HomeMy WebLinkAbout121503 Regular'~~~` PRIp~,~~. ~~~ ~, ~y v x ~ ~~~~< `~INiVESO~e'.•O` 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 15, 2003 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director Osmundson, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Planner Kirchoff, Finance Director Teschner, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, and Communications Coordinator Oster. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to Cify governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. Bo les: Reviewed the procedure for the public forum. No persons were present to speak at the Public Forum. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Bo les: Advised that the petitioner has requested that item 5G4 (Approving a Private Use of Public Property Agrement fo Allow for the Encroachment of a Deck in a Rear Yard 70 foof Drainage and Utility Easement -McCoy) be removed until such time that they can secure the required insurance policy. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY BLOMBERG, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 1, 2003 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Blomberg, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. (B) Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. (C) Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. (D) Consider Approval of Animal Warden Monthly Report. (E) Consider Approval of 2004 Cigarette Licenses. (F) Consider Approval of 2004 Renewal Massage Therapy Licenses. (G) Consider Approval of Resolutions with Findings of Fact (1) Upholding the Decision of the Planning Commission to Deny a Front Yard Setback Variance for the Construction of a Single Family Dwelling at 2719 Spring Lake Road (Hines) (Resolution 03.207); (2) Overturning the Decision of the Planning Commission and Approving a Rear Yard Setback Variance for the Construction of a Deck on Property Located at 4624 Oakland Beach Ave. (Van Pelt) (Resolution 03.208); (3) Overturning the Decision of the Planning Commission and Approving a Rear Yard Setback Variance for the Construction of a Deck on Property Located at 2830 Fox Run NW (McCoy)(Resolution 03.209 and www. cityofpriorlake. com Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 Resolution 03.210; and (4) Approving a Private Use of Public Property Agreement to Allow for the Encroachment of a Deck in a Rear Yard 10-Foot Drainage and Utility Easement (McCoy) - [REMOVED]. (H) Consider Approval of Resolution 03.205 Approving Common Interest Community Plat for Deerfield Condominium. (I) Consider Approval of Resolution 03.206 Approving Common Interest Community Plat for Timber Crest. (J) Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the 2002 Improvement Project and Estate Avenue Lift Station Improvements. (K) Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the CSAH 42 Watermain Improvement Project (City Project 02-07). (L) Consider Approval of Liquor Licenses for St. Michael Church for their Annual Gala Dinner including (1) Temporary Consumption and Display Permit, and (2) Temporary 3.2 Liquor License. BOYLES: Reviewed the Consent Agenda items. Zieska: Requested removing Items 5J (Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the 2002 Improvement Project and Estate Avenue Lift Station Improvements) and 5K (Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the CSAH 42 Watermain Improvement Project (City Project 02-01). MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED, WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS 5J AND 5K. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, the motion carried. Councilmember Blomberg recorded a Nay vote with respect to Item 5G3 in order to be consistent with her previous position and voting record on the matter. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: 5J -Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Fu11 and Fina- Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the 20021mprovementfroject and Estate Avenue Lift Station Improvements. 5K -Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for the CSAH 42 Watermain Improvement Project (City Project 02-01). Zieska: Noted the efforts of staff on two very significant and difficult projects. Also noted that the $1 million dollar project came in about 1% over budget, while the $400,000 project came in 10% under budget. Congratulated staff on their diligence. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN, APPROVING RESOLUTION 03-211 AND RESOLUTION 03-212 RESPECTIVELY, AUTHORIZING FULL AND FINAL PAYMENTS TO BARBAROSSA AND SONS, INC. FOR THE 2002 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND ESTATE AVENUE LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS, AND THE CSAH 42 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Peteresen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. PRESENTATIONS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS 2 City Council Meeting Minutes DFL4FT December 15, 2003 Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting 2004 City of Prior Lake Budgets and Certifying Fina12004 City of Prior Lake Property Tax Levy to Scott County Department of Taxation. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, noting that the proposed budget is the same one previously reviewed by the Council at the Truth-in-Taxation hearing which effectuates a 1.3 percent increase in spending and provides for a modest reduction in the city portion of the property tax bill. Also noted that the budget provides for the addition of a community development director, and allows the city to continue its pursuit of the 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan. Zieska: Commented that he is excited to support the proposed budget, especially when the financial climate in local government is one where many cities are forced to increase taxes, cut services and personnel, and reduce reserves. Petersen: Thanked Finance Director Teschner for his continued efforts to manage any increase in the property tax bill. Haugen: Added that it is important to note that this budget can be achieved while still pursuing the initiatives that are consistent with the 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan. It is important to plan for our long-range goals. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03.213 ADOPTING 2004 BUDGET AND CERTIFYING FINAL 2004 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PROPERTY TAX LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute the Standard Professional Services Contract with WSB & Associates for 2004 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project. McCormick: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, noting the seven lift stations proposed for rehabilitation in 2004 and the work proposed to be completed by WSB. Also noted the timeline for the project. LeMair: Asked for clarification of the services, and the number of lift stations that are being re-bid from last year. McCormick: Advised that the contract would include engineering design, plans and specifications, and construction observation. Also advised that four of the lift stations from last year, which funding was approved by the Council last April, are being re-bid with the lift stations proposed for 2004 rehabilitation. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN, APPROVING RESOLUTION 03.214 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH WSB & ASSOCIATES FOR 2004 LIFT STATION REHABILITATION PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,500. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report and Sefting a Public Hearing Date for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project. Poppler: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, reviewing proposed improvements, and the area for reconstruction as Rutledge, Red Oaks Road, Breezy Point Road, Adrian Circle, Bianca Circle and Lakeview Circle. LeMair: Asked if the reason the road is in such disrepair can be attributed to the poor soils. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 Poppler: Confirmed. Noted that the base under the road way would include geotextile fabric, 2 feet of granular borrow, 9 inches of aggregate and 4 inches of bituminous. Zieska: Asked if the area is considered adouble-decker road? Poppler: Explained that the there is pavement and another layer of aggregate base which is basically a road beneath the existing road which was done because of the poor soils. Petersen: Asked if there was on-going supervision of the condition of roadway within the City. Poppler: Advised that the City has a pavement management software system that is maintained in-house and is used to monitor and rank the condition of City roads. The system identifies the roadways that are in most need of repair. The staff then follows up with soil borings to determine the soil conditions beneath the road. Blomberg: Asked why the project proposed is larger than one the City would typically undertake. Poppler: Noted that the neighborhood is basically locked having only one access. The staff felt that by doing the project in one fell swoop would be less disruptive to the,neighborhood than coming in with a reconstruction project in back-to-back years. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, APPROVING RESOLUTION 03.215 RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE AS JANUARY 20, 2004 FOR THE 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting the CSAH 82 Geometric Layout (City Project 03-03) McDermott: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, noting that the project is planned in the City's and County's respective CIPs for 2004. Noted that the County is proposing to move the project to 2005. Further reviewed the issues associated with the project including a pedestrian underpass, impact to undeveloped park property, access at Fremont Avenue, and impacts on private property. Blomberg: Asked if the geometric could be adopted subject to receiving additional public input McDermott: Noted that the remainder of the design work could proceed because there would not likely be substantial work to modify portions of the plan such as the Fremont / CR 82 intersection. There would belittle impact of allotting addition time to gather public input. Petersen: Commented that with respect to the Fremont intersection making a U-turn at an uncontrolled crossing appears more dangerous than having a left turn lane at Fremont Avenue. He would support the plan with full access at Fremont, but asked that the geometric layout include an underpass for the regional trail connection at an effective location. McDermott: Advised that the trail connection would be further researched and brought back to the Council. Zieska: Commented that there has been a lot of discussion regarding the Fremont intersection, so this is not a new discussion for this Council. The Council has to consider the greatest good for the community as a whole. Even though the neighborhood may oppose a 3/4 intersection, for public safety reasons, he believed it the most prudent solution. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 LeMair: Agreed with Councilmember Zieska that a public safety issue exists currently. Believed the proposed layout will solve a lot of the traffic concerns at that intersection. Hauaen: Commented that many residents in the area continue to raise the issue of noise control. Unfortunately, noise is a product of having a growing community. CSAH 82 is a major East-West artery through the County. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, APPROVE RESOLUTION 03.216 ACCEPTING THE CSAH 82 GEOMETRIC LAYOUT (City Project 03-03) WITH THE ADDITION OF A CONDITION TO FURTHER STUDY THE FEASIBILITY OF INCLUDING AN UNDERPASS CONNECTING THE REGIONAL TRAIL. Hau en: Requested a friendly amendment that the City Council recommend a 45 mph speed limit design, rather than the 55 mph speed limit design that is proposed. THE MOTION AND SECOND ACCEPTED THE AMENDMENT. Zieska: Commented that the road project is a joint effort between the County, City and SMSC. Asked if the underpass would financially fall 100% upon the City. McDermott: Confirmed. Brian Sorenson (Scott County Highway Department): Commented that incorporating the underpass as part of the design does not present any issues. The issue of speed limit is a much more complex issue. The way speed are posted and how they are designed are often too different issues. By state statutes, if a lower limit than 55 mph is proposed, MnDOT must complete a study and ultimately determines the speed. The design speed has impacted primarily on horizontal alignment and vertical alignment, such as how sharp curves might be. Generally, the use of CSAH 82 is likely to be at a higher speed given its nature as a major arterial. Using steeper slopes and/or tighter curves, which are the manageable design elements for lower speeds, can create problems with sight distance and how fast elements come upon drivers. Zieska: Suggested removing the amendment with respect to the 45 mph design, but that the Council goon the record as supporting a speed less than 55 mph. Boyles: Commented that this is somewhat of a double-edged sword in that if the road is designed to 45 mph it creates more safety issues, but that if it is designed to 55 mph standards, we are stuck with the 55 mph speed limit. Don't the County and City have some say in the project design? Sorensen: Commented that this is the exact issue that is debated across the nation on how to design roads and how to post roads. Minnesota is consistent with the other states in how roads are posted. There are consistently public comments about making roads with a more local feel such as including landscaping trees, more curves, and making a more parkway design. These types of design standards add safety issues as well as cost issues. Osmundson: Commented that the fact is that if a roadway is designed at a specific speed, and motorists travel faster than the design speed, the roadway is not as safe. In this case, this roadway is short - 2.5 miles. It is a large local collector. It is different than CSAH 21 and CSAH 42. Each need to be looked at as being unique. He is comfortable with the Council requesting a 45 mph design. Hauaen: Comfortable with requesting a 45 mph design. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 Zieska: Believed this is a relatively flat road. Would like to see the speeds kept as low as possible. Is concerned with the amount of additional right-of--way that might be required. Suggested that maybe the solution is designing the road at 55 mph and working with the legislature to get a posted limit of 45 mph. Osmundson: Advised that several years ago, the City of Apple Valley attempted the same thing and were unsuccessful. The limits are set by the Commissioner of Transportation and any change would be difficult. Haugen: Commented that with additional development, significant traffic could be added. This is not a typical county road. Did not believe 55mph is appropriate. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Amending the Comprehensive Plan for Property Located in Sections 4, 10, 11 and 12, Spring Lake Township (Case File 03-132). Kansier: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Zieska: Asked if all of the property, other than the Speiker property, is within the Township and will be annexed under the Orderly Annexation Agreement in January 2004. Kansier: Confirmed. Petersen: Asked the difference between a commercial and hospitality designation Kansier: Advised that there is very little difference, but the CHG designation that is proposed would be equivalent to a C-4 zoning district. Haugen: Asked the zoning for a property with slow-to-medium designation in the Comp Plan. Kansier: Advised that the corresponding zoning is R-1, R-2 or R-3. The intent is that the orderly annexation area be primarily zoning R-1 which has a maximum density of 3.6 units per acre. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03.217 AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 4, 10,11 AND 12, SPRING LAKE TOWNSHIP (Case File 03-132). VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Hau en: Advised that the City spent nearly a year working with the Township on the Orderly Annexation Agreement. This is the first step toward annexing those properties planned for annexation in 2004. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit to AI-ow the Outdoor Storage of School Buses on Property Located on Welcome Avenue. Kirchoff: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Asked the difference between the wood fence we are requiring and the fence proposed by Mr. Berens. 6 City Council Meeting Minufes DRAFT December 15, 2003 Kirchoff: Advised that a wood fence provides greater screening and a better aesthetic along Welcome Avenue. Providing screening is a condition of the Conditional Use Permit in an I-1 district. Typically screening is necessary along right-of--way or between uses that are incompatible. Zieska: Asked if the land across Welcome Avenue is I-1?Also asked if there is a more intensive zoning district than I-1? Kirchoff: Confirmed the land across the street is I-1 and that I-1 is the most intensive zoning district. Petersen: Commented that the I-1 use across the street has a cyclone fence. Kirchoff: Advised that the surrounding businesses may have been in place for a number of years and are not required to meet the current standards. Blomberg: Noted that fences in front yard in residential areas needed to have some opacity for safety reasons. Kansier: The difference in commercial businesses and outdoor storage in particular is aesthetic. A wood fence from the street hides more of the storage use. Haugen: Clarified that Mr. Berens is proposing a 10-foot high fence with a wind screen, rather than a 6 foot wood fence that is required. Asked if the remaining requirements of the conditional use permit would be met. Kirchoff: Confirmed. Zieska: Asked the opacity of the wind screen. Kirchoff: Based upon the information that the applicant provided to the staff, the wind screen would not provide adequate screening along Welcome Avenue for the buses. Blomberg: Commented that a solid wood fence would not allow the police or general public to view inside the facility either and could create a hazard from a public safety perspective. Supported the 10-foot chain link fence with screen. LeMair: Prefers the 10-foot fence that you can't get over versus a 6-foot fence you can. This fence is also consistent with others in the area. Zieska: Asked the wind screen proposed by the applicant. Berens (applicant): Advised that the proposal is for a wind screen with a 96% opacity. Zieska: Believed it reasonable to have the chain link fence with wind screen and landscaping. Suggested directing staff to prepare a new resolution striking the requirement for a wood fence. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO DIRECT STAFF TO REVISE THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING CONDITION 4C TO STRIKE THE REQUIREMENT FOR A WOOD FENCE AND ACCEPTING A 10-FOOT CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH 96% OPACITY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 Consider Approval of an Amendment to the Prior Lake Zoning Map Re-Zoning Approximately 19 Acres from "A" Agricultural to "R-4" High Density Residential on Property Located North of CSAH 42 West of Pike Lake Trail and South of Pike Lake (Case File 03.125). Kirchoff: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Blomber4: Believed it is an appropriate designation. Supported the amendment. Zieska: Asked since this is a 19 acre site, but with only 6 dry acres, how many units can be built on the site. Kansier: Responded that approximately 6 acres could be built upon. R-4 allows higher density with up to 30 units per acre. The development could be townhomes, apartments or condominiums. There will still be additional public review during any platting or PUD process. LeMair: Asked if the property adjacent to this one is zoned R-1. Kansier: Advised that the property along the north side of CSAH 42, with the exception of one area, is all high-density or commercial office park. Haugen: Not in favor of this type of re-zoning at all because of his concern with density. However, did not believe there is an option because it is consistent with the Comp Plan. Reinforces the need for the City Council to review the Comp Plan. Pace: Commented that the property is surrounded by R-4 designations. To do anything but re-zone to R-4 could be considered spot-zoning. Zieska: Asked what an appropriate designation might be? Haugen: Commented that he is unsure, but would like to see a lesser density than R-4. Believes it valuable to at least have the discussion. Zieska: Disagreed and commented that if there is a discrepancy within the area, it might be that more land should be commercial. R-4 is a good buffer. This is only 6 buildable acres and an opportunity for additional storm water ponding. Supported the zoning change. Boyles: Advised that in order for the property to develop, it would require upgrade of the gravel road (Pike Lake Trail) to City standards, as well as extension of sewer and water service. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 03.17 RE-ZONING APPROXIMATELY 19 ACRES FROM AGRICULTURAL TO R-4 ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF CSAH 42 WEST OF PIKE LAKE TRAIL AND SOUTH OF PIKE LAKE (Case File 03-125. VOTE; Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Add Language to Clarify the Definition of a Bluff (Case File 03-132). Kirchoff: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT December 15, 2003 MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 03-18 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CLARIFY THE DEFINITION OF A BLUFF (CASE FILE 03-012). VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing WSB & Associates to Provide Professional Engineering Services and the Execution of a Standard Professional Contract for the Potable Water System Comprehensive Plan Update. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Petersen: Was under the understanding that all the wells should be in close proximity to the future treatment plant. Asked the future of the well on Wilds Parkway? Also asked how much is lost by having two treatment plants. Osmundson: Commented that in the summer, all treated water may not be used. It was always planned to have a well there. The treatment plants are still very large. With the annexation area, the City can handle additional treatment plants. Boyles: By developing another well field in the Wilds area, will the CSAH 82 line be used for that service area. Do the test wells show that the Wilds well is impacting the Fen? Osmundson: Did not see a problem with pipes connecting and serving the additional area. The main concern is locating additional areas for new wells. The monitoring well off of Wilds Ridge Drive indicates that when Well 6 was brought on-line there was an affect on the aquifer of about one foot. The drop then stabilized. This is good news because we think an additional well can be positioned somewhere in the westerly annexation area. LeMair: Happy to see the City being proactive in its production of water and planning for our future. Haugen: Noted that production is only one part in the City's plan for its future. Other facets of being able to provide water into the future include educating the public on conservation, and communicating that water is not an infinite resource. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03.218 AUTHORIZING WSB TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE POTABLE WATER SYSTEM COMP PLAN UPDATE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS With no other comments from Councilmembers, amotion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. Frank Boyles, City Manager Kelly Meyer, Recording Secretary 9