HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 13, 2000 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2000 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case File #00-076 City of Prior Lake is considering a proposed Amendment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2020 Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to amend the Land Use Map from the current R-LIMD (Urban Low to Medium Density Residential) designation to the C-BO (Business Office Park) designation for the property located in Section 24, Township 115, Range 22 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCAGENlAGII BOO.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -~.~--- ----------..- - -.- PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 23,2000 1. Call to Order: The October 23, 2000, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Vonhofat 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Stamson and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, City Engineer Sue McDermott and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Criego Stamson V onhof Present Absent Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the October 9,2000, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Public Hearings: 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Case #00-075 Wensmann Realty (Wensmann 1st Addition) is requesting Final Plat and PUD consisting of 60.93 acres to be subdivided into 54 single family lots and 122 townhomes located on the north side of County Road 82, approximately ~ mile west of County Road 21 and east of Wilds Parkway. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated October 23, 2000, on file in the office ofthe City Planner. Wensmann Realty, Inc. applied for approval ofa Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Plan for the property located north of CSAH 82, approximately 1/4 mile west of CSAH 21 and east of Wilds Parkway. The total site area includes 52.43 net acres, zoned both R- 1 (Low Density Residential) and R-2 (Low to Medium Density Residential). The development consists of 178 units, along with a park and common open space. The proposed PUD consists of a mixed-use development consisting of single family dwellings and three- and four-unit townhouse buildings. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn l02300.doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting October 23, 2000 " On August 7, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution #00-70 approving a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan for this site, as well as a preliminary plat. The resolution listed 12 conditions of approval. Included in the 178 units are 49 single family dwellings 129 townhouse units. The overall net density (total acreage less wetlands) is 3.4 units per acre. The net density in the area zoned R-l is 2.32 units per acre and the net density in the R-2 district is 6.85 units per acre. The staff felt the plan was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommended the following Findings: 1. The Final PUD Plan is consistent with the approved Preliminary Plan. 2. The Final PUD Plan is consistent with the criteria for a PUD listed in Section 1106.100 and 1106.300 of the Zoning Ordinance. This plan is also consistent with the City Council findings listed in City Council Resolution #00-70. The staff also recommended approval of the Final PUD Plan be subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must provide Final PUD Plans, labeled as such and including the following information: a. A complete site plan including all phases ofthe project. b. A landscape plan. c. Building elevations. d. Sign plans. 2. The landscaping plans must be revised to include four front yard trees on the comer lots. 3. The site plan must be revised to include locations for the signs. 4. Rename Fairway Heights Trail to a name unique to the City street system. This name is too similar to Fairway Heights Road and Fairway Heights Court. 5. Provide street names for Private Drive C, Private Drive D and Private Drive G. The number oftownhouse units on these streets requires a separate name. 6. Upon final approval, the developer must submit two complete sets of full-scale final plans and reductions of each sheet. These plans will be stamped with the final approval information. Once set will be filed at the Planning Department and maintained as the official PUD record. The second set will be returned to the developer for their files. 7. The Final Plat and Development Contract must be approved by the City Council. 8. A signed PUD agreement must be approved by the City Council. There were no comments from the applicant or the public. L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn 1 02300.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting October 23, 2000 Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: · The 'PUD and Final Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. · Approve subject to staffs conditions. Atwood: · Concurred it was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. V onhof: · Referencing the Outlot - suggested that portion be re-drawn into a normal street. Kansier said it has been addressed. · The Final Plan is consistent with the PUD ordinance. · Concurred with staff s recommendation. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY ATWOOD, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVE RESOLUTION 00-70 APPROVING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN TO BE KNOWN AS WENSMANN FIRST ADDITION. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: · Rye presented the three location alternatives on the 20 acres of commercial property as discussed at the October 9,2000, meeting. · Reminder: The joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting will be Monday, October 30, 2000. Topics will be low/medium density, review the draft Subdivision Ordinance and Public Works Design Manual. · There will be a neighborhood meeting regarding the traffic on Boudin Street and Waters edge Trail on November 15,2000. · The park dedication issue with the senior high-rise project on Five Hawks has been resolved. Waiting on final plans. · The Stonegate project is working on the storm water issues. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\OOFILES\OOPLCOMM\OOPCMIN\mn 1 02300.doc 3 PLANNING REPORT PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR 33.54 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 22 (Case File #00-076) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES _NO-N/A NOVEMBER 13, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: On October 9,2000, the City of Prior Lake Planning Commission initiated an amendment to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for 33.54 acres of land located on the north side of CSAH 42 and on the east side of CSAH 18. The proposal is to amend the 2020 Compr~hensive.p:1an Land. Use Map from the current R-L/MD (Low to Medium Density Residential) designation to the C-BO (Business Office Park) designation. BACKGROUND: This property is presently zoned A (Agricultural) and is designated as R-L/MD (Low to Medium Density Residential) on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The Planning Commission initiated this amendment at the request of the City Council to replace the 20 acres of land owned by Shepherd of the Lake church that was recently changed from the C-BO designation to the R-HD designation. The purpose of the amendment is to maintain the available supply of commercially designated land. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of approximately 34 acres. TOP02;raphy: The site generally drains to the west to a wetland located in the northwest quadrant of the site. Existin2 Use: This property currently consists of 4 parcels with three separate owners. There are three single family dwellings located on the site. There are also several stands of trees located on the site. 1 :\OOfiles\OOcompam\OO-076\00076pc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. A specific delineation would be required as part of any development application. Access: Access to this property is presently from CSAH 18 and CSAH 42. There are three driveways leading to each of the separate dwellings. Utilities: Sewer and water services must be extended from the existing services located in CSAH 42 to serve this site. Adjacent Land Use and Zonin~: To the north and east of this property is agricultural land, currently zoned A and designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses. To the west is the Vierling property, currently zoned A and designated for C-BO uses. To the south, across CSAH 42, is the Sand Pointe development, zoned R-l and designated as R-LIMD. MUSA Desi~nation: This property is currently outside of the MUSA boundary. However, this property is consistent with the criteria for the extension of MUSA as listed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan (see attached). ANALYSIS: The purpose of this amendment is to. identify those properties most suitable for future commercial development. The amendment would not affect the current zoning of the property or the current use of the property. The Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives applicable to this request are as follows: GOAL: ECONOMIC VITALITY: Pursue a prudent use of available resources and the optimum functioning of economic systems. OBJECTIVE No.1: Determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry, and population. OBJECTIVE No.2: Encourage a diversified economic base and a broad range of employ- ment opportunities. OBJECTIVE No.3: Promote sound land use. The proposed C-BO designation is consistent with the above stated goals and objectives in that it maintains the amount of land designated for commercial development at its current level, it encourages a mixture of land uses, and it is a location with suitable access for future development. The Council has previously determined the supply of land planned for future commercial and office park uses should not be reduced. This amendment will replace the 25 acres 1:\OOtiles\OOcompam\OO-076\00076pc.doc Page 2 previously designated for R-HD uses, and is consistent with the policy of maintaining the current supply of commercially designated land. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment as requested. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the R-HD designation. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map 1:\OOfiles\OOcompam\OO-076\00076pc.doc Page 3 Location Map ~ r - - I ~ocation of Pr~ lY ~ Y' v I - !:l~;':j:n}~ l-~;~~~'.L:.I;l;.U"I"I'I"I'!HI'I'I'I';11 ~'.as. ~ ~ :, . ,I, --.-/~:\'I;T'""*HI"'!!,I,T'JI 81././+ .1;- ~ ~. . ,,"!:::'ft,-I., . : . :r.';.\ ~.~..J:J lliL. , ,~'h-; J-:Q _ ;'- :r~\\:-, r ~" '1' r-.-;-f:'1'+:'-~~l->::~_H}'.;:::' . " ~ ~ L.li:':,JC/+t.r- &]>. :>:; ~'*Ir I': ~')Y ~~~AY-- \~Z!: j ~ . =i t-P.:I . . ~ .:;;!\"" '<;f;, W -:'~:1 /" . Y"......, ~sg ~ ~ ~ ":'i'~ .~~ ~~Q' ~'I'I~ ~7- '" , \.... :J.\~,~ /W ~ - i-J. . 'I'I-\""':}\::.;- ,,~~-,r-- .'1 ~ f7~ ~_"-Ht\"j:)~ %-.~',... .. '/ rBf~ s ~ ,: ~. ,I:1}B2 -. '<L,:..,. " '0!1~~--- . . , , . -.:.!. - -, :--<z /, . .r.: - >' c . ~.-- -. 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