HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 8, 2008 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, MAY 8, 2000 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-027 (continued) Mark and Robin Buenz are requesting a road access elevation variance for the construction of a single family dwelling for the property at 14513 Glendale Avenue. B. Case #00-021 (continued) Northwood Oaks LLC is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for the project known as Northwood Oaks Estates 2nd Addition, for the property located on the west side of North wood Road north of Hawk Ridge Road. C. Case #00-030 Consider an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relating to the requirements for fences located within the front yard. D. Case #00-035 Consider an Amendment to Sections 1101.400, 1102.306, 1102.405, 1102.505, 1102.605 and 1101.503 ofthe Zoning Ordinance relating to the definition of a building face, the required sideyard setback for structures with walls exceeding 40 feet in length if the RS, R-I, R-2 and R-3 Districts, and allowed setback encroachments to the required lakeshore and bluff setbacks. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Discussion for Comprehensive Plan - Density. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: 16200 L:\09FII.BS\OOPl.CQMM\OO~J\G~G050809.00c . Eagle ueeK Ave. ;:'.1:.., t"nor LaKe, MInnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -' PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2000 1. Call to Order: The April 24, 2000, Planning Commission meeting was called to ord Cramer at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Crame Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, and Horsman. 2. Roll Call: Vonhof Criego Cramer Atwood St meeting to Monday, May Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\MN042400.DOC 1 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 4A CONSIDER A VARIANCE FOR VEHICULAR ACCESS BELOW THE MINIMUM REQUIRED ELEVATION OF 907.9 FEET; AND A VARIANCE TO THE 75 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER ELEVATION OF 904 FEET, Case File #00-027 MARK AND ROBYN BUENZ 14513 GLENDALE AVENUE STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DON RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR _X_ YES _ NO MAY 8, 2000 The Planning Department received a variance application for the construction of a single family dwelling with attached garage. The public hearing was opened on April 1 0, 2000. The agenda item was continued to the April 24, 2000 meeting. This item was then continued to May 8, 2000, due to a lack of quorum on April 24th. The following variances are being requested: 1. A variance of 4.12 feet to permit vehicular access to be 903.78 feet rather than 907.9 feet as required to be not more than 2 feet below the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE) of 909.9 feet [City Code Subsection 1105.203]. 2. A 46 foot variance to permit a structure setback of 29 feet from the Ordinary High Water Elevation (OHWM)of 904 feet rather than the minimum setback requirement of 75 feet [City Code Subsection 1104.302(4)]. DISCUSSION: Lot 4, Block 1 Oakland Beach 5th Addition, was platted in 1976 (Exhibit A Survey). The property is located within the R-1 (Low Density Residential) and 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER the SO (Shoreland Overlay) districts. The subject lot (parcel 2) is adjacent to a remnant lot (parcel 1 ) that is riparian. The applicant has purchased both lots on a contract for deed from the original owner of record, Joseph Whitney, who resides at 14492 Glendale Avenue SE. The subject lot is approximately 86 feet wide and 172 feet deep with a total lot area of 18,526 square feet. The remnant lot (Exhibit B Plat) is approximately 5,663 square feet in area and is not a buildable lot and is considered to be joined with the subject lot and the two parcels become an individual parcel for the purpose of this Ordinance [1101.501 (C) Lot Provisions]. The proposed structure is 52 feet wide at the garage end, 70 feet long, and 22 feet wide at the porch/deck end (approximately 2,121 square foot area). It has a three-car garage with a one stall tuckunder from the second story. The proposed floor plan includes three bedrooms and two baths on the second floor, an office, laundry/utility rooms, in addition to common rooms such as the kitchen, dining and great room area on the main floor (Exhibit C Building Plans). The main floor level is a slab on grade with no below grade basement area. The proposed lowest floor elevation is 911.16 feet, which is 1.26 feet above the required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation of 909.9 feet. The proposed impervious surface area is 20%, well within the maximum allowable impervious surface area of 30% (Exhibit 0 Impervious surface worksheet). An alternative building site exists on the lot by moving the structure toward the street and to within 15 feet of the south lot line and out of the shore impact zone. This should increase the structure setback from between an estimated 7.57 - 10 feet to approximately 36.57 - 39 feet from the OHWM, rather than 29 feet as proposed. In addition, the garage area could be redesigned to add to the setback an additional 1 0 feet, increasing the setback to approximately 46.57 - 49 feet, and with minor house revisions an additional 1 - 3 feet could be added to meet a 50 foot setback. A small retaining wall may be needed at the south property line to maintain the 910 elevation (909.9') surrounding the structure as required by City Code Subsection 1105.401 Permitted Uses. In the revised site location and garage/house redesign the driveway slope shall not exceed 10% grade elevation from the slab to the street. Another alternative is to move the structure to within 10 feet of the south lot line. This option may eliminate the house redesign, but will require a redesigned garage and trigger a third variance to the side yard setback because of the 70 foot long building waJI that requires a minimum 15 foot side yard setback (70' - 40' = 30' X 2" = 60"/12" = 5 feet + 10 feet = 15 feet). In addition, permission from the neighboring property owners to grade their lots to maintain the 910 foot elevation surrounding the structure would be required. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\OO-027\00027PC3.DOC Page 2 The City Engineering Department has reviewed this Variance request and responded that Glendale Avenue is a public roadway which is not in the 5 year capital improvement for reconstruction. Patrick Lynch with the Department of Natural Resources has submitted written comments on this request (Exhibit E DNR letter). In essence, the DNR believes in this particular case, because of the "existing homes on Glendale Avenue that do not have the required roadway access elevation, and because of drainage issues created by bringing Glendale Avenue into compliance, the DNR is not opposed to the requested access below the required 907.9 elevation. The DNR recommends a plan be developed to address how emergency personnel, and the home owner, will access the property during flood conditions. Regarding the second variance for a 29 foot setback to the OHWM of 904 feet, the DNR suggests the need for redesigning the home and garage, as well as, moving the home toward the south property line to increase the lake setback to no less than 37.5 feet, and out of the shore impact zone. Attachments: Exhibits A, B, C, D, E. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. 1. The public road elevation and vehicular access is a condition over which the applicant has no control. In addition, raising the road will affect drainage and may increase potential flooding on neighboring properties. 2. There is an alternative building site on the subject lot which will increase the proposed lakeside setback out of the shore impact zone but not eliminate the need for some form of setback variance for the lot to be buildable. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. 1. The existing vehicular access elevation is peculiar to the subject lot and adjoining properties. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\OO-027\00027PC3.DOC Page 3 2. The property is an existing platted lot of record with a location and elevation peculiar to this site and surrounding area. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. The variances to vehicular access and lakeshore setback are necessary for the lot to be buildable and preserve a substantial property right of the owner. 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The granting of the requested variances will not impede these stated values nor endanger the public safety provided an emergency management plan is prepared. 5. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the requested variances will not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood, or diminish property values or impair health, safety and comfort of the area. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. As an existing platted lot of record the granting of the variances is not contrary to the intent of the Ordinances or the Comprehensive plan as long as all other Ordinances are met. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. Without the requested variances the lot is unbuildable for a single family residence. A har:dship exists and the variances are required to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. . L:\OOFI LES\OOV AR\Oo-027\00027PC3.DOC Page 4 The public roads elevation and the lots proximity to the ordinary high water mark are existing conditions and not a result from the actions of the owners of the property. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for g'ranting a Variance. The existing conditions of the subject lot require the need for the requested variances, and financial considerations alone 'are not grounds for granting of the variances. RECOMMENDATION: The staff believes that all of the Variance criteria have been met with respect to Variance (1) vehicular access elevation, and to Variance (2) structure setback to the ordinary high water mark, with the condition that an alternative building site location be found and by redesigning the structure to meet a 50 foot lake shore setback out of the shore impact zone. In addition, staff recommends four conditions be met by the applicant prior to building permit approval and issuance for the subject lot: 1) Combine the subject lot with the adjacent remnant lot in common ownership with one property identification number (PIN) and legal description to create one parcel, with proof of recording at the county; 2) year round occupancy of the property be subject to submittal of an emergency management plan to be approved by the Police Chief and Fire Chief; 3) all Resolutions adopted by the Commission shall be recorded and proof of recording be submitted, along with the City Assent Form, to the Planning Department; 4) submission of a revised survey with a minimum structure setback of 50 feet from the ordinary high water elevation of 904 feet. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings denying the variance requests. L:\OOFILES\OOV AR\OO-027\00027PC3.DOC Page 5 ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second adopting Resolution #00-007PC approving a Variance of 4.12 feet to permit a vehicular access elevation of 903.78 feet rather than 907.9 feet as required to be not more than two feet below the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation of 909.9 feet; and a 25 foot Variance to permit a structure setback of 50 feet rather than the required 75 feet from the Ordinary High Water Elevation of 904 feet. L:\OOFI LES\OOV AR\OO-027\00027PC3.DOC Page 6 RESOLUTION 00-007PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 4.12 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A VEHICULAR ACCESS ELEVATION OF 903.78 FEET RATHER THAN 907.9 FEET AS REQUIRED TO BE NOT MORE THAN 2 FEET BELOW THE REGULATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION OF 909.9 FEET; AND A 25 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A STRUCTURE SETBACK OF 50 FEET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 75 FEET FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER ELEVATION OF 904 FEET. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Mark & Robyn Buenz have applied for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a single family dwelling located in the R-1 and SD (Shoreland) District at 14513 Glendale Avenue, and legally described as follows: Parcell: That part of Section 30, Township 115, Range 21, Scott county Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly right of way line of the 33 foot road in Boudin's Manor 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County, with the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the East and West quarter line running through said section, with the Government meander line; thence in a straight line and in a Northwesterly direction to the most easterly comer of Lot 5, in said Boudin's Manor 2nd Addition, and said line there terminating, said last described line to be hereinafter referred to as the "Court Judgment Line": thence southeasterly along said "Court Judgment Line" a distance of 331.04 feet, more or less, to the shore of Prior Lake; thence westerly and northwesterly along the shore of Prior Lake to the southeasterly right of way line of said 33 foot road in Boudin's Manor 2nd Addition; thence southwesterly along said right of way line to the point of beginning. Parcel 2: Lot 4, Block 1, Oakland Beach 5th Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Scott County, Minnesota: 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for Variances as contained in Case File #00-007PC and held hearings thereon on April 10, 2000, and on May 8, 2000. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-027\appres.doc 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fIre, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of the subject property's location in relation to lakeshore and the existing road elevations for access of the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fIre, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. The pre-existing lot of record does not meet the current Ordinance for minimum vehicular access elevation and lot elevation in the R-S District. This situation creates an unbuildable lot and a hardship with respect for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. 6. There is justifIable hardship caused by vehicular access elevation and lot elevation required today and the platted lot of record. Reasonable use of the property does not exist without the granting of the variance to permit a buildable lot for a single family dwelling. 7. The granting of the Variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 9. The contents of Planning Case File #00-027PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance for the proposed structure as shown in Exhibit A: 1. A 4.12 foot Variance to permit a vehicular access elevation of 903.78 feet rather than 907.9 feet as required to be not more than 2 feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation of909.9 feet. 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-027\appres.doc 2 2. A 25 foot Variance to permit a structure setback of 50 feet rather than the required 75 feet from the ordinary high water elevation of 904 feet. The following are conditions which must be adhered to prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed structure: 1. Combine the subject parcels in common ownership with one property identification number and legal description to create one parcel, with proof of recording at Scott County. 2. Submission of a revised survey with a minimum Structure setback of 50 feet to the ordinary high water elevation of 904 feet, and to be in compliance with all other Zoning Ordinances. 3. Year round occupancy of the property is subject to submittal of an emergency management plan to be approved by the City Police Chief and Fire Chief. 4. The variance must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department within 60 days. The resolution must be recorded and proof of recording submitted to the Planning Department. An Assent Form must be signed and, pursuant to Section 1108.400 of the City Code, the variance will be null and void if the necessary permits are not obtained for the proposed structure within one year after adoption of this resolution. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on May 8, 2000. ATTEST: Mark Cramer, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\OOfiles\OOvar\OO-027\appres.doc 3 Glendale Avenue O~Ir~ S /VD /'7'"ft ~~'" XOOS.191 ~D'D' ~ X905. 2 ~ tl N ~~~a~~;;,:~==~- l 1000 EAST 146lh STREET, BURNSIIILlE, YORWAY HOMES PROJECT NO. 9477.00 BOOK 2. 'JCl PAGE I" <I- 17 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Legal Description: LOT 4, BLOCK 1, OAKLAND BEACH 5TH ADDITION, SCOTT COUNTY. MINNESOTA. ~h~ DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (1IQ.~ DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION .. INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE "~:l3 : ~~~~~~T G~~g~ ~f,.I~~ATlON "1/1,16 = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION 911, Ie. == M,tJ1/II Fi4!J1< - GV18 cW t;;/41J:!: ctEv/177iJ,<./ SCALE: 1" = 40' BeAl~ IIIM/!.: IJ1I/:t t() ff W€s-r tip IfIOST J<ll!smuy UT t!tJR. 7, = 9tJ1, ~8 IJPDR~: 11-513/ GLeNO/ILE AVcNVE ~T.4!?01 = I~ 52t, S~ n: ~ Mol = 2/21 S<? IT . 0 ~i-'rfr.?:'''J ~rf' /~. . 1", 'i~ \fI~' tfi'fr . - ~ !'-' m~ 00- .r-- r'l~ r--b o z 166.21 S82'52'11"[ '" " : r"', -r" -7 '-- '''' , \.1 FND. /.P. /(1J/J.'''''.72. r:' l~) ~ I~ ~~ P/?t)f?6ctJ & la. 0) /~." FT I"~~,?f~/.!. C "N'7t1uR 20 t:S it :~Iif;\ '...01 .. i~1 ~ ~~ r (- -''' I I I I I I 1_- "'''' I I EXHIBIT A I hereby certify that this is a true Jlnd correct representation of a tract as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me this ~ day of JANt/4R.Y , ZOOo _ f6/1SlV :5-II-ZL)!:Jt) . ADP Sc~ R>P.!:I{ -'N? or;cL It ~ M~ P{?4~HCb fzl".O) C!..M/~':tL ~u..u~f' /. . Minn. Reg. No. 190B" A2tVAI:1 ffcvft, I~ FT. FP#t ~€.' /?ev~tl 4-b-'Zb~ : Al'I7 9()4 ~C' ~~.. $G78,4ctt: l'1S'T_ RI!/(8; ffp~ ;,W;e EUVA77~ . ,PlY/S'&? J.ZtJ-tJo : /loP 11WN P~/2.- SlA6tN Gl!Arl'6 ~tcvA77"'o1/. " I}. '..J ;- ,'" ;~ .: ..1 I' I C' .- ., .. - \1 } '.1 . :., (I I.A. . ~'((h . .". ;~ 0 .4 I ,f- "'. I ~~ / J I f/.J;~. / ~ I) L-C....~L u3:~.~::~~;'1 '/ / "3 '3:J'v'N 1~~a:1 ^-LI, I..l.n .02. ---- ~--------- ~ o :# /'": ~ ON \ ~ .1 ~ ff~ : ~ , \ ~t J _ ~ 2 \ \ 8~Z~ f:' 'l'Ao - - - ~:;;~~~~-=-=~=~- - ~ -'3~TrtCX>N- -. . . ^ ~~.\ ,~ ~ \ ~).. \ V ~.t :~(). \: .. ~)~. r. :~ .~~ ';~, ~ ~ j ~ III ,t t\J Z \ ,'t. ~~ ~ ~ ... , ~ ~Z \ <~ \ ~:~.~~ 2 ~VO \ ~ \ l.-~ ~ ~ ,,<7 \ .~~ ,,~~~. .~~ "oJ ()~ ~ 1- I '\ ..~ ~ } ~I ~ . .J I ~~ ~ · . \ 'o<i!. . I i~ ~ ~ ~ -z. c:;c'rO~\ ~J :1 -' ~O~ ,.,.._L7...~,:'JN ~~i"l ~r.. '.. L~'~L\--" ,:.I. '-l", -' ~ P)? (, 0 ~ - "3 L'Z,<Oo1 . J-~...."3 fJ / . .,,/ ,~/C::"/I.~~!: :'Ii / " _ __~~ __ I __ ... 0() ~- - ,., . , , i<t: , ~I ... . r . u i'1 <! w (J) ,., <, 0 "f __ z 4: .J :t g It o \uJ '.2 - .J ~ ~ "'" j ~2 . , 0 Z ". 'll - , I \,/ rr: ... 't- - '" - :E: -. >< 7Wq, '." . cc.. c;. 'O~ r- - ~'\ I .. , .. ,. , \.... ....) ... .UJ II~ J. I'r-J ~r iJ' tJ~ :.p , , \ o o q A , , I -"'L- - I ." t,JJ .....- ,. '" \ I. f . J ' \...... .-1 t- - m - :L >< W o .; ~ ~~ ...... ;- _ J. -.. .;'-'J ~ - ,~.. -- .~. 'EXHIBIT P .. -...... ... ell Y OF PRIOR LAKE Impervious Surface Calculations' '" " . .<ro. be ~ubmitb:d with B~iJding Permit AppUc:atiorV. .. . . For All Prop~~es. Located in the Shoreland District (SD). The Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Peniiitted hi 30 Percent Property Address /$'/~/ 'Gt6V~ k~t/G Lot Area ' / ~ 6" ~ Sq. Feet x 30% =' ......~.~..... 55""S 7, 8. ' *****~****************************************~************************* . '. . .... . .. .' HOUSE LENGTH wm'ffi SQ. FEET x x. . x. = AITACHED GARAGE = TOTAL PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE__n DETACHED BLDGS (GarageiShed) 2/V . . ," . - '-- ..... X:.. . ' x, TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS.._____.. #.4 ~RIVEW ;y)A VED AREAS (Driveway-paved or not) (SidewaJklParking Areas)' x X. X = IZ,J~ = == TOTAL P A YED AREAS..__...._.___.___. /'2J'tJ ECKS X. ,x == --1 gf) .7 == x == . .. TOTAL DECKs ," . ':,:~-.: ,'" .:' ....:J~lX7 .. OTHER - ~Cttee:P po(lC14 I~ X Lt- X == /~B = TOTAL OTHER....._ .......Tl...'1 ...... ...1. aa /68 I '374'1. 7 I L /$.t'$, / ( J - 4-- ZoOO 43'Z-~t'oO TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ~VER. . L~aredBY . I ~ It.:. CompanyY~L ~~.;..'~.~.~-:e~. PeI(~&J - ~-II~"ZtxJIJ: Np ;~? . Date Phone if SENT BY: DNR METRO; 4-18- 08:20AM; 6127727573 => 6124474245; #112 " ( \ EXHIBIT E .~ ~jnnes()ta Depnrtlnent of Natural Resources Metro Waters- 1200 Warner Road. St. Paul. MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (651) 772-7910 Fax; (651) 772-7977 April 17. 2000 \'-0 : ~~ Ve f-\ CJ( $~~'"- "f* (~E.~- ~7 C-, Mr. Steve Horsman City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 ':H-:' '-'t:~. L~ }J L.~\ K=--p u r -r/""" ~-~ lrl d I:: .I Mark and Robyn Buenz Variances. Lot 4, Block I, Oaldand Beach S. Addition, Prior Lake R.E: Dear Mr. Horsman: I have reviewed the information sent to me relativc to the subject zoning matter. and offer the follo~g comments on behalf ofthe Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: With exception of the variance requested for minimum vchicular access below elevation 907.9', the proposal appears to comply with the provisions of the city's floodplain zoning ordinance. Under many circumstances, DNll recommendation in cases such as this is the elevation of the public road to bring the building site in to compliance with required floodplain regulations. Each variance, however, is reviewed 01\ its own meriu. In this particular case, however, bcc:ause of the number of existing homes which front Glendale Avenuc and do not bave the required roadway access elevation. and because of drainage issues which would render bring the existing Glendale Avenue in to compliance, DNll is not opposed to the requested variance from the floodplain requirement of vehicular acass no lower than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation. If the lake were to rea.chflood stage7 the proposed home would be an island7 surrounded by approximately five feet ofwatet. It is rec;omm.endcd a plan be developed to address how fire. police. ambulance, or other emergency personnel, as well as the home owner, will access during flood_ It would be appropriate that such a plan be written for all homes on Glendale Avenue which would face similar access issues. To avoid paying flood insurance, the homeowner may be required (by a lender) to apply Cor and receive a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) acknowledging the home has been elevated in compliance with the city's floodplain ordinance.. I note that some of the fill proposed to elevate the site encroaches in to the adjoining property to the north. Does the applicant own or otherwise have authorization to place fill on that parcel? The second variance requested is for setback from the ordinary high water mark:. The drawing which accompanied the hearing notice indicates a minimum sctbadc of 29 feet to OHW, measured from the northeast comer oCthc proposed garage. I scaled offa setback closer to 23 feet from the garage to OHW. nNR InfMlI1lJI kill: 651-2~6-6157 · I-RNH-646..(i-'1I7 . Try: 651 ,l9()-:'i..U~4 · l-lSOO-C'l57. ;9~~) A" E4ual OpPl1rlllllily ElllplIJy.:r WillI V;llll~' f.)i~t'".i,y o Pnnled on Ilte':y<;led Papoo. (:1 "''''Kling a MInimum ul 10% Posl.t:'lr1"'''''''' Wall. SENT'BY: DNR METRO; 4-18- 08:20AM; 6127727573 => 6124474245; #2/2 ....., April J 7. 2000 P8Be 2 Please check this to ensure the setback proposed is accurateJy depicted on the survey. The proposed home encroaches in to the shore impact zone. If the home were redeSigned with the garage on the southwest portion of the Jot. the lake setback could be ina-eased significamJy. Also, sliding the entire house south toward the south property boundary would also increase the setbacle. DNR recommends alternatives be explored which increase the 1ake setback to no less than 37.5 feet. the shore impact zone. Finally, J believe there is a typo on the survey. The width of the west side of the garage is shown u 52.0 feet on my drawing. Should this read 25.0 feet? Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed variance. Please advise me of the outcome or any hearing on this matter. Hyou have any questions, please call me at 651-772-7917. r~relY. __ _. {~~Lk..::L~ Patrick 1. LM m Area Hydrologist ~, PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4B CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS NORTHWOOD OAKS ESTATES 2ND ADDITION JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A MAY 8, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Northwood Oaks, LLC., has applied for a Preliminary Plat for the property located on the west side of Northwood Road, north of Hawk Ridge Road and south of Arctic Lake. The preliminary plat consists of 23.96 acres to be subdivided into 33 lots for single family residential development. BACKGROUND: In 1997, the City Council approved a preliminary plat for the development known as Northwood Oaks Estates. The approved preliminary plat consisted of 34.15 acres subdivided into 46 lots for single family dwellings. In April, 1998, the City Council approved a final plat for the first phase of this development (the area south of Hawk Ridge Road). The final plat included 18 lots and one outlot. The outlot, which was to be Phase 2 of the project, is 23.96 acres, and was originally to be subdivided into 28 lots for single family development. This preliminary plat consists of Outlot A of Northwood Oaks Estates 1st Addition. By reconfiguring the lots, the developer has removed four of the lots from the Arctic Lake Shoreland District, thereby reducing the required lot area. This also enabled the developer to increase the number of lots in Phase 2 to 33. Since the number of lots is greater than that approved by the original preliminary plat, a new preliminary plat is required. ' The Planning Commission considered this preliminary plat on March 27, 2000. At the time, critical information was missing, incomplete, or incorrect. The Planning 16200 Ek~PJi~~~bA~~.rCS~!!~DfS?rlst'r>R~cM\ffnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612)aff47-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER to " Commission tabled action on this preliminary plat to allow the developer to submit the necessary information. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site area consists of23.96 acres. Topography: This site has a rolling terrain with elevations ranging from 980' MSL along Northwood Road to 910' MSL along the wetland. The site also includes about 11 acres of steep slope (20% or greater) in the northwest comer of the site. Vegetation: The northwest comer of the site is very wooded. The area directly adjacent to Northwood Road has historically been cropland. Development on this site is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements ofthe Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: There are two wetlands on the site totaling approximately 2.33 acres. The largest wetland is 2.06 acres in area and is located in the northwest comer of the site, just south of Arctic Lake. The 0.3 acre wetland is also located in the northwest comer of the site directly south of the larger wetland. The developer is not proposing to fill or disturb the wetlands on the site. Access: Access to the site will be from Northwood Road and from Hawk Ridge Road. Zoning and Land Use Plan Designation of Adjacent Property: North: The property to the north is zoned both A (Agriculture) and R-l (Low Density Residential). This property is also located within the Arctic Lake Shoreland District. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan designates this property for R-LIMD (Low to Medium Density Residential) uses. South: The property to the south is zoned R-l and is developed with single family lots. This property is designated for R - LIMD uses. East: Across Northwood Road are single family dwellings, zoned R-ISD and designated for R-LIMD uses. West: The property to the west is developed with large lot single family dwellings, and is located outside of the Prior Lake city limits. This property is zoned "Infill" on the Scott County Zoning Map for Spring Lake Township and is designated as "Urban Transition" on the Scott County Comprehensive Plan. PROPOSED PLAN 2020 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for R-LIMD uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. I :\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoak2\noak2pc3 .doc Page 2 Zoning: The property is zoned R-1, which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation. The property is also located within both the Prior Lake Shoreland District and the Arctic Lake Shore land District. l&t.s.i The preliminary plat consists of 23.96 acres to be subdivided into 33 lots for single family residential development. The proposed lot areas range from 12,746 square feet to over 100,000 square feet. Lots 1-4 are located in the Prior Lake Shoreland District. The minimum lot area for these lots is 12,000 square feet, and the minimum lot width is 86' at the front building line. All ofthese lots meet the minimum requirements. The remaining lots are located within the Arctic Lake Shoreland District. Arctic Lake is a Natural Environment Lake, so the minimum lot area is 20,000 square feet, and the minimum lot width is 100' at the front building line. In addition, the comer lots must exceed the minimum lot area and lot width by at least 20 percent. Comer lots therefore must be at least 24,000 square feet in area and 120' wide at the front building line. Revised lot area calculations have been submitted. The proposed lots appear to meet the minimum lot area and width requirements. Streets: This plan proposes three new public streets. Lake Bluff Circle is a 320' long cul-de-sac providing access to 6 lots on the north end of the plat. This street is designed with a 50' wide right-of-way and a 32' wide surface The street also has a 5.7% grade. Shady Cove Point is a 560' long cul-de-sac located to the south of Lake Bluff Circle. This street provides access to 12 of the lots. It also has a 50' wide right-of-way and a 32' side surface, and a 7% grade. This street exceeds the maximum length of a cul-de-sac (500') required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Lake Haven Court is located south of Lake Bluff Circle and is a 360' long cul-de-sac providing access to 9 of the proposed lots. This street is designed with a 50' wide right- of-way, a 32' wide surface, and a 2% grade. Finally, four of the proposed lots have access from Hawk Ridge Road, and one lot, Lot 33, has access from Northwood Road. SidewalkslTrails: There is a sidewalk located on Northwood Road adjacent to this property. In addition, the plan provides an 8' wide paved access to the stormwater pond located in the northwest comer of the property. This access is intended for maintenance of this stormwater pond. Parks: There are no parks located within this site. At the first preliminary plat, it was determined that parkland dedication for this development would be a cash dedication in 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoak2\noak2pc3.doc Page 3 lieu of land. The dedication requirements for this site were paid at the time the first final plat was approved. Sanitary Sewer: Sanitary sewer will be extended from the existing sewer located on the north side of this plat. The sewer line will be extended through this property to each cul- de-sac. Water Main: Water main will be extended from the existing water main located in Northwood Road. The water main will be extended in each of the cul-de-sac. Storm Sewer: This site generally drains north and west to the large wetland at the northwest comer of the site. Shady Cove Point and Lake Bluff Circle are designed so runoff drains to catch basins located at the end of each cul-de-sac. Storm sewer then directs the runoff to a stormwater pond located along the east edge of the larger wetland. Runoff on Lake Haven Court drains to a catch basin at the end of the cul-de-sac. Storm sewer then carries the runoff to a sediment trap located adjacent to the smaller wetland. The developer has submitted revised stormwater calculations for this site. These calculations indicate the design of the storm system is satisfactory. Tree Replacement: The developer has submitted a revised Tree Inventory and Removal Plan, consistent with the grading plan, which identifies a total of 3,490 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. The Zoning Ordinance allows a total of 25% of the caliper inches of significant trees to be removed for the development of roads, utilities and drainageways. The ordinance also allows an additional 25% of the significant caliper inches to be removed for building pads and driveways. The plan indicates 10.4% of the significant caliper inches will be removed for initial site development, and 17.1 % of the significant caliper inches will be removed fro building pads and driveways. This is within the allowable tree removal; therefore, no tree replacement is required. Landscape Plan: The Subdivision Ordinance requires two subdivision trees per lot. The developer has submitted a landscaping plan identifying these trees. Finance! Assessment Fee Review: This development is subject to a stormwater management fee and a collector street fee. In addition, there are outstanding assessments for the Northwood Road paving project in the amount of $1,298.48 per lot. The stormwater management fee and collector street fee are collected prior to recording of a final plat. The special assessments are collected at the time each lot is sold. ANALYSIS: In general, the proposed preliminary plat meets the standards of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. However, there are some engineering and ordinance requirements which still must be addressed prior to approval of this preliminary plat. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoakl\noaklpc3.doc Page 4 One of the outstanding issues which must be addressed is the disturbance of the slopes on this site. Section 1006.605 of the Subdivision Ordinance states "whenever possible, slopes of twenty percent (20%) or greater should not be disturbed and should be retained as private or public open space." This plat has several locations in which slopes of 20% or greater are disturbed, either for the placement of roads and utilities or the placement of homes. This issue was also addressed with the original preliminary plat. At that time, the developer submitted additional design options for this property, including a "strip lot" concept, a "loop" road concept and a townhouse concept. The Planning Commission and the City Council both determined the proposed cul-de-sac design had the least impact on slopes and on Northwood Road. In its recommendation to the Council, the Planning Commission should address the impact of the development on the natural features of the site. Another issue which must be addressed is the length of the cul-de-sac for Shady Cove Point. The maximum length of a cul-de-sac is 500', based on Section 1006.202 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A variance to this provisi<?n may be granted if it meets the criteria listed in Section 1009.100 of the Subdivision Ordinance. This section states "[T} he Council may grant a variance from these regulations upon receiving a report from the Planning Commission in any particular case where the subdivider can show by reason of exceptional topography or any other physical conditions that strict compliance with these regulations would cause exceptional and undue hardship, provided such relief may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without impairing the intent and purpose of these regulations. The Planning Commission may recommend variances from the requirements of this Chapter in specific cases which, in its opinion, would not affect the intent of the Comprehensive Plan or this Section. Any variance thus recommended shall be entered into the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting, setting forth the reasons which justified the variance." This issue was also considered as part of the original preliminary plat. The Planning Commission and the Council both agreed the impact on the steep slopes is less with the longer cul-de-sac, since not as much of the slope will be disturbed by placing the wider portion of the cul-de-sac bulb further north. In its recommendation to the Council, the Planning Commission must also include a statement of the findings with respect to the cul-de-sac length. On March 27, 2000, the staff noted additional information was required to determine whether or not the stormwater drainage system is appropriate for this development. This information has since been submitted and is satisfactory. The staff also noted the need for a revised tree preservation plan. Again, this information has been submitted. Finally, the Planning Commission noted it had received a letter from the adjacent property owners questioning the lot line location. The developer has field staked this property line for clarification. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed cul-de-sac length variance and on the Preliminary Plat. I: \OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoak2\noak2pc3 .doc Page 5 Variance: The variance to the length of the cul-de-sac appears to be justified. This cul- de-sac will not be extended to the north or west property lines due to the slope and the wetlands. In addition, the length of the cul-de-sac appears to lessen the disturbance of the steep slopes. Preliminary Plat: This plat is generally consistent with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. If the Preliminary Plat is to proceed, it should be subject to the following conditions: 1. Show the 100 year flood elevations for each of the wetlands and storm water ponds and identify the required 30' structure setback. 2. Identify driveways and garage locations on the grading plan. 3. Revise the plans to include the following Engineering changes and requirements: a) The Proposed NWL on the plans for the south wetland, on Lot 9, is shown as 915.9. The outlet pipe invert for this wetland is shown as 916.87. These two elevation must match each other. b) The outlet pipe elevation for the above wetland is called out on sheet 5 of 5 as the overflow elevation, this should be called the inlet elevation. c) The plans call out to "Cut Swale To Adjacent Wetland" from the small wetland. The plans need to show this swale being stabilized with rip rap underlain with erosion control fabric. d) The outflow hydrograph and associated water elevations for the south wetland are incorrect. The numbers should form a smooth curve instead of erratically going up and down as shown. Check the outlet pipe used in the calculation, it shows as 0.1 inch diameter pipe. The spillway is shown as 916.91, but the grading plan shows 920.0 contours around the wetland. This needs to be resubmitted correctly. e) The Pond Outlet Elevation on the hydrograph file for the south wetland must match the NWL for the pond. These two numbers currently don't match. f) The above comments, 4 and 5, also apply to the NURP pond hydrograph file calculation. g) The outlet invert of the pipe coming into the NURP pond on Lot 19 needs to match the NWL of 915. 5. Move ST MH 2 accordingly to make this work. h) Show a plan & profile for the outlet pipe from the NURP pond. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the above conditions of approval and forward this recommendation to the City Council. This 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoak2\noak2pc3.doc Page 6 recommendation must also include a recommendation on the variance to the cul-de- sac length. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Defer action on this preliminary plat to a date specific to allow the developer to submit the required information. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the preliminary plat subject to the listed conditions. This recommendation must also include a recommendation on the variance to the cul-de-sac length. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\nortoak2\noak2pc3.doc Page 7 Northvvood Oaks Estates 2nd Addition Site Location L N (J o 1000 0 1000 2000 Feet I I ." ," '" ~ ... ... .. ~ ~ .. I j; 8 c:::::::= --':- ,.....-/ ~~.:~ en ~&n(ft' rr1 z~ut:l; C o~g:lll Z ~% 0 ..,,,o~;;a < z.-8 ~ o<gg.., o ~ ..,a >>~I z.-~< ~g ~ 'O:~%:f.l,..~~ ~ I:!~ 0 ;::;~z"!:l ~"i!o:a :;,,"16 :Ill 'i:f 'j,<:2 ;;u ~zzg r~~ ~ 9 I:l i" ~Ji ~#e !~~ .g~~ g~~z ~~..r : ~ ~~ O~~~ ;; o 0 o ~ N U"' ~ ~=-=~-~-- - . , , . ,-, '-' II: ~ . 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IIIIlliJ~I=r~' , " I __-:..__ / I II " I -- -.../ ' I , I // ~ ~m \, "" l...m '"I en : ,: I~Ulr " ,. ... ml h~ ,a: I Ir~ ~ (J1 10 " ... ..,3 << n Ol !Xl nlll~..' I ) III g~.. ~ ~lJJ 5... ........ ; II.. I i~1 ~ :....,. .......;... I FJI (SUMP)! . .,. '..- . _.-._-,. . . . . . ...........---..--..,.....,.........,.. '.. .' . . - . . . , - - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . , . . , , .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .........,....................-... I J .~ . PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4C PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FENCES LOCATED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD (Case File #00-030) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR lYES NO MAY 8, 2000 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relating to the requirements for fences located within a front yard. This amendment was initiated by the City Council on April 3, 2000. Analysis: Section 1101.504 of the Zoning Ordinance allows fences in the front yard if the fence does not exceed 4' in height and 25% opacity. The City Manager received the attached e-mail request from a Prior Lake resident suggesting the ordinance be amended to allow 50% opacity, which would allow picket fences in the front yard. Staff has reviewed the notes from the workshops where the City Council debated the new zoning ordinance. The City Council discussed the issue of height and opacity for front yard fences at some length during the public hearings on the Zoning Ordinance as well. The Council determined at that time the present standard would allow decorative fences in the front yard and still provide public safety protection. Attached for your information are the staff report and minutes of the November 2, 1998 public hearing as well as an excerpt from our notes of the December 7, 199,8 workshop confirming the Council's final decision. Public safety appeared to be the Council's primary concern. The height and opacity of fences in the front yard are limited for two primary reasons: public safety and aesthetics. Height is often limited to 4' or less to allow access to the property. This height allows fire fighters to pull a fire hose, ladders 16200 E'a'8PJiI~2gW~{P~~~~~i81~~~?~filR~sota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . and other equipment over the fence to reach the structures on the lot. Opacity is a determination of visibility through the actual fence structure. By limiting the opacity, public safety personnel are generally able to see through the fence structure from their vehicles. When considering opacity, the Police Chief points out that shrubs are often used with fencing and so the combined effect of the two should be considered. He added that a 50% opacity does not create a public safety problem from a police perspective. From a property owner's perspective, an argument could be made that the fence limits young children and pets from wandering into the streets or away from the household. This point could arguably be seen as consistent with the City's public safety concerns. Height and opacity are also limited for aesthetic reasons. Maintaining a more open fence creates a more open space look from the streets, as opposed to the barricaded look of a wall or solid fence. DISCUSSION: The height and opacity of a front yard fence are policy issues. The staff has no objection to increasing the allowed opacity of the fence. To address the public safety issues, we would recommend the some limitation on opacity, probably 50 percent. We would also recommend that the height be retained at four (4) feet. The proposed language is shown on the attached draft ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the amendment as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny the proposed amendment. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the proposed amendment. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance Amendment 1:\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\00-030\00030pc2.doc Page 2 Page 1 of3 .' From: Dana Wheeler <DWheeler@mape.org> To: 'fboyles@cityofpriorlake.com' <fboyles@cityofpriorlake.com> Date: Friday, 24 March, 2000 11 :04 AM Subject: Fence Ordinance Hi Frank, Thank you for any assistance on this matter. Jean and I would like to see Prior Lake change it's ordinance that pertains to fences. We would like to put up a picket fence on the street side of our house. Our goal is to keep pets and children in our yard so as to keep them safe as well as to restore comfort to our neighborhood friends who are less than excited by Riley's "at their heals welcoming technique (Riley is our friendly and rambunctious dog). At the same time we want to put up an attractive fence that will enhance the value of our home and keep the neighborhood attractive. The current ordinance, revised 5/1/99, has an opacity requirement of 75%. We understand the city chose that level of openness so police and fire personnel could easily see into the yard as a safety factor. We believe that standard is too open. Further, it is not unfair or at the least not citizen friendly because in essence, it mandates the type, design, and materials a citizen must use to erect a fence. The only choices for fence material, presuming the purpose of the fence is to keep something in or out, would be metal fences, chain link fences and wire mesh. Non of which add to the attractiveness of a property. To support our contention that the opacity requirement can be relaxed to the satisfaction of all parties I have attached two photographs of wood picket fences. Both allow a person to easily see through the fence to what might be behind it. Non of the examples would meet the cities 75% opacity requirement. As I've driven around and looked at a great number of and variety of design of fences I would expect that a 25% to 50% opacity fence would allow the citizen greater flexibility in fence choice and meet the safety concern of city personnel. The only exception being corner lots where the observer must look through two layers of fence if they wanted to see around the corner. In that case, as the attached photo exemplifies, even a 50% opacity fenc~ allows the view to be reasonably clear. Please let Jean & I know of we can be of assistance in furthering this matter. We'd like to put a fence up soon. We know the process requires some time but hope you can assist us in moving the matter along. 03/28/2000 Page 2 of3 . . ~ <<Picket Fence.jpg>> <<Sample Pickets.jpg>> Picture Attachments: File: Picket Fence.jpg 03/28/2000 . , Page 3 of3 File: Sample Pickets.jpg 03/28/2000 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 00- XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1101.504 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: Section 1101.504 (1) ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: (1) The height of fences and walls pennitted in required yards shall be limited. The height shall be measured from the ground level to the top of the fence or wall section. Fence posts may extend no more than 8 inches above the required height limit of a fence. In the case where the fence section has variable heights, the height of the fence shall be the average height. Fence heights shall be limited as follows: ~ A fence or wall shall not exceed 6 feet in height if it is located in any side or rear yard. ~ A fence or wall may be located in a front yard if the fence or wall does not exceed 4 feet in height and ~ 50 percent opacity.. ~ A fence or wall shall not exceed 8 feet in height if the yard in which it is placed abuts State Highway 13 or County Roads 21, 42,82 or 83. ~ A fence or wall exceeding 8 feet in height may be allowed if placed in any side or rear yard separating a commercial or industrial use from a residential use, a school, church or other public building. ~ A fence or wall may exceed 6 feet in height in any side or rear yard when it is installed as part of a bufferyard, but may not exceed 8 feet in height. ~ A fence or wall in one front yard of any through lot may be at the height permitted in a rear yard if it complies with all of the provisions of subsection 1101.506, is used as a rear.yard, and the fenced yard used as the rear yard does not adjoin a yard used as a front yard. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council ofthe City of Prior Lake this _ day of , 1999. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor 1:\OOfiles\OOordarnd\zoning\OO-030\draftord.doc PAGE I Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek A venue Prior Lake, MN 55372 1:\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\OO-030\draftord.doc ,1999. PAGE 2 -' AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT ~ 4D PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DEFINITION OF A BUILDING FACE, THE REQUIRED SIDEY ARD SETBACK STRUCTURES WITH WALLS EXCEEDING 40 FEET IN LENGTH AND ALLOWABLE SETBACK ENCROACHMENTS TO THE REQUIRED LAKE SHORE AND BLUFF SETBACKS (Case File #00-035) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR -X-YES NO MAY 8, 2000 The purpose of this public hearing is to consider two amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The first amendment pertains to the required setback for walls greater than 40' in length in the RS, R-l, R-2 and R-3 districts. This amendment also includes a revision to the definition of a building wall. This amendment was initiated by the Planning Commission in response to several variance requests to the setback requirement. The second amendment clarifies the allowed encroachments into the required lakeshore and bluff setback requirements. This amendment was also initiated by the Planning Commission in response to an appeal to the decision of the Zoning Administrator denying an encroachment into the bluff setback. DISCUSSION: Sidewall Setbacks: The Planning Commission discussed this issue at some length over the last several months. The current Zoning Ordinance includes a provision requiring an additional sideyard setback in Residential Districts when the building wall exceeds 40' in length. The purpose ofthe additional setback requirement is to reduce the effect of the bulk of a long wall on the adjacent property. This is especially important on nonconforming lots, where the side yard setback may be reduced to 5 feet. The Planning Commission discussed this issue at several meetings. Ultimately, the Commission determined there is a need to limit the building length, or to provide a break 16200 E'a'B!W1t::f99R'"~~.~?~iBj!:tqwa~~f1ffiesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ( in the building wall. The purpose of this is to limit the bulk of a long building wall on the adjacent property. However, the Commission also felt the current requirements are too restrictive. In order to relax the current requirements and to still accomplish the above objective, the staff suggests the following amendments to the definition of "building face" and to the setback requirement. The staff recommends the definition of a "building face" be changed as shown below. The last sentence is deleted. The addition to the definition defines the angle necessary to constitute a break in the wall. It does not include a minimum length of this break. Building Face. That portion of the exterior wall of a structure which shall lie in a vertical plane. Ono filoo s,~all ho teFNlinakJd hy an ex4eFier angle ef at least 2! () dogFCos framed by twe ox/crier walls each heing at least ! 8 feet in length ey a ounoed pemen af 8'bleh CEC/crier wall which shall ha}'O a central anglo af 3{) degrees ey mel'c. Anv break in a building face shall be defined bv an exterior angle of at least 210 degrees or a curved portion Qj'such exterior wall which shall have a central angle Qj' 30 degrees or more. The language requiring an additional setback for walls greater than 40' in length is included in the RS, R-l, R-2 and R-3 districts. The existing language reads as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds 40 feet. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. The staff suggests this language be changed to increase the initial length of a building face to 50 feet before an increased setback is required. An additional setback is applied only ifthere is no break in the wall. This language would read as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building. wall shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds 4D JJl.feet. The additional setback will not be aJlP!ied if there is a break in the building wall equal to 10% Qj'the entire length Qj'the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. Lakeshore and Bluff Setback Encroachments: In March, 2000, the Planning Commission considered an appeal to the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny a request to allow a balcony to encroach into the required bluff setback. Section 1101.503 of the Zoning Ordinance does allow some encroachments into required setbacks. However, the Planning Commission confirmed the interpretation of the Zoning Administrator that this section applies to the general provisions ofthe ordinance. It does not apply to special provisions, such as overlay districts. The Commission denied the appeal and initiated an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the intention of the 1:\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\OO-035\Q0035pc.doc Page 2 encroachments. The staff suggests the following language be added to Section 1101.503 (Yard Encroachments): (9) The provisions Qj Section 1101.503. (1-8) shall not applv to the Lakeshore or Bluff Setbacks required in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the amendments as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny the proposed amendments. 3. Table or continue discussion ofthe item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the proposed amendment. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance Amendment 1:\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\OO-035\Q0035pc.doc Page 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 00- XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1101.400, 1102.306, 1102.405, 1102.505,1102.605 AND 1101.503 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Section 1101.400 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: Building Face. That portion of the exterior wall of a structure which shall lie in a vertical plane. One face shall bc /oPmil'laUJd by an eJEteRe7 anglo of at lMSt 2 !() degrecs framed by twe exkJRer walls MOO being at loast ! 8 foot in length er a curved pertisl'l sf S'bloh extorier wall which shall hEr.'O a OO1'ltral angle ef 30 degrees S7 merc. Anv break in a building face shall be defined bv an exterior angle of at least 210 de.,grees or a curved portion of such exterior wall which shall have a central angle of 30 de.,grees or more. 2. Section 1102.306 (6) ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building wall 'Shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds 4B J1lfeet. The additional setback will not be QJlplied if there is a break in the building wall equal to 10% of the entire length of the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. 3. Section 1102.405 (6) ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds 4B J1lfeet. The additional setback will not be aDJ1lied if there is a break in the building wall equal to 10% 01 the entire length of the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. 4. Section 1102.505 (4) ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds4B J1lfeet. The additional setback will not be applied if there is a break in the building wall equal to 10% qf the entire length Qj'the walL For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. I :\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\OO-035\draftord.doc , PAGE 1 .' 5. Section 1102.605 (6) ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased 2 inches for each 1 foot the length of the wall of the building exceeds ~ SJl.feet. The additional setback will not be applied if there is a break in the building wall equal to 10% Qjthe entire length Qj the wall. For the purpose of this subsection, a wall includes any building wall within 10 degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot. 6. Section 1101.503 ofthe Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to add the following language: (9) The provisions of Section 1101.503. (1-8) shall not 4Pply to the Lakeshore or Bluff Setbacks required in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council ofthe City of Prior Lake this _ day of , 2000. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the _ day of ,1999. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 I :\OOfiles\OOordamd\zoning\OO-03 5\draftord.doc , PAGE 2