HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 16, 2001 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2001 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-072 (Continued) Holiday Station Stores are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a gas station/convenience store and carwash for the property located north of Fountain Hills Drive at the southwest quadrant of the intersection ofCSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. B. Case File #00-089 Jane Crosson is requesting a Variance to permit a deck structure with a rear setback less than the minimum required. C. Case File #00-084 The Vierling property owners are requesting an amendment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2020 Comprehensive Plan for 320 acres located in Sections 23 and 24, Township 115, Range 22. The proposal is to amend the Land Use Map from the current R-HD (High Density Residential) designation and the C-BO (Business Office Park) designation to Rural Density. D. Case File #00-082 Gary Matson is requesting a preliminary plat consisting of a total of 0.96 acres to be subdivided into 2 lots for the existing single family dwelling and one new single family dwelling for the property located on the north side of Centennial Street, west of Candy Cove Trail and south of TH 13. E. Case File #00-00-086 The Church of St. Michael is requesting a variance to the maximum building wall length to building height for the new addition to St. Michael's School on property zoned R-2 (Low to Medium Density Residential) District located at 16280 Duluth Avenue. s. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Case File #99-086 Mark Liesener is requesting a one year extension of the approved Variance Resolutions 99-025PC and 99-026PC for the property identified as Lot 13, Block 2, Titus Second Addition. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjonrnment: .J..:\O ~liIes)Q I plan~onup\O 1 pca~<Jol\agOJ..! 60 I.DOC 16200 cagle CreeK fWe. ::>.c., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2000 1. Call to Order: Chairman Vonhof called the December 11,2000, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Stamson and V onhof, Planning Director Don Rye, City Engineer Sue McDermott, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Lemke Stamson Vonhof Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the November 27, 2000, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Chair V onhof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the first public hearing. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-072 Holiday Station Stores are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a gas station/convenience store and carwash for the property located north of Fountain Hills Drive at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. Planning Director Don Rye presented the Planning Report dated December 11, 2000, on file in the office of the City Planner. The City of Prior Lake recently received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a gas station, convenience store and automatic car wash on the property located at the southwest comer of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. This site is zoned C-4 (General Business). The applicant has not requested any variances for this project. The site in question was platted in 1999 as Lot 2, Block 1, Fountain Hills Addition. This lot is 2.13 acres in area, and is bounded by CSAH 42 on the north, Pike Lake Trail on the east and Fountain Hills Drive on the south. The proposed development includes a 5,404.4 square foot convenience store, a 1,439.1 square foot automatic car wash, and 5 pump islands located under a 4,080 square foot canopy. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn121100.doc 1 Planning Commission December 11, 2000 At this time, staff felt there were several outstanding issues to be addressed in order to ensure the proposal meets the ordinance requirements. The plans must be revised to address the following issues: 1. The site grading and drainage issues as outlined in the memorandums from the Engineering Department. 2. The Building Code issues listed as items 1-5 in the attached memorandum from the Building Official. 3. The parking plan must provide the minimum parking spaces. 4. The driveway widths must be reduced to 36 feet. In addition, an access easement for the shared driveway must be submitted. 5. The landscaping plan must be revised to meet the Ordinance requirements. Also, an irrigation plan must be provided as part of the landscaping plan. 6. The signage plan must be revised so the signs do not exceed the maximum size. The site plan must also be more specific about the location ofthe freestanding sign. Signs must be located at least 10' from any lot line, and may not be located within the traffic visibility triangle. 7. The lighting plan must be revised to ensure the illumination does not exceed 1.0 foot- candles at the property lines. 8. Drainage and surfacing plans for the car wash must be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Due to the number of outstanding issues, staff recommended the public hearing be continued to January 16,2001, to allow time for the applicant to submit revised plans and for staff review. Staff received a letter from Kevin and Barb Lilland dated December 11, 2000 requesting certain conditions be imposed on the project including buffering/landscaping and hours of operation. Comments from the public: Victor Sacco, representative and manager for the Holiday Companies, said they have reviewed the staff report and concur all changes and conditions meet with their approval. Holiday Companies will work with staffto make the necessary changes. Sacco asked if the Commissioners would consider approving the request. Mike Vierling, 13985 Pike Lake Trail, stated his family owns on the adjacent land and have a fence dispute with Wensmann (property owner) on the northeast side of the property. He would like to have the issue settled up before the project is started. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\rnn12I lOO.doc 2 Planning Commission December n, 2000 V onhof asked Rye to address the issue. Rye said this particular property is an approved lot of record. The preliminary plat covered the entire 38 acres. The final plat only included about half the site. The remainder ofthe site includes the property Mr. Vierling is referring to. At the time final plat is brought in for approval the title issue has to be resolved. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: . Questioned if there would be an issue of swapping the pumps and store locations. Mr. Sacco said they would need to expose the pumps to the main access. The public is looking for a location that looks attractive from the street level. It makes a better presentation. He also pointed out the higher elevation in the back. . When was Fountain Hills graded? Rye responded it was last week. Stamson: . The overall proposal is consistent with the goals and commercial plans for the area. There are no real design issues. . A gas station was specifically stated for this site last year with the rezoning. It is a good plan. . Supported - stating no hesitation to forward on to the City Council with the understanding the revisions are to be made. Rye pointed out in switching the location of the pumps and station there would be a fair amount of noise with the carwash. Ifthey were to switched it, the carwash would be on the Pike Lake Road side closer to the residential properties. Criego: . Questioned the shared/common driveway. Sacco said they would have common access with the adjoining west property, which would keep down the number of accesses into Fountain Hills. The utilities will have to be relocated. The cost benefit has not been determined. . Ifthe cost was out ofline would the applicant put the driveway on their own property? Sacco said they would, but did not see a problem. . Not practical to swap the pumps and store but there should be some buffer. . Questioned how the applicant would buffer. Sacco explained the wrapped canopy. The neighbors are on a higher location. The south side of the canopy would not be illuminated. The northeast side could be softened by light. . Someone should take a look at the buffer zone. Maybe trees. Sacco said they would consider it. . Rye pointed out the landscaping plan could be addressed with Criego's concerns. . Atwood questioned if the neighborhood could be involved. Sacco said they would try to meet those conditions. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn121100.doc 3 Planning Commission December J J, 2000 Lemke: · Questioned ifit is the store's policy to be open 24 hours a day. Sacco responded it was the intent, but not all stores are open 24 hours. If they are open 24 hours and not doing any business they will shut it down. The time is used for stocking and general maintenance. It is important to be open 24 hours to be available and help people. · Questioned the zoning on this property. Rye said the Comprehensive Plan designated this area commercial in 1995. The actual zoning was about 2 years ago. V onhof: . The entire building will be brick. · Questioned the elevations. Sacco explained the residential elevations are higher. It is above Pike Lake Trail and Fountain Hills Trail. The site will blend in. · When the Commissioners fIrst looked at this site, they did consider a gas station. · There should be some buffering and the other conditions need to be in compliance. Open Discussion: Atwood would like to see more on paper and believed the buffering issue should be addressed. V onhof felt the plan should be more concrete. The canopy gives off a lot of light. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO JANUARY 16,2001. Criego stated he felt this is a good location for a gas station but the buffering has to be addressed with the neighbors. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case File #00-078 Robert Jader is requesting variances for a minimum structure setback, less than allowed combined side yards, and encroachment less than 5 feet of an adjoining lot for the property located at 14962 Pixie Point Circle. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated December 11, 2000, on file in the offIce ofthe City Planning Department. On June 28, 1999 the Planning Commission granted Robert Jader a 33 foot variance to permit a 24 foot setback from the top of bluff to construct a single family dwelling at 14962 Pixie Point Circle. On June 20,2000, Mr. Jader's builder, Charles Cudd Co., LLC, was issued Building Permit #00-0478 for the proposed structure as surveyed by Brandt Engineering & Surveying. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn121100.doc 4 Planning Commission December 11, 2000 UpQn cQmmencing cQnstructiQn, the fQQting CQntractQr apparently mistQQk the wrong side yard setback mark and placed the frQnt sQuthwest CQrner Qf the building 1.17 feet clQser to' the side property line fQr a 3.83 fQQt side yard setback rather than the required 5 fQQt setback. On OctQber 13, 2000, the prQperty Qwner made applicatiQn fQr the fQllQwing variance: A 1.17 foot variance to permit 3.83 foot structure setback from one side lot line rather than the required minimum 5 foot setback. On NQvember 27,2000, the Planning CQmmissiQn deferred actiQn Qn this Variance request, at staffs recQmmendatiQn, to' gather additiQnal infQrmatiQn regarding the building's dimensiQns. After permit approval the Qriginal building plans were revised in the field, but the revisiQn was nQt accurately reflected Qn the as-built survey submitted by the applicant fQr this Variance request. Staff cQncluded the variance request met the nine hardship criteria required fQr variance approval, because Qfthe narrQW lQt dimensiQns at the building setback line. In additiQn, the builder inadvertently erred in the placement Qf the structure Qn the lQt. The adjQining prQperty Qwners submitted a letter expressing nO' QPPQsitiQn to' the requested variances. In additiQn, anQther resident submitted a letter in QPPQsitiQn. Comments from the public: RQbert Jader, 14962 Pixie PQint, stressed this project has been a twO' and a half year prQcess with variances. Jader explained the mistake with the stakes and it is actually 41 square feet. It was a discrepancy between the surveYQr and the masQnry CQntractQr. Jader nQtified the City and his attQrney. His attQrney and Mr. Rye felt the easiest way to' remedy the situatiQn was to' get a variance. Jader indicated his neighbQr had nO' problem with the situatiQn. He went Qn to' explain swapping prQperty with the neighbQr, but his attQrney suggested getting a variance. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: · The Qverriding issue is that it was nQt an intentiQnal actiQn by anYQne. It was a mistake. · FQr the mQst part the hardships have been met. · It is Qnly a little Qver a fQQt alQng the property line. TO' make the Qwner adjust to the prQperty line is nQt justified. . Grant the variance. Criego: · Why is the building 6 feet lQnger than the Qriginal plan? And ifit wasn't 6 feet lQng, hQW far WQuld it be frQm the sideline setback? · JQhn SQntag frQm Charles Cudd CQmpany (the builder), stated they had a survey Qut at the site that was red-stamped by the City when they added Qn the 6 feet. They actually changed the hQuse a cQuple times after that to' fit Qn the site. It L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nm121100.doc 5 Planning Commission December ll, 2000 would not fit on the original site. Part of loosing the closet and foyer adjusted the garage. He was sure the survey he had was stamped by the City. . If the 6 feet was not added what would the setback be? Sontag responded it would probably be one foot. . Horsman ran calculations. It did not make a difference - 8/100 of an inch. . By adding 6 feet, the applicant's house sticks out in front of his neighbors. The original intent was to keep those houses on a plain and now yours sticks out. . Questioned if there is a setback requiring 84 feet on one side. . Horsman explained this variance was submitted under the old ordinance and so it has been applied. The applicant still met all the required setbacks. There was no setback averaging applied. . The applicant did not meet the 5 foot setback in the beginning. Horsman confirmed they did not. . Question to Sontag: Why did you continue building when you knew it was wrong? Jader replied when the builder noticed it was incorrect the first thing they did was call the homeowner (Jader). The builder and surveyor met with the City. The City said there were two options: Swap property with neighbor or apply for a variance. After talking to the neighbor the plan was to swap. Jader explained they later determined ifhe swapped land with the neighbor, the neighbor would loose his impervious surface area. . Questioned applicant why the City allowed him to continue building without a variance. Jader responded the City notified the builder ofthe problem and to continue would be done at his own risk. . Jader said he felt he had an option of swapping land. Changing the foundation would cost $40,000 to $50,000. They still can swap the land. Nothing was done to avoid any responsibility. He did not want any problems with the City. . The Commission has seen this property many times and thought the problems were solved. Lemke: . The Planning Report stated the building inspector approved the location. Horsman confirmed he did. . Under those circumstances the request is not out of line. Criego: . Maybe the Planning Commission should state the liability as it relates to inspectors and the City when approvals are made. . Rye responded the City is obligated to enforce the ordinances. If a permit was issued in error for whatever reason, that does not negate the need to comply with the ordinance. Atwood: . Inclined to vote for the variance. . Agreed with some ofCriego's thoughts. In viewing the property, the additional 6 feet is a big difference and is not attractive. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nm 121 lOO.doc 6 Planning Commission December J J, 2000 · Surprised it got to this point with the builder and City. · Inclined to go ahead with granting the variance. · Horsman said the original survey submitted by the builder and approved by staff was correct. The as-built survey added the 6 feet and was not part ofthe original submittal material. The City has copies ofthe same survey the builder is referring to and it does not show the 6 foot addition at the time the permit was issued. At the time the materials were submitted it showed a garage depth at 26 feet, not the 32 feet they have today. · Is it correct the 6 foot expansion came after that and was blue-lined and signed off by the City? Horsman said that was not correct. The revisions were never brought to the City for approval to his knowledge. It was done in the field. · Jader said it was his understanding everything done to the house was passed by the City. He was not familiar with the conversations between the builder and the City. His discussions were with the builder. They discussed extending the garage because they had room based upon the required setbacks. · John said he would get the survey and present the notes. The senior draftperson has a lot of experience and would not add something that was not approved by the City. · Horsman stated the City has a copy ofthe survey. The Plans Examiner who reviews the survey said he had no knowledge of changes. Sontag said he would not try to get anything past the City. He will speak with the draftperson imd get more information. He felt there are two different issues. The variance is different from the additional 6 feet added to the garage. Atwood felt there was some intention and quoted the staff report. Sontag responded they met with City Staff and found there was a solution. After leaving City Hall he felt there were two good solutions. Stamson: · The additional 6 feet to the garage is not part of the problem. · Criego said the intent is the issue, not the 6 feet. Movements were taken place on the development that were not approved by the City. · They did not intentionally go into the setback. The stake was placed in the wrong spot. · Would there be an issue with the City ifthe 6 feet were added? Horsman said ifit met zoning ordinances - it would be an issue between the builder and building department. Atwood asked Criego for background on the property. Criego explained the Commission and applicant had a number of go-arounds with the bluff setback. When this was approved, it was the intent that the three homes would come together. That is why the house was 6 feet further away from the street. The Commissioners assumed if the variances were approved what was presented at that time would be developed. And it was not. It is distressing. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn 1211 OO.doc 7 Planning Commission December 11.2000 Criego went on to say there is no hardship for a variance. There are no financial hardships. The hardship criteria is to the area, the community, the lay of the land, etc. The reality is this will probably pass tonight. It is sinful it got this far. The Commission is rubberstamping something he does not agree with. A lot of time was spent on this property, it should have never happened. Everyone knew this was a sensitive issue. V onhof: . It is disturbing a professional contractor would misplace the foundation when the lot had several variances. . It is disturbing the City Inspector did not find that. . It is disturbing the Commissioners go through the process of granting or denying variances apparently with different structures going up as built. Perhaps the process has to be looked at. There is a level of trust being extended out that is not occurring. . When people walk out of a meeting with a variance, the assumption is the applicant is building what we allowed them to build with regard to the variance. Apparently our inspection department is not checking and going off assumptions what is being built is on the paper. There is a significant problem. Agreed with Criego this is disturbing. . Questioned the variance standards being applied. Will support the variance request but it does lead to much greater issues and not pleased. Atwood: . Would it alter the process if the Commission obtained the paper trail? Vonhof said it sounds like a lot of this was verbal and did not have a paper trail. Conversations were on site. Stamson: . It should be pointed out this was not intentional. There was a mistake. In general, supports the variance. . Don't like being pushed into a comer. . Concurred with Criego' s feelings. MOTION BY STAMPSON, SECOND BY LEMKE APPROVING RESOLUTION 00- 019PC GRANTING A 1.17 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 3.83 FOOT STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM ONE SIDE LOT LINE INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED SETBACK OF 5 FEET. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn 1211 OO.doc 8 . Planning Commission December 11, 2000 5. Old Business: A. Case File #00-077 Angie Cawley Variance Resolution. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated December 11, 2000, on file in the office ofthe Planning Department. The Planning Department received a variance application from Angie Marie Cawley for the proposed construction of a detached accessory structure (garage) on a lot with an existing single family dwelling. A public hearing was convened on November 27,2000. After review of the applicant's proposal with respect to the hardship criteria, the Planning Commission directed staffto draft a Resolution approving the variances. The Commissioners agreed the Resolution was consistent with the variances granted. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, GRANTING RESOLUTION 00- 020PC APPROVING A 3 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 22 FOOT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM A PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING A STREET; A 4 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO BE SETBACK 6 FEET FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE; AND A 582.6 SQUARE FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE AREA OF 2,847 SQUARE FEET (37.7%). Commissioner V onhof abstained from voting. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business: A. Centex Homes presentation of concept plan for development of 40 acres located at CSAH 83 and CSAH 42. Steve Ach of Centex Homes presented a concept development of approximately 40 acres of property located on the west side ofCSAH 83, about 1/4 mile south ofCSAH 42. This property is presently vacant land. The property is designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and is presently zoned A (Agricultural). A portion of the property is also located within the Shoreland District for Mystic Lake. Centex is proposing 65 townhomes and 60 single family lots. Base prices begin at $150,000 to $160,000. V onhof: · Make sure there is adequate buffering along County Road 83. The Commissioners commonly have county road residents come before them indicating there is not enough buffering. That includes berms, vegetation, fencing, multiple layers. This is high traffic area. · There is a maximum cul-de-sac length, which would be exceeded. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn121100.doc 9 . Planning Commission December II. 2000 . Too many driveways. . Look at the feeder roads. Discourage commercial traffic. . Rye said the County spoke favorably for the entrance off County Road 83. Basically from the north end ofthis property. From the City's standpoint, that would be the primary entrance to the commercial area, rather than this road. Criego: . Asked Mr. Ach to give the Commission a little background on Centex Homes. Ach gave a brief history. They are in their fiftieth year. . This would be a two year project. . Prior Lake loves trails, especially around the wetlands. . Recommend some type of trail to the commercial area instead of a road or some system for emergency trails. . McDermott said Engineering's concern was the way the property was laid out, one-way in and out. . Concern for the layout and snow disposal. Can't push it on the neighbor's property. . McDermott said the Engineering Department would probably require a temporary cul-de-sac at that location. . Rye confirmed it met the R-I density. . Like the idea of single family and townhome combination. . The cul-de-sac length should be able to be worked out. Stamson: . It is definitely single family price range. Lemke: . Questioned the park area. A trail should be designed so the neighbors can easily get to the park. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nm 1211 OO.doc 10 " AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: ~(j<:ti:e. t-F ~~V(A~& vU~1-ot ~ PLANNING REPORT f\.\'t~ ' 4A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A GAS STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE IN THE C-4 ZONING DISTRICT (CASE FILE #00-072) LYNDALE TERMINAL CO. (HOLIDAY STATION STORES) THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CSAH 42, IN THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF PIKE LAKE TRAIL AND FOUNTAIN HILLS DRIVE. JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A JANUARY 16, 2001 The staffhas completed review ofthe revised plans for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a gas station, convenience store and automatic car wash on the property located at the southwest comer of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. This site is zoned C-4 (General Business). The issues identified in the December 11, 2000 staff report are listed below. The developer's response to each item is shown in bold italics. 1. The site grading and drainage issues as outlined in the memorandums from the Engineering Department. 2. The Building Code issues listed as items 1-5 in the attached memorandum from the Building Official. The developer has addressed each of these issues satisfactorily. 3. The parking plan must provide the minimum parking spaces. The minimum number of spaces for this use is 38 spaces. Only 10 of those spaces may be located at the pump islands. The revised site plan includes a total of 35 spaces. This issue has not been addressed. 4. The driveway widths must be reduced to 36 feet. In addition, an access easement for the shared driveway must be submitted. The width of the driveways is within the maximum allowed. The developer has not submitted an access easement document. c:\my documents\OO-072p"c3.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.t., Prior Lak~, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 5. The landscaping plan must be revised to meet the Ordinance requirements. Also, an irrigation plan must be provided as part of the landscaping plan. The revised landscaping plan includes the minimum number of plantings. In addition, all plantings meet the minimum size requirements. An irrigation plan has not been submitted at this time. 6. The signage plan must be revised so the signs do not exceed the maximum size. The site plan must also be more specific about the location of the freestanding sign. Signs must be located at least 10' from any lot line, and may not be located within the traffic visibility triangle. The revised sign plan meets the Zoning Ordinance requirements. 7. The lighting plan must be revised to ensure the illumination does not exceed 1.0 footcandles at the property lines. The plans have been revised so that the illumination at the property lines does not exceed 1.0 footcandles. 8. Drainage and surfacing plans for the car wash must be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. REVIEW PROCESS: The proposed Conditional Use Permit should be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 1102.1203 and Section 1108 of the City Code. Section 1102.1203 includes the specific conditions for the proposed use. Section 1108 includes the general CUP criteria. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan are to encourage a diversified economic base and to promote sound land use. The proposed use provides additional commercial development in the City. The location of the use is also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that it has good access from collector streets. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. In general, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The access to the site is from a collector street; and will not direct traffic through any adjacent residential areas. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. The site plan meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, with the exception of the number of parking spaces. There is room on the site to accommodate the required spaces. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. c:\my documents\OO-072pc3.doc 2 The streets and utilities to serve this development are in place. This use will not adversely affect those services. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. With the required changes, the use will be screened from the adjacent roads, and will not have an adverse impact on the nearby properties. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. The revised site plan is generally consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. There are some minor changes required to the site plan in order to ensure the development is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. As noted earlier in the report, the grading and drainage plans do not reflect the existing conditions. These must be changed and resubmitted for review. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. Once revised plans have been submitted, the Planning Commission and Council may determine additional conditions are required. Other Requirements: There are other requirements specific to this use that must be met. These include the following. 1) Outside Storage and Display: No outside sale or display shall be permitted except gasoline and other goods consumed in the normal operation of a car and limited to the following products: oil, gasoline and oil additives, windshield cleaner, windshield wipers, tires and batteries. No products shall be sold or displayed in any required yard c:\my documents\OO-072pc3.doc 3 nor shall the total display area occupy more than 150 square feet in area or be more than 5 feet in height. No other vehicular parts and non-automobile oriented goods shall be displayed or sold outside. 2) Public Address System: No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. 3) Car Wash: Drainage and surfacing plans for a car wash shall be approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities to be employed to accomplish dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement on the premises and prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. The first two requirements should be included as an ongoing condition ofthe operation of the facility. The last condition should be included as a condition of approval. This information must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. CONCLUSION At this time, there are still some outstanding issues to be addressed in order to ensure this proposal meets the ordinance requirements. However, these issues are not so significant that the proposal could not be forwarded to the City Council, with some conditions. The staff would expect the plans to be revised prior to the Council meeting. The staff recommends approval of this CUP, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site grading and drainage issues as outlined in the memorandums from the Engineering Department. 2. The parking plan must provide the minimum parking spaces. 3. An access easement for the shared driveway must be submitted. 4. An irrigation plan must be provided as part ofthe landscaping plan. 5. Drainage and surfacing plans for the car wash must be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. Outside Storage and Display: No outside sale or display shall be permitted except gasoline and other goods consumed in the normal operation of a car and limited to the following products: oil, gasoline and oil additives, windshield cleaner, windshield wipers, tires and batteries. No products shall be sold or displayed in any required yard nor shall the total display area occupy more than 150 square feet in area or be more than 5 feet in height. No other vehicular parts and non-automobile oriented goods shall be displayed or sold outside. 7. Public Address System: No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. c:\my documents\OO-072pc3.doc 4 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the CUP with conditions as recommended or any other conditions the Planning Commission feels are warranted. 2. Recommend denial of the request. In this case, the Planning Commission should be specific about findings of fact. 3. Continue the request. In this case, staff should be directed with specific information to bring back to the Planning Commission for further review. If continued, this item should be scheduled for the January 29,2001 Planning Commission meeting in order to meet the 120 deadline for action. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second recommending the City Council approve the CUP subject tot eh listed conditions. c:\my documents\OO-072pc3.doc 5 .. AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4A CONTINUATION OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A GAS STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE IN THE C-4 ZONING DISTRICT (CASE FILE #00-072) LYNDALE TERMINAL CO. (HOLIDAY STATION STORES) THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CSAH 42, IN THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF PIKE LAKE TRAIL AND FOUNTAIN HILLS DRIVE. JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A JANUARY 16, 2001 The City of Prior Lake recently received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a gas station, convenience store and automatic car wash on the property located at the southwest comer of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this application on December 11, 2000. Due to the number of issues pertaining to the application, the Planning Commission continued the public hearing to January 16, 2001, to allow the applicant time to address these issue. The applicant submitted revised plans to the Planning Department on Monday, January 8, 2001. The staff has not had the time to review the plans as of the writing of this report. Our comments will be available at the Planning Commission meeting. The revised plans are attached to this report. Also attached is a copy of the minutes of the December 11, 2000 Planning Commission meeting. These minutes outline the issues pertaining to the proposed development. 1:\OOfiles\OOcup\OO-072\OO-072pc 2.doc I 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2000 1. Call to Order: Chairman V oOOof called the December 11, 2000, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Stamson and V oOOof, Planning Director Don Rye, City Engineer Sue McDermott, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Lemke Stamson V oOOof Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the November 27,2000, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Chair V oOOof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the first public hearing. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-072 Holiday Station Stores are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a gas station/convenience store and carwash for the property located north of Fountain Hills Drive at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. Planning Director Don Rye presented the Planning Report dated December 11, 2000, on file in the office ofthe City Planner. The City of Prior Lake recently received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction ofa gas station, convenience store and automatic car wash on the property located at the southwest comer of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. This site is zoned C-4 (General Business). The applicant has not requested any variances for this project. The site in question was platted in 1999 as Lot 2, Block 1, Fountain Hills Addition. This lot is 2.13 acres in area, and is bounded by CSAH 42 on the north, Pike Lake Trail on the east and Fountain Hills Drive on the south. The proposed development includes a 5,404.4 square foot convenience store, a 1,439.1 square foot automatic car wash, and 5 pump islands located under a 4,080 square foot canopy. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn121100.doc 1 Planning Commission December 11, 2000 At this time, staff felt there were several outstanding issues to be addressed in order to ensure the proposal meets the ordinance requirements. The plans must be revised to address the following issues: 1. The site grading and drainage issues as outlined in the memorandums from the Engineering Department. 2. The Building Code issues listed as items 1-5 in the attached memorandum from the Building Official. 3. The parking plan must provide the minimum parking spaces. 4. The driveway widths must be reduced to 36 feet. In addition, an access easement for the shared driveway must be submitted. 5. The landscaping plan must be revised to meet the Ordinance requirements. Also, an irrigation plan must be provided as part of the landscaping plan. 6. The signage plan must be revised so the signs do not exceed the maximum size. The site plan must also be more specific about the location of the freestanding sign. Signs must be located at least 10' from any lot line, and may not be located within the traffic visibility triangle. 7. The lighting plan must be revised to ensure the illumination does not exceed 1.0 foot- candles at the property lines. 8. Drainage and surfacing plans for the car wash must be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Due to the number of outstanding issues, staff recommended the public hearing be continued to January 16,2001, to allow time for the applicant to submit revised plans and for staff review. Staff received a letter from Kevin and Barb Lilland dated December 11, 2000 requesting certain conditions be imposed on the project including buffering/landscaping and hours of operation. Comments from the public: Victor Sacco, representative and manager for the Holiday Companies, said they have reviewed the staff report and concur all changes and conditions meet with their approval. Holiday Companies will work with staffto make the necessary changes. Sacco asked if the Commissioners would consider approving the request. Mike Vierling, 13985 Pike Lake Trail, stated his family owns on the adjacent land and have a fence dispute with Wensmann (property owner) on the northeast side of the property. He would like to have the issue settled up before the project is started. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nmI21100.doc 2 Planning Commission December II, 2000 V onhof asked Rye to address the issue. Rye said this particular property is an approved lot of record. The preliminary plat covered the entire 38 acres. The final plat only included about halfthe site. The remainder of the site includes the property Mr. Vierling is referring to. At the time final plat is brought in for approval the title issue has to be resolved. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: . Questioned if there would be an issue of swapping the pumps and store locations. Mr. Sacco said they would need to expose the pumps to the main access. The public is looking for a location that looks attractive from the street level. It makes a better presentation. He also pointed out the higher elevation in the back. . When was Fountain Hills graded? Rye responded it was last week. Stamson: . The overall proposal is consistent with the goals and commercial plans for the area. There are no real design issues. . A gas station was specifically stated for this site last year with the rezoning. It is a good plan. . Supported - stating no hesitation to forward on to the City Council with the understanding the revisions are to be made. Rye pointed out in switching the location ofthe pumps and station there would be a fair amount of noise with the carwash. Ifthey were to switched it, the carwash would be on the Pike Lake Road side closer to the residential properties. Criego: . Questioned the shared/common driveway. Sacco said they would have common access with the adjoining west property, which would keep down the number of accesses into Fountain Hills. The utilities will have to be relocated. The cost benefit has not been determined. . Ifthe cost was out of line would the applicant put the driveway on their own property? Sacco said they would, but did not see a problem. . Not practical to swap the pumps and store but there should be some buffer. . Questioned how the applicant would buffer. Sacco explained the wrapped canopy. The neighbors are on a higher location. The south side ofthe canopy would not be illuminated. The northeast side could be softened by light. . Someone should take a look at the buffer zone. Maybe trees. Sacco said they would consider it. . Rye pointed out the landscaping plan could be addressed with Criego's concerns. . Atwood questioned if the neighborhood could be involved. Sacco said they would try to meet those conditions. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nm121100.doc 3 Planning Commission December 11. 2000 Lemke: . Questioned ifit is the store's policy to be open 24 hours a day. Sacco responded it was the intent, but not all stores are open 24 hours. If they are open 24 hours and not doing any business they will shut it down. The time is used for stocking and general maintenance. It is important to be open 24 hours to be available and help people. . Questioned the zoning on this property. Rye said the Comprehensive Plan designated this area commercial in 1995. The actual zoning was about 2 years ago. V onhof: . The entire building will be brick. . Questioned the elevations. Sacco explained the residential elevations are higher. It is above Pike Lake Trail and Fountain Hills Trail. The site will blend in. . When the Commissioners first looked at this site, they did consider a gas station. . There should be some buffering and the other conditions need to be in compliance. Open Discussion: Atwood would like to see more on paper and believed the buffering issue should be addressed. V onhof felt the plan should be more concrete. The canopy gives off a lot of light. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO JANUARY 16,2001. Criego stated he felt this is a good location for a gas station but the buffering has to be addressed with the neighbors. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case File #00-078 Robert Jader is requesting variances for a minimum structure setback, less than allowed combined side yards, and encroachment less than 5 feet of an adjoining lot for the property located at 14962 Pixie Point Circle. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated December 11, 2000, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. On June 28, 1999 the Planning Commission granted Robert Jader a 33 foot variance to permit a 24 foot setback from the top of bluff to construct a single family dwelling at 14962 Pixie Point Circle. On June 20,2000, Mr. Jader's builder, Charles Cudd Co., LLC, was issued Building Permit #00-0478 for the proposed structure as surveyed by Brandt Engineering & Surveying. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\nm 1211 OO.doc 4 B~ rt.Ul ~tilJ ~ e II Ii P Un I .i II! ~ Ilq I I~ Ii! I hi' = · !llia: ihi ~I I dlllilt it' I I. Ig n, "ld:!U 1'1 I. e I "i itl I! ~ ill f I~' 111:11 !~I D ~ !. ~( IIlili '1. ~, !II !I ! ~I~ ~i!1I1I !Ii ~I '1-1 I \ F= II I ~ \ i II j e i' I I I II I t I;, i ! ! . . I ,l f t 11111I1 ~ II I i hi I .= ql nl!1 II i ,I P, I' I, - 1.1&:11 11.11. ! Illhu II I~n! f II.. f . ~ iU., ... ...... f -.:-~ I '~ .--... -- Iii ._ ~lIllli =1 .: ~ i1-l-l I I iI ~. ! ;. '''-""., en I 1,-: i'. i' '''. I fill ! I ! I II I I ~ \ l~"::';\ I I. I I '1= 'I ~: fl. f.,; I ' (d) ~ I! . f I =1 If! 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" z:;r== _..iSS'5l ! i 1I~ ~- 5~ i~ ..ll -i-_' AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4B CONSIDER A REQUEST TO GRANT A 12 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A STRUCTURE SETBACK OF 13 FEET RATHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 25 FEET, Case File #00-089PC LOT 16, OAKLAND BEACH, SCOTT COUNTY, MN STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES NO JANUARY 16, 2001 The Planning Department received a variance application from Jane Y. Crosson for a deck addition to be added to a single family structure recently approved under Building Permit #00-983, to be constructed on the vacant lot at 14624 Oakland Beach Avenue (Exhibit A Survey). Eagle Creek Villas, LLC, is the current owner and builder of the subject property, and Ms. Crossen has purchased the property contingent on securing this variance to construct the deck addition on the main level. On September 25, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 00-12PC granting variances to lot area and lot width for this subject lot, an existing substandard lot of record (Exhibit B Copy of Resolution). The original building plans and variance request did not include a main level walkout door or deck addition to the house, only a lower level walkout door to a ground level platform. The following variance is requested: 1. A 12 foot variance to permit a 13 foot structure setback to the rear lot line rather than the required minimum 25 feet (City Ordinance Subsection 1102.405 Dimensional Standards). 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .. .~ DISCUSSION: Lot 16, Oakland Beach, was platted in 1926. The property is located within the R-1 (Low Density Residential) and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) Districts. The lot is riparian by dedicated waterfront access to the shoreline as granted to the collective property owners in Oakland Beach. The applicant does not own the subject property or either of the adjacent parcels. The applicant has purchased the property subject to approval of the variance for the deck addition. The lot dimensions are 39.71 feet by 100.09 feet by 39.99 feet by 99.94 feet. The total lot area of 3,978 square feet is 3,515 square feet less than the required minimum of 7,500 square feet to be considered a buildable lot. In addition, the lot width at the setback line is 39.76 feet or 10.24 feet less than the required minimum of 50 feet wide to be a buildable lot [City Ordinance 1104.902: Nonconforming Lot]. The front setback of 21.56 feet was determined by setback averaging the three properties within 150 feet along the same block front as the subject property. The rear yard setback to the building is currently 25 feet [City Ordinance 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (4)]. The original building plans depicted a basement level walkout and ground level platform, but no main level deck. The proposed deck addition is setback 100 feet from the 904 foot Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM), and within the required minimum 75 foot setback. The rear lot line is separated from the lakeshore by approximately 85 feet of dedicated waterfront, this area is common property shared by the respective lot owners in the Oakland Beach subdivision [City Ordinance 1104.302 (4) Setback Requirements]. The proposed principal structure is 24 feet wide and 52 feet long for a total of 1,248 square feet. It includes a two-car tuck under garage with a driveway slope of 6% to the street. The floor plan depicts a main floor walkout and attached deck dimension of 24 ft. wide by 12 ft. deep, and a second story walkout with deck dimensions 12 ft. wide by 12 ft. deep (Exhibit C Building Plans). The design of the house and lot accommodate access to the lakefront via a lower level walkout and platform deck. The proposed impervious surface coverage area of 1622 square feet includes the building and driveway. Decks and platforms are not defined as impervious surfaces provided the deck boards are spaced at least ~ inches apart as provided under Code Subsection 1101.400: Definitions: Impervious Surface. The total allowable lot area used to determine impervious surface was calculated by adding the actual lot area of 3,978 with a portion of the dedicated waterfront area between the projected lot lines to the ordinary high water elevation. The combined total area available for impervious surface coverage equals 5,547 square feet. Based on this calculation, the proposed impervious surface area is L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\00-089\DNY -089.DOC Page 2 equal to 29.2% of the lot area. The use of additional non buildable dedicated waterfront outlot areas has been a standard practice on previous variance requests (Exhibit D Impervious Surface Area). The Department of Natural Resources was notified of this variance request and submitted a no comment response to the rear yard setback. Finally, the Planning Department received a faxed letter from a neighboring resident on Oakland Beach Avenue expressing their opinion on the requested variance (Exhibit E Letter From Resident). This letter states, in part, If an exception is made in this case, ALL other residents in the area will gain legal precedent to build closer to the beach, closer than has ever been permitted. It is important to note this variance request proposes a 100 foot setback to the OHWM, and is greater than the minimum required 75 foot setback. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. Lot 16, Oakland Beach, is an existing lot of record platted in 1926. By reason of lot dimensions, 100 ft. deep by 39.9 ft. wide, it is nonconforming by today's minimum standards of 90 ft. wide by 139 ft. deep. However, in this case, the lot accommodates a lower level walkout door, which provides lake access from the rear of the dwelling without the need for a variance to accommodate the requested main level deck. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The lot area and lot width are somewhat peculiar in that most lots platted at the time where at least 50 feet wide, the subject lot is 40 feet wide. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\00-089\DNY -089.DOC Page 3 The owner (buyer) has a substantial right to reasonable development. Staff believes that right exists with the previously approved variance for lot area and lot width, and the walkout capability of the proposed dwelling. 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The granting of the requested variance will not unreasonably affect these conditions or values. 5. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the requested variance will not unreasonably affect these conditions or values. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the proposed variance will be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, to maintain minimum structure setbacks to property boundaries. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The requested variance is not necessary to alleviate undue hardship. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The application of the provisions of this Ordinance on the affected property does not result in hardship. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. Increased development costs are not a condition of this variance request. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\OO-089\DNY -089.DOC Page 4 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff believes that the hardship criteria has not been met with respect to the Ordinance requirements and the subject lot in relation to the proposed development plans, including the previously adopted variance resolution. Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following resolution denying the applicant's variance as requested. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a Resolution with findings approving the Variance. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the variance request because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second adopting Resolution 01-001 PC denying a 12 foot variance to allow a structure setback of 13 feet to a rear lot line rather than the required minimum 25 feet. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\OO-089\DNY -089.DOC Page 5 RESOLUTION Ol-OOIPC A RESOLUTION DENYING A 12 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A STRUCTURE SETBACK OF 13 FEET FROM A REAR PROPERTY LINE RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 25 FEET BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Jane Y. Crosson has applied for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of an attached deck addition to a single family dwelling on property located in the R-l (Low Density Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland) District at the following location, to wit; 14624 Oakland Beach Avenue SE, Prior Lake, MN, legally described as follows: Lot 16, Oakland Beach, Scott County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for a variance as contained in Case #00-089PC and held hearings thereon on January 16,2001. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property, such as, a proposed principal structure with a lower level walkout and platform for an alternative site, and the proposed decks location with regards to the surrounding property, the proposed variance will result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed attached deck addition increases the encroachment into the rear yard setback. The applicant has an alternative site for location of a platform at the lower level walkout door, as such, the applicant has created the hardship. 1:\00files\00var\00-089\dnyrsO 1-01 pc.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 6. While there is not an existing structure on the lot, there is no justifiable hardship caused, and that reasonable use of the property exists without the granting of the variance. There is a legal alternative location and plan design for construction of a detached platform on the walkout level without the requested variance. 7. The granting of the variance, as originally requested, is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. The factors above allow for an alternative structure to be permitted without the need of a variance. 8. The contents of Planning Case #OO-089PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variance for an attached deck structure (as shown in attached Exhibit A): 1. A 12 foot Variance to permit an attached deck addition to a principal structure to be setback 13 feet from a rear property line rather than the required 25 feet. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on January 16,2001. Thomas E. V onhof, Commission Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\00files\00var\00-089\dnyrsO 1-0 1 pc.doc 2 EXHIBIT A SURVEY PLAT OF SURVEY Scale in feet FOR: MESSINBRINK CONSTRUCTION LOT 16, OAKLAND BEACH SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA , L____________ , , , , ,... , /, 1-------;7.-~----_1 , .. ~ , \ro IP FD ~P L_______~n~. J , h..'<. 24.88 \ , 13. / I , , I \ \ 90 , , ~ I o 30 60 " L_J <:( ,,-- '--' ~-- 14 I - I J \ ( / ) I / / I I I \ \ \ LEGEND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS LOWEST FLOOR 909.9 FT GARAGE FLOOR 922.0 FT o IRON MONUMEIOT -<> POWER POLE m TELEPHONE BOX m GAS METER 'cf HYDRANT l><l WATER VALVE - OE - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC I I PROPOSED ELEVATIONS BENCHMARK: TOP NUT OF HYDRANT WEST OF * 14624 AT BOULDER RETAINING WALL APPROX. 50 FEET '::AST OF SE CORNER LOT 16. ELEVATION - 928.00 ____ DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 00-12PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 3,522 SQUARE FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LOT AREA OF 3,978 SQUARE FEET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA OF 7,500 SQUARE FEET, AND A 10.24 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LOT WIDTH OF 39.76 FEET AT THE BUILDING SETBACK LINE RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH OF 50 FEET. BE IT RESOL YED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Eagle Creek Villas, LLC, has applied for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a single family dwelling located in the Rl (Low Density Residential) and SD (Shoreland) Districts at 14624 Oakland Beach Avenue, Prior Lake, MN, and legally described as follows: Lot 16, Oakland Beach, Scott County, Minnesota 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case File #00-071PC and held hearings thereon on September 25,2000. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The pre-existing lot of record does not meet the current Ordinance for minimum lot size and lot width in the RI District. This situation creates an unbuildable lot and a 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-071 \aprsOO-071.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY El'-1PLOYER hardship with respect for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. 6. There is justifiable hardship caused by the minimum lot area and width required today and the platted lot of record. Reasonable use of the property does not exist without the granting of the variance to permit a buildable lot for a single family dwelling. 7. The granting of the Variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 9. The contents of Planning Case File #00-071PC are hereby entered into and made a ,- part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance for the proposed structure as shown in revised survey dated 10/10/00: 1. A 3,522 square foot variance to permit a lot area of 3,978 square feet rather than the required minimum area of 7,500 square feet, and a 10.24 foot variance to permit a lot width of 39.76 feet at the building. setback line rather than the required minimum lot width of 50 feet. The following are conditions which must be adhered to prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed structure: 1. The lot must be developed as shown on the attached revised survey dated 10/10/00. Including a minimum side yard setback of 10.33 feet on the north side lot line. 2. The permit IS subject to all other City Ordinances and applicable agency regulations. 3. The variance must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department within 60 days. The resolution must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department. An Assent Form must be signed and, pursuant to Section 1108.400 of the City Code, the variance will be null and void if the necessary permits are not obtained for the proposed structure within one year after adoption of this resolution. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-071 \aprsOO-071.doc 2 PLA T OF SURVEY ~ Scale in feet I I I I 13 I I I \ I ;~ \ ;/ ~ V6' ;It C~ dol I It I o 30 60 I 90 ~-- --~ ~:.- 1".... ....J 0': tJ._ ,...,- r ~~i )r-'~ . ) \:s: \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,\...~"\ \...!' AT LEGEND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS LOWEST FLOOR 909.9 FT GARAGE FLOOR 922.0 FT o 00- II] 1m 'cf C><l IRON MONUMEIOT POWER POLE TELEPHONE 80X GAS METER . HYDRANT WATER VALVE - OE - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 8ENCHMARK: Te? NUT OF HYDRANT WEST OF tI 14624 AT BOULDER RETAINING WALL APPROX. 50 FEET EAST OF SE CORNER LOT 16, ELEVATION = 928.00 ____ DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE I hereby certify that this survey wa'" p~"!,ared ~y..m~ ,or under my 1.17 t1ansen "'harp Drown Checked I ~J nQn - -- PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES __~._o._.._o.._-_._--Mt)N))AY;'SEPTEMBER-~5;-2000_..--..- .._0'.- ....-..___ ---~.---C~ - -~ ~ember 25 20Q.Q.P.lanning.Commi . . led to order by Chairman L~;;~;f6:"30'p.m~- Those present were GQ..mI!li~J?iom~rs AwoQd Stamson V onhof, Planning Direct ye,-P1iTIningCoordinator Jane Kansier, Zoning Administrator S orsman and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. Vonhof ~ ::::::::--- Atwood Stamson. - ~ 3. ~:p~iD..t..: .... _ -------------- Th. Mb,ute~ lh: September II, 2000, Plamung ~SSion meeting were approved as presente~ _ Chairman V onhof read tlie Pl:lbIiG H@ar-Rg atJiI Appeal statements and opened the first hearing. - . ---- -.-'-- ~resen: :::: ~ 2. Roll Call: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-071 Eagle Creek Villas is requesting a variance to lot area less than the minimum of 7,500 square feet, a variance to lot width less than the minimum 50 feet, and a variance to permit over the maximum allowable impervious surface area of 30 percent for the property located at 14624 Oakland Beach. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report. The Planning Department received a variance application from Eagle Creek Villas, LLC, for the construction of a single family dwelling with attached garage on an existing lot of record. The following variances are being requested: 1. A 3,522 square foot variance to permit a lot area of3,978 square feet rather than the required minimum area of7,500 square feet. 2. A 10.24 foot variance to permit a lot width of39.76 feet at the building setback line rather than the required minimum lot width of 50 feet. Lot 16, Oakland Beach, was platted in 1926. The property is located within the R-l (Low Density Residential) and the Shoreland Overlay Districts. The lot is adjacent to dedicated . L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\MN092500.00c 1 . >>>>>>>>>?/>:>;>..>.>.>.>'>.>>'~>'J , " '. . . . . ," , . . ',' . . . . ~,:...- <:~,:.:. / > >, .:/ ,/1 Planning Commission Minutes September 25. 2000 waterfront access to the shoreline as granted to the collective property owners in Oakland Beach. The applicant does not own either of the adjacent parcels. The Department of Natural Resources has no objection to the lot area or lot width variances. The Planning Department received a faxed letter from a neighboring resident on Oakland Beach Avenue expressing their opinion on the requested variances. This letter states granting the requested variances would set a precedent and allow a property owner with two 60' wide lots to create three lots less than 50' wide. It is important to note this variance applies to an existing platted lot and does not allow the creation of any new lots. The Planning staff believed by applying today's Ordinance requirements to an undeveloped existing platted lot of record, a hardship is created according to the preceding stated conditions in their report. The staff recommended the Planning Commission adopted the resolution approving the two requested variances. Approval of this request should be subject to the condition the lot is developed as shown on the survey to ensure additional variances are not required. Comments from the public: Larry Gensmer, representing Eagle Creek Villas said he did not have anything to add to the report. Paul Borman, 14626 Oakland Beach, asked ifhe could see the plan and did not have any comments. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: . The two variances are appropriate. There is no opportunity to expand the boundaries. . The building proposed meets all the setback requirements. . Supported the request. Atwood: . Agreed with Stamson, the requests are appropriate. . The impervious surface issue has been taken care of. V onhof: . Agreed with the Commissioners. . Questioned staff on the driveway grade. Horsman responded. . All the hardship criteria had been met. 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\nm092500.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes September 25. 2000 . The impervious surface issue has been addressed. Rye pointed out a condition in the Resolution that the lot must be developed as shown on the exhibit. It would be necessary to move the house a few inches to accommodate the survey. Therefore the condition would have to be modified to reflect the change. V onhof re-opened the public hearing. Molly Sexe Borman, 14626 Oakland Beach Avenue, questioned if the building could be moved closer to the other side of the lot. Kansier explained the setback ordinances have been met but maybe the proposed home could be flip-flopped so the larger setback is on the other side. A condition in the Resolution could state the house must be relocated where no additional variances are required. Borman would like to expand some day. The home on the other side of their property is located right on the lot line. They would like to keep their options open. Atwood: Questioned staff on what will happen to the Bormans when they want to add on with a non-conforming lot. Rye said they would have to meet the ordinances. It appears the Bormans have a 12 foot side yard setback. There should be some discussion on moving the proposed house. Stamson asked the applicant, Larry Gensmer if they would be impacted if the Commissioners added a condition to move the house over 5 feet. Gensmer said he did not feel there would be a problem. Larry Miller, owns the adjoining property on the other side and would like to see it moved 10 feet away from his side. Miller's lot is undeveloped at this time. There were no other comments and the hearing was closed. The Commissioners discussed the setbacks and building separation. MOTION BY STAMON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, APPROVING RESOLUTION 00-12PC GRANTING A 3,522 SQUARE FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LOT AREA OF 3,978 SQUARE FEET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA OF 7,500 SQUARE FEET, AND A 10.24 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A LOT WIDTH OF 39.76 FEET AT THE BUILDING SETBACK LINE RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH OF 50 FEET WITH THE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT THAT A 10.4 FOOT SIDE YARD REMAIN ON THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE WITH A 5.4. FOOT SETBACK ON THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\nm092500.doc 3 cc DO DD LEFT ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"=1'0" S"GH VI L 5101 G D REAR ELEV A TI ON SCALE 118"=1'0" EXHIBIT C BUILDING PLANS t-t tJ:j c:::I c:::I [] I-:rj c:::I c:::I [] U)~ n ~trj 1'T1t-t ,trj o:l If< --::J> CSJ~ ~ o Z n I'T1 F zl Cil' I , 8 E3 ;u Ioo---l c;1 ~ ~~ :D ~t:tj ....t""'l ~t:tj .!!:< csi:;I> -'~ Ioo---l o Z c::J c::J [] c::J c::J [] D t:::1 C::J C t:::1 C::J C D D RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"=1'0" ~ ~~ ~: ~ ~ I II T ~ 0r-~ I J, I L J r~ t 1 ,,~ /r1 I T...J I II ~ ~ 11 . Tl J I T II.J .. 11 ~. I ~ i~ J" .' ~ 1 IT f It 't I.' I '1 I H': T:,.,-Jl I , [ F. 't '1T~ ----- . I/':::----- ::-z. 1 I . f r....'ll.:P;-- =--= ~ 't~ ;\IG JI.I ~ -~ I J'T" ~ ~- I ,.. I lJ. j' 'lTi 1 II-T- ' I T Jj I, ., .t I I T. T 1 ' I II ~ ii' T,I . ." j r ... I T;~ I ' 11 II 'ii". ~, T . "- I] I 111 JI' t T :... ......;. l IT I ,'A.'. I ...' '.:l '..l ,I~ t l' . I -J t-~- . ..~ . 1 ,. i 111 'T; I! -I I I I T- f '1 I i ~ r 'f 11' " ' JH r II IT I -1' ]l 'II IT-) tf t 1-"';; J:LOPB... . , ------ , CE IL ING ~'" K ~ ~ . ,.)l ~,~JJ.Aif'Jr-O -. . \/' 111: :l..c;])ra ,.... '~r;;:a. y ," .1i'Y n...:.~ -"I r:-r JL.: . 'i" _'" .;.;1.'''.1=..'.11. ' LA . ~.~ f.';.ci"- ~Jl~,)i"l ~~~e:K.r- '~~ '-L :J1 ( . ~j ~_ ~ I ~'.' .J:;vor ~ . ,-, ; f..J ~ .N :..t!.>/' >~ ~ .../-~. ~' ~t-.... ~~~!Q'- DDDDDDDDD ' ~ ""'if J .~ ~ .[.~ J~DDDDDDDDD ~\'J.V ~~ ~',~;; OJ OJ OJ OJ D OJ OJ OJD ).- ~~ ~J ( .;: ~~1 DDDDDDDDD ' " ?- y~~ '~ " ".p '~'t . ~ FLOOR .Y'~' . . . - / FRONT ELEVATION \ SCA E 1/4"=1'0" L PLANS FOR: MESENBRINK CONSTRUCTION 7765 175th ST E PRIOR LAKE. MN 55372 612.447.5058 DRAWN BY: KREBS DRAFTING & DESIG 1291 DIAMOND CT SHAKODEE, MN 5.')379 612-445-5787 BUS. 612-445-5787 FAX. SCALE: \ '1 ~ I e;'~ EXHIBIT D IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA CITY OF PRlORLAKE .Impervious ~urface Calcu]a~on~ (To be Submitted with Building Permit Application) For All Properties Located in the Shoreland Distn'-ct (SD). 1l:1e Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Permitted in 30 Percent. Property Add ess Lot 16 Oakland Beach Lot Area -2" 547 Sq. Feet x 30% = .............. 1,664.1 **********~~ ~**~******************************************.************** HOUSE LENGTH 52 x WIDTH 24 = SQ. FEET 1248 x = ATTACHED G ~GE x = TOTAL PRINCIPLE SiRUCTURE......_._.....~.... 1248 DETACHED E ~DGS (Gar.!l! IShed) x x TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS.....--___._........_ 0 DRJ.VEVIAYfli ~VED AREAS (Driveway.. aved or not) (SidewallcJ1l tIeing AreM) 22 x X 18 = 396 = x = TOTAL P A"YED AREAS................._..............-...--u 396 T OT..~ DE CKS..............................-.........................-.... 0 x X = OTHER = TOTAL OTmR...............--..-.-.-...-..-......--.......... 0 TOTAL I tIPERVlOUS SURFACE ~::~\-)~ bCJt1~0) Company~ I-Irpo he.... I 1644 L 20 1-/2-<:90 1 l Date Phone # 15Z - t3 z.'1-o7~D ~5/27/1997 ~3:43 6~72774631 DAVID FELDSI-UH PAGE ~1 . EXHIBIT E RESIDENTS LETTER David Feld.hub 14612 Oakllllnd Beach Avenue S.J. Prior Lake, Mi....esota 5537% FAX: 612-447-4245 January 7, 2001 TO: Steven Horsman and Prior Lake Planning Department SUBJECT: 14624 request for deck variance We believe that any new construction alon2 Oakland Beach should be consistent with previous, residential regulations. If aD exception is made in this case, ALL other residents in the area will gain the legal precedeDt to build closer to the beach, closer than has ever been permitted. Is this what the Planning Department envisions as a model for the future of Oakland Beach? Is this what it wants? If so, then you should grant this variance. If not, the variance reqnest should be denied. .Li~J>. .' PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4C CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VIERLING PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 23 AND 24, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 22 (Case File #00-084) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A -- JANUARY 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Helen, Edward, Michael and Rebecca Vierling have filed an application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the property located on the north side of CSAH 42 between Pike Lake Trail and CSAH 18. The proposal is to amend the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from the current R-HD (High D'ensity Residential) and the C-BO (Business Office Park) designations to the Rural Density designation on 320 acres of land. BACKGROUND: This property is presently zoned A (Agricultural). The east 160 acres of the site are designated as C-BO (Business Office Park) on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and the west 160 acres of the site is designated as R-HD (High Density Residential). The applicants have requested these designations be changed to Rural Density. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of approximately 320 acres. Topography: The site has a varied topography. The western portion of the site generally drains towards Pike Lake, on the west. The remainder of the site drains to several small wetlands scattered on the acreage. Vegetation: This property has been cropland for several years, although some portions of the site are wooded. Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. I :\OOfiles\OOcompam\OO-084\00084pc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER \. Existine Use: The property is used for agricultural purposes. There is a farmstead and outbuildings located in the southwest comer of the site. Access: Access to this property is presently from Pike Lake Trail. Utilities: Sewer and water services must be extended from the existing services located in CSAH 42 to serve this site. Adjacent Land Use and Zonine: To the north of this property is agricultural land, currently zoned R-S (Rural Subdivision) and designated for Urban Low to Medium Density Residential uses. Also to the north is property located within the City of Savage. To the south, across CSAH 42, are residential subdivisions, zoned R-l and designated as R-L/MD. To the east are several large lots with single family dwellings, zoned A and designated as C-BO and as R-L/MD. To the west are large lots zoned A and designated as R-HD and R-L/MD. MUSA Desienation: This property is currently outside of the MUSA boundary. However, this property is consistent with the criteria for the extension of MUSA as listed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (see attached). The property has also been designated as part of the Primary MUSA in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Properties within the Primary MUSA meet the criteria for the extension of services. ANALYSIS: The applicants have requested the amendment to Rural Density on this property. The application does not include any reasoning for this request. The Rural Density classification is intended for land where urban services are unavailable. Even this designation is intended to accommodate future urban development. The Vierling property is currently enrolled in the Agricultural Preserve program. This program was established in 1980 to preserve long-term agricultural areas in the Metropolitan area, and to recognize farmland as a long-term use. Under the law, land is no longer eligible for the program when the Comprehensive Plan no longer identifies the land for long-term agricultural uses. In 1993, the property owner initiated the removal ofthe east 240 acres ofthe site from the program. The land will be officially removed in 2001. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this area was first amended in 1995, and identified this property as R-HD, C-BO and PI (planned Industrial). In 1999, the plan was updated following a public hearing. At that time, this property was designated for R- HD and C-BO uses. 1:\OOfiles\OOcompam\OO-084\OO084pc.doc Page 2 In 2000, the property owners requested the City approve a request for this property to be reenrolled in the Agricultural Preserve program. The City refused this request on the basis the property no longer qualified for program participation. The City has no objection to enrollment of this property in the Green Acres program, which provides some tax protection for existing farmland. The City also has no plans to rezone this property from its current A (Agricultural) district unless requested to do so by the property owners. The current designation of this property for use as something other than long-term agriculture has been in place since 1995. The applicants have not demonstrated any need to change this designation. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval ofthe Comprehensive Plan Amendment as requested. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alterllative #2. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend denial ofthe Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Rural Density designation is required. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. MUSA Expansion Criteria 3. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map 4. Primary MUSA Map 5. Zoning Map ] :\OOfiles\OOcompam\OO-084\00084pc.doc Page 3 Location Map ~."I' WJ ,- ll(.. .. .. IL ~. \\; . ~'LL \~t\ )' Y(i . ~I r _. ,v ~ \ __ ~. \ . \' . . - . :l! ~ ~"-J if fC. jJ - c Location of Property v ~I) ) / " r;;7 ("lJ - () I II;... :r.:t'/'I.I. ~\'/'.II \i-'':'"''-\\\''' 'J:.j:J:.HI'I' .I.-r L ,;,bj' '1'1' c..:....:I::::J '>::::< L.. '" : 'HI -- ~.\'\: .W'f.'1. .1.1.liIH. II.. :"1.1.1. - . ~... ..... .....IU:U~/:'~, ~.~ ~ . $ ..... ~.':/:.~)- ~:YI'~~ &lL' r- . -'-I" I/' 'J'/~ '0/ . /........ -'-.. J.-'- . -.' . "">0.,. . ~. .' .. f-'-' ':i - . .;<......)1 . ."-.. .: :: r-:- ,: . ~ _. ~ ..y~ ~ '.. r-:- . '.;> /'C.N . ?, '. _, 1-;-. ~ .' _ .' 8J~ ,-, "j I-O--~ . .,"< /. . ~ . :..'. W:.11\\\%.' I<>.~_. ,.. ::\' ',:'\:.\.'< ~ <0,.' -. ("1~'" - ""-'. " -I. .1.\.1.1-\.\ r.--l I r=:1 . . '~- . . ----.:.... -. . '{,. \.1-\- \. '1:. u . . '. . \. . r . ..; " t:-l. I' . .J.... J . . ~ . . ~ ~[!If71-:1 rlTf. TQ:J _.~~.~. . rIW- In~ -' \. -..;:_ ~. .tlr,n".-r ~ I~II N A 1000 I o 1000 Feet I .. CRITERIA FOR EXTENSION OF MUSA In order to insure that development which is proposed does not strain City resources, the City will apply the following criteria in judging whether a proposed development is eligible to have sanitary sewer services extended. . Property shall be contiguous to property already within the MUSA. . MUSA designation shall only be given to developments having a recorded final plat and a signed developers agreement with surety covering necessary infrastructure improvements to be installed as part of the development. . Where applicable, utility improvements will address health, safety and environmental issues and concerns. . The development will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . The development will provide adequate water supplies. . The development will provide adequate roads and streets to serve the development. . The development will provide for adequate sanitary sewer facilities. . The development will proceed consistent with applicable-environmental policies and regulations. . The developer and benefiting property owners shall assume the primary responsibility for financing improvement costs. The City will participate in such financing only under extraordinary circumstances. . Preliminary plan approval shall not constitute a guarantee that a MUSA allocation will be made to the subject property. . The development shall proceed under the understanding that the project will be maintained in accordance with the limitations imposed by the City and the Metropolitan Council regarding MUSA availability and potential sewage flows from the project. The City and Metropolitan Council shall be indemnified by the developer against any claims arising as a result of future limitations on MUSA availability. . The City agrees to annually report on all allocations of undesignated MUSA reserve to the Metropolitan Council. 1:\comp2020\musacrit.doc ~ m c: ._ ~ co w-'- c: a.. (J)"C ..c: c: ~~ a. E 8 ~ ~ s- o -- s- o.. '0 ~ o .. .. z~~ G i~ III ~ 51 ~ 5 ~'c ~ 6 ~ ~ ~~ i Ii ~ ~ J I i ~ ~ G .2'- t5 C;C; ; ~ 1:m ]! i Idl I ns~~ II ~'a ~ 6, s-.. c~ ~ ~~... ~d ] ~ hI) 8 ! ~ I~. ~ ~ I ~ ~ F ~ ~ 18 ~ ~ i ~~ ~ c73 JODI 8 ILillIII i I ~ 11011 .. ~ ~ s.... o -- s.... C- '0 ~ U cO> Jlfc ~~.o t:.. . <b +-' .~::> ~ o..~:a: '" z.~ L- 0> c: c: co 0>- ~C:- --co ai~ NF ~.i ~~ ~ ~~ o::E -C 0) o..e -- be ~~ o '" ~+~ (;I illl!l(;I ~ Jl:~li ~ ~11Ia::1f8~~18 (;I ~a:d!ia:: ~~. !!~~ !!f~~flidi~i~ if i~~J~.~ 11.1 is <?a:.3l~:I:Z !~di~~~ Q~ <( ~ ;t ~ :t;l 63 3 6 :) :;: (/) ~ ~ IDDoo~mmmllll~D~~ ... , . PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4D PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MATSON ADDITION JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A JANUARY 16, 2001 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an application for a preliminary plat for the 0.94 acre site located on the north side of Centennial Street, west of Candy Cove Trail and south of TH 13. The preliminary plat, to be known as Matson Addition, is the site of a single family dwelling at 5366 Centennial Street. ANAL YSIS: Applicant: Gary Matson 17342 Vergus Avenue Jordan, MN 55352 Project Engineer: Probe Engineering Company, Inc. Location of Property: This property is located on the north side of Centennial Street SE, east of Candy Cove Trail. Existing Site Conditions: A single family home sits on the east half of this site. There are no wetlands on the site. A tree inventory has identified a total of 249 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. Of this total, 65 caliper. inches are located on the new lot. Zoning and Land Use Designation: The property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). The 2020 Comprehensive Plan identifies this property as R-UMD (Low to Medium Density Residential). Adjacent land Use and Zoning: This site is essentially surrounded by single family dwellings, zoned R-1. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\matson\matson pc. doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Proposed Development: Streets/ Access/Circu lation: Grading/Erosion Control: Sanitary Sewer and Watermain: Landscaping: '. The proposed plat consists of 0.94 acres to be subdivided into 2 lots for single family dwellings. Lot 2, Block 1, is the site of the existing dwelling. Lot 1, Block 1, is the site of a future dwelling. The proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum lot area and frontage requirements for the R-1 district. Lot 1 is 18,120 square feet with 86 feet of frontage, and Lot 2 is 22,860.61 square feet in area with 108 feet of frontage. There are no new streets located within this plat. Access to both the existing house and the new lot id from Centennial Street. Although Centennial Street is currently a gravel road, this plat does not include any improvements to the existing street. This property generally drains from the north to the south. The only grading proposed on this site will be done in order to accommodate a new single family dwelling. This grading will be approved as part of a building permit. Sanitary sewer service and water service are located in Centennial Street. Sewer and water stubs to serve Lot 1 were previously installed in Centennial Street. This development is subject to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, which requires one (1) street tree per lot frontage and one (1) front yard tree per lot. The developer must submit a landscaping plan showing the proposed location of the required trees, as well as the minimum size and types. This development is also subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. A tree inventory has identified 65 caliper inches of significant trees on Lot 1. The developer is allowed to remove 25%, or 16.25 caliper inches, for the building pad and driveway without replacement. The preliminary grading plan submitted shows the removal of 20 caliper inches, or 30.7%, for the building pad. Therefore, the developer will be required to replace 3.75 caliper inches at a rate of 1/2 caliper per inch for each inch removed. In this case, replacement will be satisfied by one new tree. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\matson\matson pc. doc Page 2 Parkland Dedication:. The park dedication requirements for this subdivision will be satisfied by a cash dedication in lieu of a land dedication. The dedication will be charged only to the vacant lot. Finance/Assessment Fee Review: This subdivision will be subject to a collector street fee and a stormwater management fee. These fees are calculated on the net acreage of the new lot. These charges will be paid at the time the developer's contract is executed. A summary of the charges is shown on the attached memo from Ralph Teschner. ANALYSIS: The proposed preliminary plat meets the standards of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. If the preliminary plat is to proceed, it should be subject to the following condition: 1. Prior to final plat approval, the developer must submit a landscaping plan as required by Section 1007.100 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. A minimum 10' wide drainage and utility easement must be provided along the front and rear lot lines of each lot, and a minimum 5' wide drainage and utility easement must be provided along the side lot lines of each lot. A 15' wide. drainage and utility easement must be provided along the west lot line of Lot 1, Block 1, to maintain the existing sewer easement. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the preliminary plat of Matson Addition as presented and subject to the condition listed above, or with specific changes directed by the Planning Commission. 2. Table or continue the public hearing to a date and time certain and provide the developer with a detailed list of items or information to be provided for future Planning Commission review. 3. Recommend denial of the application based upon specific fil)dings of fact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 ACTION REQUIRED: A motion recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Matson Addition is required. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\matson\matson pc.doc Page 3 REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat of Matson Addition 3. Memo from Ralph Teschner 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\matson\matson pc.doc Page 4 Location Map 2 . ~IJ/ If.;' ~,~ / . ~ "-.)\ . ':*-. "..... .T\'Vi"~/ _, _ 11 ~ ~ ARSTAlXl'NTO ..... , . . ';<. - .~. : . ' ~~~..-'~ " ~/ -:~I '(~=~) '. ' :'.)7 -'. ~~~ :.1,1,. . ~~!~ y. - . , . -. m~~\:' ~EU- .. " . \ 'I 'I /-r- 2 ,S; ~ ~ _ . -' ~~. n ~ ~ .~.. ;? '. 2 _. ~ .._. . , ..;.. .' . ~ ~ocation of Property ~. ~ - ' " ~~'I' , '~K ~~ ~ /. ~~ ~f?f, . ttl~ .I,I.I.r- . 9 I /./ .', . - - / ~-;:-. 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The property was initially served with sewer and water utilities in 1975 under Project 75-2. These lots were 100% assessed for frontage and trunk acreage charges. Under the original assessment roll this parcel was assessed lateral front footage of 204' and a trunk acreage assessment of .93 acres. Since utilities are available to the property site, the cost for the extension of services internally will be the responsibility of the developer. In addition to these improvement costs, the subdivision will be subject to the following City charges: Collector Street Fee Stormwater Management Fee $ 1500.00/acre $3180.00/acre Lot 2 Block 1 Matson Addition would be exempt from these fees since an existing home is located on this parcel. The remaining lot (Lot 1 Block 1) would be subject to the application of these City charges which would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net lot area calculation of .42 acres as provided within the site data summary sheet of the preliminary plat description: Collector Street Fee: .42 acres @ $1500.00/ac = $630.00 Storm Water Manaeement Fee: .42 acres @ $3180.00/ac. = $1,336.00 These charges represent an approximate cost of $1,966.00 for the newly created lot within Matson Addition. Assuming the initial net lot area of the plat does not change, the above referenced collector street and storm water charges would be determined and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER H:\SPLITS\M.lson.doc AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4E CONSIDER A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM BUILDING WALL LENGTH TO BUILDING HEIGHT FOR THE NEW ADDITION TO ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL IN THE R-2 DISTRICT (Case File #00-086) 16280 DULUTH AVENUE JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES NO JANUARY 16, 2001 The Planning Department received an application for a variance to allow the construction of an addition to the existing St. Michael's school building on the properly located at 16280 Duluth Avenue. The proposed addition is located on the south side of the existing school, and is 142' long and 26' high. The following variance is therefore requested: 1. A variance to permit a structure with a building wall length to building height ratio of 5.46: 1 rather than the maximum ratio of 4: 1 (City Code Section 1107.2202, S8,b). DISCUSSION: St. Michael's school is located at the northwest quadrant of Duluth Avenue and Pleasant Avenue. The property consists of a combination of unplatted and platted parcels. It is in the process of being replatted into one large parcel. St. Michael's is in the process of expanding the school. The first phase, planned for construction in 2001, consists of the south addition. Phase 2, shown in the cross-hatch pattern on Exhibit A, is planned for construction within the next 3 to 4 years. There are no specific plans for this second phase. Based on the applicant's drawing, construction of the second phase also seems to require the purchase of additional property. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\OO-086pc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Pnor Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The proposed addition is located on the south side of the existing building. It is 153' long by 73' wide by 26' high. The addition is setback 25' from the south property line, 185' from the west property line and 165' from the east property line. The proposed addition meets all of the minimum setbacks. However, the west wall of this addition exceeds the maximum building wall length to building height ratio. Section 1107.2202, S8,b, of the Zoning Ordinance states "no unbroken building wall may exceed a 4:1 ratio of wall length to wall height, and each building deviation at the 4:1 ratio shall be a minimum depth of 4 feet." The west wall of the addition has a length to height ratio of 5.46:1. In the narrative, the applicant notes the master plan for the school will reduce the ratio of the west exterior wall once the second phase is built. In order to plan for this, they are proposing to provide exterior insulation on a portion of the building wall rather than face brick. It must be noted, the exterior insulation is not a Class I material. The exterior wall must be constructed of at least 60% Class I materials. No more than 10% of the exterior may consist of Class III materials, such as the exterior insulation. This proposal is not consistent with this requirement, and therefore, will not be permitted. The applicant has not applied for a variance to this requirement. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The existing lot is 3.155 acres in area and can accommodate the proposed building without any variances. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The proposed addition to the building complies with the required setbacks. There are no unique conditions applying to this structure. It should be noted the proposed addition is planned as the first phase of a two-phase project, although there are no specific plans for the second phase of construction. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\OO-086pc.doc Page 2 By redesigning the configuration of the addition, it can be built without granting of the variance. 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The addition is located 185' from the nearest property line, and is separated by a parking lot and landscaping. The granting of the variance will not impair the supply of light and air to the adjacent property. The addition will not significantly impact the public streets or endanger public safety. 5. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The purpose of the maximum length to height ratio is to lessen the impact of the bulk of a large building on the adjacent property. Granting this variance may impact the character of the neighborhood. However, the proposed setback and additional landscaping may soften that impact. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of this variance is contrary to the intent of the Comprehensive Plan to provide a suitable buffer between different uses. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The proposed addition can be redesigned to eliminate the need for a variance. The granting of this variance is not necessary to alleviate a demonstrable hardship. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The variance would not be necessary with a redesign of the addition. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\OO-086pc.doc Page 3 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. The applicant has not indicated the variance based on economic hardship. Redesigning the addition, however, will eliminate the need for a variance. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed request does not appear to meet the hardship criteria in that a legal alternative exists. The applicant can redesign the west side of the addition to meet the maximum ratio of length to height. The staff therefore recommends denial of this request. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings approving the variance request. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second adopting Resolution 01-003PC denying a variance to the maximum building wall length to building height ratio for the addition to the existing building as shown on Exhibit A. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\OO-086pc.doc Page 4 RESOLUTION Ol-003PC A RESOLUTION DENYING A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM BUILDING WALL LENGTH TO HEIGHT RATIO BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. The Parish of St. Michael has applied for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of an addition to the existing St. Michael's school on property located in the R-2 (Low to Medium Density Residential) District at the following location, to wit; 16280 Duluth Avenue SE, legally described as follows: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,23,24,25,26,27 and 28, Block 1, "WESTSIDE ADDITION TO PRIOR LAKE", Scott County, Minnesota, together with the east 15.00 feet of Lot 6, Block 1, of said plat. Also together with that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the center line of Main Street (extended westward) of the Village of Prior Lake; thence south along said east line a distance of371.0 feet to the center line of Pleasant Avenue (extended westward) per the plat of CATES' ADDITION TO PRIOR LAKE; thence Westerly along center line of Pleasant Avenue extended a distance of 183.00 feet to the easterly line of the plat of WESTSIDE ADDITION TO PRIOR LAKE"; thence north parallel along said east line a distance of 389.50 feet; thence east parallel to Pleasant Avenue, a distance of 183.0 feet to said east line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence south a distance of 18.5 feet to the point of beginning. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case File #00-086 and held hearings thereon on January 16, 2001. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect ofthe proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\res Ol-003pc.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will unreasonably impact the character of the existing neighborhood and in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed addition can be redesigned to eliminate the need for a variance. The applicant has control over the building design and shape, such that the applicant has created the hardship created. Reasonable use of the property exists by redesigning the west wall of the proposed addition to eliminate the need for a variance. 6. There is no justifiable hardship as reasonable use of the property exists without the granting of the variance. 7. The granting of the variance, as originally requested, is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. The factors above allow for an alternative structure to be permitted with a reduced variance or none at all. 8. The contents of Planning Case #00-086 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variance for an addition to the existing school building (as shown in attached Exhibit A); 1. A variance to permit a structure with a building wall length to building height ratio of 5.46: 1 rather than the maximum ratio of 4: 1 (City Code Section 1107 .2202, ~8,b). Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on January 16, 2001. Thomas E. V onhof, Commission Chair ATIEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-086\res Ol-003pc.doc 2 Location Map =~::. ,,' :,:'. "'2 ,~,," ~. .- '- 3 ;:: -= ' ~ ~.s' · l~T ." j i ""-//; ~ ~.". ""'" r I I------- 2r .J#s<fi. _ ~ ,"": I ________ ~ ---. r--. I "v~ I . 1 . 8 1 :r 2 3 S ~~ CJ ~ p..C~ ~. .... 1 2 1 II: rc-~ en ~~ CAWf'.\(j3 7 UJ '?: 1 . 1 1 2 3 zq 2 ~ . . 1 3 RLS. 56 tRACT B '--------- 8 12 o \... 11 J-: ., ~ <Ii 11 12 10 10 - 2ND I ~lN ; lb~~ 1110 · · ; 5 .. 3 2 t r---,-......---. 1€ 6 5 4 3 7~ MAIN ST. 13 11.. 15 t 17 18 1516171819202122 15 An" "fl.' 1=n ~2D 19 18 171815 .. &R~~EO RAT bF PF OR LAKE 1. 17 " 1. 1. 13112 2 10 ~ll r- 7 IS 5 3 2 1 141312110987 E !MP!1 . ~ I PLEASANT AV. 1~1..n II 1878 8JT Location of - St. Michael's.School ST. MCH6.8..'S CH..R:H am.or . u.i en ~ ~ => .... => o IT. S.E. ,. _~G. LE ~REEK A " " I VILLAS "" I "ac " 1035 1Jffi ffiwrnrnrn ~ ITu-r.r.m 1 EAGLE CREEK VIL~ II ~ / N A 400 I o 400 Feet St. Michael's Catholic Community Prior Lake, Minnesota School Building Addition November 27, 2000 I D !m <S [g 0 ~ [g !~I I I MW 29m I~l The proposed building addition will occur on the North-West corner at the intersection of Pleasant and Duluth on the property of St. Michael Catholic School. Construction is planned to start in February of 2001 and completion in September of 2001. Project Variance Narrative: The west exterior elevation has exceeded the height to length ratio of 4:1. Presently the length of the building is 142'-0" and the height is 26'-0". We are applying for a variance based on the following: Item #1 The future master plan addition in the next phase will reduce the ratio on the west exterior elevation.The ratio will become 86'-0" length and 26'-0" height. Please refer to the site plan sheet C2.1, which identifies the future addition. This addition will occur within three to four years. Item #2 We are presently planning for the future addition by providing an exterior insulation system in lieu of face brick which is shown on the west exterior elevation sheet AS.1. The exterior insulation system will be incorporated into the interior of the future addition. DLR Group, inc. Project No. 4098136-15 1 of 1 EXHIBIT A ~----.-':' '-; , , , , II __: _I , " , , III IIi' -!I!, '" _ 'l'--l , :. -I I G ~~ -:- .1 j " , I ' ~ .1 ~"',,__.:. _ _!..,. 1 ~ ~; - - 11'1 i)' : , ~ 1~ 1 II' , I : Iii I : , .111' I. , . ~ -: II I !: ~ L\~ i L~ -~_ "'-: ..8 ~, \.. " ~ ~~ :. !Ii:) !lll " !ill,'>" . or- (,\( f2~ Cj , ~! " C) ~ ! ~_o:.......~ ",~ i -.~~ ,>j"'''1 O-r;; ~ -~ ; .l I , I' , . ~.._,,-..~ 1 _ \ ": , , \ r- '[~ ljJ l' . ;1\ r \0 I " _: '-_,"'''-',,:'';;'00 H , "'l-~' \,..;1 I ;I I' ~: I : ~I I .., ~ I .._~~- -, ~::tK.o.\'1 ~ ; -",:,1' I '1(\ 0 I , I ~ '"_,I : \ i~\I~1 ~J :l\lt~1 I \ ',!" II [I! I I I I \ ;m i\ I I' . :~~ lL.=...- "llt.:". · · .:11--..-., :;r,;..,.j-"--~ - ':. .' I~-- ...~- y~ I"" I " 1,', -<<_ ___ H_. 0I'inr..;_1'<...s~ ~ 1/ j j \ :~0t~'~~~:~~~~--~fJ~ G -~'~ ~ .. ~ 11 !: ! I I ~J II I r . ~ II I W :: : \::;: ~1 ~ i\ : \ : \ \ I ,-- ~r I I :tlH +H1+t1'H 7) lij;n) hv ':;jil :J : /l D'l'VI I -.) -, ~ ,. ", ''l'I~ r IiI II III II 'liIl1uq ~ i :Ptl B nlll ~ I II. Ii=> l nt i ftI f =1 _. --------..---- u (i !~ :.~ l!! ~ d z p, ~ P\ t~ pi' ~ z o ~ ~ I I ~ ~~ I ' ;0 ~ ~ Z 'IiI 0 ~ ~ in ' i:iiiI I en = I ; :; ~ '.. I~W ._"".:-= s~ CI) ~~ 00 i::a · III ,runl1q II liPtl ~ t~ II \ !11ii ~ " IIII} I III ! ".r '-If , 11'1 · 'il II ; '~. I (i ,riUI~ ~ II( Ii=' II I , ~~ -t ~p! ~!1! ~ o z 1 (1t;1!jtll C'Dc;l..rt" if sa. ~ e:; C'D., ~ . _n > S' =" c;l..=~ c;l.. ~ a; o = ~(1 .~ ~(1 (1== ~o ~~ AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 6A CONSIDER A 1 YEAR TIME EXTENSION TO THE APPROVED VARIANCE RESOLUTION 99-026PC, Case File #99-086 LOT 13, BLOCK 2, TITUS 2ND ADDITION STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES -1L NO JANUARY 16, 2001 The Planning Department received a written request for a one year extension of an approved variance from Mark Liesener (Exhibit A Request). On December 13, 1999,the Planning Commission approved a variance to the structure setback requirement. This variance expired on December 13, 2000. The request to extend the variance was submitted on December 6,2000, after notification by this office of the impending expiration. Variance Resolution 99-026PC, originally adopted on December 13, 1999, approved a variance to the minimum structure setback for a single family dwelling (Exhibit B Resolution). The variance is described as follows: 1. A 70 foot variance to permit a 30 foot structure setback from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) elevation of a tributary stream rather than the required 100 foot [City Code Subsection 1104.301: (3) Setback Requirements: Tributary Rivers]. DISCUSSION: Lot 13, Block 2, Titus 2nd Addition, was platted in 1974. The property is located within the R-S District (Rural Suburban Residential) and the SD District (Shoreland Overlay). The original owner and applicant, Mark Liesener, decided not to build on the subject lot and has recently sold the property to Daniel Pinkevich. The new owner intends to build a single family dwelling in the Spring of 2001. Without the variance extension the lot would become unbuildable again and the new owner would be required to apply for the same variance that was approved on December 13, 1999. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The applicant Mark Liesener has met two out of three of the required conditions by recording the Variance Resolution with Scott County and signing the Assent of Applicant Form (Exhibit C Assent Form), but did not make substantial use of the premises by submitting a building permit application and commencing construction within one year of adoption as required by City Ordinance 1108.415. The Planning Commission may grant an extension of time not to exceed one year for any variance. The request for a time extension must be filed with the Zoning Administrator before the termination date of the Variance, but shall not be filed more than 30 days before the termination date (City Ordinance 1108.419). The applicant has met this requirement. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Staff has reviewed the applicant's request for a one year extension of time. The lot in question is a nonconforming lot of record. A variance is required before any construction will be allowed on the property. On October 9, 2000, The Planning Commission approved a request for a time extension of one year for Variance Resolution 99-021 PC. Resolution 00-014PC granted the applicant until September 27,2001, for commencing construction on the subject property or the variance will expire. Staff recommends a time extension for this Variance request coincide with the time extension granted on the previous request, on September 27,2001. If a building permit is not approved prior to September 27, 2001, this variance will also expire. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the one year extension of time as requested by the applicant, or approve a time period less than one year as the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the extension of time because the Planning Commission finds the applicant did not meet all of the conditions imposed in the variance resolution as required under the zoning code. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings denying the extension of time requests. L:\99FILES\99V AR\99-086\ExtRpt1.DOC Page 2 ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second adopting Resolution 01-02PC approving the Extension Of Time for a period until September 27,2001, for Variance Resolution 99-26PC, a 70 foot variance to permit a 30 foot structure setback from the ordinary high water mark of a tributary river rather than the required 100 feet. L:\99FILES\99V AR\99-086\ExtRpt1.DOC Page 3 RESOLUTION 01-02PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION OF ONE YEAR TO DECEMBER 13, 2001, FOR VARIANCE RESOLUTION 99-026PC BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Mark L. Liesener has applied for a one year time extension expiration date for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a single family dwelling on a lot that does not meet the minimum setback to a tributary river in the R-S (Rural Subdivision Residential) and SD (Shoreland Overlay) Districts at the following location, to wit; 4525 Jackson Trail, Prior Lake, legally described as Lot 13, Block 2, Titus Second Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment reviewed the request for an Extension of Time for the Variance as contained in Case File #99-086, on January 16,2001. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed request upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance time extension will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The pre-existing lot of record does not meet the current Ordinance for minimum lot size in the R-S District. This situation creates an unbuildable lot and a hardship with respect for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. 6. There is justifiable hardship due to the fact that this lot is a lot of record platted prior to the minimum lot area requirements established by the current ordinance. Reasonable use of the property does not exist without the granting of the Variance's time extension to permit a buildable lot for a single family dwelling. 1:\99fi1es\99var\99-086\rsO I-02.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 7. The granting of the Variance's time extension will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant/owner, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. Without the requested Extension Of Time for the Variance the vacant lot is unbuildable. 9. The granting of the Extension Of Time for the Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant/owner. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 10. The contents of Planning Case #99-086PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance time extension: 1. An extension of time to September 27, 2001, for a 70 foot Variance to permit a structure setback of 30 from the ordinary high water mark of a tributary river rather than the required minimum 100 feet. The following conditions must be adhered to prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed structure: 1. Prior to construction, the applicant must obtain all necessary permits, including permits for the private well and septic system. 2. The applicant/owner shall be required to comply with all other city ordinances and agency or governmental regulations that apply. 3. This Resolution must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department within 60 days of approval. Pursuant to Section 1108.415 of the City Code, the variance time extension will be null and void if the necessary permits are not obtained for the proposed structure by September 27, 2001. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on January 16,2001. Thomas E. V onhof, Commission Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\99fi1es\99var\99-086\rsO 1-02.doc 2 EXHIBIT A REQUEST December 6, 2000 City of Prior Lake Planning Commission 16200 Eagle Creek S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Extension of Time for Approved Variance Resolution~s for Lot 13, Block 2, Titus 2nd Addition. Dear Planning Commission: I am requesting a one year extension of the approved Variance Resolution's 99-025PC & 99-026PC for the above lot. The lot has been sold. The new buyer plans on building in the coming year, and would like the extension. Thank You. ~~ Rev. Mark L. Liesener ~ EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 99-026PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 70 FOOT VARIANCE TO PEAAllT A 30 FOOT STRUCTURE SETBACK INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED MINIMUM 100 FOOT STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL OF A TRIBUTARY STREAM BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Mark L. Liesener has applied for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a single family dwelling located in the R-S (Rural Subdivision Residential Use) District and SD (Shoreland) District at the following location, to wit; 4525 Jackson Trail, legally described as Lot 13, Block 2, Titus Second Addition 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case #99-086PC and held hearings thereon on December 13, 1999. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The pre-existing lot of record does not allow for the minimum structure setback requirements of 100 feet from the ordinary high water level of a tributary stream and does not provide for a legal building envelope for a residential dwelling. This situation creates an unbuildable lot and a hardship with respect for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. 1:\99files\99var\99-086\appres.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - -. ,--',-, ," -):;~ ~::~:~?~,;:~> . " ,-. ... ."'~ ,. '.' '-. ~ . ~::~._:~::;:)~:._-'; ,./ ~~~:?~~.~ ~// .'0- ./ 6. There is justifiable hardship caused by the minimum structure setback to a tributary stream required today and the platted lot of record. Reasonable use of the property does not exist without the granting of the variance to permit a buildable lot for a single family dwelling. 7. The granting of the Variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. Without the requested Variance the vacant lot is unbuildable. 9. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 10. The contents of Planning Case #99-086PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance for the proposed structure as shown in Exhibit A Revised: 1. A 70 foot Variance to permit a 30 foot structure setback instead of the required 100 foot structure setback to the ordinary high water level of a tributary stream. The following are conditions which must be adhered to prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed structure: 1. All other City Codes and applicable agency regulations, including the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards for private well and septic systems shall be met. 2. The variance must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department within 60 days. Pursuant to Section 1108.415 of the City Code, the variance will be null arJd void if the necessary pen nits are not obtained for the proposed structure within one year after adoption of this resolution. Adopted by the Board of Arljusbnent on Decemb~ Anthony Stamson, Chair g Director 1:\99files\99var\99-086\appres.doc 2 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SU:RVEYORS REGISTERED' UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA NAOI 73rd A....nu. North 012-080-30D3 Fax No. 060-3822 o D.nol.. Iron Monumenl C Denote, Wood Hub Set for excavotlon only xOOO.n Denol.. Exl,t"'" E1evot/on @ O,not.. Propolld Elevotlon -- Donol.. Surfoee 0.01""9' NOTE: Proposed grodes ore .ubject '0 r..ulo of Ion te.lo. Proposed buIldln9 Informollon No flood elevation available from must be checked with approved City engineering or watershed dept. bulldln9 pion _ dev,lopment or grodln9 plO1 belore ..cavatlon . , and conslrucl1on. Property is located in Zone X per ~llq COlIIIl\/nity Panel No. 27043~ 0002 C~Propoo.<I Top 0' Block Da1;ed November 19, 1997. ~;:'1:~ 511.4 Propoo,d Gor09' Floor /: 'S'" flo3 .1.-_ Propoofd Lowest Floor "" qp'/l.7 Type of Bulklln9 ""(< 'fiN- ~&fEJ)r , /. 'NAt.Wt"" . ~}~rfl" ~,~. (1'.(' \I.?'Z-Ao- - .._oj ~ tjf1fJ ~/d ~,' )! ~ .~. I / I I .. l~,' / I ~ A I ~ '1~ t~ J.. l~~ ;' 'I .r i= rr + ~ ~ ~I:.~/f / " ~.li'.~ ~ .,{\.'O Il;~. '1'- / ".- I ~4 ~ 11'" '0' qr lP.v;'" I I ~ . I. I . ..:~ ,:J.t~~t:17 I I ~~"~y.:!i t I J>";~'" > \~ ; / [ ~o~ oJ~q.::l_":.A ,0' ......--5'. / \ I · .f ~, @ 1'''''''. I' / (S ~~I1011-:::.i. j"- EsLe.bllshed In 1962 YlnnupoU., YIDn..ola 1I11~28 g,ururynrs Cl!rrtifirntr NOTE:Proposed elevations shown recommended by builder. HICn^EL nAYES Property located in Section 23. Township lIS, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota -~ JAv~~ON I.,\l}"" ( f't:O(H\u.. ';-!< {:.. -~r' \ '~\L "1fA\L.) ~ .,)< Jf1' ",,:, ~ ., l:l 1: ~!1 (~ . ~ ..,. " ~ .... ~ . Y1-rtlnY I O!<AlfoIA4e. , .l\!-fO' .....- ,/ ....- / /' ... \/1'\ ....- .-/ "./7) '" ,.- ......-/....\'1.... ./ .....-.....- ./ ..... ..... ".. I \ t INVOICE -NO. 53642 F.B.NO. 838-07 .08 , SCALE: 1" = 30' '~:' LC1" ~(l-eA.', ? 4-I,,'Z.e> ~..cl-_ O:1~ A~~e~ ,.10";: t"1.E:\I,,-r,DN .F lUA.O DVrlP- tVl.oJlifZ-'- . &D?? r-, 'I ~= f;'':. r.:? :' \", ;.' : 0. ' ~ ~ L.S tJ -:""1 ~:~ !, ~it:! -..- t~/j\ OCT 2 q 1999... "I;' !i j\\ I II L" jUU, I 1Dl~~ ~~~ Lot 13, Block 2, TITUS 2ND ADDIT~ON \ /' '" The only easements shown ore 1iom plots 01 record or inlormuUon provided by client .. ... We hereby eertlly Ilml Ihi. is 0 Irue and correel repre.enlollnn or a "..yey 01 the boundevles at the obove deserihed land Ot1d Ihe loc:ation at 01 buikJin9s and vjsihlfl Imcroaclvnenll, II any. from or on fund lond. s~J]M 1 OiL- ...... (...,......_.1 I... .... 11.:_ n.... ....1__.. _., 1011.. .... nn OIlTloo r. Andoronn, ~Im. Re9. N".1J75J or EXHIBIT C ASSENT FORM ASSENT OF APPLICANT File #99-86PC As Approved by Resolution #99-26PC The undersigned hereby assents to the following: 1. I have read the conclusions and conditions of said Resolution, and I am familiar with their contents and with the content of the exhibits. 2. I fully accept all of the terms and conditions of said Resolution. 3. I understand Section 1108.400 of the Prior Lake Ordinance Code provides as follows: 1108.413 Revocation and Cancellation of a Variance. A Variance may be revoked and canceled if the Zoning Administrator determines that the holder of an existing Variance has violated any of the conditions or requirements imposed as a condition to approval of the Variance, or has violated any other applicable laws, ordinances, or enforceable regulation. 1108.414 After One Year. No Construction Required. All Variances shall be revoked and canceled if 1 year has elapsed from the date of the adoption of the resolution granting the Variance and the holder of the Variance has failed to make substantial use of the premises according to the provisions contained in the Variance. 1108.415 After One Year. New Construction Required. All Variances shall be revoked and canceled after 1 year has elapsed from the date of the adoption of the resolution granting the Variance if a new structure or alteration or substantial repair of an existing building is required by the Variance and the holder has failed to complete the work, unless a valid building permit authorizing such work has been issued and work is progressing in an orderly way. 1108.416 Upon Occurrence of Certain Events. If the holder of a Variance fails to make actual use of vacant land, or land and structures which were existing when the Variance was issued and no new structure, alteration or substantial repair to existing buildings was required; or if a new structure was required by the Variance and no building permit has been obtained, the Variance shall be deemed revoked and canceled upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) A change in the Use District for such lands is made by amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by the City Council. L:\99FILES\99V AR\99-086\ASNT26.DOC 1 16200 Engle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (2) Eminent domain proceedings have been initiated to take all or any part of the premises described in the Variance. (3) The use described in the Variance becomes an illegal activity. under the laws of the United States of America or the State of Minnesota. (4) Title to all or part of land described in such Variance is forfeited to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes. (5) The person to whom the Variance was issued files a written statement in which that person states that the Variance has been abandoned. The statement shall describe the land involved or state the resolution number under which the Variance was granted. (6) The premises for which the Variance was issued are used by the person to whom the Variance was issued in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of such Variance. 4. I understand the granting by the City of this Resolution is in reliance on the representations that I will fully comply with all of the terms and conditions of said Resolution. I understand and agree upon notice of non-compliance with any term or condition, I shall immediately cease conducting activities pursuant to the notice or will take all actions necessary to accomplish full compliance with said notice and conditions of the Resolution. ~~/(JO If TE ~p~cifu ~ ~----.- ~------, SIGN TURE OF OWNER 4525 Jackson Trail, Prior Lake, MN ADDRESS OF PROPERTY L:\99FILES\99V AR\99-Q86\ASNT26.DOC 2