HomeMy WebLinkAbout10A 5. - Parks Advisory Committee CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 2,1996 Amended January 6, 1997 Amended February 16, 1999 Amended December 4, 2000 Amended June 3, 2002 Amended January 5, 2004 Amended October 18, 2004 Amended January, 2006 Amended Auaust 18. 2008 PRiAM8lESECTION 100 PURPOSE 101. The purpose of the City of Prior Lake Parks AdYisory Committee bylaws is to proyide a set of operatina procedures for the Parks Adyisory Committee. and to establish a code of ethics and conduct. 102: The Bylaws shall be reyiewed annually by the Parks Adyisory Committee. and any chanaes or amendments aareed to by a maiority vote of the Commission shall be recommended to the City Council for adoption at its annual meetina. The City Council conducts is annual meetina as the first meetina in January of each year. (P.^,C) V.'3.f: cr9ato'1 :~ .!dy, 1 ggg by 3.~ :'.':! 9f.-.#l~ D~;:,~ '-:;,I~el City Council to: (1) E:orv~ :c-o :c r::c;-o9A botwoon city go\':~~~:~t ~md tho c:~~:d::my.(2) SC::VS ::IS :1 ~elE:Ouroo f:~ ::I ~9W--aA6 oxiE:ting noighborhoo::!:, ~, :;,r.z z:\'io organizati~~s ssekiA5 ir.f::X~~9A oonoorning th~ Dr;~r '-:cv.~ p:rk €:yctom, (3) t: ::I-o-o;-ot ~:~~~ont in €:ottin5 ~:q ~~, r:c~<j acquisiti:>,o:: ::Ind dO'lolopmenl policieE:, (1) to SOlY3 ::IS ? ':00y-t~ ~~v.s feG":~~ondations to tho city council rola~: :J:~~:: p:?~I~S :;'~~s~ spaGa dovolopment, and, (5) t: nc:st -::ity council in roE:Oarching a variety of funding E:Ourcm; ~C:::;:it-~ Improvomont Pro;~n~ ::I'ld rolato'1 J::crl~ <jovolopmont. AR+IC'-E 1. ~SECTION 200 STRUCTURE OF COMMITTEE Section 1\.201: COMMITTEE CREATED: A Parks Advisorv Committee is hereby created for the Citv. its ouroose to be of an advisorv nature to the Citv Council and staff on issues related to park and open space development. land acauisition and deyelopment policies. Said Parks Adyisory Committee shall be composed of no more than seven (7) and no less than five (5) members. appointed by the City Council. Only residents of the City who are at least 18 years old shall be considered for appointment. Said members shall serve three (3) year-terms beainnina November 1Sl and endina October 31st, The members of the Parks Advisory Committee shall annually elect officers in accordance with the procedures of paraaraph 205 herein. Nams :~s-.~e~pl ~~: elf tho organiz3ti":~ :: t~: "D~:~S D:1~lcS .'\dvisory C":~~;!~~ I I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc Formatted Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 pt SeGti9A 8.202: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: The duties of the Parks Advisorv Committee are as follows: 1. Serve as a liaison between city aovernment and the community. 2. Serve as a resource for a new and existina neiahborhoods. aroups. and civic oroanizations seekino information concernino the Prior lake Dark system. 3. Assist the City in settina open space. land acauisition and develooment policies. 4. Make recommendations to the City Council relatina to specific Darks and open space development. 5. Assist the City Council in researchina a varielv of fundino sources for the Capital Improvement Prooram and related park development. Offico Tho Offico of tho Pri~~ !...3~3 ~3~I~S .'\dvicory Committ03 ;:: 2.t ~ '920~ =:::;:}Io Crook I\vonuo, S.E., Pri3~ '-3!~:l, Minnoc~t3 g~+a, 'W3: APPOINTMENT: The Committee shall consist of no more than seven (7) and no less than five (5) members appointed bv the Prior lake City Council for a term of three (3) vears. The Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live in Prior Lake. Committee members mav serve additional terms uoon aooroval bv the Prior Lake Citv Council. based upon satisfactory attendance and participation. continued residence within the comorate limits of the City of Prior Lake. and in accordance with the term limit policv established herein. Committee members mav serve additional terms upon approval of the Citv Council. 204: VACANCIES: If the office of Chair becomes vacant. the Parks Advisorv Committee shall appoint a replacement as set forth in paraaraph 205 herein. If the Office of Vice- Chair becomes vacant. the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next reaular meetina. and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. If an aopointed member of the Parks Advisorv Committee resions. is terminated. reaches a term limit. or otherwise vacates a seat of the Committee. the Prior Lake Citv Council shall appoint a replacement in the followina manner: 1. Applications are solicited. A Notice of the vacancy is made public and individuals mav be encouraaed to consider the position. 2. The City Manaaer or his desianee. the City Council member who has been appointed as the liaison to the P Advisorv Committee. or who has been appointed to serve on the work arOUD. and the committee chair (unless the aooointment is the committee chair aooointment or re-aooointment. or in the case where no chair has been determined! shall interview all candidates and make a recommendation to the full City Council. No Gerson will sit on any advisory authority charaed with the selection of the successor for that person. 3. The recommendation of the interview Danel shall be Dresented to the City Council and the Council may accept or reiect the recommendation. If the recommendation is reiected. the Citv Council shall aoooint another individual or decide to reooen the vacancv to the public for new candidates. !\RTICL.E 2. OFFICERS .--..-= ? I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 pt Soction .'\. 205: Soction 8. .oFFICERS:. - The Officers of the Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. Chair: - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed from among the Committee's membership for a two year terms in November, by majority vote of the Parks Advisory Committee. The duties of the Chair include: 1 . Review and approval of meetina aaendas. 2. Presidina at meetinas. 3. Participatina with the Citv Council in the selection of Committee members. 4. Annual reportina to the Citv Council. 5. Reoresentation of the Committee as appropriate. 1. R:wimv an:;! 3f)pro\'al of moeting agend3c. ~. P ~36idiA~ 7. :'l'l aeAAg&. 2. ~11:cip3ting ,^.:t~ t~~ City Council in tho E:oloction of C':r:~~~1!-e~ ~9ffigef&. +-ARfw:;:' ~sf:'orting to the City Council. ~. rJoproE:Ontation of tho C~"",,,,,,i.tte~ 3S ::'rpc:-'p~;:'.~9-0 Soction C. I SeGti ::>::: ['. Soction E. 206: Vice Chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. Secretarv - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. Aoo~;~I"",::~t TERM LIMIT: It is the policv of the Prior Lake Citv Council to impose a three term 19 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policv is to encouraae resident participation on Citv advisory bodies and orovide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local aovernment.~"",,,,,,;~~e:: sh?1I consist Of ~~ ~oro th3n covon (7) momb~'s ?ni-HG 1e8.: ~rr.::;",; t:\'~(f) r::;3ffi9::~s, ?;Jpointod by 1",'3 DfiG~ ~?'~'J City Council f::~ ? l'Jrm of throo ~::::~:: f-F::r:r. ~19vem9~~ 1 I'J Octobor 21. Tr.9-G::>.~:lt:::: s"'r&!1 B~ roprocont3tivo of tho citiz::~ ",ho li',o in Prio~ ~3'~9-o--G::>."",,,,,,;~~o mombon; m3Y corvo baco:;! '.It:'SA 3 I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc Fonnatted: All caps Fonnatted: No underline Fonnatted: All caps Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 attondanco an'1 ;xd:::ipation, c:~ti~:l3d ro~idonco in Prix l:l!~3-aR'1 ;~ :l:;cordanco with tho torm limit policy '?s~!:'':'';~hod by tho City COblncil. Soction F. Vacancizs If tr.::l offico of '::'1.::1" ':'s:;omos vacant tho D?,'~S :\dvicory Committoo E:h:J.I' :::;:-p9iAt--a roplacomont in acc-::-'1:>:n:;o with Articl: 3, ~9Gtib~ ~. I~Offico of Vico Chair boc:~3s '-'acant, tho Committos 31.(\11 91s-::-t :-. -;:'Jccossor from its mombor~hi~ :::t ~~.e-f\sY.t '99\:1:-., ~setffi6' :-.~~ eIeGOOF. sxJI '::lo for tho unoxpirod torm of said offi:::. ~\:Ioo.I'1::1 ~ombor ro~ign, or othorv:ico vacato a Goat on the f"'3~ffiitte::, D~'y '-:::J~'3-Git;<-G'.)'_:~s" Sh:::" ?'f:'P9'~~ ? ~'?f?'::::;omont to c;omploto tho torm. Tho goloction of tho Chair or Committoo mombor will bo fillod in accordanco with City Council Bylaws. Soction G. 207: PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: - Annually the Committee shall perform a written self- evaluation on the following: 1. -B-Implementation of the j:T?~':"9Committee's purpose. 2. 2t-Achievement of goals and objectives. 3. ~Compliance with bylaws. A) Formulation of proposals and recommendations and overall 4. -accomplishments. 5. at-Visitation of subject sites as applicable. 6. S; Annual personal attendance record of at least 75%.Ms~t3~S ~orE:On:J.1 :J.ttondanco rocord. A The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review committee comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The review Committee shall present this report and any additional comments to the Council by the first week of December for action and recommendation at the annual meeting in accordance with the Council Bylaws. ~8r.H. +ef~ ,-,~;t 't's tho policy of tho Prior Lako City Council to impo~s ::I t'_VG-ts~~ (or 6 yoar) sorvico limitation for all appointod positions within tho committoos and c.;,;r,m;36+Dn. Ptirtal t3rm~ do not GJ:':~{ t::'.'.':J.rd tho ts~~ o;~'tati::x~-. Tr.s PT9Se-:f ~,,&--t~~~ I'mit polic)' ':: t:: ::lncol,lrago roE:idont f}afti-::'f:':::t'on on City :J.dviE:Ory bodiss ::~j provido community mombs's 'sar. tr.3 opportunity to pLlrticip:J.t3 i~ th*H::~! govornmont. SECTION 300: CODE OF ETHICS 301: POLICY STATEMENT: The Citv of Prior Lake recoanizes that our svstem of democratic reoresentative aovernment is deoendent in larae measure upon Deoole havina trust and confidence in their public officials.--:~'2'3Ven r1 aoonts. The public riohtfullv exoects that oovernmental officials.--:::t.:::I3Ve::: ::~d :J.aonts will conduct Citv I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc .4 Formatted: All caps Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 of Prior Lake business in ways which benefit the public oenerallv and that public office ~~'.:1 90citions will not be used chieflv or improperlv to advance oersonal interest. The City of Prior Lake has oledoed that the ooals of fair. efficient and honest oovernment will be fostered and that it will strive for intearitv and obiectivitv from all of its official&.-. omoloves:. ::::!O:eifHe:z :::~-j volunteore. The City of Prior Lake finds that the oroper operation of democratic representative oovernment re~uires that: 1. Public offico~{; ?~a-S~';;"g\ffiS=- \:.'\'-Elected and aooointed officials be indeoendent. imoartial and responsible to the people: 2. Governmental decisions and policv be made in the proper channels of the oovernmental structure: 3. Public office and oosition not be used for oersonal oain: and 4. The ,J2public have confidence in the inteoritv of its oovernment. This Code shall be liberallv construed in favor or protectina the public's interest in full. disclosure of conflicts of interest and promotino ethical standards of conduct. 302: PURPOSE: The ouroose of this Code is to: 1. Establish standards of ethical conduct for GCity elected and appointed official&.- omployo:=-.. :?ocdiAtesr :?~-j voluntoorc in dealino with conflicts between personal interests. and thoeeinterests of the GCitv and interests of those who do business with the City of Prior Lake; 2. Reouire disclosure of private financial or other interests in matters affectino the Citv of Prior Lake: 3. Provide clear ouidance with respect to sLlch standards by clarifvino which acts are allowed and which are not 4. Promote oublic confidence in the inteoritv of the oovernance and adrr;~;st':::~;<m-of the City of Prior Lake: 5. Provide for the consideration of ootential ethical oroblems before thel/ arise. to minimize unwarranted susoicion and to enhance the accountabilitv of the City of Prior Lake's aovernment to citv residents: and 6. Provide for the fair and effective administration and enforcement of this Code.. Nothina in this oaraaraohsection should be construed to imoair the abilitv of Citv of Prior Lake elected and appointed officialseUiG:rs a~a-:~E:';wees to participate in ceremonial. representational. or informational functions in the pursuit of their official. duties. 303: CONFLICT OF INTEREST: An elected or apoointed official.,.-8r.::1313't'e8. ::::;3eif!tn :?r.3- v:I:d~tgef mav not use his or her pocition or office or take or fail to take anl/ action. or influence others to take or fail to take any action. in a manner which he or she knows.. or has reason to believe. mav result in a personal or financial benefit not shared with a. I: \advbodys\pac\bylaws. doc p . Formatted: Font (Default) Arial, 9 pt substantial seament of the Citv of Prior Lake's population. for any of the followina persons or entities: 1. hHimself or herself: 2. aA member of his or her household, includino his or her spouse or domestic partner and his or her dependents. or the emoloyer or business of anv of the .people listed in subparaaraphs 3-8 below: 3. ,A siblina or step-siblina. step-child, parent or step-parent. niece or ne~hew. uncle or aunt. or arandparent or arandchild of either himself or herself. or of his or her soouse or domestic partner. or the employer or business of any of these people: 4. aAn out€:ido employer or business of his or hers,-Gf-d !:'i.s :x hs~ sc~ domo€:tic oartnor, or €:omoono '""ho work€: f~r :::\.:~h out€:ido 3~DI'J"or or bu€:ino€:€:; 5. aA customer or client (or former customer or client within the precedina 12 months): 6. aA person or entity from whom the elected or appointed official or omplovoo has received an election campaian contribution of more than $200 in the aaareaate durina the oast election cycle: 7. aA substantial debtor or creditor of his or hers. or of his or her spouse or domestic partner: and 8. A nonaovernmental civic aroup, union. social. charitable. or reliaious oraanization of which he or she (or his or her spouse or domestic oartner) is an officer or director. 304: GIFTS AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: An elected or appointed official. omployoo. aopointoD ::md 'I~!:d~gef; mav not use his or her C~S;hffioffice to directlv or indirectly. solicit any aift or special consideration from any person. business or oraanization havinq known business, administrative. leqislatiye or financial relationship with the City of Prior Lake for himself. herself or any relative or indiyidual identified within 303 that could be reasonablv perceived to influence actions or decisions related to City of Prior Lake business. The term aift shall be defined broadly to include but not be exclusively limited to r.n~ monev. a loan. tanaible or intanaible personal property. a promise. services. travel. entertainment. hospitality. food or beyeraae. Special consideration means any privileaes. benefits. exemptions. treatment or advantaae beyond what is aenerally available to City of Prior Lake residents. Nothina within this paraaraph shall prohibit contributions which are solicited or received and reported in accordance with Minnesota law. 305: NEPOTISM AND PATRONAGE: No ooIWG-elected or apoointed official or employee may appoint or hire. supervise or be in a direct line of suoervision. includina bv contract. any relative or individual identified in 303 unless such situation arises throuqh the competitive bid process. I I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc .6 I Formatted: All caps Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 No 9HbIiG-elected or aooointed official or emplovee may promise an appointment or use his or her influence to obtain an appointment to any position as a reward for any political activity or contribution. 306: MISUSE OF OFFICIAL POSITION: No 9HbIiG-elected or appointed official Gf- omployoo may use his or her official position for a puroose that is. or would to a reasonable person aooear to be orimarilv for the orivate benefit of the 9HbIiG-0fficial.,... emplo....ee er relati'/o or an individual identified in 303. 307: MISUSE OF CITY PROPERTY: An elected or apoointed official. omployos. :::cooiAtee- ef-lJ::!:"'\~~gef must refrain from allowina the use GF-Gef~;t ~hs ~:~c of any oerson. funds. or orooertv under his or her official control. direction. or custody. or of any City of Prior Lake funds or orooertv. for a OUroose which is. or to a reasonable person would appear to be. for other than a City of Prior Lake ouroose. Nothina in this oaraaraph shall Prevent the private use of City of Prior Lake Propertv which is available on eaual terms to the oublic aenerallv (such as the use of librarv books or tennis courts) or the use of City of Prior Lake orooertv in accordance with_ municipal oolicv for conductina official City of Prior Lake business (such as the use of a City of Prior Lake automobile). 308: DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: An elected or apoointed official. emolo'/oo. aaba;r.~98 8~ '!oluntoor who has not obtained orooer leaal authorization shall not knowinalv disclose. use or allow the disclosure or use of any confidential. privileaed. Gf- proprietarv or non-oublic information aained bv reason of his or her official position for a puroose which is not for the benefit of the City of Prior Lake. Nothina in this oaraaraoh shall prohibit the disclosure or use of information which is a matter of public knowledae or which is available to the oublic on reauest. 309: EMPLOYMENT AND INVESTMENT: No elected or appointed official omplovoo or aee::;,,~€9-shall enaaae in or accept Private emplovment. or render services for. any private interest when such emplovment or service is incompatible with the Droper discharae of official duties or would tend to impair independence of iudament or action in the performance of official duties. An elected or aooointed official. omolo'/oo 2\ :::-c:::9iRtee shall not invest or hold any investment. directlv or indirectlv. in any financial. business. commercial or other private transaction which creates a conflict with his or her official duties. 310: RECUSAL: An elected or appointed official. emolo'loo. 3ppointoo. or voluntoor must refrain from actina on or discussina. formallv or informallv. a matter before the GCitv. if actina on the matter7 may personallv or financiallv benefit any ef--ti:le..-other person or entities listed in section 4d4-303 of this Code or would to a reasonable person appear to impair the individual's independence of iudament or action in the performance of official duties. An elected or appointed official ::~ ~~~':';,,~s9-who in the discharae of official duties would be reauired to take an action or make a decision that would substantiallv affect the official's financial interest or the interest of those individuals identified in section 303 must advise the City Attornev of the potential conflict of interest as soon as oossible and preferablv in advance of the meetina at which the action or decision is to be made. If the City Attornev determines that a potential conflict of interest exists. the elected or appointed official c :::::::::9iRtee-shall inform the I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc 7 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 presidina body of the potential conflict and abstain from any participation on that. aaenda item.-AR-s~"2"OYOO or voluntoor 8hould i.i~ ~~-.:: ~.~I;~-'::\1'AJ ~-'::l'.S ?~ ?: publio mootiFlEl or loavo tho room if it if: Rot a l:Ju~li9 meotina. This paraaraph shall not applv to any contract awarded throuah the oublic bid process in accordance with applicable law. 311 : DUTY TO REPORT: An elected or appointed official. appointoo. S~IO"OO or voluntoor who is aware or who has a substantialw reason to believe that an individual is in violation of this Code is obliaated to report the suspected violation of this Code to. the Citv Manaaer. City Attornev or his or her desianee. 312: PROHIBITION AGAINST RETALIATION: The City of Prior Lake public OHi-'::'3'S.. aeaeiRt::::s. ra.-::~!9\1ee6 and its elected or appointed officials shall not harass. . attack. take or threaten to take. directlv or indirectlv. official or personal action. includina but not limited to termination. discioline. chanae of iob duties. or chanoe in salarv because an individual. in aood faith. has: 1. ...fa.t-fReported a violation of this Code: 2. -f.9t-tFiles a complaint reoardina an alleaed violation of anv law or City of Prior Lak~ ordinance or policv: or 3. -+&HIs reauested to particioate in an investiaation. hearina or inauirv related to the alleaed violation. The City of Prior Lake may take appropriate discipline UP to includinc tormination of ~:J;:?J. 3~00intoe. omploveo or v::lu~tgefaaainst any individual who files a Code of ethics violation in bad faith. 313: ENFORCEMENT: Anv GtlbHG-elected or apoointed official. appointoo. S~"2'I~ voluntoor that who is found to have enaaaed in action or inaction that violates an', provision of this code may be sanctioned, reprimanded. suspended or removed from office or emolovment in accordance with Federal law. State law. applicable City of. Prior Lake ordinances. contracts. labor aareements and policies. 314: ANNUAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P'...!~~'C OFFICI.'\~2 ~\1PLOYEES, AP-P-C""!:~~~ .^.~!~ '.{Q~I...!~!T~ED,g: ^" oublio offi',,'3IS. ~~pointoof:. S~"2"9Ve'?S-. ?f'g... vsl:mtgef&- The Mavor and all members of the City Council. Plannina Commission. Park Advisorv Committee and Lakes Advisorv Committee shall sian and file an annual disclosure statement. P~9li6-B#i::i:::J,e ~~st ~.jje bv March 15tn of each year, or within. thirty (30\ davs after a chanae in the information contained in his or her most recentlv filed annual disclosure statement. Aoplicants for appointment shall comolete a disclosure statement as oart of their application process for the position. The annual disclosure statement shall include: 1. The location of anv real property in the Citv of Prior Lake or within one mile of the. boundarv of the Citv of Prior Lake in which the gerson disclosina. or his or her relative. has a financial interest. and the tvoe of financial interest: 2. The name. nature. type of entity. and the relationship to any business or emolover to which the public official or 3.poli~r.t ~.-.::~ ?'ccointmont person disclosina receives anv tvpe of benefit: and - I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc 13 Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1" + Tab after: 1.25" + Indent at: 1.25", Allow hanging punctuation, Adjust space between Latin and Asian text, Adjust space between Asian text and numbers, Font Alignment: Auto ! Formatted: Font: (Default) Arlal, 9 , pt 3. The names and addresses of all relatives of the person disclosino who are emploved bv the City as emplovees. contractors, or consultants. includinq relatives who work for or are subcontractors. -9f-Contractors or consultants. 4. For ourooses of this subsection. "relative" means SDouse. child. steD-child. siblina. . oarent or person claimed as a dependent on the latest Federal income tax return. Sootion I. Conflict ~~ ~~!~~'?'Et Memb~:-s '_\4t~ :) ~~n3nci:11 or vOtSt02 ~~!~roct \.4.'it!": 3~ Zppli::D:":!. 2W~:sa.tiGA, ~v., j)olicy, or other committes ;:Js\.~9-6hv.1 ji€clo€o tho rolati:>.1:hif: tskn p::.l~!~ipating in €Hs'J'lss;on about th:: ;ss'.!s. !' th.e-GeAfli:t :: doomod to bo Eignifin~t, t~o mombo~ S~?jl <ef.~('.;~ '~gm dicOUE:€i:~ ?~-j voting o~ s{.'':~ ;ss'.!':'. "+h9-~ootld ;~':glw)E: tho prociding offio:~, ~s.lsR: s~?\t dicqU3lify him/hs'sc1' from diccuccion amI !')ass t~3 g3'101 to tho Vico C:h.::i~ :~ :1 rr.:>mbor who r2S ~:l conflict. Ho/cho may rss'.!",,9-tRe-:~2~~ onoo tho i€cu: ~{lS ':::seR-1;SfX\tsAe€h Soction J. Codo of Conduct Co""",,;t~oo mombor€ will adhoro to tho following: ~"";~~s:> mombor'€: opinion port3ining to 3 function, org3nization or €pocific application :' ;ss'.!:': S~('.jl ~ot bo givon to tho public or modia '.!::lIsss ~h9l'S ;s :': doar qU3Iificati:" th('.~ th<) opinio" ;~ ~~2~ gf....tAe- ~ombor and not tho official opinion of tho committoo or tho City. If 3 Committoo ~s~':::3r givoc or roprownt€: tho ':'::,;~;on€: of tho Committoo, ho/ch: S~" ':io 80 only 3ftor rocoivin9 tho officbl diroction from tho Cc~~itt:a,. 2. Tho conduct of Committoo momb:~s s~all ronoct pOEitivoly upon tha-C:~~~;ttoo. individ:.e! :':Iombor and city. 3. Committoo mombcrs S~('.jl 3void any :::t'.!::! :' ?'f.\.<'(\o:em-improprioty. AR+J~Lii 3.-SECTION 400 CONDUCTING MEETINGS Soction /\. 401: Roqul3r MEETING& SCHEDULE: - In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Lawall meetings of the committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on the EOcond Mondavthird Thursdav of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Prior Lake Maintonanoo ContorCitv Hall, 17073 .'\do!m::lF~,1 ~646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, canceled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of the Chair and/or Vice-Chair. Reaular and soecial meetinqs of the Parks Advisorv Committee shall be televised on cable television. ~~-:R 402: NOTIFICATION: - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: ~ I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc ( Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ] Formatted: All caps I - Soction C. 403: ~x~. 404: Soction E. 405: 1. B-Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. 2. 21--A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying materials shall be received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council, no later than the Friday prior to the Monday meeting and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. .sPECIAL MEETINGS: - Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the chair or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting may be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section ~02ef..#1~ 3~!Jie shall be followed. .QUORUM FOR REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS: - A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS AT MEETINGS: - The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: 1. .:h---Call to Order 2. a,.....Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. *-Old Business 4. 4,-Other Business 5. &.---Staff Update 6. &.-New Business 7. h-Adjournment 406: PUBLIC HEARING FORMAT: Public hearinos shall be conducted in the followinq manner: I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc. ,10 ! Formatted: All caps Formatted: All caps Formatted: All Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 pt I:\advbodys\pac\b-Ylaws.doc ..... 406.1 406.2 406.3 406.4 406.5 406.6 406.7 406.8 406.9 406.10 Soction F. 407: The oresidina officer calls the public hearina to order and declares the time of ooenina.- It is the intent of the Parks Advisorv Committee to ooen all oublic hearinas at the- predetermined and published time. From a practical standpoint. not all hearinas can be opened at their desianated time. The presidina officer may delay the start of a hearinq until the business at hand is acted uoon. in anv manner. bv the Lakes Advisorv Commission. However. in no circumstances can a hearina be opened orior to the oredetermined and published time. The oresidina officer shall read. from the hearina notice. the details on the hearino,- sufficient to provide the public a aeneral understandina of the ouroose and procedures for the hearina and the fact that the hearina is their exclusive or primary ooportunitv to .provide input to the city on the subiect. Staff and/or a consultant make a presentation or report on the subiect matter for the- hearina. The oresidina officer asks Parks Advisorv Committee members if they have auestions- of the staff or consultant. if anv. The oresidina officer reauests a motion and second to open the public hearina. The presidina officer announces that input will be received from the citizens. Formal- inout includes the name and address of the speaker delivered from the podium. After all oersons have been heard. the presidino officer reauests a motion to: 1. Close the public hearina and the Parks Advisorv Committee votes on the motion. Once the vote is taken. the hearina is closed for the record. or 2. Continue a public hearina. If the Parks Advisorv Committee votes to continue the hearina, the presidina officer, in consultation with the Parks Advisorv Committee. shall select and announce a time and date certain for the continued public hearino. No additional publication or notice reauirements are needed if a hearino is continued to a later date. However. no oublic hearina may be continued more than once without re-notice and oublishina the time. date and location of the hearina. The Parks Advisorv Committee addresses the subiect matter throuah deliberation... ouestions to citizens and staff. and reactions and statement of position on the subiect. If the public hearina is closed. the Parks Advisorv Committee should take action on the- apolication before them in the form of a motion bv resolution. However, the Committee may formulate a recommendation which outlines the oarameters under which an approval would be aranted. The reasons and conditions shall be stated in the motion or resolution for approval or denial. Continuation of an action mav occur in the event insufficient information is present to make a decision. The Parks Advisorv Committee shall delineate the missina information before continuino the item. VOTING: - All members of the Committee have equal voting authority. ,11 I Formatted: Bullets and Numbering J Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ! Formatted: Bullets and Numbering _._------_.~~_._.~_.,~----_.__._---_.__.._-------- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering -----------..---- Formatted: All caps Formatted: Font: (Default) Arlal, 9 AR=RC~i 1-.-SECTION 500- SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES Soction A. 501: Soction B. 502: POWERS AND DUTIES: - The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on Park matters identified in tM proamblo Section 100 or as assigned to the committee. Semiannually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the city council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. SUBCOMMITTEES: - The Committee may divide its membership into Subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. AR+J':'~!i R. SECTION 600 AMENDMENTS I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws. doc Soction /I.. 601: AMENDMENTS: - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised bylaws to the City Council for final approval. .12 ! Formatted: All caps i. Formatted: All caps Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 9 pt