HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 9, Carlson Letter 09/11/98 FRI 17:12 FAX 612447424~ ." CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ....-+ SCHENCK III 012 CARLSON HARDWARE COKPANY 162S1 MA!N AVENUE S.E. PRIOR LAKE. MN ~~372 S~pt.mb.r 9, 1996 To: Frank Boyle., Ci~y Manager lG200 Eagle Cr.ak AVQnu. g.~. Prior Lake, MN ~5~72 Froml Berni. Carlson, Owner Carlson Hardware Company Subj.ott Greet Aoc~.. to ~~W The ace... is gr..-t.-m 3:iW and :Ln 'lh.1u1:.ur. it probably rill g..t to b. 'loo good. How 1. that po..ibl.t 1. Tra11ic on 21 from 35W to prior Lake ha. 1ncre.e~d dramatically in the 1ew months it. hae D~~n open~d. From a driver. Viewpoint. 1 would .ay t.he g.n~r.l lev~l 0% traffic is re.chin~ tb_ level. 01 Hwy 42 although it. doe. not. have the ooncentration 0% 8tr~t light. Y.~. 2. Scott Coun~y h.. plana to link 21 to Hwy 494. When thi. happ.n. ~he level 01 tr.~110 will increa.e t.remendously. A. that happen. the County vill do their traffio count. and b..ed on publio .a1ety concern. th~y yi~l b.gin ~o limit acc... just a. .oc... ha. b..n limited on Hyv 13. Consider Rain Street with only a walking bridQe conn.o~1ng the part.. on ~i~her 81d~ o~ 21. 3. The City wants to develop Down~own with ~mprovem.n~. 'lha~ would b. in part aesessed ~o the downtown proper~y owners. progr... in i.portent and Prior Lake should have a downtown. However it de.. not mak~ sen.. to invest penny one unt11 the traffic flow and acee.. probl~m. h.v~ b.en lIolved. 4. Th. County promi.ed to install a street light at Main and 21. Where is it. Po.t.d sp..d limi~. of ~0 mph on 21 through downtown ere exce.siv.. The qu..tion I ..k i. Main Avenue ju.t anoth.r stre.t or i. it Hain Stre.t in Downtown Prior Lake. Th. .tr..~ light ne.d. to go in now. Spved limit. for at l.a.t one mile in each direction == the inter.eotion o~ 21 and 13 .hould be no higher than 30 mph. 5. Th. City must take a ~t.nd that. we are net simply the int~r..o'lion o~ Hwy 13 & 21 but that w. are a City with a Downtown that you have to slow down enough when go1n; through to protect our sa1ety. b. The County viewa tr.~i10 !low end control 1rom 8 di~~erent qi.wpo~nt than th. City. TrB~fic going from aouth.rn Binn..ota and po~nt. south to northern Hinn8sot. do~s not DQlong in the .iddl. o! Prior Lake. Ha. .nyan. cQn.id8~ed the impaat on th~ lak. and th. quality of l1~. there when a major highway go.. through it. 7. I cou~d go on but thie is long _nough alr.ady. C.~l or atop in if you have any question.. Shar. thl& vi~n anyon. you like.