HomeMy WebLinkAbout060208 City Council Minutes 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 --~-~~~~.~,~--~-~~~~~~._~"=,,~~~"--=- City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorneys Pace and Girouard, Public Works Director Albrecht, Finance Director Teschner, Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier, Community Development and Natural Resources Director Walthers-Moore, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Administrative Assistant Green. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. It is no longer than 30 minutes in length and each speaker will have a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Topics of discussion are restricted to City government topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. Comments: Monte Giles, 14020 Shady Beach Trail, stated he has had a water drainage problem at his property since 1993 and attributes it to reconstruction of CR 42 and a parallel trail. Described water coming in through the walls of his basement at one time and how water still runs alongside of his house and sets in his yard dur- ing heavy rains. Stated he has reported the problems and sought help from everyone. Reported that an asphalt drain was put in by the City which diverts most of the water, but he still has to pump water out of his yard during heavy rains to avoid having it come into his house. Stated he had been promised that drainage with curbs would be provided. Expressed concern about potential health problems from mold damage. Stated that Public Works Director Albrecht advised him there is no statute of limitations on seeking resolu- tion of watershed problems and that he could approach the Council to ask them to direct staff to provide help. Haugen: Asked for clarification of statements made about promises to Mr. Giles and asked what entities were meant when he referred to everyone. Giles: Replied that he meant representatives from the highway department and the maintenance depart- ment. Haugen: Asked if those were state highway or county representatives. Giles: Both. Stated he would speak with anyone who would listen to him. Believes that the maintenance staff from the City were the only ones who did something to help eliminate the water flow to the point where he can now pump it out of his yard and driveway. Thanked the City for doing what they thought they could to help resolve the problem. Millar: Asked Albrecht to explain what the exact problem is. Albrecht: Responded that most of this occurred in the mid-90s when CR 42 was widened and trails added which increased the impervious surface. During heavy rains, the water flows downhill to Giles' yard and www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 saturates those soils. Around 2002, City staff constructed a temporary swale to intercept as much water as it could. The permanent solution is to put in curb and gutter to prevent water from going into Giles' yard. Curb and gutter is scheduled as part of the reconstruction project of Shady Beach and Conroy, which is now scheduled for 2013. Noted that City staff met with Giles in January 2007 and suggested either waiting until reconstruction of the street, or asking the Council to direct staff to include this project as a water qual- ity improvement project. Cost for repair is projected at $20,000 to $30,000. There is correspondence from the County Attorney communicating that they believe they have done all they can. The County has appar- ently offered to do some grading by the trail if Giles will sign off on not suing the County. Believes Giles has concerns about the value of his home related to the impacts from these drainage problems. Millar: Asked if there are any other temporary solutions to use until street reconstruction. Haugen: Suggested that staff do research and bring a report back listing options for dealing with the situa- tion. LeMair: Commented that there is an official response from the County and suggests the three parties sit down and consider all of the options. Believes the City can be a conduit to solve the problem, but it is the County's road. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO PLACE THIS TOPIC ON THE AGENDA FOR FORMAL DIRECTION TO STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Kevin Bresnahan, Dakota Liquors, 14065 Commerce Avenue, distributed materials to the Council com- paring neighboring city ordinances regarding establishments with off-sale liquor licenses and requested the Council consider amending the ordinance to establish an amount of distance that is required between such establishments. Spoke of restrictions that liquor sales businesses have that do not apply to other busi- nesses and stated that he has a good track record of following those parameters. Erickson: Expressed appreciation of his good record and commented that he is not sure the ordinance should be changed. LeMair: Agreed Bresnahan has run an outstanding business. Noted that the other three corners of the intersection where it is located are not in Prior Lake so even if the ordinance is changed, the location would limit whatever effect is sought. Asked if another vendor is coming to the area. Bresnahan: Replied he would like the Council to amend the ordinance so it would not allow another liquor store right next door and require a little space between sites. LeMair: Stated that Bresnahan pointed out some good facts about off-sale liquor requirements and he would need to be better educated on all of it. Hedberg: Replied that it is worthwhile to look at the policies and the number of on-sale and off-sale li- censes that are issued. Millar: Remarked that it is admirable to run the business with no violations for 26 years. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO PLACE THIS TOPIC ON THE AGENDA FOR DIREC- TION TO STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Haugen: Requested that two new business items be added to the agenda: Direct Staff to Deal With Water Concerns on Monte Giles Property at 14020 Shady Beach Trail, and Direct Staff to Research and Evaluate On- and Off-sale Liquor Licenses. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE MAY 19, 2008, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 08-079 Accepting an Amendment to the Unified Transit Plan. C. Consider Approval of a Temporary On-Sale 3.2/Wine Liquor License for The Prior Lake-Savage Area Education Foundation. Councilor Erickson requested removal of item, Consider Approval of Resolution 08-079 Accepting an Amendment to the Unified Transit Plan, from the Consent Agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODI- FIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Erickson: Asked about the status of the Dan Patch Line as the Legislature closed its session. Explained the history of the restriction of discussing the option of funding and constructing a light rail line in Scott County. Boyles: Replied that he spoke to the metro cities who indicated the gag order is still in place. Haugen: Added that late in the Legislative session there was pressure from representatives from Bloom- ington and Edina so removal of the gag order was not included in legislation. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.079 ACCEPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE UNIFIED TRANSIT PLAN. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Lake Clean Up Day Proclamation - June 14, 2008 Donna Mankowski, Prior Lake Association President, spoke to the Council about the third annual Dive the Lake event scheduled for June 14, explaining that volunteer divers and boaters would remove debris from the lake bottom. Gave contact information. Mayor Haugen read a proclamation declaring June 14 as Lake Clean Up Day encouraging shoreland owners to pick up debris in their area; and thanked the Asso- ciation for organizing this event. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING Conduct Informational Meeting and Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving the 2009.2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). City Manager Boyles explained the difference between a public hearing and a public information meeting. Finance Director Teschner pointed out that the park equipment matrix and the transportation plan sum- mary are new components of the CIP, which are significant additions used to manage replacement com- mitments in the community. Described the planning meetings and workshops held to develop the CIP. During the workshop, a neighborhood requested to have street reconstruction moved up which is planned for 2014. Spoke of a request from Shady Beach for an overlay and noted that staff recommends that neighborhood remain scheduled for 2013 for a complete reconstruction. Noted that the 2009 proposed projects of Brooksville Hills Phase 2 and the Arcadia/21 and Fountain Hills/21 projects will need easement and right-of-way acquisitions and approval of the CIP will allow those projects to be initiated. Public Works Director Albrecht reviewed the 13 items scheduled for 2009 and explained the funding for each. Comments: LeMair: Asked about numbers from last year. Teschner: Replied that the major focus in the past was capital parks with nine projects identified in 2008 for neighborhood parks vs. none for 2009. $6.77 million was planned for 2008, but the 800 MHz project was completed in 2007 reducing the capital expenditures to $6.3 million vs. the 2009 plan for $3.885 mil- lion. LeMair: Asked if money for the capital improvement projects comes from the general fund. Teschner: Replied that the majority of funding is from dedicated trunk funds, and identified $1.1 million from the sewer and water utility fund and $1.3 million of funds distributed over a ten year bond term. There are no dollars designated for 2009 projects from the general fund. LeMair: Asked if there would be a tax impact to an individual. Teschner: Replied the only tax impact would be from a project tax levy on a reconstruction component. Projected a $15 impact in 2010. LeMair: Supports the projects noting that most of them are done in incremental phases. Hedberg: Noted that Teschner's efforts in leading CIP planning have been the strong bedrock of Prior Lake financial planning for many years. Reiterated that 2009 has no capital parks improvements as no monies have placed into those funds by development. Commented that the Parks Equipment matrix will provide money to replace and renovate equipment and facilities in parks and this CIP begins the process of funding that matrix so liabilities are not left for future generations. This CIP also begins the process of hav- ing streets reconstructed leading to a plan that aligns with the anticipated lifespan of a street. Taking these steps now should lead to an impact on tax levies that will be very small. Supports this CIP because it be- gins taking the steps to provide for a long term future. There are plans to build future community parks and renovate existing parks and those funds are not in this CIP plan. Over the next few years the Council will have to address how to find the funds to do that. Millar: Stated there are several streets that are in serious need of reconstruction and part of the acceler- ated transportation plan will hopefully allow us to address those streets. Will support. Erickson: Concurred with previous comments and asked about the draft list of streets that need recon- struction. Albrecht: Confirmed that there is a draft list and there have been requests to move projects on that list. Noted there are many opportunities for the Council to move projects around and that staff has looked at neighborhoods that need street reconstruction and tried to move them up without impacting streets that are already in the CIP. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 Erickson: Agreed there are several streets in similar states of disrepair and noted that the order of the street projects on the list is fairly arbitrary. Albrecht: Noted that Industrial Park and Shady Beach Trail have been in the CIP for some time and would remain a priority. Erickson: Stated that some residents have come forward to say they would like to have their street recon- struction moved forward on the list and believes that those wishing to do so can ask it to be moved up by waiving their right to appeal their portion of the assessed cost. Such action could save the City money and allow people who want their street to be repaired to get it done. Albrecht: Agreed the Council could consider that and noted these streets are a few years out so there is time to develop a system to do that. Haugen: Planning Commission has reviewed and supported the plan and the Council discussed it at a workshop. Will support. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.080 APPROVING THE 2009-2013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of the 2007.2008 Snowmobile Task Force Report. Public Works Director Albrecht reviewed the report from the Snowmobile Task Force. Twenty residents attended the public meeting and offered comments on how to improve things. Noted there were few com- plaints about snowmobiling this year and suggested the cooperation of the snowmobile club contributed to that. Spoke about the County's draft 2030 Comprehensive Plan to eliminate snowmobile trails from County right-of-ways in incorporated areas. The Task Force wants to see if that draft is adopted before proposing new trails that could be eliminated. The Task Force believes that Prior Lake should be on record for how it perceives snowmobiling in the future. Comments: Erickson: Agreed this was the most amiable year for snowmobiling in a long time and attributed that to communication. Stated that Police Chief O'Rourke did a great job of conducting the meetings and brought the enforcement that the snowmobile clubs wanted as they want to be perceived as a responsible group. Believes that component of the County's draft 2030 Comprehensive Plan was initiated by Scott County Commissioners due to an accident in Shakopee. O'Rourke: Added that the cooperative effort with Sno-Trails and Prior Lake Snowmobile Clubs is why it was such a good year. Described responses to complaints received and commented that the clubs are highly motivated to continue snowmobiling. Millar: Stated this is a big success story and thanked Erickson for bringing this topic forward. Hedberg: Agreed this is a great example of partnership and thanked the parties involved. Asked about the long-term direction of the County's 2030 Comprehensive Plan believing that it calls for active develop- ment along Hwy 169 and Hwy 35, but that the south-central part of the County will remain more rural. Albrecht: Replied that the Hwy 35 corridor has sewer capacity issues, but believes the area west of TH 13 might be more urbanized and the area east and south of TH 13 might be more rural. Hedberg: Stated the City should be on record that snowmobiling should be retained to the south to use the rural areas. LeMair: Agreed this is a success story. Believes many people settled here because of the ability to snow- mobile and does not think the County should eliminate it. Supports keeping it here and giving them access 5 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 to rural areas, and supports sending a letter to the County that Prior Lake would like to see snowmobiling remain. Haugen: Stated he would like to see snowmobiling remain in Prior Lake as long as possible and it could continue in the open environment to south and east. Believes it is important to have an ongoing relation- ship with city and snowmobile clubs, and the task force should be ongoing with the County invited to par- ticipate in it. Boyles: Described three possible actions as: 1) approve the report, 2) encourage the task force members to write a letter to the effect that there is a concern that snowmobiling be preserved to the extent possible, and 3) have the Council adopt a resolution which would encourage the same thing. Haugen: Recommended having a resolution that incorporates the expectation of having a long-term task force and invite a County Commissioner to be a part of the task force. Erickson: Stated that County staff was involved as part of the task force. Haugen: Noted the City has elected representation as part of the task force and the County should be in- vited to do so as well. LeMair: Stated that Councilors have all expressed a desire to have snowmobiling continue and believes the Council should send such a communication to the County. Haugen: Concurred. Hedberg: Clarified that the suggestion is for the task force to continue and prepare recommendations for snowmobiling to continue. Believes the task force should reconvene before the next season to recommend any changes. Agrees that elected representation from the County could be invited to join the task force and that would create the forum for discussion on this long term issue. Erickson: Believes the current issue is not having the task force meet and make a recommendation, but rather that the County is discussing this topic in its workshops and wants input from the City. The County is drawing up resolutions and one of them is to outlaw snowmobiles on trails next to county roads. If the City wants to give the County input that they are not in support of that, it should be done now as it will be too late in the fall. Hedberg: Asked if there was time to approve a letter for the next Council meeting. Albrecht: Agreed that staff could draft a letter with a resolution for the next meeting and poll the task force for its opinion. O'Rourke: The task force would want the Council to let the County know the City is not in favor of the plan as stated in the 2030 draft to outlaw snowmobiling in county right of ways in incorporated areas. Haugen: Suggested a resolution be drafted to offer support of the activities and success of the task force over the past year, that the task force continue, acknowledge the desire of the task force to send a mes- sage to the County that they want to perpetuate snowmobiling in the Prior Lake and Scott County area, and invite the County to establish someone to join the task force to create effective communication between the County and the task force to support the task force agendas. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION THAT: 1) OFFERS SUPPORT OF THE ACTIVITIES AND SUCCESS OF THE TASK FORCE OVER THE PAST YEAR, 2) CONTINUES THE TASK FORCE, 3) ACKNOWLEDGES THE DESIRE OF THE TASK FORCE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THE COUNTY THAT THEY WANT TO PER- PETUATE SNOWMOBILING IN THE PRIOR LAKE AND SCOTT COUNTY AREA, 4) STATES THE CITY DOES NOT AGREE THAT SNOWMOBILES SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY ON COUNTY ROADS IN INCORPORATED AREAS, AND 5) INVITES THE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH SOME- ONE TO JOIN THE TASK FORCE TO CREATE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE TASK FORCE TO SUPPORT THE TASK FORCE AGENDAS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 LeMair: Stated this will be a good short-term solution and asked if the flasher system can be reused or resold if a traffic signal is installed in four years. Albrecht: Replied that the entire system should be salvageable, though not the concrete pad and electri- cal hookups. They are solar powered and could be relocated for crosswalk safety for pedestrians. Millar: Questioned where they would be located. Albrecht: Replied there will be one in each direction heading north and south on CR 21/Fountain Hills Drive. Millar: Will support both resolutions. Hedberg: Recalled serious traffic problems at Fish Point Road / CR 21 when fire trucks tried to access CR 21 during rush hour. Glad this solution is proposed for this site. Will support. Erickson: Stated the pricing is good on cabling system and asked if we have experience with TriCom. Meyer: Replied the City has no experience with them, Apollo did not bid on the fire station cabling and based on questions and rapport with representatives, believes TriCom can meet the City's needs. Erickson: Asked if there is any recourse if they do not meet the standards. Meyer: Replied that they will sign the standard contract and the contract includes protections. Erickson: Asked if any research had been done on the financial stability and length of term of company. Meyer: Replied that no research other than that provided with the bid package had been done. Haugen: Asked what color the light of the flasher will be, and if there is value to using the red color. Albrecht: Replied that it is the County's jurisdiction and staff has asked what can be used. The County is seeking what colors can legally be used. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.082 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF AN ADVANCE WARNING FLASHER SYSTEM FOR FIRE STATION NO.2. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08.083 AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF VOICE, DATA AND TV CABLING EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION FOR FIRE ST A- TION NO.2. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Awarding the City's Standardized Professional Services Con. tract for the CR 21 Extension Underpass Study and Utility Design by WSB & Associates. Public Works Director Albrecht portrayed the future alignment of CR 21 extension from Hwy 169. Ex- plained timelines and that the project will start with grading and tree removal in 2009. The County is pro- posing to extend sewer and water right after grading so the road bed can settle over the winter before road construction begins. City staff is not available to do the design work at this time and WSB, the contractor working with the County on this project, is recommended to the design work in order to keep the project on time. Staff also suggests consideration of a study to determine whether pedestrian underpasses should be constructed under CR 42 and CR 21. Funding for these two projects would come from Trunk Sewer and Water fund and the Street Oversize Fund. Comments: Millar: Asked if the idea of an overpass would be entertained. Albrecht: Replied that it is much less expensive to build underpasses when able to do so. Hedberg: Asked if the County has acquired right of way north of CR 42. Albrecht: Replied that they have defined the right of way and are in the process of making acquisition. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 LeMair: Noted that the studies have to be done in order to prepare for the future even though they can be expensive. Asked if there are studies that compare underpasses and overpasses from a safety-from- predator viewpoint. Albrecht: Replied that the underpasses will be lighted and set up so that the entrances and exits can be viewed from the road, overpasses are shown to not be used very much because of grading, etc., and the topography lends itself to an underpass. Erickson: Believes the cost of overpasses can be up to one million dollars. Albrecht: Affirmed stating an underpass is in the quarter-million range and overpasses are half-million to a million dollars each. Erickson: Noted that there is also maintenance with overpasses such as clearing snow. Favors the study for the underpass. Since these are County roads, asked who would pay for the underpass. Albrecht: Replied that payment will be part of the cooperative agreement. The City is pushing for the study so it is prudent for the City to pay for that. The County does not want to force an underpass if it is not wanted. Erickson: Commented that the underpasses will be valuable as bicycles become more and more a mode of transportation. Will support. Haugen: Commented that there would likely be ramps rather than steps to approach an underpass or overpass. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 08-084 AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF THE CR 21 EXTENSION UNDERPASS STUDY AND UTILITY DESIGN BY WSB & ASSOCIATES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Monte Giles, 14020 Shady Beach Trail, water drainage issues. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH MONTE GILES, 14020 SHADY BEACH TRAIL, AND SCOTT COUNTY TO RESEARCH POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE WATER DRAINAGE ISSUES ON THAT PROPERTY AND BRING A RECOMMENDATION FOR HELPING SOLVE THE PROBLEM BACK TO THE COUNCIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Review of On-Sale and Off-Sale Liquor License Ordinance MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF TO EVALUATE THE LIQUOR LI- CENSE ORDINANCE FOR BOTH ON-SALE AND OFF-SALE ESTABLISHMENTS INCLUDING THE CONSIDERATION OF DISTANCE BETWEEN LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS AND BRING A RECOM- MENDATION BACK TO THE COUNCIL. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events Hedberg: Dive the Lake will be held on June 14. LeMair: Dads and Dolls of the Premiere Dance Academy performed at the high school last week. Erickson: Stated that a Minnesotan is in the space shuttle overhead tonight and we should all be proud of programs that develop young ladies to go up in space. Haugen: A memorial service was held last Saturday for Dr. Craig Olson. June 10 is public party for the farewell of Dr. Tom Westerhaus. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes June 2, 2008 Executive Session Mayor Haugen called an executive session at 8:18 p.m. in order for the Council to discuss pending litiga- tion. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 9:06 p.m. Mayor Haugen reported that legal options on pending litigation were evaluated and direction provided to legal counsel ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by LeMair and seconded by Erickson to adjourn the meeting. With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. ~~-~ Charlotte Green, Administrative Assistant Frank 10