HomeMy WebLinkAbout042108 City Council minutes /~~~P if>;:\ !~ 1N" \ 4646 Dakota Stceet S.E. i\~ (~E) Prio' Li>.k~N 553.?~1~ 4 _ ------ ------ ~ ~l~~so~~// ,__~_/c REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 CAll TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg, leMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director Albrecht, Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier, Fi- nance Director Teschner, Community Development and Natural Resources Director Walthers-Moore, As- sistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Administrative Assistant Green. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. It is no longer than 30 minutes in length and each speaker will have a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Topics of discussion are restricted to City government topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. Comments: Steve Czech, 13360 Hickory Avenue, commented on two items: first, Pike Lake Road deteriorates rap- idly when weather is bad and he usually calls when the road is in bad condition. Would like the road to be graded as soon as possible and would like it to be put on a regular maintenance schedule. Second, next to his property is a property bought by Manley. Development did not take place and the house is now va- cant and has been vandalized. The house is boarded up, but it is attracting unwanted people to the neighborhood and he asked whether there is a statute governing vacated and abandoned buildings. Albrecht: acknowledged that Czech has called about the road and stated that the City had rented equip- ment and worked on the dirt road, but due to weather conditions, the work was soon undone. Affirmed the road is a never-ending maintenance job that is somewhat at the mercy of when equipment can be rented. The road has a lot of school traffic. Noted that the budget allows for grading in spring and fall. Stated the City will work on the road again in a couple of weeks when ground firms up and will do as much as possible for regular maintenance within equipment and budget constraints. Pace: commented that there are a number of statutes regarding abandoned or derelict buildings and she will work with staff and Manley. leMair: stated there are several other properties in the community that have been foreclosed on, as well as half-built houses that were started on contingency which fell through and construction has been stopped. Would like a report to learn what recourses the City has to have the owner secure the site and have it look acceptable. Pace: Replied that is different from abandoned houses and she will also address that issue. Czech: Commented that the house he refers to is just a shell as all plumbing and wiring have been re- moved and there are also issues involving the outbuildings. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Erickson: Noted that Pike Lake is part of the City's park system and asked if that acquisition has any im- pact on the traffic on that road. Albrecht: Replied that the road is on the opposite side of the lake from the park and he expects most traf- fic on the road will come with future CR 21 expansion. Developer's projects around Pike Lake Road have stalled and the City may have to make decisions about maintenance on that road. Erickson: Asked if the road goes back to the YMCA camp. Albrecht: Affirmed. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Haugen requested that research on foreclosed, partially built and abandoned buildings be added to the agenda as a New Business item. Councilor Millar requested that discussion of noise ordinance and construction be added as a New Busi- ness item. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE APRIL 4, 2008, MEETING MIN- UTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. D. Consider Approval of First Quarter Building Permit Report. E. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. F. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. G. Consider Approval of First Quarter Fire Call Report. H. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.058 Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for the 2008 Sewer Lining Project. I. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.059 Approving Amendment No.1 to the Met Councillntercep- tor Agreement. J. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Furnishings, Fixtures and Equip- ment for Fire Station No.2. K. Consider Approval of Resolution 08.061 Authorizing City Staff to Complete the Ryan Park Lighting Project Restoration. Councilor Erickson requested that item J, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Furnishings, Fixtures and Equipment for Fire Station No.2, be removed from the Consent Agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Comments: Erickson: Stated the Council approved a change order for Fire Station NO.2 at its last meeting which in- cluded the purchase of a commercial washer and extractor and this agenda item has the purchase of an- other washer and dryer. Unclear if this would be a double purchase or if they need both items. Boyles: Replied that Fire Chief Hartmann would return from the Regional Public Safety Training Facility to address this question. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO DEFER DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL FIRE CHIEF HARTMAN IS PRESENT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Draft 2009 - 2018 Transportation Plan Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier addressed the purpose of the transportation plan citing the need to prioritize projects, establish funding and identify tax impact. Public Works Director Albrecht outlined a proposal that would accelerate neighborhood projects along with some county and state roadway projects from a 31-year program to a 17-year program. Explained funding sources including city, county and state and described potential tax impacts. Believes that at the completion of the 17 -year program, the city could move to a 32-year cycle for street reconstructions. The Council was requested to discuss: Should the City continue the current program? leMair: Believes some streets will need attention before 31 years and he feels inclined to find a plan between a 31-year program and a 17-year program such as a 20-year program. Believes gravel roads should be paved and it should be considered how to do that before other streets are reconstructed. Erickson: Stated it is tough to be asked to vote for a tax increase, but while trying to visualize what Prior Lake will look like in 31 years, thinks an accelerated program makes sense because Prior Lake will look different with new streets, growth and more traffic. Need to find a way to accelerate the pro- gram. Millar: Agrees the gravel roads should be paved and that he would like to find a compromise that is somewhere between 31 and 17 years. Some really poor streets should be accelerated. Hedberg: Questioned if the anticipated tax increases are cumulative. Albrecht: Affirmed. Hedberg: Asked what the accumulated total represents in percentage of tax increase. Teschner: Replied that it would be 1 % to 1.5%. Hedberg: Stated the City has neighborhoods that are a mess right now and he cannot imagine streets being 54 years old before they can be replaced as that is not the kind of quality of community that we want to be. Noted the Council has been systematically addressing the long-term growth and development needs, most recently the rolling stock; and is now considering the parks matrix. Believes it is responsible to have some kind of accelerated program and that a 1 % - 1.5% tax increase spread over three years is responsible and fiscally conservative to provide for long-term needs and not leave it for the next generation to do. Haugen: Stated that the challenge is to create both a short-term and long-term quality of life plan and that sometimes increasing a tax is fiscally responsible. Transportation is part of a quality infrastructure and quality roads provide enhanced safety and aesthetics. A $1 per month increase over a three year period is fiscally responsible. Noted that with increased growth, the cost per household may be less. Supports a 17-year program. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AND RECOM- MEND THAT STAFF PUT TOGETHER A 17- TO 20-YEAR PROGRAM FOR STREET RECON- STRUCTION TO BRING TO THE COUNCIL. Millar: Agrees that the City needs to look long term on infrastructure needs and be mindful of savings, but we also have to be mindful that we not look at just one area of need. leMair: Agreed stating that parks, rolling stock and completed projects have slowly ratcheted the tax up in the community and over time, with growth, we may learn that this proposed program will not take care of all of the street reconstruction. Stated he is not sure where the logic is for a 17 -year program vs. a 20-year program. Wants assurance that all options are examined and suggested this could be a 20- or 25-year program now and considered again in a few years. Teschner: Responded that general direction is sought for planning the Capital Improvement Program and that final approval would be sought when the CIP is presented to the Council for approval. Stated that the life expectancy of the roads is 30 years and this plan is to have the roads get to a 3D-year cycle for reconstruction. Noted that each project would have to be approved by the Council as it became due and this proposal would be for a long-term plan that can serve as a guide for timing the projects. No projects are requested for approval tonight. Hedberg: Offered an AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION TO STATE THAT THE MOTION IS FOR AP- PROVAL OF DIRECTION TO THE STAFF, BUT A SPECIFIC DECISION ON INCREASING BONDING WILL NOT OCCUR UNTIL APPROVAL OF THE NEXT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Erickson: Accepted the amendment to the motion. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Which intersection is highest priority (Arcadia / CR21, Main / TH 13/ CR 44, TH 13/ 150th Street)? Albrecht: Noted these projects are competing for the same funding dollars and they are different from the neighborhood reconstruction projects. Hedberg: The Arcadia / CR 21 intersection is critical to set the stage for further downtown redevelop- ment and the Main / TH 13 / CR 44 intersection is a safety problem as well as a gateway to the down- town. Since conditions at the TH 13/ 150th intersection have improved from what they had been, it would be his third priority. Millar: Agreed with Hedberg. Erickson: Asked about the City obligation as all three projects are County as well as City projects. Albrecht: Noted that the 150th intersection is a City of Savage and state project along with the City. Summarized that the City's obligation would be more than 50%. Erickson: Agreed that Arcadia / CR 21 needs to be the first priority for downtown redevelopment. Suggested that if CR 17 is going to be the main roadway in the future, it might help the 150th intersec- tion. leMair: Agreed with the order of priorities cited by the other council members. Commented that the City pays more towards a project if we propose it to the County and stated that Arcadia needs to be improved because of the opening of TH 169 which is a County project. Albrecht: Noted that improvements to Main / CR 21 will be very expensive and Arcadia needs to be done ahead of it so the City needs to make that request to the County. Hopefully, the Main / CR 21 in- tersection will then be more urgent and driven by them. Haugen: Concurred with the given order as correct due to safety, frequency and severity of accidents. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Are the current city street reconstruction project priorities (Main Avenue South and Industrial Park) appro- priate? If not, which are the priority projects? Millar: Concurred with the listed priorities. Hedberg: Development should guide which should come first. Noted there are processes underway that will help discover development interest and an aggressive response to the RFQ and RFP process may be received. If developers are interested in a given area, that area should come first. Both areas should be development driven. leMair: Both are important projects. Suggested it may not be good use of funds to develop Main Ave- nue South before the Main /CR intersection as it is still unknown what the intersection will be. Noted that the industrial park project has been pushed back many times and there is opportunity there for ad- ditional business and commercial development; there is need for wellhead protection in the industrial park; and, current businesses have been paying taxes for a number of years and should get some of the services. Erickson: Queried which part of the industrial park is being considered. Albrecht: Replied that it is around Markley Lake and Industrial Blvd. Erickson: Agreed that getting industry into Prior Lake is important because it helps the tax base and provides local jobs. Also agreed that Main Ave So should be done and perhaps development would accelerate it to come ahead of the industrial park; but, his first priority would be the industrial park to help the City with growth. Haugen: Concurred that the industrial park area is a higher priority and referred to the Main Avenue South timeline being 2016. Need to be positioned for commercial/industrial development so that space is readily available if a business wants to locate here. Hedberg: Clarified that he believes the choice between the two ought to be development-interest driven. If an interest is shown in the industrial park, he would then vote for that to go first. If develop- ers want to start downtown, he would vote for that to go first. Haugen: Agreed that development of one area first should not be to the exclusion of the other. Fire Chief Hartman arrived and the City Council addressed the item removed from the consent agenda re- garding equipment acquisition for Fire Station No.2. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Furnishings, Fixtures and Equip- ment for Fire Station No.2. Erickson: Queried the need for both the washer/extractor and washer/dryer purchase for Fire Station No. 2. Hartman: Replied that both types of washers and dryers are essential. Towels, rag and other items used to clean fire-fighting apparatus must be washed in a different washer than the firefighter turnout gear which may become contaminated with biohazards, solvents or hazardous materials. Either type of item may have hazardous residue that should not be commingled. Erickson: Thanked him for coming to meeting to explain. Noted a savings of $3,000 on the purchase of the extractor approved at the last meeting. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-060 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF FURNISHINGS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE STATION NO.2. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Communications Website Update Communications Coordinator Peterson explained objectives of the Communications Coordinator and described the major venues of distributing information. Described features and future plans for the City's Website and provided statistics on user growth. Comments: leMair: Stated he was impressed with the growth and how much people are using the Website. Asked if there are advertising opportunities for local businesses. Peterson: Replied that the Website has been used for City information, but non-profit events can be placed on the calendar. Pace: Stated she would research whether the Website can be used for advertising, but the question raises First Amendment prior restraint issues. leMair: Would not be opposed to it. Erickson: Commented that his only concern would be whether or not it appeared as thought the City was endorsing a business if it advertises on the City Website. Asked what the different newsletters are. Peterson: City Newswire, Fire Station NO.2 updates, Water Treatment Facility updates, Road Construc- tion project updates and Club Prior. Erickson: Noted that the City has postponed doing the Webcast trying to find the most economical and broadest access. Millar: Encouraged citizens to get connected to City communications. In the past there have been ques- tions about how fast the City gets information out to citizens and the fastest way to get the information is to get connected to the City's E-news. There are important issues that confront the City every day and this is a great way to stay in touch with what is going on in the community. Hedberg: Pleased about the increased interested in online access and wants to do everything possible to encourage that access. Would like to consider: 1) the Webcasting decision so it can be up and running soon; and 2) whether Wavelength issues are redundant considering that much of the information is pub- lished in the Prior Lake American. Haugen: Suggested that another report be brought to the Council to talk about cable and how we are ratcheting up what is going on cable and provide an overview of how people can get information about the City in many ways. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO ACCEPT THE REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Proclamation Setting April 22 as Arbor Day/Earth Day in Prior lake. Community Development and Natural Resources Director Walthers-Moore noted that Earth Day activi- ties and educational opportunities will be built into the City's Clean-Up Day. This year, it is proposed that a tree be planted during the May 2 Light Up the Night event. Mayor Haugen read a proclamation declaring April 22 as Arbor Day/Earth Day. Comments: Erickson: Reminded people that next year electronic items cannot be dropped off at the City's Clean-Up Day. Millar: Commented that people should make every day Earth Day and preserve the natural environment of our City. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO ACCEPT THE REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was scheduled. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report Identifying Proposed 2008 Budget Reduction Measures. Finance Director Teschner explained the projected budget shortfall and outlined proposed cuts or de- ferred expenditures for this year. Requested the Council defer any expenditure of the remaining balance in the contingency fund. Comments: leMair: Likes that the City is planning ahead and trying to make allowances for the market. The proposed areas for cuts or deferrals appear to be related to the market and lack of building. Would like to continue to look for areas that expenditures can be reduced before reducing the Contingency Fund which exists so the City will have resources in the event of an emergency. Hedberg: Commended the plan as responsible for planning ahead and commented on the difficulty of re- ducing staff. Noted that there can be an impact of reduced efficiencies in cutting computer replacements. Teschner: Replied that computers are planned as a delay until 2009 rather than a cut and expects that delay would not compromise any services. Noted that as a first line of defense the City might defer hiring to fill a position if one becomes open before the end of the year. Expects that the plan presented would not compromise services or the resources needed to fulfill services. Hedberg: Agreed that it is right to conserve the Contingency Fund balance and that the Council has to limit its response to opportunities that come up. Will support the deferment of hiring a building facility man- ager, but noted that the plan for the position was to manage some of the costs of the new buildings and related energy costs and feels concerned that deferment of the position may not result in saving money. Millar: Noted that many are experiencing budget cuts in their personal lives and it is responsible for the City to do the same. Appreciates staff staying on top of this and watching it closely. Agree with Hedberg that it is responsible and prudent for Council to restrain spending and limit response to opportunity. Erickson: Recalled efforts to keep the budget lower and the finalized budget had approximately $250,000 cut out of it. Teschner: Added that this is the first time the City has eliminated positions and if further cut backs are needed it would cause reduced services to the community. Erickson: Asked if there would have been no tax increase if the approved budget had originally been set at this level. Teschner: Replied that the reductions were not from tax revenues, rather service revenues. Because of the decline in building activity, there is less revenue and the discontinued positions are related to the lost revenue. The tax levy would have remained the same. Stated that there is concern that the slow building market will continue through 2009 and into 2010. Erickson: Asked if revenue from donations is acceptable. Teschner: Noted that if other revenue develops or expenditures are less than expected, some of the items that are earmarked for deferral will be reviewed in the last quarter of this year for possible expenditure in 2008 rather than in 2009. Haugen: Commented that these are well thought out recommendations and many items are deferrals ex- cept for the contingency and eliminated positions. Recalled that the position reductions are planned through 2009 and that the total savings would be around $280,000. Would prefer not to eliminate the con- 7 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 tingency fund. Stated that commercial development may occur in Summit Preserve later this year or the YMCA in McKenna, so there may be some other revenue sources that will be to our advantage. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute the City's Standardized Professional Services Contract for 2008-2009 Stormwater Planning. Public Works Director Albrecht informed the Council that proposals for stormwater services were sought and reviewed in a manner to allow services to run into 2009. Bonestroo's proposal included a discount if both portions of the project were completed this year which brought the total for both projects close to the amount budgeted for this year. Noted that Bonestroo's was able to be competitive in its fees because it has done work for the City which translated into pricing and work efficiencies. Comments: Erickson: Will support. leMair: Will support. Commented on the differences between the amounts of different proposals were as great as $60,000. Hedberg: Will support stating this is a good example of the benefits of establishing a professional services pool of consultants. Millar: Will support. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-062 AWARDING THE CITY'S STANDARDIZED CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR 2008-2009 STORMWA- TER PLANNING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Refuse Collection. Building and Transportation Services Kansier stated that Prior Lake uses an open licensing system for collecting solid wastes. Showed a Power Point presentation to explain how three different collection sys- tems would operate, associated costs and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Spoke of the proc- ess to be used if changing the system to comply with Minnesota Statutes 115A.94. Requested the Council to consider the goal to be achieved by changing the system of collection. Comments: leMair: Believes there should be some type of change and stated it makes sense to become more effi- cient and not have multiple trucks on the same streets each day. Need to organize into zones or go to one hauler. Agrees there are pros and cons to each proposal. Thinks it is nice to be able to change haulers when dissatisfied with service, but it is important to see some improvements such as reduced noise pollu- tions and fewer trucks on the street resulting in greater safety. Suggested that if the City went to a quad- rant system, a bid system could be used. Does not want the City to become the hauler. Erickson: Asked for clarification of the zoned system, whether it would be an open system but haulers could only pick up on particular days. Kansier: Stated that it could be any licensed hauler, but only in a given zone. If it is bid, it would be a con- tract system which would be a major change and would have to go through the Statute process. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Erickson: Agreed that the City should not operate the system and benefits from changing the system would be to have less wear on streets, fuel savings, less noise and reduction in traffic. Believes none of that would be achieved by an open, zoned system. Stated that one vendor should handle the entire city with the vendor responsible for the billing; and, the vendor would have to help with clean-up day. Noted that some haulers have a fuel surcharge and believes that should not be allowed if the hauler has the City bid. Millar: Agreed that the City should not become the hauler. Believes there should not be just one hauler as that suppresses competition and good rates will not last if some haulers are forced out of business allowing one vendor to control the prices. Would consider a modification of a zoned system that would reduce noise pollution and wear and tear on the streets. Believes it makes sense to have haulers doing all of their col- lections on one day in a particular zone. Hedberg: Agreed it would be a mistake to have one hauler and suppress competition. Agrees the City should not be the hauler. Suggested pursuing an alternative to the current open licensing system. Re- ferred to an article citing DOT information indicating one garbage truck has the same impact on a city street as a thousand cars and that street life could be extended by ten years if fewer garbage trucks were on the streets. Stated he is confused by statute as it seems ideal to have zones and award a hauling license for a zone to two or three of the haulers and people in that zone could choose among those haulers for the life of the contract. That could continue to provide business for a number of haulers and still have significantly reduced traffic. Read areas from statute stating he is not clear if a zone has to be completely dedicated or whether there can be more than one potential hauler, or whether the City can organize it and still retain consumer choice. Believes that if the City can do those things, it should be pursued. Haugen: Agreed that the benefits of reducing the wear and tear on streets, improving aesthetics and re- ducing noise and costs are all desirable goals. Added that increased safety is a goal as well and having residents know which day garbage trucks will be on the street allows them to schedule and monitor their children's activity. Asked if there is a way to have zones and a given day of the week for collection by awarding a bid to one or two vendors so a consumer can have a choice and still reduce the number of trucks. Erickson: Suggested not having different vendors in different zones. Hedberg: Stated that residents need to retain consumer choice and there are a variety of ways to assure competition such as rebidding on a city-wide basis every few years. Haugen: Agreed that consumer choice would assure competition. Millar: Believes if there is just one hauler, the rates will go up as some competitors may go out of business without the work; and, the City will end up getting the complaint calls rather than the vendor. Agrees with having zones and fewer trips over the streets. Would agree to a hybrid system. leMair: Agrees with hybrid system stating that if the City has several haulers in zones, it would have the best of both worlds. Erickson: Queried if the intent is to have a vendor bid for the entire City and just have zones for the days of collection and how many vendors would be needed to retain a competitive situation. Haugen: Summarized that there seems to be consensus to change the way refuse is collected. Summa- rized discussion to say that a refuse collection system should provide service in a neighborhood one day a week with a reduced number of trucks servicing that neighborhood would yield benefits. Suggested that staff use comments of the Council to provide direction; research systems that other communities are using; and, develop a process, consistent with Minnesota Statues, to permit the City to change its present method of collection. Pace: Acknowledged the Council and staff seem to be aware that there is a detailed and lengthy process to follow to change the method it uses to collect solid waste. If the change creates an "organized collection system," existing haulers and interested parties must be invited to be part of the process to "negotiate" a 9 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 new system. The City must articulate a rational basis for a new system and articulate criteria it will use to evaluate which methods best achieve the benefits the City hopes to achieve. Noted that the statutory process of developing an organized collection system ends up being a negotiation with the haulers to come up with some proposals for the Council to consider. Haugen: Acknowledged the statutory process is involved and lengthy and the Council will rely on staff and the City Attorney to guide it through the legal process. Believes the Council has indicated it wants to im- plement a different method of collecting solid waste and has agreed on some goals, objectives and benefits to achieve in developing an alternative system. MOTION BY HAUGEN, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF AND CITY COUNSEL TO GUIDE THE CITY THROUGH THE LEGAL PROCESS INVOLVING THE APPROPRIATE PEOPLE TO ACHIEVE RESULTS THAT WOULD PROVIDE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE SERVICE IN A NEIGHBORHOOD ONE DAY A WEEK WITH FEWER TRUCKS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider a Proposal for an Enhanced Nature Area and Trail on City Property Adjacent to St. Mi- chael's. Community Development and Natural Resources Director Walthers-Moore displayed photos of the site proposed for improvements. St. Michael's School would construct the site improvements and its Build- ings and Grounds committee would assume responsibility for maintenances. Walthers-Moore reports that the Planning Commission supported the proposal and City costs would include staff time to inspect and assure maintenance of the elements of the proposal. Comments: Hedberg: Generally supports the proposal stating this is a good example of partnering with a local organi- zation to better use a nice piece of land. Commented that the structural elements of the fitness stations would be allowable if St. Michael's School complies with the required standards. Questioned whether it would be possible to connect the trail to the Five Hawks area as well to tie together a natural corridor to the lake. Believes this kind of thing could become a model for turning over control of neighborhood parks to the neighborhoods. Albrecht: Replied he is unsure if the City owns the contiguous property to extend the corridor to the lake, and that boardwalks might have to be built over wetlands. Hedberg: Commented it would make it attractive but it may not be practical. Millar: Agreed that he would support the structural fitness stations if they meet playground safety stan- dards and he likes the suggestion about turning over control of the parks to the neighborhoods. Believes this proposal would create a great learning area for the school and a great environmental area for the peo- ple in the area. Erickson: Stated this is a perfect example of partnership by reducing expenses to put this in as well as future park replacement expenses. Asked if this space would be available to everyone, even the church's property. Noted that park regulations close the parks at 10 p.m. and this should have the same park regu- lations. Likes the concept of fitness stations, but knows that if it is on city property, the liability factor in- creases the cost. leMair: Agreed this is a great project and thinks the fitness stations should be a requirement and would like to see them nature-related. Suggested creating something really different for the kids. Also suggested this project seems suited to the type of project the Jeffer's Foundation supports and suggested contacting Paul Oberg to solicit funds for this project stating there is a significant amount of money set aside to im- prove natural areas in Prior Lake. 10 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Haugen: Indicated he had questions from a liability standpoint noting that leaving it in its natural state has limited liability exposure, but when improvements are made the liability changes. Supports moving forward, but noted that whatever equipment is utilized needs to be to required standards because it is the City's li- ability exposure and the City cannot relinquish control to St. Michael's and open itself to liability. This prop- erty needs to be treated like any other park with recreational facilities. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH ST. MI- CHAEL'S AND COME BACK WITH A FINAL PROPOSAL PLACED ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Negotiated Sale of $1,300,000 General Obliga- tion Improvement Bonds of 2008. Finance Director Teschner and Steve Mattson of Northland Securities reviewed the proposed resolu- tion and reminded the Council of a special meeting scheduled for April 28 to approve the sale of bonds. Mattson explained that over the next week Northland Securities would negotiate a sale of the bonds and the sale would be finalized at the April 28 special Council meeting. Estimated the rate would be 3.2434%. Moody's approval at a 3AA rating has been received. Comments: Millar: Will support Hedberg: Asked if bond issue rate would be affected based on the bids received. Teschner: Affirmed. leMair: Will support. Erickson: Will support. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-063 AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $1,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 2008, SERIES B. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Cable Television Production Equip- ment. Communications Coordinator Peterson described the equipment, its purpose and the funding source. Noted that the Technology and Communications Committee researched this equipment and recommends its purchase as an effort to be most cost-effective in preparing cable television productions for public con- sumption. Comments: Erickson: Commented that he served on the committee that reviewed this equipment and supports the purchase of it. Noted that it would provide tools to allow greater productivity and costs were covered by monies dedicated to this purpose. Millar: Will support stating the new equipment will reduce editing time, provide improved graphics and en- hance quality of product. Noted that committee member Dave Elbon has experience with this equipment and recommends it. Hedberg: Will support it stating it has been researched carefully and funds for it have been dedicated to this purpose. leMair: Time savings and staff efficiency is worth it. 11 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-064 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CABLE TELEVISION PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Trees for CR 21/82 Restoration. Public Works Director Albrecht advised the Council that planting of trees is part of the final restoration for this 2006 project. At that time, the Council directed to replant the corridor as much as possible and there are opportunities to plant about 30 trees on the east and west ends of CR 21, but the tree-lined boulevard that existed prior to the project cannot be duplicated due to restrictions about planting in the boulevard. Comments: Millar: Will support. Hedberg: Will support. leMair: Will support Erickson: Asked what type of trees will be planted. Albrecht: Replied it will be a combination of maple, oak, locust and super elm. Erickson: Commented that trees along the boulevard actually slows down traffic according to studies and it might add to safety, Albrecht: Replied that the County does not permit trees in the boulevard due to underground infrastruc- ture so the plantings will be concentrated in some residential areas. Haugen: Asked how large the trees are that will be planted. Albrecht: Two-and-a-half caliper inches. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-065 APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TREES FOR CR 21 AND CR 82 RESTORATION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Canoe Rental at Sand Point Beach. Assistant City Manager Meyer indicated that the Park Advisory Committee had evaluated the possibility of renting canoes at Sand Point Beach and decided to recommend canoe rental service on non-motorized lakes such as Pike Lake, Campbell Lake or Jeffers Pond stating it could be a destination amenity for a natural area. Since these parks are not developed yet, the implementation of such a program would have to be included in the 2009 budget. Comments: Hedberg: Suggested canoe rentals at Watzl's Point. Meyer: Replied the PAC felt there was not enough foot traffic to warrant it and there is no rack there. Noted that the Three Rivers District suggests setting up a buoy perimeter on motorized lakes to restrict ca- noeing to an areas that would interfere with boat traffic. Hedberg: Stated there is a good-sized bay for a good canoeing area and a rental facility could be set up off the back side of the concession stand. Understands the concern about foot traffic, but believes it would probably attract use. Prefers the service not be put off for a number of years since non-motorized areas probably won't be developed for some time. 12 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 leMair: Concurred with Hedberg. Believes that one of the beaches that is already staffed would be a mandate as offering this service should not cost more than current staffing costs. Stated that Watzl's is a quiet bay and a good location for this. Erickson: Asked if it would be limited to canoes or would include paddle boats and kayaks as they seem to be more popular than canoes. Meyer: Replied that a few years ago a company came in to rent paddle boats and that was not very suc- cessful. Noted the City owns canoes, but does not own paddle boats. Erickson: Commented that he is not sure what the demand is for canoes and asked if there would be ad- ditional cost for staff. Meyer: Replied there would no additional cost for staff at Watzl's or Sand Point, only to purchase oars and life jackets. Millar: Agreed that Watzl's would be safer than Sand Point. Noted that docks are at Watzl's so boats will be coming through and there would be high traffic when they leave the bay. Stated he is not opposed to offering the service at Watzl's and agreed it would be a shame to put it off for years until the other areas are developed. Meyer: Noted there are concerns about how to enforce the perimeter and believes canoeists would go outside of the perimeter. Haugen: Agreed that offering this service at Jeffers, Campbell or Pike Lake is so far removed that it is not worth consideration at this time. Noted there is plenty of parking at Watzl's and that Sand Point already has much activity. Would not agree to this at Sand Point, but Watzl's has limited swimming and boats and is staffed. Suggested the service be offered for $3 per hour rather than $3 per half-hour. Erickson: Queried the requirement for buoys. Meyer: Replied that Three Rivers recommends buoys on a large and busy lake. Erickson: Suggested buoys may not be needed as much as some directions. Meyer: Agreed the issue is about canoes becoming intermixed with boat traffic. Haugen: Asked how that could be managed. Hedberg: Replied it could be done with a liability waiver. Haugen: Asked about an age limit for signing a waiver. Meyer: Replied that if the renter is under age 18, a parent would have to sign the waiver. Suggested that the canoe rack be moved from Sand Point to Watzl's. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AND IMPLEMENT A CANOE RENTAL PROGRAM AT WATZL'S BEACH. HEDBERG OFFERED AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION TO OFFER THE RENTAL SERVICE AT A COST OF $3 PER HOUR. The amendment was accepted by Millar and LeMair. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Erickson: Clarified that anyone wanting to rent space on the canoe rack would do so at Watzl's. Meyer: Affirmed. Erickson: Asked if rental of boat slips at Watzl's would be continued. Meyer: Affirmed. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Joint Compost Initiative with the Shakopee Mde- wakanton Sioux Community. Community Development and Natural Resources Director Walthers-Moore advised the Council that the SMSC has developed a compost site and invited the City to partner in this initiative. The City will pro- 13 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 vide a wood chipper and operator as part of its contribution. Described the compost site. Stated that the site will provide a place for residents to dispose of yard waste, provide compost and wood chips for city parks, and decrease the amount of yard waste in landfills. Noted that the project is expected to be reve- nue-neutral with staff time will be paid from the landscaping budget for parks and the City receiving com- post and mulch. Comments: Erickson: Complimented the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community for being a good steward of the environment. Asked what staff costs were anticipated to be. Walthers-Moore: $3,700. Albrecht: Believes this is a worthwhile venture and plans to shift resources so the compost site can be staffed without overtime hours, leMair: Happy to have the program. Hedberg: Agreed this is a great partnership and program. Suggested having the site open as early as the 4th Saturday of April because people are beginning work in their yards. Walthers-Moore: Agreed that might be able to be done next year. Millar: Will support. Haugen: Noted the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan includes both partnerships and environmental aspects and supports this objective of the Plan. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-066 APPROVING A JOINT INITIATIVE BETWEEN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AND THE SHAKOPEE MDEWAKANTON SIOUX COMMUNITY REGARDING A COMPOST SITE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA Discussion of Abandoned or Foreclosed Properties MOTION BY HAUGEN, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO DIRECT STAFF TO RESEARCH CURRENT OR- DINANCE CONCERNING ABANDONED HOMES AND WHAT CAN BE DONE TO CREATE A SAFER ENVIRONMENT FOR ABANDONED HOMES, THE POTENTIAL TEAR DOWN OF ABANDONED HOMES, AND THE IMPACT OF FORECLOSED HOMES ON THE GENERAL NEIGHBORHOOD. Hedberg: Concerned about the number of homes appearing to be vacant or abandoned and to possibility they may be vandalized or attract vagrants. Believes abandoned properties that are vandalized or in disre- pair create eye sores and concerns in a neighborhood about crime and vandalism. Asked what authority the City has to secure abandoned properties would be a reasonable time to have this research completed. Pace: Replied the City has the authority require the property owner to board or otherwise secure a prop- erty. Will review the procedure to be followed to secure vacant properties. Hedberg: AMENDED THE MOTION TO ADD THIS TOPIC AS A DISCUSSION ITEM FOR THE NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Haugen: Accepted the amendment. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Erickson: Asked if the City has a list of abandoned or foreclosed homes in the City. Albrecht: Replied it can be acquired from the County as they previously contacted us with a list of pending foreclosing in order to address weed control, water shutoff, etc. Haugen: Stated that could be included as part of the report. 14 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 Discussion of construction noise ordinance in the City. Millar: Believes the ordinance allows for construction noise from 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Monday through Friday, Saturdays from 7 a.m. -10 p.m. and Sundays from 8 a.m. -10 p.m. in residential areas. Believes Council should take a look at modifying that ordinance. Hedberg: Assumed the time limits have gone through review and understanding with builders. Under- stands resident concern over potential construction activities going on. Believes if the ordinance under- goes review, the City should proceed cautiously and have involvement with residents and the building community. leMair: Believes most builders do not want subcontractors on construction sites after 6 or 7 p.m. unless they are on a strict timeline, nor do they want them there on a Sunday. Believes that discussion with a couple of builders could resolve this. Erickson: Asked if it would affect an individual working on his/her own home if the ordinance were changed. Pace: Indicated it would not. Erickson: Asked if the Council would want to change the ordinance so someone could not work on his/her own home. leMair: Commented the people who hire someone to do their work may want the work done within a par- ticular timeframe. Haugen: Suggested the ordinance be brought to the Council for review and if it needs to be changed, the process needs to be followed. Suggested that other ordinance may need to be reviewed systematically. Millar: Asked if the report could be brought to the Council soon believing it should not be delayed too far into the summer. Boyles: Replied that it would be difficult to get input from residents and contractors in a short time but the ordinance could be brought for review. Millar: Stated he would be interested to see if Prior Lake's ordinance is different from surrounding com- munities. MOTION BY HAUGEN, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING THE COUNCIL A PLAN AND PROCESS FOR REVIEWING THE NOISE ORDINANCE AS IT PERTAINS TO CONSTRUC- TION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events Hedberg: Reported that the Community Education Department of ISD #719 presented the Dick Underferth Award to Superintendent Westerhaus and Activities Director Haugen for their contributions to the commu- nity. Also reported that the Small Business Person-of-the-Year award for Burnsville was presented to Lake Advisory Committee member James Marchessault. leMair: April Fest will be this weekend at St. Michael's Church. Erickson: Earth Day tomorrow. Welcomed Dr. Sue Ann Gruver to the community as new superintendent of PL-Savage schools and wished Dr. Tom Westerhaus best of luck in his new position at River Falls. Haugen: May 2 is Light Up the Night, the official turning on of the lights at Ryan Park, May 3 is Prior Lake Rotary Dare Day and May 5 is the Senior Luncheon sponsored by the VFW and the Chamber. 15 City Council Meeting Minutes April 21, 2008 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by LeMair, and seconded by Hedberg to adjourn the meeting. With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Fra:! J6 Manager (Z~~ Charlotte Green, Administrative Assistant 16