HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A Commercial Districts Draft 1102.900: IC_1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District. The p_urposo _ ~f_ 11'19 "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District j~ JO _ p~ovlc!9_ }()'lliill!!1!2 _19\\1_ intensity, service-oriented commercial uses fG!:-that support the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Limits will be placed on the type, size and intensity of commercial uses in this district to insure and protect compatibility with adjacent residential areas. Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Strikethrough 1102.901 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District if the use complies with the Commercial restrictions and Performance Standards of .9,ubsection 1102.1300. [ Deleted: s ~ Libraries ~ Museums ~ Park/Open Space ~ Police/Fire Stations ~ Parking Facilitv.Businoss [ Formatted: Strikethrough ~ Banks ~ Medical/Dental Office >- Funeral Home ,. Office "- Service ,. ,. Retail 1102.902 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in a "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District may be used for )he following uses if its use complie~_ with conditions stated below and in ~bsection 1102.1300 and those _ speclfied for the use in this ~bsec~on. Deleted: one or more of Deleted: s Deleted: s (1) Adult Day Care. Conditions: a. A minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor seating or exercise area shall be provided for each person under care. (2) Group Day Care/Nursery School. Conditions: a. A minimum of at least 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil shall be provided and such space shall be enclosed by a bufferyard Type C as defined in ~bsection 11 07.200~. [ Deleted: s b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. c. The play area shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any roadway defined on the Comprehensive Plan as a principal arterial. (3) Park and Recreation. Conditions: a. The principal structure shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. liming Ordinllnce c. Swimming pools shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from any lot line and a minimum of 12 feet from any other structure on the same lot. d. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in ~b_s~ctio_n_1 j 07.2005, _ shall p~_ constructed along the property line when a community park abuts a leaal residential use or abuts any RUse District..oroP.9!1Y r()ci~enJi3UY_ used ()r_ in ono of the "R" Use DictFicts. Application of this provision shall not require a fence within the required front yard. e. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards, or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage. f. Facilities which serve a community-wide or regional ~shall be located with primary vehicular access on a collector .Q[.ef_ a rte_rial stre~e!. ~ - g. Facilities within 300 feet of a property in an "R" Use District that require night lighting shall be lighted according to a lighting plan approved by the City which shall include fixture specifications and demonstrate that off-site impacts will be minimized. (4) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of ~bsection 1107.2200. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any abutting property located in an "R" Use District. c. All service drives shall be paved. d. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in ~bsection 1107.2095, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines in an "R" Use District. (5) Animal Handling. Conditions: a. No animals or pens shall be kept outside the building or cause offensive odor or noise discemible at the property line of the lot on which the activity is conducted. b. Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from abutting properties in an "R" Use District. (6) Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Conditions: a. Engines shall not be operated or tested outside of a structure if the use is located within 300 feet of any "R" Use District. (7) Clubs and Lodges Without Liquor License. Conditions: a. Access shall be from a roadway identified by the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or otherwise located so that access can be provided without conducting significant traffic on local residential streets. City of Prior L(/k~ (nt'l" 20011 clclt~1 [ Deleted: 5 [ Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: function Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: 5 [ Deleted: 5 Zoning Ordinance b. A bufferyard, as determined by ~bsection 110].2003, shall bel instalLed _ and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District. I . (8) Food Service. Conditions: a. Primary access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial roadway {or otherwise located to minimize.6G-tI:lat accoee can be provided ,..",itheut generating s:ignificant traffic on local residential streets. b. A bufferyard, as determined by ~bsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all abutting property within an "R" Use District. (9) In-Vehicle Sales or Service. Conditions: a. Drive through facilities and stacking areas shall not be located adjacent to any "R" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by ~bsection 1107.2003, st!all be provided between drive-through facilities and stacking areas and adjacent street and properties. c. Stacking shall be provided for 6 cars per customer service point and shall comply with all yard requirements. d. This use shall only be permitted when it can be demonstrated. throuoh a traffic study that the operation will not reduce the existing level of service to a lower level on adjacent streets and intersections. e. The drive-through facility shall be designed so it does not impede traffic or impair vehicular and pedestrian traffic movement, or increase the potential for pedestrian or vehicular conflicts. f. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided to minimize 'Nit~eut genQKlting s:ignifiqant traffic on local residential streets. g. Any canopy as part of this use shall be compatible with the architectural design and materials of the principal structure. (10) Printing Process. Conditions: a. The floor area of the operation shall not exceed 5,000 square feet. (11) Restaurants Without Liquor License. Conditions: a. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located to minimize so that accoss can be previded without generating s:ignific::mt traffic on local residential streets. b. Buildings shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from any "R" Use District. Cit)' of Prior Lake (new 20011 clare) ( Deleted: s Deleted: _ _ _ _ _ (Amd. Ord. 99-06, pub. 5122199)~ ~ ( Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: s Deleted: _ _ _ _ (Amd. Ord. 99-06, pub. 5122199)~ [ Deleted: s [ Formatted: Strikethrough [ Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance c. A bufferyard, as determined by ~!>!)ecti5>n _11_0? ~2_00:3, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District. (12) Studio. Conditions: a. No impact noise shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by ~t:>~ection _1_1 07.2903, s~aJI_ be p~ovided along all property lines which abut property located in an "R" Use District unless a more intensive buffer yard is required elsewhere in this Ordinance. thon tho mora intom;o buftor yard requiromont shall bo usod. 1102.903 Uses Permitted Bv Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Commercial Performance Standards of ~t:>section 1102.1300, the requJr_ernents of _all the Q,emeral .Qpnditions provided in ~bsec::tion_s 1108.202 tl}rough 11 08.20~, with_ the ~ecific .Q.onditions imposed in this ~bsection and with any other conditions the City Council may impose. - , (1) Motor Fuel Station. Conditions: a. Hours of operation shall be between 6:00 a.m. and 11 :30 p.m. b. The gasoline pump islands, dispenser types and location shall be designed so that no more than 8 vehicles can be refueled at any given time. c. The number of service stalls shall not exceed 2. d. A bufferyard as determined by ~~section 1107.2003, shall be constructed along all lot lines abutting property which is located in an "R" Use District. Application of this provision shall not require a wall within the required front yard. e. All pump islands, air dispensers and other service devices shall be installed at least 12 feet.off and tov/ard tho intmior of tbo lot from. t~e_ re51uired yard_ line, and no display, servicing of vehicles, QLParkinq or disponsing _ of gacolino shall take place within the required yard. On sites where pump islands have been constructed at the required yard line, a landscaped area of 8 feet shall be installed in the required yard. f. The entire site other than building, required yard, bufferyard and other landscaped areas shall be paved. g. All parking and paved areas shall be graded, designed, and landscaped in accordance with ~bs_ectic>n 1107.200. h. All on-site utility installations shall be placed underground. i. No outside sale or display of merchandise shall be permitted. may _ Qot pormittod oxcopt gasolino and othor goods consumod in tho normal City of Prior Lake I (tlew 2001'. clare I [ Deleted: 5 [ Deleted: 5 ( Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: 5 Deleted: g Deleted: c Deleted: 5 Deleted: 5 Deleted: c Deleted: 5 ( Deleted: 5 [ Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: 5 [ Formatted: Strikethrough (nl'K' 20011 clate) ZOlling Ordillallce oporation of a car limitod to tho following kinds of productc: oil, gaeolino and oil 3dditivos, windshiold cloanor, .....indchiold wiporc, tiroe 3nd bGttorios. No producte shall bo jn any r~qujr~~. y~r.cl; nor e:haIUh.e_ to!aJ 9isplay _area may not occupy more than 150 square feet in area or be more than 5 feet in height. ~J9 _01h.qr v.9hicular p~lrts ()~ !Jon ~utomobilo oriontod goqd_e _ E:h~1I bp_ displayod or sold outsido. j. No public address system shall be audible from any property located within an "R" Use District. k. Canopy and canopy support systems shall be .cqn_sYljgtpg _ _usi_ng_ 3rchitoctur.:l1 doeign and matoriale:desianed and constructed of materials which are compatible with the principal structure. I. Drainaae and surfacina plans for a car wash shall be approved bv the City Enaineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludae removal facilities for on-premise dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement. Drainaae must be desianed to prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludae on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. m. A car wash shall have all parkina and paved areas meet the drainaae. desian and landscapina provisions of Subsection 1107.200 or::le approvod by tho City Enginoor. n. The inaress or earess points for a car wash shall be at least 150 feet GIesef than 150 foot (from the point of intersection of the reauired front and side yard lines adioinina intersectina streets.) The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public riaht-of-wav. Drainaae shall be away from the public street at .tRe earess points of the car wash to prevent spillaae onto the street. The arades of the interior floor shall be sloped away from the exit door, and .said floor shall be sloped to an accepted interior drainaae system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on any public riaht-of-wav. o. Automatic car washes accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle service and repair facility shall provide stackina space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stackina spaces should not block inaress and earess driveways on the site or driveways providina access to aasoline pumps, service bays or reauired off-street parkina, except that vehicles in stackina spaces may block access to parkina stalls which are sianed for emplovee parkina onlv. All other provisions in SJJbsections 1102.1203(3a) throuah 1102.1203(3D above shall applv to automatic car washes. except that no additional off-street parkina spaces shall be reauired for an automatic car wash and inaress or earess to an automatic car wash may be permitted within 150 feet of the [point of intersection of the reauired front and side yard lines subiect to the limitations of SJJbsection 1102.1203(3i).] p. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00am to 10:00pm. unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. City of' Prior Lake [ Deleted: ~elGJ er GJisl3layeGJ [ Formatted: Strikethrough [ Formatted: Strikethrough [ Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Strikethrough ( Deleted: ~ [ Deleted: ~ Zoning Ordinance 1102.904 Accessorv Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in a "C- 1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District: ill Parking lots m Incidental repair or processing which is necessary to conduct a permitted principal use shall not exceed 25% of the gross floor area or 25% of the labor hours required to conduct the principal permitted use. 1m Food Service (1) Motor Vehicle Service[Repair shall be a permitted accessory use in the "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District under the following conditions: a. It must be accessory to a motor fuel station. b. The number of service bays shall not exceed 2. c. No public address system shall be permitted. d. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall be inside a closed building except tire inflation, changing wipers or adding oil. e. Test driving shall be prohibited on any street in an "R" Use District. (B) Outdoor seatil!g aQd service of food and be'{erag~s is permitted as an accessory use to a restaurant if: a. The use is separated from any adjacent residential use by a building wall or bufferyard as determined by ,g,ubsection 1107.2003. b. No speakers or other electronic devices which emit sound are permitted outside of the principal structure. c. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am. to 10:00 pm. d. Additional parking will not be required if the outdoor seating area does not exceed 500 square feet or 10% of the gross floor area of the restaurant, whichever is less. Parking will be required at the same rate as the principal use for that portion of outdoor seating area in excess of 500 square feet or 10% of the gross building area, whichever is less. .(3) Outdoor goating and sorvico of food and alcoholic bO'w'C2r?gog iE: pormittod. :IE: _an accosE:ory uso if: a. 1\11 tho roquiromontc of E:Ubcoction 2a d abovo aro mot. b. I\CCOE:C to and from tho outdoor aroa ghall bo through tho indoor E:oating aro3. Thoro chall bo no diroct accoss to tho outdoor E:03ting 3roa from tho parking lot or ctroot. c. Food corvico to tho outdoor 3roa chall bo providod during 311 hOUFf: of opOFation. I (lIew 20011 elatel City (if Prior Lake ( Deleted: 2 ( Deleted: 5 [ Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance d. No bar E:hall be locatod in tho outdoor ::uoa, oxcept a 80rvice bar for tho oxcluE:ivo UE:O of tho omployooE:. 1102.905 Dimensional Standards (1 ) The followina minimum reauirements and those additional reauirements found in Section 1102.1300 shall aovem the use and development of lots in the "C-1" Use District. . ------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum Front Side Yard Rear Parkina . Lot Area Lot Area Buildina Heiaht Yard (ft.) {f1J Yard (ft.) Setback !2g,JU (acres) Area (sa. {f1J {f1J ft.) 20.000 Q 10.000 35 30 1Q 30 .!Q . (2) Lots Adiacent to Residential Use Districts: The followina setbacks shall applv to developments and use of on lots adiacent to Residential Use Districts: Deleted: . . .., . Maximum building size. 10,000 square fee~ ., . Minimum lot size - 20,000 square fee~ . . , . Maximum lot size - 5 acres~ .,. . Maximum Height - 35 fee~ . . . , . Front Yard - 30 fee~ . . . , . Rear Yard - 30 fee~ <#>Side Yard - 15 fee~ !C#>Parkina seffiack7fO fOOlfrom property boundary and 15 feet when adiacent to residentiam Formatted: Centered Formatted: Centered Buildin ( Formatted: Centered ( Formatted: Centered NOTE: C-2 AND C-4 DISTRICTS COMBINED AS C-4. ALL OF C-2 IS DELETED! 1102.1,QOO: IC-3" ,Specialty BusinessTown Center Use Dis!rict. The purpos~ of the "C-3" ,Spocialty BUE:inoE:E: Town Center Use District iSJo provide for a variety of commercial arid residential uses within the framework of a traditional ~ downtown area. The district also contemplates and provides for pedestrian circulation, urban and civic design and the creative reuse of existing buildings. The C-3 ,Spocialty BUE:inm;E: Town Center District is designed to express the City's commitment to maintain and enhance the vitality of the Downtown area by establishing minimum criteria for the development and redevelopment of commercial, residential and public buildings while promoting amenities intended to attract business, residents and visitors. Specific objectives ~ J 102.1001 ,. To improve the visual quality of Downtown. ,. To reinforce the physical character of Downtown by focusing on the design context. ,. To expand the employment base and numbet of residents livina Downtown. ,. To preserve and reuse...existina.building~ establLsl'\standards for the_ construction of new ones. \ ,. To accommodate and promote commercial, residential, educational, cultural and govemmental uses within the Downtown. r To establish clear development and redevelopment guidelines jn ordor to provido offoctivo roE:pOn80C to typical dovolopmont iCCUOE:. ,. Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "C-3" _Town Center Use District if the use complies with the Commercial Restrictions and Performance - Standards of ,gubsection.. ! 10_2__! 300. Ciry of Prior Lake I (lie... 20011 clarel Comment [il]: The C-2 Zoning District & C42 Zoning District have been merged into one District (now known as C-4). Deleted: 1 Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: intended Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: include ( Deleted: residential population of ( Deleted: I fa Deleted: r Deleted: older Deleted: as Deleted: appropriate while Deleted: ing Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: s ZOlling Ordinance (1) Medical/Dental Offices (2) Retail. The following types of retail uses are considered appropriate for the Downtown area: >- Antique stores >- Bakeries, delicatessens, bagel shops, ice cream shops and other specialty food stores, not including drive-in or drive-through facilities. >- Bicycle sales and repair >- Bookstores >- Camera stores >- Clothing or shoe stores >- Drugstores ,. Florists ,. Jewelry stores ,. News stands ,. Hardware stores ,. Liquor stores ,. Tobacco stores ,. Toy stores ,. Video sales and rental ,. Cafe or coffee shop ,. Printing process/supplies (3) Showrooms for merchandise such as home furnishing, appliances, floor coverings and similar large items, not including motor vehicles, with a maximum floor area of 10,000 square feet. (4) Offices (5) Services (6) Libraries (7) Police and Fire Stations (8) Business Services (9) HotellMotel (10) Schools and ~tudios for arts, crafts, photography, music, dance, exercise or similar courses of study. (11) Museums/art galleries (12) Clubs and lodges with and without liquor licenses. (13) Private Entertainment (indoor). J 102.1002_ _ Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in a "C~3" .Town Center Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if its use complies with conditions stated in ~bsection 1102.1300 and those ?pecifie_d_ for the use_ in_ this subsection. (1) Adult Day Care. Conditions: City of Prior Lake Ine\\' 20011 datel Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: s Zoning Ordinance :J.. _ _ !'~ mlnjrnum of _159 c_qu::m:J toot ()f outdoor coating or oxordco aeoa chaU _bo_ providod for oach percon llndor care. b. The facility shall not be located fronting Main Avenue, Dakota Street or County Road 21. (2) Dry Cleaning, Laundering with Route Pick-up and Delivery. Conditions: a. b. The use shall not exceed 5,000 square feet in area. Outside storage and parking of trucks involved in the operation of the business is limited to trucks and vans with a manufacturer's rated cargo capacity of one (1) ton or less. All trucks in operation with the business must be stored on-site (not in public parkinq areas). Outside vehicle storage shall be screened from any "R" Use District by a bufferyard, as determined by ~bsection 1107.2003. c. (3) Group Day Care/Nursery School. Conditions: a. Outside play space must be provided consistent wit~ the re_quirements of State ~atute~".The space shall be screened with a bufferyard Type C as defi ned i n ~bsection _1107.2005. _ _ _ An off-street pedestrian loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. Outdoor play areas shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any roadway designated to the Comprehensive Plan as a principal arterial. The facility shall not be located fronting Main Avenue, Dakota Street or County Road 21. b. c. d. (4) Park/Open Space. Conditions: a. The principal structure shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. b. Open areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. c. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards, or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage. (5) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. b. All exterior building faces shall comply with ~bse(;tion 1107.2200. All structures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any abutting property located in an "R" Use District. All service drives shall be paved. c. (6) Multiple Family Dwellings. Conditions: a. Multiple family dwellings with their primary frontage on Main Avenue or Dakota Street must be in combination with another permitted use, as specified in SectionJ 102.1003_. Residential units shall not be located on th~ ground level or street level of the development. This is in keeping with the objective of promoting commercial pedestrian traffic on the primary commercial streets. Safe and adequate pedestrian access to open space, plazas and pedestrian waysJ:!l!:!2tbe provided. Ciry (l Prior Lake b. Inew 2001'0 clarel [ Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: s Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: s Deleted: and such Deleted: s [ Deleted: s [ Deleted: 1102.11 [ Deleted: shall Zoning Ordinllnce (7) Elderly Housing. Conditions: a. The building design and placement must provide a residential environment withJTlinimum eXJ)osure to noise~ and tra~fflc~ ~ Safe and adequate pedestrian access to open space, plazas and pedestrian ways.l!l!:!&b~ proyided. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ Site access .l:!!!!2Lbe located so th~at access_ can ~e_ provlc!ed~ without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. The site ~ contain_ a minimum_ ()f 200 ~quare fe_et ()f usable_ ()J)~n_ ~pace per dwelling unit, and no more than half of the usable open space shall be located in the front yard. Alternatively, public parks or plazas within 300 feet of the site may be used to meet this requirement. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided on the site shall be developed as outdoor recreation or garden areas. Each dwellina unit must be a minimum of 900 square feet of lot area. The minimum spacing between buildings shall be at least equal to the average heights of the buildings except where dwellings share common walls. Buildings shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the back of the curb line of internal private roadways or parking lots. Covenants running with the land In :1 form_ 3pprovod~ by tho City t.ttprnoy that restricts the use of the property for occupancy by tl1~ elderly shall be recorded against the property. The development shall provide a lounge or other inside community rooms amounting to a minimum of 15 square feetJQLeach unit. b. c. d. e. 1. g. h. i. j. (8) Community Centers. Conditions: a. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. Outdoor areas intended for group activities shall be located at least 25 feet from any lot in a UR" Use District and shall be buffered from such residential lot with a bufferyard Type C as defined in ~bsection 1107.2005. b. (9) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions: a. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard as defined in Section 1107.2000. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6. Not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residence shall be used for the guest room operation. ~Iy extE3Qor alteration~, which will be permitted are those that do nqt alter the exterior appearance from its single-family characterl b. c. d. e. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14 consecutive days. f. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea. g. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities. h. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes. i. Parking shall not be located within the front yard. No more than 50% of the rear yard may be paved or used for parking. (10) Banks. Conditions: City IIf Prillr Lake (new 200X date) ( Deleted: limtted Deleted: shall Deleted: shall ( Deleted: shall Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Strikethrough [ Deleted: or ( Deleted: s Deleted: 0 Deleted: . will be allowed. ZOllillg Ordillallce a. The use shall not include any drive-through or drive-up windows or facilities. (11) Wholesale sales, in combination with retail or office use. Conditions: a. The use shall be limited to 50% of the floor area of the structure. b. Total floor area of the structure shall not exceed 10,000 square feet. (12) Restaurants With and Without Liquor Licenses. Conditions: a. Access shall be located so as to minimize .3void gonor~ating 8ignific;ant tr3ffic on local residential streets. Drive-through, drive-in and outdoor pick-up facilities are not permitted. b. (13) Parkino Lots and Parkino Ramps. Conditions: a. Location: If off-street parkino is provided within the "C-3" District either in a parkino lot or parkino ramp..lt shall be located to the side or rear of the principal buildino, not between the buildino and the rioht-of-wav. b. Screenino: Parkino lots or ramps adioinino the sidewalk or a walkwav shall be separated bv a landscaped yard at least 4 feet wide, containino a decorative fence or wall between 2Y2 and 3 feet in heioht. One canopy tree shall be provided for each 25 linear feet of parkino lot frontaoe on a public street or accesswav. c. Landscapino: The comers of parkino lots or ramps and all other areas not used for parkino or vehicular circulation shall be landscaped with turf orass, native orasses or other perennial f1owerino plants, vines, shrubs and trees. Such spaces may include architectural features such as benches, kiosks or bicvcle parkino. The interior of parkino lots containino 20 or more spaces shall contain landscaped areas eoual to at least 15% of the total parkino lot area. includino a minimum of one deciduous shade tree per 10 parkino spaces. Lawns or landscaped areas within 10 feet of the perimeter of the parkino lot may be counted toward the reouired landscapino. d. Parkino lot desion must be consistent with the criteria set forth in the "Prior Lake Downtown Buildino Desion Guidelines." 1102.1003 Uses Permitted Bv Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C-3" Town Center Use District shall be used for the followino uses except bv Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall complv with(1 ) the reouirements of all the General Conditions provided in Subsections 1108.202 throuoh 11 08.204:(2), ~ with the specific conditions imposed in this Subsection and 13lanv other conditions the City Council may impose. (1 ) Expansion of Existinq Institutional Uses. Conditions: a. The use must exist on . 2008 the date of this Ordinance. and may be expanded onlv on the existino parcel. or on a combination of parcels as part of a campus plan. Ciry IIf Prillr Lake (ne\\' 200/1 darel [ Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: g Deleted: c Deleted: 5 Deleted: 5 Deleted: with Deleted: Comment [HAH2]: To prolect the health. welfare and safety of residents and preserve values. Comment [HAH3]: This section does not identify any uses pennilled as CLLP Extent see 1102.1005(6) Formatted: Not Highlight Zoning Ordinance b. All new construction must be consistent with the desian standards of the "C- 3" Town Center Use District. as contained in Sections 1102.1006 throuah 1102.1009 of this Ordinance. I .1102.100.1; _ Uses in Combination. Ln_ k~eping with t~El purpose ~f the "C::r .Town Center_ Use District, combinations of the following uses on a single parcel and/or within a single building are encouraged. >- Multiple-family dwellings >- Retail ,. Offices >- Services >- Studios >- Coffee Shops or restaurants >- Parkina lots and Parkina ramps I .1102.1002 I- 1.1) I (?) Accessorv Uses. The following _uses em permitted acc:essory_ lJses in a "C:3" _ .Town Center Use District: Incidental Repair or Processing which is necessary to conduct a permitte9 ~ - principal use,.and thafdoes not Elxceed 25% of the gross floor area. Outdo~r Seating and Service of Food and Beverages ~y a_ B!!s~a!l!ant i~ permittedjf: _ _ ,. The use is separated from any adjacent residential use by a building wall or fence. This provision will not apply if the residential use is a located in an upper story above a restaurant. ,. No speakers or other electronic devices which emit sound are permitted outside of the principal structure if the use is located within 500 feet of a residential district. >- Hours of operation shall be limited to 7am to 10pm if located within 500 feet of a .B.esidential Q.istrict use. _ _ _ ,. Additional parking will not be required if the outdoor seating area does not exceed 50 square feet or 10% of the gross floor area of the restaurant, whichever is less. Parking will be required at the same rate as the principal use for that portion of outdoor seating area in excess of 500 square feet or 10% of the gross building area, whichever is less. Q) Outd~or Seating and Service of Food and Alcoholic Beverages ispermitted a~ an accessory use if: >- All the requirements of g,ubsection.11 02.1 004(?) abgve_ are met. ,. Access to and from the outdoor area shall be through the indoor seating area. There shall be no direct access to the outdoor seating area from the parking lot or street. ,. Food service to the outdoor area shall be provided during all hours of operation. ,. No bar shall be located in the outdoor area, except a service bar for the exclusive use of the employees. ~ Awnings and sign_s extending over the_public rig~t-of-way mfiy be p~rl1Ji!ted subject to approval of a Private Use of Public Property Agreement in a form .acceptable to the City Attorney, and the provisions of ~~sec~on 1107.801~ @ O_u~door Sl!les is perm~tt~d as an_~ccElssory use with the following conditions: _ >- The items displayed must be related to the principal use. City (If Prior Lake I (Ilew 200X date) Deleted: 'II 1102.11 Deleted: 3 Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 4 Deleted: shall be Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: . (1) . Parking Lots, in compliance with the Design Standards of Section 1102.1106(5).'11 'II Deleted: 2 Deleted: provided that it shall Deleted: 3 Deleted: as an accessory use to a restaurant Deleted: r 1 Deleted: d Deleted: . [ Deleted: 4 [ Deleted: s [Deleted: 1102.11 [ Deleted: 3 Deleted: 5 Deleted: a Deleted: authorized by Deleted: s Deleted: 6 . J 102.1 0Cl,Q I J 102.1 Ool (new 200X elmel Zoning Ordinance ~ The area allowed for outdoor sales is limited to 30% of the gross floor area JJsed for the displav and sale of merchandise. or qoods in th!3 principal use. ~ The area must be landscaped and fenced or screened with a Bufferyard Type D from ..em _ ~e.ighboril1g _ resigential uses Clr abutting any. "R" district. r f\ d090r~!i\,~ foneo or \l/~lla rT!il1ilTlurn of. d foot in hojght E:h:111 go locatod botwoon tho E:3IOE: arc3 3nd any public E:trcot or podoE:trian W3Y. ~ All lighting must be hooded and positioned so )he light source ~not .",isible fn:>1J1 tl"!e.p_ublic righ!-of-"YCi>' o! _ f!om neighboring residenti~l= properties and is compliant with.Bubsection 1107.1800. ~ Areas where' outdoor sales occur must be hard-surfaced \.Vith asphalt. concrete. or decorative concrete. (.2) prive-thru windows and drive-in lanes are permitted as an accessory use subject to approval of -a con-dltlonaf use permit. -processed according -to the proviSions of- Section 1108.200 of the Zoning Ordinance, and with the following conditions: ~ A maximum of 4 drive-thru lanes are allowed. ~ The drive-thru windows or drive-in lanes are not allowed within the "build-to" line or in front of any building. They must be located to the side or the rear of the building. ~ No part of the street or boulevard may be used for stacking of automobiles. -- --- Dimensional Standards. .The followinq dimensional standards shall applv to the :C-3: Town Center District. [MI~(~~~::~QI~I~I~:::=:=::=::::::==] 30 feet f..EEC?l!ti'9.rg....:.....Mlr!i.~.~I!!_~~!.l:lCl~_~_.. ! None r..._...n.nnn.n__..~_..~~~L~!:!r:!:1...~Sl.!!?C1~.. 1 0 feet measured from the right-of-wa I Front Yard on CSAH 21. east of 30 feet measured from the riqht-of-wav i Main - Minimum Setback l......n...n.n...n_..._..n_...n............n..n.n...n._n...n.n...n.n__..__...__'__ _n__nn....___._.__.__..._______...._ i Side Yard - Minimum Setback ! None : [..-.....n....n.-::.n.rv;.axirrlu-m-Se.lbilcknn-- 10 feet unle'ssparkfng is -Iocaled within f.__._.___nnn....n.nn.._.._.___.nnn_..____.__.n.__..... the side ~rd. L.B~~.r.'!:C1~_...::_.MiI1J.~!:!!!l_._____.__. None i Minimum Floor Area Ratio ! 0.5 r--suTfa-:.:t'o.Une.-----.-n.n-..-----nn.........--. Along Main Avenue a build-to line is I' established a distance of 5 feet from the I inner edge of the street right-of-way (in most cases, this is the inner edge of the I I sidewalk). At least 7?% of the building ; fac;:ade that fronts Main Avenue must be , built out to this line. r:.M~~f~:~i"ri:E~Tg6L:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=..: .-;56 feet n LMinimum Heiqht..nn__.nn.nn.nn.._n.n.. 25 feet or two storiesn._._. General Provisions for Desiqn Standards and Review in the "C-3" .Town Center District (1 ) Purpose. The purpose of this ~bs~~tic>n Ls_ t9 P!o\1icie. gui.d?l1ce ?nd d!rE;lction_il1. the development and redevelopment of the .Town Center District.)he Town Center District is the center for the role of Downtown as the community focus of City of Prior Lake [ Deleted: of [ Deleted: view of [ Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: directed that Deleted: shall Deleted: be Deleted: subsection Deleted: 7 Deleted: (amd. Ord 105-05, pub. 3/5/05) Deleted: 11 Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 5 Deleted: These are the lot requirements for lots in the [ Formatted Table [ Deleted: Maximum Floor Area~.-:rl1] Deleted: 35 feet or three stories, whichever is greater. Subject to approval of a conditional use permit, the height of a structure or building may be increased to 45 feet or 4 stories, whichever is greater. Deleted: (amd. Ord. 105-04, pub 3/5/05) Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 6 Deleted: Soecialtv Business Deleted: s Deleted: Downtown business district in a manner that reinforces Deleted: the ZOllillg Ordillallce government, culture and social interaction. The quidelines below were developed to: ~ Ensure that new development complements the established character of the Downtown's neiqhborhood ~ Enhance the traditional downtownf'main street" character ~ Improve the predictabilitv of the review and approval process for residents, developers and staff ~ Set standards for development and redevelopment that enhances and that maintains a traditional small downtown character.. ~ Introduce sustainable and "qreen" buildinq practices to provide quidelines and criteria. - - - - C~t Applicability. The design standards an_d the design review process .,apply to all new construction; any renovation, expansion or other exterior changes to existing ',' non-residential and/or multi-family buildings, including re-painting; any I development or expansion of parking areas; and any other exterior alteration that requires a building permit. The design standards shall apply only to the building or site elements being developed or altered. That is, changes to a building shall comply with those standards that pertain to buildings, while changes to a parking area shall comply with standards for parking areas, but not for buildings. The Community Development and Natural Resources Director pl:J.nning Diroctor will ma_ke the initial determination as to which standards are applicable. There are many ways to achieve the same design objective. The Community Development and Natural Resources Director may permit alternative approaches that, in its determination, meet the objective(s) of the design standard(s) equally well. J 102.1 0D,fl Desiqn Review in the "C-3" .Town Center Use District (1) Application for Design Review. An application for Design Review shall be on a form provided by the City, and shall include the following information, in addition to any information required for site plan review under subsection 1108.903. ~ Elevations. Complete exterior elevations of all proposed buildings and existing buildings if they are joined to new development. Elevations should be drawn at an appropriate scale (usually 14"= 1) and should show (a) all signs to be mounted on the building(s) or erected on the site; and (b) J'Tlaterials an_d colors to be !ls~d on all exterior fac?des. ~ Materials Sample. Material samples shall be presented, including color and material type for walls and roof. ~ Color Samples. Samples of all principal and secondary colors to be used. ~ Context. Photographs of surrounding buildings on the same block or street, Jhat shoIN. the proposed buildinq or:. renovations in context. (2) Administration and Review Procedures. The following design standards shall supplement the standards and process outlined in Section 1108.900, Site Plan Review. After receipt of a complete application, the Planning Department will refer the application to City Departments and to other parties having jurisdiction. The Planning Department will then review the proposed development for compliance with the guidelines in this ~bsecti()r1 ancl other applicagle City (~f Prior Lilkt' Int'll' 2001'. dare! Deleted: This subsection is also intended to assist in the implementation of the guidelines and recommendations contained in the report entitled Prior Lake Downtown Slreetscape dated August 2001, as well as the graphics entitled Main Street Design Guidelines, Main Street Hardscape Design Elements, Main Street Softscape Design Elements and the Main Streel Master Plan. The Crty will follow these reports and graphics in designing and developing the public elements of the streetscape and private owners are encouraged to follow the recommendation in these documents that are not expressly spelled out in these regulations when developing or redeveloping private property . Deleted: 11 Deleted: 3 Deleted: shall Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 7 Deleted: Specialtv Business [ Deleted: designations of Deleted: to address issues of context.11 Deleted: s Deleted: f [ Deleted: s Zoning Ordinance ordinances. Within 60 days of receipt of a complete application, the Planning Staff will take action to approve or deny the application. The City may if necessary. upon appropriate notice extend the 60 days by an additional 60 days. If a site plan review is needed, the two processes will be conducted concurrently. .1102.10QJ:! _ Desion Standards in the "C-3" .Town Center District.. (1) Prior lake Downtown Buildino Desion Guidelines. The desiqn standards outlined in the "Prior Lake Downtown Buildinq Desiqn Guidelines" are hereby adopted and incorporated into this Zoninq Ordinance by reference The Desiqn Standards are established to oreserve and promote a desianed to be theme of a Traditional Downtown asthetic. All new construction and redevelopment shall incorporate the criteria included in these quidelines. In addition. the followinq desiqn standards shall supplement the "Prior Lake Downtown Buildinq Desiqn Guidelines." Compatibility with .Traditional Downtown T!1eme._ The Desiqn eLeme_nts, " including but not limited to. buildinq materials. facade desiqn. windows. landscaping, lighting, and signage, .she!Lbe compatible with the Traditional./ Downtown Jheme J()r)mpro"'~I11Emts _ \,!i!hin t~e Downtown as expressed i!l the ' "Prior Lake Downtown Buildinq Desiqn Guidelines", (,g) B~novation of Ex~sting ~uiJding~. Durinq the renovation of an existinq buildinq .ill:!Y...Jcl(;;ade acjqitions that are not compatible with the style and period of the buildinq should be removed to the extent feasible,,-, These may include, but are not limited to, wood or plastic shake mansard roofs, plastic or oddly shaped awnings, window opening infills or surrounds designed to reduce the size of window openings, modern siding materials inconsistent with the original fac;;ade, and light fixtures inconsistent with the building's original style or the Traditional Downtown aestheti~ ,. Masonry buildings should be cleaned as necessary to lighten the overall color. ,. New masonry work should match the color and materials or the original fac;;ade. ,. Wherever practical, fac;;ade renovations should not destroy or cover original details on a building. Brick and stone facades should not be covered with artificial siding or panels. ,. Original window and door openings should be maintained wherever practical. New window and door openings should maintain a similar horizontal and vertical relationship as the " original. ' , I I I . (J) General infill principles. Infill building~ should renect the original design of ' surrounding storefront buildings in scale and character. This can be achieved by maintaining similar setbacks, ,cornice Jil1es, horizontal lines of windows and openings, and compatible building materials and colors. Where such original buildings are missing or have been extensively altered, the other design standards in the g.ection shall be _applied. (.1) Mechanical Eql!ipme_n! Screening. U~lity se!l.'i~e structures sugh as utility_ meters, transformers, above-ground tanks, refuse handling, loading docks, maintenance structures and other ancillary equipment must be inside a building or be entirely screened from off-site views by a decorative fence, wall, or screen of plant material of sufficient height. Fences and walls shall be architecturally City of Prior Lake (new 20011 date! Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 8 Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: (Currently being reviewed by the Downtown Design Taskforce) The following design standards shall supplement the standards and process outlined in subsection 1108.900, Site Plan Review. Deleted: Lake Deleted: Site Deleted: , Deleted: etc. Del eted: ou Id Deleted: lake Deleted: public Deleted: DesiQn Theme Standards and Criteria Formatted: Font: Not Italic Deleted: 2 Deleted: 3 Deleted: Inappropriate Deleted: processes Deleted: during building renovation. Deleted: lake Deleted: theme Deleted: 3 Deleted: 4 Deleted: building height and proportions, Deleted: s Deleted: . (4) . Building Fac;ade Width and Articulation. Buildings should be oriented with the primary axis perpendicular to the primary fronting street. A building width of 40 feet or less is encouraged. Buildings of more than 40 feet in width shall be divided into smaller increments (between 20 and 40 feet) through articulation of the fac;ade. This can be achieved through combinations of the following techniques, and others that may achieve the same purpose:~ <#>Fac;ade modulation. stepping back or extending forward a portion of the fac;ade.~ <#>Vertical divisions using different textures or materials (a~hough materials should be drawn frorr--:::-ill Formatted: Strikethrough, Highlight Formatted: Highlight Deleted: Deleted: 12 feet in height). ...131 Deleted: 11 Deleted: 5 I (flew 200X dale) Zoning Ordintlnce compatible with the primary structure. Loading docks or doors should always be located on a side or rear elevation. (B) Signs. Within the C-3 District, Maximum sign area per propertY.l:!illY...not exceed 1 -square fo-ot of sign area per linear foof of street fa9ade at the fronf yard. One - sign is allowed for each usable public entry to a building. Wall signs and projecting signs are permitted. Free-standing signs are permitted only in an existing front yard. >- Proiectinq Siqns: Projecting signs shall not exceed 8 square feet in area and may project no more than 4 feet from the building face. Signs must maintain a minimum clearance of 9 feet above a sidewalk and 15 feet above driveways or alleys. No projecting sign shall be located within 25 feet of another projecting sign. >- Sion Desion Guidelines: Signs should be architecturally compatible with the style, composition, materials, colors and details of the building and with other signs or nearby buildings. Signs should be positioned so they are an integral design feature of the building, and to complement and enhance the building's architectural features. Signs should not obscure or destroy architectural details such as stone arches, glass transom panels, or decorative brickwork. >- Siqn Colors: Sign colors shall be compatible with the building fa9ade to which the sign is attached. .!:::!O more than three colors should be used per sign, unless part of an illustration. A combination of sofVneutral shades and dark/rich shades within the palette of the building colors shall be used. >- Materials: Sign materials shall be compatible with the original construction materials and architectural style of the building fa9ade on which they are to be displayed. Natural materials such as wood, stone and metal are preferred but other materials that are equally durable and replicate the appearance of natural materials are acceptable. >- Illumination: External illumination of signs is permitted by incandescent, metal halide or fluorescent light that emits a continuous white light. Light shall not shine directly onto the ground or adjacent buildings. Neon signs are permitted in windows. Internally lit box signs and awnings are not permitted, with the exception of theater marquees. (ro, Parking. >- Location: If off-street parking is provided by an individual business within the "C-3" District, it shall be located to the side or rear of the businesses principal building, not between the building and the street. Individual business DarkinOJT1ay not occLJPy a corner lo~ation. ~ Screenino: Surfaca narking lots adjoining the sid?~?lk or a lNalkway ~haJI be separated from it by a landscaped yard at least 4 feet wide, containing a decorative fence or wall between 2Y2 and 3 feet in height. One canopy tree shall be provided for each 25 linear feet of parking lot frontage on a public street or accessway. Cily of Prior Lake Deleted: 6 Deleted: 12 Deleted: m Deleted: shall [ Deleted: 7 [ Deleted: 14) ( Deleted: Parking ( Deleted: Ground ( Deleted: P J 102.1Q10 J 102.101.1 1102.1100: 1102.11 01 I (new 20011 clare I Zoning Ordinance ~ Landscapina: The corners of surface. parking lots _a!ld all_ other area_s rIOt used for parking or vehicular circulation shall be landscaped with turf grass, native grasses or perennial flo,^,ering~lal'!t~, vin~s,_s_hrubs and trees. Such spaces may include architectural features such as benches, kiosks or bicycle parking. The interior of surface.o~Hking Jot~ containing 20_ or r1]or~ _ spaces shall contain landscaped areas equal to at least 15% of the total parking lot area, including a minimum of one deciduous shade tree per 10 parking spaces. Lawns or landscaped areas within 10 feet of the perimeter of the parking lot may be counted toward the required landscaping. Non-Conformities. The adoption of this Q.rdinance is not intended to create non- conforming uses within theC-3.Town Center g[sIr[d L.eaal u-ses and structures in - Jhe C-3 .Town Center District existing .on . 2008 may.continue in operation and are allowed to lliLremodefed or to be upgraded pursuant to the applicable '. - - - - --- -- - .\ provisions of this Subsection.. & land usesr'!1Cl.Y....Qg expand~~ize, provided that the expansion occurs on the !Qt_ ot record occuf)ied by the use as of \ . 2008~ _ " Modifications. Any person seeking to remodel an existing building in the C-3 V .Town Center District may seek a modification of the Design Standards contained, in Section J 102.1 006Jf ]Lean be demonstrated that application of the Design',., Standards will result in undue hardship or practical difficulties to the owner or "', developer of the affected property. An application for such modifications shall ',', accompany the building permit application and shall state the rationale for each ',', such request. .cost alone should never be the basis for modification of the Desian ,', Standards. The request for modification of the Design Standards shall be "', processed under the procedural requirements- for a conditional- use permit as ' outlined in ~ction 1108.206 _of 1his Ordinance. "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District. The purpose of the .C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District is to provide a special desianation for the frinae areas of the historical and recoanized downtown business area. Eventually redevelopment. stimulated in part bv available City proarams. should encouraae the complete transition of this district to commercial uses which are compatible with the purposes of the Town Center. New development and redevelopment in the C-3T will only be permitted if it conforms to the uses allowed in the "C-3" Town Center Use District (See Section 1102.1100 ExisinQ Uses. Uses. whether commercial or residential. leaally existina on . 2008 may continue indefinitely. The intent of this provision is to allow existina uses to remain and be maintained without expansion. To meet this intent. the followina work is permitted: ~ Work required to bring existing structures into compliance with current building code; ~ Interior remodeling; ~ Ihe addition of a 2-car garage, either attached or detached. To residential structures. Existina residential uses may be converted to provide additional units. Ciry (!f Prior Lake [ Deleted: ground [ Deleted: toehr ( Deleted: gound " I " , , I I , , Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 09 Deleted: 0 Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: . All land Deleted: I Deleted: uses within Deleted: Specialty Business Deleted: as of the effective date of Deleted: this ordinance shall be allowed to Deleted: their property Deleted: section Deleted: S Deleted: uch Deleted: their Deleted: parcel Deleted: the effective date of this ordinance. Deleted: Expansion on properties acquired after Deleted: the effective date of this ordinance is Deleted: are prohibited Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: 0 Deleted: Speciaity Business Deleted: 1102.11 Deleted: when it Deleted: The rationale shall include an estimate of any financial costs resulting from full compliance with the Design Standards. Deleted: Deleted: s Deleted: e Zoning Code. 1102.1102 I Inew 200X darel ZO/li/lg Ordi/lll/lce a. The conversion shall be limited to interior alterations of the existina structure. No additions or expansions of the existina structure are permitted. b. A minimum of two (2) parkina spots per unit must be provided on the site. The followinq uses are permitted in the "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District. subiect to the conditions set out for each use. )0 Existinq Residential Structures )0 Home Occupations )0 Group Day Care/Nursery School )0 Public Service Structures )0 Utility Substation )0 Appliance. Small Enqine and Bicycle Repair )0 Food Service )0 Hotel/Motel )0 In-Vehicle Sales or Service )0 Medical and Dental Laboratories )0 Printinq Process Facilities )0 Restaurants and Clubs and Lodqes Without Liquor Licenses )0 Shoppinq Center )0 Game Rooms Home Occupations may be permitted accessory uses within an "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District subiect to the property owner obtaininq a Home Occupation Permit and the use is in compliance with all of the followinq conditions: a. The use must be consistent with one of the followinq uses permitted in the "C-3" Town Center Use District. )0 Offices )0 Medical Offices )0 Services b. All material or equipment must be stored within the residential structure.and no more than 200 cubic feet of products. supplies or merchandise used to carry on the home occupation may be stored with the structure at anyone time. c. The activity may not involve warehousinq. distribution. or retail sales of merchandise produced off the site. d. No liqht or vibration oriqinatinq from the home occupation may be discemible at the property line. e. Only equipment. machinery. and materials ormally found in a home may be used to carry on the home occupation. f. Space within the residential structure devoted to the home occupation does not exceed 500 square feet or 20% of the floor area. whichever is qreater. City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance q. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or detached accessorv buildinq. h. The structure housinq the home occupation conforms to the buildinq code; and in the case where the home occupation is day care or if there are any customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of Occupancy. i. All home occupations shall be subiect to an annual inspection to insure compliance with the conditions in this Subsection. i. All applicable permits from other qovemmental aqencies have been obtained. 1102.1103 Uses Permitted Bv Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District may be used for any of the uses listed below except by Conditional Use Permit. Conditional Uses must comply with the requirements of all the General Conditions provided in Subsections 1108.202 throuqh 1108.204. with the Specific conditions imposed in this Subsection and with any other conditions the City Council may impose. (1) Conversion of existinq residential uses to commercial uses .may be permitted subiect to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. a. The use must be consistent with the followinq uses permitted in the "C-3" Town Center Use District ~ MedicalJDental Offices ~ Limited Retail. includinq Antique stores. Bookstores, Camera stores. Clothinq or shoe stores, Florists. Jewelrv stores. ~ Offices ~ Services ~ Business Services b. The use must be located completely within the existinq structure. No additions to the structure are permitted. c. The exterior of the existinq buildinq shall maintain the residential character of the structure. d. No more than one wall siqn shall be permitted. 1102.1104 Redevelopment of Existinq Structures and Uses. Redevelopment of properties within the "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District. consistinq of new construction on a vacant lot. total removal of existinq structures. or renovations of an existinq structure costinq more than 50% of the current market value. as defined by the County Assessor, shall not be permitted unless the property is rezoned to the "C-3" Town Center Use District. In order to do so. the property must be adiacent to another property in the "C-3" Town Center Use District. City (if Prior Lake (nt'lI' 200X dart'! lOlling Ordinallce 1102.1105 Dimensional Standards. (1) Dimensional standards for existinq uses in the "C-3T" Transitional Town Center Use District shall be the same as those standards in the "R-2" Medium Density Residential Use District in Section 1102.505 of the Zonina Ordinance. .11 02.1200: "C.:-~ ~ _~en~~a'- ~u~il'1~~~ Use Di~trict. The purpose of the "C-4" General Business Use District is to allow the concentration of aeneral commercial development for the convenience of the public and mutually beneficial relationship to each other in those areas located awav from residential areas desiqnated by the Comprehensive Plan; to provide space for community facilities and institutions that appropriately may be located in commercial areas; to provide adequate space to meet the needs of modem commercial development. includina off-street parkina and truck loadina areas: to minimize traffic conqestion; and to carefullv reaulate the intensity of commercial development as it refers to both internal site factors and external impacts. .The. types_ of uses ln~ this District are generally larger and more intense, and are characterized by a greater need for parking, generation of larger volumes of traffic, greater signage and lighting. 1102.1201 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "C-4" General Business Use District if the use complies with the Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards of subsection 1102.1300. ,. Medical/Dental Offices ,. Funeral Homes "- Libraries ,; ,. Museums ,. Parks and Open Spaces ,. Police and Fire Stations ,... Banks ,; "- Business and Trade Schools ,; ,. Offices ,. Retail Shops ~ Service Facilities ,. Studios ~ Showrooms ,. Parking Business 1102.1202 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in a "C-4" General Business Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if its use complies with conditions stated in subsection 1102.1300 and those specified for the use in this subsection. (1) Adult Day Care. Conditions: a. A minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor seating or exercise area shall be provided for each person under care. (2) Dry Cleaning, Laundering With Route Pick-Up and Delivery. Conditions: a. The use shall not exceed 15,000 square feet in area. Ciry IIf Prior urke I (flew 2001i "arel Deleted: (Amd. Ord. 01-16 - pub. in summary on )~ ~ ~ Deleted: The "C-4" General Business Use District is intended to provide an area for commercial uses which due to their size and characteristics are not appropriate to other business districts. Deleted: se I . I . (II/'.... 2001'. dare I loning Ordi/la/lce b. Outside storage and parking of trucks involved in the operation of the business is limited to trucks with a manufacturer's rated cargo capacity of one or less. c. Outside vehicle storage shall be screened from any abutting "R" Use District by a bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003. d. Access shall be from a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. (3) Group Day Care/Nursery School. Conditions: a. A minimum of 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil must be provided and such space shall be screened with a bufferyard Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005. b. An off-street pedestrian loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. c. Outdoor play areas shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any roadway designated in the Comprehensive Plan as a principal arterial when no physical barrier is present. When a physical barrier is present, outdoor play areas can maintain a 50 foot setback. A physical barrier shall be defined as a 20 foot increase in elevation from the road surface elevation. (4) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All exterior building faces shall comply with subsection 1107.2200. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any abutting property located in an "R" Use District. c. All service drives shall be paved. (5) Utility Substation. Conditions: a. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line. b. No structure shall be located within 200 feet of any "R" Use District. c. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all public ways. (7) Appliance, Small Engine ami Bicycle ReP!lir. Conditions: a. Engines shall not be operated or tested outside of a structure if the use is located within 300 feet of any "R" Use District. @ Food Service. Conditions: a. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District. City of Prior Lake Deleted: . (6) . Animal Handling. Conditions:~ ~ . a. . No animals shall be kept outside the building, or be otherwise located. which cause offensive odor or noise discernible at the property line of the lot on which the activity is conducted.~ ~ b. . Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from abutting properties in an "R" Use District.~ ~ Deleted: . (8) . Clubs and Lodges Without Liquor License. Conditions:~ ~ a. . Access shall be from a roadway identified by the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets.~ ~ . b. . A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District.~ ~ (Amd. Ord. 99-06; pub. 5122/99)~ ~ (9) . Convention I Exhibition Halls. Conditions: ~ ~ a. . All buildings, structures, and truck maneuvering areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot lines abutting property in an "R" Use District.~ ~ b. . All loading shall be done within a structure or in an area screened from view with a wall of the same material as the building. Truck maneuvering areas shall be completely screened as required by subsection 1107.309(6).~ ~ c. . A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all lot lines abutting property in an "R" Use District.~ ~ Deleted: 10 ZOllillg Ordillallce I . I . (,ID Hotel/Motel. Conditions: .e. _ All bullcjings arld structur~~ sbalL ~e.19cated a _ tDinimum of 1 QQ feet from any property in an "R" Use District. Q.. _ _ A I:ll,!ffe.ryarcj, as det~rmined 9Y subsecticm 11 Q?:.2003, sh,~lIl ~~ provide_d_ at_ all lot lines abutting property in an "R" Use District. (1.0 In-Vehicle Sales or Service. Conditions: a. Drive-through facilities and stacking areas shall not be located adjacent to any "R" Use District. b. A bufferyard Type B as defined in subsection 1107.2005 shall be provided between drive-through facilities and stacking areas and adjacent streets and properties. c. Stacking shall be provided for 6 cars per customer service point and shall comply with all yard and bufferyard requirements. d. This use shall only be permitted when it can be demonstrated that the operation will not reduce the existing level of service to a lower level on adjacent streets and intersections. e. The drive-through facility shall be designed so it does not impede traffic or impair vehicular and pedestrian traffic movement, or increase the potential for pedestrian or vehicular conflicts. f. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. g. Any canopy constructed as part of this use shall be compatible with the architectural design and materials of the principal structure. (1.1) Medical and Dental Laboratories. Conditions: a. The use shall not generate any fumes or odors which are detectable at the property lines of the parcel on which the use is located. I . (1,g) Printing Proc~ss faciliti~l>'- Conditions: a. The total floor area of the use shall not exceed 5,000 square feet. I . (1J) Restaurants and Clubs and LodCles Wi!hout Liquor Licens,!._ Conditions: a. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District. I . (1.4) Sh9pplng c::enter. Conditions: Cir)' of Prior Lilkt' (n".... 200X dilr,,) Deleted: . . . (Amd. Ord. 99-06; pub. 5/22/99)~ ~ Deleted: 11 Deleted: . . a. . The facility shall be located on property which contains a minimum of 600 square feet of lot area per untt.l1 11 Deleted: b ~ Deleted: c Deleted: 2 Deleted: 3 Deleted: . (14). Outdoor Sales (Display). Condttions: (ftE_Q~IF,lE C,U.J;) 11 11 a. . A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003. shall be provided and maintained along all property lines abutting property located within an "ROO Use Districl.l1 11 . . b. . No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District.l1 11 c. . The site shall be kept neat and orderly.l1 11 . d. . The use shall not be permitted within any required yard. bufferyard or landscaped area.l1 11 e. . This use shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property located in an "R" Use Districl.l1 11 . f. . The operator of the use shall not sell or trade exclusively in used merchandise, but shall have at least 1/3 of its stock on the site in new. unused merchandise.l1 11 g. . All open sales or rental lots shall be operated in conjunction with a business operated in a building or buildings in which the same or similar materials are displayed and offered for sale as those displayed on the open sales or rentallol.l1 11 h. . The entire site other than that used or required to be used for building. yard, bufferyard. or -:.. r41 Deleted: 5 Deleted: . (16). Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: (8,EPlJIRE:CUp..) 11 11 a. . The structure in which It ...f5l Deleted: 7 Deleted: . . . (Amd. Ord. 99-06; pub. 5/22/99)11 11 Deleted: 8 Zoning Ordinance I . . .e. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or .shall be. otherwise located so that .a.ccess can be ~ provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. ~. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003. shall be provided along all lot lines abutting property en. an. "R" Use. District: . . .. . . . f;... . All builclings and struGJures shall be set back a minimum of 75 fe.e! from .a.ny. abutting property in an "R" Use District. (1B) Game Rooms. Conc!itions: a. The hours of operation shall be consistent with subsection 803.1000 of the City Code relating to curfews. b. The use shall be located at least 150 feet from the nearest residential structure. c. Parking shall be calculated based on all uses within the structure or tenant space, using parking standards in the City Code. d. An adult over the age of 21 shall be on the premises during business hours in a supervisory capacity. (16) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All exterior buildina faces shall comply with subsection 1107.2200. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any abuttina property located in an "R" Use District. c. All service drives shall be paved. 1102.1203 Uses Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C-4" General Business Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Commercial Performance Standards of subsection 1102.1300, the requirements of all the general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the City Council may impose. (1) Motor Fuel Station. Conditions: a. Hours of operation shall be between 6:00 a.m. and 11 :30 p.m. d. A buffervard as determined by Subsection 1107.2003, shall be constructed alona all lot lines abuttina property which is located in an "R" Use District. Application of this provision shall not reauire a wall within the reauired front yard. e. All pump islands. air dispensers and other service devices shall be installed at least 12 feet off and toward tho interior of tho lot from the reauired yard line. and no display. servicina of vehicles, or parkina or di&aonsina of Qasolino shall take place within the reauired yard. On sites where pump Ciry of Prior Lake I (new 20011 clarel Deleted: . . a. . The shopping center development shall not exceed 275,000 square feet of gross floor area.lI 11 ~ Deleted: b Deleted: c [ Deleted: d [ Deleted: 9 I (ne.... 200X dare) ZOllillg Ordillallce islands have been constructed at the reauired vard line, a landscaped area of 8 feet shall be installed in the reauired vard. f. The entire site other than buildina. reauired vard, bufferyard and other landscaped areas shall be paved. a. All parkina and paved areas shall be araded. desianed, and landscaped in accordance with Subsection 1107.200. h. All on-site utility installations shall be placed underaround. i. No outside sale or displav of merchandise shall be permitted. ma',' not pOFll'lillml except aacoliRe ans other aoods Gonmunes in the 1'1 0 FF1'lal 09Bration of a car limited to the follo'Nina kinds of 9rodblCtS: oil. Qasoline and oil adsitivos. 'IIindshiols cleaRer, 'Nindshield ,..Apers. tires aREl ballones. No proGuets chall bo in aRV reQuir-ed yard. nor shall The total displav area mav not occupv more than 150 sauare feet in area or be more than 5 feet in heiqht. ~Jo other 'Jehisbllar 9arts er non automobile eAoRtes aooss shall be die:plavod or sold outsido. i. No public address svstem shall be audible from anv property located within an "R" Use District. k. Canopv and canopv support svstems shall be eORstr:ucted usinq architectblral dosian aRs matenalsdesianed and constructed of materials which are compatible with the principal structure. I. Drainaae and surfacinq plans for a car wash shall be approved bv the City Enqineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludae removal facilities for on-premise dust. salt and other chemical and mud abatement. Drainaqe must be desiqned to prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludqe on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. m. A car wash shall have all parkinq and paved areas meet the drainaqe. desian and landscapinq provisions of Subsection 1107.200 or as approved bv the City Enqineor. n. The inaress or eqress points for a car wash shall be at least 150 feet GIesef: than 1 eO feet (from the point of intersection of the required front and side vard lines adioininq intersectina streets.) The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public riqht-of-wav. Drainaqe shall be awav from the public street at tRe eqress points of the car wash to prevent spillaae onto the street. The qrades of the interior floor shall be sloped awav from the exit door, and caid floor chall be sloped to an accepted interior drainaqe svstem. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on anv public riqht-of-wav. o. Automatic car washes accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle service and repair facility shall provide stackinq space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stackinq spaces should not block inqress and eqress drivewavs on the site or drivewavs providinq access to qasoline pumps. service bavs or required off-street parkinq, except that vehicles in stackinq spaces mav block access to parkinq stalls which are siqned for emplovee parkina onlv. All other provisions in Subsections 1102.1203(3a) throuqh City of Prior Lake ZOllillg Ordillallce 1102.1203(3D above shall applv to automatic car washes. except that no additional off-street parkinq spaces shall be required for an au10matic car wash and inqress or eqress to an automatic car wash may be permitted within 150 feet of the [point of intersection of the required front and side yard lines subiect to the limitations of Subsection 1102.1203(3D.l p. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00am to 10:00pm. unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. (2) Motor Vehicle Sales. Conditions: a. No previously registered but currently unlicensed or non-operable vehicles shall be stored on premises. b. All open sales or rental lots shall be operated in conjunction with a building or buildings containing the same or similar materials as displayed on the open sales or rental lot. c. The building and the sales or rental lot shall be on one contiguous site. d. All parking and paved areas shall meet all of the landscaping and design requirements of subsection 1107.200. e. String lighting shall be prohibited. f. The area of open sales or rental lot used for storage and display of merchandise shall not exceed 2 square feet for every 1 square foot of building on the site devoted to the same or a similar use or accessory use. g. Test driving shall be prohibited on any street in an "R" Use District. h. No outdoor public address system shall be permitted. i. All customer and employee parking shall be clearly designated and signed. j. No motor vehicle transport loading or unloading shall be permitted on any minor residential street. k. No display or storage of motor vehicles shall be permitted on any public right-of-way. I. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines of an abutting "R" Use District. m. The storage lot shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an "R" Use District. (3) Motor Vehicle Service, Repair. Conditions: a. No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. b. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles shall be inside a closed building except tire inflation, changing wipers or adding oil. City (!f' Prior Lake I (lIew 200X clate) Zoning Ordinllnce c. Test driving shall be prohibited on any street in an "R" Use District. d. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. e. The building housing the use shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot in an "R" Use District. f. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along any abutting an "R" Use District. g. A car wash shall have parking space to permit the stacking of at least 30 cars or the maximum number of vehicles which can be washed during a 30 minute period, whichever is greater; plus an additional 10 off-street parking spaces for employees and storage of employee owned and washed cars. h. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00am to 10:00pm, unless the seNice doors to the facility remain closed at all times. (Amd. Ord. 01-13 - pub. 11/10/01). i. Drainage and surfacing plans for a car wash shall be approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities to be employed to accomplish dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement on the premises and prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. j. A car wash shall have all parking and paved areas meet the drainage, design and landscaping provisions of subsection 1107.200. k. No ingress or egress points for a car wash shall be closer than 150 feet from the point of intersection of the required front and side yard lines adjoining intersecting streets. The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public right-of-way. Drainage shall be away from the public street at the egress points to prevent spillage onto the street. The grades of the interior floor shall be sloped away from the exit door, and said floor shall be sloped to an accepted interior drainage system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on any public right-of-way. I. Automatic car washes accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle seNice and repair facility shall provide stacking space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stacking spaces should not block ingress and egress driveways on the site or driveways providing access to gasoline pumps, seNice bays or required off-street parking, except that vehicles in stacking spaces may block access to parking stalls which are signed for employee parking only. All other provisions in subsections 1102.1203(3a) through 1102.1203(3j) above shall apply to automatic car washes, except that no additional off-street parking spaces shall be required for an automatic car wash and ingress or egress to an automatic car wash may be permitted within 150 feet of the point of intersection of the required front and side yard lines subject to the limitations of subsection 11 02.1203(3j). (4) Restaurants and Clubs and Lodqes With Liquor. Conditions: City of Prior Lakt' (/It'll' 2008 date) I (IIYI<' 2008 tlary) Zoning Ordinance a. Access shall be from a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. b. The building housing the use shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property located in an "R" Use District. c. Separate pedestrian ways shall be constructed to allow for the separation of pedestrian and vehicular movements within the parking lot. d. A bufferyard. as determined by subsection 1107.2003. shall be installed and maintained along any abutting property in an "R" Use District. (5) Convention I Exhibition Halls. Conditions: a. All buildinqs. structures, and truck maneuverinq areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot lines abuttinq property in an "R" Use District. b. Allloadinq shall be done within a structure or in an area screened from view with a wall of the same material as the buildinq. Truck maneuverinq areas shall be completely screened as required by subsection 1107.309(6). c. A buffervard. as determined by subsection 1107.2003. shall be provided alonq all lot lines abuttinq property in an "R" Use District. (6) Outdoor Sales (Display). Conditions: a. A buffervard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided and maintained alonq all property lines abuttinq property located within an "R" Use District. b. No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. c. The site shall be kept neat and orderly. d. The use shall not be permitted within any required yard. buffervard or landscaped area. e. This use shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property located in an "R" Use District. f. The operator of the use shall not sell or trade exclusively in used merchandise. but shall have at least 1/3 of its stock on the site in new. unused merchandise. q. All open sales or rental lots shall be operated in coniunction with a business operated in a buildinq or buildinqs in which the same or similar materials are displayed and offered for sale as those displayed on the open sales or rental lot. h. The entire site other than that used or required to be used for buildinq. yard. buffervard. or landscapinq shall be surfaced in blacktop or pavinq. City of Prior Lake Deleted: . (5) . Clubs And Lodges With Liquor. Conditions:1] 1] a. . Access shall be from a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or otherwise located so that access can be provided without conducting significant traffic on local residential streets.1] 1] . . b. . The building housing the use shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property located in an "R' Use District.1] 1] . c. . Separate pedestrian ways shall be constructed to allow for the separation of pedestrian and vehicular movements within the parking 101.1] 1] d. . A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an 'R" Use District.1] 1] . (6) . Shopping Centers Over 275,000 Square Feet of Gross Floor Area. Provided:1] 1] . a. . The shopping center must conform with all of the conditions for shopping centers less than 275,000 square feet of gross floor area.1] 1] b. . In-vehicle sales or service shall only be permitted when it can be demonstrated that their operation will not have an adverse effect on the internal circulation of the shopping center, or reduce the level of service to a lower level of nearby street and intersections. The use must also comply with the following condrtions:1] 1] , . Drive-through facilities and stacking areas shall not be located adjacent to any "R" Use District.1] 1] , . A bufferyard, Type B as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be provided between drive- through facilities and stacking areas and adjacent streets and properties.1] 1] , . Stacking shall be provided for a minimum of 6 cars per customer service point.1] 1] . , . Stacking shall be prohibited on public streets, in fire lanes, and in areas that interfere with on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation.1] 1] c. . Outdoor sales/display, other than permitted in subsection 1101.510(3), shall only be permitted when it can be demonstrated that such use.can be aesthetically integrated into the site design and must comply with the condrtions set forth in Section (a) above and the following additional conditions:~~. I'M ZOllillg Ordillance i. All paved areas shall be qraded. desiqned. and landscaped as required by subsection 1107.200. i. Strinq Iiqhtinq shall be prohibited. k. The area of open sales or rental lot used for storaqe and display of merchandise shall not exceed 2 square feet for every 1 square foot of buildinq on the site devoted to the same or similar use or accessorv use. I. A buffervard Type B. as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed and maintained alonq all public ways. (7) Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: a. The structure in which the use is conducted shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any "R-1". "R-2" or "R-3" Use District. b. A buffervard. as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided alonq all property located within an "ROO Use District. (8) Marinas. Conditions: a. A buffervard Type C, as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be constructed alonq the property line where it abuts property residentially used or if it abuts any uRu Use District. b. Lake Service Siqns, as requlated by subsection 1107.809. are permitted. c. Liqhtinq shall be provided for safety and security only. and shall not be directed at the lake or at adiacent properties. Liqhts for parkinq lots. buildinq and dock identification may have no more than 0.5 foot candles at the property line or at the edqe of the dock structure furthest from the shore. d. Boat tours are oermitted between the hours of 8:00 am. and 10:00 pm. e. One parkinq space for each 4 boat slips must be provided. If tour boats are based at the marina, an additional 1 parkinq space for each 4 seats on the boat is required. f. Retail sales are limited to motors. parts. bait. equipment. qas and oil. and accessories. On-site preparation and sale of food and beveraqes is allowed. subiect to the other provisions of the Zoninq Ordinance. includinq. but not limited to. parkinq, Iiqhtinq. siqnaae hours of operation. q. Rental of boats and boat and motor repair may be permitted as an accessory use to the marina, provided the space devoted to this accessory use is limited to 50% of the floor area of the principal use. (9) Animal HandlinCl. Conditions: a. No animals shall be kept outside the buildinq. or be otherwise located. which cause offensive odor or noise discernible at the property line of the lot on which the activity is conducted. City (l Prior Lake I (/It'll' 20011 dart') - - ----~-------- loning Ordinance b. Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from abuttina properties in an "R" Use District. 1102.1204 Accessorv Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in a "C- 4" General Business Use District: ')> Warehouse/Storage provided that the storage does not occupy more than 40% of the gross floor area of the site. No warehouse/storage area shall exceed 20,000 square feet. ')> Parking Lots which comply with the requirements of subsection 1107.200. ')> Helistops if the helistop is subordinate to the principal use in area, extent, and purpose. The helicopter pad must be dust free and screened from view and take off and landings shall not be over residential areas. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding emergency operations. :.- Bar if accessory to a restaurant, hotel, private entertainment (indoor), club or lodge. ')> Incidental repair or processing which is necessary to conduct a permitted principal use shall not exceed 25% of the gross floor area or 25% of the labor hours required to conduct the principal permitted use. :.- Food Service (1) Outdoor seating and service of food and beverages is permitted as an accessory use to a restaurant if: a. The use is separated from any adjacent residential use by a building wall. This provision will not apply if the residential use is located in an upper story above a restaurant. b. No speakers or other electronic devices which emit sound are permitted outside of the principal structure if the use is located within 500 feet of a residential use. . c. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. if located within 500 feet of a residential use. d. Additional parking will not be required if the outdoor seating area does not exceed 500 square feet of 10% of the gross floor area of the restau rant, whichever is less. Parking will be required at the same rate as the principal use for that portion of outdoor seating area in excess of 500 square feet or 10% of the gross building area, whichever is less. (2) Outdoor seating and service of food and alcoholic beverages is permitted as an accessory use if: a. All the requirements of subsection 1 a-d above are met. b. Access to and from the outdoor area shall be through the indoor seating area. There shall be no direct access to the outdoor seating area from the parking lot or street. c. Food service to the outdoor area shall be provided during all hours of operation. d. No bar shall be located in the outdoor area, except a service bar for the exclusive use of the employees. City (~f Prior Lake I Ine\\' 200X dare) ZOllillg Ordillallce I 1102.1205 Dimensional Standards (1) The followina minimum reauirements and those additional reauirements found in Section 1102.1300 shall aovem the use and development of lots in the "C-4" Use District. Minimum Minimum Maximum Front Side Yard Rear Parkina Lot Area Lot Width Heiaht Yard (ft.) !f!J Yard (ft.) Setback Tft} Tft} 1 Acre 150 45'or4 30 20 30 1Q stories. whichever is areater (2) Lots Adiacent to Residential Use Districts: The followina setbacks shall apply to developments on lots adiacent to Residential Use Districts: 1102.1300: Commercial Restrictions And Performance Standards. The following Restrictions and Performance Standards shall govern uses permitted by any "C" Commercial Use District. (1 ) All business activities including but not limited to sales, rentals, service, storage, merchandise display, repair, and processing, except for off-street vehicular parking and off-street loading, which are conducted in a Commercial Use District shall be specifically permitted elsewhere in this Ordinance. (2) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited in the Commercial Use Districts except when specifically permitted elsewhere in this Ordinance. (3) Goods produced on the premises in the "C-1" Use District shall be sold only at retail on the premises and the processes and equipment employed in production shall be of such character that no offensive odor, dust, smoke, ash, gas, noise, vibration or waste matter are produced from the use of them. (4) (5) Business uses shall front on a public way or an interior arcade. All delivery service entrances to a building in the "C-1" Use District shall be from a public alley, service-alley, off-street parking lot, or all deliveries shall be made from the curb. (6) All trash, garbage, waste materials, trash containers and recycling containers shall be kept in the manner required by the City Code. (7) There shall be no vehicular access within 50 feet of the intersection of the projection of the nearest curb lines of any public streets to a parcel on which a commercial use is operated. (8) No storage, display or parking of vehicles shall be allowed in any of the required yards or landscaped areas. City (if Prior Lake I (new 2001l d,ue) Deleted:. . -, . The minimum lot area is 1 acre.~ -, . The minimum lot width is 150 feet~ . .... . Required Yard are as fol1ows:~ Front Yard: 50 feel'll . . Side Yard: . 20 feel'll . Rear Yard: . 30 feel'll . , . Maximum Height is 45 feet or 4 stories, wh ichever is greater. (amd. Ord. 105-04, pub 3/5/05)~ Zoning Ordinance (9) New structures and structures which expand the gross square footage of the structure by more than 50% shall be required to place all utility service lines underground. Any new service to an existing building shall be placed underground. (10) Access for all commercial uses shall be from a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. (11) Unless otherwise noted in this Ordinance, all commercial uses shall maintain a minimum setback of 60 feet from any side or rear lot line abutting an uR" Use District. City of Prior Lake I (lie", 200X dare) ZOllillg Ordillllllce 1102.1400: IC-5" Business Park Use District. It is the intent of this Section to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are set forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each "C-5" Business Park Use District within the City, to preserve the taxable value of property and to promote the public health, safety and welfare. 1102.1401 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "C-5" Business Park Use District: ~ Offices ~ Manufacturing/Processing ~ Warehouse/Storage ~ Business Services ~ Blueprint, Photostat and Printing Shops ~ Research and Testing Laboratories ~ Hotels/Motels 1102.1402 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in the "C-5" Business Park Use District may be used for the following uses if it complies with the conditions stated in subsection 1102.1600, with the Design Standards in subsection 1102.1407, and with the conditions specified in the subsection. (1) Wholesale Use. Conditions: a. The use shall occur entirely within an enclosed building. b. The use does not involve live animals. (2) Police and Fire Stations. Conditions: a. Buildings shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. b. Access shall be to a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. c. Unobstructed visibility shall be provided from the driveway to the adjacent streets for emergency vehicles and a traffic Iight..!:lli!Y.sRaU be installed at the entrance to the facility to control non-emergency traffic if recommended by the City Engineer. (3) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the Design Standards in subsection 1102.1407. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from any property located in an "R" Use District. c. All service drives shall be paved. City II( Prillr Lake l102/pl ( Deleted: shall [ Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinll/lce d. A bufferyard as determined by ~ubsection 1107.2003 shall be installed and maintained along all property lines abutting an "R" Use District. 1102.1403 Uses Permitted With Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C-5" Business Park Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Design Standards in ~ubsection 1102.1407, the requirements of all the general conditions provided in ~ubsection 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the specific conditions imposed in this ~ubsection, and with any other conditions the City Council may impose that are intended to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the City to preserve property values or to maintain the characteristics of a neiohborhood. (1) Storage or Parking of Vehicles. Conditions: a. Vehicles larger than 1 ton capacity, provided that such vehicles are used in connection with a business located in the principal structure on-site and are screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening Ordinance as desionated in Section 1107.1900. (2) Outdoor Storage. Conditions: a. Such use occupies an area no larger than 50% of the floor area of the principal structure and provided it is screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening Ordinance as desionated in Section 1107.1900. (3) Animal and Veterinary Clinics. Conditions: a. All animals shall be boarded ~ within the principal structure. (4) Heliport. Conditions: a. All heliports and helicopter flyways shall conform to all applicable Federal Statues and Federal Aviation Administration regulations. b. All helicopter pads shall be located at least 300 feet from any lot in an "R" Use District. c. Hours of Operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding emergency operations. d. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance shall be inside a closed building. e. The landing pad shall be dust free. 1. The Use shall be permitted only as an accessory use to another principal use and shall not occupy more than 25% of the total site area of the development. (5) Retail Sales or Services to the Public. Conditions: City (Jt' Prior Lake l102/p2 ( Formatted: Strikethrough ZOllillg Ordillallce a. Such use occupies no more than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area in the principal structu re. (6) Gymnastic Schools. Conditions: a. The use occupies no more than 10,000 square feet of floor area in the principal structure. b. ane parking stall per 300 square feet of floor area or 1 stall per 2 students shall be provided, whichever is greater. c. The use shall provide a designate drop-off/pick-up area for students that is physically separated from truck loading and unloading areas. I . Deleted: . . (amd. Ord. 02-11. pub. (7) Auto Body/Painting 7/20/02)11 a. No sales, storage or display of used automobiles shall be permitted. b. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. c. All auto body repair and painting must be conducted within the primary structure. d. All design guidelines must be maintained as determined by subsection 1107.1407. e. No outdoor storage will be permitted. f. All necessary governmental permits (Le., VaC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be obtained and adhered to. I . Deleted: . . (amd. Ord 105-25, pub. (8) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair 12/10/05)11 a. No sound generated on the site by any means including a public address system shall be audible from any "Rn Use District. b. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles must be conducted within the primary structure. c. No test driving shall be permitted on any streets in the "Rn Use District. d. No automatic car washes shall be permitted for public use. e. No outdoor storage will be permitted. f. No sales storage or display of used automobiles shall be permitted. g. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. h. All necessary governmental permits (Le., VaC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be obtained and adhered to. Deleted: . . (amd. Ord 105-25, pub. 12/10/05)11 11 I . City (It' Prior Lake l102/p3 ZO/ling Ordinance (9) Private Entertainment (Indoor) a. The structure in which the use is conducted.contructod s~all be located a minimum of 60 feet from any "R-1", "R-2", or "R-3" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by ~ubsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all property located within an "R" Use District. c. The use shall provide a designated drop-off/pick-up area that is physically separated from truck loading/unloading areas. d. The number of necessary parking spaces will be based on the individual uses as designated in Section 1107.300 of the Zoning Code. I L_ 1102.1404 Accessorv Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in a "C- 5" Business Park Use District: "" Parking lots or parking structures for permitted or conditional uses. "" Structures to enclose trash handling equipment and recycling equipment if built in accordance with the standards of this subsection. "" Radio transmitters, microwave, and communication towers, subject to subsections 1110.100 through 1110.1600. "" Outdoor display of products which are manufactured or assembled in the principal structure on-site, provided that such use occupies an area not to exceed 500 sq. ft., and is paved with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface and clearly delineated as outdoor display space. (1) Accessory Structures constructed for accessory uses allowed in the "C-5" Business Park Use District are subject to the following conditions: a. The accessory structure shall be either constructed of the same materials as the principal structure or totally screened from public view from adjacent roads and contiguous properties. The screening must meet all applicable standards of this Ordinance. b. The maximum area of an accessory structure shall not exceed 15% of the total area of the principal structure. c. The accessory structure must be located in the rear yard of the subject site and conform to all applicable setback requirements. However, no accessory structure shall be located in the yard adjacent to a roadway designated in the Comprehensive Plan as a County Road or collector street. 1102.1405 Dimensional Standards. The minimum lot size in the "C-5" Business Park Use District shall be 1 acre, and the minimum lot width shall be 1 00 feet. No more than 50% of any lot shall be covered by structures. Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 0.50. No structure shall exceed 4 stories or 45 feet in height, whichever is less, except as provided in subsection 1101.508.. 1102.1406 Required Setbacks. Within the "C-5" Business Park Use District, the following minimum setbacks shall apply: City,,! Prior Lake l102/p4 [ Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: (amd. Ord 106-01. pub. 2/6/06)~ Deleted: (amd. Ord. 105-04. pub 3/5/05) Zoning Ordinance FRONT SIDE REAR ARTERIAL & COLLECTOR ROADS Structure 30 It. 20 It. 30 It. 50 It. Structure abutting 30 It. 75 It. 75 It. 50 It. an "R" Use District Parking Lot, Drive Aisle, Ground Sign 1Q.. +e It. ~.e It. 10 It. 30 It. ~ Parkinq Lot abuttinq 10 It. 20 It. 20 ft. NA an "R" Use District 1102.1407 Desiqn Standards in the "C-5" Business Park Use District. (1) 8l:JildiAg Materials.1 Ext~rior _ building _ matorialf: of all f:tructurGf: (oxcopt 3CCOE:f:Ory E:tructuraE: E:craonod from viow in accordanco vvith thii Soction a-nd othor applic3blo Soctiom: 01 thie Ordinanco) ehall bo one 01, or a combination of tho following: r bco brick; r E:tono; r gI3E:E:; r 3rchitocturally tra3tod concrato; r docor3tivo concrato block '....hOE:O color and toxturo if: intogral to tho matorial (if not mora than 50% of the building olov3tion hcoe 3ny ro3d'.v3Y). Pl3in, flat unpaintod concrato block iE: not allowod, nor iE: any typo of paintod concrato block; r c3et in placo or pracaE:t concrato panole; r metal p3nele ....'ith intorlocking, concoaled or tonguo 3nd grgeyo wamf: 3nd concoaled f3etonors, if tho oxtorior cur/aco finieh iE: warrantod by tho m3nufacturar for t...:onty Y03rE: ag3inet bliEltoring, pooling, cr3cking, flaking, chocking or chipping (if not mora th3n 50~(' of tho building Olov3tion facos any road'Nay). r E:tucco or other comontitioue coating appliod in 3 mannor w 3E: to craato 3 hnrmoniouE: dosign 'A'ith othor oxtorior m3torble. (2) AdditioAs and Alterations. /\11 eubE:equont additionf: and oxtorior 31torations built aftor the conetruction of tho principal etructura(E:) shall bo of tho e3me matoriale ae thoco uwd in tho principal E:tructura and eh311 bo docignod to conform to tho original architoctur31 concopt and gonoral appoar3nco. This proviE:ion E:hall not pravont tho upgrading of tho qU31ity of matori31E: UE:od in a ramodoling or oxp3neion projoct. (3) Other Structures. I\ccoseory struchHOS (excopt accosE:ory E:tructUF9S SCrGonod from yiow in accordanco with thiE: E:oction and othor applicablo Soctione of this Ordin3nco), ecroon walle, oxpowd 3raaE: of rataining 'Nolle, eignf: E:upporting structurGf: 3nd othor arGaf: of oxposod permanont matorialf: shall bo of a simil3r type, quality and 3pponranco ae tho principal etructuro. Thif: prGYieion ehall not provont tho upgrading of tho quality of matorialf: ueod in a ramodoling or oxpanE:ion projoct. City (!f' Prior Lake l102/pS [ Formatted Table [ Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 pt, First line: 0 pt Comment [il]: Design Standards subsection regulations which have a strikethrough line are now located in the corresponding Performance Standards in Section 1107. Zoning Ordinance (4) Paving and ClIrbing. 1\11 parking araaE: :md drivoE: Ghall bo con€:tructod of concrato, blacktop or a similar durablo hard €:urfaco froo of du€:t. Tho poriphory of all parking aron€: and drivoG €:hall bo conctructod 'Nith pourad in placo concroto ourbing. (5) loading and Service Areas. f.llloading and sorvico aroa€: E:hall bo complotely coraonod fram oyo lovol viow of adjaoont ra€:idontial proportio€: and ctroots, oxcopt at drivoway acco€:c pointc. Extorior loading dock€: or othor moan€: of handling matorialG brought to or removod from tho cito shall bo on thoco cido€: of building€: whioh do not faoo any roadway or propo€:od mad.....ay. (6) Equipment Screening. Tho vicual impaot of rooftop oquipmont chall bo minimizod uE:ing ono of tho following methodE:: T ^ parapot wall T .^. fonco or scroon, tho hoight of which oxtcmd€: at loast 1 foot abovo tho top of tho rooftop oquipmont and incorporatoc tho architectural foatura€: of the building. T Tho rooftop oquipmont €:hall bo paintod to matoh tho roof or tho faoing matorial of tho building. (.1) Trash Handling. DUmPsters. trash, trash handling equipment and ~ recycli.ng equipment shall be stored within the principal structure, or within an accessory structure constructed of the same materials as the principal structure which is completely enclosed with closed doors and a roof. .(8) lightiAg. Lighting fixturo€: €:hall bo of a downcast, out off typo, Gonoealing~ tilo light GOurco from vim" and prevonting glare fram €:pilling into rOE:idontial areaE:. Lighting lovol€: €:hall bo moacurad in foot oandloc 5 foot off tho ground or floor lovol. Tho following light lovols shall bo mot: Lot lino of adjaoont racidontial proporty 0.5 foot candlos Opon parking area€: 1.0 foot candloE: Covorod parking facilitio€:!night (minimum): . Gonoral parking!podoctrian af8aS 5 foot candia . RampE: and cornor€: 5 foot candia . Entranco€: and oxits 5 foot candia . Stairwolls 20 foot candlo Covorad parking faciliti8€:/day (minimum): . Gonoral parking/podo€:trian Mea 5 foot candlo . Ramp€: and cornerE: 10 foot candia . Entr:mco€: and oxits 50 foot oandlo . Stairwolls 20 foot c:mdlo (9) SigAage. City (if Prior Lake 1102/p6 [ Deleted: 7 [ Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance 3. INal1 Sigm:: Each pFincipal building shall bo allowod ...:all signago oqual to 10% of tho area of tho front building olo'lation facing a public stroot. ~Jo individual 'Nall sign may oxcood 200 square foet. b. For multi tonant buildings with individual tonant ontranoos, 311 eignago must be part of 3 mastor sign plan submittod and approvod by tho City ehowing tho location and eize of all propoeod eigne in rel3tion to 03ch oxterior 010v3tion 3nd whioh ooordinatoe tho eigmgo for tho building in a ooneietont ~md h3rmonioue behion. Such plan ehall bo drcl'Ivn to eC310 and indioato building ae 'Noll as individual eign looation ana dimoneione. For multi tonant buildings with tonant ontranoos on a sido of tho building not facing a public stroot, 3dditional eignage on thoeo building bcos .....iII bo allowod up to 5% of tho aroa of the front builaing elevation. c. Frooetanding Signs: Ono froostanding eign por principal building is pormitted in addition to '.vall eigne. The froost3nding sign may bo no highor th3n 6 foot abo'lo natural grade and no moro than 80 equam foot in ama por eido, with a maximum of two eidoe. Such signe eh311 not bo locatod within a 30 foot cloar '1io'/\' tri3nglo on comer lots and ehall bo sot b3ck a minimum of 10 foot from tho property line, or right of way lino, whichover is groator. (Sotbaok me3eummont '.vill bo aotormined fr.om tho doeoet part of tho €:ign to tho proporty or right of way lino.) d. Directional Sigm:: Each proporty shall bo allowed threo directional signs of no more than €I €:quare foot in area and no tailor than <1 feot abo'lo natural gr3do. Suoh eigns may bo placod ne3r a dri'Jow3Y and eh311 bo sotback 5 foot from tho etreot right of way. Tho purpoeo of a dirootional sign is to indioato entrancos and oxit€:, officg locations, and othor information nocos€:ary to direct pooplo to aroas on sito. o. /\ddress Numborc: J\ddroee numboro no tailor th3n 12 inchos high nor loss than <1 inchoe 3re roquired on oaoh building for idontifioation pUIflO€:os. f. Ground Monumont Sign: One oommon ground monumont eign shall bo 3110.....00 at oach major ontr:mco into tho Businoss Park for tho solo purpose of idontifying tho Businoss P3rk and/or listing tho businossos therein. Such signs m3Y be no highor th~m 10 foot abovo n3tural grado and no more than 120 square foot in 3rea with a maximum of two sides. Such sign shall not bo locatod 'Nithin a 30 foot cigar vio'N trianglo on cornor lots and shall bg sot baok a minimum of 10 foot from tho proporty lino, or Fight of way lino, 'Nhiohovor is greator. Sotbaok m03suromont will bo dotorminod from tho c1osost part of tho sign to tho proporty or right of way lino. (g) Noxious Matter. The emission of noxious matter shall be controlled so that no - -- such emission crosses the lot line of the property from which it originates. Noxious matter shall mean any solid, liquid or gaseous material, including but not limited to gases, vapors, odor, dusts, fumes, mists or combinations thereof, the emission of which is detrimental to or endangers the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare, or causes damage to property. The owner of the property and/or the manager of the business that qenerates noxious matter shall comply with a MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Aqencv) regular inspection schedule as approved by the City and shall submit reports of such inspections to the City. City (It' Prior Lake l102/p7 [ Deleted: 10 ----- ---~ -~._~-- Zoning Ordinance (.m !le~tricted Op~ration~. .Ucoc which _aro aCfOmpar"li()d by an .oxcqcc_ of noico,_ vibration, duct, dirt, cmol~o, odor, noxiouc g3COC, gl3ro or ",:actoc ch311 not bo pormittod. Noise, odors, smoke and particulate matter shall not exceed Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. Glare, whether directed or reflected, such as from spotlights or high temperature processes, as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible beyond the lot line of the property from which it originates. 1102.1500: "1-1" General Industrial Use District. The "1-1" General Industrial Use District is intended to provide areas of the community which will allow general industrial uses which, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the "C- 5" Business Park Use District. 1102.1501 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "1-1" General Industrial Use District if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of subsection 1102.1600. > Manufacturing/Processing > Research and Testing Laboratories > Offices > OfficeiWarehouse > Warehouse/Storage > Freight Terminals > Parking Lots 1102.1502 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in the "1-1" General Industrial Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of subsection 1105.1600 and the specific conditions in this Subsection. (1) Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Conditions: a. Outside operating or testing of engines shall be prohibited within 300 feet of any "R" Use District. (2) Auto Body/Painting. Conditions: a. Inoperable vehicles shall be stored in .oppropria!oly designated .aM_ screened storage areas. b. The facility shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from any parcel in an "R" Use District. c. No sales storage or display of used automobiles shall be permitted. d. A bufferyard as determined by subsection 1107.2003 shall be installed and maintained adjacent to any public right-of-way. (3) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair. Conditions: City of Prior Lake 11 02/p8 ( Deleted: 11 ( Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Strikethrough [ Formatted: Strikethrough ZOllillg Ordillallce a. No sound generated on the site by any means including a public address system shall be audible from any "R" Use District. b. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles shall be inside a closed building except tire inflation, changing wipers and adding oil. c. No test driving shall be permitted on any street in an "R" Use District. d. No access shall be permitted on local streets. e. No building shall be located within 100 feet of any "R" Use District. f. A bufferyard, Type B as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed and maintained adjacent to any public right-of-way. g. A car wash shall have parking space to permit the stacking of at least 30 cars or the maximum number of vehicles which can be washed during a 30 minute period, whichever is greater, plus an additional 10 off-street parking spaces for storage of employee owned and washed vehicles. h. Drainage and surfacing plans for a car wash shall be approved by the City. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities to accomplish dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement on the premises and prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water, or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. i. No ingress or egress points for a car wash shall be closer than 150 feet from the point of intersection of the required yard lines and intersecting streets. The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public right-of-way. .Drainago ehall bo away frolT' tho public etroot 3t tho ogroee pointe to provont epillago onto tho etroet. The grades of the interior floor shall be sloped to an accepted interior drainage system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed to flow from the site onto any public right-of-way. j. A bufferyard as determined by subsection 1107.2003 shall be installed adjacent to an "R" or "C" Use District. .( 1L _ 9_Y!(j()()r_ ~~9!~g~._ ~9~c:li!i()r:'~: a. Storago eh311 be oncloeod by a eolid .....all or fonco not loee th::m €I foet high. Thie wall or fonco ehall bo ecroonod from all abutting public right of ways and from any property in an "R" Uce DictFict with a b\:lfferyard, as dotorminod by cubeoction 1107.2003. b. Storago chall not be pormittod within any required yarde or bu#oryarde. c. Storago aroae ehall bo eoparatod from tho vohicular parking and cir-culation aroae. Thic eoparation ehall bo cloarly dolinoatod by a phyeical separation euch ac a groon'llay, curb, foneo or lino of plantorc. d. Storod matoriale ehall not intorforo 'Nith eithor on cito or off cito traffic vicibility. City of Prior Lake l102/p9 [ Formatted: Strikethrough Comment [i2l: Listed as use requiring a Conditional Use Pennit. [ Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance o. Inopor-ativo vohiclo€: or oquipmont or othor itoms typically stomd in a junkyard or cal'l3go yard chall not bo ctorod on land on .....hich ctoFago is pormittod 'Nith condition€: undor thi€: Soction. f. :\11 ::Hoac u€:e9 for ctor-ago shall bo paved. I 1102.1503 Uses Permitted With Conditional Use Permit .Conditienal Uses. N_o struc!ure or land in the "1-1" General Industrial Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the requirements of all the general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the Industrial Performance Standards in subsection 1105.1600, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection, and with any other conditions the City Council may impose. (1) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. Outdoor storage areas shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from any property located in an "R" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be required for any outdoor storage area adjacent to an "R" Use District. c. All structures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any property line. d. All service drives shall be paved. (2) Utility Substations. Conditions: a. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line. b. No structure shall be located within 200 feet of an "R" Use District. c. A bufferyard, as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed along all public right-of-ways. (3) Animal Handling. Conditions: a. No animals or pens shall be kept outside the building or cause offensive odor or noise discernible at the property line of the lot on which the activity is conducted. b. Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from abutting properties in an "R" Use District. (4) Airport. Conditions: a. All flyways shall conform to all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations. b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, excluding emergency operations. City 4 Prior Lake l102/plO ( Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinllnce c. The runways and/or landing areas shall not be located within 300 feet of any parcel in an "R" Use District. d. The runways and/or landing areas shall be dust free. (5) Heliport. Conditions: a. All heliports and helicopter flyways shall conform to all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations. b. Heliports shall not establish or utilize any approach or departure routing over areas located within an "R" Use District. c. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, excluding emergency operations. d. The helicopter pad shall not be located within 300 feet of any parcel in an "R" Use District. e. The landing pad shall be dust free. f. The use shall be permitted only as an accessory use to another principal use and shall not occupy more than 25% of the total site area of the development. (6) Light Processing Recycling Facility. Conditions: a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements or other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The facility shall not abut a property that is currently used residentially or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. c. The facility must meet the requirements for screening and landscaping contained in subsection 1107.1900, and the requirements for off-street parking contained in subsection 1107.200. d. Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of subsection 1107.1900. e. If the facility is located within 500 feet of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation shall be restricted to 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. f. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed adjacent to any "R" or "C" Use District. (7) Designated Recycling Center. Conditions: City of Prior Lake l102/pll Zoning Ordinance a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements or other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The facility shall not abut a property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. c. The facility must meet the requirements for screening and landscaping contained in ~ubsection 1107.1900, and the requirements for off-street parking contained in ~ubsection 1107.200. d. Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of ~ubsection 1107.1900. e. If the facility is located within 500 feet of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation shall be restricted to 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. f. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed adjacent to an "R" or "C" Use District. (8) Outdoor Storage: Conditions: a. Storage shall be screened with fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights-of-way. A buffer yard shall be required when the outdoor storage abuts any property in an "R" Use District pursuant to ~ubsection 1107.2003. b. Storage shall not be permitted within any required yards or buffer yards. c. Storage areas shall)Je separated from the '{ehicular pa~ing and <:;irculation areas. This separation shall be clearly delineated by a physical separation such as greenway, curb, fence or line of planters. d. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility. e. Inoperative vehicles or equipment or other items typically stored in a junkyard or salvage yard shall not be stored on land on which storage is permitted with conditions under this Section. f. All areas used for storage shall be paved. a. All outdoor storaae must meet buildina setbacks as defined in the dimensional standards. J9) ~ Recreational Dome. Conditions: a. The dome must be accessory to an existing use located within the same Zoning District. City or Prior Lake l102/p12 ( Deleted: not Deleted: . (Q('d"4md.-Q3 If>. d3ted ) 1/D.1/03)1I 11 11 Formatted: Strikethrough, Highlight Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance b. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site. c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed and maintained along on property lines abutting a "R" use district. d. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends. e. All mechanical equipment shall be fully screened. f. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line in an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an additional foot for each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet. g. No light or vibration originating from the structure or supporting equipment shall be discernible at the property line. h. The structure shall not exceed 75 feet in height. i. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration within its surroundings. j. The dome structure shall be fully insulated. (10) Contractors Yard. Conditions~ a. Areas used for storaqe of equipment and materials shall be screened with fencinq. landscapinq. berminq or some combination thereof from all property lines and abuttinq public riqhts-of-wav. A buffer yard shall be required when the outdoor storaqe abuts any property in an "R" Use District pursuant to Subsection 1107.2003. b. Areas used for storaqe of equipment and materials shall not be permitted within any required yards or buffer yards. c. Areas used for storaqe of equipment and materials shall be separated from the vehicular parkinq and circulation areas. This separation shall be c1earlv delineated bv a phvsical separation such as qreenwav. curb, fence or line of planters. d. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibilitv. e. Inoperative vehicles or equipment or other items typicallv stored in a iunkvard or salvaqe yard shall not be stored on land on which storaqe is permitted with conditions under this Section. f. All areas used for storaqe and parkina shall be paved. a. All outdoor storaqe must meet buildina setbacks as defined in the dimensional standards. City o{ Prior Lake l102/p13 Deleted:. (amd. Ord. 105-06. pub 3/5/05)11 11 ZOllillg Ordillallce I .1102.1504 Accessorv Uses. The folLowing uses ~hall be perrT!itted Access9ry_ Uses in the_ "1-1" General Industrial Use District. 11L-Parking lots which comply with the requirements of ~ubsection 1107.200. {gLRetail sales limited to a maximum of 15% of the gross floor area of the development. (3) Domes (1) Food service subject to the following conditions: a. Service shall be intended primarily for the tenants of the development. b. It shall not occupy more than 5% of the gross floor area of the development. c. Seating may be provided for no more than 10 persons. d. Signs are not permitted. (ill Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles and equipment incidental to the conduct of the principal use, subject to the following conditions: a. All repairs and maintenance shall be conducted indoors unless the vehicle or equipment is too large to be moved indoors or if the vehicle or equipment cannot practically be moved indoors or if the repair is of an emergency nature. b. No outside repair or maintenance shall be conducted within 100 feet of an "R" Use District. 11 02.1505 Dimensional Standards (1 ) The followinq minimum requirements and those additional requirements found in Section 1102.1300 shall qovern the use and development of lots in the "1-1" Use District. Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Front Side Yard Rear Parkinq . Lot Area Lot Width Heiqht Floor Yard (ft.) ill:l Yard (ft.) Setback ill:l Area ill:l Ratio 1 Acre 200 45'or4 1.,Q 50 20 30 1Q stories, whichever is qreater (2) Lots Adiacent to Residential Use Districts: The followinq setbacks shall applv to developments on lots adiacent to Residential Use Districts: Buildina Setback Adiacent to "R" Use District I Parkina Setback Adiacent to "R" Use District I 60 feet I 20 feet I City (It" Prior Lake l102/p14 [ ~eleted: 11 Formatted: Indent: Left: 45 pt, First line: 0 pt ( Formatted Table Zoning Ordinance (3) Setbacks for outdoor storaqe. and storaqe of equipment and materials as part of a contractor's yard shall be the same as those for a structure. 1102.1600: Industrial Performance Standards. No structure or premises within any "I" Use District or within the "C-5" Business Park Use District shall be used for 1 or more of the following uses unless its use complies with the following regulations: (1) Except for off-street vehicular parking, off-street loading, or as specifically permitted in other Sections of this Ordinance, all business, service, storage, merchandise, display, repair, waste disposal, and processing shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed structure. (2) Except as specifically permitted in other subsections of this Ordinance, outdoor storage shall be prohibited in the "C-5" Use District and the "1-1" Use District. (3) Processes and equipment employed in production of goods shall conform to the following standards: a. Vibration. Any vibration discernible beyond the property line to the human sense of feeling for 5 minutes or more duration (cumulative) in any 1 hour or jiAG any vibration producing a particle velocity of more than .035 inches per second are prohibited. For properties abutting an "R" Use District, no vibration producing a particle acceleration velocity of more than .035 inches per second at the property line are permitted between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. b. .Glare and Heat. f-rlY operation _producing .iAteA&e glare or heat sh~1I be performed within an enclosure so as not to be perceptible at the property line. c. Industrial Waste Material. All liquid and solid waste shall be identified in all processes and operations and approved disposal methods identified. All waste discharged to the sanitary sewer shall meet the requirements of the City and the Rules and Regulations of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. All proposed discharges to the storm sewer shall be identified. No waste will be permitted to be discharged into the storm sewer system, provided, that this does not exclude storm drainage, cooling water, and other water not prohibited by any law, rule, regulation, or ordinance. Storm drainage shall meet the requirements of all state laws, rules, regulations, watershed district requirements, and City requirements as may be amended from time to time. Storm water drainage shall be protected from undue pollution and contaminants. All solid waste must be identified and handled in compliance with federal, state, and local requirements as may be amended from time to time. d. Noise. Noise levels inside and outside of all buildings must meet federal, state and local requirements as may be amen-ded from time to- time.- - e. Air Pollution. All ~rnissions shal! m_eet federal,_state and local requirements as may be amended from time to time. City 'if Prior LlIke l102/p15 ( Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Underline Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Underline ( Formatted: Underline Zoning Ordinllnce (4) The manufacture of a product which decomposes by detonation or produces dioxin is prohibitedwilL not be pormittod. (5) All trash, garbage, waste materials, trash containers, and recycling containers shall be kept as required by City Ordinances regulating refuse as may be amended from time to time. (6) .There~ shall bH~ r:'o access to a property which is within 50 feet of the intersecti9!l of the nearest curb of any public streets unless it can be demonstrated that adherence to this standard will cause undue hardship to the property owner. (7) No storage, display or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in any required yard or landscaped areas. (8) All utility service lines including electric, gas, water, sanitary sewer, telephone, and cable shall be placed underground at the owner's expense for all new structures or new additions which expand the gross square footage by more than 50%, and in those instances in which any new service is provided to an existing building. (9) Access to all industrial uses shall be from a roadway identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a collector or arterial or shall be otherwise located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. (10) Where industrial uses are located on sites which abut "R" Use Districts, all activities including trucking are limited to normal hours of operation except for those specifically excluded. Normal hours of operation are defined as being between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday inclusive and includes all manufacturing, processing, loading, unloading, truck maneuvering and movement of equipment and other materials. It does not include administrative or office functions or maintenance or clean-up work conducted entirely within a structure. Operations may be conducted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., subject to the following conditions: (11) Temporary Permit for Extended Hours of Operation. a. A business may applv for a temporary permit to conductTho pOFEon conducting operations outside of normal business .hoUFe EhG~ apply for a tompoKu)' porrnit for hOUFE of oper3tion {between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.t The application for such permit shall specify the name and address of the applicant, the location of the temporary operation, the nature of the activity, the anticipated duration of such activity and the name and telephone number of the responsible person available on the premises while temporary operations are being conducted. b. A temporary permit may be granted for a period not to exceed 15 days. A person receiving a temporary permit may apply for extensions, provided that the number of days in which temporary permits are granted shall not exceed 90 days in any calendar year. City ,,( Prior Lake l102/p16 [ Formatted: Strikethrough ( Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Strikethrough Zoning Ordinance c. A permit shall not be issued to any applicant who has had 2 violations of a temporary permit and/or this Ordinance within a period of one year preceding the date of application. d. A permit issued pursuant to this section shall be revoked upon a violation of this Ordinance or the terms of the permit by the permit holder. e. No permit shall be issued for the time from 10:00 p.m. Saturday to 6:00 a.m. Monday. f. When a permit is issued for a period of time exceeding 5 days, notice shall be sent to owners of residential property abutting the property for which a permit is granted informing them of the terms of the permit. The holder of the temporary permit shall reimburse the City for the cost of such notice. g. Employee parking during temporary operations shall be located on-site as far as possible from the abutting "R" Use District. h. The fee for a temporary permit shall be as established by the City Council. i. Outdoor activity of any type, including trucking, shall be prohibited. j. A business shall apply for a temporary permit at least 1 business day before the after-hour activity is to commence. The City shall act upon the temporary permit within 1 business day of receiving the request. (11) No outdoor public address systems shall be permitted. (12) Unless otherwise noted in this Ordinance, all industrial uses shall maintain a minimum setback of 60 feet from any side or rear lot line abutting an "R" Use District. I . City 4Prior Luke l102/p17 Deleted: . . (Amd. Ord. 99-06; pub. 5/22/99)1]