HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 23, 2000 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 23,2000 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Case #00-075 Wensmann Realty (Wensmann 1st Addition) is requesting Final Plat and PUD consisting of60.93 acres to be subdivided into 54 single family lots and 122 townhomes located on the north side of County Road 82, approximately 1,4 mile west of County Road 21 and east of Wilds Parkway. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: L:\OOFlLES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCAGENlAGI02300.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447A245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - ----- -----~---------- _._--~----_.- - - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 9,2000 1. Call~ to Order: The October 9,2000, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman V onhof at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Stamson and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman, City Engineer Sue McDermott and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: V onhof Criego Atwood Stamson Present Present Present Absent 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the September 25, 2000, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. Commissioner Stamson arrived at 6:34 p.m. 4. Public Hearings: A. Case #00-074 Consider an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance allowing the Senior Care Overlay District in the C-1, C-2 and C-4 Use Districts. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated October 9,2000, on file in the office of the City Planner. The public hearing is an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow the Senior Care Overlay (SC) District in the C-l (Neighborhood Business), C-2 (Community Business) and C-4 (General Business) districts. On July 24, 2000 and August 14,2000 the Planning Commission held public hearings to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance establishing a Senior Care Overlay District. The Planning Commission recommended approval of an SC district that would be allowed in the R-2, R-3, R-4, C-2, C-3 and C-4 Use Districts. The Council considered this ordinance on September 5, 2000. The Council approved Ordinance #00-20, approving the SC district, and applying it to the R-2, R-3, R-4 and C-3 districts only. On September 18, 2000 the City Council initiated an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would allow the SC district to be utilized in the C-l, C-2 and C-4 districts. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\ 1 00900mn.doc 1 - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - -------- - - -- - -- - - --------- Planning Commission Minutes October 9. 2000 The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan to provide a range of housing options for the population. This amendment will also allow the development of housing fulfilling a need in the comniunity. Staff recommended approval of this amendment with the modification to remove the reference to the C-l district. Comments from the public: Larry Johnson, President of Crystal Care, stated they are working with the City on developing a 40 unit senior assisted living with 20 units of regular care. Crystal Care supported this amendment. Comments from the Commissioners: Criego: · Supported the recommended changes as they are consistent with the Planning Commission's original recommendation on this issue. Stamson: · Agreed Atwood and V onhof: · Support the amendment as proposed. MOTION BYCRIEGO, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL AMEND SECTIONS 1103 AND 1106 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE. Voteindicated ayes by alL ,MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Bu.siness: .. .:...~. A. Case #00':::070' Bob Dittman Variance Resolution. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated October 9, 2000 on file in the office ofthe Planning Department. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider 4 variance requests by Bob Dittman for the proposed construction of additions to an existing single family dwelling, and one new accessory structure to replace two existing accessory structures on the property located at 16530 Dunkirk Avenue. After reviewing the applicant's proposal with regards to the variance hardship criteria, the Planning Commission directed staff to 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\I00900mn.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes October 9. 2000 draft a resolution approving the front yard setback with respect to the house additions, and to prepare a resolution denying the accessory structure setback and impervious surface variances. The following variance is approved in Resolution 00-013PC: 1. A 17.4 foot variance to permit a covered deck addition to a princip'alstructure to be setback 7.6 feet from the front property line rather than the minifimm required setback of 25 feet The following variances are denied in Resolution 00-01IPC: 1. A 15 foot variance to permit an accessory structure to be setback 10 feet from a property line abutting a public street rather thant,he required 25 feet. 2. A 13.5 foot variance to permit an accessory strudUi'etobe s~tback 11.5 feet from a property line abutting a private street ratherthait-the required 25 feet. 3. A 91 square foot variance to permitatotalirp.pervious sunace'area of2,467 square feet (36.7%) rather than theexistlrigifupervious surface coverage area of 2,376 square feet (35.3%). Comments from the Commissioners: ,/ Criego:, " . Questioned :What-would~appetfwiththe current sheds around the property. Horsman said theywdi(!d be removed. Stamson: . Both resolutions reflect the Findings. Supported both Resolutions. Atwood: , · Agiet;:d Vonhof: ," ; ,',' . Concurr~d~ith Commissioners. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, APPROVING RESOLUTION 00- 013PC GRANTING A 17.4 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 7.6 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK TO A PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\ 1 00900mn,doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes October 9. 2000 MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, APPROVING RESOLUTION 00- 11PC DENYING A 15 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO BE SETBACK 10 FEET FROM A PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING A STREET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 25 FEET. A 13.5 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO BE SETBACK 11.5 FEET FROM A PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING A STREET, AND A 91 SQUARE FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA OF 2,467 SQUARE FEET (36.7%) RATHER THAN THE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA OF 2,376 SQUARE FEET (35.3%). Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case #99-067 Mark Liesener Variance extension. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented thePlarining Report dated October 9, 2000, on file in the office ofthe Planning Department. The Planning Department received a written request for a one year, extension of an approved variance from Mark Liesener. The Planning Commission approved a variance to the minimum lot area that expired on SepJ~mbet27, 2000. Thetime extension request was submitted on September 26,2000, after notification by,this'office of the impending expiration. Variance Resolution 99-021PC, originally adopted on September 27, 1999 approved a variance to the minimum. lot area fora single family dwelling as follows: 1. A 52,496 square foot variance to permit a lot area of 34,628 square feet rather than the minimum lot area of2acres-(87,120 square feet) required to be buildable in an R-S District (Rural Subdivision Residential) [City Code ]. The original owner and applicant, Mark Liesener, decided not to build on the subject lot and has recently sold the property to Daniel Pinkevich. The new owner intends to build a single{amily dwelling in the Spring of 200 1. Without the variance extension the lot would become unbuildab1e again and the new owner would be required to apply for the same variailC(;l that was approved on September 27, 1999. The Planning Staffhas reviewed the extension oftime requested. The lot in question is a nonconforming lot of record. A variance is required before any construction will be allowed on the property. Staff recommended the Planning Commission approve the extension of time request for one year from the original termination date, or until September 27,2001. This will allow the new property owner time to apply for a building permit and commence construction in the Spring of2001. I :\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\ 1 00900mn.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes October 9. 2000 Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: . The extension should be granted. Criego: . There is no reason not to extend. Stamson: . Agreed. Supported the request. V onhof: . Supported the extension. -' ,. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY CRlEGQ;TO'APPROyBRESOLUTION 00- 14PC APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO SEPTEMBER27, 2001, FOR A 52,496 SQUARE FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 34,628~QUARE FOOT LOT AREA INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED:M~ AREA OP:2i\.CRES (87,124 SQUARE FEET) TO BE A BUILDABLELOt~l1'{THE R-S AND:SHORELAND DISTRICTS. Vote taken indicated ayes bY,all.:MOTION C?JUUED. 6. New Business: A. Case #00-073 C()llsidera val~~g.on of a utility easement located on the south lot line of Lot 17, Block 1, Noftl1wootfOaks Estates 2nd Addition. Planning96'ordimlt6r)~e Kansieq)r~sented the Planning Report dated October 9, 2000, on fil€?:in the office of the"~lanning 'Department. Nortl1Vvood Oaks Estates'Qnd Addition was originally platted in July, 2000. A 25' wide drainage;~"ptility easement was platted along the south property line of Lot 17, Block 1, to accommodllte the,placement and maintenance of a sewer line. While the final plat identified a 25' wide easement at this location, the construction plans indicated a 20' wide easement. .~ Karl and Denise Tremmel are in the process of purchasing this lot. The house they plan on the lot was based on the 20' wide easement shown on the construction plans. The 25' wide easement was discovered when the purchasers had a survey drawn to locate the house on the lot. The applicants are requesting the vacation of 5' of the 25' wide easement. The purpose of this petition is to allow the construction of a new dwelling on this lot. 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\ I 00900mn.doc 5 - - -----------.----.---- Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2000 Comments from the Commissioners: Criego: · Que~tioned the discrepancy. McDe11l1ott explained the five foot distance difference on the plat and survey. Engineering felt the five feet could be given up. · Concurred with staff. Stamson: · There is no need for the five feet. Supported the request. Atwood: · No reason to deny. V onhof: · The public impact issues are not impacted. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY CRIEGO, RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED VACATION OF THE EASEMENT. ,",: Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION'CARRIED. B. Case #00-076. ComJ.l..~h~l!,sive Plan discussion regarding relocation of 20 acres of commercial prop~rty. Planning Director Don Rye presented the Planning Report dated October 9,2000, on file in the office ofthe Planning p~partipent. The City Council-recently approved a Comprehensive Plan amendment for Shepherd of the Lake GhtircharM<?Kenna Road and County Road 42. This amendment changed the designation of20 acresof,property.from Business Office Park to High Density residen!ial. Following this'.~ction, the Council directed staff to bring back an amendment to'fue Planning Commission that would establish an additional 20 acres of commercially- designateal~d elsewher~in the City. "", 'if.,.:., ...:,. ." Following a revie\v;ofthe available properties in the City, staff believes there are three alternative locations where lands currently designated for residential use could be considered for a change to a commercial designation. These areas were shown in the staff report and overheads. The first area is located at the northeast comer of County Road 42 and County Road 21. Existing land use is three single family homes on large lots. The second area is located on the northeast comer of County Road 42 and Pike Lake trail. Existing land use is agricultural with an existing single family home. The third area is located on the northeast comer of County Road 42 and County Road 18. Existing land use is three single-family homes on large lots. I: \OOfiles\OOplcornm\OOpcmin \ 1 00900rrm ,doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes October 9. 2000 Staff recommended Alternative 1. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: . Alternative I makes the most sense. It is adjacent to the narrow strip after the City rezoned. The other two sites seem like an island. . Usability-wise Alternative 1 is the best. It can be combined with'theadjoining property. . Or rezone the adjoining high density property and make the 40 acres some place else. It might work well with the County Road 18 area. Atwood: ' . Had same thoughts as Stamson for Alternativ~4~r. The;lQ~ation is good. . There is an island feeling with the other alteiIlaUxe~. . . Agreed with Stamson on rezoning the adjoiningpr9pew.' Criego: .. .'/ ....... ..<i . Questioned staff on the business offi.cep~k.~pace. Is 20 acres a reasonable piece? Rye concurred with Stamson. Twent)r acresisft1arginal. . It is ideal next to the extension for Co'untyRoad 21. . Rye stated if the City h"go,R-cerns witli.the busines~'()ffice park and its viability with that size and coi1figuhit~b,n, it mighhplake more sense to look at a community commercial des~gnation. .... . Consider the number of homes on the property. Acquisition costs would be higher with multiple.hon,i~s. . Rye said this is faiflyloJ.?-g term. Utilities are a concern. The Comprehensive Plan designation would have to lJe changed indicating the long term use. It would not be rezoi1eduntildeveloped. ' . Questioned the Agriculture Preserve designation on County Road 42. Rye pointed out the area (between County 18 and Pike Lake Trail) coming out of the program next year. V onhof: . Understands Alternative #1 and the rationale. It is an important location, but Alternative 3 is critical in that there are 160 acres across the street designated for business office park. There is an opportunity to capture commercial traffic at that intersection. It would be an oversight to bypass the opportunity. . The development on County Road 42 is growing east to west. The City should be prepared. . Staffhas done an excellent job in terms oflocating land and looking toward the future. 1:\OOfiles\OOp1comm\OOpcmin\l00900mn.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes October 9, 2000 · Alternative 3 would be best with Alternative 2 as a second choice. The City does not have enough commercial and retail opportunities along the County Road 42 corridor. Comments from the open discussions: · Combining lots and expanding for larger commercial areas. · Good location is County Roads 18 and 42. · Retail shopping designations over commercial. · County Road 21 will be a major entry into the City. · Traffic flows. · Shakopee will also be developing parts of County Road 18. The areas can compliment each other. / '.;" MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY STAMSON,c]~~CTINGSTAFF TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING TO CHANGE THEC01y,1PREHENSIVE PLAN ON PROPERTY #3 WITH THE ADDITION OF THE TWO PROPERTIES ON THE EAST PART OF PROPERTY #3 FOR BUS~SS OFFICE p~. I?ESIGNATION. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTIONCARRIED.. 5. Announcements and CorrespQndence: A joint workshop withtl1e'City CoUncil has been scheduled for Monday, October 30, 2000 at the fire station. The status of the vacant Planriing Commissioner was briefly mentioned. The City Council approved a lease for ~'Flowers Naturally" for the old library building. 8.. >"Adjournment: The meetirig"adjoumed af7:28 p.m. ':-:.--').\.\~ Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary 1:\OOfiles\OOplcomm\OOpcmin\l00900mn.doc 8 ~. PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 6A CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FINAL PLAN TO BE KNOWN AS WENSMANN 1sT ADDITION JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES NO-N/A OCTOBER 23, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Wensmann Realty, Inc. has applied for approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Plan for the property located north of CSAH 82, approximately 1/4 mile west of CSAH 21 and east of Wilds Parkway. The total site area includes 52.43 net acres, zoned both R-l (Low Density Residential) and R-2 (Low to Medium Density Residential). The development consists of 178 units, along with a park and common open space. The proposed PUD consists of a mixed-use development consisting of single family dwellings and three- and four-unit townhouse buildings. BACKGROUND: On August 7, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution #00-70 approving a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan for this site, as well as a preliminary plat. The resolution listed the following conditions of approval: 1. Revise the lots to meet minimum lot area and width requirements. In addition, net lot area for those lots with wetlands and NURP ponds must be provided. Net lot area must meet minimum area requirements. 2. Determine the trail alignment through the park and include the grading of this trail as part of the developer improvements. 3. The tree inventory and preservation plan must be revised to include the significant trees that were not included in the original inventory. It must be revised to identify the caliper inches to be removed, and the tree replacement required. 4. Revise the landscaping plan to meet the requirements of Section 1107.1900. The landscaping plan must also identify the necessary replacement trees. 1:\OOfiles\OOpuds\wensmanl\pud pc report.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .~ 5. Provide an irrigation plan. 6. Provide street names for both the public and private streets unique to the City of Prior Lake street naming system. 7. Update-the Traffic Impact Report to include all ofthe proposed units. 8. Provide sign elevations and greater detail on the location of the proposed monument signs. 9. Provide calculations about the useable open space for the townhouse development. 10. Verify the 100-year flood elevations for the wetlands and NURP ponds and provide a 30' setback from this elevation for all structures. 11. The ground floor area ratio in the R-2 district must be reduced so it is no more than 0.315. 12. The developer agrees to work with the City to develop an optimal regional trail system alignment. Included in the 178 units are 49 single family dwellings 129 townhouse units. The overall net density (total acreage less wetlands) is 3.4 units per acre. The net density in the area zoned R-l is 2.32 units per acre and the net density in the R-2 district is 6.85 units per acre. PROPOSED FINAL PLAN Density: The plan proposes 178 units on a total of 60.93 acres. Density is based on the buildable acres of the site, or in this case on 52.43 net acres. The overall density proposed in this plan is 3.4 units per acre. The proposed density in the R-l district is 2.32 units per acre, and the proposed density in the R-2 district is 6.85 units per acre. Building Styles: The proposed plan calls for a mixture of single family homes and townhouses consisting of 3- and 4-unit buildings. Elevations of the building styles for the townhouses are attached to this report. The developer has also provided a variety of styles for the 78 single family homes similar in design and size to other single family homes in Prior Lake. Setbacks: The plan proposes a 25' setback from the front property line, and the side street lot line, a minimum 25' rear yard setback, and a minimum 10' side yard setback. The setback between the townhouses is a minimum of 20 feet, measured from foundation to foundation. The plan also requires that all building pads be located at least 30' from the 100 year flood elevation of any wetland or NURP pond. Lot Coverage: Both the R-l and the R-2 district allow a maximum ground floor area of 0.30. In a PUD, the ground floor area may be increased up to 5 percent. This is equal to a maximum ground floor area ratio of 0.315. The ground floor area ratio in the R-2 1:\OOfiles\OOpuds\wensman 1 \pud pc report.doc Page 2 district is 0.312. The ground floor area proposed in the R-l portion ofthe development is 0.214. Useable Open Space: The R-l and R-2 districts also require 600 square feet of use able open space ~per unit for cluster developments. The proposed common area provides approximately 4,000 square feet of open space per unit, which is consistent with the ordinance requirements. Parkin~: The proposal provides at least 2 spaces per dwelling unit, which is consistent with the minimum Zoning Ordinance requirements. All of the townhouse units have two car garages, which provides parking for both occupants and tandem spaces for guests. The developer has also provided 51 guest spaces. The proposed private streets will not provide anyon-street parking. Landscapin~: The landscaping plan identifies landscaping for the townhouse portion of the development and for the single family lots. The plan also pays special attention to providing screening along CSAH 82. The landscaping plan provides the proper number of trees for the both the single family and higher density units. It also is consistent with ordinance requirements for size and species of the plantings, and provides the proper mix of size and species required by the ordinance. Finally, the plan notes an irrigation system will be provided. There is one change required in this plan. The comer lots for the single family dwellings require a minimum of four trees, or two per front yard. The landscaping plan must be revised to identify the required front yard trees on the comer lots. Siens: This preliminary site plan identified 3 project monument signs located at the main entrances to the development. The Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum of two signs, not larger than 50 square feet, at each of the major entries to the development. The developer has provided elevations of the proposed signs, but has not included a location on the site plan. These locations must be identified. Liehtin~: Street lights will be provided on the public streets. The developer has also indicated street lights will be provided on the private streets by the public utility company. The cost and maintenance of the street lights on the private streets will be borne by the homeowner's association. Streets: This plan proposes a combination of public and private streets. The public streets include Fox Tail Trail and those streets serving the single family portion of the development. The private streets serve the townhomes, and will be maintained by a homeowner's association. Sidewalks/Trails: The plan proposes a sidewalk on one side of Fox Tail Trail, Fairway Heights Road, Fairway Heights Trail and Wilderness Ridge Land. The plan also provides a public trail through the park and the beginning of a regional trail corridor from Prior 1:\OOfiles\OOpuds\wensman 1 \pud pc report.doc Page 3 Lake, through the Jeffers property and north along the creek, eventually connecting with the Minnesota River. This portion of the trail is located along the north property boundary. Parks: There is one 12.90 acre park located along CSAH 82, at the center of the development. The proposed parkland provides some upland, as well as preserves the trees and slopes along the north side of the wetland. Not all of the 12.9 acres will qualify for parkland dedication credit. The required land dedication is 6.09 acres. If the qualifying land is less than this, the difference will be made up by a cash dedication. Phasine: This project is proposed to be completed in two phases beginning in 2000 and ending in 2001. ANALYSIS: The Final PUD Plan is consistent with the approved preliminary plan. The developer has generally complied with the conditions of approval. There are some minor revisions required to the site plan and the landscaping plan. All the plans will be complete and in final form before this plan will proceed to the City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission must review the Final PUD and make a recommendation to the City Council. The staff suggests the following findings: 1. The Final PUD Plan is consistent with the approved preliminary plan. 2. The Final PUD Plan is consistent with the criteria for a PUD listed in Section 1106.100 and 1106.300 of the Zoning Ordinance. This plan is also consistent with the City Council findings listed in City Council Resolution #00-70. The staff also recommends approval of the Final PUD Plan be subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must provide Final PUD Plans, labeled as such and including the following information: a. A complete site plan including all phases of the project. b. A landscape plan. c. Building elevations. d. Sign plans. 2. The landscaping plans must be revised to include four front yard trees on the comer lots. 3. The site plan must be revised to include locations for the signs. l:\OOfiles\OOpuds\wensrnan l\pud pc report.doc Page 4 4. Rename Fairway Heights Trail to a name unique to the City street system. This name is too similar to Fairway Heights Road and Fairway Heights Court. 5. Provide street names for Private Drive C, Private Drive D and Private Drive G. The number ~f townhouse units on these streets requires a separate name. 6. Upon final approval, the developer must submit two complete sets of full-scale final plans and reductions of each sheet. These plans will be stamped with the final approval information. Once set will be filed at the Planning Department and maintained as the official PUD record. The second set will be returned to the developer for their files. 7. The Final Plat and Development Contract must be approved by the City Council. 8. A signed PUD agreement must be approved by the City Council. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the PUD Final Plan subject to the above conditions and to any other conditions deemed necessary. 2. Recommend denial of the request, based on specific findings of fact. 3. Continue this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative 1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the Final PUD Plan subject to the listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution #00-70 2. Reduced Copy ofPUD Plans 1:\OOfiles\OOpuds\wensmanl\pud pc report.doc Page 5 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN RESOLUTION 00-70 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN TO BE KNOWN AS WENSMANN 1 ST ADDITION MOTION BY: Mader SECOND BY: Petersen WHEREAS: Wensmann Realty, Inc. has submitted an application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to be known as Wensmann 1 st Addition; and WHEREAS: The Prior Lake Planning Commission considered the proposed Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan at a public hearing on July 24, 2000; and WHEREAS: notice of the public hearing. on said PUD Preliminary Plan has been duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issue and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the Wensmann 1 st Addition PUD Preliminary Plan; and WHEREAS: The Prior Lake City Council considered the proposed PUD Preliminary Plan for on August7,2000;and WHEREAS: the City Council finds the PUD Preliminary Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS: the City Council finds the PUD Preliminary Plan is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Section 1106 Planned Unit Developments of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA: 1. It hereby adopts the following findings: a) Greater utilization of new technologies in building design, materials, construction and land development. The developer has attempted to design the buildings so they fit the land, rather than force the land to fit the building design. The developer is also requesting approval to custom grade the more difficult single family lots in order to save more trees and preserve more slopes. b) Higher standards of site and building design. The density of this site is clustered around the wetland, and is located closer to the major roads adjacent to the site. The utilization of private streets in the townhouse portion of the development allows the preservation of the wetlands and some of the slopes and trees on this site. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\wensman I \pudres.doc PAGE 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER c) More efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities to support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. Maintenance of private streets, including plowing and future repairs, is done by the homeowners association. This reduces City costs in providing services to these homes. d) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. As proposed, the developer provides a trail connection along the public street. With the park dedication and trail connections suggested by the staff, the creation of the public trail system around the pond provides an amenity which can be utilized by both the future and the existing neighborhood. e) Provides a flexible approach to development which allows modifications to the strict application of regulations within the various Use Districts that are in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The use of the PUD allows the higher density to be clustered around the pond and adjacent to the major roads. The density and variety of housing units is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals to provide a variety of housing styles. f) Encourages a more creative and efficient use of land. The PUD allows the higher density areas to be clustered, and preserves open space. g) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics including flora and fauna, scenic views, screening and buffering, and access. The townhouse units are sited to take advantage of the natural views of the wetlands. h) Allows the development to operate in concert with a Redevelopment Plan in certain areas of the City and to insure the redevelopment goals and objectives within the Redevelopment District will be achieved. This criteria is not applicable. i) Provides for flexibility in design and construction of the development in cases where large tracts of land are under single ownership or control and where the user s) has the potential to significantly affect adjacent or nearby properties. The use of the PUD allows the clustering of the homes and the use of private streets. j) Encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. The park and trail dedication will help facilitate the creation of a trail corridor along the natural areas on this site and on adjacent sites. k) The design shall consider the whole of the project and shall create a unified environment within the boundaries of the project by insuring architectural compatibility of all structures, efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, aesthetically pleasing landscape and site features, and efficient use and design of utilities. The design creates a unified environment. The extension of the existing streets and provision of trails and sidewalks allows for efficient movement of traffic. Revision of the landscaping plan to meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance will also enhance this area. I) The design of a PUD shall optimize compatibility between the project and surrounding land uses, both existing and proposed and shall minimize the potential adverse impacts of the PUD on surrounding land uses and the potential adverse effects of the surrounding land uses on the PUD. The use of the PUD will allow the extension of the single family homes adjacent to the existing residences, and the clustering of the townhouse units. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\wensman 1 \pudres.doc PAGE 2 m) If a project for which PUD treatment has been requested involves construction over a period of time in two or more phases, the applicant shall demonstrate that each phase is capable of addressing and meeting each of the criteria independent of the other phases. Each of the individual phases includes landscaping and road extensions. n) Apprpval of a PUD may permit the placement of more than one building on a lot. This is not applicable. 0) A PUD in a Residential Use District shall conform to the requirements of that Use District unless modified by the following or other provisions of this Ordinance. 1) The tract of land for which a project is proposed shall have not less than 200 feet of frontage on a public right-of-way; 2) No building shall be nearer than its building height to any property line when the property abutting the subject property is in an "R-1" or "R-2" Use District; 3) No building within the project shall be nearer to another building than Y2 the sum of the building heights of the two buildings, except for parking ramps which may be directly connected to another building; and 4) Private roadways within the project site may not be used in calculating required off-street parking spaces. The proposal meets the above requirements with the exception of the modification requested by the developer to utilize private streets. This modification is permitted under the PUD provisions at the discretion of the Council. 2. The Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan is hereby approved subject to the following conditions a) Revise the lots to meet minimum lot area and width requirements. In addition, net lot area for those lots with wetlands and NURP ponds must be provided. Net lot area must meet minimum area requirements. b) Determine the trail alignment through the park and include the grading of this trail as part of the developer improvements. c) The tree inventory and preservation plan must be revised to include the significant trees that were not included in the original inventory. It must be revised to identify the caliper inches to be removed, and the tree replacement required. d) Revise the landscaping plan to meet the requirements of Section 1107.1900. The landscaping plan must also identify the necessary replacement trees. e) Provide an irrigation plan. t) Provide street names for both the public and private streets unique to the City of Prior Lake street naming system. g) Update the Traffic Impact Report to include all of the proposed units. h) Provide sign elevations and greater detail on the location of the proposed monument signs. i) Provide calculations about the useable open space for the townhouse development. j) Verify the 100 year flood elevations for the wetlands and NURP ponds and provide a 30' . setback from this elevation for all structures. k) The ground floor area ratio in the R-2 district must be reduced so it is no more than 0.315. I) The developer agrees to work with the City to develop an optimal regional trail system alignment. 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\wensman 1 \pudres.doc PAGE 3 3. Application for approval of a PUD Final Plan must be submitted within 90 days of the date of approval of this resolution, or by November 7, 2000, unless written request for an extension of time is approved by the City Council. 4. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. ~ Passed and adopted this 7th day of August, 2000. YES NO Mader X Mader Ericson X Ericson Gundlach X Gundlach Petersen X Petersen Vacant Vacant {Seal} Frank Boyles. City Manager 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\wensman I \pudres.doc PAGE 4 ..~.;. ~~a: · ij. ;; i CD '3flle; ~Ii ~ 'l' !&.d '" S R't: ~ :..r-;'tT-' ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~! i II i ~c::7J I UUil I -II @ - IiiiiI Cl ~ IiiiiI fT1 Z Gl z-o roc 1T1;z- ::2 n: z n' 5>1 :t: :0 ?> ./ .f~ nil i~ ... ~." f ~ ;; i ~ il .:J" 2~ Z;;l ~I\ ~'" z ~ o > H' , : Pl S; ,~ ..eft" I": ~~ 5-i !. =1 ~i e[ !>>~ ~ o . . 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