HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 9, 2001 / y fk -:... REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2001 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings:' A. Case Files #01-008 and 00-009 (Continued) Centex Home is requesting a preliminal)' plat and Conditional Use Permit for 38.9 acres of vacant land located on the west side of CSAH 83, ..Y4 mile south of CSAH 42, in the East Y2 of the NW Y4 of Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West. The proposal is to create 54 single family lots and to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cluster development of68 townhouses. B. Case File #01-012 A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to permit accessory structures on Island developments. C; Case File # 01-014 Shepherd of the Lake Church is requesting a zQne change for the property located in Section 22, Township 115 North, Range 22 West, Scott County. 5. Old Business: A. Case File #0 1-025 Steven and Susan Balaam are requesting a vacation of a 10 wide drainage and utility easement for the property located at 6096 150th Street. B. )001-2006 Capital Improvement Program review. 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: L:\OI fiieslO 1 plancomm\Olpcagenda\ag040901.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / . Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2001 1. Call to Order: Chairman V onhof called the March 26, 2001, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Stamson and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, City Engineer Sue McDermott and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Lemke Stamson V onhof Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the March 12, 2001, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Commissioner V onhof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. 4. Public Hearings: A. Case Files #01-005 & 006 Pavek Family Investments Company/Hodgson Trust is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Plat to be known as Regal Crest to allow a cluster townhouse development consisting of 25.58 acres to be subdivided into 78 lots for townhouse units on the property located on the west side ofCSAH 21 approximately ~ mile north ofCSAH 82. (Continued/rom the February 12,2001 meeting) Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated March 26,2001 on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Pavek Family Investments Company and Hodgson Trust have applied for approval of a development to be known as Regal Crest on the property located on the west side of CSAH -21, 'l4 mile north of CSAH 82. The application includes the following requests: . Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a cluster development; . Approve a Preliminary Plat. The original proposal called for a cluster townhouse development consisting of a total of 78 dwelling units on 23.81 net acres, for a total density of3.3 units per acre. The proposed development includes 20 dwelling units in 6 four-unit buildings, 48 dwelling 1:\0 I files\O I planeomm\O I peminutes\mn03260 I.doe 1 Planning Commission Meeting March 26. 2001 .. units in 16 three-unit buildings and 10 dwelling units in 5 two-unit buildings. The development also includes private open space. The Planning Commission considered this request at a public hearing on February 12, 2001. The staff and the Planning Commission identified several issues pertaining to this development. The Planning Commission tabled this item until March 12,2001 to allow the developer the opportunity to address the outstanding issues. The developer then requested this item be continued to March 26, 2001 to allow additional time to address the issues. Owners of property within 500 feet were notified of the new hearing date. The staff and Planning Commission originally identified 10 issues at the last meeting. The developer responded to those issues. The major outstanding issue pertaining to this development is the staff recommendation for the elimination of certain units. This has an effect on the design of the site. However, it is possible to allow this application to move forward with a specific recommendation to the Council. The design issues, including the number of units, the landscaping and tree preservation plans, and the submittal of building elevations must be addressed prior to City Council review. On that basis, the staff recommends approval, subject to the following conditions: 1) The plans must be modified to remove the unit identified as Lots 6, Block 1, 2nd Addition. 2) The landscaping plan and tree replacement plan must be modified to meet the minimum ordinance requirements. The landscaping plan must also be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect. In addition, an irrigation plan must be provided. 3) Provide building elevations, including all sides of the building, and floor plans for all proposed building styles. 4) The plans should be revised to combine more ofthe driveway openings, especially on Jeffers Pass. 5) Address the following comments from the City Engineer: (a) Submit a wetland replacement application. (b) Provide an additional low point on Jeffers Pass, north of Thatcher Lane, to direct runoff into the southwest wetland on the property. (c) Maximum slope of grading in maintained areas is 4: 1. Some graded areas are shown with a greater than 3: I slope. Provide retaining walls as necessary to create 4: 1 slopes in maintained areas. (d) Refer to the Prior Lake Design Manual for preparation of plans and specifications. ( e) Look at alternative ways of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutes\mn032601.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting March 26. 2001 (f) Catch basin 15 is located in a driveway. The driveway location must be moved. (g) The intersection of Lauren Lane and Jeffers Pass must be constructed in Phase 1 to eliminate the need for a temporary cul-de-sac. (h) The developer must obtain temporary construction easements where off-site grading is occurring. These easements must be provided to the City prior to issuance of a grading permit. (i) The street grade shall not exceed 2.00% for the first 100' approaching the intersection with C.R. 21. 6) Address the following comments from the Scott County Engineer: (a) Provide a right-turn lane, designed to County standards, on CSAH 21 at Jeffers Pass. (b) Remove the existing driveway on CSAH 21 and grade to match right-of-way. (c) Obtain permits from the County for any work in the County right-of-way. 7) Obtain a permit from the Watershed District. 8) All necessary permits from other agencies must be obtained and submitted to the City prior to final plat approval, or prior to approval of a grading permit. Comments from the public: Peter Knaeble, Civil Engineer with Terra Engineering representing the developers, Don and Damn Pavek, said they have made substantial revisions to the plan. They removed 4 of the units and saved 112 additional trees based on Staffs and the Planning Commission's recommendation. Knaeble concurred with all of staff s conditions except the first condition regarding removal of the last unit. The concern is a portion of that unit encroaching into the existing 20% slope. Their calculations indicate 530 square feet of encroachment. Knaeble felt it was an insignificant encroachment into the area and it is not reasonable to remove that unit. He respectfully asked the Planning Commission to omit that recommendation to the City Council. Knaeble pointed out the adjoining Wensmann's 1st Addition development has encroachments into the 20% slope. Criego questioned Knaeble on staffs recommendation on reducing the driveways. Knaeble responded the developer did combine some driveways and were working with the architect and staff. Criego then went on to explain Wensmann's plat and why the Planning Commission made the decisions Knaeble referred to in his statement. Dan Metzger, 2130 Windsong Circle, pointed out Scott County Public Work's letter to the City indicating they would support any additional effort made by the developer or City to explore alternative locations for access to this development. Metzger did not feel Scott County's access guidelines were correctly used. He also felt Scott County was evasive and omitted sight line guidelines in their letter to the City. The Windsong residents feel the access is still dangerous and requested the developer identify alternative accesses that meet the road specifications. L:\Ol files\Ol plancomm\Ol pcminutes\mn032601.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting March 26. 2001 Kansier reiterated the concern on the 720 feet not having the distance is mitigated by the fact there are two southbound lanes on County Road 21, which allow people to pass a slower vehicle. Metzger felt the entrance to the development should be on the crest of the hill where people can see in both directions. The matter should be looked into. Don Pavek, Pavek Family Investments, indicated at the last meeting the hardships of eliminating units. Pavek pointed out there is a lot of open space and the encroachment should not a real big issue. His other concern is the parkland dedication requirement. The cash amount is the same as in previous reports but this reports includes an additional $850. Kansier explained that this development is subject to the previous parkland dedication requirements. The City recently adopted new parkland dedication requirements. The previous ordinance had two parts, one initial dedication at the plat and a second payment with each building permit. The new study requires a far higher dedication. Under the new study one would pay around $1,600 per unit. Pavek said this was never brought up in any of the previous staff meetings and he had budgeted $33,254. The floor was closed at 7:05 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Lemke: . Agreed with the developer. He made significant changes to the plan and removed the unit to the north. 530 feet into the slope is a small issue. He started with 80 units now it is down to 74. . Allow the developer to keep the units. . It is a good plan. . Not sure about the access. The County has more control over that. They are saying it is where it should be. Criego: . Agreed with the plan. It is a good layout. . Like the reduction to 4-unit buildings and the idea of saving as many trees as possible. . The plan as laid out is ideal for this piece of property. Back it 100%. . .Concerned with the traffic issues. There is a conflict with the County's guidelines. City Engineer Sue McDermott responded the road is not medium to high volume. It is a low volume non-continuous street. With that consideration, the guidelines are 1/8 mile. The County saw it as low volume as well as the City. When this connects to the leffer's property there will be an increase in volume. At the development stage it is low volume and after the connections take place it will be medium volume. Metzger is correct in his calculations. For an undivided 4- lane street the spacing is 1/4 mile. Eventually the County will eliminate access onto County Road 42 with medians. When the development is full the access will L\Ol files\Ol plancomm\Ol pcminutes\mn032601.doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 be at Lord Street and this access will eventually be eliminated to right-in, right- out. . Dan Metzger said today, County Road 21 does not have a median. It is a problem. . Does the City see any issues with the access? McDermott felt the City should go by Scott County Public Works' letter and guidelines. The County did the study. Access has to be allowed to this property. . McDermott pointed out the County's property on the map. She felt it would be difficult to create some sort of access at this point. The land to the south is privately owned. The County did not mention their property in the letter. Stamson: . Concurred with fellow Commissioners - the development has improved. It is very mce. . Appreciate developer's efforts to remove some buildings as requested to preserve more trees and open space. . The encroachment is small and insignificant. Support allowing that unit to remam. . The access is not ideal but there are no reasonable alternatives. . Concurred with the balance of staffs recommendations and support forwarding to the City Council. Atwood: . Agreed with Commissioners' comments including the encroachment onto the steep slopes. . Not comfortable with the access. The County stated in their letter, they would fully support any effort made by the developer or the City to explore alternative accesses. There could be some energy put forth to explore another access. . Would not support this request. There has not been enough effort into changing the access. V onhof: . Agreed with Commissioners regarding the staffs recommendations. . The developer has made substantial improvements and complied with all recommendations. . The encroachment of 520 feet is not significant. Comfortable leaving the unit. . The access is a difficult situation. Ultimately Lord Street will be the superior access. . Do not know of a better access at this point or what the solution would be. Open Discussion: Stamson: . Maybe there should be a requirement that Jeffers Pass not connect to the Wensmann property until the improvements are made to Lord Street. That retains L:\Ol fiJes\O J plancomm\OJ pcminutes\mn032601.doc 5 Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 the fact that this is not a non-continuous street until the extra connection has been made. Next year or the year after there may be a significant increase in traffic and would hold it down. The trouble is that a development is created with only one- way in and out. There is a trade off. Atwood: . The County seems eager to explore alternatives to this development. . Questioned the time limit. Kansier said the problem with exploring an alternative access is property ownership. Ifthe developer owned the property it would be different. Criego: . The property owned by the County is not even mentioned. That tells me they are not interested in using that particular parcel or they know it is not large enough to be used. The County is saying maybe the developer and City should look at it. What about the County? The answer is, they feel the existing access is acceptable. Believe the County's conclusion is the road is safe. Stamson: . The County's piece ofland does not even go up to the Lord Street access. The property to the south is privately owned land. . Does not see exploring eminent domain by putting a strip through someone else's property in order to put in a street. Rye explained the adjoining Jeffer's property access. Atwood: . Sounds like all the Commissioners are concerned with the access, but do not feel there is a viable option. . Criego made good points on behalf of the County. . Her take on the County's letter is that the engineer was having a bad week and did not research the issue. . Agreed with Metzger's concern for traffic. Criego: . The County is very strict. They take the time and energy to look at the issues. If they found a problem they would tell the City. You cannot prohibit development -of a property when there is a development going to take place. The access is in place. Rye said the County is not bashful on suggesting alternative access or just saying "No". MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PRELIMARY PLAT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS #2 THROUGH 8 OF THE STAFF REPORT EXCLUDING ITEM #1 WHICH IS REMOVING THE BUILDING ON LOT 6. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\Olpcminutes\mn032601.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. The earliest this item would go to City Council is Apri116, 2001. B. Case File #01-010 - Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow grading and excavation for an access drive to Mystic Lake Casino on the property located on the west side of CSAH 83, approximately % mile south of CSAH 42 and ~ mile north of CSAH 82. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated March 26,2001, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) is proposing to grade and excavate approximately 10,000 cubic yards on the property located on the west side 0 CSAH 83, approximately % mile south ofCSAH 42 and 'l4 mile north ofCSAH 82. The purpose of this excavation is to create an access drive to the Mystic Lake Casino. Section 1101.509 Grading, Filling, Land Reclamation, Excavation requires a Conditional Use Permit for excavation of more than 400 cubic yards. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to beginning any work on the site, the applicant must obtain approval of the wetland mitigation plan. 2. Prior to beginning any work on the site, the applicant must obtain a permit from the Watershed District and from any other agency as required. Copies of the approved permit must be submitted to the City. 3. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit, on a form prepared by the City and approved by the City Attorney, is to be submitted prior to the recording of the resolution. The amount of the LOC is for 125% of the cost of the landscaping. Bids or estimates for the required landscaping must be submitted to the City for review and approval. 4. The excavation must be done according to the approved plans. 5. The clean up of gravel as a result of spills or general transportation of gravel on any public road shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 6. Hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (weekdays) and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. 7. Watering for dust control shall be done on an as needed basis or within 24 hours written notice from the City. Such notice shall be transmitted by facsimile to the applicant. Dust control includes the entire project area and is not limited to roadways. Water for dust control shall be provided from an off-site source. 8. The CUP is valid for one year, but is revocable at any time for noncompliance with any condition contained herein. At the expiration of its one (1) year term, the L\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutes\mn03260l.doc 7 Planning Commission Meeting March 26,2001 property owner may make application to the City to renew the CUP. The initial approval of this CUP does not create any right, in law or equity, to the renewal thereof. Any renewal of the CUP is subject to City Council approval and is to include any information as requested by City staff or the City Council that would aid the City Council in determining whether the excavation activities conducted pursuant to this CUP created any adverse impacts to the health, safety or welfare of the City or its residents. Atwood: . Questioned the Letter of Credit. Kansier explained the landscaping escrow and requirements. It is a tool for the City to ensure the requirements are met. Stamson: . Does this become a public road? Kansier said it would not. Comments from the public: Stan Ellison, representing the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, presented the layout ofthe road and extensions. Native grass will be planted in the medians. Maple and Basswood trees will be planted along the roads. Other trees being removed will be replaced with a broad spectrum of species on the trust land. It will all look natural. A number of impacts have been addressed. The Community feels there will be many benefits to this road. It will decrease traffic on County Road 83. The intention is an alternative to County Road 83. If County Road 83 ever needs to be worked on, it will provide alternative routes. This will also allow additional water mains to tribal subdivisions. Ellison understands the Letter of Credit, however the applicant is not a developer, it is another government. He felt the issue is not that the Community could not afford it, they can. It is another government and should be treated as that, not another developer. Mike Witt, Environmental Specialist with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Community Sioux, spoke with Water Resource Coordinator Lani Lechty from the City and other government agencies that are satisfied with the wetland impacts. The floor was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Criego: . Questioned the future plans relating to the northern property and east of the proposed road. Ellison responded it will be a vegetated cover in the short term. The long-term plan is for institutional use. There are no details at this time. . How does Staff want to address the government-to-government Letter of Credit? Rye said there may be a valid point. Will explore with the city attorney. . The plan is fine with no problem removing the Letter of Credit. L:\O 1 files\Ol plancomm\Ol pcminutes\mn032601.doc 8 Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 Stamson: . Concurred with Criego. . Should explore Letter of Credit issue and remove it if possible. . Move forward. Atwood, Lemke and V onhof: . Agreed with the comments. . Request the Letter of Credit issue be reviewed by the City Attorney. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE STAFF REPORT CONDITIONS EXCLUDING ITEM #3 REGARDING THE LETTER OF CREDIT TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND BASED ON THAT DECISION GOES FORWARD. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. C. Case File #01-017 - Mark Crouse is requesting variances for impervious surface and the ordinary high water mark for the construction of a deck on the property located at 15507 Calmut Avenue. There were no comments from the public. V onhof read a letter submitted by Mark Crouse requesting a continuance of the hearing to April 23, 2001. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO APRIL 23, 2001. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. D. Case Files #01-008 and 00-009 Centex Home is requesting a preliminary plat and Conditional Use Permit for 38.9 acres of vacant land located on the west side of CSAH 83, ~ mile south of CSAH 42, in the East % of the NW ~ of Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West. The proposal is to create 54 single family lots and to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cluster development of 68 townh~uses. (Continuedfrom the March 12, 2001 meeting) Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented a letter from Centex Homes requesting a continuance to April 9, 2001 to give the developer time to address the issues. MOTION BY LEMKE, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE MEETING TO APRIL 9,2001. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. L\OI files\Olplancomm\Olpcminutes\mn032601 ,doc 9 , Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: A. Case File #01-013 - Wensmann Realty is requesting a vacation to an existing 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement in Wensmann's First Addition on CSAH 82. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated March 26,2001, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. This easement is located in the western portion of Wensmann 1 st Addition, and is included within Lot 4, Block 1, Lots 29-32, and 37, Block 5, and Lots 4, 10, 11,30-33, Block 6. The easement was originally platted in The Wilds 4th Addition. Wensmann 1 st Addition was platted in 2000. This existing 10' wide easement was not vacated prior to the final plat approval, so the easement encroaches into the buildable area of the new lots. The vacation of this easement is necessary to build on the affected lots. The necessary easements were included in Wensmann 1 st Addition. There is no public need for this 10' easement. Vacation of the easement will allow construction on the new lots. The Planning staff therefore recommended approval of this request. Kelly Murray, representing Wensmann Realty said it was partly their oversight when platting and should have been taken care of at that time. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: . The public goal has been served. Criego: . No problem and recommend approval. Atwood, Lemke and V onhof: . Agreed. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED VACATION OF THE EASEMENT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. L:\OI files\Olplancomm\Olpcminutes\mn032601 .doc 10 Planning Commission Meeting March 26, 2001 B. Case File #01-018 - Shamrock Development, Inc. is requesting a vacation to an existing 10 foot drainage and utility easement across Outlot A of The Wilds Second Addition. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated March 26,2001, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Outlot A of The Wilds 2nd Addition was originally platted in 1996. A 10' wide drainage and utility easement was platted along the south property line of the outlot. Shamrock Development is in the process of replatting this outlot, along with the property to the south, as The Wilds South. Although the majority of the outlot is identified as parkland, there are some lots included within this area. The existing easement will encroach into the buildable area of these lots. The Planning Staff recommended approval of the vacation. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: . Concurred with staff. Lemke, Criego, Stamson and V onhof: . Agreed. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL VACATE THE 10 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF OUTLOT A, THE WILDS 2ND ADDITION. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Rye distributed the proposed draft Capital Improvement Plan 2001-2006 for future discussions. Any clarification or questions call staff. The joint City Council/Planning Commission workshop on April 2 will be relating to the downtown redevelopment design. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\Ol files\Ol plancomm\Ol pcminutes\mn032601.doc 11 , . PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE O'LOUGHLIN PROPERTY JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A -- APRIL 9, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Centex Homes and John O'Loughlin have filed an application to develop the property located on the west side of CSAH 83, l!4 mile south of CSAH 42, in the East Y2 of the Northwest l!4 of Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West. The request includes the following: . Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a cluster development; . Approve a Preliminary Plat. The Planning Commission originally considered this request at a public hearing on March 12, 2001. The Planning Commission deferred action on this request until the City Council acted on the proposed rezoning of the property. At the same time, the Planning Commission and the staff identified some of the outstanding issues with the original proposal. Among other items, these issues included the proposed parkland, the need to extend proposed streets to adjacent properties and the 20% slopes on the site. On April 2, 2001, the City Council approved the rezoning of this site to the R-2 District. The applicant also submitted revised plans on March 30, 2001. The original proposal included 122 dwelling units on 33.87 net acres, for a total density of 3.6 units per acre. This development included 54 single family dwellings and 68 dwelling units in 17 four-unit buildings. The revised proposal calls for a mixed-use development consisting of a total of 116 dwelling units, for a total density of 3.42 units per acre. The proposed development includes 56 single family dwelling units and 60 attached dwelling units in 15 four-unit buildings. The development also includes private open space and a public park. l:\Olfiles\Olcup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ( . SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 40.43 acres. The net area of this site, less County road right-of-way and wetlands, is 33.87 acres. Topoeraphy: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 1,000' MSL at its highest point to 912' MSL at the lowest point. The high point of the site is located in the southwest comer of the site. The site generally drains south towards the wetland located at the northwest comer of the site. The property also contains areas with slopes exceeding 20 percent. Section 1006.605 of the Subdivision Ordinance states that whenever possible, slopes of 20% or greater should not be disturbed and should be retained as private or public open space. Veeetation: This site has been actively farmed over the years. There is a stand of streets located along the south boundary of the property, and along the west boundary of the property. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has submitted an inventory of the significant trees on the site, which identifies 151 caliper inches of significant trees. The Tree Preservation Ordinance allows removal of 25% of the total caliper inches for grading and utilities, and removal of an additional 25% of the total caliper inches for building pads without tree replacement. Removal of additional caliper inches requires replacement at a rate of 1/2 caliper inch for each caliper inch removed. Wetlands: There is a 4.3 acre wetland located at the northwest comer of the site. The plans do not indicate any disturbance of this wetland. Adjacent Land Use, Zonine and Comprehensive Plan Desienation: The property to the west and south is Shakopee Mdewakanton Trust Land. The land to the south is developed with residences and businesses, while the land immediately to the west is a wetland mitigation area. To the north of this property is vacant agricultural land, zoned A (Agriculture) and planned for Hospitality General Business uses. To the east, across CSAH 83, is The Wilds golf course and residential development, zoned PUD and planned for Low to Medium Density Residential uses and Hospitality General Business uses. Comprehensive Plan Desienation: This property is designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The property also meets the criteria for the extension of the MUSA. Zonine: The site is zoned R-2 (Low to Medium Density Residential). The City Council approved this zoning district on April 2, 2001. The R-2 district permits a maximum density of 7.2 units per acre. Shoreland District: The southeast comer of the site was also located within the Shoreland District for Mystic Lake. On February 27, 2001, the Council adopted an ordinance removing this land from the Shoreland District. 1:\01 files\OI cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 2 . , Access: This property is accessed from CSAH 83. The access point is located across from the entrance to The Wilds. PROPOSED PLAN Density: The plan proposes 116 units on a total of 40 acres. Density is based on the buildable acres of the site, or in this case on 33.87 net acres. The overall density proposed in this plan is 3.42 units per acre, which is within the limits of the R-2 district. Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 56 lots for single family dwellings and 60 lots for the townhouse units. There are also 2 lots for the common open space, a park and one outlot. The single family lots meet the R-2 standards. They range in size from 8,060 square feet to over 25,000 square feet, with lot widths from 62' to 80' at the front building line. The developer has not identified a purpose for Outlot A, located in the northwest comer of the site. This outlot has no access from a public street or from any public property. The proposed townhouse lots are "envelope" lots encompassing the building footprints. The common area for this development is also platted into 2 lots. Buildin2 Styles: The proposed plan calls for 2-story single family dwellings, ranging in size from 1,700 square feet to 2,400 square feet. Each dwelling would also include an attached 2-car garage. Some of the wider lots can accommodate 3-car garages. The proposed townhouse units consist of 4-unit buildings. The townhouses are designed as 2-story, slab-on-grade buildings with double car garages. The exterior materials are brick and vinyl siding. There are no porches or decks included with the townhouse units, although each unit has a patio. Setbacks: The plan proposes the minimum 25' front yard and rear yard setbacks and 10' side yard setbacks for the single family lots. For the townhouse portion of the development, the plan proposes a 25' setback from the front property line, a minimum 25' rear yard setback, and a minimum 20' building separation (foundation to foundation) between the townhouses. The plan also notes a 30' setback from any wetland and storm water pond. Lot Covera2e: The R-2 district allows a maximum ground floor area of 0.30. The ground floor area proposed in this plan is 0.12. Useable Open Space: The R-2 district also requires a minimum of 600 square feet of useable open space per unit for cluster developments. Usable open space is defined as "required ground area or terrace on a lot which is graded, developed, landscaped and equipped and intended and maintained for either active or passive recreation or both, available and accessible to and usable by all person occupying a dwelling unit or a rooming unit on the lot and their guests. Usable open space has a minimum dimension of 30 feet. RoojS, driveways and parking areas do not constitute usable open space." 1:\01 files\Ol cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 3 . . The density calculation for this proposal indicates over 9,000 square feet of open space per unit (including the single family dwellings). Neither the calculations nor the plans indicate where the usable open space for the townhouse development is located. This must be identified on the plans to ensure the minimum dimensions and to ensure the space is, in fact, usable, and does not consist of steep slopes. Parkin~: The proposal provides at least 2 spaces per dwelling unit, which is consistent with the minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. Based on the site plan, each single family home and townhouse unit will have at least a 2-car garage. Landscapin~: Section 1107.1900 lists the landscaping requirements for this development. There are two different types of landscaping required for this development. First of all, perimeter landscaping is required for the townhouse portion of the development with buildings consisting of 3 or more units at a rate of 1 tree per unit or 1 tree per 40' feet of perimeter, whichever is greater. In this case, the length of the perimeter requires 69 trees. In addition, 2 front yard trees are required for each single family lot. Comer lots will require at least 4 front yard trees. The single family portion of the development requires a minimum of 120 front yard trees. Staff calculations indicate a total of 189 trees are required for this development. The developer has submitted a landscaping plan that identifies landscaping for both the single family and the townhouse portion of the development. The proposed plan provides for a total of 177 trees, which is less than the required minimum. In addition, the plan does not provide at least 2 front yard trees per lot for the single family portion of the development. The plan also does not indicate whether an irrigation system will be provided. Tree Replacement: As noted above, the applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 151 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. Based on the grading plan, the proposal removes 15.2% for grading purposes. Based on this number, no tree replacement is required. However, the plan does indicate removal of some trees that are within the grading limits of the site. There are 4 trees (48 caliper inches) located along the west property boundary that appear to be affected by the grading on this site. Although the grading plan indicates protective fencing, it does not appear likely that these trees will be unaffected by the grading. Including these trees, the proposal removes 71 caliper inches, or 47% of the significant caliper inches for grading. This would require replacement of approximately 17 caliper inches, or 7, 2.5 caliper inch trees. The landscaping plan must identify the replacement trees. Si~ns: This site plan identifies a project monument signs at the access to this site. No plans or elevations for this sign have been submitted. Li~htin~: Street lights will be provided on the public streets. Streets: This plan proposes three new public streets. Street "A" is a 1,450' cul-de-sac extending from CSAH 83 to the west side of the property. Street "B" is a 675' long cul- 1:\01 files\O 1 cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 4 de-sac extending from the south side of Street "A" to the southwest. Street "C" is a 1 ,000' long through street extending north from Street "A" to the north boundary of the plat. Section 1 006.202 of the Subdivision Ordinance limits the maximum length of a cul-de- sac to 500 feet. All of the cul-de-sacs exceed this length. The developer has not submitted a request for a variance to this requirement; however, the grade and other physical constraints limit the possibilities for eliminating these cul-de-sacs. In addition, Section 1006.200 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that streets shall connect with existing or dedicated streets, or provide for future connections to adjoining unsubdivided tracts of land. In this case, the land to the west consists of a wetland mitigation area, so it is not practical to extend a street to the west property boundary. At one time, it was thought to be possible to connect a street to the south providing access to the SMSC property. However, we have since learned this connection would require elimination of an existing lot in the SMSC community. The connection, therefore, is not practical. The street to the north has been extended to the north property line. Sidewalks/Trails: The plan provides a sidewalk along the north side of Street "A" from CSAH to Street "C", and then along the entire length of Street "C". Parks: This plan includes an 8.21 acre park, which includes the wetland and a storm water pond. The net area of the park, less the wetland and pond, is 3.32 acres. The grading plan also indicates that much of the parkland will be graded with slopes greater than 30 percent. The minimum land dedication requirement for this development is 1 0% of the gross land area, or 4 acres of dry upland with undisturbed topsoil and slopes not exceeding 1 0 percent. The proposed park area does not meet this minimum requirement. There are two options available to meet the minimum requirements. One option is to require a cash dedication of $1,685.00 per unit, or a total of $195,460.00 for the entire development. A second option is to eliminate some of the lots along the north side of Street "A" to create a more usable park area. This would probably not equal the entire required 4 acres, and so a cash dedication would still be required to make up the difference. Storm Sewer: The plan proposes a series of storm sewer pipes and catch basins that direct runoff to a NURP pond located on the north side of the site, east of the existing wetland. Utilities: Sewer and water services can be extended to serve this property from the existing utilities located in Wilds Parkway and CSAH 83. ISSUES: There were several outstanding issues pertaining to the original proposal. These included the following: 1:\01 files\Ol cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 5 1. The property has not been rezoned from the A (Agricultural) district. The City Council will not make a decision on this rezoning until April 2, 2001, at the earliest. 2. The plan does not provide for the extension of streets and utilities to the adjacent undeveloped properties. As noted earlier, it is not practical to extend a street to the west; however, the street must be extended to the north. It may also be possible to provide a connection to the SMDC property to the south. 3. Three of the four proposed cul-de-sacs exceed the maximum length of 500 feet. 4. The proposed parkland consists primarily of a wetland, a storm water pond and steep slopes. The remaining area is a narrow strip of land that will not provide a usable park. 5. The plan does not address the issue of slopes 20% or greater. This plan does not make any attempt to preserve those slopes. The developer submitted revised plans on March 30, 2001 to address these issues. The following analysis is based on the revised plans. ANALYSIS: Conditional Use Permit Plan: The proposed CUP must be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 1108.202 of the Zoning Ordinance. This section provides that a conditional use shall be approved if it is found to meet specific criteria. These criteria and the staff analysis of compliance with these criteria are set forth below. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The Low to Medium Density Residential designation allows townhomes and cluster housing up to 10 units per acre. This development is consistent with those goals, and with the policy to provide a mix of residential housing styles. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. This use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The use is consistent with the adjacent development. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. As currently shown, the proposal does not meet the minimum requirements for landscaping. Whether or not the proposal meets the requirements for usable open space is also questionable. Once these requirements are addressed, the use will meet the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The developer will install all utilities necessary to serve this site. The sewer lines have the capacity to serve this site. The proposed NURP pond and storm water 1:\01 files\O 1 cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 6 sewer system will be designed to accommodate runoff from this site. The need for a park in this area has also been discussed. As currently proposed, the parkland identified on this site does not meet minimum requirements. Modifications to this design will be necessary to meet parkland dedication requirements. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have an adverse affect on adjacent property. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. A civil engineer has prepared the plans. The landscape plan must be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council. The plans have been prepared by a civil engineer and reviewed by the City Engineering Department. Some modifications are required, and will be made prior to approval of the final plat for this site. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the Conditional Use Permit which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council. The suggested conditions and modifications for approval of this plan are listed below, and must be incorporated into the plans prior to final approval by the Council. Section 1102.403 (1) lists the specific criteria for a cluster development in the R-l district. These criteria are discussed below: a. Cluster housing shall meet the following minimum requirements: (1) No more than four dwelling units shall be incorporated in a single building; (2) The density of development shall not exceed the density allowed in an "R-2" Single Family Residential Use District; (3) This subsection shall not be applied to conversion of 1:\01 files\OI cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 7 existing dwelling units into cluster housing but may be applied to site clearance and redevelopment. Existing units may be incorporated into new development plans when such units are not converted or added to; (4) There shall be 600 square feet of usable open space for each dwelling unit. The proposal meets most of the above criteria. The usable open space must be identified on the plans to ensure the minimum requirements are met. b. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site plan that a superior development would result by clustering. The presence of a superior development shall be determined by reference to the following criteria: (1) The presence and preservation of topographic features, woods and trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical and ecological conditions; (2) Suitable provisions for permanently retaining and maintaining the amenities and open space; (3) Locating and clustering the buildings to preserve and enhance existing natural features and scenic views, aesthetically pleasing building forms and materials, addition of landscaping to screen development, recognition of existing development and public facilities, and consistency with City goals and plans for the areas. This site is suitable for cluster development due to the topography and wetlands on the site. The townhouse portion of the development attempts to preserve as many of the steep slopes as possible by moving the homes away from CSAH 83 and designating this area as common open space. Preliminary Plat: There are engineering issues pertaining to this preliminary plat that must still be resolved. The major engineering issue pertains to the grading design, which includes 3: 1 slopes in the backyards of several of the dwellings. The maximum slope in maintained areas is 4: 1. This plan must be redesigned to meet this design. Another issue is the need for parkland in this area. There are very few opportunities for parkland on the west side of CSAH 83. This site is also limited due to the existing topography. If a park is deemed necessary, the plan should be revised to eliminate some of the lots on the north side of Street "A" to provide a more usable area. Staff Recommendation: The following outstanding issues pertaining to this development include the following: 1. Eliminate lots along the north side of Street "A" to provide a more usable park area. If it is determined a park is not required at this site, the park should be platted as common area or a part of the proposed lots. 2. Identify the usable open space for the townhouse development on the site plan and provide the necessary calculations to determine the minimum requirements are met. 3. Eliminate Outlot A since there is not access to this outlot. 4. Revise the landscaping plan to meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements. An irrigation plan for the townhouse portion of this development must also be submitted. 5. Include the necessary replacement trees on the landscaping plan. 1:\0 1 files\Ol cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 8 6. Provide plans and elevations for the proposed monument sign. 7. Submit homeowner's association documents for the townhouse development. 8. Provide a name for the proposed subdivision. 9. Provide street names for the public streets. 10. Address the following comments from the Engineering Department: (a) Provide a grading plan at a scale I" = 50' or larger. (b) Show OHWL for DNR wetland #158w. (c) Provide revised storm water calculations, along with a drainage boundary map. (d) Coordinate runoff from C.R. 83 with Scott County. The County has a NURP pond shown on the SE comer of the property on their preliminary plans. (e) Provide an access road to the NURP pond for maintenance purposes with a slope :S 8%, and a width of 10'. (f) Maximum slope of grading in maintained areas is 4: 1. This affects the entire grading plan. Redesign to 4:1 slopes or use retaining walls as necessary. (g) Check backyard swales in Block 3, eliminate/minimize where possible. Try to eliminate backyard catch basins where possible. Several side and back yard swales appear to be outside of drainage easements. (h) The pads on Lots 41 & 42, Block 3 must be 1 foot higher than the E.O.F. (i) Extend water main along the western part of the property to the north property line for future looping. (j) The water main from the connection at Wilds Parkway extending through to the north end of Street "c" should be 12" in size. The City will pay oversizing costs through the Development Contract. (k) Eliminate the 8" water main loop along C.R. 83. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed CUP and Preliminary Plat. The Planning Commission must also make a decision on a variance to the maximum length of a cul-de-sac for Streets "A" and "B". If the Planning Commission feels this proposal can go forward to the City Council at this time, approval should be subject to the condition that the major issues listed above are addressed. Some of these issues can be addressed at the final plat stage. The major design issues pertaining to the CUP must be addressed before the proposal can be forwarded to the City Council. If the Planning Commission feels the major issues should be addressed before the applications proceed to the Council, a motion to continue this discussion is necessary. 1:\01 files\Olcup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 9 In either case, the applicant must submit a signed waiver to the 60-day deadline for action. If the applicant fails to submit this waiver, the Planning Commission should forward this matter to the City Council with a recommendation for denial on the basis the plan does not meet minimum ordinance requirements. AL TERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the CUP and the Preliminary Plat as proposed or subject to conditions noted by the Commission. 2. Recommend denial of the request on the basis the proposal is not consistent with the provisions of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Copy of CUP and Preliminary Plat Plans 3. Developer's Narrative 4. Minutes of March 12,2001 Planning Commission Meeting 5. Engineering Comments 6. Scott County Engineer Comments 7. Finance Director Comments 8. SMDC Comments ] :\0 1 files\O 1 cup\centex\centex pc3.doc Page 10 Property LOcation ~ .J-., Location Map I ,--; N A . 1000 o 1000 2000 Feet I I:ENTEX HOMES Minnesota Division ,? ':.:~ r? n ~\, ,7 ~:;: - -. - --- ---~~- '2400 Whltewater Drive Suite '20 Minnetonka. MN 55343 i . January 26,2001 . JA N 2 6 2001 .. ,~. . i :!; Phone: 952-936-7833 Fax: 952-936-7839 Jane Kansier City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 :; !;i , , ; .,'/ j ---------~. i --- ! Dear Jane Kansier, Enclosed is a check in the amount of $2070.00, a property owner's list, location map and a preliminary plat and a conditional use permit application. I have also attached a copy of each application with Mr. O'Loughlin's signature as you have requested in the past. Pioneer Engineering should have delivered the preliminary plat and other pertinent plans to your office on Friday January 26th. Made part of my submittal are the building plans for the 4-unit row townhome and the foundation-planting plan. The following is a description of information requested in the application requirements: RezoninQ An application for rezoning has been submitted to the city for review. The rezoning request consists of removing the property from the shoreland district and rezoning the property to R-2 (Single Family) consistent with the city's comprehensive land use plan designation of Low/Medium Density Residential. Proposed uses, density. lot size, acreaQe The preliminary plat subdivides approximately 40 acres into 54 single family homesites and 68 townhomes homesites. The overall density of the two products is 3.2 units per acre which is well below the allowed density in the R-2 District of 7.2 units per acre. The single-family lots have an average lot area of 13,225 square feet and the townhomes are at approximately 2397 square feet. HousinQ type, desiQn, and architectural stvle The single-family homes will all be a 2-story design. Square footages will range from 1700s.f. to 2400s.f. Rather than having the garage dominate the front of the home, the home is designed with living space above the garage so the garage becomes part of the home. The architectural style is eclectic with most homes having front porches, Customers will have a variety of brick and stone to choose from that can be incorporated into the home by either accenting detail or acting as the primary elevation treatment. Given the topographical condition of the site a variety of walkout, daylight and full basement lots will be available. Again, because of the grade change on site. some of the lot conditions will be side walkouts or daylights. The row townhomes are currently designed as slab on grade buildings. We are researching the possibility to offer some of the buildings as full basements with walkout conditions next to the pond. Both the single family and townhome product will include a minimum of a 2-car garage. About half of the single-family homesites will provide for an optional third stall to be added, Protective convenants and restrictions will be recorded against the single family homesites and townhomes. I have attached an example of the document used in another neighborhood and would expect a similar language for the O'Loughlin parcel. Neiqhborhood amenities, siqnaqe and landscapinq The n.eighborhood IS designed around a natural wetland feature and dedicated parkland. The combination of the two provide functional qualities while enjoying the undisturbed natural feature of the site. As a -2- January 29, 2001 gateway into the neighborhood, an entrance sign and landscaping will be provided. The exact design has not been determined at this time. Attention will be given to mitigating any impacts County Road 83 may present. Wherever possible, bermingand landscaping will be utilized to protect the neighborhood from the roadway. In addition, the change in grade from the county road to the site will be utilized to help in these efforts. Street lighting and signs will be provided as required by the city. Single family mailbox locations will be strategically placed to coincide with utility boxes and/or street lights to minimize the number of structures along the street. Mail box clusters of 2,3 and 4 will be used throughout. The townhomes will include CBU units or some comparable clustering system. Based on your review and comments additional information can be provided. Please let me know if there is anything, you need and I will make sure you receive it so there are no delays to our application. Sincerely, ~~k Steve Ach Land Development Manager Centex Homes Preliminary Engineering Proj ect Summary for Centex Homes O'Loughlin Parcel in Prior Lake ili) @ @ rn Ow [g ~I ill I \' Ii 1 i, IlL,> i1ill i i '. '.. I JAN 2 6 7001 :!! !' ,i 'I ., I, I':,'" I : ., IU \..Ii S/ I I. Description of Project The site is approximately 40 acres located west of Scott County Road 83 and 1/4 mile south of County Road 42 directly west of Wilds Parkway, in the City of Prior Lake. The subject site is in the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West, Scott County, Minnesota. The proposed project will include the grading, utility and street construction for 54 single family homes and 68 townhomes. TI. Project Manager The project manager and project engineer shall be responsible for various aspects of the construction and are as follows: Proiect Manager Steve Ach Centex Homes 12400 Whitewater Drive, Suite 120 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343-9466 952-936-7833 Proiect Engineer Nicholas Polta Pioneer Engineering 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, Mn 55124 651-681-1914 ITI.E~tmgStieConilitiom The site is actively farmed with a rotation of crops over the years it has been farmed. The low areas of the site have been used in years as pature. The slopes of the site are relatively steep, with elevations on the site ranging from 1002 to 912., generally the slope falls from south to north. Two fields entrances are located along County Road 83, on at the northeast corner of the site the other directly across from Wilds Parkway. The site drains to a 4.3 acre wetland on the north boundary of the site. The Shakopee Mdewaketo Sioux Community owns the property to the south and west of the site. The use of the south land is primarily single family homes. The property to the north is still used for agricultural ~urposes. The Wilds Development lies across County Road 83 to the east. Although undeveloped at this time the planned unit development has a mixture of commercial and public uses programed along the county road. IV. Soils and Slopes The United States Department of Agricultures Soil Survey identifies the onsite soils as primarily Hayden, Glencoe and Terril Series of loams and sandy loams. The Hayden Series on the uplands are described as good for embankment and foundations with slight erosion potential. The lowland area running from south to north in the center of the site contains the Terril Series. These soils are described as good for foundation and embankment after the have been stripped down to the underlying till. The wetland areas contain the Glencoe Series, which are deemed poor for construction purposes. These areas have been avoided. Comprehensive soil testing was performed onsite by Braun Intertec (see soils report), their analysis substantiates the suitability of the onsite soils for the construction purposes of the development. Topsoil will be stripped and stockpiled onsite to provide for six (6) inches of repsread across all turfed areas after grading completion. The site has 3.94 acres of slopes in excess of 20 percent (%) as defmed by ordinance. These areas and their corresponding slopes have been delineated on the Preliminary Plans. During construction a geotechnical engineer will be onsite inspecting soil conditions and providing analysis of the soils. v. Erosion Control Measures Approved best management practices (BMP) of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as stipulated in Protecting Water auality in Urban Areas shall be followed. These include but are not limited to the following: All denuded and stockpile areas shall not have a slope greater than 3: 1 All disturbed area shall receive temporary seed, mulch and disc anchoring if no significant grading is to occur for 30 days. All finished grade area shall be seeded mulched and anchored within 14 days after complete grading. A seed mixture designed for the soil characteristics and area plantings shall be approved by the City Engineer. A separate cool seed mixture will be designed for dormant seed planting in the fall. Peak Discharge from all storm sewers shall not exceed the original peak discharge from the watershed. All storm sewer outlets shall have rip rap outlets designed to City Standards. All Storm Sewer outlets shall not have discharges greater than 4 feet per second. Gravel construction entrances and a street sweeping program shall be used to ensure minimal soil is removed from the site. Inlet protection for storm sewer shall be implemented until streets are paved and turf is established. Erosion control fences shall be installed around all wetlands and water quality ponds until area plantings have been established. At which time the erosion control fence shall be moved to the edge of the structure setback. Water quality ponds will be used as temporary sedimentation basin during construction. The grading contractor is responsible for maintaining drainage to the ponds and between the ponds and wetlands, by the use of perforated stand pipes. VII. Storm Water Management A preliminary hydrology and water quality needs analysis has been performed for the site. A single water quality pond is proposed for the site. The water quality and hydrology calculations are attached for review. The pond is designed to meet the water quality needs of the site, as well as maintaining flow rates offsite to existing conditions. It should be noted that the analysis did not include any offsite flow from offsite. The City of Prior Lake Storm Water Management Plan has defined a need for trunk utilities to extend from the south of the site, northward into the wetland. Scott County has also expressed interest in utilizing a portion of the site for the upgrade of County road 83. As these needs are defined they will be incorporated into the VITI. Wetland Delineation Melchert Wallky has prepared a Wetland Delineation Report and survey for the subject property. A copy of this report is attached. No wetland impacts are anticipated for the site. IX. Traffic Control The contractor is responsible to provide to the City of Prior Lake and the Scott County Highway Department a detailed traffic control/sign plan for construction on the site. XI. Construction Sequencing The following is a rough schedule for construction, contingent upon the approval of the project by all pertinent regulatory agencies : I. Install perimeter erosion control fence, erosion control fence around wetlands and gravel construction entrances. May 1, 2001 II. Begin Mass grading May 3, 2001 III. Finish Grading, Respread topsoil, seed and mulch June 15, 2001 N. Begin construction of utilities and streets June 15, 2001 V. Pave streets, restore site September 15, 2001 zr-w# 103ro~d AlIO 130~'lfd NIlH~n01.0 Z :s a.. Z o ZI= z:5~ z:sa..a:: <( WW z...Jll.ll.~ :sIl.Cl<(a:: !Q a..~~~a.. ~3~2~~~ Cia..iii=>Cl:51!= 1:') tia>->->->->->- ~ ~U~~~~~~ enClZZZZZZ I- a::~:i:i:i:i:i:i ~ ~!!![ij[ijai3ai3 :r: OXa::a::a::a::a::a:: en UWa..a..a..a..a..a.. ":N..;..tu'i.or'crl t::< ~~ ~~ ~ I I I i is !t o ~ ~ ~; ~ i! jll 9 i ~ , U~ EJ I i I J t :I 'f t. ~I 'I \ It. t!l II. w fl~ \;1 h !i' Ii I rtl llllll . tit I illi'l~ III 1.1 II I llfl:jl -1111" I I'! ! Illf! i ~ 11'lt I !11!~1 11'~:!il :Ij i, I I Ii Ii I ,ill' III it' I II 1m!,! H! HI. i I reiil tlll1rl ill r~n I i ml' W,!lll'; !:Ii . *.~,.* .,!ll'~III'1 Hii Ii '"ii." 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Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the February 26,2001, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Commissioner V onhof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. 4. Public Hearings: A. Case Files #01-005 & 006 Pavek Family Investments Company/Hodgson Trust is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Plat to be known as Regal Crest to allow a cluster townhouse development consisting of 25.58 acres to be subdivided into 78 lots for townhouse units on the property located on the west side ofCSAH 21 approximately ~ mile north ofCSAH 82. (Continuedfrom the February 26, 2001 meeting) Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier stated the City received a request from the developer to continue this matter to March 26,2001. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO MARCH 26, 2001. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case Files #01-008 and 00-009 Centex Home is requesting a preliminary plat and Conditional Use Permit for 38.9 acres of vacant land located on the west side of CSAH 83, % mile south of CSAH 42, in the East Y2 of the NW % of Section 28, Township 115 North, L:\Olfiles\Ol plancomm\Olpcminutes\mn031201.doc 1 Planning Commission March 12, 2001 Range 22 West. The proposal is to create 54 single family lots and to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cluster development of 68 townhouses. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated March 12,2001, on file in the office of the City Planner. Centex Homes and John O'Loughlin have filed an application to develop the property located on the west side ofCSAH 83, Y4 mile south ofCSAH 42, in the East 'l'2ofthe Northwest Y4 of Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West. The request includes the following: · Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a cluster development; · Approve a Preliminary Plat. The proposal calls for a mixed-use development consisting ofa total of 122 dwelling units on 33.87 net acres, for a total density of3.6 units per acre. The proposed development includes 54 single family dwellings and 68 dwelling units in 17 four-unit buildings. The development also includes private open space and a public park. Centex Homes is the developer of this project. John O'Loughlin, the current property owner, has also signed the application. There are several outstanding issues pertaining to this proposed development. These include the following: 1. The property has not been rezoned from the A (Agricultural) district. The City Council will not make a decision on this rezoning until April 2, 2001, at the earliest. 2. The plan does not provide for the extension of streets and utilities to the adjacent undeveloped properties. As noted earlier, it is not practical to extend a street to the west; however, the street must be extended to the north. It may also be possible to provide a connection to the SMDC property to the south. 3. Three of the four proposed cul-de-sacs exceed the maximum length of 500 feet. 4. The proposed parkland consists primarily of a wetland, a storm water pond and steep slopes. The remaining area is a narrow strip of land that will not provide a usable park. 5. The plan does not address the issue of slopes 20% or greater. This plan does not make any attempt to preserve those slopes. The outstanding issue pertaining to this development will require major redesign of the proposal. The current design is not consistent with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. In addition, the development proposal is premature until the rezoning issue has been decided by the City Council. The staff therefore recommends denial of this proposal. L:\OI files\Olplancomm\OI pcminutes\mn031201.doc 2 Planning Commission March 12, 2001 Comments from the public: Steve Ach, Centex Homes, said they do not have a presentation for the Commission and are trying to work through staff s concerns and issues. He did not feel the zoning would be a condition of denial. The concept plan does not show a street connection to the north, but if that is the wishes of the Council, they will make the connection. Ach met with Stan Ellison from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community who felt there was not enough right-of-way to make a connection to the west. Ach also mentioned they have changed the slab on grade townhomes to have basements. Ach questioned what kind of park is the Commission looking at? Centex is considering a centralized park area. Overall Ach felt they would work out the park issue. The soil tests indicated the area was not erodible and would not be a problem. The applicant is working on addressing the slope issue but does not have the plan down. The new proposal will allow more open space. The floor was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: . It seems dual tracked. The Commission does not know what the City Council is looking at for zoning. . Likes the open space. . Questioned Outlot A and the surrounding development. Kansier responded staff did not know what the City Council's zoning intent. . The proposed park as is stands now is not a plus for the area. There are no trails or sidewalks. . The cul-de-sac lengths need to be looked at. . Hard time letting this go through at this time. Stamson: . It is difficult to make a recommendation without the zoning information from the City Council. . Without some direction from the Council it is pointless to go through the process. . Questioned staff if the item can be tabled until information can be obtained from the Council. Kansier said a 60 day waiver would have to be signed by the developer. . Not comfortable making a recommendation. Criego: . Spoke on the slope issue. The area is agriculture - no trees. There is no natural beauty. Not concerned about removal of those particular slopes. It could provide more parks and trail space. . As it relates to park land, the applicant can provide more park land if required. L\Ol files\Ol plancomm\OI pcminutes\mn031201.doc 3 Planning Commission March 12, 2001 · Questioned staff if there was any reason a walkway (dock) could cross the wetland. McDermott said the City discourages those because of maintenance. It would also involve a permit from the DNR. · Pelt there could be something done with the trails. · Regarding the cul-de-sac issue - not sure based on the terrain what the applicant could do. Ach presented a proposal with the cul-de-sac connections (to the west). There would be grading problems. · Nick Polta, of Pioneer Engineering, responded he tried not to have excessive cutting. Tried to keep a lot of the natural exterior. Because of the severe grade, the homes were set in as shown on the proposal. . It is more or less a cost issue. Ach agreed. . The lots meet the R2 standards. · Looking at the alternatives would prefer the first proposal. . How to deal with the cul-de-sacs? That is the realistic issue. The engineering standards have to be met. · Does not have a strong negative feeling against the proposal. It does need more parks and trails; the cul-de-sac length has to be addressed and connection to the north must be made. · Would not recommend approval without City Council's recommendation on the zomng. Lemke: · Agreed with Criego's comments. · Agreed the existing slopes are not a big issue. . Liked this proposal better than a dense development. V onhof: . Concurred with the Commissioners' comments. · This is premature until there is direction from City Council. · Agreed with Criego on the trails and sidewalks. · A park system has to be worked out within the development. · Ach presented a new concept plan (170 units) with more open space. There are advantages to this proposal as well. It has worked in other communities. It would be a PUD project. · Ach said they typically have sidewalks and can put them in. Atwood: . Questioned the applicant (Ach) ifhe would sign an extension waiver. Ach said Centex would agree to sign. They are in a time constraint with the landowner. He would like to go to the City Council with clear direction between now and April 2. Criego: . Did not like the plan. L:\O] files\O] plancomm\0]pcminutes\mn03 ]20] .doc 4 Planning Commission March 12, 2001 . Questioned why the applicant went with an 8 and 10 unit plan instead of 4 units. Ach responded they tried to get more open space. It is also a number game to get the best number of units. . Rather have the single and 4-unit buildings on this property. Stamson: . Agreed with Criego, liked the original plan and would like to continue the matter so the developer can work out some time limit with the staff. . It seems the Commission is comfortable with the proposal. Likes the single family homes better. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE MATTER TO MARCH 26, 2001, IN ORDER TO GIVE THE DEVELOPER TIME TO WORK OUT AN EXTENSION WITH CITY STAFF. Criego recommend the applicant consider the comments from the Commissioners. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. 2000 Annual Variance Report Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated March 12, 2001, on file in the office of the City Planner. Sixteen applications with 24 variance requests were brought to the Commission in 2000. The new Zoning Ordinance, effective on May 1, 1999, incorporated several previous ordinance amendments, such as reduced side yards for nonconforming lots and the reconstruction of existing decks. These changes may account for the elimination of several variance requests. The new ordinance resulted in variance requests for building walls greater than 40 feet, eave/gutter encroachments, 15 foot minimum building separation, accessory structures, and driveway width at the property line. The Planning Commission addressed some of these requirements with ordinance amendments in the last year. In 2000, the City of Prior Lake also adopted five ordinance amendments that affected variance requirements. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY LEMKE, TO ACCEPT THE REPORT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. L:\Ol files\Ol plancornrn\Olpcrninutes\mn031201.doc 5 DATE: April 4, 2001 TO: FROM: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator . ........ -"---'--:71 Sue McDermott, City Engineer t21t~ Q'Loughlin Property (Project #01-32) RE: The Public Works Department has reviewed the revised preliminary plans for the subject project and we have the following comments: 1. Provide a grading plan at a scale 1" = 50' or larger. 2. Show OHWL for DNR wetland #158w. 3. Provide revised storm water calculations, along with a drainage boundary map. 4. Coordinate runoff from C.R. 83 with Scott County. The County has a NURP pond shown on the SE corner of the property on their preliminary plans. 5. Provide an access road to the NURP pond for maintenance purposes with a slope :S 8%, and a width of 10'. 6. Maximum slope of grading in maintained areas is 4: 1. This affects the entire grading plan. Redesign to 4:1 slopes or use retaining walls as necessary. 7. Check backyard swales in Block 3, eliminate/minimize where possible. Try to eliminate backyard catch basins where possible. Several side and back yard swales appear to be outside of drainage easements. 8. The pads on Lots 41 & 42, Block 3 must be 1 foot higher than the E.O.F. 9. Extend water main along the western part of the property to the north property line for future looping. 10. The water main from the connection at Wilds Parkway extending through to the north end of Street "c" should be 12" in size. The City will pay oversizing costs through the Development Contract. 11. Eliminate the 8" water main loop along C.R. 83. G:\PROJECTS\200 1 \3201oughlin\REVIEW2.DOC SCOTT COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 600 COUNTRY TRAll.. EAST JORDAN, MN 55352-9339 (952) 496-8346 ; r' ~ -...." " ~. " ~.:\ . '- 1.-..> I;:.;.;J r. . ;:-- f Ii) ! fL \'=7 .E ~' \~/ :-i: ! II i :,/ I FEE , 4 2001 /! ! ; '~ / ;L..:L.:L- ! --~:L:-/ f L..._..______ ! -.----____l BRADLEY J. LARSON PUBLIC WORKS DIREcrORl COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER February 7,2001 Fax: (952) 496-8365 Jane Kansier City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Preliminary Plat, O'Loughlin Parcel West side of CSAH 83, across from Wilds Parkway Dear Jane: We have reviewed the preliminary plat as it relates to Highway Department issues and offer the following comments or concerns: · We strongly recommend that Street C be platted and constructed to the north property line to allow for a future connection. This internal street connection will allow residents of the development to travel to the future commercial property and possibly CSAH 42 without the conflicts of a more highly traveled CSAH 83. . We have discussed preliminary plans with the city for another access to CSAH 83 just north of this property. This northerly access to CSAH 83 will likely serve future commercial businesses. This will create two accesses to CSAH 83 within a Yz mile of CSAH 42. In the interests of safety and efficiency, optimal spacing between signals is Yz mile. If commercial development occurs to the north, the northerly access to CSAH 83 may be more likely to be signalized. Under this scenario, residents of this development could travel Street C to utilize the northerly traffic signal. · All existing field accesses or driveways to the property along CSAH 83 shall be completely removed from the County right-of-way and graded to match surroundings. · Any change in drainage entering the County right-of-way shall require detailed drainage calculations to be submitted to the County Engineer for review and approval. . An access permit for Street A shall be required. We will coordinate plans for the reconstruction ofCSAH 83 with the city and developers as necessary. . No berming, landscaping, ponding, or signing shall be allowed in the County right-of-way. . A utility permit shall be required for any work within the County right-of-way. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, - 4~ Transportation Planner Email: Greg I1kka, Assistant County Engineer Brian Sorenson, County Transportation Engineer An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer ~EROFmCEMEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING/ENGINEERING Ralph Teschner, Finance Director O'Loughlin Parcel- Preliminary (assessment/fee review) March 30, 2001 A 40 acre parcel comprising PIN #25 928 011 0 identified as the O'Loughlin parcel is proposed to be developed. This area has received no prior assessments for City municipal utilities. Since utilities are available to the property site, the cost for the extension of services internally will be the responsibility of the developer. In addition to these improvement costs, the subdivision will be subject to the following City charges: Collector Street Fee Stormwater Management Fee Trunk Sewer & Water Fee Lateral Sewer & Water Charge $ 1500.00/acre $2943.00/acre $3500.00/acre 150' @ $60.00/ff The application of applicable City development charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net lot area calculation of 20.43 acres of single family and townhouse units as provided within the site data summary sheet of the preliminary plat description: Collector Street Fee: 20.43 acres @ $ 1500.00/ac = $30,645.00 Storm Water Management Fee: 20.43 acres @ $2943/ac = $60,125.00 Trunk Sewer & Water Charge: 20.43 acres @ $3500.00/ac = $71,505.00 Lateral Sewer & Water Charge: 150' @ $60.00/ff= $9,000.00 These charges represent an approximate cost of $1,477 .00 per lot for the 116 proposed single family and townhouse units within the O'Loughlin parcel. Assuming the initial net lot area of the preliminary plat does not change, the above referenced storm water, collector street, t:r:Ynk and lateral sewer and water charges would be determined and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. H:\SPLITSIOloughlin.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community OFFICERS Stanley R. Crooks Chairman Glynn A. Crooks Vice Chairman 2330 SIOUX TRAIL NW - PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 55372 TRIBAL OFFICE: 952-445-8900 - FAX: 952-445-8906 12 February 2001 Lori. !S.. C[.owcbild !-I ~ ~ ~ \ g cs~~etaty-,:reasurer \1\,' '--'~- . (I \ I \! \~\LFEB , 2200l :! I;, U \1_ L;J Ms. Jane Kansier, Planner City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Comments on the O'Loughlin Proposed Preliminary Plat Dear Ms. Kansier: The following constitutes the comments of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) on the application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and preliminary plat by Centex homes on the O'Loughlin parcel, Pill # 25-928-01-0. The SMSC, besides being an adjacent land owner, is a sovereign government with reservation lands abutting the proposed development and downstream along the draining watercourse. Tribal lands are not in private ownership but are under the direct jurisdiction of the Tribal Government. They are subject to tribal and federal regulatory jurisdiction. This includes any negative impacts that may arise off the tribal lands but travel onto them. Comments in this letter are the official comments of the SMSC Tribal Government. Wetlands Boundarv Based on aerial photography and visits to the property SMSC staff believe the wetland boundary may be incorrect. Drain Tile The SMSC staff observed a drain tile exit near the wetland in the north central portion of the parcel. The drain tile runs from the southeast, near Mystic Lake, to the northwest, terminating in the wetland. Water drains from this tile even during dry parts of the year. The southeastern inlet has never been accurately located by the SMSC. Personal communications from local residents indicate that the tile entrance is at or near Mystic Lake. If this is true, removal of this drain may affect the level of Mystic Lake. This could impact a DNR wetland located on the south end of Mystic Lake, SMSC lands, Scott County Road 83 and portions of the Wilds Golf Course. The developer should provide information on the location of this tile and an analysis of potential impacts to the lake level. .. Final Grading Slope Erosion The plat shows areas of very steep slopes, some immediately adjacent to the boundary of wetlands and tribal lands. These slopes are going to be highly erodible. They also alter the character of the natural area located on tribal lands west of the proposed plat. A significant portion of the steep slope area is covered by drainage easements. The CUP and plat approval should, at a minimum, require that this drainage easement be maintained in permanent vegetative cover, preferably other than turf grass. Standard turf grass is not appropriate for this slope area. It is not likely to provide sufficient soil stabilization to prevent erosion on this slope. Mowing and maintenance of turf grass on the slope will be difficult and will likely result in a poor appearance. Water Oualitv On a slope of this gradient, turf grass will provide a very low retention time for storm water surface flow. Lawn chemicals and other contaminates will reach the wetland areas very quickly. This has the potential for dramatic negative impacts on the water quality. Much of the slope area is directly adjacent to a wetland. If this slope is to provide any buffer for water quality purposes it should be maintained in natural grasses. Turf grass immediately adjacent to a wetland creates a high potential for negative water quality impacts. Storm water Stormwater management on the proposed plat poses several major issues. Untreated Stormwater Discharge The grading plan for the proposed plat shows stormwater drains on the western cuI de sacs that terminate directly into a wetland without treatment. This is not an acceptable practice in Minnesota. Regardless of the acceptability in Minnesota, as a government with downstream receiving waters, the SMSC will not accept the water quality impacts. These drains must flow into a properly designed stormwater retention and treatment pond. Pond Design The design of the retention and treatment pond shown on the plan is poor and it will not function as intended. The wetland area immediately adjacent to this pond has a direct hydroiogic connection to the wetland on SMSC land to the west. The average water level in 1999 for this wetland was 911.9 feet above sea level. . This is based on measurements from multiple piezometer nests in the area. The pond has a designed Normal Water Level (NWL) of909.0 above sea level. The designed high water level is 912.5. As designed, this pond will be at or near its maximum water level nearly all of the year and would be completely inundated for the wet seasons. As designed, the pond is completely nonfunctional and merely provides a deep spot in the overall wetland complex. Residence time of water entering this pond would be near zero. Biota uptake of nutrients would be nearly zero in the pond. The "pond" would not provide any energy dissipation to allow settling of sediment. The stormwater and all of its contaminates would have a direct conduit onto the regional drainage system. This is an unacceptable impact on water quality. Federal Permitting The SMSC is a downstream recipient of waters originating on the proposed development. Any NPDES permit for discharge will likely require approval of the United States EP A. The EPA would consult with the SMSC before making any approval. Erosion control plans and stormwater discharge control plans may also require federal approval. County Road Upgrade The SMSC and Scott County are in the process of upgrading Scott County 83 along the eastern boundary of the project area. The plans for this upgrade require a stormwater treatment pond in the southeast portion of the plat. If this pond is eliminated ponding . provided in the plat must be sufficient to contain and treat the highway runoff. Given that the pond, as designed, is not.likely to provide any treatment, the potential for additional stormwater input is a serious issue. Traffic There is potential for traffic congestion at the entrance to the proposed development. The developer should provide a full analysis of the impact of the traffic on the existing and upgraded county road. Summary This development is in an area of steep, highly erodible slopes immediately adjacent to a wetland. Design of the plat does not appear to recognize these facts. The final grading design is poorly planned and will, most probably, result in direct introduction of high levels of contaminates and eroded soil into the wetland. The stormwater drainage system is completely non-functional. It only serves to move the contaminated stormwater into the regional drainage system as quickly as possible. Down stream water quality will probably be impacted. Permits will likely be required through both state and federal agencies. There is potential to impact the level of Mystic Lake and its associated wetlands. Given the problematic design of the proposed development the SMSC requests that the City of Prior Lake Planning Commission recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit and the preliminary plat. Sincerely, St . Crooks Chairman .. PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4B PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ON ISLAND LOTS (Case File #01-012) STEVE HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR X YES NO APRIL 9, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would allow accessory structures to be located on general development lake island lots. This amendment was initiated by the Planning Commission at the public hearing on February 12, 2001. On that date, the Planning Commission considered an appeal to the Planning staffs interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. The appellant contended the provisions of the ordinance allowed accessory structures on islands. The Staff, however, concluded the ordinance prohibited accessory structures on islands. The Commission adopted Resolution 01-04PC upholding the Planning staffs' interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance that does not permit accessory structures on the islands. However, the Commission directed staff to research the issue and prepare language for an ordinance amendment for consideration. DISCUSSION: Section 1104.309: Island Development, currently reads, in part, as follows: 1) Permitted uses on islands are limited to seasonal cabins, public parks and open space. Year-round residences are not permitted. Recreational facilities, such as a pavilion or picnic facilities for a homeowners' association, may also be permitted by conditional use permit as set forth in subsection 1108.200. Currently, the ordinance on island development does not allow for accessory structures because accessory structures are considered a "Use", and "Accessory 1:\01files\01ordamend\zoning\01-012\pcreport2.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . Uses" are not a listed permitted use under this ordinance section [Attachment 1, Ordinance Section 1104.309]. On February 26,2001, the Planning Commission reviewed a staff report regarding proposed language for an amendment. The Commission discussed proposed options for the amendment and heard testimony from a "Twin Isles" property owner. The Commission then directed staff to draft an ordinance amendment with conditions to allow limited accessory structures on island development. ANALYSIS: To limit the application of this provision to island lots, the staff has prepared the following language: (10) One detached accessory structure is permitted per lot on qeneral development lakes subiect to the issuance of a buildinq permit and the followinq conditions: ~ The lot must meet the minimum area and dimensional requirements listed in Section 1104.309, and >- The structure shall comply with required yard setbacks as stated in Section 1102.800 (8), and >- The structure shall not occupy an area qreater than 300 square feet, and the maximum heiqht of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet, and, >- The structure shall be setback a minimum of 75 feet from the ordinary hiqh water mark (OHWM) and must meet all other applicable front and side yard setbacks; and, ~ The structure shall not be desiqned or used for human habitation and shall not contain water supply or sewaqe treatment facilities. However, the structure may contain an electrical system, with the proper permits; and, >- The structure shall be constructed with exterior sidinq and roofinq materials that are compatible with the seasonal cabin (principal structure), and >- If the structure is located below the requlatory flood plain elevation it shall be built in compliance with the applicable flood proofinq requirements of the buildinq code and Section 1105 of this Ordinance, as required; and, >- The structure shall be attached to a permanent foundation so as to be immovable from its approved location. Whether or not an accessory structure should be allowed on island lots is a policy issue. The current ordinance provision, which does not allow an accessory structure on the islands, is generally for aesthetic purposes. Island lots tend to have smaller dimensions and less total area than is required for lots 1:\01 files\01 ordamend\zoning\01-012\pcreport2.doc Page 2 ~ today. In addition, the unique circumstances pertaining to island lots warrant limitations on the number and size of structures and on the amount of impervious surface. However, the current ordinance only provides for seasonal cabin structures on the islands and equipment storage appears to be an issue without an accessory structure. Hydrologist Pat Lynch with the Department of Natural Resources submitted comments for this report [Attachment 2 - DNR Comments]. In essence, the DNR would not oppose adoption of the ordinance amendment as proposed. The staff has no objection to the proposed ordinance amendment [Attachment 3, Draft Ordinance]. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the amendment as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny the proposed amendment. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the proposed amendment. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance 2. DNR Comments 1:\01 files\01 ordamend\zoning\01-0 12\pcreport2.doc Page 3 :.. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 01- XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1104.309 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: Section 1104.309 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: (10) One detached accessory structure is permitted per lot on Qeneral development lakes subiect to the issuance of a buildinQ permit and the followinQ conditions: ~ The lot must meet the minimum area and dimensional requirements listed in Section 1104.309, and ~ The structure shall comply with required yard setbacks as stated in Section 1102.800 (8), and ~ The structure shall not occupy an area Qreater than 300 square feet, and ~ The maximum heiQht of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet, and, ~ The structure shall be setback a minimum of 75 feet from the ordinary hiQh water mark (OHWM), and ~ The structure shall not be desiQned or used for human habitation and shall not contain water supply or sewaQe treatment facilities. However, the structure may contain an electrical system, with the proper permits; and, ~ The structure shall be constructed with exterior sidinQ and roofinQ materials that are compatible with the seasonal cabin (principal structure), and ~ If the structure is located below the reQulatory flood plain elevation it shall be built in compliance with the applicable flood proofinQ requirements of the buildinQ code and Section 1105 of this Ordinance, and ~ The structure shall be attached to a permanent foundation so as to be immovable from its approved location. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this _ day of ,2001. ] :\0 1 files\O 1 ordamend\zoning\O 1-0 12\draftord.doc PAGE 1 ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of , 2001. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 1:\01 files\O 1 ordamend\zoning\OI-O 12\draftord.doc PAGE 2 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Metro Waters - 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (651) 772-7910 Fax: (651) 772-7977 MAR 3 0 2001 March 29, 2001 Steve Horsman City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 RE: Proposed Amendment to Language Regarding Island Development, Water- Oriented Accessory Structure Dear Mr. Horsman: I reviewed the materials you submitted regarding proposed language which would allow one water- oriented accessory structure per lot on General Development lakes, and offer the following for Consideration: In most instances, the proposed language is more restrictive that minimum statewide standards allowing water- oriented accessory structures. State rules would allow for one water-oriented accessory structure as close as ten feet from the ordinary high water mark of shoreland basins. On Recreational and General Development lakes, water-oriented accessory structures used solely for watercraft storage and related equipment may be up to 400 square feet in size. Minimum statewide standards would allow the roof to be used as a deck, and would limit the height (less the rails of a deck) to no more than ten feet. It may not be designed for human habitation or contain water supply or sewage treatment facilities. Provided the city would require the lot to meet minimum area and dimensional standards in Section 1104.309, limit the square footage to 300 square feet, and require a setback of 75 from the ordinary high water mark, DNR would not.oppose adoption of the proposed language you submitted, including the maximum height of 15 feet (versus 10 feet in rule). The additional setback to 75 feet would offset the impacts of allowing a maximum height five feet higher than the standard. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please call me at 651-772-7917. Sincerely, Patrick 1. Lynch ill Area Hydrologist ~~~-- DNR Information: 651-296-6157 . 1-888-646-6367 . TTY: 651-296-5484 . 1-800-657-3929 An Equal Opportunity Employer Who Values Diversity Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Minimum of 10% Post-Consumer Waste PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4C CONSIDER A ZONE CHANGE REQUEST BY SHEPHERD OF THE LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 22 (Case File #01-014) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A -- - APRIL 9, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church has filed an application for a zone change for the property located on the north side of CSAH 42 and east and west of McKenna Road, about 1/8 mile west of CSAH 21. The proposal is to rezone the property from the A (Agricultural) district to the R-4 (High Density Residential) District. BACKGROUND: This property is presently zoned A (Agricultural) and is designated as R-HD (High Density Residential) on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The City Council amended the Comprehensive Plan to designate this property for R-HD uses in 2000. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of approximately 60 acres. Existine Use: This property is currently vacant land. There is an old farmstead located on the north half of the site. Topoeraphy: The site has a varied topography. The portion of the site west of McKenna Road generally drains to the DNR wetland located south and east of the site. The portion of the site on the east side of McKenna Road generally drains to the wetland at the southeast comer of the site, to CSAH 42 and ultimately to Pike Lake. Veeetation: This property has been cropland for several years, although there are some existing trees located in the northeast comer of the site. ]:\0] files\O 1 rezone\shepherd\pc report. doc Page] 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. A specific delineation will be required as part of any development application. Access: Access to this property is presently from McKenna Road off CSAH 42. As part of the development of the entire parcel, McKenna Road will be relocated to the west. Utilities: Sewer and water services must be extended from the existing services located in CSAH 42 to serve this site. Sewer service presently stops at McKenna Road. Water service must be extended from the CSAH 21 and Carriage Hills Parkway intersection, or from the water service located in CSAH 83 at Wilds Parkway. The extension of this service is planned as part of the CSAH 42 improvement project, which is presently scheduled for construction in 2002-2003. If the applicant wishes to develop the property sooner, a development contract for the extension of the utilities will be required. Adjacent Land Use and Zonin2: To the north and west of this property is agricultural land, currently zoned A and designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses. To the south is the Jeffers property, presently zoned R-l and C-5, and designated as R-L/MD and C-BO. To the east is a single family dwelling on 15 acres, zoned A and designated as C-BO. MUSA Desi2nation: This property is identified as land within the Primary MUSA allocation. This property is consistent with the criteria for the extension of MUSA as listed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (see attached) once water service has been extended. ANALYSIS: Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance identifies the following policies for amendments to the Official Zoning Map: . The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the land was originally zoned erroneously due to a technical or administrative error, or . The area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage redevelopment of the area, or . The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the neighborhood. The proposed R-4 district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The R-4 district allows residential development with densities up to 30 units per acre. In this case, the applicant is proposing to develop the entire site as a faith based community, consisting of religious worship, senior housing, community recreation and social space, education, daycare and a conference center. The first phase of this ]: \01 files\O 1 rezone\shepherd\pc report.doc Page 2 development will consist of a church building. There is no time line for the development of future phases. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Zone Change as requested. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. The proposed R-4 district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation. ACTION REQUIRED: The following motion is appropriate for this action: 1. A motion and second to recommend approval of the Zone Change from the A (Agricultural) district to the R-4 (High Density Residential) district. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Applicants' Narrative 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map 4. Zoning Map 1:\01 files\OI rezone\shepherd\pc report. doc Page 3 Location Map II I \ ~ \ --- N A 600 I o 600 1200 Feet S~~~~~5~~:er~~G. . i) '-- 'i" Schedule A Shepherd's'Path will be a faith based community development with Shepherd of The. Lake' Lutheran church as the first phase of a multi phase development. The first phase will be a 68,500 square foot, two level building, (first floor and walk out basement). It will include a celebration center for worship, chapel, Sunday school, preschool, administration offices, kitchen and large group room. Parking for 400 will be constructed for the first phase. , The following phases are proposed to include a health & fitness center, elderly housing, community recreation, retreat center and distance learning facilities. No specific time .frame has been established for the future phases at this time. 15033 SOUTH HIGHWAY 13 PRIOR LAKE MINNESOTA 55372 TEL 612.447.2988. FAX, 612.447.2861 ~ >1- CD ~ ., ..J. _,J:... tv o o o DRom ~ I ~ ...... ~ moo." f WII 00 ~ i IIBrult i 00 ... -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i' :l2 i[ ~;;x: ~~ AI AI n. s: ~ ~ I !a. OCD~....ll.!!jl;l !!l.b: m-lft-l!!. iSlDlm <C o Q![l =' i ffi~ == Ii' ='=' -9::J s~j" ~1 m ~~ g2g2 ~ ;I;~ ~~. aa. Dr i3. .;t ;a.:B 0 cg. ~ i1l. "" ~ '< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i"~' ~ Iii' ~ ~ i. r ..lI: Ul ::3. Q lil CD 10 10 ! ~ -. ~,n ::3 3i III III "'U m ~~ Q _. C WI C/)D Ul llf- ~z 1ll.;t3 ::J "C S: 3i x- lD m. 5/1. 0 a. DlQ g Iii cg."" CD C lil lil a. -. 8' g i1l C/) g jjj ~3- a. ~ CD VI :$],~ '" ~.~ "U Q) ::J () -- ~ Q, -U ..., -- o ..., lU @ g 3 "'0 [Urn ::J ::J'" c..CD ::J C en. m ~ . C:g Rm a::l ~;. ~(Q na? ::T~ 0>;:+ ~~ 8~ -lo. t>J s:: ~. Q):::J -cce ';-;-;';-;';';-;';';0;' :;:::::::::::;:::::::'$. ::~::~::::::::::::::: :!!:!:!:!i!:!!!!!!!! oo*z ~~m............DDIIIIDmrnmmDDI ~~w 0 @oml@ ~ro~~~~~~~2~f~~~~~ 50 ~ ~~~~~i.I~LL~~ rnr ~a~~ ~~~~~~~ o~ ....;;!CDG. ~Dr::~~-2 r:: Q. !ltl))~ (fi"3~ roE' a.1Il.~ ~~rnl~I~D- s.... "" Q.~r::rn-<:& .(fi"r::;:;:Q.!It -< r:: Q! !!!. E rn ~ ~ 3 '< s;. !4."'~!!!.r:: ;:;O~~~!ll: ~ m m ~. ~ lR. ~ m. lB. g ~ m ~m.~~~ ~Q.....-.m Q. m: ~ m: I!l. ~ !It 0)" ~ - !i[ trl () -- r-+ '< g, -a ..., -- o ..., r Q) ~ po PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 5A REVIEW REQUEST TO VACATE A 10' WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY AT 6096 150TH STREET (Case File #01-025) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A APRIL 9, 2001 INTRODUCTION Steven and Susan Salaam are requesting the vacation of a 10' wide drainage and utility easement located on the east side of the property at 6096 150th Street. This easement was dedicated to the City in 1994 when the three lots, described as Lots 10, 11 and 12, EASTWOOD, were combined into two new buildable lots. A new house was built on the west lot in 1994; there has been no construction on the east lot. Mr. and Ms. Salaam own both lots at this time and have requested the tow lots be combined into a single lot. As required by State Statute 462.356 Subd.2, the Planning Commission is required to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, State Statute 412.851 allows the Council to vacate easement or right-of-way by resolution. The statute also states "no such vacation shall be made unless it appears to be in the public interest to do so". DISCUSSION The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? Comprehensive Plan Review The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring access to public utilities. The vacation of this 1:\01 files\OI vacations\01-025\01-025 pc report. doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER '" easement is not inconsistent with any specific goal or objective of the Comprehensive Plan. The combination of the two lots into a single lot will eliminate the need for an easement and allow the construction of an addition to the existing house. Public Need As noted above, the combination of the two lots will eliminate the need for the existing easement. If approved, however, the vacation of this easement should be subject to the combination of the two lots. RECOMMENDATION If the two lots are combined, there is no need for the existing easement. The Planning staff therefore recommends approval of this request subject to the condition that the resolution vacating this easement will not be recorded until the combination of the lots is approved and recorded. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the proposed vacation of the easement as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. 2. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. 3. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend the City Council approve the vacation of the easement as requested subject to the condition that the resolution vacating this easement will not be recorded until the combination of the lots is approved and recorded. 1:\01 files\O 1 vacations\01-025\0 1-025 pc report.doc 2 .~ @ ~ b 2J W = -. J: :l~ i~ ;~ i: j :5 i ~::,1 ~ ~ ~ '&: 61 i 5 g~~u r ~ !l!l J ~ @ @} @ b'~ .' .~ i(jI~ '. "'Q;'~ ,@~(@ ~' . @ '@ OC;::J , ~t Oc=J c:;:::9 b :,@ ....@d) ",- . ~ @ 2J (!fj2J !. - ~ ~ I ., U :;: 0.. < I "" " ~~ '" ~ .7"\ \\ . ~ i \IJ 1(.0 ,., .~O ~ " f \- i ~ ;~3 jJ . i i!! ill ID N . e ill - - -")\'0 ~"~::i-~::ID-=~~ro -::O.O.OO.oot fB4B---=~ - ; sOg,ttf /'. _ '0 , i .._ _ J ~ 1\ \~: '- ' ,-' \ . IV) i ~ IS!:, ~~, ~t~\ '~\ o ' . ~. I , . (j 0 ~ ~; i I; i -6 .';VI .. :f!~ I , ~ ,.._ eo g~!~ ~: -1= t a ....ti eo ~ iPP. ?:J u G. :- 0 . ei i: :j I! ~ - E~ a. -J r:!,l Vl f-- W W I Vl I I- I ..1 ~1 t o o '"- E 2S~ O' ~ ~ ... ::l V1 Qj U 1- a.. L.J "~ - , en CO V1 CI Z -'<t >~ III~ > a:: cu . ~:'::: en :l V1 -II . 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Pat Be k . 0 .JrM, ec man. Ac:nr; ;;e;zstrar ct 'j;Ues STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: October 21, 19 94 . - ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Johnson-Reil and Construction, I nc. ,a corDorat ion , Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to under the laws of Minnesota Clty of Prior Lake a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota ~cott County, Minnesota, described as Collows: Permanent drainage and utility easement The west 5.00 feet, the east 5.00 feet and the south 10.00feet of the following described property: Lot 10 and Lot 11, except the east 25.00 feet of Lot 11, Eastwood, Scott County, Minnesota. , Grantee, . real property in That part of Lots 10,11, and 12, Eastwood, Scott County, Minnesota, described as being 10 feet on either side of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of said lot 10; said point being 336.03 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said lot 10 (the west line of said lot 10 has an assumed bearing of N 00002'53" W); thence S 83Q40'13" E a distance of 73.20 feet; thence N64036'35" E a distance of 85.48 feet to the easterly line of said lot 12 and there terminatino. III more opell'e I. needed. contlnu. on beckl together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belongi t ere to. s",,"p~ ~ By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ~ } u. ,;i~i'I1l~ - "9~: /.J{/ ~ ~ . ~ . :",d"~lh.l~w.of f..Jt!X~ .~/ UHtYf' on ,q,odl of t · I NOTARIAL STAMP OR ilEAL (OR OTHER ITLE OR RANK) l;f { (t:. '. S:ON E OF ltR 011 '1 t~ NOWLEOGI.IEtlT , .. ,. CONNIE M. CARLSON 'Tn IIt.lomont. 101 lho rooJ PIoPtrty d ..'Ibod In lhls In.lluiiiinl ohould t tIOtAaY ""tiC -M,,"SOtA b. ..nt to (Include nama and addu.. 01 tanhe): scan COUNTY My _..Ion ..pt,.. 12-2-98 The~egOingr ~,~efore me this by ?-J1A/ U day of I TI~;::;:U;;~~:::::;T:::Y :::::~::~OORESS): \ 11600 West I43rd Street I Suite 206 I Burnsville, MN 55337 It / / ~ Delat ved ~ &yud ~s aLL ~d ~~ /07~/L/-7'/ /1 Said south parallel line truncates to the westerly line of said lot 10 and the easterly line of said lot 12 and said north parallel line extends to the westerly line of said lot 10 and the easterly line of said lot 12. ~ . ....... ...... ...-u. ......... __...... ............. '~HUUC.u'. uuuuuu ,""un...) .ULI"" 1.1....". \ I o.l 'u, """..., ""..';0 ......... ........U...'u... .Corporlllon or Plnnlfllllp to Corporltlon 0' P Innlrlhlp No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) flied (--+not required Cert1fiCa~al Estate Value No. ~ - -c~ ,19~ Document 119'11.1 S~J{)G OFFICE OF MONTY RECORDER SCO'M' COUNT'l. MINNESOTA Thl. 1. the fll1nq lnfonaatlan of the dOCUlll8nt recorded ln t I DUlce on t;;( ~....-.. - e.- ; County Auditor ~~ {O A Recorder by De ut ..J7~-- c?--.e.c- STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: ~..1: Date: ~JA4\u.A-tL~ ,19:l2- ~WEll CERTIFICATE RECEIVED -A.-WEll aRTlACATE NOT REQUIRED (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Johnson-Reiland Construction, Inc. ,a Corporation the State of Minnesota , Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to the City of . municipal corporation Scott under the laws of the State of Minnesota County, Minnesota, described as follows: under the laws of Prior Lake , Grantee, , real property In A permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over the following described property: The east 5.00 feet and the south 10.00 feet of Lot 12, EASTWOOD, Scott County, Minnesota and the west 5.00 feet and the south 10.00 feet of the east 25.00 feet of Lot II, EASTWOOD, Scott County, Minnesota III more splCI II n..dad, contln... on beckl together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. ,Hfix Dl'~d Tax HIllin" IIt!fl' By ~ By Its COUNTY OF Scott } 88. STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing was acknowledged before me this by Dan Reiland the President of JohnRon-Rei 1 ~nrl ConRt,."" ti on Tn.. under the laws of teState of Minnesota 10=. 'TAM' oa .m <oa oTa.a =~ oa aANal \ . .LI\.~ . III1N" I)HlJJtA C(UITY . . MfCan1l\.&\lI1IS2-24-91 L J :z oil, day of and and ~ flf 1 U fl.<U( 9!; ,19_, if ,:~.:t~,:m. ~~J:~~~ ~'.:J =~':t::::~ttJ~~~~::)llD tbll ID"~' lbouJd City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 74504 Doc. Mo. m.,d3 " VoI_~Pa9.~Cart ;27~hO THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (!lAME AND ADDRESS)I .; OFFICI OF REGISTRAR OF TITLI 1a7l'T aJQNTT. KINHEIOTA '. Tbh 11 the filln.. lnfol'1leUon of the docuIMnt. Ell'" in ~1. office 011 J- ;l3-9S' /iJA- ... P.t eo.clm.n. ..~l.tru' of Titl.. PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 6B CONSIDER 2002-2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A -- APRIL 9, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Minnesota Statutes provides that all proposed capital improvements be reviewed by the Planning Commission for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Attached is a draft of the proposed 2002-2006 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). DISCUSSION: The summary describes the CIP process and the funding sources available to the City and expected to be used in paying for the individual projects. As in past years, the primary constraint is the availability of money. In previous years, the City share of County road projects took the lions share of City capital improvement funds. The proposed CIP still has a heavy emphasis on roads and streets, but the focus during the next 5 years is on collector street extensions and local street reconstruction. New to the CIP for 2002 and 2003 is the water meter change-out program. This a program will update water meters throughout the City and allow for the purchase of software and equipment that will enable reading these meters from a remote location. The ClP continues to emphasize a program for development of neighborhood parks and trails. The 2005 program anticipates the acquisition of a park site in the Northwood Road area. The Planning Commission's function is to review the proposed projects, determine whether they make sense from the perspective of the Comprehensive Plan and make specific recommendations about specific projects in the CIP or about projects not in the current CIP which the Commission feels would better achieve Comprehensive Plan goals. The Commission does not need to feel constrained to restrict its consideration only to those proj ects contained in the proposed CIP. Any recommendation for changes to the CIP should indicate which particular goal or policy in the Comprehensive Plan is being advanced by the recommended project. The thing to keep in mind is that all projects are competing for a limited amount of money and the CIP is limited to those projects with the highest priority. Please give this your careful consideration. 1:\admin\cip\2002-2006 cip.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend changes to the draft CIP as the Commission determines. 1:\admin\cip\2002-2006 cip.doc Page 2