HomeMy WebLinkAbout5C - Sports Logix Easement CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: August 4,2003 AGENDA#: 5C PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson, Director of Public Works AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING ACQUISITION OF PARCELS FROM THE SPORT LOGIX CORPORATION FOR THE BOUDIN/COMMERcE/TH 13 PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 02-05 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURCHASE. DISCUSSION: Historv: The City's Capital Improvement Program has long called for the construction of a new intersection on TH 13 between Boudin Street and Commerce Avenue to provide safer TH 13 access to this area. The new intersection requires the acquisition of portions of the Assembly of God Church and R C. Burdick properties between Commerce and Boudin, which were approved at the July 7, 2003 City Council meeting. The City is also needs to acquire two small parcels from Sports Logix Corporation for this project. Current Circumstances: The Sports Logix Corporation owns the property on the south side of Boudin Street, adjacent to TH 13. The project requires both a permanent right of way and temporary construction easement from two properties, Lot 2, Block I and Outlot A of the Waters edge First Addition, owned by Sports Logix. Terms agreed upon with the Sports Logix for the acquisition of the required property include: . $4.75 per square foot for 4406 square feet of permanent right of way. . Reconstruction of the bituminous driveway into the property, the cost of which is incorporated with the construction contract, so there is no additional cost to the City. The total cost to the City for the Sports Logix parcels is $20,928.50 ISSUES: The value of the permanent right of way is similar to prices provided to the City in appraisals of similar property. With the purchase of the necessary easements from Assembly of God Church, RC. Burdick, and now Sports Logix, the City Attorney will dismiss the condemnation proceedings and all property needed for this intersection will have been successfully acquired. Maintenance Center x:\osMJrQj'~~o/@vgM\g~~t~d)~itU!~~t1'~~~~.R-W~~~Rf~1.&~78 PURCHASE. DOC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNIlY EMPLOYER ALTERNATIVES: (I) Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of parcels from the Sports Logix Corporation for the BoudinlCommerce/TH 13 Project, City Project No. 02-05, and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the necessary documents. (2) Take no action. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative (1). X:\OSMUNDSON\STREET SYSTEM\BOUDINSCOMMERCE\AGENDA ITEMS\AGENDA APPROVE SPORTS LOGIX PURCHASE DOC RESOLUTION 03-xx RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISTION OF PARCELS FROM SPORTS LOGIX CORPORATION FOR THE BOUDIN/cOMMERCE/TH 13 PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 02-05 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS MOTION BY: WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, SECOND BY: pursuant to Resolution 03-87, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications and a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Savage for the BoudinlCommerce/TH 13 Improvement Project (City Project No. 02-05); and the City Council has previously determined that permanent right of way and temporary easements across the Sports Logix Corporation properties (the legal descriptions of which are attached), are necessary for public purpose for the construction of the roadway improvements; and on April 21,2003, the City Council initiated a condemnation action for the necessary property interests by Resolution 03-63; and prior to completing the condemnation action, staff and property owners have successfully negotiated terms for the purchase of said right of way and temporary easement interests. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The acquisition of the permanent right of way and temporary easements is hereby approved, and funds for this purchase shall be drawn from the Collector Street Fund in an amount not to exceed $20,928.50. 3. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute all necessary documents to effectuate the closing ofthe transaction. 4. Upon execution of the easement documents, the City Attorney is hereby authorized to remove said parcels from the condemnation action. Maintenance Center x:\q;fj\@ijl3>~e#1&a1~U~~p~l{':;&M!I,a ~M :fj~~P,~fu>~~~hM@% 75 / Fax (952) 440-9678 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNIlY EMPLOYER Passed this 4th day of August 2003. Blomberg Blomberg Haugen Haugen LeMair LeMair Petersen Petersen Zieska Zieska YES NO { Seal} Frank Boyles, City Manager Maintenance Center x:\Ol~~~n~d~'$1?).I~K;9~trne~~ Mm~e.~QW~ff~g(~~h4400J675 / Fax (952) 440-9678 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNIlY EMPLOYER Location: Prior Lake P.I.D. No. 251910040 Project No. 1366-012 Parcel No. 4 Date: April 17, 2003 That part of the following described parcel ofland in the City of Prior Lake: Outlot A, W ATERSEDGE 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following permanent easement for highway, utility and drainage Purposes: The Easterly 10.00 feet ofthe Northerly 145.00 feet of Outlot A, WATERS EDGE 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota, and the Westerly 15.00 feet of the Easterly 25.00 feet of the Northerly 35.00 feet of said Outlot A. Parties: Sport Logix Corporation O~t:: I'his is not a legal document. It is inh~ndt'd only to present tht' information to prepare the necessary docmnents for the acquisition of the t~asements deseribed by proceedings in eminent domain or negothltion. 1 C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA282\PARCEL 4.doc BOUDIN STREET 340.25 585'45'21 "E PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA = 961 sq ft 8'" c.., ~ I t \.- I 0 30 60 ,:,(-<",,-- " \ \...... .. :\~'.. ' ...., ,-,-, .... -,- I I I' I 1\ .... ,.... , L_.... , Lf. bsocialeS,lru::. I 7630S41-4800 FAX 763-54M700 Trunk Highway 13 Improvements Easement Exhibit City of Prior Lake, Scott Co., MN WSB Project No, 1366-01 Date: Aprt115, 2003 .. WSB 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Mlnneapols, MN 55422 _ILlI..~W:l1f11'I('IIII:::MI PARCEL 3 t:*01366-0t*Survey*eose-3,dgn Location: Prior Lake P.I.D. No. 251910020 Project No. 1366-012 Parcel No. 3 Date: April 17, 2003 That part ofthe following described parcel ofland in the City of Prior Lake: Lot 2, Block I, W ATERSEDGE 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following permanent easement for highway, utility and drainage Purposes: That part of Lot 2, Block I, W ATERSEDGE 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of said Lot 2, with a line drawn parallel with and distant 25.00 feet Westerly of the most Easterly line of said Lot 2; thence Northerly, parallel with said most Easterly line, 97.52 feet, to a Northerly line of said Lot 2, and said line there terminating. Also which lies within the following temporary easement for construction purposes: That part of said Lot 2, lying Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of Lot 1, said Block 1, distant 30.56 feet Southerly of the Northeast corner of said Lot I, as measured along said Easterly line of Lot 1; thence Southerly, to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 2, distant 65.90 feet Southerly ofthe most Northeasterly comer of said Lot 2, as measured along said Easterly line of Lot 2, and said line there terminating. Parties: Sport Logix Corporation Note: This is IW~ a h:~gid document It is intem:lt'd Oldy to pn:'St:nt the information to pn~pan2' the IH"ccssary documents for the acquisition of the t~as{'ments deseribed ahove by proceedings in eminent domain or negotiation. 1 C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA282\PARCEL 3.doc < ' - -< , , A ~ - , , ,. (, " - < . . - < - { . ~ (-I. .. -' , < - < ' ' , -< , ", V ., \ \,."'" .....,...\ \ " "... I I -,- I ".. -,- .... ..... : ~ _ 1....': ,_\ 264.09 NB20SB'SB"W PROPOSEDPE~ENT HlGHW A Y, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA 2063 sq ft .. WSB 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Mlnne.pols, MN 55422 C BOUDIN STREET y ~ r=:::::: I 60 /1 I I - ...,-.... , " - <<<-' < " - , , ( , . , I ., . ,,- WSB Project No. 1366-01 Date: April 15, 2003 "* Associr:Jte8. inc. I 7~1~OO FAX 763--541-1700 Trunk Highway 13 Improvements Easement Exhibit City of Prior Lake, Scott Co., MN _1~11.:::I~:l1J!.1~1~11I~1eI t:.o1366-01.Survey*ease-4.dgn PARCEL 4