HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding 01-1096 :;- 0 0 0 0 000000 "tl 0 > -0 lJl 0 :I: =: 0 Z_ "0 0 0 ~ en."z"''''''' 0 0 !G:;! g (II 0 0 i: :::jzrn~OO z z " Sl m mo 0 ;u ;u ;u i!l: ~>C:!l:~~ m ;u m 0." :'1 ;u ;u '" ~'~~~~ z en ::!"tl ~ m m m en 0 ~ en p O;u ::... -I > Z z- ~ > -I -i m 0 - zO Ie en en o z 0 , -I Z 0:;0 S CD )';! 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PID ZS-- - 011 -() €" (Phone) ?6;l-e"?LJ -~9'?B P-O/~ L./~ 47/1/ S-37'"2-. BUILDER (Name) h't/~ EI/.ER.:~./ ?OA/57"t!!/)/Nv (Phone) 952-g-~4-31/3 (Address) / / tJ JzI vC/J.w I? IV/ u,!; f; ~ ~"7 TYPE OF WORK OLower Level Finish HNew Construction ORe-Siding o Misc. o Fireplace ~eck OPorch OAddition ORe-Roofing OAlteration OUtility Connection PROJECT COST IV ALUE (excluding land) $';;; ~ I hereby certifY that I have furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certifY that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above-mentioned property and that aU construction wiU conform to aU existing state and local laws and wiU proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building official can revoke this permit for just cause. Furthermore, I hereby agree that the city official or a designee may enter upon pe p Ii ne ed inspections. x Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ Penalty $ Plumbing Permit Fee $ Mechanical Permit Fee $ Sewer & Water Permit Fee $ Gas Fireplace Permit Fee $ -10-L-01 Date ,QPPt:7? 22-/ Contractor's License No. 9-27-t)/ Date Park Support Fee # $ SAC # $ Water Meter Size 5/8"; I'" $ , Pressure Reducer $ Sewer/Water Connection Fee # $ Water Tower Fee # $ Builder's Deposit $ Other $ TOTAL DUE tAuW 10.2..01 $ /38. B" This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. Planning Director Date Special Conditions, if any 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 Byvb Residential Building Permit Checklist Deck Additions to Single Family Homes Date: C/-27-t)J Building Permit # Pill: 25-3178 -033-0 Site Address /44--73 Do V (5 c::r: Legal: L Z B 3 Existing Structur~r NO I. CONFORMS TO ZONING . ORDINANCE Zoning: ~/ Subdivision: KN015 1I/~ 1;; 77+ I ~ I NO I Yard Setbacks: NOT APPLICABLE Requirement Proposed MEETS CODE . Side Yard 10' (25' if dbuumg a street, 30' If abuuing a streerin /2.' Cardinal Ridge) . Side Yard 10' 6J' . Rear Yard 25' 6? . Townhouses Must be consistent with approved plan for development ANY PROPOSED DECK NOT MEETING THE ABOVE CRITERIA MUST BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. ALSO, ANY DECK ON A LOT WITH A SUSPECTED BLUFF, OR ANY OTHER UNUSUAL CIRCuMSTANCE MUST BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. TIns CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED IN THE BUILDING PERMIT FILE TO MAINTAIN A RECORD OF THE REVIEW. L:\TEMPLA TE\DECKCHCK.DOC 12422 Enterprise Orive Mendola Heiqhl!l, MN 55120 ---LNiO SURI€YOHS' CIVIL (NClNEtRS.__________ (651) 681-191-4 fAX:681-9488 LANO A:",-"S'":"'7;;;r,;CAPt! ARCH'-IECrs 1625 Highway 10 N.E. -- (6012e) 783':,880 FAX: 783-1883 METRO CLASSIC HOMES / r .~~ ~ * PIONEER ~ engineering -Ie If-* "'" ' Certificate of ?urvey for: 1447J DOVE CT CLIENT-SANDNESS ll), ~=' ; - .:1 r.' ,~;'"... r)L/\~'\'1 ,11f\:~,_: l_ ,Signed~e.L-~ e:HJaJ6~~/D' BENCH MARK TOP OF PIPE,,, ELEV. =966.11 " " , , , \ , , , \ 967.5 \ \ \ " \ NBS.OO'OO E \ 55.45 1 EXISTING HOUSE 968.0 \ 25 ~p c,P' x 961.3 136.10 963.8 ------ x 962.2 I gll& <: ~ VI ...: rr'\ ~ (J\ -.I tD g~~~ ~ C 11 ;0 -\ \ \ ~ 25 I \ , ~v <f 2 1"1 01 '-1'-\ ....u... - ...--- -- 1 --- 55.45 N86.00'OO"E 962,4, 18 130. <0 A' \JI '-..1 I I I ~ ,/ ~ I ~I / I" / / I" / / ,- BENCH MARK / TOP Of PIPF: ' ELEV.=96S.(,5 3 ~VACANT~ /<>-61-17 :.0 - ~~ft".unls ld30 E>Nll:I33N18N3 03^Ol::tddV (]l 110 I I ~ I I .- I / l;f II II I I ~~l l.f)~ I ""z !:l>\ rtlC;-1 ~rtll ~11:'1 ;.nC "1JFI ~~ I 10 0-4-< _-1 VI 6 962.3 61.# :l.t) z o ~ o 0_ o 0_ .. ~ 5 (0 - . (}l '" C.B. 957.9 (9.58,V \ 4 LOT AREA ., 12,262 sQ. ft. HOUSE AREA = 1,317 sq. It. GARAGE AREA :: 701 sq. ft. PORCH/ PATIO::: 37 sq. ft. ORIVEWA Y AREA = 655 sq. ft. COVERAGE "'22% NOTE: PROPOSED Gl~ADES SHO~ PER GRADING PLAN BY; PIONEER NOTE; BUllOINO DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE fOR HORIZONTAL AND VfRIlCAL LOCATION OF STRucruRES ONLY. SEE ARCHITEcruAL PLANS fOR BUILDING AND FOUNDATION DIt.lENSIONS. NOlE: NO SPECIFIC SOILS INvtSTlGATlON HAS BEEN COMPLnm ON THIS LOT BY THE SURVEYOR. THE SUlrABILITY or SOIt.S TO SVPPORT THE SPECifiC HOUSE PROI'OSED IS Nor T11E RESPONSIBIUTY OF' THE SURVEYOR. ._E.B.Qe.QS.EQ..Ji OU Sf ELEY.Al101L LOWEST Fl.OOR [LEVA TION: _'1~rJ,~_ TOP OF BLOCt< EL.EVATION: {t(,q.1 CARAGE SLAB (LEVA nON: _ 1&1; ,0 TaB @ LOOKOUT ELEVA nON: .:1.IP.h.s....-. --~_...,...~~...""""'.""'"" -.i PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION RECORD SITE ADDRESS 119. 73 Dove- c.\--. ~. r=:., TYPE OF WORK l)O~R USE OF BUILDING SFD PERMIT NO. 0/- /090 DATE ISSUED ID-^-o/ BUILDER /.J'-M~.:]\~ 81'1-ft,'1b PHONE # NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION ~R DATE I FOOTING I ..: I !-,?It:'/o/ PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Ir~M I I I FINAL I I Call between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. for all inspections FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850 1 I I