HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 18, 2008 PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING ~............................................................................................................................................... THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. ~............................................................................................................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of September Agenda 3. Approval of July meeting minut~ 0 t.( ~ C\dcl: t.-rn..e".R Iol tlsh ~{-eI 'W2~~~Citt"Oh R \ r d 5 '4. Memorial Field Usage- AI Friedges - . (' I-€' ~e5 b ~ Natural Resource MPP Update- DaneUe Walthers I "'6. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges ~ -.::;, Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad \...) 'lc\M\' -:y~('<... ~C\rn ,n~ ApPUcahoV') S - AnC\,e. g{("Et~ '1 '& Future Meeting Date oJ a. October 16th, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 7/17/08 6:00 p.m. -7:10 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Feriancek. Members Present: Mike Feriancek, Dan Ruhme, Kelly Loose, Kendall Larson, Ron Ceminsky Members Absent: Kyle Haugen Staff Present: Al Friedges, Angie Barstad Citv Council Liaison: Warren Erickson 2. APPROVAL OF JULY AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda by Ron Ceminsky, Second by Dan Ruhme; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF JUNE MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Dan Ruhme, Second by Ron Ceminsky; motion carried 4. MEMORIAL FIELD USAGE Friedges: Advised the Parks Advisory Council that there will be a meeting between Al Friedges, PLABA, and Prior Lake School District at 5:00 p.m. on 7/24/2008 at the City of Prior Lake's Maintenance Center to discuss Memorial Field over usage and maintenance problems. Al stated that there are too many teams playing at Memorial Field which is causing problems with maintenance and upkeep of the field. Hoepfully everyone can work together to help the condition of the field. Ruhme: What has changed with the usage over the years? Friedges: Increased PLABA, Mudcats and Jays games along with increased usage by the Prior Lake School District for their games. There is no "down time" for the field. We now have "wiggle room" with the lighting of Ryan fields complete and Ponds fields that would ease the stress on Memorial Field. No formal action required. 5. JEFFERS POND DVD: Friedges: This is a DVD that was developed to highlight Jeffers Pond. DVD was played. Feriancek/CeminskylRuhmelLarsonlLoose: All commented on the great presentation of Jeffers Pond on the DVD. They felt this should be done for more areas in Prior Lake No formal action required. 6. PROJECTSIUPDA TES BY AL FRIEDGES · Shepard's Path Boardwalk - The work on this bridge has started. Not sure when metal arches will come for the bridge but we are hoping this project will be completed by mid- August. The surrounding residents are very anxious for this project to be completed. . Ponds Field #7 - The piles of dirt by this field are for installing practice in-fields for use with waiting teams during tournaments in addition to regular practices. As soon as baseball season winds down Al Friedges will be increasing maintenance and renovation to City baseball fields before seasonal staff goes back to school. Feriancek: What is the status of the landscaping project at Fire Station #2? Friedges: This project is 75% complete. There have been some issues with the drainage in the rain water garden area but this is being addressed. Feriancek: What is the status of the tree inventory? Friedges: 2008,2007 and 2006 are all entered into the database. We will be going back farther. This project will continue late fall/early winter. No formal action required. 7. SUMMER PROGRAMS BY ANGIE BARSTAD. Barstad: Presented information on the 2008 summer programs and future planned events. FerianceklCeminskylRuhmelLarsonlLoose: All commented on the great variety the recreation department offers and how much fun their kids have had in the various programs. No formal action required. 8. LAKE FRONT DAYS ICE CREAM SOCIAL VOLUNTEERS Barstad: Charlotte Green is looking for volunteers to hand out food and ice cream on Thursday, 7/31/08 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Anyone interested may contact Angie Barstad or Charlotte Green at City Hall. 9. FUTURE MEETING DATE - Au!!:Ust 21st (6Dm). Motion to adjourn was made by Ron Ceminsky and second by Dan Ruhme, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator #2 Emerald Ash Borer D Bright, metallic green D % inch long, flattened back D Purple abdominal segments beneath . wing covers #3 Currently Emerald ash borer has been detected in IIlionois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin, West Virginia & Canada D Michigan is being hit the hardest at this point #4 There are over 70 million dead ash trees in these states #5 The native range for the emerald ash borer is eastern russis, japan, northern china, korea, Mongolia and Taiwan #6 How did it get here? D Most likely through un kilned or untreated shipping materials from east Asia that arrived at a port in the Detroit area #7 How does E.A.B. kill trees? S:\FRIEDGES\EAB,doc D Larva tunnel under the bark disrupting water flow #8 The gallery's made by the EAB larvae #9 The larvae of the EAB tell tale sign is an S shaped gallery D Depending on the time of the year they breed, the larva will live and eat in an ash tree for up to 3 years o The larva in this ash was probably 3 years old before it emerged as an adult oNate - the gallery's increase in size #10 These are the different year stages of the larva #11 Size of larva #12 When the EAB emerges from the tree it makes a D shaped exit hole #13 After the EAB emerges as an adult it mates o Females lay 60-90 eggs, record is 256 eggs o Eggs are laid singly in bark . crevices S:\FRIEDGES\EAB.doc #14 Why should we be concerned - see slide #15 Forty million trees in Michigan #16 EAB begins in the top one-third of the canopy D Progresses until the tree is bare D Sprouts grow from the roots and tru n k o The leaves on the sprouts are often larger than normal #17 How will EAB get to Minnesota? o More than likely it will be from firewood that has come from infested areas #18 Picture of infested trees #19 Which tree has EAB #20 Another picture of bark cracking and gallery's created by larva #21 How do I know if a tree has EAB o Early detection is extremely difficult o Canopy die back S:\FRIEDGES\EAB,doc D Vertical splitting I the bark D Sprouting/suckering D Woodpecker holes D D-shaped exit holes D Larva tunnels #22 Native ash borer look alikes D Six spotted tiger beelte D Polydrusus D Eastern ash bark beetle D Japanese beetle #23 What are other states doing D Detection trees/purple t?????? D Stop planting ash D Removing marginal ash D Not moving firewood D Illinois - % mile ash removal #24 This is how an eradication zone is set up #25 The MN Dept of Agriculture has set up Emerald Ash Borer detection tree locations in MN D The City of Prior Lake has detections trees in our parks S:\FRIEDGES\EAB.doc o 3 of our parks employees have gone thru training & are certified first detection of EAB #26 detection trees are girdled o Girdling the trees adds stress to the trees o If there are EAB in the area, they will attack the stressed trees first o The detection trees are check frequently #27 Prior Lake's plan o Eliminate all ash tree plantings o Remove poor ash during trimming operations o Prepare through tree planting and diversity o If it comes ----- we will have trouble #28 Value of Minn Urban Ash #29 Costs #30 Diversity & planting o Kentucky coffertree o Amun maakia o Ginkgo S:\FRIEDGES\EAB.doc o Oak (bicolor) D Disease resistance elms D Hackberry D Serviceberry o Burr oak o Lindens D Maple o Many ornamentals o Hawthorn D Ironwood o Ohio buckeye #31 is this EAB - no #32 S shaped galleries #33 Is this EAB - no o The exit holes are round - not D shaped #34 k S:\FRIEDGES\EAB,doc Master Park Planning Update September 18, 2008 PAC Site Evaluations fj" (.(0.'.00", _>({.h' 'J Crystal Lake Park Master Park Planning J.... .JulY . . . . . . . Auoust 5oDlembol OctDbor . . . ". . . . ~ . . ': Clly Coonell ~~~;qctZOlh f.a,...O..:..... "",,,, - ..,,'t,<<o Crystal Lake Park 1 Rice Lake Park N F.)lIS1""llMll tj :1~::;lTMM c.] L3OI'AACfl Rice Lake Park Crystal/Rice lake Park 2 . Largest Ash in Minnesota! 3 N U03T"".. TIWL E~ :~'=KOTPAl o ~'.:;t~ N E)USTfl<HAAU t~ :~=:lTMAi o A',ActL 4 Heritage Farm Park -~ ~li!.f~"""TllRI'LAM PRDGAAJ.faEUENrS .~- L......,'..!IIl'>I...Il'Og1OOll t:......... :::.::-= ~.._~ rr)~/ ~;.....----.... ~=~ )/.p .... :::- - L(55 -,- d:; . :::._ III ;;;""" Heritage Farm Park . . ..mmm~~~~~~.'i"mm v Kop/Heritage Farm Park o 5 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Committee Report To: Parks Advisory Committee Members DaIec September 1 8, 2008 Agenda Title: Park Naming Applications Prepared By: Kelly Meyer, Asst. City Manager o Presentation, No Action Required o Requires Discussion and Direction to Staff o Final Review / Prepare Recommendation to City Council History: The City has received two requests for the naming of public property within the City, I Public Area I Park area at Shepherd's Path I Rain Garden along trail behind City Hall Proposed Name I Horkey Park at Shepherd's Path I Harvey and Luveme Klingberg Memorial Garden I Sheoherd's Path: The request submitted for the park area at Shepherd's Path comes from Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church. The park primarily serves the Shepherd of the Lake campus and is located south of the Church between the apartment complex and the wetland. It does not currently have a name. The park has been improved with trails, gazebo, boardwalk and arched bridge that ties into the Church. Future plans include a shelter, playground equipment and a parking lot. The Church would like to honor Gary and Rita Horkey from whom the land for the Church campus was originally purchased. Citv Hall Rain Garden: The request submitted for the rain garden behind City Hall comes from the children of Harvey and Luverne Klingberg, The rain garden is located behind City Hall along the trail that connects the Rotary Gateway to Lakefront Park via the floating bridge. The rain garden does not have a formal name. The rain garden has been planted, but the remainder of the area has been left in a natural state without much maintenance. In the future, there is flexibility to improve upon this area if funding is available. The Klingberg family has expressed an interest in participating in the improvement of the area, The location of the rain garden is particularly special for the Klingberg family. City Hall sits on property purchased from the Klingbergs and where they raised their five children. Harvey and Luverne spent 50 years on the property, and Harvey spent a great deal of time maintaining the land where the rain garden and trail connection now sit. Discussion Items: September 16,2008 The City has a policy for the naming and renaming of City streets, parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places, The policy was originally adopted in September 2000, and was last revised in February 2007. The policy outlines the criteria to consider when making any change, as well as the procedures for processing a request. Process: The policy provides that once an application has been submitted, the City staff either (a) solicits additional names, or (b) make a determination to consider only the proposed name submitted. The list of names, or recommended name is reviewed by the appropriate advisory committee, who may add or eliminate names from the list. The Advisory Committee then makes a recommendation to the City Council. In the case of these two proposed names, City staff determined that no additional names would be solicited, The applicants who submitted the names appear to have the most significant interest in and connection to the respective properties, Criteria: The policy outlines a number of criteria to consider in the naming of a public place: 1. Names that reflect the major subdivision in which the public place is contained or which it serves, 2. Names that acknowledge local historical events, persons, or significant benefactors. 3. Names in memory of an individual who has obtain local or national prominence via significant contribution in any field or endeavor. 4. Names that acknowledge major financial contributions which made acquisition of property and/or development possible. 5. Names that honor an individual who has significantly served or contributed to the community (a minimum often years of service). The proposed name for the park at Shepherd's Path meets criteria 1 and 4, The proposed name for the City Hall rain garden meets criteria 4 and 5. Alternatives: A. Discuss the proposed names, make any additions or changes, and make a recommendation to the City Council as appropriate, B. Take no action and direct staff to provide additional information or solicit additional potential names. . Page 2