HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 13, 2001 .' REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,2001 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Consent Agenda: A. Case #01-082 Koestering Variance Resolution 5. Public Hearings: A. Cases #01-062 & #01-063 Merlyn Olson Development is requesting consideration for a preliminary PUD Plan and a preliminary plat consisting of 5.003 acres to be subdivided into 32 townhouse lots on the property located on the south side of CSAH 21, V2 block north of Colorado Street, directly west of Duluth Avenue and east of West Avenue. 6. Old Business: A. #01-080 David and Rachel Norling are requesting variances for setback to the Ordinary High Water Mark; front yard; side yards; eave encroachment; building wall to side yard and impervious surface to construct an addition on the property located at 15239 Fairbanks Trail. 7. New Business: 8. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: LIOI fileslOlplancommlOlpcagendalAG111301.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 22,2001 1. Call to Order: Chairman V onhof called the October 22, 2001, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Stamson and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, City Engineer Sue McDermott, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Kelly Meyer. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Lemke Stamson Vonhof Present Absent Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the 2001, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: A. #01-081 Cutaia Variance Resolution 01-019PC MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY LEMKE, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01- 019PC . Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner V onhof read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. #01-045 Consideran Amendment to Section 1102.1100 of the Zoning Ordinance.creating a new downtown zoning district and establishing design review criteria and standards. Planning Director Don Rye presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Koegler Group prepared the Downtown Redevelopment Guide in June 2000. This report had been commissioned by the Economic Development Authority to serve as a guide to the redevelopment of the Downtown area. While no official action was taken on the report, it nevertheless contained a number of ideas and concepts for Downtown development and redevelopment. Subsequent to that, the City Council determined that it was necessary to incorporate some of the design criteria and standards from the consultants report into the zoning ordinance L:\O I files\O I plancomm\O I pcminutes\MN 10220 I.doc 1 . Planning Commission Minutes October 22, 2001 to provide clear guidance to those persons developing or redeveloping property in the Downtown area. The Council then directed staff to draft an ordinance that met this objective. The City retained URS Consultants to assist in the creation of a new zoning district for the Downtown area as well as a streetscape plan for Main Avenue. There are several features of the draft ordinance that are different from the current ordinance. The section on permitted uses and uses permitted with conditions has been modified to be more limiting on the types of land uses allowed in the Downtown area. Specific kinds of retail uses, for example, are permitted rather than allowing all retail uses. The size of retail uses is also limited to fit in with the scale of the Downtown area. Larger retail uses may be allowed by conditional use permit. Certain mixed uses are encouraged, including multiple family dwellings, retail, offices, services, studios and coffee shops or restaurants. The dimensional standards such as lot sizes and setbacks remain basically the same. The primary difference is the establishment of a build-to line along Main Avenue. This requires that at least 70% of the width of a building fayade must be within 5 feet of the street right-of-way. The most significant difference from the current ordinance is the addition of Design Standards in the Downtown area. These design standards apply to: . . All new construction. . Any renovation or other exterior changes to existing nonresidential or multiple family dwellings, including repainting. . Any development or expansion of parking areas. . Any other exterior alteration requiring a building permit. The standards apply only to the site or building element being altered. For example, a fayade renovation would not require changes in a related parking lot. The Design Standards are comprehensive in scope. They cover architectural and site design elements such as building orientation, fac;ade treatments, entrances, windows and doors, awnings, mechanical equipment screening, colors, signs, building materials, lighting and parking lots. These standards are consistent with recommendations from the Downtown Redevelopment Guide and the Streetscape Design elements developed by URS Consultants. Noted that an addendum to the staff report had been distributed regarding the standards and their relationship to the documents that have been prepared. Atwood: Asked for clarification why the automobile type businesses along TH13 were not included in the proposed Downtown District, and if that was based on the amount of their investment alone. Rye: Advised that the intent is to promote uses in the Downtown District with a pedestrian orientation and automotive type businesses are probably incompatible with those types of uses. Under the proposed ordinance, the other automotive businesses that front on Main Avenue would be non-conforming. L\O 1 files\O 1 plancomm\O 1 pcminutes\MN 1 0220 I.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes October 22, 2001 Lemke: Asked if the automobile businesses that front on Highway 13 would be C-4 zonmg. Rye: Advised that they would be consistent with the other uses for C-4 zoning. Lemke: Asked for clarification as to the different requirements for adult day care facilities, group day care facilities, and elderly housing relative to open space requirements. Rye: Believes the intents are consistent and sensible given the uses, even though the square footage requirement of 40 and 50 feet respectively probably bears no significant difference. Screening also addresses the level of activity given the uses. Comments from the public: Tom Flink (Owner of Amoco Station)(4805 Dakota St.): Admitted that he did not understand all of the effects an ordinance of this type would have on his business. Concerned with limiting his ability to sell, modify or expand his current business, and would oppose any ordinance that would limit his ability to do so. Rye: Clarified that if the Amoco site was not included in the Downtown District which is what is proposed, the Amoco station as it exists would not be affected. Stamson: Noted that any expansion into the Downtown District would not allow automotive uses. Randy Simpson (R & K Sales): Referred to the Lakefront Plaza project and discussed the language relating to multiple-family dwellings and some of the limitations compared to the current zoning ordinance. Further discussed parking requirements and green space calculations, as well as how they are restrictive when considered with the new DNR and Watershed requirements for ponding. Also commented on building facade width and breaks in connection with 50 foot lots, screening of mechanicals (suggested a smaller requirement for smaller mechanicals such as air conditioners and gas meters), and restrictions for internally illuminated signs (believed it would limit franchise-type business uses). Karen Fisher (Little Lakers Montessori School): Advised that 75 sq. ft. per child for outside play surface is the state standard, and 35 sq. ft. per child interior space. Also noted that to not permit day care facilities to front on Dakota Street or CSAH 21 is very prohibitive and renders her business as a non-conforming use. Advised that they are currently licensed for 49 children and believes her business brings people to the Downtown area. L:\O I files\O I plancomm\O I pcminutes\MN I 0220 I.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes October 22. 2001 Stamson: Noted that the requirement for 40 sq. ft. per child proposed in the ordinance is regardless of whether the child is inside or outside. So, it is a slightly different standard than defined by the state standards. Jennifer Scheda (Integra Telecom): Asked what it means if a business is non- conforming, what is going to be required of Downtown businesses, and what type of assistance, if any, will be provided by the City. Rye: Advised that existing businesses would only be affected if some remodeling took place and the standards would be applicable to that remodel. The ordinance would not require remodeling. Noted that the staff has been directed to research the means by which the City can provide some type of assistance for businesses that do wish to improve facades, and that that effort is underway. Non-conforming status means that the designation no longer exists in the current standards, however, businesses can continue their existing operations uninterrupted until such time as improvements take place or the business is moved or destroyed. Terry Crawford (Integra): Concerned that if a property is damaged in excess of 50% and the structure is a non-conforming use, businesses such as Integra that have a substantial infrastructure built into the building are financial punished because the cost of the infrastructure exceeds the cost of the building. Rye: Advised that in the ordinance Integra is classified as an essential service which is permitted in any zoning district, and the business is conforming under the proposed Downtown ordinance. Comments from the Commissioners: Lemke: Concerned with the issues raised with respect to parking as it relates to green space. Asked staff to comment. Agreed that the screening requirement may be excessive in some cases. Further is concerned about eliminating franchise stores by not allowing internally illuminated signage. Believes the ordinance may need some additional review. Rye: Advised that any space devoted to green space or parking may impact the economics of the site, but that it becomes a question of aesthetics. A 6 ft. screening standards for mechanicals is not burdensome, and lower screening may not block mechanicals from line of sight which is the intent. Stamson: Believes there is substantial public benefit by adopting the ordinance and is happy to see the redevelopment of Downtown moving forward. Agrees with removing the automobile businesses fronting on Highway 13 from the proposed Downtown district. Suggested removing or adjusting the standard for day care facility open space to be in line with the state standards. Favors the proposed standards for parking, signage and screening. Recommended approval. L:\O I files\O I plancomm\O I pcminutes\MN I 0220 I.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes October 22, 2001 Atwood: Commented that she is excited to see the project moving forward and appreciated the comments from some of the area business owners. Believes there are many positive items in the zoning ordinance including mixed-use zoning, size of floor area for showrooms, and consistency with the streetscape plan. Suggested that there are several items that needed clarification, including the screening requirement, parking and landscaping, and the impacts the ordinance will have on the day care facility. Noted that day care facility traffic, while currently drop-off and pick-up traffic, which is not a use desired in Downtown, that fact may change dependent upon the future uses in the Downtown area. V onHof: Believes the proposed ordinance does move the Downtown redevelopment forward in a positive manner. Agreed with making an adjustment for the nursery school open space to coordinate with the state standard. Added that in a Downtown area where buildings are typically side by side, the open space needed for a day care facility is prohibitive to uses of that type. Liked the addition of mixed-use facilities and believes it is consistent with the objectives for Downtown. Commented that the screening requirement should be flexible, and that the parking requirement for 15% of green space is reasonable. Supports moving the ordinance forward. Lemke: Noted that the 15% green space requirement for parking appears only to impact elderly housing. Rye: Suggested that one possibility would be to say that in calculating the 15% a certain amount of the adjoining lawns or open space can be considered. Added that elderly housing is a residential use and the intent is to allow some type of separation from commercial uses. Kansier: Clarified that the 15 feet separation is intended as a buffer for any type of residential housing against noise and lighting glare. McDermott: Commented that in the case of Lakefront Plaza, the City will need to upgrade the roads in that area. Staff has been looking for an area for the ponding that is required for the site, including working with the DNR to use a part of the pond within Lakefront Park. A variance from the Watershed will probably be appropriate for the Lakefront Plaza site. Lemke: Asked if, with respect to an articulation of the building fayade at 40 feet, the City is encouraging that part of the property be undeveloped. Rye: Commented that that is not the intention. With the opportunity to go to a zero lot line, the additional costs of adding some type of feature to the front of the building is probably offset. The standard is encouraged and not required. Stamson: Suggested that with respect to the addendum, that page 10, item 5 be clarified to reference the Main Street design guidelines. L\O] files\O] plancomm\O] pcminutes\MN] 0220] .doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 Rye: Clarified that all of those elements have been included in the hardscape and softscape design elements. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD TO APPROVE THE REVISED LANGUAGE PROPOSED BY STAFF FOR SECTION 1102.1107. Ayes by all, the MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT ORDINANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE REVISIONS (1) SCREENING SUFFICIENT TO SCREEN FROM VIEW AT THE LOT LINE, (2) THE LANGUAGE FOR REQUIRING AN EXTERIOR CHILD CARE SPACE BE ELIMINATED AND THAT THE STATE GUIDELINES SHALL APPLY, AND (3) PARKING WITH RESPECT TO THE 15 FEET BE CLARIFIED TO STATE THAT ANY LAWN, LANDSCAPING OR OPEN SPACE ADJACENT TO AND AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE PARKING LOT FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET BY INCLUDED IN THE 15% LANDSCAPING CALCULATION. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. V onHof: Advised that the Downtown businesses will be notified when the item will go before the City Council. The Commission took a brief recess. V onHof: Advised that the public hearing was being re-opened in order to consider adoption of the Downtown Zoning Map. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD TO ADOPT THE DOWNTOWN ZONING MAP AS PROPOSED BY STAFF. Ayes by all, the MOTION CARRIED. B. #01-080 David and Rachel Norling are requesting variances for setback to the Ordinary High Water Mark; front yard; side yards; eave encroachment; building wall to side yard and impervious surface to construct an addition on the property located at 15239 Fairbanks Trail. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. The Planning Department received a variance application from the property owners for the construction of an attached garage, a second story addition, and a main level room addition to an existing single-family dwelling on a nonconforming platted lot of record located at 15239 Fairbanks Trail (Attachment 1 - Certificate of Survey). The applicant is requesting the following Variances: L\O I files\O I planeomm\O I peminutes\MN I 0220 I.doe 6 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 A 4.77-foot variance to permit a 16.53-foot structure setback to a front property line, a 12-foot variance to permit a structure setback of 48-feet from the Ordinary High Water Elevation (OHWM), a 1.41-foot variance to permit a structure setback of8.59-feet from the side property line, a 2-foot variance to permit an eave and gutter encroachment to within 3-feet from a side lot line, a 2.6-foot variance to permit a building wall 66-feet in length to be setback 5-feet to a side lot line, a 256-square foot variance to permit an impervious surface coverage area of2,436 square feet (33.5%). The City Engineering Department has determined there is a sanitary sewer easement that should be depicted on the survey in order to verify the proposed building addition does not encroach. In addition, the Department submitted comments for this report stating in essence, approval ofthe requested variances is contrary to the goals of the Comprehensive Lake Management Plan, which is to "minimize the transport of nutrients, sediment and runoff from city streets and lands which impact the Prior Lake watershed, and promotes lake creep, the encroachment of buildings and impervious areas towards the lakeshore". The Department of Natural Resources has not responded to this variance request. The staff believes that all ofthe Variance criteria have been met with respect to some type of front setback variance such as a 2.77' variance for an 18.53' front yard setback. A legal alternative building site does not appear to exist on the lot to allow for a garage addition because of the location of the existing structure on the nonconforming platted lot of record. In addition, staff feels the garage and room additions may be redesigned and reduced in size to eliminate Variance requests 2 - 6. Therefore, the variance hardship criteria have not been met with respect to 5 of the variances as proposed by the applicant and staff recommends denial of these requested variances. Staff recommends the following conditions be included with approval of any variances deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. 1. The Resolutions adopted by the Planning Commission shall be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption, and proof of recording along with the acknowledged City Assent Form shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised survey to show all easements and the proposed grades with drainage and an erosion control plan. Comments from the public: Norling: (J 5239 Fairbanks Trail NE): Commented that he has the support of the neighborhood and that he intends on staying in the house long-term. Further discussed the project plans in detail, the rationale for requesting each of the variances, the comparison of his property to neighboring properties, and his family's need for the additional space. L:\O I files\O I plancomm\O I pcminutes\MN I 0220 I.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes October 22.2001 Commissioner V onHof closed the public hearing. Comments from the Commissioners: Lemke: Commented that he believed that the garage is necessary and eliminating 4 feet from the garage would mean it could no longer be used as a three-car garage. Atwood: Asked if the Commissioners are going to be comfortable acting on the application without a current survey. Suggested tabling the item until there is a final survey. Stamson: Agreed that in dealing with the lake side of the home it would be necessary to see a final survey. On the balance of the structure, he did believe that the side yard set back could be met and still provide for a 32-foot garage and concurred with the staff recommendation. Atwood: Agreed with Commissioner Stamson and noted she was uncomfortable m making any further decision without a final survey. V onHof: Believed that due to the slope of the lot some variances are probably warranted, but was not willing to make further determinations until an updated survey was received. Lemke: Most concerned with the 16.5 foot driveway, but noted that the neighbors garage is only 12.5 feet from the road. Stamson: Commented that the each property is unique and the circumstances vary, so comparisons are inappropriate. Horsman: Advised that Fairbanks Trail is very small to begin with because it was originally platted as a private road. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO TABLE THE ITEM UNTIL NOVEMBER 13,2001 SO THAT A FULL-SIZED UPDATED SURVEY CAN BE REVIEWED. VOTE: Ayes by all, the motion carried. C. #01-084 John and Jennifer Barncard are requesting approval of a site plan to allow a detached accessory structure on a nonconforming lot of record separated by a private road from a lot with the principal structure for the property at 16558 Inguadona Beach Circle. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. L:\OJ files\OI pJancomm\OJpcminutes\MNJ0220J.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 The Planning Department received a site plan application from property owners John & Jennifer Bamcard for the construction of a detached accessory structure on one of two existing platted lots of record located at 16658 Inguadona Beach Circle. There is an existing single-family dwelling located on the other lot, but is separated from the subject lot by a private road. The applicant is requesting approval of a site plan for a detached accessory structure to be built on one of two nonconforming lots of record under single ownership separated by a private road or driveway from a lot with the principal structure. The applicant proposes to build a detached garage on Lot 25. The topography and location of the principal structure on Lot 10, preclude the ability to construct a garage, with a front setback of24.6 feet to the exterior wall and 12.5 feet to the deck. However, Lot 25 is relatively flat and will accommodate the proposed structure with setbacks of 42.25' front, 12.69' side, 15' rear, and 12.85' side yard. The proposed structure is 34' deep by 24' wide for a total area of 816 square feet, and is less than the maximum allowed 832 square feet for a detached accessory structure. The proposed building height is 13', as determined by the mean distance of the highest gable on a pitched roof and the grade elevation having frontage on a public right-of-way. The exterior finish material is an 8" lap cedar siding with asphalt/fiberglass shingles, and is compatible in design and materials with the principal structure (Attachment 2 - Building Plans, 3 pages). The City Engineering Department has recommended approval without comments. The Department of Natural Resources has not submitted comments on this request. The staff has determined that all of the conditions, except # 2, have been met with respect to the applicants requested site plan and Zoning Ordinance 1101.501: Lot Provisions: (3) Lots of Record - Buildable. A legal alternative building site does not appear to exist on the lots because of topography and the existing principal structures location. Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve Resolution 01-022PC with the following conditions: 1. The property owner must file a deed restriction or covenants with the Scott County Recorder in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. This deed restriction or covenant must include provisions that restrict the resubdivision of the lot. This condition shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The Resolution adopted by the Planning Commission shall be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption, and proof of recording along with the acknowledged City Assent Form shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Comments from the public: There were no comments from the public. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutes\MNl 0220 I.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes October 22, 2001 Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: Believed that having a garage was a necessity and that the proposal, given staff s conditions, was appropriate. Commissioners Atwood, Lemke and V onHof agreed with the comments from Commissioner Stamson. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-022PC APPROVING A SITE PLAN TO PERMIT A DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ON ONE OF THE TWO NON-CONFORMING LOTS OF RECORD UNDER SINGLE OWNERSHIP SEPARATED BY A PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY. VOTE: Ayes by all, the MOTION CARRIED. D. #01-082 Jim Koestering Homes is requesting variances to a front setback from a road easement and to a setback from a rear property line for the construction of a single family dwelling for the property at 14934 Pixie Point Circle. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. The Planning Department received a variance application for the construction of a single family dwelling with an attached garage, as shown on the attached survey, on the property located at 14934 Pixie Point Road, and legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Eastwood 2nd addition. The following variances are being requested: a 10' variance to the front yard setback requirement to allow the structure to be setback 15' from the front property line and from the road easement, and a 10' variance to the rear yard setback to permit the structure to be setback 15' from the rear lot line. The survey submitted by the applicant also shows a 34.38' wide driveway access onto the road; however, this survey was revised after the application was submitted and the hearing notice published. The applicant has not requested a variance to the maximum driveway width of 24 feet. The applicant is proposing to place the structure on the lot so it is located 26.92' from the front property line, 15' from the roadway easement, 15' from the rear lot line, 23.71' from the south side lot line and 33' from the north side lot line. It must be noted that the proposed structure is encroaching into the 40' wide easement on the north property line. The applicant has filed a petition to vacate a portion of this easement. The Planning Commission will also consider this petition at this meeting. As noted earlier in this report, the attached survey also shows a 34.38' wide driveway access onto the road; however, this survey was revised after the application was submitted and the hearing notice published. The applicant has not requested a variance to the maximum driveway width of 24 feet. L:\O 1 fi1es\O 1 plancomm\OI pcminutes\MN 1 0220 l.doc 1 0 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 The DNR had no comments on this request. The City Engineering Department comments are attached. The Engineering Department comments primarily concern the vacation of the existing easement until the design for the reconstruction of the street is completed. Also attached to this report is a letter from the owner ofthe property to the south of this lot, objecting to the requested variance. Based on the above findings, the staff finds that this request does not meet the nine hardship criteria. The staff recommendation of the original application was denial of the requested variances. There is a legal alternative for the construction of a house on this lot. Advised that the developer has submitted a total of three additional surveys with different building footprints. Staffhas not had an opportunity to review any of the surveys and until such time as the applicant determines which survey we are dealing with, the staff would recommend tabling the item at this point. Lemke: Asked about the location of the road on the west side of the property. Kansier: Advised that staff believes that Pixie Point is either within the roadway easement or very close to the roadway easement identified in the survey. Atwood: Asked about the reconstruction of Pixie Point. McDermott: Advised that the surveying for the reconstruction of Pixie Point is starting this week, and until the staff can determine why the 40 foot easement was acquired in the first place, it is probably premature to vacate any portion of it at this time. The staff does not want to put the City is the position of vacating easements we may have to go back and pay for as temporary construction or permanent roadway easements in connection with the project. Comments from the public: Jim Koesterine (Builder): Advised that the Outlot A is owned by Jerry Hein. Discussed the topography of the lot and its 24 foot grade change. Advised that in addition to topography, they are attempting to save as many trees as possible as well as comply with impervious surface restrictions. Also believed that the City ordinance definition of a front lot line could be interpreted so that the front lot line was the one facing the lake. Advised that Pixie Point Road utilities are underneath the road, and that they had been located and identified a month ago. The road was built to the edge of the easement. Because the road is too close to the lot line, the City required an additional 10 foot of easement. Each foot the house is moved back from the street, the higher the house is out of the ground. Discussed the location of the force main, and that both the manhole and force main had been identified and marked. Believed there was adequate easement area available even with the variance. Believes the City made a mistake in placing the street and now the property owner has to suffer. A 25 foot set back, rather than 30 foot, would be adequate. Further discussed the timing on the construction and the need to move forward. Believes the application meets the nine requirements. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\Olpcminutes\MNI02201.doc 11 Planning Commission Minutes October 22, 2001 Stamson: Asked if the back was left at 25 feet, what was needed on the front. Koesterin~: Explained that the house could be rotated one way another, but cannot fit within both the front and rear yard setbacks. More trees can be saved if the variance is to the front. Believes that the easement in the front should go back to the property owner. Kansier: Advised that the staff has never seen a tree survey. Rye: Noted that vegetation on the property is not germane to the consideration of approving or denying a variance. McDermott: Advised that the 40 foot easement has been platted as a drainage and utility easement, not a roadway easement. A survey was not provided with the field location of the force main until tonight. Staff also requested that Mr. Koestering pothole that force main so staff could be verified the depth and as-built features. A few feet from the easement can be considered, but with four surveys, staff needs to know which one we are considering. Staff has pointed out to Mr. Koestering that it is likely that not all of the easement will be needed, but at this time, it is premature. Had Mr. Koestering provided this information previously, we probably have enough information to make a determination. The roadway easement along Pixie Point Circle are the small utilities. V onHof: Suggested that the Commissioners give the staff an opportunity to review the information provided and offer a revised recommendation. Koesterin~: Noted that he had not been told ahead of time about the pothole and that is staffs fault. Requested approval of the variance subject to the Engineering staff stating how much room is needed beyond the force main for workability. Lemke: Asked whether the Commission is being asked to consider the driveway. Kansier: Noted that based on Mr. Koestering's request, he doesn't want the Commission to consider the driveway. Koesterin~: Advised that the surveyor drawn a 20 foot driveway. McDermott: Advised that it would be helpful, if the surveyor is going to revise it anyway, if the survey showed the edge of the bituminous roadway, which you will need anyway for the building permit. Jerry Hein (Property Owner): Appreciated the Commissioners' time and patience. Clarified that Outlot A is owned by four parties, and they are making the best effort to build a home that fits into the neighborhood, preserve the view for the neighbors, and save as many trees as possible. Marilyn Koeker (5994 - 15dh St.): Advised that the rear of this lot abuts her side lot. Her only concern was that the rear setback remain at 25 feet. L:\OI files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutes\MN102201 ,doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 Carter Christy (6002 15dh St.): Noted that his home is directly to the northeast of the property. His concern was also that the rear lot line setback remain at 25 feet. Commissioner V onHof closed the public hearing. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: Despite the inconvenience to the applicant and the builder, believed it was important to give the staff an opportunity to verify the information received and make a recommendation. Kansier: Clarified that there are two issues. The first is -the front and rear yard setback. The second part is the vacation of some portion of the easement. McDermott: Advised that if the survey had originally shown the edge of bituminous, it appears that a vacation of the easement is probable. Stamson: Suggested that a 3 foot variance could be recommended. V onHof: Advised that the Commission can recommend a variance as long as it is not more than what was identified in the public hearing notice. Suggested moving forward with a recommendation to the City Council. Kansier: Asked if the variance included overhangs. Rye: Suggested setting a distance, and the builder would need to work within that parameter. Koesterine: Suggested allowing building within 20 feet of the existing asphalt on the property and verified by the surveyor. V onHof: Noted that staff has advised that is not appropriate. 10 Foot Variance to the Rear Yard Setback to Allow the Structure to be Set Back 15 feet from the Rear Lot Line rather than the minimum required setback of 25 feet. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY STAMSOM TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREP ARE A RESOLUTION DENYING THE 1 O-FOOT VARIANCE REQUEST TO THE REAR YARD SETBACK. VOTE: Ayes by all, MOTION CARRlED. 10 Foot Variance to the Front Yard Setback to Allow the Structure to be Set Back 15 Feet from the Front Property Line and from the Road Easement Rather than the Minimum Requirements of 25 Feet. L:\OI files\Olplancomm\Ol pcminutes\MNI02201.doc 13 Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREP ARE A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 5 FOOT EASEMENT AND A 20 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE ROAD EASEMENT AS DEPICTED IN SURVEY #4. Rye: Asked if the findings in support of the resolution was due to the topography on the site. Stamson: Clarified that the 24% grade as well as the force main field and other easements on the property create a difficult situation. VOTE: Ayes by all, the MOTION CARRIED. 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: A. #01-083 Jim Koestering Homes is requesting a vacation to a portion of the drainage and utility easement located on the north side of Lot 4, Block 1, Eastwood 2nd Addition (14934 Pixie Point Circle) for the construction of a single family dwelling. [The Planning report was given in connection with the previous agenda item.] Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Jim Koestering is requesting the vacation ofa portion of the 40' wide drainage and utility easement located on the north side of the property legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Eastwood 2nd Addition. This request also includes the vacation of a portion of the 10' wide road and utility easement located along the west property line of this lot. This easement was dedicated to the City in 1984 when Eastwood 2nd Addition was platted. The applicant is proposing to construct a house on this lot. As presently designed, the house would encroach into the existing easement. The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring access to public utilities. There are existing utilities, including storm sewer and sanitary sewer, located within the 40' wide easement. The Engineering Department has noted that it may be possible to vacate a portion of this easement; however, the location of the existing utilities must be field surveyed and shown on the certificate of survey before staff can determine how much of the easement may be vacated. A portion or all of the easement may also be required for the 2002 Pixie Point reconstruction project. The 10' wide easement located along the west property line is for both utilities and the existing road. The Engineering Department has noted that Pixie Point Road, along with L:\Olfiles\Olplancomm\Olpcminutes\MNl02201.doc 14 . Planning Commission Minutes October 22,2001 the storm sewer, is scheduled for reconstruction in 2002. It is not in the best interest to vacate any of this easement until those plans are completed. Based on the information submitted thus far, there appears to be a public need for these easements. The Planning staff therefore recommends denial of this request. It may be possible to vacate some portion ofthe 40' wide easement; however, in order to make this determination, the applicant must submit a certificate of survey that identifies all of the existing utilities, including sanitary sewer and storm sewer, as located in the field. In addition, no part of this easement should be vacated until the Pixie Point project has been designed and constructed, so any future need for the easement can be determined. Comments from the public: Comments from the public were received in connection with the previous agenda item. Comments from the Commissioners: McDermott: Discussed the description of the easement. Kansier: Suggested that staff provide the applicant and the Council a drawing of the recommended easement area, and the applicant will need to provide the description. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL V ACA TION OF A PORTION OF THE 40 FOOT EASEMENT BEGINNING 10 FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE CONTINUOUSLY TO THE REAR PROPERTY LINE 5 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EASEMENT. VOTE: Ayes by all, the MOTION CARRIED. 8. Announcements and Correspondence: The Commissioners discussed that there would be no meeting in December, and staff also asked if Commissioners would contact them with respect to the November meeting to be sure there is a quorum. 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10pm. Donald Rye Director of Planning Kelly Meyer Recording Secretary L:\01 files\OI plancomm\OI pcminutesIMN I 0220 I.doc 15 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4A CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT, Case File #01-082 14934 PIXIE POINT ROAD JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR DON RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR YES -L NO NOVEMBER 13, 2001 On October 22, 2001, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider a variance application for the construction of a single family dwelling with an attached garage on the property located at 14934 Pixie Point Road, and legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Eastwood 2nd Addition. At the hearing, the applicant submitted a "Sketch and Description" map (attached Exhibit A) that identified the existing sanitary sewer force main on the northern side of the easement. The sketch map also showed the proposed house encroaching approximately 3 feet into the existing easement. Based on this information, the Planning Commission approved a variance to allow the proposed dwelling to be located 20.06' from the road easement, and directed staff to prepare a resolution to that effect. On Friday, October 26, 2001, the applicant had a survey crew locate the existing sanitary sewer force main on the site, as requested earlier by the staff. The field location of the existing utilities places the utilities on the south edge of the 40' wide easement rather than on the north side of the easement as shown on the "Sketch and Description" map. Based on the actual field location, the proposed house would be located on top of the existing force main, which is different than the information the petitioner submitted to the Planning Commission. The actual location is identified on attached Exhibit B. This exhibit also identifies the location of the existing road. The City Council held a public hearing on the requested vacation of this easement on November 5,2001. Based on the actual field location of the force main, the City Council denied the vacation request. L:\01 files\01 variances\01-082\pc report2.DOC Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER On November 5,2001, the applicant submitted a revised survey identifying a new house location (attached Exhibit C). On this plan, the house has been shifted to the south so it will no longer encroach on the existing easement. It must be noted that no part of the house, including eaves and overhangs, may encroach on the easement. This proposal sets the house l' south of the existing easement, which would allow a l' overhang, 25' from the rear property line, 10' from the south property line and 21.7' from the front lot line. The proposed front yard setback is less than the setback approved by the Planning Commission on October 22,2001. The applicant also submitted information identifying the front yard setbacks for lots within 150' of the site. Utilizing setback averaging, a 24.1' setback would be allowed on this lot; however, the proposed 21.7' setback does not meet this requirement. The applicant is asking the Planning Commission to revisit the front yard setback for this house, based on the new information. DISCUSSION: The existing easement on the north side of this lot significantly reduces the buildable area on the site. Although there is a substantial buildable area available, the topography of the lot also limits the placement of the house on this site. The proposed house includes a 32' wide by 24' deep garage. Narrowing the width of this garage to 24' by 24' garage might increase the front yard setback, but most likely it would not eliminate the need for a front yard variance. Based on the most recent information, there appears to be some justification for a variance to the front yard setback requirement. The Planning staff suggests the following findings: VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The 40' wide drainage and utility easement location on the north side of this lot restricts the buildable area of the lot. In addition, there is 24' of relief from L:\01 files\01 variances\01-082\pc report2.DOC Page 2 the street to the rear property line that limits the placement of a house on the lot. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The easement on this lot is peculiar to this property. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. Granting a variance to the front yard setback is necessary for the preservation of a substantial property right. 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. In staffs opinion, the granting of the variances would not impair light and air, increase congestion in the streets or endanger public safety. 5. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the requested variances would probably not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. Granting the variances will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The existing easement and the topography of the lot create a demonstrable hardship in this case. L:\O 1 files\O 1 variances\01-082\pc report2.DOC Page 3 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The location of the easement and the topography of the lot are not a result of the actions of the owner. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. The applicant has not stated a need for the variance based on increased costs or economic hardship. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, the staff finds that the request for a variance to the front yard setback meets the nine hardship criteria. The staff therefore recommends approval of the requested variance, as shown on the certificate of survey identified as Exhibit C. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variance requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings denying the variance request. ACTION REQUIRED: The staff recommends Alternative #1. This action requires the following motion: Motion and second adopting Resolution 01-023PC approving the requested variance to the front yard setback requirement. L:\01 files\01 variances\01-082\pc report2.DOC Page 4 -.' , PIXIE POINT CIRCLE ~"""",,,,.....,. --y . J_ /O/th OJ SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION For: Jim Koestering Homes I EXHIBIT A I I -, I , I I I I I I I I I I I I i I k -DRAINlGE & UTILITY"" I I' EASEMENT PER PLAT \ I \ I -1- . \ I -< (' I ~ ,-<,()' ("~ ,v \\- 01 '\ 137.27 S89038'30"W DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT~ . ~ NORTHWEST CORNER LOT_ " 4, BLOCK 1, EASTWOOD I \ " SECOND ADDITION / \ ~ _2~ _ '=..-',->::-" ^ r'\r'\ITIr\I\ I I I I \.....:: I r, LJ LJ I I I V I 'I 'r\ IV r' ^ ::-"IAIr\r\r'\ L_'-'''''':: I v V V V LJ ,...'.... - ~ ~- - -1"0 o - - -.:!l....\- R/ MAIN-FIELD LOc I o - - ;- '_ A TED o \ "'I - -- ~ ~ ----~ \ '5.12 I,Kj Ws: -1 = om n:::!.'J _ O"l OfJ o 1-0 ZZ - cog o .t,')" I 0... N S? I") W X 0...1 " " I I "... 10 o ....Oz 3:0 ......- OU1~ -J<O- wo: W <( z,..: :i 0 ~z ...uo If) ou ~~~ 25 Scale: 1"=30' o o c:i f\ -1....'---- '-, _]<LOE> ---- /28.08 I"' ~ "' . '0 (" lO 0> . .,. o U) I I I )?~~ ~.,,{ .f: '- -r:~;) ~ N ( - NORTHEAST CORNER lOT 4, BLOCK I, EASTWOOD \ SECONU ADDITION \ o o ci ". -SOUTH LINE OF THE : \ NORTH 40.0Q, FEET -L _'11>-'" LOT 4 ~~ II~~ '-'~, ~3 <( u1 Ir >-... 1-- <( _ ...J ...Ja. ;:: ::>0: w "dla. w'" C)~ <(::; Zw ," <<u) ...." 0:<( "" Ow I "::::-/ 138.83 N89058'41"W - '\1.37/ / .- --SOUTH UNELOT 4, BLOCK 1, EASTWOOD SECOND ADDI liON ... Z LL' ... ::;z ww Ul::; <( ::> 0> l.&.JuN ~g~ 2~o ::>n.z I r\, L.V I ~, ,.... Page 2 of 2 James I I R. ; \ :.. w o ~ (j) o o C:J () () > > 1-- .~.. (,') <( LIJ () 1-- -7 L._ () 1-- C) C) <( 1-- C') ~ ij:::: Cl ..... LI- t>- r} --: ~ 9 I\;: Cl 01 Ci o (f) N n n n Hill, Inc. SKETCH AND For: . Jim Koestering . EXHJBlf ~Oi I \ ! I \ ; ! \ ~ ~ ~ , o r:.- Ii:) ::-- ' ^ r-. r-. I' I r\ 1\ I I I I "....:; I ,-\ LJ LJ I I I \J I 'I ,r\ IV PIXIE Ppll~l CIRCLE DESCRIPTION Homes I DRAINAGE & 1I11UTY EASEMENT PER PLAT ... '\' <, " ... ',' .' . I ,i 4 , ~ ~ .; ""l :1)1'. . I !' '~j\~~ . 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EXHIBIT C ..----'.-'.--....;:..--.-'~.-4--..'.---.~.~-..;.--.._.,____._____J....__.,.~... ._.__.._._.._..~. /- I I I I ~l , ~ T I I I I I t~ I J_ _ _ _ -L _ ~- b -~ .5 ~...~., .. ."",-,", Lot 4, Block 1, EASTWOOD SECOND ADDmON cERTiFICATE 'OF "'SURVEY JD,{ KOESTERmG HOMES - Cl&NT ADl>>las _ -- z~'!a.i!.s,..fril~IlP!~=- f~l .g' ~ ~;H:' lf~~ll~aiif::=l!-iff. u: ="1 a..~ l;"=r I!l j-.g. ~!i ~-8 ""'5l g'[i fl-:;;:!" sea S:~SlO,...;.~ Z U U:l:x:1a n""' u4'a. a' =-. CI CI . ~ ~~!~=~ ~g~~~~ itli I: -G.a ...~ '- ? ~,. n s-G"< crS"- N.aClCD" WI!! "l ~[~2P~af.lt~!t !i~f~~53~~~~ i!.~ t: ~cra.:tit"l u!!l[! un~("'P =<--Cl::: !::J f~ !"< Sit a s:g.. ~~.I'a !r ii:!fll g. Ejlih.:<' t= P h!i 9-; ;O~3" lY &.Ri -: tT II 0 - '..; Er Q~ -: ~i~~i.! ~ ~;~ sa. - (I ::1-:,,_ .~ "lill:c:1.tJ~ a. l~ 1 ~Pf!f8 hi 2.~ ~. _ g.- r~ P.tlG_- Ii- If 1fi\~~ ll-~""g- ~2. - 0 =i=-r~ Il - 10 i" --8:r- 1[- "< s- ;0_:. ~ it il.>llll ~8~a CT II Fa- lSl'l ~i il!s a;r~!i ~... ~2: ~ " 8,. ~ _Y I . 0 M'b!_ . a ~ r+ ... 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(tU)IIO.QM RESOLUTION Ol-023PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE TO REQUIRED 25' FRONT YARD SETBACK BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Jim Koestering, on behalf of the Kathy Allegrezza and Jerry Hein, has applied for variances from the Zoning Ordinance to allow a single family home to be constructed on property zoned R-ISD (Low Density Residential Shoreland District), located at 14934 Pixie Point Road, and legally described as follows: Lot 4, Block 1, Eastwood Second Addition, Scott County, Minnesota 2. The Board of Adjustment reviewed the application for a variance to the front yard as contained in Case #01-082 and held hearings thereon on October 22,2001. 3. The Board of Adjustment continued consideration of the variance request to November 13,2001. 4. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 6. There is a justifiable hardship caused by the existing 40' wide easement on the north side of the lot and the topography of the lot, so reasonable use of the property is not possible without the granting of the variance. 1:\01 files\O] variances\O 1-082\pcres 01-023pc.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 7. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 8. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 9. The contents of Planning Case File #0-082 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following requested variance: 1. A 3.3' variance to the front yard setback to permit the structure to be setback 21.7' from the front lot line rather than the minimum required setback of 25 feet. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on November 13, 2001. Thomas E. V onhof, Commission Chair ATTEST: Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\0 I files\O I variances\O 1-082\pcres 01-023pc.doc 2 ..~ PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SA CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN AND A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EAGLEWOOD EAST JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A NOVEMBER 13, 2001 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Merlyn Olson Homes has applied for approval of a development to be known as Eaglewood East on the property located south of CSAH 21, Y2 block north of Colorado Street, west of Duluth Avenue and east of W est Avenue. The application includes the following requests: · Approve a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan; . Approve a Preliminary Plat. The proposal calls for a townhouse development consisting of a total of 32 dwelling units on 4.536 net acres, for a total density of 7.1 units per acre. The proposed development includes 28 dwelling units 7 four-unit buildings, and 4 dwelling units in 2 two-unit buildings. The development also includes a private streets and private open space. Merlyn Olson Homes is the developer of this project. The application has also been signed by the current property owners, Lee Klingberg and Gary Staber. BACKGROUND: This site consists of a total of 5.003 acres of unplatted, vacant land. In July, 2001, the Planning Commission approved an exception to the minimum 10-acre requirement for a PUD in order to allow the developer to move forward with this application. This action does not guarantee approval of the PUD plan, in whole or in part. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: 1:\01 files\OI puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~r- Total Site Area: The total site consists of 5.003 acres. The net area of this site, less wetlands and existing storm water ponds, is 4.536 acres. Topography: The topography of this site rises 34' from the low point (the wetland) on the west side to the highest elevation, 964.6' MSL, at the center ofthe site. The property then slopes to the east to with an elevation of936' at Duluth Avenue. Vegetation: This site includes several trees. A tree inventory, however, identified a total of 297 caliper inches of significant trees, located mostly along the north side and at the center of the site. This indicates that the species of the trees along the west side of the property are not on the significant tree list. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The Tree Preservation Ordinance allows removal of 25% of the total caliper inches for grading and utilities, and removal of an additional 25% of the total caliper inches for building pads without tree replacement. Removal of additional caliper inches requires replacement at a rate of 1/2 caliper inch for each caliper inch removed. Initial calculations indicate tree replacement is required. Wetlands: There is a 12,737 square foot wetland located at the northwest comer of the site. The plans do not indicate any disturbance of this wetland. There is also an existing 7,601 square foot NURP pond located along West Avenue on the west side of the property. This pond will be expanded to handle additional runoff from the site. Access: Access to the site is from West Avenue on the west side of the property. There is an existing private street, Racine Street, which provides access to two houses at the southwest comer of the site. 2020 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for Urban Low to Medium Density Residential uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The property is zoned R-3 (Medium Density Residential). The western half of the property is located within the Shoreland District for Prior Lake. PROPOSED PLAN Density: The plan proposes 32 units on a total of 5.003 acres. Density is based on the buildable acres of the site, or in this case on 4.536 net acres. The overall density proposed in this plan is 7.1 units per acre. The maximum density allowed in the R-3 district is 7.2 units per acre. Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 32 lots for the townhouse units. The proposal also includes three outlots. Outlot A and Outlot C are the common areas for the townhouse lots. Outlot B is the private street. Building Styles: The proposed plan calls for a townhouse style development consisting of 2- and 4-unit buildings. Sample floor plans of these buildings are attached to this report. The plan includes 2 two-unit buildings and 7 four-unit buildings. The 1:\01 files\Olpuds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 2 -< townhouses are rambler or two-story lookouts with attached double garages. The exterior materials are vinyl siding with a brick accents. The building plans include decks on some of the units, but these decks are not shown on the site plan. Setbacks: The plan proposes a 20' setback from the private street, a minimum 25' rear yard setback, and a minimum 20' building separation (foundation to foundation) between the townhouses. The proposed setbacks are generally consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements, with the exception of the front yard. The minimum front yard setback in the R-3 district is 25 feet. The plan proposes a 20' setback, but the developer has not requested a specific modification to the setback requirements. The PUD provisions also requires the minimum setback between buildings be at least 1/2 the sum of the building heights. The developer must verify whether or not the proposed 20' separation meets this requirement. The building elevations submitted do not include a scale. The Subdivision Ordinance also requires that all building pads be located at least 30' from the 100 year flood elevation of any wetland or NURP pond. The unit identified on the plans as Lot 1, Block 7 does not meet this requirement. Lot Coveraf!e: The R-3 district allows a maximum ground floor area of 0.35. The ground floor area proposed in this plan is 0.20. Useable Open Space: The R-3 district also requires 600 square feet of useable open space per unit for cluster developments, which in this case would equal a minimum of 19,200 square feet. The proposed common area provides open space for this development; the calculations submitted by the developer indicate a total of 85, 372 square feet, which meets the minimum requirements. However, the proposed NURP pond and infiltration ponds must be removed from this calculation. Parkinf!: The proposal provides at least 2 spaces per dwelling unit, which is consistent with the minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. Each the units have two car garages, which provide the minimum parking requirement. The plan also provides 8 off-street guest parking spaces. The proposed private streets will not provide any on-street parking. Landscapinf!: Section 1107.1900 lists the landscaping requirements for this development. There are two types of landscaping required in this development. First, perimeter landscaping is required for the townhouse portion of the development with buildings consisting of 3 or more units at a rate of 1 tree per unit or 1 tree per 40' feet of perimeter, whichever is greater. Our calculations indicate a total of 68 trees are required for this site. Second, the developer must provide a landscape buffer along the south property boundary, and along the north property boundary. The bufferyard requirements on the south side of the property include a total of 16 canopy trees, 32 understory trees, and 48 shrubs. The bufferyard requirements on the north side of the property require 9 canopy trees, 18 understory trees, and 26 shrubs. 1 :\0 1 files\OI puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 3 "" .. The developer has submitted a landscaping plan that identifies 158 new trees. However, the plan does not provide enough information to determine whether it is consistent with ordinance requirements for size and species of the plantings. The ordinance requires at least 25% of the trees must be deciduous and 25% coniferous to maintain a mix of plant types. The ordinance also requires at least 20% of the plants must exceed the minimum sizes of 2 1/2 caliper inches for deciduous and 6' for coniferous. This requires deciduous trees be at least 3 1/2 caliper inches and coniferous trees be at least 8' high. The plan also does not indicate whether an irrigation system will be provided. Tree Replacement: As noted above, the applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 297 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. Based on the developer's calculations, the proposal removes 24% for road and utility purposes and 39% for building pads and driveways. The plan seems to include significant trees located on the right-of-way for CSAH 21. If these trees are in fact on the right-of-way, they should not be included in the tree inventory. The actual location of these trees must be verified. In any case, it appears some tree replacement will be required. Since replacement is required at a rate of 1/2 caliper inch to 1 caliper inch removed, at least 9 trees at 2 1/2 caliper inches per tree will be required for replacement. The landscaping plan includes enough trees to meet this requirement. Si~ns: There are no signs identified on this site plan. Li~htin~: There is no lighting plans included with this proposal. The developer should be required to provide streetlights on the private street. Streets: This plan proposes one new private street, which is an extension of Racine Street from W est Avenue to Duluth Avenue. This street will be maintained by a homeowner's association. Section 1004.415 lists the design criteria for private streets as follows: Private streets shall only be permitted in Planned Unit Developments, which have homeowner associations approved by the City. Private streets shall be platted as outlots, and shall be designed and constructed in the same manner as public streets; provided, the street pavement may be contained within the outlot and the balance of the street right- of-way may be contained within adjacent easements, provided that the combined width of outlots and easements shall not be less than the right-of-way, pavement width and easement requirements for public streets. The proposed private street is 32' in width. The preliminary plat does not identify easements adjacent to this street, but there a 20' setback between the buildings and the street, which would allow a 9' easement. In the attached narrative, the applicant has suggested the private street should be narrowed to 30 feet. Sidewalks/Trails: There are no sidewalks or trails proposed in this plan. 1 :\0 1 files\O I puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 4 Parks: This plan does not include any parkland dedication. The required dedication would be approximately 12 acre, which is not large enough for any kind of public park. Dedication requirements will be satisfied by a cash dedication equal to $1,685.00 per unit. Sanitary Sewer and Water Main: Sanitary sewer and water main will be extended from the existing utilities located in West A venue and in Duluth Avenue. The extension of these lines is primarily within the proposed private street. Storm Sewer: The plan proposes to manage storm water runoff through a storm sewer pipe located within the private street. This storm sewer directs runoff to the NURP pond located on the west side of the property. The City Engineering staff is reviewing the storm water calculations to ensure the pond is adequately sized to manage the runoff. , Traffic Impact Report: The developer has submitted an elementary traffic impact report (TIR) for this development. This study indicates the proposed development will add a total of 280 daily trips to the adjacent streets. The report states that the trips will be equally distributed to the streets adjacent to the east and west side of this site. A copy of the TIR is attached to this report. .." Phasing: The developer is proposing to complete this project in three phases. All ofthe infrastructure will be completed in the first phase. The individual townhouses will then be constructed starting on the east side and working to the west. The developer has not submitted an anticipated completion date. ANALYSIS: PUD Preliminary Plan: The PUD must be reviewed based on the criteria found in Section 1106.100 and 1106.300 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 1106.100 discusses the purpose of a PUD. These criteria are discussed below. (1) Greater utilization of new technologies in building design, materials, construction and land development. The developer is utilizing standard construction and design practices for the townhomes. The lookout style of the buildings utilizes the natural grades of the site where possible. (2) Higher standards of site and building design. Same as above. (3) More efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities to support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. 1 :\01 fiJes\O I puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 5 A homeowner's association will be responsible for the maintenance of the private street, including plowing and future repairs. This reduces City costs in providing services to these homes. (4) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The common open space on the site will be available to all residents of the development as passive open space. (5) Provides a flexible approach to development which allows modifications to the strict application of regulations within the various Use Districts that are in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The density and variety of housing units is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals to provide a variety of housing styles. (6) Encourages a more creative and efficient use of land. The PUD allows a narrower street right-of-way, which in turn, reduces setbacks and preserves open space. (7) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics including flora and fauna, scenic views, screening and buffering, and access. The plan provides screening from the adjacent single family homes and the adjacent County road. (8) Allows the development to operate in concert with a Redevelopment Plan in certain areas of the City and to insure the redevelopment goals and objectives within the Redevelopment District will be achieved. This criteria is not applicable. (9) Provides for flexibility in design and construction of the development in cases where large tracts of land are under single ownership or control and where the users) has the potential to significantly affect adjacent or nearby properties. The use of the PUD allows the use of private streets. (IO)Encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. 1:\01 files\O 1 puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 6 There is no public park dedication proposed within this development. The developer's narrative states walking paths and a small playground are part of this proposal, although these elements are not shown on the site plan. Section 1106.300 states the quality of building and site design proposed by the PUD will enhance the aesthetics of the site and implement relevant goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the following criteria shall be satisfied: (1) The design shall consider the whole of the project and shall create a unified environment within the boundaries of the project by insuring architectural compatibility of all structures, efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, aesthetically pleasing landscape and site features, and efficient use and design of utilities. The design creates a unified environment in that all of the buildings will be constructed of similar materials. The extension of the existing private street allows for efficient movement of traffic. The landscaping plan, meeting the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, will also enhance this area. (2) The design of a PUD shall optimize compatibility between the project and surrounding land uses, both existing and proposed and shall minimize the potential adverse impacts of the PUD on surrounding land uses and the potential adverse effects of the surrounding land uses on the PUD. The landscaping on the site will minimize the impact of the use on the adjacent properties. (3) If a project for which PUD treatment has been requested involves construction over a period of time in two or more phases, the applicant shall demonstrate that each phase is capable of addressing and meeting each of the criteria independent of the other phases. The infrastructure, including the roads and the utilities, will be constructed with the first phase. The remaining phases will consist of construction of the buildings. (4) Approval of a PUD may permit the placement of more than one building on a lot. This is not applicable. (5) A PUD in a Residential Use District shall conform to the requirements of that Use District unless modified by the following or other provisions of this Ordinance. a. The tract of land for which a project is proposed shall have not less than 200 feet offrontage on a public right-ol-way. b. No building shall be nearer than its building height to any property line when the property abutting the subject property is in an "R-l" or "R-2" Use District. 1:\01 files\O 1 puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagJe pc.doc Page 7 c. No building within the project shall be nearer to another building than ~ the sum of the building heights of the two buildings, except for parking ramps which may be directly connected to another building. d. Private roadways within the project site may not be used in calculating required off-street parking spaces. The modification requested by the developer include the following: . The use of private streets . Reduced front yard setbacks on the private streets. These modifications are permitted under the PUD provisions at the discretion of the CounciL Preliminary Plat: The preliminary plat generally meets the standards of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, there are two major issues relating the preliminary plat. The first issue is the dedication of additional right-of-way for CSAH 21. The Scott County Highway Department has requested an additional 15' of right-of-way along the north boundary of this property for future highway improvements. The attached letter from Bryce Huemoeller, the attorney for the developer, addresses this request. The City Attorney has also reviewed this request and the letter from Mr. Huemoeller and has commented, via the attached e-mail, that any dedication requirements must have a rational nexus to the project, and must be roughly proportional to the benefit received. The City Attorney has suggested the County buy the right-of-way at this time, or enter into a dialog with the interested parties to facilitate an equitable solution. A second issue is the intersection of the private street (Racine Street) and Duluth Avenue. This intersection is too close to the intersection of Duluth Avenue and CSAH 21 to allow for stacking and future CSAH 21 widening, so this access should be eliminated. The developer can provide a cul-de-sac or a turn-around on the east side of the property. . Staff Recommendation: There are several outstanding issues, which must be addressed. The first major issue is the need for additional right-of-way as discussed above. Whether or not this right-of-way is dedicated affects the design of the development. This issue should be resolved before the Council approves a preliminary plat. The second major issue is whether the PUD process is appropriate for this development. The primary justification for a PUD appears to be the use of the private streets. A cluster development of this type is permitted with conditions in the R-3 district, so a similar development with public streets could be done without a PUD. Finally, the third issue is the extension of Racine Street to Duluth Avenue. This intersection should be eliminated as recommended by staff. This issue, as well as the remaining issues, are primarily design issues that can be addressed with the final PUD plan and the final plat. If the Planning Commission finds that the PUD process is appropriate for this development, the staff would recommend the following conditions be attached: 1:\01 files\OI puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 8 1. The access to Colorado Street must be eliminated and Racine Street must be designed with a cul-de-sac or a turn-around on the east end. '2. The unit identified as Lot 1, Block 7, must be located at least 30' from the 100-year flood elevation of the NURP pond, or it must be eliminated. 3. The setback between the townhouse buildings must be at least ~ the sum of the building heights of the two buildings. The building elevations must be submitted to scale to identify the height of the buildings, and the site plan must identify the setbacks. 4. The site plan and the building plans must be revised to show all decks and porches. 5. Th7 tree inventory and preservation plan must be refined to indicate whether the trees along the north side of the property are located on the property or on the County road right-of-way. If necessary, the plan must be revised to include any additional tree replacement required. 6. Revise the landscaping plan to meet the requirements of Section 1107.1900, and specifically to identify the size of the proposed plantings: The plan must also identify how the bufferyard requirements are being met. The landscaping plan must also identify the necessary replacement trees. 7. Provide an irrigation plan. 8. The calculation of usable open space must be revised to eliminate the area for new storm water ponds. 9. A drainage and utility easement must be provided over all of Outlot B. 10. The plat must identify the drainage and utility easements over the wetlands and storm water ponds. 11. The items outlined in the memorandum from the City Engineer, dated August 1, 2001, must be addressed prior to the final plat. 12. All necessary permits from other agencies must be obtained prior to any grading on the site or prior to final plat approval. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed PUD Preliminary Plan and Preliminary Plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the PUD Preliminary Plan and the Preliminary Plat subject to the above conditions. 2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. 1:\01 files\O 1 puds\eaglewood pre pud\eagJe pc.doc Page 9 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #2, in order to allow time to discuss the CSAH 21 right-of-way issue. If the Planning Commission feels the item can proceed at this time, a condition requiring this discussion prior to the City Council meeting should be included. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second continuing the public hearing to December 10, 2001. EXHIBITS: 1. Reduced Copy of PUD and Preliminary Plat Plans 2. Developer's Narrative 3. Letter from Scott County Highway Department 4. Letter from Bryce Huemoeller and Response from the City Attorney 5. Engineering Comments 6. Finance Director Comments 7. TIR 1:\01 files\Olpuds\eaglewood pre pud\eagle pc.doc Page 10 t.., V) ~ '. r:q ~ !-,~ ~a ll.;a ~~ ~k:l ~o-.:j ;.iG ~~ -I C> z mg ~u~~ is.. 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I Ii - -;- - - - - -1--- ~=~-=~ 000 =--- ~ j "-;i==" ~ , a 1 ~= 1I:: 01 I I !!if :: CD' I 1:1_ :: I , In: I , L_____~I , I ' c I ' ~ H : i ~ ell I a i= , : .-------- L=r=== ill l' H 1I U (1--------0:.. , I I I __ I , I . I L________-' 1[__:::11 L______, U _c----~-----c~ --~,=_=J' I ,--- --, I I 1 , I , I j , I .. = I I U I '" c 1 ..2 I I I , , ,-- I i c I , - . ~ OJ ~ '" ---1 I.!'l () J OFFICE (952) 226-6022 6715 Featherstone Drive, Savage, MN 55378 June 28, 2001 City of Prior Lake Planning Commission 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Dear Planning Commission Members: We respectfully submit, attached with this letter, our Preliminary PUD Application for a proposed town home development. Since 1984, Merlyn Olson has been building custom single family, twin homes, and townhomes. While the majority of our work is local, we are also currently building twin homes and recently completed low income, 6-plex townhomes in Blooming Prairie, Minnesota. We are a small company, which prides itself on quality and meeting the needs of the homebuyer. The property we propose to develop (5.003 acres, including wetland area) is currently zoned R3 therefore, no rezoning is necessary. It is located on the South side of County Road 21 between Duluth Ave. SE on the East and West St. SE on the West (Section 3). : Due to the size of the plat, we have requested an exception to the 10-acre requirement (Sectidn 4). We believe this property is ideally suited for moderately priced town homes appealing to young families and empty nesters. It's close proximity to downtown Prior Lake and the lake itself provides recreation, library, restaurants, and a variety of other shops - all within walking distance. Our preliminary plan includes: 1. Eight 4-plex buildings, and one 3-plex building of between one and four bedrooms each (35 units total). a. Units can be either 2-story or one level, rambler style. b. Many units will have walkout lower levels. c. Each unit will have it's own 2-car garage. d. Front elevations and interior floor plans are attached as Section 6. e. Units will be marketed at between $165,000 and $195,000. 2. Buildings will be located along a gently curved, private road. 3. The plan includes guest parking for 8 vehicles (noted on the Survey),. and a playground located near the guest parking area. 4. The neighborhood closest to the development is to the South, along the North side of Colorado Ave. SE. The plan includes a natural buffer between this property and these neighbors (see Landscape Plan, Section 10). 5. The property will be developed in four phases. Construction will begin on the East side and proceed Westward as units are sold. The first phase includes construction of the private road, infrastructure, and buildings 1 and 2. The first building will be used for model homes. We estimate Phase I to be complete in 8 to 9 months after the permit is issued. Subsequent phases will be developed under separate PUD's as units are sold and, depending upon market conditions, should be complete within 24 to 36 months. 6. Construction will begin as soon as the PUD is approved and building permits have been issued. We anticipate construction will begin in September 2001. 7. A Townhome Association will maintain common areas (Section 13). 8. Proposed Covenants are included with this application (Section 12). 9. The roadway inside the development will be private and maintained by the Townhome Association. It will exit onto Duluth Street and West Avenue. 10. Mailboxes will be grouped in sets of 8 and located along the North side of the road between buildings. 11. Most of the drainage and storm water will be directed to the storm water pond area. 12. Sewer and water will tie in with existing lines on Racine Street SE, and/or Colorado. 13. Grading will conform to most adjacent topographies to minimize the need for retaining walls. 14. An inventory of significant trees on the site is included with the application. We plan to remove 30% of the caliper inches of significant trees for the street "and infrastructure, and 27% of the caliper inches of significant trees for the construction of town homes (see Section 11). 15. A list of neighbors within 600 feet of this proposed development is included as Section 14. We will hold a public meeting with the neighbors to discuss the project. We welcome open discussion with our project neighbors and hope to gain their support through positive dialogue. The following information is referenced throughout the attached Land Use Application Form. We invite your questions and suggestions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 1Y+-7/~ Merlyn Olson, President Merlyn Olson Homes, Inc. Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com 2 City of Prior Lake Land Use Application Subdivision Name (proposed) "Eaqlewood East" Developer Merlyn Olson Development Company, Inc. 6715 Featherstone Drive Savage, MN 55372 Current Land Owners Lee Klingberg, 952/447-2557 17833 Panama, Prior Lake Gary Staber, 952/461-2356 25275 Verqus Ave., New Prague Surveyor Valley Survey SEmON 5 16670 Franklin Trail, Suite 230, Prior Lake Building Designer Merlyn Olson Homes, Inc. SEmON 6 6715 Featherstone Drive, Savaqe, MN 55378 Site Engineer Halling Engineering, Webster SEmON 7 . Soil Testing Instant Testing Company, Eagan SEmON 8 Wetland Delineation Report Aquatic EcoSolutions, Golden Valley SEmON 9 Landscape Designer Gerten's Greenhouses, Inver Grove Heights SEmON 10 General Contractor Merlvn Olson Townhomes, LLC Construction Financinq Prior Lake State Bank Existinq Zoninq Classification R3 . Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com 3 Total Acreaqe 5.003 acres 10-Acre Exception Request Due to the size of this plat, we've included with this application a request for an exception SECTION 4 to the 10-acre requirement. Wetland Area 0.2924 acres Watershed District Permit Application filed June 20.2001 Number of proposed townhomes 35 Number of proposed buildings 9 Number of parking spaces 4 per unit 2 inside each garage, 2 in each driveway Number of proposed guest oarkinq spaces 8 Proposed Private Road Name Racine Street SE Usable Opell Space 89,647 square feet (600 Sq. ft. per unit required) (excludinq pond and wetland areas) Unit Price Ranqe $165,000 to $195,000 Finished Sauare feet per unit 925 to 1770 square feet ; Proposed Protective Covenants Developed by Huemoeller & Bates, SECTION 12 Attorneys at Law, Prior Lake Utility Location Underground within a 10-foot easement along the private road. Erosion Control - Site Development . See SHEET C1, ENGINEERING REPORT . Site improvements will begin at the time the Preliminary PUD is approved - ideally about August 1st. . Erosion will be controlled with the use of silt fencing along all areas disturbed. . Integrity of the silt fence to be inspected and repaired, if necessary, by Merlyn Olson SECTION 7 Townhomes personnel dailv. Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com 4 Erosion Control - Building Construction . See SHEET C1, ENGINEERING REPORT . Foundations for the first two buildings will be started as soon as permits are issued - ideally September 1st. . Areas disturbed by construction will be fenced off using silt fence. . Additional foundations will be started as the first two buildings are completed and sold - one at a time. We expect construction to proceed at a rate of one SEmON 7 building approximately every 10 weeks. Temporary Soil Storage . Soil and dirt stockpiles resulting from excavation will be stored on site to be used for back-filling and final grading. . Erosion control measures will be used as described below. Tree Preservation Plan By Merlyn Olson Homes, Inc. SEmON 11 Tree Replacement . The Landscape Plan calls for the addition of 24 trees to replace those removed for construction. i . Tree species and location are identified on the Landscape Plan. . The size of replacement trees will be as SEmON 10 required. ! Townhome Association . Structure and registration by Huemoeller & Bates, Attorneys at Law, Prior Lake . The Association will be in place before SEmON 13 occupancy beqins. Neighbors within 600 feet List compiled by Scott County Abstract & Title SEmON 14 Shakopee Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com 5 ...._... .._.~._...._......d~....._...""...._.., ......._,._.._~-'. ... '__ ERLYN OLSO H 0 M E Ucense #3162 6715 Featherstone Dr ve, SEP 2 4 2001 .--' ' -._..~ .....---- ----,.-... --." : OFFICE (9 5 2 )-22 6-6 0 2 2 Savage, MN 55378 September 24, 2001 City of Prior Lake Planning Commission 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Additional Comments: Prooosed Townhome Proiect - Eaalewood East Dear Planning Commission Members: To the best of our knowledge, three issues remain with respect to the proposed town home project referenced above. Please consider these additional comments as part of our total application. 1. Proximity of exit onto Duluth to County Road 21. We believe the best use of the private road inside the project is to have an exit at both ends. If proximity to County Road 21 is a concern, we could limit traffic to a right turn only in, right turn only out at that intersection. Alternately, if the Oty and County reject any exit onto Duluth from the private road, we offer as an option to dead-end the private road at Duluth providing a "T" turnaround South of the building on the East end of the project. ' 2. Width of orivate road and watershed district comments. Recent comments suggest that the private road be reduced in width to 30 feet. This would reduce storm water runoff and would prohibit on-street parking, thus improving safety by eliminating obstructions caused by street parking for those backing out of townhome parking spaces. We ask that this change be considered as part of our application. 3. Increased right-of-way for future exoansion of County Road 21. We acknowledge the Oty's suggestion that we provide for an increased right-of-way along County Road 21 and will be discussing this request with our attorney. We will respond to this request by week's end. Thank you. Sincerely, r11~O~6b Merlyn J. Olson, President Merlyn Olson Development Company " Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com .J ERLYN OlSO H 0 M E Ucense #3162 6715 Featherstone Dr ve, "~..," -~..-::--.__._- 11; ..!; 1:1:-- Ii SCP 18,2001 H :;.j ~. . L_. _.. __. OFFICE (952) 226-6022 Savage, MN 55378 September 19, 2001 Oty of Prior lake Planning Commission 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Prooosed Townhome Proiect - Eaalewood East Dear Planning Commission Member: This letter, and the accompanying materials, addresses the omissions (identified by Jane Kansier in her letter of July 10) to our Application for Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plans for Eaglewoocl East STATEMENT SHOWING HOW THE PUD WILL MEET THE STATED GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PUD PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE (SEmONS 1106.100 AND 1106.300). Watershed Requirements: As designed, this development meets the NEW Watershed District requirements for collection and retention of run off. Effident Use of Streets and Utilities: This proposed townhome project utilizes existing services effidently with minimal infrastructure construction and neighborhood disruption. The private street inside the development joins and uses the existing section of Radne Street; utilities will tie into stubs located on Racine and Colorado; storm water will be diverted to an existing collection pond. Creative and Efficient Use of Land: The project is a creative use of 3 separate parcels of land now owned by unrelated individuals. Combining these parcels and developing a town home community is a positive and beneficial project for the people of Prior lake. This project enhances an existing neighborhood by providing attractive townhomes for first-time homeowners and empty nesters. Preservation of Desirable Site Characteristics: The attractive nature of the buildings, the clean look of the development and the integration of natural beauty already on the site compliment the park across the street and provide a pleasing "welcome" to those traveling east into town on County Road 21. The design and landscaping of this project create moderately priced residences and an aesthetically pleasing place for people to live dose to the Oty. Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com ,. Construction Phases: Since the project involves multiple phases (as shown on the MAP), we have decided it will be more cost effective and less disruptive to construct infrastructure elements in their entirety before construction of buildings commences. Each phase involves the complete construction of buildings within that phase, one building at a time. As units are sold, additional buildings within that phase will be started and completed before subsequent phases are begun. Unified Environment: All structures will be constructed using the same materials building to building. Design of individual buildings is somewhat dependent on whether the buyer contracts for a rambler style or 2-story style townhome. The architectural drawings clearly show the elevations of each type of structure. The townhome community concept includes all elements in a single block. The private road (Radne Street) will extend from its current location eastward to Duluth Avenue. Buildings will be located on either side of Radne. Parking, walking paths and a small playground are all part of the Proposal. Neiahborhood Impact: Since this project is on a relatively isolated piece of property, impact on the surrounding neighborhoods will be minimal. Construction activities will be confined to the job site. Buffering (see Landscape Plan) will provide a natural barrier between the new development and the existing neighborhood to the South. Residential Use District Requirements: We believe this project meets all the requirements of the Residential Use District for R-3 development. Access for Existing Homes alone Radne Street: Access to Racine Street for the existing homes will be provided via easement. i We are hopeful that this additional information completes our application and that your review can proceed without delay. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, ~ Merlyn J. Ison, President Merlyn Olson Development Company ( '-' .....i ""-. ._. , i .__ ,~_~_u -..--.._-1 Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com Land Surveyors Planners Valley Surveying Co., P. A. (612) 447-2570 Suite 230 16670 Franklin Trail S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 October 17, 2001 Area calculations prepared for: EAGLEWOODEAST City of Prior Lake Scott County, Minnesota PLAT AREA DENSITY: Gross plat area Proposed units = 32 Total wet land area Net plat area 5.003 acres = 217,937 sq. ft Gross Density = 32/5.003 ac = 0.4669 acres = 20.338 sq. ft 4.5361 acres = 197,592 sq. ft Net Density = 32/4.5361 ac = 6.3962 D\U ac. 7.0545 D\U ac FIRST FLOOR AREA RATIO: Total First floor area = 39,316 sq. ft. = 0.9026 ac./5.003ac. = 0.1804 percent Net First floor ratio = 0.9026 ac./4.5361ac. = 0.1990 percent IMPERVIOUS COVE~iRATIO: Area impervious cover = Roadway, Driveways, Parking Lots and Buildings. Impervious area = 81,447 sq. ft. = 1.8698ac./5.003ac. = 0.3737 percent Area calculations prepared by: Ronald A. Swanson, Land Surveyor Minnesota License Number 10183 Our file no. 9286 0- - o ~ ~\ r ~ t ;: 'r;!:....:;:.::: ~ ':i i :;H;i:; ~~l';. I '! ',:!l' I 'I ~ : ~: I; t \ ~. ~>,tdlni:f:I;;~ . 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COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER July 26, 2001 Jane Kansier City Planner City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Subject: Eaglewood Preliminary Plat and Preliminary POO SE Corner ofCSAH 21 and Duluth Avenue Dear Jane: We have reviewed the preliminary plat for the Eaglewood development and offer the following comments: . The plat does not reflect two recorded highway easements for CSAH 21 on the existing western two lots that are a part of this plat. The easements should be shown on the plat, per document number, before it is recorded. . The right-of-way along CSAH 21 should be increased to accommodate future improvements to CSAH 21, such as turn lanes and median. Please keep in mind that any road expansion would affect the south side of CSAH 21 more than the north side because of topography and curve of the road. Therefore, we are requesting a minimum 60 feet of right of way from centerline be dedicated along CSAH 21. We would also accept the additional 10 feet in the form o~ a County highway easement to be recorded with the County. This request for additional right-of-way conforms to the County's 2020 Transportation plan. In the plan traffic forecasts show CSAH 21 betw~en CSAH 82 and TH 13 will be congested under the current design within 20 years. To alleviate the congestion, the plan recommends that CSAH 21 be improved to a four-lane divided road. The 60 feet of right-of-way from centerline is the absolute minimum to accommodate a four-lane divided road with turn lanes. It may not accommodate sidewalks, utilities, or trails successfully If additional right-of-way is not planned for now and obtained with this development, the County will be approaching property owners in the future about acquiring parts of their backyards not long after this development has been established. Anyone purchasing these homes should be made fully aware of what will happen in the future with CSAH 21 and all the related effects it could have on their homes. . The proposed road for the development will exit onto Duluth A venue approximately 100 feet south of the intersection with CSAH 21. Duluth Avenue is classified as a collector road, and we expect conflicts with stacking on Duluth Avenue as traffic volumes increase. There would also be conflicts if the intersection of Duluth Avenue and CSAH 21 were to be signalized in the future. To reduce the potential conflicts with the intersection of CSAH 21 and Duluth Avenue, we would recorinnend that An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer Eaglewood Page 2 the proposed road at Duluth Avenue be designed as a right-inlright-out only at this time, or as a future right-inlright-out when intersection improvements are made. This would require a center median along Duluth Avenue. Another recommendation would be using the property that extends to Colorado Street for a one way road designed as an exit only. The access on Duluth Avenue then could be designed as an entrance only. + No berming, landscaping, signage, or ponding shall be permitted in the County right-of-way. + Any work in the County right-of-way shall require a County utility permit. + Any increase in drainage entering the County right-of-way shall require a detailed stormwater analysis to be submitted to the County Engineer for review and approval. Would it be possible for us to be involved during the concept plan process for developments adjacent to County roads? We believe early involvement is key to good communication and timely resolution of issues related to developments such as this. The more open communication will not only promote a smoother development review process it will build a stronger partnership between the City of Prior Lake and Scott County. Sincerely, 4!:P Transportation Planner Email: Sue McDermot, Prior Lake Engineer - ERLYN OLSO H 0 M E Ucense #3162 6715 Featherstone Dr ve, OFFICE (952) 226-6022 Savage, MN 55378 October 16, 2001 City of Prior Lake Planning Commission 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Prooosed Townhome Proiect - Eaalewood East EXPLANATION OF ACCESS TO PARCELS ADJACENT TO SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PROJECT Racine Avenue is a 16.5-foot private road that runs along the south line of the project for a distance of 250 feet from West Avenue. The easement that established Radne Avenue as a private road is contained in a quit daim deed that was filed for record in 1977 as document 16362. Racine provides access to two properties - a single family house owned by Ronald Anderson at 16215 West Avenue, and a duplex owned by Gerald Senechal at 4351 and 4353 West Avenue. Although the Anderson house lies adjacent to the easement, it also has a driveway access onto West Avenue and does not appear to' regularly use the private easement. The 16.5-foot strip that is subject to the private road easement will be part of the common elements of the project and will be owned in fee by the Eaglewood Homeowners Association. The transfer of the common elements to the association will be subject to the existing easement rights in deed 16362. The preliminary plat shows that the private street running through the project from West Avenue to Duluth Avenue crosses over the private road easement. This street will be paved and appropriate curb cuts will be provided for , access to the house and duplex. There will be no interference or restriction on the right of the house and duplex to use the easement for access purposes. In fact, the easement to the house and duplex will be enhanced since the street will be paved with proper storm drainage, and the association will be responsible for repair and maintenance. In summary, the design of the project is consistent with and preserves the private easement, known as Racine Avenue, that provides access to the house and duplex. Respectfully submitted, ~~o~ Merlyn J. Olson, President Merlyn Olson Development Company . Office (952) 226-6022; Fax (952) 226-6023; E-mail: info@merlynolsonhomes.com HUEMOELLER & BATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 67 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Telephone: 952.447.2131 Facsimile: 952.447.5628 E-mail: huemoellerbates{@.aol.com OCT I 2 200/ __ uO..__ __._._.._~_ BRYCE D. HUEMOELLER JAMES D. BATES ALLISON J. GONTAREK OF COUNSEL: CHARLESC.HALBERG October 12, 2001 Ms. Jane Kansier Prior Lake Planning Coordinator 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Eaglewood East Dear Ms. Kansier: I am writing at the request of Merlyn Olson Development Corporation ("MODC") concerning two issues that have arisen in connection with the pending application for preliminary plat and PUD approval that is scheduled to be considered by the Prior Lake Planning Commission on November 13, 2001. BACKGROUND Eaglewood is a planned community containing 32 townhomes on a site consisting of 5.003 acres. The project is being reviewed as a planned unit development under the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. The site abuts the south right-of-way line ofCSAH 21 between West and Duluth Avenues. The site is a consolidation of 4 separately owned parcels of record. The underlying zoning of the parcels is R-3, Medium Density Residential. ISSUES The issues that I would like to address in this letter are as follows: 1. The extent to which MODC can be required to dedicate 15 or more feet of additional right of way for CSAH 21 to accommodate anticipated increases in traffic volume that are unrelated to the impact of the proposed development. .. Ms. Jane Kansier Page 2 October 12, 2001 2. Alternatives for dealing with the access of the development onto Duluth A venue. DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL CSAH 21 RlGHT OF WAY It is our understanding that the Scott County Highway Department has commented on the proposed development pursuant to Minn.Stat. S505.03, Subd. 2(b), as follows: "The Scott County Transportation Plan forecasts this segment of CSAH 21 to be congested by 2020 and recommends a capacity improvement from 4 lane undivided to 4 lane divided. Additional right of way should be dedicated for a total of 65 feet from the center of CSAH 21." Implementation of the recommendation of the Scott County Highway Department will have the following impact on the project and the 2 easterly parcels within the project: 1. The setbacks from the modified right of way will substantially reduce or eliminate the building pads for up to 2 buildings. 2. The loss of the right of way will materially reduce the density of the entire project. 3. The expanded right of way will cause a loss of infiltration areas needed to implement the stormwater management plan for the project. In general, the expansion of the right of way 15 or more feet into the property is financially devastating for the project as a whole, and for at least 2 of the separate parcels that comprise the project. Accordingly, we request that the City consider the following in response to the recommendations of the Scott County Highway Department: 1. The comments of the Scott County Highway Department are made pursuant to Minn.Stat. S505.03, Subd. 2(b), which provides as follows: "The county engineer's review shall be limited to factors of county significance in conformance with adopted county guidelines developed through a public hearing or a comprehensive planning process with comment by the cities and towns. The guidelines must provide for development and redevelopment scenarios, allow for variances, and reflect consideration of city or town adopted guidelines." Ms. Jane Kansier Page 3 October 12,2001 We would ask the City to consider the following with respect to the County's comments: A. While the traffic issues on CSAH 21 are generally referred to in the Scott County Transportation Plan, there is not a specific timetable set out in either the plan or any other document, such as the 5 year capital improvement plan, for actually expanding CSAH 21. Accordingly, it does not appear that there is in fact an "adopted county guideline developed through a public hearing or a comprehensive planning process" that is being implemented in this instance. Furthermore, if the Scott County Transportation Plan were to be construed as such a "guideline", it does not provide for "development and redevelopment scenarios" or "allow for variances" so as to prevent one parcel, such as this project, from bearing an inequitable portion of the cost of dealing with the increased traffic. B. It is also not mandated or required that the City conform to the recommendations of the Scott County Highway Department. In Minn.Stat. 9505.3, Subd. 2( c), it simply requires that City and County representatives "meet to discuss the differences and determine whether changes to the plat are appropriate prior to [mal approval." Under the circumstances, it would appear that the City should reject the recommendation of the Scott County Highway Department with respect to the expanded right of way, and provide the reasoning at the meeting called for by the statute. 2. The recommendation of the Scott County Highway Department raises a significant constitutional concern. Both the federal and state constitutions require that plat dedications pass a two part test. First, ihere must be a connection between the dedication and the project. Second, the dedication must bear a "rough proportionality" or "reasonable relationship" to the proposed development's impact. In this case, the dedication is neither connected to the project, nor is it proportional to the impact of the project on the public road system. The only connection between the project and CSAH 21 is fortuitous timing, in that the project is being constructed before Scott County began condemnation to expand the CSAH 21 right of way. The dedication is "disproportionate" because the apparent need for the additional right of way has already been established without regard to any impact at all from this project. If Scott County wants additional right of way from this land, it should buy it, and the cost of the additional right of way should reflect the impact on the parcels from which the right of way is being taken. However, to demand the additional right of way now irrespective of the actual impact of the project on the projected traffic for CSAH 21 is unlawful. - Ms. Jane Kansier Page 4 October 12,2001 3. The recommendation does not consider other options, such as the following: A. Table 4.1 of the Scott County Transportation Plan states that the width of a 4 lane divided highway with a "minimum urban section" is 120 feet (not 130 feet as stated in its comments). This would reduce the taking to 10 feet rather than 15 feet. B. The recommendation does not consider other scenarios such as taking more right of way from the north side of CSAH 21 where the impact on the land will be less. (C) The recommendation does not consider using the PUD process or variances to mitigate the negative impact of the dedication on the project and underlying parcels. Reduced setbacks, increased density, permitting the use of dedicated right of way for screening and stormwater infiltration areas, and similar ideas, should be included in the recommendation to comply with Minn.Stat. 9505.03, Subd. 2(c). Based on the foregoing, MODC requests that the City disregard the recommendation.ofthe Scott County Transportation Department and not require the dedication of any additional right of way for the expansion of CSAH 21. ACCESS TO DULUTH AVENUE In response to the concern expressed with respect to the access from the project onto Duluth Avenue, MODC intends to retain a consulting traffic engineer to evaluate the recommendation and to suggest alternatives that could include the following: 1. A "right in, "right out" access onto Duluth Avenue. 2. An entrance into the project from Duluth A venue with the easterly exit from the project being via the strip running south to Colorado Street. SUMMARY In summary, MODC requests that the City Planning Staff recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council as follows: 1. The recommendation of the Scott County Highway Department with respect to the expanded right of way for CSAH 21 is excessive and will constitute an unconstitutional taking ofland that should not and need not, pursuant to Minn.Stat. 9505.03, Subd. 2(c), be followed. .. . , Ms. Jane Kansier Page 5 October 12, 2001 2. The project can be approved with minor alterations to the easterly access that will avoid the traffic concerns raised in the report of the Prior Lake City Engineer. Sincerely yours, BDH:jd cc: Merlyn Olson Development Corporation Jane Kansier From: Sent: To: Subject: Jane Kansier Wednesday, November 07,2001 8:37 AM Bud Osmundson; Don Rye; Sue McDermott FW: Eaglewood East For your information on the Eaglewood East development. Please let me know if you have any comments. I am writing my agenda report today. Thanks, Jane -----Original Message----- From: Suesan Pace [mailto:space@halleland.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:41 PM To: smcnellis@co.scott.mn.us Cc: DRye@cityofpriorlake.com; FBoyles@cityofpriorlake.com; JKansier@cityofprior1ake.com Subject: RE: Cell tower jt. pwrs. You're welcome. Sue, I have another matter that hopefully you can help me with. The City has received an application for a plat and CUP. The City sent a copy of the plat application to the Scott County Engineer for review and comment. The comments the City received back indicated that the County would like the City to require the developer to dedicate an additional 15' easement for future roadway improvements. I do not have any information about whether the improvements are in your CIP or if there has been any preliminary design or engineering work done that justifies the need for the additional 15 feet. In light of the County's comments to the subdivision application, the developers retained Bryce Huemoeller, as counsel to assist them in this matter. I'd like to suggest that we arrange a meeting between the developer and the Scott County and Prior Lake staff to discuss what the actual amount of land needed for the future project will be. I will send you a copy of Mr. Huemoeller's letter to City Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier. ~It is my opinion that if the County is going to need property for a project sometime in ~ the future, it is better to get the land now, before it is developed. But any dedication requirements requested by the City must have a rational nexus to the project and the amount of the request must be roughly proportional to the benefit received. If the City requests the developer to dedicate an additional 15 foot easement, the City exposes itself to a takings claim. Obviously, we need to avoid the possibility of that occurring. Hopefully an active dialogue among the interested parties will facilitate some equitable resolution. One possibility is the County acquire the ROW. As you will see when I transmit Bryce's letter, he comes up with several creative 1 ~ . .1\ .'--- .",......,... ''';-, - .". .-.:---". 'd" . ,..."......-..:... '. ,--.,. -, ...,- .,........--..-..:...::,.., ~:.,::'_: ,,: :,': """':"".', .'._' ::", ::',',-___: ': ": -:-' -.-: '::','-,' -:C',::"'" ',_,',. _..... n ,". ulll DATE: August 1, 2001 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator FROM: Sue McDermott, City Engineer)' it.Q RE: Eaglewood East (Project #01-42) The Engineering and Public Works Departments have reviewed the preliminary plans for the subject project and we have the following comments: 1. The east intersection at Duluth is too close to CSAH 21 to allow for stacking, future CSAH 21 widening, etc. 2. Drainage and utility easements must be provided for the water and sanitary sewer mains. 3. The Scott County Transportation Plan forecasts this segment of CSAH 21 to be congested by 2020 and recommends a capacity improvement from 4 lane undivided to 4 lane divided. Additional right of way should be dedicated for a total of 65 feet from the center of CSAH 21. 4. The utility plan is difficult to read. Use design standards as outlined in the Public Works Design Manual. 5. Maintain a minimum of 10' of horizontal $eparation between sanitary sewer and water main. 6. Add 8" gate valves and hydrants per the Public Works Design Manual. 7. Add a manhole to the storm sewer to maintain the alignment within the street. 8. Sewer and water services are to be located outside of the driveways. Curb boxes are to be located 10' behind the curb or right of way line. 9. Provide a pavement section design. The typical section shown is the City's minimum requirement. 10. Add a manhole to the sanitary sewer to maintain the alignment in the center of the street. 11. If the watermain extension is to be constructed as shown on the plans, an easement will be required from the property to the west for both construction and maintenance purposes. 12. All 1" x 6" water services shall have saddles. .. G:\PROJECTS\200 1 \42eaglewood\REVIEWl.DOC ~ I f / ~ . 13. Maximum driveway width at the right of way line is 24 feet. 14. Provide a drainage and utility easement around the pond at the northwest corner of the site. 15. A retaining wall is needed on the south side of the street where it connects to Duluth Avenue. There appears to be a 4 ft. drop to the existing grade. 16. Change the storm apron invert to match the NWL of the pond (929.64). 17. The storm pipe section from the street to the pond should be moved west to provide 10ft. separation between the pipe and the building. 18. Show a more defined swale to drain water from the backsides of the buildings on Block 8 (east side) and Block 9 (west side). 19. Add a 3 ft. sump to CB 1. 20. A temporary construction easement is required for off-site grading of the road (south side) on the west end of the project. 21. Change the watermain depth to a minimum of 8 ft. cover over the top of the pipe. 22. Add Class 52 to the watermain pipe on the profile view. 2 DATE: October 10,2001 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator / FROM: Sue McDermott, City Engineer r RE: Eaglewood East (Project #01-42) The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject preliminary plat and has the following comments: 1. Hydrology: The existing drainage area on the east side of the project is drawn incorrectly. It should extend further to the south through the existing homes. 2. Grading Plan: The proposed 938 & 940 contours need to be shown on the west end of the project. 3. Grading Plan:. The 940 contour needs to be tied off along the south property line, east side. f 4. Grading Plan: The back of units on Lots 1 & 2, Block 1 and Lots 3 &4 of Block 2 should be raised to 942.0 to provide a 2-foot freeboard above the adjacent 940 contour. 5. Grading: Maximum driveway width at the right of way line is ~4 feet. 6. Utilities: Add 6" gate valves and hydrants per the Public Works Design Manual. 7. Utilities: Add a manhole to the storm sewer to maintain the alignment within the street. 8. Utilities: Change all class of RCP storm sewer, 18" diameter and less, to Class V. 9. Utilities: Change the storm apron invert to match the NWL of the pond (929.64). 10. Utilities: The utility plan is difficult to read. Use design standards as outlined in the Public Works Design Manual (stationing, etc). 11. Utilities: Call out 8" sanitary sewer on profile view. 12. Utilities: Add a structure between CB2 and MH3 for 400' maximum spacing between structures. 13. Plat: A temporary construction easement is required for off-site grading of the road (south side) on the west end of the project. 14. Plat: Provide a drainage and utility easement around the pond at the northwest corner of the site. . G; \PROJECTS\200 1 \42eaglewood\REVIEW2.DOC ~ 15, Scott County has issues with the spacing between the access onto Duluth Avenue and CSAH 21. I will forward the comments as soon as I receive them. - 2 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: PLANNING/ENGINEERING Ralph Teschner, Finance Director EAGLEWOOD EAST - preliminary (assessment/fee review) July 11,2001 TO: FROM: RE: A 5.0 acre parcel in 2-114-22 (PIN #250050270 & #25902 1210 thru 123 & 25902 1250 thru 127) is proposed to be platted into Eaglewood East. The property was initially served with sewer and water utilities in 1972 under Project 72-7. Under the original assessment roll this property was assessed 100% for sewer and water trunk acreage and lateral charges. Since utilities are available to the property site, the cost for the extension of services internally will be the responsibility of the developer. In addition to these improvement costs, the subdivision will be subject to the following City charges: Park Dedication Collector Street Fee Stormwater Management Fee $1685.00/unit $1500.00/acre $2943.00/acre The application of these City charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net lot area calculation of 3.85 acres of townhouse units (includes net deduction of 1.15 acres for ponding, wetland & road right of way.) as provided within the site data summary sheet of the preliminary plat description. Cash Park Dedication: 35 units @ $1685.00/unit = $58,975.00 Collector Street Fee: 3.85 acres @ $1500.00/ac = $5,775.00 Storm Water Mana2ement Fee: 3.85 acres @ $2943/ac = $11,331.00 These charges represent an approximate cost of $2,174.00 per lot for the 35 proposed townhouse units within Eaglewood East Addition. Assuming the initial net lot area of the preliminary plat does not change, the above referenced cash park dedication, collector street and stormwater charges would be determined and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. - 16200 E3g1e Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER H: IS PLlTSIEaglewood.doc @{f;:ng inee~i1tlJ 3727 255th Street E. Webster, MN 55088 ~ Phone (612) 461.3320 ~ (PAX.,b("$'),d bl' r:;/1p date'~ subject ~k ~oJ. (i..,,..J.o,....r sheet uo I ofL vby datez ~~~ flc,.~-S' job DO . -~. i -, ~ --. .. 't-... -:. . --- ......--.......--.. .!. _.!... .. . .1. . - . .- I I :.. ~. ~. .. ~. I I . .. ... - 1-' .. .. . J. L. t. l. .'. l' , , ., - , '1 i , -, I t "1" - , .. _... . , . I , ' 'r.,J"f -r .~ - ;.1 I . , . I . J. . _.~ I .. . i I AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 6A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER VARIANCES TO A STRUCTURE SETBACK LESS THAN 75' FROM THE OHWM, A FRONT YARD SETBACK LESS THAN 25', A SUM OF SIDE YARDS LESS THAN 15' , EAVE ENCROACHMENT LESS THAN 5' TO SIDE YARD, A 66' BUILDING WALL SETBACK, AND IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA GREATER THAN 30%, Case file #01-080PC DAVID & RACHEL NORLING 15239 FAIRBANKS TRAIL NE STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES NO NOVEMBER 13, 2001 The Planning Department received a variance application from the property owners for the construction of an attached garage, a second story addition, and a main level room addition to an existing single-family dwelling on a nonconforming platted lot of record located at 15239 Fairbanks Trail. At the October 22,2001, public hearing, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report, heard comments from the applicant, and discussed the Variances requested. The Commission determined that a revised survey with additional correct information was needed to make a decision, and continued the public hearing to the next scheduled meeting date of November 13, 2001. The additional information required includes the existence of a 15' sanitary sewer easement granted to the City of Prior Lake that was not depicted on the survey, and correct information regarding the existing and proposed structures as submitted with the Variance request. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DISCUSSION: As of the date of this report, November 6,2001, the applicant has not submitted the additional information with a revised survey. Staff contacted the applicant for a progress report and was told the survey contractor had not completed their research on this project. The applicant requested additional time to acquire the requested information. The applicant has been notified that the new information must be received no later than November 16th, in order to be on the agenda for November 26,2001. The Planning Commissions deadline to take action on this request is January 4, 2002, or 120 days from the date of submittal of a complete application. The last scheduled public hearing date before January 4th is December 10, 2001. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the Planning Commission continue the public hearing until the next scheduled meeting date of November 26,2001, to allow the applicant time to acquire the additional information and revised certificate of survey. ACTION REQUIRED: The staff recommends alternative # 2, table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose to allow the applicant time to provide the additional information. This requires the following motion: 1. Motion and second to continue the public hearing until the next scheduled date of November 26,2001. L:\O 1 files\O 1 variances\01-080\VR5.doc Page 2