HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 14, 2001 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, MAY 14, 2001 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #01-012 Consider a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to permit accessory structures on Island developments. B. Case Files #01-026 & 01-027 Consider an application for a Preliminary Plat to be known as Park Nicollet Addition and a Senior Care Overlay District for a development to be known as Crystal Care. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Case File #01-031 Consider the vacation of the drainage and utility easement platted on Outlot V, The Wilds. B. Case File #01-032 Consider the vacation of the platted alley and drainage and utility easement in Block 9, Prior Lake Original Plat. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: L:\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcagenda\ag51401.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2001 1. Call to Order: Chairman V onhof called the April 23, 200 l, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Stamson and Vonhof, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, City Engineer Sue McDermott, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Lemke Stamson Vonhof Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the April 9, 2001, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Commissioner V onhof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #01-017 - (continued) Mark Crouse is requesting variances for impervious surface and the ordinary high water mark for the construction of a deck on the property located at 15507 Calmut Avenue. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier stated the applicant requested the Commissioners continue the matter to May 29, 2001. Staff had no objection to the request. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY LEMKE, TO CONTINUE THE MATTER TO THE MAY 29, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Kansier said the applicant signed a 60-Day Waiver. Vote indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case File #01-028 - The City of Prior Lake is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a public service structure consisting of a City well and a wellhouse for the property located north of CSAH 82, south of Wilds Parkway and south of the existing City booster station at 15248 Wilds Parkway. L:\Olfiles\Ol plancomm\Olpcminutes\MN042301.doc 1 Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 200] Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 23, 2001 on file in the office of the City Planning Department. The City of Prior Lake has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a public service structure on the property located 15250 Wilds Parkway. This site is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). The proposed development includes a 623 square foot pumphouse, which will house the well pump and other mechanical and electrical equipment for City Well #6. Well #6 is located on this site, directly south of proposed pumphouse, and is currently under construction. The proposed building will be constructed to resemble the existing booster station. The pumphouse is located southeast of the existing booster station, 50' from the closest property line and 85' from Wilds Parkway. The existing driveway to this lot will be reconfigured to provide access to both the booster station and the pumphouse. Three significant trees will be removed for the new driveway configuration. These trees will be relocated to the east side of the site. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following condition: 1. Revise the landscaping plan to provide the required plantings along the south, east and west boundaries. 2. The building must be located as shown on the approved plans. Comments from the public: There were no comments from the public. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: · Supported as written in the staff report. Stamson: · All conditions have been met. · Supported the request. Lemke: · Concurred. V onhof: · Questioned the lighting. Kansier responded. · Questioned if the building had an alarm system. Kansier said it did not. · Good idea to make the pumphouses attractive. · Supported. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutes\MN04230 I.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 2001 MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CONDITIONS IN THE PLANNING REPORT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This will go before the City Council on May 7,2001. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: City Council granted the Advisory boards $60.00 per diem. The second planning commission meeting in May is scheduled for Tuesday, May 29, 2001. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L\O I files\O I pIancomm\O I pcminutes\MN04230 I.doc 3 -- ..--- -.--------------------- -- ----- - PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ON ISLAND LOTS (Case File #01-012) STEVE HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR l YES NO MAY 14, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would allow an accessory structure to be located on general development lake island lots that meet the minimum required area. This amendment was initiated by the Planning Commission at the public hearing on February 12, 2001. On that date, the Planning Commission considered an appeal to the Planning staff's interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. The appellant contended the provisions of ordinance section allowed accessory structures on the island. However, the Staff concluded the ordinance prohibited accessory structures on island lots. The Commission adopted Resolution 01-04PC upholding the Planning staffs' interpretation of Zoning Ordinance Section 1104.309, which does not permit accessory structures on the island. However, the Commission directed staff to research the issue and prepare language for an ordinance amendment for consideration. DISCUSSION: On February 26, 2001, the Planning Commission considered a proposed language for an ordinance amendment. The Commission directed staff to schedule a public hearing for this amendment. On April 9, 2001, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendment. The original proposal limited the size of an accessory structure to 300 feet. The Commission discussed proposed options for the amendment and heard testimony from a "Twin Isles" property owner. The Commission then directed staff to revise the draft ordinance amendment with 1:\01 files\01 ordamend\zoning\twnisl 01-012\pcreport3.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER conditions to allow limited accessory structures on island development (Attachment 1 Draft Ordinance). ANAL YSIS: At the direction of the Planning Commission, the staff has prepared the following language for the proposed draft ordinance: (10) One detached accessory structure is permitted per lot on qeneral development lakes subject to the issuance of a buildinq permit and the followinq conditions: ~ The lot must meet the minimum area and dimensional requirements listed in Section 1104.309, and ~ The structure shall comply with required yard setbacks as stated in Section 1102.800 (8), and ~ The structure shall not occupy an area qreater than the principal structure (seasonal cabin) or 576 square feet, whichever is less, and ~ The maximum heiqht of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet, and, ~ The structure shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet from the ordinary hiqh water mark (OHWM), and ~ The structure shall not be desiqned or used for human habitation and shall not contain water supply or sewaqe treatment facilities. However, the structure may contain an electrical system, with the proper permits; and, ~ The structure shall be compatible in desiqn and materials with the principal structure (seasonal cabin), and ~ If the structure is located below the requlatory flood plain elevation it shall be built in compliance with the applicable flood proofing requirements of the buildinq code and Section 1105 of this Ordinance, as required; and, ~ The structure shall be attached to a permanent foundation so as to be immovable from its approved location. This revised language limits the size of an accessory structure to 576 square feet, or the size of the principal structure on the lot, whichever is less. It also requires a minimum setback of 100 feet from the ordinary-high-water mark. Whether or not an accessory structure should be allowed on island lots is a policy issue. The unique circumstances pertaining to island lots warrant limitations on the number and size of structures and on the amount of impeNious surface. However, the current ordinance only provides for seasonal cabin structures on the islands and equipment storage appears to be an issue without an accessory structure. It does not seem unreasonable to allow limited accessory structures; however the size of these structures should be determined as a policy issue. 1:\01 files\01 ordamend\zoning\twnisl 01-012\pcreport3.doc Page 2 Hydrologist Pat Lynch with the Department of Natural Resources submitted comments for this report [Attachment 2 - DNR Comments]. In essence, the DNR would not oppose adoption of the ordinance amendment as proposed. The staff has no objection to the proposed ordinance amendment. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the amendment as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny the proposed amendment. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the proposed amendment. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance 2. DNR Comments 3. Planning Commission Minutes from April 9, 2001 1:\01 files\O 1 ordamend\zoning\twnisl 01-0 12\pcreport3.doc Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 01- XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1104.309 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council ofthe City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: Section 1104.309 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: (10) One detached accessory structure is permitted per lot on qeneral development lakes subiect to the issuance of a buildinq permit and the followinq conditions: ~ The lot must meet the minimum area and dimensional requirements listed in Section 1104.309, and ~ The structure shall comply with required yard setbacks as stated in Section 1102.800 (8), and ~ The structure shall not occupy an area qreater than the principal structure (seasonal cabin) or 576 square feet, whichever is less, and ~ The maximum heiqht of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet, and ~ The structure shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet from the ordinary hiqh water mark (OHWM), and ~ The structure shall not be desiqned or used for human habitation and shall not contain water supply or sewaqe treatment facilities. However, the structure may contain an electrical system, with the proper permits, and ~ The structure shall be compatible in desiqn and materials with the principal structure (seasonal cabin), and ~ If the structure is located below the requlatory flood plain elevation it shall be built in compliance with the applicable flood proofinq requirements of the buildinQ code and Section 1105 of this Ordinance, and ~ The structure shall be attached to a permanent foundation so as to be immovable from its approved location. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this _ day of ,2001. ATTEST: 1:\01 files\OI ordamend\zoning\twnisl 01-0 12\draftord2.doc PAGE 1 City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 1:\01 files\01 ordamend\zoning\twnisl 01-012\draftord2.doc , 2001. PAGE 2 Steve Horsman From: Sent: To: Subject: Pat Lynch [pat.lynch@dnr.state.mn.us] Friday, May 04, 2001 9:54 AM Shorsman@cityofpriorlake.com Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Accessory Structure on Island I got your fax regarding the hearing before the Planning Commission to consider a zoning amendment to allow an accessory structure on islands. I looked at this when you were first crafting the draft language some time ago. DNR has no problem with the proposed amendments, provided the standards for size and setback and floodplain compliance as proposed are adopted. Thanks again for the opportunity to review. Pat Lynch DNR South Metro Area Hydrologist phone 651.772.7917 fax 651.772.7977 pat.lynch@dnr.state.mn.us ATTACHMENT 2 1 Planning Commission Meeting April 9, 2001 credit a developer gets for different types of land. When the area to the north develops it will create some potential for trail connections. . Any issues with parkland abutting up to commercial development? Kansier said there are no problems. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON, FOR A VARIANCE ON TIDS PARCEL FOR CUL-DE-SAC STREETS A AND B AS PRESENTED BY THE APPLICANT. V ote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO GO BEFORE CITY COUNCIL BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINED BY THE STAFF 1 THROUGH 10 INCLUDING OUTLOT A BECOMING PART OF THE PARK AREA, AS WELL AS PARK PLAN B PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS WELL AS THE SAME CONDITIONS AS APPROVED IN THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. V ote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. The earliest it would go before the City Council would be May 7, 2001. B. Case File #01-012 A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to permit accessory structures on Island developments. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated April 9, 2001, on file in the office of the Planning Department. The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would allow accessory structures to be located on general development lake island lots. This amendment was initiated by the Planning Commission at the public hearing on February 12,2001. On that date, the Planning Commission considered an appeal to the Planning stafP s interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. The appellant contended the provisions of the ordinance allowed accessory structures on islands. The Staff, however, concluded the ordinance prohibited accessory structures on islands. The Commission adopted Resolution 01-04PC upholding the Planning staffs' interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance that does not permit accessory structures on the islands. However, the Commission directed staff to research the issue and prepare language for an ordinance amendment for consideration. Currently, the ordinance on L: \0 I files\O I plancomm\O I pcminutes\mn04090 I.doc 7 Planning Commission Meeting April 9, 2001 island development does not allow for accessory structures because accessory structures are considered a "Use" and "Accessory Uses" are not a listed permitted use under this ordinance section. Hydrologist Pat Lynch with the Department of Natural Resources submitted comments in his letter dated March 29, 2001. Lynch stated the DNR would not oppose adoption of the proposed amendment. Criego: . What happens when the cabin is smaller than 300 feet? Would the proposal still remain at 300 feet for the accessory structure? Horsman said it has not been addressed in this amendment. . What size lot can this be put on? Horsman said Condition #4 states the minimum lot size on Twin Island is 15,000 square feet or two contiguous side-by-side lakeshore lots, whichever is less. This would also apply to the accessory structure. . What happens with the common roadway on Twin Island? Horsman said it does permit lots separated by a private roadway to have accessory structures. Stamson: . Questioned the lot sizes on Twin Island. . The average lot may not meet the requirement, but several lots are side-by-side and contiguous and owned by the same property owner. Comments from the public: John and Linda Meyer, 3313 Twin Island Circle (Prior Lake address), thanked Commissioners and staff members for their time and suggestion for going forward with this topic. Meyer addressed some of the above issues including access to the island. There are a total of 64 lots. Meyers own Lots 43, 44, 45, 62 and 64. They would like to store vehicles and equipment in a garage on the island. It will make the neighborhood more appealing. Year-round residency is not permitted on the island. It is not secure or pretty to have storage outside. Accessory structures will enhance the beauty of the area. Allowing owners to store grills, lawn equipment, etc., is important. Meyer explained his proposed garage would be 7% of the impervious surface lot area. Meyer also felt their property is unique because their lots are interior and at the highest elevation no one will be able to see the garage. The lots are 26 feet higher than the ordinary high water mark. The proposed garage is 24 by 24 square feet. Meyer felt the size of the garage should not be larger than the resident's primary structure. Suggested a detached private garage should not exceed 25% of the lot area, whichever is less. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: 1.:\0] tiles\Ol plancomm\0Ipcminutes\mn040901.doc 8 Planning Commission Meeting Apn'l9.2001 Atwood: . It is hard to know. Pelt a 300-foot accessory structure was reasonable. . The amendment was well done and addressed our concerns. Stamson: . This issue was discussed at length over a couple of meetings; the general consensus was not to promote garage-type structures on the island. Mr. Meyer's circumstances were not unreasonable but did not square with the rest of the island and what it would create. . At this point, there has never been any accessory structures allowed on the island, or any great clamoring for them. It came about because of Meyer's issues. Through the Commissioners' discussions it was felt it would be reasonable to have some type of structure. The island community did not initiate the issue. . Largely what is before the Commission is what was discussed and agreed upon. . Would like to see the 100- foot setback or setback from the primary structure whichever is greater. It is not a water-oriented structure; it is simply a storage structure. . The rest of the language is what had been discussed in previous meetings. Criego: . Agreed with lOO foot setback and would make that a condition. The structures should not be visible. . Questioned the drain field and wells. Horsman said you can't go over the drain field. . Rye said under the current regulations it would be difficult to meet the requirements to put in a new drain field for sanitary systems. Maybe for a gray water system. The County rules on that. The City does not have the information for gray water. Depends on the amount of water coming out of the structure. . A well has to be put in or use the common well. . There is not a lot of room for accessory structures. . Mr. Meyer is unique owning 5 lots on the island. . Three Hundred feet is adequate for the average property owner. . Should the accessory structure be measured by the size of the lot? . Kansier said you could make the size a percentage of the lot area. It will be restricted by the amount of impervious surface (30%). Administratively it is easier to pick a number. . Vehicles should not be stored on the islands. The garage is not for auto use. . Most cabins and out buildings are hidden in the summer. In the winter they stand out. . Why do we want to change this ordinance? Most residents on the island have accessory structures and it makes sense to have something there. It should be legalized. Okay with 300 square feet for storage area. . Ownership should have some play into the size of the building. L:\O I files\OI plancomm\O I pcminutes\mn040901.doc 9 ----..........."....."'..........,,__...._.._..;.._ar~_....-_.....:__.__."___.______._;.__.,~ ..'~._....._ . ....-_..... '~"""""""'-"'--~-""'.'.-..,."",-_..- --_...,.,-". .. ---... .-. '. > ---.".-.' .-...... --.-'. ----.-,.-.-- Planning Commission Meeting April 9. 2001 Lemke: · Meyer's situation is unique with 5 lots. His proposal does not seem unreasonable. · The garage is 7% of the coverage of the lot. His size is not unreasonable. · Which is better aesthetically, a well-designed garage or docks covered with tarps? · What about limiting the garage to no more than a percentage of the principal structure? · Can something be drafted to allow Mr. Meyer to build his 500+ foot garage? No one else has his situation. · What about a variance request? Rye said it would be a hardship criteria issue. Criego: · There are other islands to consider. If the language was made a percentage, it might solve everyone's problem. Stamson: · Concern for others constructing garages. It will make a big impact on the island. The City is introducing something to the island that was not there. · Questioned the DNR rules. Their maximum square footage is 400. Rye explained the slopes and setbacks. The DNR has to approve it any change. · Questioned DNR's accessory structures on the lake compared to water-oriented structures. Kansier said if it is not on an island, it is just like any other lot. They are limited in impervious surface and a maximum detached structure size with minimum ground floor area. The DNR does distinguish between island and non- island structures. All the runoff from islands will run into the lake. Riparian lots have at least some runoff directed away from the lake. As the ordinance is written, the DNR and City do not allow accessory structures on islands. Criego: · Questioned lot size and impervious surface. · Kansier explained the gray water conditions and setbacks. Standards have to be met. · Basically it is only residents with larger lots who can build accessory structures. · Surprised there are not more island owners present to discuss this matter. Lemke: · This issue should be revisited and let the DNR comment on this. They seemed happy with structures up to 400 feet. Stamson: · That is DNR's existing rule. They do not allow general accessory structures. The City has a more restricted standard than DNR's water-oriented structures so they are okay with it. Now all of a sudden if we expand it to something they don't allow at all, it will be a different scenario. L:\Olfiles\Olplancomm\Olpcminutes\mn04090J.doc 10 Planning Commission Meeting April 9. 2001 Atwood: . Questioned staff mentioning it would be easier administratively with a number. Kansier explained when someone calls and asks what kind of accessory structure they can have on an island lot, staff can say a maximum of 300 square feet. If it' s a percentage then we say how big is this lot? Percentages are harder to deal with. But it is workable. . Horsman said there is limited island development. Percentages would probably work. . Rye said if there is going to be a sliding scale is should be based on the primary structure, not the size of the lot. Stamson: . Weare discussing an island with a platted road that is rarely used. There have been no previous requests for this type of building. Now it's going from one extreme to another based on one request. . Weare introducing or promoting vehicles where there never has been traffic. . Large structures are not needed on the island. . The use is not appropriate for the islands. . There has only been one request. Lemke: . Meyer's request does not seem unreasonable given the size of the lot. Stamson: . Not arguing the structure, arguing the use. It is not appropriate on an island. It is an awful big step to take without other input other than one request for it. The Commissioners agreed on the lOa-foot setback from the ordinary water line. The property owners on Twin Island were notified of the ordinance. It was not specific to size of accessory structures. MOTION BY LEMKE, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO CONTINUE THE MATTER DIRECTING STAFF TO PREP ARE AN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW ACCESSORY STRUCTURES NOT TO EXCEED THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE SIZE AND IN NO CASE EXCEED 576 SQUARE FEET; A 100 FOOT SETBACK NOT CLOSER THAN THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE AS WELL AS ALL THE OTHER ISLAND REQUIREMENTS. Criego: . Weare solving problems for multiple islanders not just one. V ote taken indicated ayes by Criego, Atwood and Lemke, nay by Stamson. MOTION CARRIED. Atwood requested staff to notify the island residents. 1.:\01 files\OI plancomm\0Ipcrninutes\mn040901.doc 11 ". '''-' .-....-.........._...........~.~.-..-.o.:.-.-......___~~.-..___...'"'._......_~.~._..__~____.__#. ._'.' .~..__._...~n..___.__. __.".. '-'_~.'~'__ .'. .__~_.. . Planning Commission Meeting April 9, 2001 Criego: · Encourage island residents to come fOlWard and give the Commission input. C. Case File # 01-014 Shepherd of the Lake Church is requesting a zone change for the property located in Section 22, Township 115 North, Range 22 West, Scott County. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 9, 2001, on file in the office of the City Planner. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church has filed an application for a zone change on the property located north of CSAH 42 and east and west of McKenna Road, about 118 mile west of CSAH 21. The proposal is to rezone the property from the A (Agricultural) district to the R-4 (High Density Residential) District. Staff felt the proposed R-4 district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The R-4 district allows residential development with densities up to 30 units per acre. In this case, the applicant is proposing to develop the entire site as a faith based community, consisting of religious worship, senior housing, community recreation and social space, education, daycare and a conference center. The first phase of this development will consist of a church building. There is no timeline for the development of future phases. Lemke: · Question on extension of services. Kansier explained the process and the developer's contract. Comments from the public: Steve Erickson, BWBR Architects, said the first issue was to have the Comprehensive Plan amended. The next process is that the rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and uses. The applicant's estimation is that the process is moving along at the appropriate pace. The only other issue is the schedule for water extension on the site. In the event, the construction on County Road 42 does not coincide with the Church's schedule of the construction, they would accelerate their plan and enter into a developer's agreement with the City. They will continue ahead with plans for the property but have no definitive schedule for breaking ground. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Lemke: · The request is valid and should be rezoned. L:\OI files\OI plancornm\OI pcminutes\mn04090J .doc 12 . . PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4B CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT AND A SENIOR CARE OVERLAY DISTRICT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE PARK NICOLLET CLINIC JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A -- MAY 14, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Crystal Care, LLC and Park Nicollet Health Systems have filed an application to develop the property located south ofTH 13, west of Franklin Trail, and directly south of the Park Nicollet clinic. The request includes the following: . Approve a Preliminary Plat for 11.60 acres; . Approve a Senior Care Overlay District for the development of a 60-unit assisted living facility. The proposal calls for the subdivision of the existing 11.60 acre parcel into 4 lots. Lot 1, Block 1, is the existing site of the Park Nicollet clinic. Lot 2, Block 2, is the proposed site of the assisted living facility. The remaining lots will develop at a future date. Crystal Care, LLC, is the developer of the assisted living facility project. Park Nicollet Health Systems, the current property owner, will develop the remaining commercial lots. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 11.60 acres. Zonin2: This property is zoned C-4 (General Business). Comprehensive Plan Desi2nation: This property is designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The property also meets the criteria for the extension of the MUSA. 1:\01 files\Ol subdivisions\prelim pJat\crystaJ care\pc report. doc Page J 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . . Adjacent Land Use, Zonine and Comprehensive Plan Desienation: To the north of this property is a gas station and a car sales lot, zoned C-4, and designated for Community Retail Shopping uses. Also to the north is the former site of TJ. Towing, now vacant land, zoned C-4 and planned for commercial uses. To the west of this property is the Hollywood Bar and Restaurant, zoned C-4 and planned for Community Retail Shopping uses. To the east is high density residential housing, zoned R-4 and planned for High Density Residential uses. Access: This property is accessed from Franklin Trail. Franklin Trail was originally a County road, but the County is in the process ofturning this road back to the City. Utilities: Sewer and water services can be extended to serve this property from the existing utilities located in the entrance road to the Park Nicollet clinic. PRELIMINARY PLAT Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 4 lots for single commercial development. The lots range in size from 1.00 acre to 4.32 acres. All of the lots meet the minimum lot area and frontage requirements. Streets: This plan proposes one new public street, identified as "Ring Road" on the preliminary plat. This street is the northeasterly leg of the proposed ring road that will extend from Franklin Trail to Duluth Avenue and eventually to TH 13 at the County Market site. This section of the street is 1,085' long, and extends from Franklin Trail to the west property boundary. It is designed with a 70' wide right-of-way and a 42' wide surface. The ring road will serve as a collector street for this area. Sidewalks/Trails: The plan does not provide any sidewalks or trails. Parks: This plan does not include any parks. Parkland dedication requirements will be satisfied by a cash dedication in lieu of land. The estimated cash dedication, based on the original development contract for the Park Nicollet clinic, is $25,844.00 (7.28 acres @ $3,550.00/acre). Storm Sewer: The City is in the process of working with this developer to establish a regional storm water pond at the comer of Panama Avenue and Tower Street. This pond will be designed to accommodate runoff from this site, as well as from the ring road construction area. Development on this site will still be required to provide infiltration basins on each lot, as required by the Watershed District rules. Tree Replacement: The applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 195 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. Based on the grading plan, the proposal removes 41.5% for grading purposes. The Zoning Ordinance allows removal of 25% of the significant caliper inches. Any removal above the 25% must be replaced at a rate of W' 1:\01 files\O 1 subdivisions\prelim plat\crystal care\pc report.doc Page 2 . caliper inch per 1 inch removed. In this case, 16.13 caliper inches, or 7 trees (2.5 caliper inches each) must be replaced. SENIOR CARE OVERLAY DISTRICT The applicants are requesting approval of a Senior Care Overlay district under the provisions of Section 11 06A of the Zoning Ordinance. These uses are permitted in the C- 4 district. The proposed assisted living facility will be located on Lot 2, Block 2 of the plat. The attached narrative describes this proposal in some detaiL Density: The plan proposes 60 units on a total of 3.58 acres. The maximum density permitted for this use is 30 units per acre. The overall density proposed in this plan is 16.76 units per acre. Buildine Style: The proposed plan calls for 3-story building, consisting of 52,517 square feet of floor area. The south wing of the building, which is devoted to memory care, is a single story structure. The design proposes exterior materials consisting of stucco and vinyl lap siding. The proposed color scheme is consistent with the color scheme on the Park Nicollet clinic. There is also a detached garage located on this site, providing 10 parking stalls. No building elevations have been submitted for this garage. Setbacks: The proposal meets the minimum setback requirements of the C-4 district. The 3' wide overhangs on the building do encroach into the required side yard setback on the north and the east. Heieht: The proposed building height does not exceed 35 feet. Architectural Materials: The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 60% of the exterior of a building consist of Class I materials, such as glass, brick or stucco. In this case, the proposed building will consist of 80% of Class I materials (stucco and glass). Parkine: Parking for elderly housing is required at a rate of 0.5 spaces per unit. This development requires a minimum of 30 parking spaces. The proposal provides 41 surface spaces and 10 spaces within the garage. Landscapine: Section 1107.1900 lists the landscaping requirements for this development. Perimeter landscaping for this development is required at a rate of 1 tree per unit or 1 tree per 40' feet of perimeter, whichever is greater. In this case, a minimum of 60 trees must be provided. The developer has submitted a landscaping plan that exceeds the landscaping requirements. This plan also includes replacement trees. The plan, however, does not indicate whether an irrigation system will be provided. A registered landscape architect must also sign the plan. Siens: This site plan includes one freestanding monument sign, located at the north entrance to the site. This sign is consistent with the sign requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 1:\01 files\OI subdivisions\prelim plat\crystal care\pc report. doc Page 3 ... Lighting: Parking lot lighting will be provided using 10' high light standards. The lighting plan submitted indicates the lighting will not exceed 0.5 footcandles at the property line. Proximity to Support Facilities: The Zoning Ordinance requires that an applicant for a Senior Care Overlay District demonstrate that the proposed site is readily accessible to health care facilities, retail shopping, religious institutions, public transportation or other supporting facilities. In this case, the proposed site is accessible to both the Park Nicollet clinic and Fairview clinic. The narrative also notes the site's proximity to downtown Prior Lake, City Hall and the public library. Modifications/Incentives: The Zoning Ordinance also allows the City Council to consider certain incentives for Senior Care Overlay Districts, including, among other things, increases in building height, decreased setbacks, increases in floor area ratios, modification of landscaping requirements, and fee waivers. The City Council has the sole discretion to determine which incentives shall be granted. In this case, the applicant has requested the Council provide some financial assistance to facilitate this project. The City Council has agreed to consider an application for economic development incentives. The only modification to ordinance requirements identified by staff is an increased encroachment into the side yard setback. The Zoning Ordinance allows 2' overhangs; this proposal includes 3'-5' overhangs. Restrictive Covenants: The Zoning Ordinance also requires the applicant to record restrictive covenants on the property stating the type and care to be provided and limiting occupancy to the facility to no more than 20% of residents under the age of 55. The applicant has not submitted a draft of these covenants at this time. ANALYSIS: Preliminary Plat: The preliminary plat generally complies with the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The primary issue relating the preliminary plat is storm water management. The City is working with the developer and the Watershed District to design a regional pond that will accommodate the runoff from this site. The developer has also applied for a permit from the Watershed District. The remaining engineering issues can be addressed at the final plat stage. Another issue pertaining to the approval of this plat is the existing Park Nicollet sign located on Franklin Trail. Once this plat is approved, that sign will be located on public right-of-way. When the Park Nicollet building was built, the Park Nicollet Health Systems entered into a development agreement with the City. One of the provisions of that agreement stated the developer would enter into an agreement for the private use of public property to maintain a sign at this intersection. However, that agreement identified a sign location different from the location of the existing sign. In order to maintain the sign, Park Nicollet Health Systems must relocate the sign and enter into a "Private Use of 1:\01 tiles\O 1 subdivisions\prelim plat\crystal care\pc report.doc Page 4 Public Property Agreement" with the City. This issue can also be addressed at the final plat stage. The Scott County Highway Department has also recommended the developer submit a traffic study for this development. The staff does not believe a complete traffic study is necessary; however, the developer should submit an estimate of the existing traffic from the clinic and an estimate of the traffic that will be generated will be by the assisted living facility. Senior Care Overlay District: The proposed Senior Care Overlay District complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. There are some minor issues that can be addressed prior to final approval. Staff Recommendation: The staff recommends approval of the proposed preliminary plat and Senior Care Overlay District subject to the following conditions: Preliminary Plat: 1. The developer must obtain a Watershed District permit prior to any work on the site. 2. The developer must address the following Engineering Department comments: a. Provide the stage-storage-discharge tables and routing calculations through the infiltration basins. The data will be used for design of the storm sewer and regional pond. b. All grading for the infiltration basin is to be accomplished on the site. The plan shows grading on adjacent Lot 1. c. Add a hydrant at the end of the 8" main per the Public Works Design Manual. d. Address the reconstruction of the existing section of the ring road. This portion of the road must be completed with an overlay after it is widened. e. If the typical section shown on sheet 1 of the plans is for the parking lot area, it does not meet minimum pavement sections requirements outlined in the Public Works Design Manual. 3. Provide an estimate of the traffic generated by the existing clinic and an estimate of the traffic that will be generated by the assisted living facility with the final plat application. 4. The developer must address the issue of the existing sign at Franklin Trail. This sign must either be removed or relocated and the developer must enter into a "Private Use of Public Property Agreement" with the City prior to approval of the final plat. Senior Care Overlay District: 1. A registered landscape architect must sign the landscape plan. 2. The developer must submit an irrigation plan for the site. 3. The developer must submit restrictive covenants for this use for review and approval by the City Attorney. 1:\01 files\O 1 subdivisions\preJim plat\crystal care\pc report.doc Page 5 4. The Final Plat and Development Contract must be approved by the City Council. 5. Upon final approval, the developer must submit two complete sets of full-scale final plans and reductions of each sheet. These plans will be stamped with the final approval information. One set will be maintained as the official Senior Care Overlay District record. The second set will be returned to the developer for their files. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed Preliminary Plat and Senior Care Overlay District. AL TERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and the Senior Care Overlay District as proposed or subject to conditions noted by the Commission. 2. Recommend denial of the request on the basis the proposal is not consistent with the provisions of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the following requests: · Approval of a Preliminary Plat for to be known as park Nicollet Addition. · Approval of a Senior Care Overlay District for an assisted living facility to be known as Crystal Care. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Copy of Preliminary Plat Plans and Senior Care Overlay District Plans 3. Developer's Narrative 4. Engineering Comments 5. Scott County Engineer Comments 6. Finance Director Comments 7. Watershed District Comments 1:\01 files\O 1 subdivisions\prelim plat\crystal care\pc report.doc Page 6 :r >- 3 :> " I Priordale rvlall 1ST ,ERST. 'N ,.j\\"\"'<:- O'l-S 'C~O 3 2 TRl. N A Location Map EAST 2 X:-~ ~ ,,<:,"1. CONDO. NO. 1007 " 400 o 400 Feet I ' t r ;~ 'III . I 'j II J I Ill' 1'1111 . 1 \. t f.' .1 " j lll~. Hilt!llII hlilljILII!HllhP! !1I11 Ilj/Illl iu Ilh!hmliuhH/!llIh 1!1Hlld,IIUlllh!!hd iI' \! l'III'j..l.I"II.II.III'jj.'lj.I....ij.i.j' "ll'ji" 1'-1 ;IIUIUll iUIUHIIIUHlll h.~8B~..".....~9h,lm.(~uill~;dh~., ~1.~!dt2 .. \~\~, \ , \ \ ~ ~ ~~ .... ~ ~ "" !~ l1:~ ~ ~ , i' II " , i" ''''\ ;'II:.II!'i3fl I ;'IJ\=:,! lil~'I = 11: & "i i.. 1 J : " ..llJ ~ 1 ~ ,!.,j.ll.llli. ,,!.~flll'tj!Hal. ;',1., 'I! I .',1, " jl'" ~ ! H!H',T,ii1j! ! Hg!~j{hl!lH , j.... . -I. l'."l" w' I ljlll!!,l'il j Illli.hll"I!~Uj ~ ~!:!l.h~hl : ~!:mHII lid ! iI!ll'i:i,!1 1l/11".t1, ,Iii!' ~ lIlill''"i.1t 11l!liiilr':li~pl I I!illlllft'rt I!i' it 1"Qllf' i illiiij"l:ihi ~ il.li~II'lf~l!;I-I~11 11111.. 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IU .\. ~u~,~_];O~ u~ 1l-' I ~: j~. - --~._---_._---jijrii-.9:~:69---.- _..,- ...-..----- - n i. t C, ClJdstal ~are, LLC A Clear Vision in Senior Living 'i\ !~ :s @ [\'~- [~:L~l : , "j . , ; ') ! APR I 2 2001 :: i : j I ';1 ~-' I NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY LOT 2. BLOCK 2. PARK NICOLLET ADDITION A. Satistvinq the Senior Overlav Criteria The Project is a very complementary use for the neighborhood and meets the criteria for the Senior Overlay District. The Project is adjacent to the Park Nicollet Medical Clinic. The Project's front elevation squares up with the front elevation of Park Nicollet. The materials and color scheme of the Assisted Living Community are selected to complement those of the Clinic. Residents of the Assisted Living Community will be able to use the medical and dental services offered at Park Nicollet. The two uses are ideally compatible and together form a senior living campus that should quickly become a community asset. The market study prepared for HUD demonstrates a need for assisted living in this community and the larger, outlying market. The Project provides options to seniors and their families and serves as a continuum with other senior housing that exists and is proposed for Prior Lake. The Project gives seniors the opportunity to participate in a community and receive the care and dignity that both they and family members expect. The Project is readily accessible to health care facilities, not only Park Nicol/et but also the Fairview Clinic, which is located less than a mile away on Highway 13. The Project is less than one-half mile to downtown retail and services. The library, city hal/ and religious institutions are convenient to the site. The Project van is available for both scheduled activities and individual resident requests. Overall, the Project serves as a good transitional use between the multi- and single-family residences to the south and east and the more commercial uses oriented to Highway 13. The Assisted Living Community has a relatively low impact relative to schools and roads. The Project plays a significant role in the Ring Road development and the improvement of this neighborhood. 5200 willson Road, Suite 150, Edina, MN 55424 Tpl. n 12.R'36_2790 Fax: 612.836.2794 E-mail: crvstalcareilc@aoLcom_ B. Proiect Summary 1. Type of Project The project is assisted living housing with services, including a wing dedicated to Alzheimer's care residents and other seniors challenged by dementia ("Memory Care"). The units are rented. Monthly charges include room and boarding as well as services and programs. Assisted living is a special combination of housing, personalized supportive services and health care designed to assist seniors (age 55 and older) who need help with activities of daily living. Services include 24-hour on-site caregivers, a complete dietary program providing three nutritious, family-style meals daily, scheduled activities, social and spiritual opportunities, assistance with activities of daily living, medicine administration, wellness and exercise programs, housekeeping and transportation. The Project consists of two components, a 3-level Assisted Living Community and the attached 1-level Memory Care Community. The Assisted Living Community consists of 40 dwelling units. The Memory Care Community consists of 20 dwelling units. 2. Profile of Residents The Assisted Living resident profile consists exclusively of elderly persons requiring assistance with three or more Activities of Daily Living, "ADL". The primary ADL are meals, self-administration medication reminders, toileting, bathing and laundry. These residents do not require an acute care environment such as a nursing home. The Memory Care resident profile consists of seniors afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia. Alzheimer's/dementia seniors require, in addition to assistance with daily living activities, a special environment and care program that provides reasonable freedom, appropriate security, attentive care, special programming and dignity. The Memory Care Community is designed for mild- to moderate- Alzheimer's residents. When a resident shows violent behavior that cannot be managed by medication, or requires two-person transfers, or needs to be fed, the disease has progressed to a severe stage. At this point the resident requires an acute setting with a more complete nursing staff. When a resident's disease progresses to the severe stage our housing director would counsel the family to relocate the resident to a more appropriate setting (e.g. nursing home). 2 Memory Care (the south building) consists of 20 dwelling units, each with one resident per building. Unit mix and room sizes: Assisted Living (3 levels) 40 Units: 23 Studios (kitchen & bath w/ shower) 498 square feet 15 One-BRs (kitchen & bath w/ shower) 595 square feet 2 Two-BR (kitchen & 2 baths w/ shower) 932 square feet 40 Units Memory Care (1 level) 20 Units: 17 Studios (w/ bath) 263 square feet 3 Luxury Studios (w/ bath) 351 square feet 20 Units The Assisted Living dwelling units each have a kitchen consisting of a sink, stovetop/oven, and refrigerator. Each Assisted Living unit has a "three-quarter" bath, consisting of a shower, a toilet, and a sink. The Memory Care dwelling units each have a "three-quarter" bath as well. The Memory Care units have space for optional microwave and optional under-counter refrigerator. All rooms are furnished with bed(s), closet(s) with drawers, bed table, chair, and window treatments. 4) Other Proposed Spaces Assisted Livinq - First Floor . Family Consultation/Media Room: This room, accessed off the main lobby, is for family consultations and video presentations. It is available for staff training and resident recreation, as available. . Staff Restrooms: A set of lavatories for staff is available off the staff hallway connecting Assisted Living and Memory Care . Kitchen: The commercial-grade kitchen is centrally located and designed to efficiently serve both the Assisted Living and the Memory Care dining rooms. Assisted Livinq - Second Floor . Beauty/Barber: The hair salon, located on the second floor off the elevator lobby, is available to all residents. A third-party professional operates the salon. . RN Office . Media Center . Elevator Lobby .~ 3 Assisted Livino - Third Floor · Staff Area: The staff break room, located on the third floor off the elevator, has lockers, showers, lunch table and vending machines. . Activity Room/Chapel . Staff Office Memory Care . Reception Desk . Staff Office . RN Office & Medical Supply . Storage 5. Community and Resident Spaces The project consists of 52,517 square feet (excluding the garages). The dwelling units total 27,767 square feet. This, results in 24,750 square feet of common area, consisting of hallways, lavatories, stairwells, elevator lobbies and shaft, and the common spaces described below. a) DininglKitchenlStorage Kitchen: The commercial-grade kitchen is centrally located and designed to efficiently serve both the Assisted Living and the Memory Care dining rooms. The kitchen includes chefs office, a walk-in freezer, walk-in cooler, dry storage, ice machine, cooking line with burners and ovens, food prep line, beverage line, dishwashing line, and steam tables. Direct access is available to the Memory Care dining room. Access to the Assisted Living dining room is via the staff hall. Dinino: The Memory Care Dining Room is adjacent to the Kitchen and the Reception Desk/Lobby area. It has windows along the east elevation. The Assisted Living dining area consists of a Dining Room and a Cafe; total seating capacity is 52. The Cafe includes a service bar and will be available all day for casual dining/snacks. The Dining Room has windows along the east elevation with access to the patio. Storaoe: The detached garages located east of the residential building have the capacity to store resident items. The garages also have designated maintenance storage. Storage rooms are also located on every floor and wing of the building. b) Lounges Assisted Livino, First Floor: . Lobby (w/ fireplace) . Family/Media Room · Cafe (w/ food and beverage service bar) . Patio . Solarium '. 4 Assisted Livinq, Second Floor: . Sitting Area (overlooking first floor lobby) . Media Center (with computer lab) Assisted Livina, Third Floor . Activity Room/Chapel . CardfTV Room Memory Care . Memory Care Lobby . Reception Station . Staff Office . RN Office & Medical Supply c) Activity Spaces and Other Proposed Spaces Activities and programs will be ongoing throughout the various common rooms. The Activity Room/Chapel on the third floor is generously proportioned - approximately 940 square feet. This space wm accommodate a variety of functions, including lectures, concerts, and spiritual services. The elevator is conveniently located adjacent to the Activity Room/Chapel. Activities and programs will also occur in the community and resident spaces outlined above in Section A (5). d) Garages The detached garages around the back of the project consist of 3,074 square feet. There are 10 single-car garage stalls and a grounds storage area. Few if any residents store cars at the project. One of the stalls is used for the project van. Other available stalls are used for resident and project storage. 6. Major design features The building is influenced by Prairie School design considerations. The low- pitched asphalt shingle roof features extended eaves. The planter box along the front elevation and three-story columned entrance are cultured ledge stone. The ledge stone motif is extended to project signage, hearth, Activity/Chapel, and detailed throughout. A tempered glass storefront extends the entrance component of the building, allowing light into the front hallway, which will feature an interior ledge stone planter. Exterior materials are stucco at the first and second stories, with vinyl lap siding at the third story. The project is part of a senior housing and health care campus. As such, the building's color scheme matches the Park Nicollet Medical Clinic, directly opposite the project. The two-story Lobby with central hearth creates an openness and warmth. The third-story Activity/Chapel Room, situated above the lobby, continues the ledge 5 stone motif. The common spaces are functional and, we believe, appropriately sized. The residential hallways are relatively short, with staggered suite entrances to break-up the wall. The Memory Care floor plan allows circular walking patterns below a vaulted sky-lit ceiling. The Activity Area or "Playhouse" is a well- conceived space that serves the particular needs of the Alzheimer's individual. The Memory Care Courtyard, situated off the porch, features an attractive privacy fence and provides a functional as well as therapeutic purpose. Gardening by residents occurs in the Courtyard as well as the Assisted Living patio off the Dining Room. Deliveries are at the rear of the building, via a drive along the south of the property. Box trucks and other service vehicles are removed from pedestrian traffic oriented to the front of the project. Service entry is through the kitchen. Deliveries for upper levels are accessed through the Staff Hall and Service Elevator Lobby, thereby reducing any disruption to residents. The project design is attractive and functional . 6 DATE: April 30, 2001 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator FROM: Sue McDermott, City Engineer r RE: Crystal Care (Project #01-36) The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary plan for the subject project and we have the following comments: 1. Provide the stage-storage-discharge tables and routing calculations through the infiltration basins. This data will be used for design of the storm sewer and regional pond. 2. All grading for the infiltration basin is to be accomplished on site. The plan shows grading on adjacent lot 2. 3. Add a hydrant at the end of the 8" main per the Public Works Design Manual. , .., 4. Provide a typic~1 ~eGtiol, fe. tilt:: I UC::ldWdY dlld--PS'll'elTt€ffi !ecttel'l'-cles~ft. Address the reconstruction of the existing section of the ring road. This portion of the road must be completed with an overlay after it is widened. 5. Is the typical section shown on sheet 1 of the plans for the parking lot area? If so, it does not meet minimum pavement section requirements outlined in the Public Works Design Manual. .. G:\PROJECTS\200 1 \36crysta\care\review3 .DOC SCOTT COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 600 COUNTRY TRAIL EAST JORDAN, MN 55352-9339 (952) 496-8346 i-.~ - ,- ----8 - - : i \\\ I ';1 ; \ \1 tiLV _ 2 2001 \i'i i] (y l;j 0. L-----.-- \ -"Fax: (952) 496-8365 BRADLEY J. LARSON PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR! COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER April 25, 2001 Jane Kansier City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Preliminary Plat, Crystal Care Franklin Trail and TH 13 Dear Jane: We have reviewed the preliminary plat as it relates to Highway Department issues and offer the following comments or concerns: + We recommend the developer submit a traffic study. The study would determine the impacts on the nearby roads and intersections that will result from fully developing all of the lots included in this plat. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Craig enson Transportation Planner An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING/ENGINEERING Ralph Teschner, Finance Director Park Nicollet Addition (assessment/fee review) March 29, 2001 Based upon "The Preliminary Agreement for Development Contract", dated May 19, 1997, the 11.60 acre parcel in 2-114-22 identified by (PIN #25 902 042 0) is to be charged the following city development fees: Park Nicollet Lot: Trunk.Sewer & Water Fee Remaining Lots: Collector Street Fee Stormwater Management Fee Trunk Sewer & Water Fee Park Dedication Fee $3500.00/acre $1500.00/net acre $6092.00/net acre $3500.00/net acre $3550.00/gross acre The application of applicable City development charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon the area descnbed as provided within the site data summary sheet of the preliminary plat description: Park Nicollet Lot (Lot 1 Block 1): Trunk Sewer & Water Chan!e: 4.32 acres @ $3500.00/ac = $15,120.00 Remaining Lots (Lots 1-3 Block 2): Collector Street Fee: 5.58 acres @ $1500.00/ac = $8,370.00 Storm Water Manaeement Fee: 5.58 acres @ $6092.00/ac = $33,993.00 Trunk Sewer & Water Charee: 5.58 acres @ $3500.00/ac = $19.530.00 Park Dedication Fee: 7.28 acres @ $3550.00/ac = $25.844.00 $87,737.00 Assuming the initial net lot area of the preliminary plat does not change, the above referenced storm water, collector street, trunk and lateral sewer and water charges would be determined and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -I'\' !/ To: 1) Michael Lewis,Crystal Care fax: 612 8362794 2) Jane Kansier, DRC Coordinator, City of Prior Lake, fax: 9524474245 From: Jim Eggen, PLSL Watershed District Technician Date faxed: April 25, 2001. INITIAL REVIEW of PERMIT APPLICATION PRIOR LAKE-SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT Permit Application No. 01.12: Senior Living Community Applicant: Crystal Care 5200 Willson Rd Edina, MN 55424 Phone: (952) 83602792 Agent: Michael Lewis Same as above. Location: Block 2, Lot 2, Park Nicollet Addition, on proposed Ring Road. Purpose: 60 unit assisted living comrn~nity. Application dated 4/16/01, received at PLSLWD 4/17/01. Initial review comments: Application is incomplete for the following reasons: 1. Rate control is required. The existing and proposed rates for the 2, 10 and 100 year events should be equal. However information 'provided shows these unacceptable disparities: Existing (cfs) Proposed (efs) 5.50 2 yr 13.68 10yr 22.45 100 yr If the plan to use: a regional pond accounts for these disparities, please explain; see Item 2 below. 2. Applicant is to provide documentation, such as a letter from the City, stating: a) that the regional pond is planned/funded, b) the construction I in-service schedule and c) that the pond is sized to include the contribution from the subject senior living project. 3. Include all impervious surface in the runoff considerations (i.e. including the rooftops). '} l I ,I n I (' n I n ~r nJU0 ~JI~AA l0 l~ ~ w~ln'(' Inn7 'C7'JrHI . . __i "~,-I!' L.'''' 4. Document the B type soil (e.g. from Soil Survey or borings). 5. Document depth to groundwater and then establish the separation between the bottoms of infiltration ponds and groundwater. That separation should be at least 4 feet. 6. On constructed depressions (ponds), show how you plan to keep fines from entering the infiltration basin. The depressions should not drain at grade; rather leave some dead storage in order to obtain sediment removal before the water flows to any infiltration facilities. 7. Provide and document infiltration of ~ inch of runoff within 72 hours, using a combination ofBMPs (see Rule D.3.i.). 8. General comment: These initial review comments are not necessarily all inclusive; the applicant has the responsibility to address all applicable portions of the rule in order to provide a complete application to the District. . . ~ .,;-: I 1 n I r- n . " ~I 111 II (' III I \.I II 1 (I 1 J WJln'(' Inn7 '1'7' Irl\.l PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: SA REVIEW REQUEST TO VACATE THE EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON OUTLOT V, THE WILDS (Case File #01-031) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A MAY 14, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION Outlot V of The Wilds was originally platted in 1993. A drainage and utility easement, 30' to 70' wide, was platted through the outlot to accommodate the sanitary sewer line. Shamrock Development is in the process of replatting this outlot as The Woods at the Wilds. The existing easement will encroach into the buildable area of some of the new lots. As required by State Statute 462.356 Subd.2, the Planning Commission is required to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, State Statute 412.851 allows the Council to vacate easement or right-ot-way by resolution. The statute also states "no such vacation shall be made unless it appears to be in the public interest to do so". DISCUSSION The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? Comprehensive Plan Review The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring access to public utilities. The vacation of this easement is not inconsistent with any specitic goal or objective of the Comprehensive Plan. Although there is an existing sewer line at this location, 1:\OIfi1es\Olvacations\OI-031\OI-031 pc report. doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER the width of the existing easement is excessive. The new plat will dedicate necessary easements for this area. Public Need As noted above, the new plat will dedicate necessary easements for this area The approval of this vacation would allow the construction of dwellings on the new lots. RECOMMENDATION The intent of the Comprehensive Plan is satisfied by the dedication of necessary easements with the new subdivision plat. The Planning staff therefore recommends approval of this request, subject to the condition that the resolution vacating this easement is not recorded until the final plat is approved. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the proposed vacation of the easement as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. 2. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. 3. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend the City Council approve the vacation of the easement as requested. 1:\Olfiles\Olvacations\OI-031\01-031 pc report. doc 2 I I ill ~ Ip' ~; :. I :t) ~ ~w- _-1 : 'Iill ~r.f - =l Jl~! !I I ~:i~ II : J'.i -;;i-:,!j!t : d2h I ./ ....~...,.--- ...... tt... 'SII '1 "U . ":.s 10 t/lMS .'" ,. 'un lSD) / '__<::.-.., :c:: \ ....... t- -. o ~ 5 \ """~, ~. i!i ~, f;l t- o ~ 5 11lOH . ~ .~ ~ .: " 'I i' ^-it/ ~" ~ --- -~- , i ~i ~ ii! ~ 110 ~ i IU i~. di :U ~. ::I! R! < ::II II ,\ Ij '1 -, - . . . . "r" ~. PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 5B REVIEW REQUEST TO VACATE THE PLATTED ALLEY AND A 20' WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN BLOCK 9, PRIOR LAKE ORIGINAL PLAT (Case File #01-032) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _YES X NO-N/A MAY 14, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION R & K Sales, Inc. has filed a petition to vacate the platted alley and a 20' wide drainage and utility easement on the property located on the north side of Dakota Avenue, the west side of Main Avenue and south of Lakefront Park. The applicant is proposing to develop this property. The proposed building would encroach onto the platted alley and the easement. The applicant has also filed an application to combine all of the lots as a part of this development plan. As required by State Statute 462.356 Subd.2, the Planning Commission is required to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, State Statute 412.851 allows the Council to vacate easement or right-of-way by resolution. The statute also states "no such vacation shall be made unless it appears to be in the public interest to do so". DISCUSSION The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? Comprehensive Plan Review The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring access to public utilities. The vacation of this easement is not inconsistent with any specific goal or objective of the 1:\Olfiles\Olvacations\Ol-032\Ol-032 pc report.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ... Comprehensive Plan. There is an existing sanitary sewer line within the easement; however, this sewer line will be disconnected and rerouted to serve the new buildings on the lot. The platted alley is unimproved and does not provide access to any of the lots at this site. However, there is a telephone cable located within the easement. The applicant is working with Integra Telecom to determine when and where this cable should be relocated. The applicant is also working with Integra Telecom to develop a maintenance agreement for the cable. Public Need The combination and subsequent development of the lots will eliminate the need for the existing easement and the alley. If approved, however, the vacation of the easement and the alley should be subject to approval of the lot combination and approval of a development plan for this site. RECOMMENDATION If the lots are combined and redeveloped, there is no need for the existing easement and the alley. The Planning staff therefore recommends approval of this request subject to the condition that the resolution vacating this easement will not be recorded until the combination of the lots is approved and recorded, and a development plan for this site is approved. ALTERNATIVES: 1 . Recommend the City Council approve the proposed vacation of the easement and alley as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. 2. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. 3. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. 1:\01 files\O 1 vacations\01-032\0 1-032 pc report. doc 2 ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend the City Council approve the vacation of the easement and the alley as requested subject to the condition that the resolution vacating this easement will not be recorded until the combination of the lots is approved and recorded, and a development plan for this site is approved. 1:\Olfiles\Olvacations\OI-032\OI-032 pc report.doc 3 J ....- -- ..~......... / .................. ..\ \ \ .+.. . . ._,~ ~-........./ . ..! 'I: , ~ '\ l~ ' " J'.. i~ ~; t" ! ,- 'f' i:' l, t, I, .; h 1 .. ,; i' ;, - Rl.5 --- 12\.' - " !IIIIJ ~ J - -~ - -/ .,. . i: ~ . / / / I / I. t / ' I . aa.J ~i.lS _, "'4 if 'Ogaf: " '" " " :, :1 ff5--:- u CC "l:" 041!1l Q.. UNE 1OIl,'~ aa::.tC)i"'~/7 ~oo(.oo """, :~. .'';''_ 'V'" !c'J('/( I,~...,_, !I!IIl_" , 'aj , " , ~,2 .' !'~ u':~' '., ',5 19."".... '. . Q... ;// i ~A,~ -.' ____-. -f _,' ~ ----- J:::-----... ,c,;' _.. ----.., ':;;:..---------=:: .:, ~.,.. ~ F r- .,. ----- ~ -- C-'r---- -.....-._~""':--._. 01159. __'___ 66 . 90.' . ....2 . .... / -.5 . t4.5 rv 151.1 ..:..../ ..IH; MI. I ---- I .. --I ......_ IllS. I LOl.A'n~u:t !-r~~, . b E ~ ~G: ~ -V PJ!-A-re.'b ,,;,,;' '- ~ G:i , u CC ~ .10 ... . 11ft.' 'j .. . J~' -.. 114' JI 'Og-c , ., ~-.' . ---~~~~_._- -- M.I ...--------.. - II IUR(ED ~-' 151.,. ~.5 ..-. . ...., [ f- er 12 .!5 '< !!} 'f ~ - 1 .. m.' ~ . 151.1 . as. s - - .. -... - - ~ ~,. (j 2 0:: ~ -- . - ..... . J5:l.' <0 -. ....r--<- ",".. 1Cl, 2 - - .. .... . e... # !h 9 --;- J5C.1 - 3 -- - -- . ..... U:P & ;Z 4 8 I "- It> t. .. I. ee.: "" ~ oj U Cl: 7~. / I j ; f t / -< ~ ~ .f 8;; i ; I I -I . , / I, ,I ....2 Reason/or Alley & Sewer Easement Vacations: The request for alley and sewer vacations, are to allow for future consolidation of lots within Block 9, of the Original Town Plat, City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, with the exception of the Daycare and Conoco properties. The consolidation will proceed through the Administrative Lot Combination process. Once the lots are consolidated, an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) will be applied for to request approval of a Senior Care HousingIRetail project. 1 ~ :--:') --.. -"----- ! ',', ..... I.~ is 0";"' - r-=-' ~ :!, ~ :-: 'b L5 : \~, :N-~~ ; ..> I Ili~'. i MAY 2 2001 -. J I /., . i . 1\ i I have reviewed the attached proposed request (Block 9 Vacation) fO'rutAS fuIlQ\A/il=lg" 'ie. " ' \ 1 " ~;......-' x: Water City Code Grading 'f. Sewer Storm Water Signs Zoning Flood Plain County Road Access Parks Natural Features Legal Issues Assessment Electric Roads/Access Policy Septic System Gas Building Code Erosion Control Other Recommendation: Approval Denial ~ Conditional Approval Comments: I/Ea..1F'"f ~~I e::~I$-r I/J(., \1 A;S 7..t::a.a (' ~) f-k.T\ 0E 8'RAN DONI tJ6 ~A rJ I TY-fte. Y 5 ft...J ITA (l Y SE\.0D<.. LliUE c:::; m \J 1<:" F l I..JE~ 'lSfPd<.E :5EvJFIL ~ V AC.ATIN(C') FJ:\ScME;..!T ~ Signed: ~ ucD~ Date: 5/2/01 Please return any comments by Wednesday, May 2, 2001, to Jane Kansier, ORe Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (612) 447-9812 Fax: (612) 447-4245 1:\01 files\01 vacations\01-032\referral.doc Page 2 I have reviewed the attached proposed request (Block 9 Lot Combination} for the following: Water City Code Grading Sewer Storm Water Signs Zoning Flood Plain County Road Access Parks Natural Features Legal Issues Assessment Electric Roads/Access Policy' Septic System Gas Building Code Erosion Control X Other TE~ Recommendation: Approval Denial X Conditional Approval Comments: wE.. All C.U~\ST l ~ Wo~~, t\H.=o LV \ '\ \-\ 'iU\.~n'" S I M~c;.O~ WlTH THE. E."l(I~llV~ EIAISEME.l.JT W~IC.H H~5. Pr MAu..i iELE. c.Pt~LE t1F au.~ LOc..A-iE.~ 11'\ IT. A5 :S~I.t.:)~ ~N TP\~ 'PL~T I tf'1tegra TEI.ECOM Don Barlage D.S.P. Engineering & Design 4690 Colol1ldo Slreet S.E, p~O( Lake. MN 55372 Mobije: 16' 21 9' 9-5887 Fax; (952) 226-3758 don.ila~ag8Cllint8gratelscom.com www.inlegratelecom.com Direet Di,l: (952) 22&-7064 Signed: ~~~~ Date: "'--'2.(0 -0 I Please return any comments by Wednesday, May 2. 2001, to Jane Kansier, DRC Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (612) 447-9812 Fax: (612) 447-4245 1:\01 files\01 adplat\01-033\referral.doc Page 2 I have reviewed the attached proposed request (Block 9 Vacationl for the following: Water City Code Grading Sewer Storm Water Signs Zoning Flood Plain County Road Access Parks Natural Features Legal Issues Assessment Electric Roadsl Access Policy Septic System Gas . BuildinQ Code Erosion Control Other Recommendation: _ APproval Denial . ~ Conditional Approval Comments:...........- -.--.... ~E. Prv...1: C.l1.R~~ -rL'\ WOR~' tu c.:, WI T\-\ ""~~~'l S/m~bt\) 01\3 TA-\~ Fll-Cb~c~M'E..~\ ategrn TELecoM Direct Dial: (952) 226-7064 4690 Colorado Street S.E. Prior l..... MN 55372 Mobile: (612) 919-5867 Fax: (952) 226.3758 dOIl.bal1age@lnlegratelecom.COf11 www.integratalecom.com Don Barlage a.s.p. Engineering & Design Signed: ..~~~, -- Date: 4-l..r.:.-D' Please return any comments by Wednesday. Mav 2. 2001. to Jane Kansier, DRC Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (612) 447-9812 Fax: (612) 447-4245 1:\01 flles\01 vacations\O 1-032\raferral. doc Page 2