HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A Section 1102 Draft
Zoning Ordinance
Residential District Regulations
"A" Agricultural Use District
"R-S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District
"R-1" Low Density Residential Use District
"R-2" Low to Medium Density Residential Use District
"R-4" High Density Residential Use District
Residential Performance Standards
"C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District
"C-2" Community Business Use District
"C-3" _Town Center l!se District-
"C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District
"C-4" General Business Use District
Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards
"C-5" Business Park Use District
"1-1" General Industrial Use District
Industrial Performance Standards
1102.100: RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS. The provIsions of subsection
1102.100 through 1102.800 govern the use of land within the Residential Use
Districts in the City.
1102.200: "A" Agricultural Use District. The purpose of the "A" Agricultural Use
District is to protect existing agricultural investments until such time as public
utilities may be extended and there is a need for additional urban development. It
is also intended to provide for larger lots to insure that the feasibility of future urban
development is not compromised.
1102.201 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "A" Agricultural Use
District if the use complies with the residential performance standards in
subsection 1102.800:
,. Agriculture and Forestry
,. Single-Family Dwellings
,. Parks, Recreation and Open Space
,. Golf Courses and Country Clubs
,. Private Stables
,. Religious Institutions
,. Nurseries and Greenhouses
,. Cemeteries
Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in an "A" Agricultural Use
District may be used for one or more of the following uses if its use complies with
subsection 1102.800 and the following provisions:
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Deleted: 1102.600: "R-3" Medium
Density Residential Use Districl'fl
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( Deleted: Specialty Business
Zoning Ordinance
(1) Schools. Conditions:
a. Access to the site shall be from a major or minor collector or arterial street
as designated in the Comprehensive Plan.
b. Buildings shall be located at least 150 feet from any residential structure on
adjacent property and maintain a bufferyard at the adjoining property line.
(2) Accessory Apartments: Conditions:
Accessorv apartments shall be allowed within a sinale family dwellina for
the followina purposes:
More efficient utilization of the existina sinale family housina stock in the-
Provision of housina which allows privacy and independence for older
family members:
Preservation of property values and maintenance of the character of
existina sinale family neiahborhoods: and
Provision of housina for live-in employees, such as nannies. or other
persons employed for medical or domestic purposes on the premises.
For the purpose of this subdivision. the followina definitions shall apply:
"housekeepina unit" - all persons residina within a sinale family house-
whose relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction
includina the sharina of housekeepina responsibilities or expenses or the
takina of meals toaether;
> "Iivina space" - the area within a house which is suitable for human
habitation includina suitable finished basement areas but excludina
aaraaes, services areas and unfinished portions of the buildina:
> "owner" - the person who holds fee title or is a bona fide purchaser under a
contract for deed of the property:
> "unit of housina" - one or more rooms desianed, occupied or intended for
occupancy as separate livina auarters, with cookina, sleepina and sanitary
facilities separate from those of another unit of housina and intended for
the exclusive use of a sinale housekeepina unit: and
> "temporary absence" - establishina residence outside of the twin cities
metropolitan area for a period not to exceed 12 months but durina which
period the subiect property continues to be the applicant's leaal or principal
c. No accessory apartment shall be created or used except in conformity with
the followina:
> An accessory apartment may be created only within a sinale family-
dwellina and no more than one apartment to be created in any dwellina:
> Sinale family dwellinas in which an accessory apartment is created must
be owner-occupied, with the owner residina in either unit on a continuous
basis except for temporary absences throuahout the period durina which
the permit is valid:
> A minimum of 2 off-street parkina spaces must be provided for each unit of
housina with such parkina to be in a aaraae, carport or on a paved area
specifically intended for that purpose but not within a reauired turnaround:
> In an existina sinale family dwellina. an accessory apartment may be
created by the conversion of livina space within the house but not by
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ZOlling Ordinallce
conversion of aaraae space unless space is available for a two car aaraae
on the lot without the need for a variance;
~ An accessory apartment must be no more than 35 percent of the aross
livina area of the house or 950 sauare feet. whichever is smaller. The
aross livina area includes the accessory apartment.
~ Exterior chanaes to the house must not substantiallv alter the sinale familv
character of the structure:
~ No apartment may be created except in compliance with all applicable
buildina. housina. electrical. plumbina. heatina and related codes of the
~ An accessory apartment is permitted only where it is demonstrated that the
it will not have an undue adverse impact on adiacent properties and where
there will not be a substantial alteration of the character of the
neiahborhood; and
~ All other provisions of this ordinance relatina to sinale familv dwellina units
are met. unless specifically amended by this subdivision.
1102.203 Conditional Uses. No structure or land in any "A" Agricultural District shall be
used for the following uses except by Conditional Use permit. These uses shall
comply with the Residential Performance Standards of subsection 1102.800. with
the requirements of the several provisions of subsections 1108.202 through
1108.204, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection and with any
other conditions the-Plannina Commission may impose.
(1) Kennels. Conditions:
a. No animals shall be kept outside the building or be otherwise located so as
to cause offensive odors discernible at the property line of lot on which the
animals are kept.
b. The building in which animals are kept shall be at least 100 feet from the
nearest property line.
(2) Commercial Recreation. Conditions:
a. Access to the site shall be from a major or minor collector or arterial street.
(3) Public Service Structures, including Utility Substations. Conditions:
a. No utility substation structure shall be located with 200 feet of any R-Use
b. All service drives shall be paved.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along all public right-of-ways, and along all lot lines
adjacent to an R-Use District.
d. All outdoor storage areas accessory to the public service structure or utility
substation must be located a minimum of 50 feet from any property line.
(4) Outdoor Storage. Conditions:
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instead say Planning Commission,
this should be modified in all use
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Zoning Ordinance
a. A drainage plan for the site shall be approved by the City Engineer.
b. All outdoor storage yards shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from any
property line.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along all public right-of-ways and along all lot lines adjacent
to an R-Use District.
(5) Commercial Stables. Conditions:
a. The buildinas in which animals are kept must be at least 100 feet from any
property line.
Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses to
principal uses allowed in the "A" Agricultural Use District under the provisions of
this Ordinance:
I .
,. Off-Street Parking
,. Signs
,. Private recreational facilities
,. Family day care serving fewer than 14 persons
,. Home occupations meeting all criteria
,. Keeping no more than 2 roomers or boarders
,. Adult day care in a religious institution.
,. Yard Sales, provided each does not exceed 4 days in duration, and there are no
more than 3 sales per year conducted on the premises. Signage for this use is
regulated by subsection 1107.709.
Dimensional Standards. No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height unless
approved by the Board of Adjustment. The minimum lot size is 10 acres for
residential uses and 40 acres for all other uses. The minimum lot width is 330 feet.
The maximum density shall not exceed 0.10 units per acre. The minimum yard
requirements are as follows:
Front: 50 feet
Back: 30 feet
Side: 20 feet
1102.300: "R-S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District. The purpose of the
"R-S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District is to provide suitable areas for
large lot development outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area identified on
the Comprehensive Plan. The emphasis in these areas is on single family
residential development. The Use District provides for other uses which are
compatible with the overall low density of these areas and which will serve the
residential neighborhood.
1102.301 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "R-S" Rural Subdivision
Use District if the use complies with; the Residential Performance Standards of
subsection 1102.800:
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Deleted: . . . , . Residence for
domestic or medical help'll
Zoning Ordil/III/ce
,. Single-family Dwellings
,. State License Residential Facilities as permitted by Minnesota State Statutes
,. Parks and Open Spaces
,. Group Homes / Statutory
1102.302 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in an "R-S" Rural
Subdivision Residential Use District may be used for 1 or more of the following
uses if its use complies with the conditions stated in subsection 1102.800 and
those specified for the use in this subsection.
(1) Group Home / Non-Statutory. Conditions:
a. At least 800 sq. ft. of lot shall be provided for each person housed on the
b. At least 150 sq. ft. of usable open space shall be provided for each person
housed on the site.
c. The residence structure shall be occupied by not more than 6 persons
under treatment, and 2 staff persons.
d. The residence structure shall provide 1 bathroom for each 4 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
e. The residence structure shall provide 1 bedroom for each 2 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
f. The use shall not be located within 1,500 feet of another group home.
(2) Educational (Academic). Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
c. Outdoor recreational and ply areas shall be located at least 25 feet from
any lot in an "R" Use District, and shall be buffered from such residential
use with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005.
(3) Park/Recreation. Conditions:
a. The principal structure shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R"
Use District.
b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet
from a lot in an "R" Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along the property line when a community park abuts property
residentially used or in one of the "R" Use Districts. This provisions shall
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Zoning Ordi/la/lce
not require a fence within the required front yard or where it interferes with
traffic visibility at intersections.
d. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required bufferyards
or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust
and drainage.
e. Swimming pools shall be located at least 50 feet from any lot line and at
least 12 feet from any other structure on the same lot.
f. A drainage system approved by the City Engineer shall be installed.
g. Facilities which serve a community-wide or regional function shall be
located with primary vehicular access on a collector or arterial street.
h. Facilities within 300 feet of a property in an "R" District that require night
lighting shall be lighted according to a lighting plan approved by the City
which shall include fixture specifications and demonstrate that off-site
impacts will be minimized.
(4) Religious Institutions. Conditions:
a. All buildings shall be located at least 30 feet from any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
(5) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions:
a. The facility shall be owner-occupied.
b. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard.
c. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6.
d. Not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residence shall be used
for the guesthouse operation.
e. Only exterior alterations which do not alter the exterior appearance from its
single-family character will be allowed.
f. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14
g. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea.
h. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities.
i. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure
and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes.
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j. No more than 50% of the rear yard may be paved or used for parking.
(6) Accessorv Apartments. Conditions: _
Accessorv apartments shall be allowed within a sinqle family dwellinq for
the followinq purposes:
More efficient utilization of the existinq sinqle family housinq stock in the"
Provision of housinq which allows privacy and independence for older
family members;
Preservation of property values and maintenance of the character of
existinq sinqle family neiqhborhoods: and
Provision of housinq for live-in employees. such as nannies. or other
persons employed for medical or domestic purposes on the premises.
For the purpose of this subdivision. the followinq definitions shall apply:
"housekeepinq unit" - all persons residinq within a sinqle family house"
whose relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction
includinq the sharinq of housekeepinq responsibilities or expenses or the
takinq of meals toqether;
,. "Iivinq space" - the area within a house which is suitable for human
habitation includinq suitable finished basement areas but excludinq
qaraqes. services areas and unfinished portions of the buildinq;
,. "owner" - the person who holds fee title or is a bona fide purchaser under a
contract for deed of the property;
,. "unit of housinq" - one or more rooms desiqned. occupied or intended for
occupancy as separate livinq quarters. with cookinq, sleepinq and sanitarY
facilities separate from those of another unit of housinq and intended for
the exclusive use of a sinqle housekeepinq unit; and
,. "temporarY absence" - establishinq residence outside of the twin cities
metropolitan area for a period not to exceed 12 months but durinq which
period the subiect property continues to be the applicant's leqal or principal
c. No accessorY apartment shall be created or used except in conformity with
the followinq:
,. An accessorY apartment may be created only within a sinqle family"
dwellinq and no more than one apartment to be created in any dwellinq;
,. Sinqle family dwellinqs in which an accessorY apartment is created must
be owner-occupied. with the owner residinq in either unit on a continuous
basis except for temporarY absences throuqhout the period durinq which
the permit is valid;
,. A minimum of 2 off-street parkinq spaces must be provided for each unit of
housinq with such parkinq to be in a qaraqe, carport or on a paved area
specifically intended for that purpose but not within a required turnaround;
,. In an existinq sinqle family dwellinq. an accessorY apartment may be
created by the conversion of livinq space within the house but not by
conversion of qaraqe space unless space is available for a two car qaraqe
on the lot without the need for a variance;
,. An accessorY apartment must be no more than 35 percent of the qross
livinq area of the house or 950 square feet. whichever is smaller. The
qross livinq area includes the accessorY apartment.
,. Exterior chanqes to the house must not substantially alter the sinqle family
character of the structure;
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lOllillg Ordillllllce
;0. No apartment may be created except in compliance with all applicable
buildino, housino, electrical, plumbino, heatino and related codes of the
;0. An accessory apartment is permitted only where it is demonstrated that the
it will not have an undue adverse impact on adiacent properties and where
there will not be a substantial alteration of the character of the
neiohborhood; and
;0. All other provisions of this ordinance relatino to sino Ie family dwellino units
are met, unless specificallY amended by this subdivision.
Uses Permitted bv Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in any "R-S"
Rural Subdivision Residential Use District shall be used for the following uses
except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Residential
Performance Standards of subsection 1102.800, the requirements of all the
general conditions provided in subsection 1108.202, with the Specific Conditions
imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the Plan nino Commission
may impose.
(1) Public Service Structures. Conditions:
a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of subsection
b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any lot in an "R"
Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along all property lines abutting an "R" Use District.
(2) Golf Courses. Conditions:
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
(3) Country Clubs. Conditions:
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
Accessorv Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in the "R-
S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District.
;0. A detached private garage not to exceed 832 square feet or 25% of the rear lot
area, whichever is less.
;0. Off-street parking spaces
;0. Private swimming pool and tennis court
~ Family Day Care Facilities serving 14 or fewer persons
;0. Boarders. Keeping of not more than 2 boarders or roomers by a resident
;0. Signs,_as regulated by subsection 1 j 07.400 through 1107.1700.
~ Gardening and other horticultural uses.
City (If" Prior Lake
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( Deleted: City Council
Deleted: ..'. Domestic or
Medical Residents. Living quarters
of persons employed for domestic or
medical purposes on the premises.lI
ZOllillg Ordil/allce
,.. Decorative landscape features including but not limited to pools, arbors and
:.- Adult Day Care in a religious institution, community center or nursing home if
150 feet of outdoor sitting and exercise area per person under care at peak
periods is provided.
(1) Home Occupations are permitted accessory uses in an "R-S" Rural Subdivision
Use District if a home occupation permit has been issued and the use is in
compliance with all of the following conditions:
a. All material or equipment shall be stored within an enclosed structure.
b. Operation of the home occupation is not apparent from the public right-of-
way or any lake except for parking of one vehicle not to exceed 9,000
pounds gross vehicle weight.
c. The activity does not involve warehousing, distribution, or retail sales of
merchandise produced off the site, except that storage up to 200 cubic feet
of products and materials used to carry on the home occupation is
d. No person is employed at the residence who does not legally reside in the
home except that a licensed Group Family Day Care Facility may have 1
outside employee.
e. No light or vibration originating from the business operation is discernible at
the property line.
f. Only equipment, machinery, and materials which are normally found in the
home are used in the conduct of the home occupation.
g. Space within the dwelling devoted to the home occupation does not exceed
400 sq. ft. or 10% of the floor area, which ever is greater.
h. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or
detached accessory building.
i. The structure housing the home occupation conforms to the Building Code;
and in the case where the home occupation is a day care or if there are any
customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of
j. All home occupations shall be subject to an annual inspection to insure
compliance with the above conditions.
k. All applicable permits from other governmental agencies have been
(2) Group Day Care/Nursery School in a religious institution, community center, or
academic educational institution complying with all of the following conditions:
a. At least 40 sq. ft. of outside play space per pupil is provided.
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Zoning Ordinance
b. The outside play areas are fenced and screened with a bufferyard.
c. Drop-off and loading points are established which do not interfere with
traffic and pedestrian movements.
1102.306 Dimensional Standards.
(1) No structure shall exceed 3 stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less, except
as provided in subsection 1101.508.
(2) The ground floor area ratio within the R-S Use District shall not exceed 0.3.
(3) The following minimum requirements and those additional requirements,
exceptions and modifications contained in provisions (4) through (9) below and in
the Subdivision Ordinance shall govern the use and development of lots in the "R-
S" Use District.
Lot Area Lot Width Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard
2 100 25 10 25
(4) The depth of the front year of a lot shall be at least 25 feet. The depth of the
required front yard may be reduced if the average depth of at least 2 existing front
yards, for buildings within 150 feet along the same block front of the lot in question
is less than 25 feet. However, the depth of a front yard shall not be less than 20
(5) Through lots shall have a required front yard on each street.
(6) The width of the side yard setback abutting a building wall shall be increased 2
inches for each 1 foot the length of the building wall exceeds i2.0 feet. The
additional setback will not be applied if there is a break in the building wall equal to
10% of the entire length of the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall
includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the
side lot line of a lot.
(7) Side yard widths may be reduced if the side wall of a building is not parallel by
more than 10 degrees with the side lot line, to permit the average depth of the side
yard to conform to the minimum side yard depth in the District, but no side yard
shall be less than 5 feet deep. No side yard shall be reduced to prevent
construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the lot unless a garage
which has access from the street is located on the lot or an alley provides a
secondary access to the rear yard of the lot.
(8) A single family dwelling which legally existed or for which a valid building permit
had been granted on or before the effective date of this Ordinance, may be
expanded by an addition or dormer, provided the addition does not extend into the
existing side yard and provided the combined width of the side yard for the building
and the adjacent building is not less than 10 feet.
(9) Any parcel which is subdivided for the purpose of creating condominium ownership
is permitted provided that the overall density created within all condominium
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parcels and the common lot do not exceed the maximum density permitted within
the zoning district. Any front, rear, and side yard dimensions shall apply from the
building face to the property line of the common lot.
1102.400: IR_1" Low Density Residential. The purpose of the "R-1" Low-Density
Residential Use District is to provide areas where the emphasis is on single-family
residential development. The Use District provides for other uses which are
compatible with the overall low-density of these areas and which will serve the
residential neighborhood.
1102.401 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "R-1" Single Family
Residential Use District if the use complies with the Residential Performance
Standards of subsection 1102.800:
,. Single Family Dwellings
,. State Licensed Residential Facilities as permitted by Minnesota State Statutes.
,. Parks and Open Spaces
,. Group Homes/Statutory
1102.402 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in an "R-1" Single Family
Residence Use District may be used for 1 or more of the following uses if its use
complies with the conditions stated in subsection 1102.800 and those specified for
the use in this subsection.
(1) Group Home/Non-Statutory. Conditions:
a. At least 800 square feet of lot area shall be provided for each person
housed on the site.
b. At least 150 square feet of usable open space shall be provided for each
person housed on the site.
c. The residence structure shall be occupied by not more than 6 persons
under treatment, and 2 staff persons.
d. The residence structure shall provide one bathroom for each 4 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
e. The residence structure shall provide one bedroom for each 2 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
f. The use shall not be located within 1500 feet of another group home.
(2) Community Centers. Conditions:
a. The building shall not be located within 50 feet of any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
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loning Ordinance
c. Outdoor areas intended for group activities shall be located at least 25 feet
from any lot in an "R" Use District and shall be buffered from such
residential lot with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection
(3) Educational (Academic). Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
c. Outdoor recreational and play areas shall be located at least 25 feet from
any lot in an "R" Use District, and shall be buffered from such residential
use with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005.
(4) Libraries. Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 25 feet from a lot line in an "R" Use
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
(5) Park/Recreation. Conditions:
a. The principal structure shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R"
Use District.
b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet
from a lot in an "R" Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along the property line when a community park abuts property
residentially used or in one of the "R" Use Districts. This provision shall not
require a fence within the required front yard or where it interferes with
traffic visibility at intersections.
d. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards
or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust
and drainage.
e. Swimming pools shall be located at least 50 feet from any lot line and at
least 12 feet from any other structure on the same lot.
f. A drainage system approved by the City Engineer shall be installed.
g. Facilities which serve a community-wide or regional function shall be
located with primary vehicular access on a collector or arterial street.
h. Facilities within 300 feet of a property in an "R" District that require night
lighting shall be lighted according to a lighting plan approved by the City
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ZOllillg Ordillallce
which shall include fixture specifications and demonstrate that off-site
impacts will be minimized.
(6) Religious Institutions. Conditions:
a. All buildings shall be located at least 30 feet from any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
(7) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions:
a. The facility shall be owner-occupied.
b. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard Type B as defined
in subsection 1107.2005.
c. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6.
d. Not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residence shall be used
for the guesthouse operation.
e. Only exterior alterations which do not alter the exterior appearance from its
single-family character will be allowed.
f. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14
g. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea.
h. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities.
i. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure
and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes.
j. No more than 50% of the rear yard may be paved or used for parking.
(8) Accessory Apartment. Conditions:
a. Accessory apartments shall be allowed within a sino Ie family dwellino for
the followino purposes:
, More efficient utilization of the existino sinole family housino stock in the.
, Provision of housino which allows privacy and independence for older
family members;
:;. Preservation of property values and maintenance of the character of
existino sino Ie family neiohborhoods; and
, Provision of housino for live-in employees. such as nannies. or other
persons employed for medical or domestic purposes on the premises.
b. For the purpose of this subdivision. the followino definitions shall apply:
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,. "housekeepina unit" - all persons residina within a sinale familv house-
whose relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction
includina the sharina of housekeepina responsibilities or expenses or the
takina of meals toaether;
,. "livina space" - the area within a house which is suitable for human
habitation includina suitable finished basement areas but excludinq
qaraqes. services areas and unfinished portions of the buildinq;
,. "owner" - the person who holds fee title or is a bona fide purchaser under a
contract for deed of the property;
,. "unit of housinq" - one or more rooms desiqned. occupied or intended for
occupancv as separate livina quarters, with cookinq. sleepina and sanitary
facilities separate from those of another unit of housina and intended for
the exclusive use of a sinqle housekeepina unit: and
,. "temporary absence" - establishina residence outside of the twin cities
metropolitan area for a period not to exceed 12 months but durina which
period the subiect propertv continues to be the applicant's leaal or principal
c. No accessory apartment shall be created or used except in conformitv with
the followinq:
,. An accessorY apartment mav be created onlv within a sinale familv-
dwellina and no more than one apartment to be created in anv dwellinq;
,. Sinqle familv dwellinas in which an accessory apartment is created must
be owner-occupied. with the owner residina in either unit on a continuous
basis except for temporary absences throuahout the period durina which
the permit is valid;
,. A minimum of 2 off-street parkina spaces must be provided for each unit of
housinq with such parkina to be in a qaraae. carport or on a paved area
specificallv intended for that purpose but not within a reauired turnaround;
,. In an existinq sinqle familv dwellinq, an accessory apartment mav be
created bv the conversion of Iivinq space within the house but not bv
conversion of aaraae space unless space is available for a two car aaraqe
on the lot without the need for a variance;
,. An accessory apartment must be no more than 35 percent of the qross
livina area of the house or 950 sauare feet. whichever is smaller. The
aross Iivina area includes the accessory apartment.
,. Exterior chanaes to the house must not substantiallv alter the sinale familv
character of the structure;
,. No apartment mav be created except in compliance with all applicable
buildina. housina. electrical. plumbina, heatina and related codes of the
,. An accessory apartment is permitted on Iv where it is demonstrated that the
it will not have an undue adverse impact on adiacent properties and where
there will not be a substantial alteration of the character of the
neiahborhood; and
,. All other provisions of this ordinance relatinq to sinqle familv dwellinq units
are met. unless specificallv amended bv this subdivision.
Uses Permitted bv Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in any "R-1"
Single Family Residential Use District shall be used for the following uses except
by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Residential
Performance Standards of subsection 1102.800, the requirements of all the
general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the
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Specific Conditions imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the
Planninq Commission may impose.
(1) Cluster Housing. Conditions:
a. Cluster housing shall meet the following minimum requirements: (1) No
more than four dwelling units shall be incorporated in a single building; (2)
The density of development shall not exceed the density allowed in an "R-
1" Single Family Residential Use District; (3) This subsection shall not be
applied to conversion of existing dwelling units into cluster housing but may
be applied to site clearance and redevelopment. Existing units may be
incorporated into new development plans when such units are not
converted or added to; (4) There shall be 600 square feet of usable open
space for each dwelling unit.
b. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site
plan that a superior development would result by clustering. The presence
of a superior development shall be determined by reference to the following
criteria: (1) The presence and preservation of topographic features, woods
and trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical and ecological
conditions; (2) Suitable provisions for permanently retaining and
maintaining the amenities and open space; (3) Locating and clustering the
buildings to preserve and enhance existing natural features and scenic
views, aesthetically pleasing building forms and materials, addition of
landscaping to screen development, recognition of existing development
and public facilities, and consistency with City goals and plans for the
(2) Public Service Structures. Conditions:
a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of subsection
b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any lot in an "R"
Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along all property lines abutting an "R" Use District.
(3) Golf Courses. Conditions:
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
(4) Country Clubs. Conditions:
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
(5) Free-Standing Parking Lots. Conditions:
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a. The parking lot must be accessory to an existing nonresidential or
recreational use located within the same Zoning Use District.
b. The parking lot must be located within 500 feet of the existing
nonresidential or recreational use.
c. The parking lot must meet all the provIsions listed in subsections
1107.203(11),1107.203(13), and 1107.204.
d. No storage of any kind is permitted on the site.
e. No structures are permitted on the site.
(6) Recreational Dome. Conditions:
a. The dome must be accessory to an existing use located within the same
Zoning District.
b. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along on property lines abutting a "R" use district.
d. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5
a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends.
e. All mechanical equipment shall be fully screened.
f. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot
line in an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an
additional foot for each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet.
g. No light or vibration originating from the structure or supporting equipment
shall be discernible at the property line.
h. The structure shall not exceed 75 feet in height.
i. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration
within its surroundings.
j. The dome structure shall be fully insulated.
Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in an "R-
1 " Single Family Residential Use District:
> A detached private garage not to exceed 832 square feet or 25% of the rear lot
area, whichever is less.
> Off-street parking spaces.
> Private swimming pool and tennis court.
> Family Day Care Facilities serving 14 or fewer persons.
> Boarders. Keeping of not more than 2 boarders or roomers by a resident
City (1/' Prior Lake
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Zoning Ordinance
I .
,.. Signs, as regulated by subsection 1107.400 to 1107.1700.
,.. Gardening and other horticultural uses.
,.. Decorative landscape features including but not limited to pools, arbors and
,.. Adult Day Care in a religious institution, community center, or nursing home if
150 square feet of outdoor sitting and exercise area per person under care at peak
periods is provided.
,.. Yard Sales, provided each does not exceed 4 days in duration, and there are no
more than 3 sales per year conducted on the premises. Signage for this use is
regulated by subsection 1107.709.
(1) Home Occupations are permitted accessory uses in an "R-1" Single Family
Residential Use District if a home occupation permit has been issued and the use
is in compliance with all of the following conditions:
a. All material or equipment shall be stored within an enclosed structure.
b. Operation of the home occupation is not apparent from the public right-of-
way or any lake, except for parking of 1 vehicle not to exceed 9,000 pounds
gross vehicle weight.
c. The activity does not involve warehousing, distribution, or retail sales of
merchandise produced off the site, except that storage up to 200 cubic feet
of products and materials used to carry on the home occupation is
d. No person is employed at the residence who does not legally reside in the
home except that a licensed Group Family Day Care Facility may have one
outside employee.
e. No light or vibration originating from the business operation is discernible at
the property line.
f. Only equipment, machinery, and materials which are normally found in the
home are used in the conduct of the home occupation.
g. Space within the dwelling devoted to the home occupation does not exceed
400 square feet or 10% of the floor area, whichever is greater.
h. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or
detached accessory building.
i. The structure housing the home occupation conforms to the Building Code;
and in the case where the home occupation is a day care or if there are any
customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of
j. All home occupations shall be subject to an annual inspection to insure
compliance with the above conditions.
k. All applicable permits from other governmental agencies have been
City of Prior Lake
May 22. /999
Deleted:. ..,.. Domestic or
Medical residents. Living quarters
of persons employed for domestic or
medical purposes on the premises.~
Zoning Ordinance
(2) Group Day Care/Nursery School in a religious institution, community center, or
academic educational institution complying with all of the following conditions:
a. At least 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil is provided.
b. The outside play areas are fenced and screened with a buffer yard.
c. Drop off and loading points are established which do not interfere with
traffic and pedestrian movements.
1102.405 Dimensional Standards.
(1) No structure shall exceed 3 stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less, except
as provided in subsection 1101.508.
(2) The ground floor area ratio within the R-1 Use District shall not exceed 0.3.
(3) The following minimum requirements and those additional requirements, exception
and modifications contained in provisions (4) through (9) below and in the
Subdivision Ordinance shall govern the use and development of lots in the "R-1"
Use District.
Lot Area (Sq. ft.) Lot Width (ft.) Front Yard (ft.) Side Yard (ft.) Rear Yard (ft.) -
12,000 86 25 10 25
(4) Density.: The minimum density for new development in the R-1 Use District is 2
units per acre. The maximum density for new development in the R-1 Use
District is 4 units per acre. These densities shall be achieved utilizinq the
minimum lot areas listed in 1102.405 (3).
(,Q) The depth of the frol'1t yard of a lot shall be at least 25 feet. The depth of the
required front yard may be reduced if the average depth of at least 2 existing
front yards, for buildings within 150 feet along the same block front of the lot in
question is less than 25 feet. However, the depth of a front yard shall not be less
than 20 feet.
(9) Through lots and corner lots shall have a required front yard on each street.
en The width of the side yard setbac_k abutting a building wall shall be increased 2
inches for each 1 foot the length of the building wall exceeds .2Q....feet. The
additional setback will not be applied if there is a break in the building wall equal
to 10% of the entire length of the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall
includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the
side lot line of a lot.
(ro Side yard widths may be reduced if the side wall of a building is_ not parallel by
more than 10 degrees with the side lot line, to permit the average depth of the
side yard to conform to the minimum side yard depth in the District, but no side
yard shall be less than 5 feet deep. No side yard shall be reduced to prevent
construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the lot unless a garage
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Zoning Ordinance
which has access from the street is located on the lot or an alley provides a
secondary access to the rear yard of the lot.
A single fal!lily dwelling which legally existed or for_ "",hich a valid building permit
had been granted on or before the effective date of this Ordinance, may be
expanded by an addition or dormer, provided the addition does not extend into
the existing side yard, and provided the combined width of the side yard for the
building and the adjacent building is not less than 10 feet.
f-.ny _ parcel which _is subdivided for th~ purpose of creating condominium
ownership is permitted provided that the overall density created within all
condominium parcels and the common lot do not exceed the maximum density
permitted within the zoning district. Any front, rear, and side yard dimensions
shall apply from the building face to the property line of the common lot.
IR-2" .Medium Density Residential Use District. The purpose of the
- - -
"R-2" Low To Medium-Density Residential Use District is to provide areas which
are or will be developed with a mixture of residential dwelling types that are of an
overall low to medium density.
Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "R-2" JIIIedium-Density
Residential Use District if the use complies with the Residential Restrictions and
Performance Standards of subsection 1102.800:
r Single Family Dwellings
~ Two Familv Dwellinqs
r State Licensed Residential Facilities as regulated by Minnesota State Statutes
r Parks and Open Spaces
r Group Home - Statutory
Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in an "R-2" Medium
Density Residential Use District may be used for one or more of the following
uses if its use complies with the conditions stated in subsection 1102.800 and
those specified for the use in this subsection.
(1) Group Home - Non-Statutory. Conditions:
a. At least 800 square feet of lot area shall be provided for each person
housed on the site.
b. At least 150 square feet of usable open space shall be provided for each
person housed on the site.
c. The residence structure shall be occupied by not more than 6 persons
under treatment and 2 staff persons.
d. The residence structure shall provide one bedroom for each 2 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
e. The residence structure shall provide one bathroom for each 4 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
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Zoning Ordinllnce
f. The use shall not be located within 1500 feet of another group home.
(2) Community Centers. Conditions:
a. The building shall not be located within 50 feet of any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
c. Outdoor areas intended for group activities shall be located at least 25 feet
from any lot in an "R" Use District and shall be buffered from such
residential lot with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection
(3) Educational (Academic). Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot line in an "R" Use
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
c. Outdoor recreational and play areas shall be located at least 25 feet from
any lot in an "R" Use District, and shall be buffered from such residential
use with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005.
(4) Libraries. Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District.
(5) Park/Recreation. Conditions:
a. The principal structure shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R"
Use District.
b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet
from a lot in an "R" Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along the property line when a community park abuts property
residentially used or in one of the "R" Use Districts. This provision shall not
require a fence within the required front yard or where it interferes with
traffic visibility at intersections.
d. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards,
or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust
and drainage.
e. Swimming pools shall be located at least 50 feet from any lot line and at
least 12 feet from any other structure on the same lot.
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Zoning Ordinance
f. A drainage system approved by the City Engineer shall be installed.
g. Facilities which serve a community-wide or regional function shall be
located with primary vehicular access on a collector or arterial street.
h. Facilities within 300 feet of property in an "R" District that require night
lighting shall be lighted according to a lighting plan approved by the City
which shall include fixture specifications and demonstrate that off-site
impacts will be minimized.
(6) Religious Institutions. Conditions:
a. All buildings shall be located at least 30 feet from any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
(7) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions:
a. The facility shall be owner-occupied.
b. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard Type B as defined
by subsection 1107.2005.
c. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6.
d. Not more than 50 percent of the gross floor area of the residence shall be
used for the guesthouse operation.
e. Only exterior alterations which do not alter the exterior appearance from its
single-family character will be allowed.
f. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14
g. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea.
h. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities.
i. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure
and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes.
j. No more than 50 percent of the rear yard may be paved or used for
(8) Accessory Apartment. Conditions:
a. Accessory apartments shall be allowed within a sinale familv dwellina for
the followina purposes:
City ,,{Prior Lake
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ZOllillg Ordillllllce
More efficient utilization of the existinq sinqle family housinq stock in the- - (Formatted: Bullets and Numbering]
Provision of housinq which allows privacy and independence for older
family members;
Preservation of property values and maintenance of the character of
existinq sinqle family neiqhborhoods; and
Provision of housinq for live-in employees, such as nannies, or other
persons employed for medical or domestic purposes on the premises.
For the purpose of this subdivision, the followinq definitions shall apply:
"housekeepinq unit" - all persons residinq within a sinqle family house- ( Formatted: Bullets and Numbering)
whose relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction
includinq the sharinq of housekeepinq responsibilities or expenses or the
takinq of meals toqether:
,.. "Iivinq space" - the area within a house which is suitable for human
habitation includinq suitable finished basement. areas but excludinq
qaraqes, services areas and unfinished portions of the buildinq:
,.. "owner" - the person who holds fee title or is a bona fide purchaser under a
contract for deed of the property;
,.. "unit of housinq" - one or more rooms desiqned, occupied or intended for
occupancy as separate livinq quarters, with cookinq, sleepinq and sanitary
facilities separate from those of another unit of housinq and intended for
the exclusive use of a sinqle housekeepinq unit: and
,.. "temporary absence" - establishinq residence outside of the twin cities
metropolitan area for a period not to exceed 12 months but durinq which
period the subiect property continues to be the applicant's leqal or principal
c. No accessory apartment shall be created or used except in conformity with
the followinq:
,.. An accessory apartment may be created only within a sinqle family- ( Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1
dwellinq and no more than one apartment to be created in any dwellinq;
,.. Sinqle family dwellinqs in which an accessory apartment is created must
be owner-occupied, with the owner residinq in either unit on a continuous
basis except for temporary absences throuqhout the period durinq which
the permit is valid;
,.. A minimum of 2 off-street parkinq spaces must be provided for each unit of
housinq with such parkinq to be in a qaraqe, carport or on a paved area
specifically intended for that purpose but not within a required turnaround;
,.. In an existinq sinqle family dwellinq, an accessory apartment may be
created by the conversion of livinq space within the house but not by
conversion of qaraqe space unless space is available for a two car qaraqe
on the lot without the need for a variance:
,.. An accessory apartment must be no more than 35 percent of the qross
livinq area of the house or 950 square feet. whichever is smaller. The
qross Iivinq area includes the accessory apartment.
,.. Exterior chanqes to the house must not substantially alter the sinqle family
character of the structure;
,.. No apartment may be created except in compliance with all applicable
buildinq, housinq, electrical, plumbinq, heatinq and related codes of the
,.. An accessory apartment is permitted only where it is demonstrated that the
it will not have an undue adverse impact on adiacent properties and where
there will not be a substantial alteration of the character of the
neiqhborhood: and
MlIY 22. /999
City 0( Prior LlIke
Zoning Ordinance
~ All other provisions of this ordinance relatina to sinale familv dwellina units
are met, unless specifically amended by this subdivision.
Uses Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in any "R-2"
]v1ediu_m-Density _Residenti?1 Use District shall pe used for the following uses
except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Residential
Performance Standards of subsection 1102.800, the requirements of all the
general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the
Specific Conditions imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the
Plannina Commission may impose.
(1) Cluster Housing. Conditions:
a. Cluster housing shall meet the following minimum requirements: (1) No
more than 4 dwelling units shall be incorporated in a single building; (2)
The density of development shall not exceed the density allowed in the R-2
Use District; (3) This section of the Zoning Ordinance shall not be applied
to conversion of existing dwelling units but may be applied to site clearance
and redevelopment. Existing units may be incorporated into new
development plans when such units are not converted or added to; (4)
There shall be 600 square feet of useable open space for each dwelling
b. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site
plan that a superior development would result by clustering. The presence
of a "superior development" shall be determined by reference to the
following criteria: (1) The presence and preservation of topographic
features, woods and trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical
and ecological conditions; (2) Suitable provisions for permanently retaining
and maintaining the amenities and open space; (3) Locating and clustering
the buildings to preserve and enhance existing natural features and scenic
views, aesthetically pleasing building forms and materials, addition of
landscaping to screen development, recognition of existing development
and public facilities, and consistency with City goals and plans for the
(2) Public Service Structures. Conditions:
a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of subsection
b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any lot in an "R"
Use District.
c. All service drives shall be paved.
d. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along all property lines abutting an "R" Use District.
(3) Golf Courses. Conditions:
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Zoning Ordina"ce
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
(4) Country Clubs. Conditions:
a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from any adjacent lot in
an "R" Use District.
(5) Marinas. Conditions:
a. A bufferyard Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along the property line where it abuts property residentially
used or if it abuts any "R" Use Districts.
b. Lake Service Signs, as regulated by subsection 1107.809 are permitted.
c. Lighting shall be provided for safety and security only, and shall not be
directed at the lake or at adjacent properties. Lights for parking lots,
building and dock identification may have no more than 0.5 foot candles at
the property line or at the edge of the dock structure furthest from the
d. Boat tours are permitted between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 pm.
e. One stall for each 4 boat slips must be provided. If tour boats are based at
the marina, an additional 1 parking space for each 4 seats on the boat is
f. Retail sales are limited to motors, parts, bait, equipment, gas and oil, and
(6) Free-Standing Parking Lots. Conditions:
a. The parking lot must be accessory to an existing nonresidential or
recreational use located within the same Zoning Use District.
The parking lot must be located within 500 feet of J.!Jg existing
nonresidential or recreational use.
c. The parking lot must meet all the provIsions listed in subsections
1107 .203( 11), 1107 .203( 13), and Section 1107.204.
d. No storage of any kind is permitted on the site.
e. No structures are permitted on the site.
(7) Recreational Dome. Conditions:
a. The dome must be accessory to an existing use located within the same
Zoning District.
b. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site.
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ZOllillg Ordillallce
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along on property lines abutting a "R" use district.
d. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5
a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends.
e. All mechanical equipment shall be fully screened.
f. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot
line in an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an
additional foot for each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet.
g. No light or vibration originating from the structure or supporting equipment
shall be discernible at the property line.
h. The structure shall not exceed 75 feet in height.
i. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration
within its surroundings.
j. The dome structure shall be fully insulated.
Accessorv Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in an
"R-2'~Medium-Density Residential Use District:
I .
:Y A private garage not to exceed 832 square feet or 25% of the rear lot area,
whichever is less.
:Y Off-street parking spaces.
:Y Private swimming pool and tennis court,
:Y Family Day Care facilities serving 14 or fewer persons.
:Y Boarder. Keeping of not more than 2 boarders or roomers by a resident
:Y Signs, as regulated by subsection 1107.400 to 1107.1700.
:Y Gardening and other horticultural uses.
:Y Decorative landscape features including but not limited to pools, arbors, and
:Y Adult Day Care in a religious institution, community Center, or nursing home is
150 square feet of outdoor sitting and exercise area per person under care at
peak periods is provided.
:Y Yard sales, provided each does not exceed 4 days in duration, and there are
no more than 3 sales per year conducted on the premises. Signage for this use
is regulated by subsection 1107.709.
(1) Home occupations shall be permitted accessory uses in the "R-2" Low To
Medium-Density Residential Use District provided a home occupation permit has
been issued and the use is in compliance with all of the following conditions:
a. All material or equipment shall be stored within an enclosed structure.
b. Operation of the home occupation is not apparent from the public right-of-
way or any lake, except for parking of 1 vehicle not to exceed 9,000 pounds
gross vehicle weight.
City or Prior Lake
May 22. /999
[ Deleted: Low To
Deleted:. .,. Domestic or
Medical Residents. Living quarters
of persons employed for domestic or
medical purposes on the premises.ll
ZOllillg Ordillallce
c. The activity does not involve warehousing, distribution, or retail sales of
merchandise produced off the site, except that storage up to 200 cubic feet
of products and materials used to carry on the home occupation is
d. No person is employed at the residence who does not legally reside in the
home except that a licensed Group Family Day Care Facility may have one
outside employee.
e. No light or vibration originating from the business operation is discernible at
the property line.
f. Only equipment, machinery, and materials which are normally found in the
home are used in the conduct of the home occupation.
g. Space within the dwelling devoted to the home occupation does not exceed
400 square feet or 10% of the floor area, whichever is greater.
h. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or
detached accessory building.
i. The structure housing the home occupation conforms to the building code;
and in the case where the home occupation is day care or if there are any
customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of
j. All home occupations shall be subject to an annual inspection to insure
compliance with the above conditions.
k. All applicable permits from other governmental agencies have been
(2) Group Day Care/Nursery School in a religious institution, community center, or
academic educational institution are permitted provided they comply with all of
the following conditions:
a. At least 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil is provided.
b. The outside play areas are fenced and screened with a bufferyard; and
c. Drop off and loading points are established which do not interfere with
traffic and pedestrian movements.
1102.505 Dimensional Standards. No structure shall exceed 3 stories or 35 feet in
height, whichever is less, except as provided in subsection 1101.508. The
ground floor area ratio within the R-2 Use District shall not exceed 0.3.
(1) The following minimum requirements and those additional requirements,
exceptions and modifications contained in subsection (2) through (7) below, and
in the Subdivision Ordinance, shall govern the use and development of lots in the
R-2 District.
City ,,{Prior Lake
May 22. /999
Zoning Ordinance
and Use Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
(square feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet)
Sir In Ie Familv 6,000 60 90 25 25 410 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 pt, First
line: 0 pt
T ~o Familv 12.000 75 120 25 25 410 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 pt, First
line: 0 pt
Cluster 30.000 100 200 25 25 10
o her Uses 15,000 100 150 25 25 10
(2) The minimum density for new developments in the R-2 Use District is 4.1 units
per acre. The maximum density for new developments in the R-2 Use District is
7.0 units per acre. These densities shall be achieved utilizinq the minimum lot
area listed in Section 1102.505 (1 ).
(2) The depth of the front yard of a lot shall be at least 25 feet. The depth of the
required front yard may be reduced if the average depth of at least 2 existing
front yards, for buildings within 150 feet along the same block front of the lot in
question, is less than 25 feet. However, the depth of a front yard shall not be
less than 20 feet.-
(.4) Through lots and corner lots shall have a required front yard on each street.
(,2) The width of the side yard setback abutting a building wall shall be increased 2
inches for each foot the length of the building wall exceeds ~feet. The
additional setback will not be applied if there is a break in the building wall equal
to 10% of the entire length of the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall
includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the
side lot line of a lot.
~) Side yard widths may be reduced if the side wall of a building is notlJarallel by
more than 10 degrees with the side lot line, to permit the average depth of the
side yard to conform to the minimum side yard depth in the District, but no side
yard shall be less than 5 feet deep. No side yard shall be reduced to prevent
construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the lot unless a garage
which has access from the street is located on the lot or an alley provides a
secondary access to the rear yard of the lot.
Il.) A single family house which legally existed or for which~ a valid building permit
had been granted on or before the effective date of this Ordinance, may be
expanded by an addition or dormer, provided the addition does not extend into
the existing side yard, and provided the combined width of the side yard for the
building and the adjacent building is not less than 15 feet.
U!) Any parcels which are subdjvided for the purpos~ of creating condominium
ownership are permitted provided that the overall density created within all
condominium parcels and the common lot do not exceed the maximum density
permitted within the "R-2" Use District. Any front, rear, and side yard dimensions
shall apply from the building face to the property line of the common lot.
Cil\' (It' /'ri"r Lake
May 22. /999
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.11 Q~.600:
Zoning Ordinance
"R 3" Medium Density Residential Use District. Tho purpoco of tho
"R 3" Modium Doneity Rocidontbl - uio- bietrict ie - fo- p~ovidO for 3roae 'Nith a
~~::~ ~~~i~;~i:=~~r 3~~~~~3Grru~~i:~~~~~~i~~~~~~~:ilv~~~~~
in tho aroa and still maintain the overall medium donsity I
_ _ Permitted Usee. Tho following ucoc 3ro JJo!mittod in th9 "R 3" DJstrict} tho uso
complioc with tho Rosidontial Porformanco St3nd3rdc of cubcaction 1102.800:
-r Singlo F3mily D',Alollings
-r Two F3mily Dwollings
-r Stato Liconcod Rocidontbl F3cilitioc 3C rogulatod by Minnosot3 Stato St3tUtOS
-r P3rkc 3nd Opon SpacolS I
Uses Permitted With Conditions. fl. structuro or land lin 3n "R 3" IJISO District
may bo uwd for one or moro of tho following ucoc if its UISO compliolS 'Nith tho
conditione et3tod in sublSoction 1102.800 and thow epobifiod for tho uso in thie
(1 )
Cluster HOlJeillg. Conditione:
Clustor houeing eh311 moot tho following minimum roquiromonte: (1) No
moro th3n '1 dwolling unite eh311 bo incorpor3tod :in 3 einglo building; (2)
Tho doneity of dovolopmcnt eh311 not oxcood tho doneity 3110wod in tho R 3
Dictrict; (3) Thie eoction of tho Zoning Ordimnc9 ISh311 not bo 3ppliod to
cOn'JoFeion of oxieting d'Nolling unite but may bo 3ppliod to cito c1oaranco
3nd rodovolopmont. Exieting unite m3Y bo : incorpor3tod into now
dovolopmont pbne whon euch unite 3ro not convortod or addod to; (1)
Thoro ehall bo 600 squaro foot of usablo opon ep360 for oach dwolling unit.
Tho applicant ch311 clo:lrly domonetr3to through ~ho application 3nd eito
plan th3t a euporior dovolopmont would roeult by clustoring. Tho proeonco
of 3 "lSuporior dovolopmont" sh311 bo dotormin6d by roforonco to tho
follo'Ning critorb: I
-r Tho proeonco 3nd proeorv3tion of topographic f03turoe, woode 3nd
troos, wator bodice and stnnme, and othor physical and ecological
conditionlS; Suitablo provieione for porm3nontly rdtaining and maintaining
tho 3monitioe and opon cpaco; Loc3ting 3nd clJctoring tho buildinge to
proeorvo 3nd onh3nco oxieting natur31 f03turhs and econic vio'Ne,
30cthotic311y pl03sing building forms and matorble: 3ddition of 1::mdsc3ping
to ccroon dovolopmont, recognition of oxieting dovolopmont and public
bcilitioc, 3nd consistoncy with City goale 3nd pbnel for tho aro3C.
(2) Group Home NOR Statutory. Conditione:
fI.t 10alSt 800 squ3re foot of lot 3rea ehall bo providod for 03ch poreon
housod on tho eito. I
l\t 1031St 150 square foot of usablo opon Cp3CO ehall bo providod for oach
person housod on tho sito.
MIIY 22. /999
City (If Prior Lake
Comment [il]: The R-3 Zoning
District has been merged with the R-2
Zoning District.
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[ Formatted: Strikethrough
LOllillg Ordilll/llCe
c. Tho rocidonco ctructuro chedl bo occupiod by not moro th::m 6 porconc
undor tmatmont and 2 ctaff pOFConc.
d. Tho rocidonco structum chell I provido ono bodroom for 03ch 2 porsanc
aceommodatod in group living quartors.
o. Tho rosidonco structuro shall provido ono bathroom for 03ch <1 porcons
accommod3tod in group living quartorc.
f. Tho uco sh311 not bo locatod within 1500 foot of anothor group homo.
(:3) Community Centers. Conditione:
3. Tho building chall not bo loc3tod within 50 foot of 3ny lot lino of a lot in 3n
"R" Uco DiGtrict.
b. An off stroot p3ccongor 103ding 3ma chall bo providod in ordor to m3int3in
vohicul3r 3nd podoctri::m cafoty.
c. Outdoor 3ro3C intondod for group 3ctivitios ch311 bo IOC3tod 3t 103Ct 25 foot
from any lot in 3n "R" Usa Dictrict and chall bo bufforod from cuch
rosidontial lot '.."ith a bufforj3rd, Typo C 3C dofinod in cubsaction
(1) Educational (Academic). Conditionc:
a. Buildings Ch311 bo 1003tod at 103St 50 foot from a lot in an "R" Uco Dictrict.
b. /\n off Gtroot pascongor 103ding 3ma sh311 bo providod in ordor to mainl3in
vohioul3r 3nd podostrbn c3foty.
o. Outdoor rocrG3tion31 and pl3y aroas ch311 bo loc3tod at 103ct 25 foot from
any lot in an "R" Uco District, 3nd shall bo buffomd from such rosidontial
uso with a bufforY3rd, Typo C 3S dofinod in eubsoction 1107.2005.
(5) Librariee:. Conditions:
3. Buildings chall bo loc3tod at loaet 25 foot from 3 lot in 3n "R" Uco Dictrict.
(€i) Park/Recreation. ConditionG:
3. Tho princip31 structuro shall bo locatod at loast 50 foot from 3 lot in 3n "R"
Uso Dictrict.
b. Aro3s dosign3tod for group 3ctivitios ch311 bo locatod 3 minimum of 25 foot
fmm a lot in 3n "R" Uso Dictrict.
c. /\ bufforyard, Typo C as dofinod in subsoction 1107.2005, shall bo
constructod 310ng tho proporty lino whon 3 community p3rk 3buts proporty
residontially usod or in ono of tho "R" Usa Dictrictc. This provicion ch311 not
roql:Jiro a foneo within tho roquirod front yard or whom it intorform; '.\lith
tr3ffic visibility 3t intorcoctionc.
City o(Pr;or Lake
May 22. /999
----~-- ------~--------- --
loning Ordinance
d. Tho ontiro sito othor than that taken up by structures, required bufforyards,
or othor landscapod ~Hoac shall bo suriacod '/lith a matorial to control dUEt
and drainago.
o. S'.vimming pools shall bo locatod at loast 50 foot from any lot lino and at
loast 12 foot from any othor structure on tho samo lot.
f. ^ dr(linago cyctom approvod by tho City Enginoor chall bo inctallod.
g. Facilitioc which sarvo a community '.vido or rogional function chall bo
locatod with primary vohicular accoss on a colloctor or artorial ctroot.
h. Facilitioc within 300 foot of a proporty in an "R" Dictrict that roquiro night
lighting shall bo lightod according to a lighting plan approvod by tho City
which shall includo fixture cpocificationc and domonctrato that off sito
impactc will bo minimizod.
(7) Religious Institutions. Conditions;
a. /\11 buildingc chall bo locatod at loact 30 foot from any lot lino of a lot in an
"R" Usa District.
b. I\ccoss shall bo to a roadway identified in the Comprohonsivo Plan as a
colloctor or artorial or chall bo othorwico locatod co that accoss can bo
providod without gonorating cignificant traffic on local rosidontial EtrootC.
(8) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions:
a. Tho facility shall bo O'.vnor occupiod.
b. Tho roquirod parking chall bo ccroonod .....ith a bufforyard Typo B ac dofinod
in cubsoction 1107.2005.
c. Tho total numbor of guoctc chall bo limitod to 6.
d. ~Jot moro than 50 porcont of tho grocs floor aroa of tho msidonco chall bo
ucod for tho guocthouco oporation.
o. Only oxtorior alto rations 'Nhich do not altar tho oxtorior appoaranco from its
single family charactor will bo allowod.
f. /'.ccommodations may bo providod to a guoct for a poriod not oxcooding 11
g. Food sorvico chall bo Iimitod to broakfact and aftornoon toa.
h. Rontod roomc shall not contain cooking facilitioc.
i. Rooms usad for clooping shall bo part of tho primary rosidontial structuro
and shall not havo boon constructod spocifically for rontal purpococ.
City (if' Prior Lake
May 22. /999
Zoning Ordinance
j. No more th::m 50 porcont of tho rear yard may bo pavod or usod for
1102.603 Utes Permitted B'I Conditional Use Permit. No etructuro or bnd in any "R 3"
Modium Doneity Roeidontial Ueo Dietrict ehall be ueod for tho following ueoe
oxcopt by Condition::ll Ueo Pormit. Theeo usos shall comply '.'lith tho Roeidontbl
Porform::lnco St:md::lrde of eubsoction 1102.800, tho roquiromonte of all tho
general conditions providod in subsoctione 1108.202 through 11 08.2Q1, 'Nith tho
Specific Conditions impoeod in thie cubeoction ::lnd '.'lith ::lny other conditione tho
City Council may imposo.
(1) Public Service Structures. Conditions:
3.. 1\11 oxterior f3.cCls of 3.11 buildinge shall moot the provisions of subsection
b. 1\11 structures ehall bo 10c3.tod 3. minimum of 15 fClet from any lot in an "R"
Uso Dietrict.
c. All servico drivoe shall bo pavod.
d. .f\, buffory::lrd, Typo C::le dofinod in eubeoction 1107.2005, eh::lll bo inetallod
::lnd m::lintainod along 311 proporty Iinoe abutting ::In "R" Ueo Dietrict.
(2) Golf Courses. Conditione:
3. /\11 structures eh::lll bo loc3tod a minimum of 30 foot from any ::ldjacontlot in
::In "R" Ueo District.
(3) CouRtry Clubs. Conditions:
a. l\1I structures shall be located a minimum of 30 foet from ::lny adj3centlot in
an "R" Uso Dietrict.
(1) Free Standing Parking Lots. Conditiom::
a. Tho parking lot must bo ::lccossory to ::In oxisting nonroeidontial or
rocroational uso 10c3.tod within the same Zoning '-'so Dietrict.
b. Tho parking lot must bo locatod v:ithin 500 foot of tho oxieting
nonrosidontial or rocroational ueo.
c. Tho p::lrking lot muet moot all tho provlslonc lietod in cubeoctionc
1107.203(11),1107.203(13), and Soction 1107.201.
d. No stor3go of any kind is pormittod on tho sito.
o. No etructuree ::lro pormittod on tho eito.
(5) Recreational Dome. Conditions:
May 22. /999
City 1If' PrillI' Lake
ZOllillg Ordillallce
a. Tho domo muet bo accoeeorl to an oxicting uco locatod within tho eamo
Zoning Dictrict.
b. ~Jo outdoor ctorago of any kind ic pormittod on tho cito.
c. ^ bufforyard, Typo C ae dofined in eubeoction 1107.2005, ehall bo inetalled
and maintainod along on proporty linoe abutting a "R" ueo dietriot.
d. Houre of oporation ehall bo limitod to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on 'Nookdaye and 5
a.m. to 11 p.m. on wookonde.
o. .^.II mochanical oquipment ehall bo fully ecroonod.
f. All ctructuroe eh::lll bo locatod a minimum of eO foot from any adjaoont lot lino in
an "R" ueo dietrict, and tho cotback E:hall bo incroaeod by an additional foot for
oach foot in hoight that tho etructuro oxcoode 60 foot.
g. ~Jo light or vibration originating from tho etructuro or eupporting oquipmont chall
bo diccorniblo at tho proporty lino.
h. Tho ctructuro ehall not oxcood 75 foot in hoight.
i. Tho ctructuro ehall bo of a oolor that providoe for maximum intogration within
ite curroundinge.
j. Tho domo ctructuro ehall bo fully ineulatod.
J'.cceSSOr'1 Uses. Tho follo'Ning UGoe chall bo pormittod aoooeeory ucoc in an
"R 3" ~inglo Family Roeidontial Dictrict:
.;..- ^ privato dotached garago not to oxcood 832 equare foot or 25% of tho roar
lot aroa, whichovor ie locc.
-r Off ctroot parking epaooc.
-r Privato cwimming pool and tannic court.
r Family Day Caro facilitioe corving 11 or fowor porcone.
r Boarders. Kooping of not moro than 2 boardorc or roomore by a roeidont
-r Domestic or Medical Residents. Living quartor of porcom: omployod or
domoetic or modioal purpoeoe on tho promieoe.
-r Signe, ::Ie rogulatod by cubeoction 1107.100 to 1107.1700.
r Gardoning and othor horticultural ueoe.
r Dooorativo I3ndeoapo foaturoe including but not limitod to poolc, arborc, and
-r I\dult Day Caro in a roligiouG inctitution, community contor, or nurcing homo, if
150 cquaro foot of outdoor eitting and oxoroico aroa por poreon undor oaro at
poak poriode ic providod.
r Yard ~aloc, providod oach dooe not oxoood 1 daye in duration, and thoro aro
no moro than 3 caloe por yoar conductod on tho promieoe. Signago for thic uco
ic rogulatod by cubcoction 1107.709.
City {!t' Prillr Lake
IHay 22. 1999
ZOllillg Ordilll/llCe
(1) Home Occupations shall bo pormittod accossory usos in :In "R 3" UE:O DiE:trict
providod 3 homo occup3tion pormit haE: boon iSE:uod 3nd tho UE:O iE: in
complianco with 311 of tho follmving conditions:
a. 1\11 matori31 or oquipmont Sh311 bo storod 'Nithin 3n onclosod E:tructuro.
b. Opor3tion of tho homo occup3tion iE: not 3pparont from the public right of
""3Y or any 13ko oxcopt for p3rking of 1 vohicle not to oxcoed 9,000 pounds
grosE: vohiclo '.voight.
c. Tho 3ctivity dOOE: not involvo '....aroholJE:ing, distribution, or rotail saloE: of
morchandiso producod off tho sito, excopt that storage up to 200 cubic foot
of products and m3torbls usod to c3rry on tho homo occupation iE:
d. 1'10 porE:on is omployod at tho roE:idonco who do os not legally resido in the
homo oxcopt th3t 3 IiconE:od Group F3mily Day C3ro Facility may havo one
outside omployoo.
o. No light or vibr3tion originating from tho businoE:E: opor3tion is discorniblo 3t
tho proporty lino.
f. Only oquipmont, machinor/, 3nd mnterblE: which 3ro normally found in tho
homo aro uwd in tho conduct of tho homo occup3tion.
g. Spaco 'I.'ithin tho dvvolling dovotod to tho homo occup3tion dooe not oxcood
100 E:qu3ro foot or 10% of tho floor aroa, whichovor iE: gro3tor.
h. No portion of tho homo occupation is permittod within any 3ttachod or
dotachod 3CCOSE:ory building.
i. Tho structuro houE:ing tho homo occupation conformE: to tho building code;
3nd in tho caso 'Nhoro tho homo oooupation iE: day C3ro or it thoro aro 3ny
customorE: or E:tudonts, tho homo oocup3tion h3E: roooivod 3 Cortific3to of
j. 1\11 homo oooup3tions shall bo E:ubjoct to 3n 3nnu31 inspoction to inE:lJro
oompli3nco with tho 3bovo conditionE:.
k. All 3pplic3blo pormits from othor govornmont31 agoncios havo boon
(2) Group Day Care/Nursery Schools in a religiouE: inE:titution, oommunity oontor,
or 303domic educatioml institution 3re pormillod 3CCOE:E:Ory UE:OE: in an "R 3"
Singlo F3mily Rosidontbl Distriot whon in complbnoo with 311 of tho following
a. (l,t 10aE:t 10 E:quaro foot of outE:ido play E:p3CO por pupil is providod.
b. Tho outE:ido play are3E: 3ro foncod 3nd screonod with a buffory3rd, 3nd
c. Drep off and 103ding pointE: 3ro ost3bliE:hod which do not intorforo 'Ivith
tr3ffic 3nd pedoE:trbn movomonts.
City (It' Prior Lake
May 22. /999
ZOlling Ordinallce
1102.605 Dimensional Standards. ['-10 etructuro ehall oxcood 3 etorioe or 35 foot in
hoight, which9ver ie loee, 9xcOpt ae providod in 8Ubeoction 1101.508. Tho
ground floor aro3. ratio .....ithin tho R 3 Ueo District ehall not excood 0.35.
(1) Tho following minimum roquiromontc and thoca 3.dditional roquiromonte,
oxcoptione 3.nd modificatione containod in cubcoction (2) through (7) bolow, and
in tho Subdivision Ordinance, shall gO'/ern tho uso and dov910pmont of lote in tho
R 3 Uso Dietrict.
l.Qt..Afea L.ot '^'i dth L.ot Oepth Nom- R&ai' Side Yard
By L.aRd Use {feelt {feelt ~ -'tafd {feelt
~ {feelt {feelt
Single Family W W ~ ~ .w
Two Family +a +aG ~ ~ .w
Clucter Heucing +00 200 ~ ~ .w
Other Ucec +00 -1-W 2a ~ .w
(2) Tho dopth of tho front Y3.rd of 3. lot eh3.11 bo 3.t 103.ct 25 foot. Tho dopth of tho
roquirod front yard may bo roducod if tho 3.vor3.go dopth of at 103.et 2 oxicting
front yards, for buildinge within 150 foot along tho e3.mo block front of tho lot in
quoetion, is loee th3.n 25 foet. HO'v'..ovor, tho dopth of a front yard ch3.11 not bo
Im;e than 20 foot. (:1md. Ord. 03 14, pub. 8/9/03).
(3) Through lote and cornor lote !;;hall havo a roquirod front yard on oach etroot.
('1) Tho width of tho eido Y:lrd Gotb3.ck 3.butting 3. building w3.11 shall bo incro3.cod 2
inchos for e3.ch foot tho longth of tho building 'Nail oxcoode 50 foot. Tho
3.dditioml eotback ,....ill not bo appliod if thoro is a bro3.k in tho building '.'13.11 oqu3.1
to 10% of tho entiro longth of tho wall. For tho purposo of this 8Ubeoction, a wall
includos 3.ny building '....all, within 10 dogrooe of boing parallel to 3.nd 3.butting tho
cido lot lino of 3. lot.
(5) Sido yard ..",idthe may bo roducod if tho eido 'Nail of a building is not parnllol by
moro than 10 dogroos with tho eido lot lino, to pormit tho avorago dopth of tho
eido Y3.rd to conform to tho minimum eido yard dopth in tho District, but no cido
yard ehall bo loee than 5 foot doop. No eido yard ehall bo roducod to provont
construction of a drivoway from tho stroot into tho roar of tho lot unlo!;;e a garage
which hac 3ccoee from tho etroet ie locatod on tho lot or an alloy providos a
socondary 3.ccoes to tho roar yard of tho lot.
(6) A cinglo family houso 'Nhich 10g3.lIy oxietod or for which a valid building pormit
h3.d boon grantod on or boforo tho offoctivo dato of thie Ordinanco, may bo
oxpandod by an addition or dormor, providod tho addition doos not oxtond into
City 0( Prior Lake
May 22. /999
Zoning O,.dinll/lce
tho oxi8ting 8ido yard, and providod tho combinod 'Nidth of tho sido yard for tho
building and tho adjacont building if: not loss than 10 fggt.
(7) Any parcolc v.'hich aro subdivided for tho purp08Cl of creating condominium
oll'lnership are pormittod previdod that tho ovorall donsity croated within all
condominium parcols :md tho common lot do not excood tho maximum donsity
pormittod within tho zoning district. ,^.ny front, roar and side yard dimonsions
ch311 3pply from tho building bco to tho proporty Iino of tho common lot.
.11 0?,_7_0011 02.600: II R-4" High-Density Residential Use Di~1rict The purpose of
the "R-4" High-Density Residential Use District is to provide for multi-family
residential uses of the highest intensity, along with supportive uses of similar
I 1102-,202
Permitted Uses. The following uses a~e permitted in the "R-4" High-Density
Residential Use District if the use complies with the Residential Performance
Standards of subsection 11 02JOO:
> Two family dwellings.
> Rooming Houses
> State Licensed Residential Facilities as regulated by Minnesota State Statutes.
> Parks and Open Space.
Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in an "R-4" Use District
may be used for one or more of the following uses if its use complies with the
conditions stated in subsection 1102.800 and those specified for the use in this
(1) Cluster Housing. Conditions:
a. Cluster housing shall meet the following minimum requirements:
> Not more than 10 dwelling units shall be incorporated in a single
> The density of development shall not exceed 30 units per acre;
> This subsection shall not be applied to conversion of existing dwelling
units but may be applied to site clearance and redevelopment. Existing
units may be incorporated into new development plans when such units are
not converted or added to;
> There shall be 600 square feet of usable open space for each dwelling
b. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site
plan that a superior development would result by clustering. The presence
of a "superior development" shall be determined by reference to the
following criteria:
> The presence and preservation of topographic features, woods and
trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical and ecological
May 22. /999
City (iF Prio,. Lake
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Zoning Ordina/lce
~ Suitable provIsions for permanently retaining and maintaining the
amenities and open space;
~ Building location, building groupings, landscaping, views to and from
the units, building forms and materials, recognition of existing development
and public facilities, and city goals and plans for the area.
(2) Group Homes - Non-Statutory. Conditions:
a. At least 800 square feet of lot area shall be provided for each person
housed on the site.
b. At least 150 square feet of usable open space shall be provided for each
person housed on the site.
c. The residence structure shall be occupied by not more than 6 persons
under treatment and 2 staff persons.
d. The residence structure shall provide one bedroom for each 2 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
e. The residence structure shall provide one bathroom for each 4 persons
accommodated in group living quarters.
f. The use shall not be located within 1500 feet of another group home.
(3) Community Centers. Conditions:
a. The building shall not be located within 50 feet of any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
c. Outdoor areas intended for group activities shall be located at least 25 feet
from any lot in an "R" Use District and shall be buffered from such
residential lot with a bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection
(4) Education (Academic). Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located at least 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District.
(5) Parks/Recreation. Conditions:
a. The principal structure shall be located at least 50 feet from a lot in an "R"
Use District.
b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet
from a lot in an "R" Use District.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along the property line when a community park abuts property
Cityof' Prillr Lake
May 22. /999
Zoning Ordinance
residentially used or in one of the "R" Use Districts. This provision shall not
require a fence within the required front yard or where it interferes with
traffic visibility at intersections.
d. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards,
or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust
and drainage.
e. Swimming pools shall be located at least 50 feet from any lot line and at
least 12 feet from any other structure on the same lot.
f. A drainage system approved by the City Engineer shall be installed.
g. Facilities which serve a community-wide or regional function shall be
located with primary vehicular access on a collector or arterial street.
h. Facilities within 300 feet of the property in an "R" District that require night
lighting shall be lighted according to a lighting plan which shall include
fixture specifications and demonstrate that off-site impacts will be
(6) Religious Institutions. Conditions:
a. All buildings shall be located at least 30 feet from any lot line of a lot in an
"R" Use District.
b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
(7) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions:
a. The facility shall be owner-occupied.
b. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard Type B as defined
in subsection 1107.2005.
c. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6.
d. Not more than 50 percent of the gross floor area of the residence shall be
used for the guesthouse operation.
e. Only exterior alterations which do not alter the exterior appearance from its
single-family character will be allowed.
f. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14
g. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea.
h. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities.
City or Prior Lake
lvfay 22. 1999
Zoning Ordinance
i. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure
and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes.
j. No more than 50 percent of the rear yard may be paved or used for
(8) Adult Day Care. Conditions:
a. The facility shall be located in a religious facility, community center, nursing
home or hospital.
b. A minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor area for seating or exercise area
shall be provided for each person under care.
(9) Group Day Care/Nursery School. Conditions:
a. At least 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil must be provided
and such space shall be enclosed by a bufferyard.
b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain
vehicular and pedestrian safety.
(10) Nursing Home. Conditions:
a. A minimum of 500 square feet of lot area shall be provided for each person
to be housed on the site.
b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from a lot in an "R" Use
c. The lot shall contain a minimum of 150 square feet of usable open space
per resident.
d. The structure housing the use shall comply with the requirements of the
state law and the Building Code regulating the construction of licensed
nursing homes.
(11) Police/Fire Station. Conditions:
a. Buildings shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use
b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
c. Unobstructed visibility shall be provided from the driveway to the adjacent
streets for emergency vehicles and a traffic light shall be installed at the
entrance to the facility to control non-emergency traffic if recommended by
the City Engineer.
City ,,(Prior Lake
May 22. 1999
ZOllillg Ordillallce
J 102.603
Uses Permitted With A Conditional Use Permit. No struc;tu~e or land in any
"R-4" High Density Residential Use District shall be used for the following uses
except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Residential
Performance Standards of subsection 1102..z00, the requirements of all the
general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the
Specific Conditions imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the
Planning Commission may impose.
(1) Multiple Family Dwellings. Conditions:
a. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a
collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be
provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.
b. Building lots shall contain a minimum of 400 square feet of usable open
space per dwelling unit and no more than 1/2 can be located in the front
c. The minimum spacing between buildings shall be the average heights of
the buildings.
d. Side and rear yards may be reduced to zero feet where dwellings are
designed to share common walls.
e. All buildings shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the back of the
curb line of internal private roadways or parking lots.
1. No portion of the required 20 foot road system may be used to satisfy the
off-street parking requirements.
(2) Elderly Housing. Conditions:
a. Property shall meet all of the conditions for Multiple Family Dwelling/Cluster
b. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable open space shall be developed as
outdoor recreation or garden areas.
c. Elderly Housing shall provide a minimum of 1000 square feet of lot area for
each dwelling unit.
d. The property owner shall record a covenant to run with the land executed in
a form approved by the City which restricts the use of the property to
occupancy by the elderly.
e. The development shall provide a lounge or other inside community rooms
equal in aggregate size to a minimum of 15 square feet for each unit.
(3) Public Service Structure. Conditions:
a. The exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of subsection
Ciry 4Pri"r Lake
May 22. 1999
[ Deleted: 1102.7
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Zoning Ordinance
b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any lot in an "R"
Use District.
c. All service drives shall be paved.
d. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along abutting "R" Use District lines.
(4) Uses Where There Is More Than One Principal Structure On A Lot.
a. The total lot area for the Use must equal the total of the combined lot areas
if each structure were on a separate lot.
b. An access easement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, must be
provided for each building that does not have direct access to a public
c. The minimum spacing between buildings shall be the average heights of
the building.
d. All buildings shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the back of the
curb line of internal private roadways or parking lots.
e. No portion of the required 20-foot internal road system may be used to
satisfy the off-street parking requirements.
(5) Free-Standing Parking Lots. Conditions:
a. The parking lot must be accessory to an existing nonresidential or
recreational use located within the same Zoning Use District.
b. The parking lot must be located within 500 feet of the existing
nonresidential or recreational use.
c. The parking lot must meet all the provIsions listed in subsections
1107.203(11), 1107.203(13), and Section 1107.204.
d. No storage of any kind is permitted.
e. No structures are permitted on the site.
(6) Recreational Dome. Conditions:
a. The dome must be accessory to an existing use located within the same
Zoning District.
b. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site.
c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed
and maintained along on property lines abutting a "R" use district.
City "(Pr;,,r Lake
iHay 22. /999
J 102.604
I J 102.605
Zoning Ordinance
d. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5
a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends.
e. All mechanical equipment shall be fully screened.
f. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line in
an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an additional foot for
each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet.
g. No light or vibration originating from the structure or supporting equipment shall
be discernible at the property line.
h. The structure shall not exceed 75 feet in height.
i. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration within
its surroundings.
j. The dome structure shall be fully insulated.
Uses Permitted Bv PUD
(1) Office. Conditions:
a. The materials used in and placement of all signs shall be integrated with
the building design and architecture.
b. Landscape berms shall be used to reduce noise, improve views, and to
produce other environmental benefits. Berms shall also be used for wildlife
refuge, wind and snow breaks, dust reduction and to separate incompatible
uses and control drainage.
c. All new buildings shall be compatible and complimentary with existing
buildings. Elements of compatibility include, but are not limited to the
building form and mass, exterior materials and their appearance and
durability, landscaping, exterior lighting and site improvements.
d. A bufferyard Type C, as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be provided
along all abutting property located in an "R" Use District. Loading areas,
access, parking, signing, and building equipment shall be prohibited or
minimized next to residential areas to the extent appropriate in order to
insure compatible development.
e. Open space and pedestrian links shall be established to provide (i) access
to buildings, parking, and transit; (ii) space for active and passive
recreation; (iii) ponding, and for preserving wetland; and (iv) a suitable
setting for buildings.
Accessorv Uses. Within any "R-4" Multiple Family Residential Use District, the
following uses shall be permitted accessory uses:
, Private detached garage and parking space.
, Tennis court.
, Private swimming pool.
May 22. 1999
City of Prior Lake
( Deleted: 1102.7
[ Deleted: 1102.7
Zoning Ordinance
>- Family Day Care serving 14 or fewer persons.
>- Service and retail facilities intended for use of residents not to exceed 10
percent of the gross floor area of the development.
>- Property management or rental office provided that it does not occupy more
than 10 percent of the gross floor area.
>- Keeping of not more than 2 boarders or roomers by a resident family.
>- Living quarters of persons employed for domestic or medical purposes on the
>- Signs, as regulated by subsection 1107.400 to 1107.1700.
>- Gardening and other horticultural uses.
>- Decorative landscape features including but not limited to pools, arbors, and
>- Yard Sales, provided each does not exceed 4 days in duration, and there are
no more than 3 sales per year conducted on the premises. Signage for this use
is regulated by subsection 1107.709.
(1) Home Occupations shall be permitted accessory uses within an "R-4" Multiple
Family Residential Use District provided a home occupation permit has been
issued and the use is in compliance with all of the following conditions:
a. All material or equipment shall be stored within an enclosed structure.
b. Operation of the home occupation is not apparent from the public right-of-
way or any lake except for parking of 1 vehicle not to exceed 9,000 pounds
gross vehicle weight.
c. The activity does not involve warehousing, distribution, or retail sales of
merchandise produced off the site, except that storage up to 200 cubic feet
of products and materials used to carry on the home occupation is
d. No person is employed at the residence who does not legally reside in the
home except that a licensed Group Family Day Care Facility may have one
outside employee.
e. No Iight'or vibration originating from the business operation is discernible at
the property line.
f. Only equipment, machinery, and materials which are normally found in the
home are used in the conduct of the home occupation.
g. Space within the dwelling devoted to the home occupation does not exceed
400 square feet or 10% of the floor area, whichever is greater.
h. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or
detached accessory building.
i. The structure housing the home occupation conforms to the building code;
and in the case where the home occupation is day care or if there are any
customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of
City o{Prior Lake
May 22. 1999
- ----------------- ---~-
Zoning Ordinance
j. All home occupations shall be subject to an annual inspection to insure
compliance with the above conditions.
k. All applicable permits from other governmental agencies have been
I .1102.606
Dimensional Standards. No structure or building shall exceed 4 stories or 45
feet in height, whichever is less, except as provided in subsection 1101.508.
The ground floor area ratio shall not exceed 0.35.
(1) The minimum density for all new developments shall be 7.1 units per acre. The
maximum density for all new developments shall be 20 units per acre.
(g) The minimum lot area sh?1I be 8,000 square feet~ except as provided under
subsection (10) below where subdivisions for the purpose of establishing
condominium ownership result in lot sizes smaller than the established minimum.
<m The minilTlum lot width shall be 60 jeet; except as provided under subsection
(1.1) below where subdivisions for the purpose of establishing condominium
ownership result in lot sizes smaller than the established minimum.
(.1) The front yard depth shall be a minimum of 30 feet or a distance equal to the
building height, unless the average depth of at least 2 existing buildings within
150 feet along the same block front of the lot in question are less than 30 feet,
then the required front yard depth shall be the average depth of such existing
front yards or the building height whichever is greater. However, the depth of the
front yard shall not be less than 15 feet.
(!:i) The side yards shall be a minimum of 15 feet on one side and 1/2 the building
height on the other if the building height is less than 40 feet. If the building
height exceeds 40 feet the side yards shall be 15 feet plus 1 foot for each foot of
building height in excess of 40 feet for each foot of building height in excess of
40 feet on the other. If property abuts land in an R-1, R-2 or R-3 Use District at
the side yard, that side shall have the larger required side yard.
(W The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased 2 inches for
each foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds 50 feet. For the purpose
of this section, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being
parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot.
(?) Side yard wigths may be reduced if the side wall of a building is not parallel by
more than 10 degrees with the side lot line, to permit the average depth of the
side yard to conform to the minimum side yard depth in the District, but no side
yard shall be less than 5 feet deep. No side yard shall be reduced to prevent
construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the lot unless a garage
which has access form the street is located on the lot or an alley provides a
secondary access to the rear yard of the lot.
(~ The rear yard depth shall be a mil1i.mum of 25 feet except when the rear lot line
of land on the R-4 Use District abuts lands in the R-1 or R-2 Use District, then
the rear yard shall be a minimum of 25 feet or the building height of the building
in the R-4 Use District, whichever is greater.
Cityof' Prior Lake
May 22. /999
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Zoning Ordinance
(~ All dwelling units shall be at or above the grade of all land abutting the_ structure
within a distance of 25 feet from all faces of the building.
(.1.Q) EgH::l1lot shall contain a minimum of 400 square fe(3t of usable' open space for
each dwelling unit located on it.
(1.1.) Any parcels which are subdivided for the purpose of creating c_ondominium
ownership are permitted provided that the overall density created within all
condominium parcels plus the common lot do not exceed the maximum density
permitted within the Use District. Provisions for open space may be provided on
a common lot. Any front, rear, and side yard dimensions required by this section
shall apply from the building face to the property line of the common lot.
1102.z00: Residential Performance Standards._ No structure or premises within
any "R" Use District shall be used for one or more of the following uses unless its
use complies with the following regulations:
(1) All trash, garbage, waste materials, trash containers, and recycling containers
shall be stored in a manner provided in the City Code.
(2) No vehicle shall be stored, displayed, parked or allowed in any of the required
yard or landscaped areas; except as permitted by subsection 3 below, or by
Section 1107.204 (12).
(3) Currently licensed and operable winter recreational equipment, including fish
houses, may be parked on or adjacent to a driveway on a lot in a "R" Use District
from November 1 to April 1 each year. Currently licensed and operable summer
recreational equipment may be parked on or adjacent to a driveway on a lot in a
"R" Use District from April 1 to November 1 each year. At all other times,
recreational equipment shall be stored in the rear or side yard.
If topography or other natural conditions of the lot do not allow for storage in the
side or rear yards, the recreational equipment may be parked adjacent to the
driveway subject to written approval of the Zoning Administrator and the
following standards:
a. The recreational equipment must be located at least 5 feet from any side
lot line.
b. The recreational equipment shall not encroach into any public right-of-way.
c. Boat lifts, rail systems and track systems must be setback at least 10 feet
from a side lot line.
(4) All utility lines including electric, gas, water, sanitary sewer, telephone, and
television cable shall be placed underground when used with all new structures
or additions which expand the gross square footage of a structure by more than
50 percent unless used for service to single family or two-family houses. In
addition, any new service to an existing building other than a single family or two-
family dwelling shall be placed underground.
City of'Pr;or Lake
May 22. /999
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- -~-----------------
Zoning Ordinance
(5) All access roads shall have a poured-in-place concrete curb measuring at least 6
inches above and below the grade in all developments except developments of
single family or two-family dwellings.
(6) Interior pedestrian circulation and pedestrian linkage to any existing public trails
or sidewalks shall be provided where practically possible for all developments
except developments of single family or two-family dwellings.
(7) All single and two family homes shall:
a. Be built on a permanent foundation;
b. Be connected to the City sanitary sewer and water unless exempted under
the provisions of Section 1101.505; and
c. If the home is a manufactured home, it shall:
,. Have a permanent, completely enclosed foundation constructed around
the entire circumference of the structure and which complies with the State
Manufactured Home Building Code.
,. Meet the standards and be certified by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development.
(8) Accessory structures shall comply with all of the following regulations:
a. Deneral requirements. Accessory uses ana structureS'Sfiali"'C"OiliPlv with tne.
followinQ standards and all other applicable reQulations of this Title!
-,. No accessory use or structure shall be constructed or establisheaoo
any lot prior to the time of construction of the principal use to which it is
-,. .The accessory use or structure shall be incidental to and customariiV
associated with the principal use or structure!
,. The accessory use or structure shall be suborainate in area, extent!
and purpose to the principal use or structure served!
- ,. The accessorv use or structure shall be located on the same ZOrimo lOt
as the principal use or structure. except for accessory off-street parkinQ
and 10adinQ facilities, subiect to the provisions of Chapter 241
5. DesiQn criteria. In all residential districts, the desiQn and construction ofanv
QaraQe. carport, or storaQe buildinQ shall be similar to or compatible witli
the desiQn and construction of the main buildinQ. The exterior buildinq
materials, roof stvle. and colors shall be similar to the main buildinQ or shall
be commonlv associated with residential construction. In addition, the
followinQ shall applv:
-,. GaraQe door openinQs shall 5e limited to nine (9) feet in neiQnt!
,. 'pole buildinQs are prohibited! -
,. Maximum accessory buildinQ size.. The maximum accumulative size of
accessory buildinQs allowed in a residential district shall be one thousand'
eiQht hundred (1.800) square feet per lot for sinQle familv and two family
dwellinQs and three hundred fifty (350) square feet per unit for multifamily
residential properties. Such calculation shall include the area of botli
attached QaraQes and any detached accessory buildinQs. Maximum
accumulative size may be increased bv conditional use permit. In no case!
City ,,( Prior LlIke
Ml/r 22. 1999
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Zoning Ordinance
however. shall tile totartloor area of all accessory structures exceeathei
qround floor area of the principal buildinq located on the same lot.I
)i- Attached structures.. An accessory structure shall be considereo
attached, and an inteqral part of, the principal structure when it is
connected by an enclosed passaqewav. Such structures shall be subiect to
the followinq requirements!
.a. The structure shall meet the required setbacks for a principal
structure, as established for the zoninq district in which it is located!
b. Accessory buildinqs located less than 6 feet from a ~I
buildinq on the same lot shall be considered part of the principal buildinq fo~
the purpose of applyinq provisions of this Ordinance includinq, but not
limited to. setbacks and other dimensional requirements!
c.. file structure shall not exceed the heiqht of the principal buflainq tei
which it is attached! ~
)i- Detached structures. Detached accessory structures shall De permitted
in residential districts in accordance with the followinq: '
a. For lots 20,000 square feet or less in size, one (1) detached
aCCeSSOry structure mav be permitted in addition to one (1) private qaraqe!
whether detached or attached. Only one (1) detached accessory structure
may exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet in size!
P. For lots qreater than 20.000 square feet in size. two (2) detached.
accessory structures may be permitted in addition to one (1) private
aaraqe, whether detached or attached. Only one (1) detached accessorY
structure may exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet in size!
.c. Detached accessory structures shall be located to the side or rear of
the principal buildinq, and are not permitted within the front yard or within a
comer side yard. I
d. No accessory buildinq shall be erecteo or located within a yara
other than the rear yard. except that a detached accessory buildinq!
desiqned and used as a qaraqe, may be located within a side yard unless
is abuts a street. No accessory buildinq shall be located between the front
buildinq wall and the front lot line, except as listed in subsection k below.l
e. No accessory buildinq erected in the rear yard of a corner lOt
shall be located within 25 feet of any property line abuttinq a street!
f. A detached qaraqe located 60 feet or more from the -frOriilOi
line shall be a minimum of 10 feet from any lot lines!
q. No accessory buildinq shall be located witl1in 10 feet of any lot
line abuttinq lots in an uRu Use District!
0. Maximum heiqht shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet!
h. Detached accessory structures shall not cover more than twenty-fJVe
(25) percent of the rear yard of residential properties!
iWe were directed to look at other communities and ask the question of ho"i
they regulate in their communities (Minnetonka and other recreational
-Should allow f0"r"26'-28' minimum for boat storage in garage~
-P.C. commented that 832 sq. ft. seems arbitrary and that maybe should
consider treating attached and detached the same maybe (a specific total, i.e.i
11,000 or 1,800 square feet TOT AL).......Msybe we should Rut a limit on the total
QUD1ber of buildingg
May 22. /999
City 01' Prior l.<lke
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Zoning Ordinance
a. No accessory structure or use will be permitted on a lot without an
established principal use.
b. No accessory building shall be erected or located within a yard other than
the rear yard, except that a detached accessory building, designed and
used as a garage, may be located within a side yard unless is abuts a
street. No accessory building shall be located between the front building
wall and the front lot line, except as listed in subsection k below.
c. No accessory building erected in the rear yard of a corner lot shall be
located within 25 feet of any property line abutting a street.
d. All detached garages and other accessory structures shall be compatible in
design and materials with the principal structure on the parcel as per
subsection 1107.2200.
e. A detached garage located 60 feet or more from the front lot line shall be a
minimum of 10 feet from any lot lines.
f. The total ground floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 25%
of the area between the principal structure and rear lot line and in the R-1,
R-2 or R-3 Use Districts, it shall not exceed 832 sq. ft.
g. The height of an accessory building shall not exceed 15 feet.
h. No accessory building shall be located within 10 feet of any lot line abutting
lots in an "R" Use District.
i. Accessory buildings located less than 6 feet from a principal building on the
same lot shall be considered part of the principal building for the purpose of
applying provisions of this Ordinance including, but not limited to, setbacks
and other dimensional requirements.
Where the natural grade of a lot at the building line of a house is 8 feet or
more above the established curb level, a private garage may be erected
within any yard provided 1/2 or more of its height is below grade level and it
is located a minimum of 10 feet from any street line and 5 feet from any
side lot line.
.on riparian lots in the Shoreland District, one (1) detached accessory~
building designed and used as a garage may be located between the front
building wall and the street or private road providing access to the lot
subject to the following conditions:
~ The accessory building must be located so that it meets all front and
side yard requirements.
,. The accessory building must be compatible in design and materials
with the principal structure.
,. The accessory structure may be used only for storage of vehicles and
other equipment incidental to residential uses. There shall be no home
occupations or other nonresidential use of the building.
~ The accessory structure must meet all other requirements of
subsection 11 02.].OO(8t
May 22. /999
City t1' Prior Lake
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