preliminary layout shows a private driveway and parking lot connecting at the north end of Five Hawks Avenue. The proposed parking lot and drive aisles shall be constructed to City standards with concrete curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing. The City has a 66 foot wide easement for public use to construct a roadway and utility lines along the alignment of Five Hawks A venue. The easement was conveyed to the City in 1983 from the Priorview Developers for a fee of one dollar. The extension of Five Hawks A venue through this site will help to interconnect neighborhoods and provide a northerly connection to the Cates Street area. Trails/Sidewalks An 8' bituminous trail shall be constructed along the alignment of Five Hawks Avenue. The trail will provide a pedestrian link from the Five Hawks Elementary School to the Cates Street neighborhood. O:\pn>j_IEAOCKvn..DOC PLANNING REPORT SITE: 6A CONSIDER APPEAL OF G AND R ENTERPRISES FROM A RULING OF THE ZONING OFFICER RELATING TO DOCKS LOT 7, MAPLE PARK SHORE ACRES (EAST OF 15287 FAIRBANKS TRAIL) DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR YES _X_NO-N/A AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Section 5-6-4 of the City Code provides for an appeal process from decisions of the Zoning Officer. The Planning Director is the Zoning Officer in Prior Lake. The attached letter dated June 17, 1996 was sent in response to a complaint that dockage was being rented to persons who did not live in the subdivision in which the dockage was located. Staff investigated on May 29 and noted two docks were located on the subject property and three boats were moored at the two docks. This was verified by staff on June 19 following mailing of the attached notice of violation. Upon receipt of the appeal , staff again visited the site and noted two docks with four boats moored at the docks. The letter of appeal was received on July 17, 1996 and a copy is attached. DISCUSSION: Section 5-5-3 of the ordinance deals with permitted and conditional uses. This section was cited in the belief that rental of dock space is one of the primary activities associated with marinas and the appellant states that they are leasing dock space. Marinas are not a permitted use in the R-l District. The letter of appeal states that the owners of the lot are leasing an undivided 25% interest in the lot to four people who are keeping their boats at two docks on the property. The letter states that the dock rental does not constitute a marina as defined by City code. The code definition of a marina is a commercial establishment adjacent to a navigable lake providing moorings for boats and offering other supplies and services accessory to the principal use. The appeal states that the use is not a commercial establishment nor does it provide any other supplies or services, and it complies with DNR rules. Websters Dictionary defines commercial as occupied with or engaged in commerce or work intended for commerce. The dictionary goes on to define commerce as the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place. 16200 ~~~~e. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Given these definitions, it is difficult to conclude that the dock rental is a commercial establishment, although it could be argued that few, if any Prior Lake businesses meet that definition as commercial uses. What this does do is point out the need to write definitions which clearly state the intent of the City and remove ambiguity from the enforcement of the ordinance. The letter of appeal does not address the second ordinance section under which the dock rental was found to be non-compliant. This is section 5-4-1 (I). This section reads as follows: Any lot or parcel of land which is contiguous to or abutting any public lakes in Prior Lake may be developed into a common beach area controlled by a homeowners association. This provision applies provided that several conditions are met. These conditions are: 1. The lot must be controlled by an association whose members own property in the plat from which the common lot was created. In this case, control does not lie with an association but with G and R Enterprises and Messenbrink Construction and Engineering, Inc. 2. A conditional permit must be issued for the use. In this case, no conditional use has been applied for or issued. 3. The association rules and bylaws must be on file at City Hall when the final plat is approved. Because no association exists, no bylaws have been filed. It seems clear that this provision was intended to insure that such common beach lots were created at the time of plat approval. 4. Provided all other conditions are met, the site itself would require 10 feet of lakeshore for every buildable lot in the plat. Maple Park Shore Acres has 51 lots and, if the common lot were created for this subdivision as required, it would require 510 feet of lakeshore. This parcel would not meet that requirement. 5. Given the situation stated in 4 above, the site would need a minimum of 200 feet of depth from the ordinary high water level. The site would also fail to comply with this requirement. Conclusion- Staff concludes that the dock rental as currently being conducted does not comply with Section 5-4-1 (I) of the City Code. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. The Planning Commission can recommend to the City Council that it uphold the staff interpretation of the ordinance, 2. The Planning Commission can recommend to the City Council that it accept the appeal and fmd that the dock rental is in compliance with City code provisions. 3. The Planning Commission can defer action on this request for specific reasons. RECOMMENDATION: Alternative 1 ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second expressing the opinion of the Planning Commission 812966A.DOCIDR 2 June 17, 1996 Mr. Larry Gensmer P.O. Box 155 Prior Lake, MN. 55372 Dear Mr. Gensmer: In the course of investigating a complaint that property owned by you (Lot 7, Maple Park Shore Acres) was being used for dock rental, it appeared that three boats were being docked on your property. If, in fact, these docks are being rented, this would constitute a violation of Section 5-3-3 of the City Code which prohibits marinas in the R-1 zoning district. Even if the docks are not being rented, use of the docks by persons not residing in the subdivision in which the docks are located would be a violation of Section 5-4- 1 (H)(I), which deals with common beaches. Continued use of these docks by persons other than yourself will constitute an ordinance violation and will result in subsequent enforcement action. You have the right to appeal this decision to the Board of Adjustment by filing a letter of appeal with this office stating the specific basis for your appeal. Such an appeal must be made within 30 days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, Donald Rye Planning Director cc:Pat Lynch, MN DNR 16200 ~~'ell&~~S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI1Y EMPLOYER G AND R ENTERPRISES, INC. 20664 Lake Ridge Drive Prior Lake, MN 55372 ~rn @rn D\'b'rn ] 41118) \ July 17, 1996 Donald R. Rye Planning Director City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 Re: Lot 7, Maple Park Shore Acres Dear Mr. Rye: This letter is intended as a notice of appeal to the Board of Adjustment of your decision dated June 17, 1996, sent to Larry Gensmer. Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc. and G and R Enterprises, Inc., own the portion of Lot 7, Maple Park Shore Acres, lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Lot 7, distant 6.23 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly comer of Lot 7, thence northwesterly to a point on the northerly line of Lot 7, distant 7.60 feet easterly of the northwesterly comer of Lot 7, and there terminating. The owners, through Eagle Creek Villas, LLC, have leased an undivided 25 % interest in the parcel, including the incidental riparian rights, to four lessees. While the leases do include ordinary riparian rights, this does not transform the property into a marina, which the city code defines as II A commercial establishment ... providing moorings for boats and offering other supplies and services accessory to the principal use." It is neither a commercial establishment nor are any supplies or services provided. The land is rented for purposes fundamental to an R-l shoreland area; the dock accommodates no more than four boats, in compliance with DNR regulations, and we contend this is a proper and lawful use of the property. Yours truly, G AND R ENTERPRISES, INC. C?t~ --/