HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 24, 2008 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24,2008 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Consent Agenda: 5. Public Hearings: 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: A. EP08-138 Cardinal Development submitted concept plan for North Summit Preserve. B. EP08-143 Bradford Development has submitted a concept plan for a senior cooperative housing for the property located at the comer of Duluth Avenue and Eagle Creek Avenue. 8. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: LI08 FILESI08 PLANNING COMMISSJONl08 PC AGENDASIAGI12408.DQC f . I k www.Cltyopnorae.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008 1. Call to Order: Chairman Lemke called the November 24, 2008, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Billington, Fleming, Lemke, Perez and Ringstad, Community Development/Natural Resource Director Danette Parr, Planner Jeff Matzke, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Billington Fleming Lemke Perez Ringstad Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the September 22, 2008, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: None 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. EP08-138 Cardinal Development submitted concept plan for North Summit Preserve. Community Development and Natural Resource Director Danette Parr presented the Staff Report dated November 24, 2008, on file in the office of the City Community Development and Natural Resource Department. Cardinal Development has submitted a concept plan for approximately 96 acres of land located in the northeast quadrant of CSAH 42 and 18, just north of the future Summit Preserve development. This property is presently zoned A (Agricultural) and is designated as C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) and R-LD (Low Density Residential) on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (attached map). The purpose of this item is to discuss the concept development of the site, and to allow the Planning Commission an opportunity to voice any particular concerns or ideas about the proposed development. This discussion is for informational purposes only. L:\08 FlLES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNI12408.doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 Due to the preliminary nature of the concept proposal, staff is unable to comprehensively evaluate the proposal. However, for discussion purposes, the staff identified the following items for consideration: . Comprehensive Plan . Sewer Capacity . Natural Environment . PUD Criteria Poppler gave an overview of the Comp Plan sewer plans. The developer has talked to the City of Savage who has adequate capacity to meet the needs of project. It was one of the main concerns for the Prior Lake Engineering staff. No formal action is required at this time. The Planning Commission should provide the developer with any comments or concerns about this concept plan. Neither the Planning Commission's nor the City Council's comments will be binding and the developer should not rely on any statements made by individual Planning Commissioners or Councilmembers. Any future plans must be processed with the appropriate hearings and public participation. Kurt Larson of Cardinal Development said he was not going into a lot of detail with the concept plan itself. The site allows for future concept and will certainly help plan their future needs. They were able to take care of the sewer and water needs for the site, an important concern for the He will answer any questions by the Commissioners. Comments from the Commissioners: Billington: Questioned Mr. Larson if he read the staff report. Larson stated he did and responded to the questions posed by staff on Page 3 of the Staff Report. . Worked diligently with staff on Summit Preserve and understands the requirements. . The second phase will help develop the first phase and have some of the components to make an overall successful development. . He has a strong understanding of the "trees". . It is an early concept and preliminary as far as a time frame. . The land owners are all willing to move forward at this time. . Billington questioned the slower market and asked Larson how he felt about development. Larson felt encouraged with their type of mixed project. Lemke: . Asked Larson if he was aware of any heritage trees on the site. Larson said he does not know exact numbers however he assumes there will be significant trees on the property. L:\08 FlLES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNI12408.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 Ringstad: . Asked Larson how he felt about the "premature" comment by staff and asked if there was anything on the horizon for 2009 (Summit Preserve). Larson said something would be starting in 2009. Fleming: . Asked staff about the density for high residential. Parr responded with comments from the Metropolitan Council. Lemke: . Asked where the sewer would be coming for phase one. Poppler said it would come from the intersection from County Roads 18 and 42. Briefly commented on the Vierling property. Billington: . Commented the project looks good and wished the developer well. Perez: . Commented on the density - "As a city we decreased our high density" and questioned if this as a city, is what we want. "We'll have to wait to see how the Met Council responds." Larson said he is willing to work with both cities (Savage and Prior Lake) on this issue. Lemke: . Likes the concept of two units being tied together. I can see where everything can come together. Will support. Again, Larson said the sewer issue was their main concern but felt it will be addressed. Fleming: . Added he is okay with the concept but can't comment until he sees a final proposal. Perez: . Questioned if staff still uses the McComb Study. Parr responded staff does use it and looks at this main entrance (County Roads 18 and 42) into the community very closely. This concept plan, along with any Planning Commission comments will be forwarded to the City Council for their December 1, 2008 meeting. L:\08 FILES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNl12408.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 B. EP08-143 Bradford Development has submitted a concept plan for a senior cooperative housing for the property located at the corner of Duluth A venue and Eagle Creek A venue. Planner Jeff Matzke presented the Staff Report dated November 24, 2008, on file in the office of the City Community Development and Natural Resource Department. Bradford Development of Mankato has submitted a concept plan for development of the KlingberglStaber Properties. This site is approximately 3.5 acres (net) in size, and is located along the south face of County Road 21, East of W est Avenue and west of Duluth Avenue. The property is vacant and largely wooded land. The site are zoned C-3, Specialty Business (Downtown District), and designated as C-TC, Town Center on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The developer has submitted a concept plan for the development of this site with a three-story building with 57-59 senior housing units. The purpose of this item is to discuss the concept development of the site, and to allow the Planning Commission to voice any particular concerns or ideas about the proposed development. For your reference, the C-3 Zoning District and Senior Care Overlay District Ordinance have been attached to this report as well as a market study conducted for the Prior Lake area. This discussion is for informational purposes only. This concept plan, along with any Planning Commission comments will be forwarded to the City Council. For discussion purposes, the staff identified the following issues: . Land Use . Accessrrraffic . Design . Wetlands . Stormwater No formal action is required at this time. The Planning Commission should provide the developer with any comments or concerns about this concept plan. Neither the Planning Commission's nor the City Council's comments will be binding and the developer should not rely on any statements made by individual Planning Commissioners or Council Members. Any future plans must be processed with the appropriate hearings and public participation. Brad Bass representing Bradford Development, Mankato, said they built similar senior housing projects in Mankato and Northfield. They would like to address the need for their senior housing concept. They felt Prior Lake would meet their requirements for the cooperative housing. A revised plan was submitted tonight to staff and the Commissioners. Roger Johnson from JSS Architects was present to answer questions. L:\08 FILES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNI 12408.doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 Billington asked to explain the revised parking plan. Bass said they reversed the parking from the front facing County Road 21 to the back of the building. After reviewing the senior overlay district this ended up being a better fit. Ringstad asked staff if this project is in the Shoreland District and if there would be an effect on impervious surface with the parking lots and buildings. Matzke said staff did not review this latest plan but it is certainly close enough to the Shoreland District to make an impact. Lemke read from the senior care ordinance regarding the amenities - his concern is the senior residents getting to the facilities in this busy area. Bass felt they would drive. It is not an assisted living facility. This is for more of the "retired, active" senior. Lemke asked if Bass owned the property to the east. Bass said they do not own the land nor are they interested in that parcel. Lemke pointed out the staff mentioned their concern for access. Bass felt their access off West Avenue would meet the needs of the facility. Johnson said they originally thought this project would be coming in as a PUD but after seeing the senior overlay district realized this should come is as a transition area to the residents to the south and not have a negative impact from their homes. He felt there was enough green space to handle the runoff. Johnson also commented he felt elderly people do not usually drive during rush hour and should not be an issue. He briefly addressed the parking adaptable layout. Billington questioned the approximately height. Johnson responded it would be 35 feet. Bass presented their existing senior housing developments. Ringstad questioned the price point - Bass explained their cooperative prices and unit SIzes. Fleming asked how long do residents stay in a facility like this. What would the turn over be? Bass said typically residents stay longer than you would expect. The developer turns over the management to the homeowner association board. The developer hires Ebenezer (senior caregivers) as the managers. Billington asked if they were a corporation. Bass said shares would be turned over to the units as they are sold. Residents would own a share which entitles the resident to live within the facility. The shares are divided equally as far as voting rights. L:\08 FlLES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNl12408.doc 5 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad: . This is a concept and not a hard proposal. It could work here perhaps. We have new senior housing in Prior Lake but this is active senior housing that does not exist in the area now. . Looking forward to something a little more specific down the road. Billington: . In principal it looks good for the area. We need to see more. . I could support this. Fleming: . I like the idea of an active senior facility. There are options. Perez: . Wondering what is going to happen with the traffic study and the property to the east. It will be a concern as this proposal goes forth. Lemke: . Asked the developer if he had a trip count for the project. Johnson stated he has heard during the non-rush hours it is 3 trips per day. . This certainly meets one of the goals of the C3 District to expand the downtown - Do we turn the land to the east into an island for green space? . Parr said staff has concerns with the "island" piece and its affect by Scott County's road expansion. . Poppler said the original County Road 21 road expansion plan indicated Duluth Avenue may be closed off. It could also be a right in - right out street. The County has not determined the expansion for the median at this time. . Does this concept meet the County's right-of-way expansion? . Parr pointed out the staff just received the revised plan from the developer tonight and have not been able to forward the new proposal to the County for review. . Overall this is a difficult piece of property with challenges. What is proposed is terrific for downtown. Rick Nornes the realtor for the property asked why the County would shut off Duluth A venue as it is a main access to church and school. Poppler said he would share the study with him. Poppler also noted eventually Arcadia Street would be rerouted. Parr asked if the Planning Commissioners are concerned that there are no retail components in this project. Perez: . Asked if this is what the city envisioned for the area. L:\08 FlLES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNl12408.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting November 24, 2008 Lemke: . Asked if having a built-in customer base would be better. If 50 or 60 people are driving it can add a value for downtown. It may be a policy question for the City Council. In my mind, it does fit into the downtown. Fleming: . Liked the concept of lifecycle housing. The concept does meet the district requirements. Ringstad: . Agrees with the comments from the Commissioners. It does not improve retail but does not impede the downtown either. Billington: . The absence of retail does not concern me. Bass said it is not low income housing. The residents will own the building. It will provide an affordable project. The Commissioner's comments will go to the City Council next Monday night. 8. Announcements and Correspondence: . Parr noted staff would like to bring back the zoning update on December 22. . The annual joint workshop with City Council is scheduled for January 5th. If the Commissioners have other concerns to bring up, please let staff know. . The SCALE meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. on December 1st. . There is no Planning Commission meeting scheduled for December 8th. 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\08 FlLES\08 PLANNING COMMISSION\08 PC MINUTES\MNl12408.doc 7 PUBLIC HEARING Conducted by. the f!anni~ Commission ~hy /JoIJ ^ 2J t ~ The Planning Commission welcomes your comments in this matter. In fairness to all who choose to speak, we ask that, after speaking once you allow everyone to speak before you address the Commission again and limit your comments to new information. Please be aware this is the principal opportunity to provide input on this matter. Once the public hearing is closed, further testimony or comment will not be possible except under rare occasions. The City Council will not hear additional testimony when it considers this matter. Thank you. ATTENDANCE - PLEASE PRINT s ""0 L:\DEPTWORK\BLANKFRM\PHSIGNUP.doc