HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 19, 2009 PAC SIGN-IN SHEET MARCH 19, 2009 PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 1. ,'" letrlY1Uv1 Cwu~ C)C1 i 6 TimbeR!l!, P0t~J QS2-Lj4l-"lcWS' <: 'L '(lDP. ffeo{)fJf5!5C/ ('h 11 mtx:c if r;;'fj.s, [P (2 3'2H - 3LfL{ 0 ;J;A"1. .u 0 .aA-f:::L~ Z I 9 i 0 CA Lvvw (L ~ _ iJ~t"I_ ~ '-fy7 - 3~ 7 / ~ L/Cilh~14 Z2C{J{JdaJ14IJuf~2. (, tJ / \ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. SIGNIN PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING ................................................................................................................................................. THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. ~............................................................................................................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of March Agenda 3. Approval of January meeting minutes 4. Community Garden Discussion - AI Friedges 5. South Shore Park & Raymond Avenue Park - AI Friedges 6. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 7. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 8. Future Meeting Date a. April 16th, 2009, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 1/15/09 6:03 p.m. -7:45 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER:. Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by acting Chair Feriancek. Members Present: Kelly Loose, Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Kendall Larson, Eric Spieler Members Absent: Dan Ruhme, Ron Ceminsky Staff Present: Al Friedges, Angie Barstad, Danette Parr 2. APPROVAL OF JANUARY AGENDA:, Motion to approve the agenda was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Kelly Loose; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF DECEMBER MEETING MINUTES:, Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Kyle Haugen, Second by Kendall Larson; motion carried 4. NATURAL RESOURCE SECTION OF THE MPP:, Parr & Friedges: Outlined the Natural Resources section ofthe MPP. This information will be presented to the City Council at a workshop on 1/20 and then presented at the 1/20 meeting. The areas discussed were: · Pike Lake · Campbell Lake · Whitetail Island · Crystal/Rice Lake Complex · Westbury Ponds Park · W oodview Park · Jeffers Pond Park · Markley Lake · Proposed park in annex area See attachments for descriptions of the proposed improvements to the above areas. Parr: Staff recognizes there are 5 choices for funding the natural resource portion of the MPP: 1. Take a portion from the CIP in the future 2. Referendum 3. Grants 4. Labor from operating budget 5. Partnerships Where we go from here: · Incorporate this natural resource section into the new comprehensive park plan. Timetable: 1. Workshop at 4:30pm on 1/20/09 with the City Council; 2. Danette will compile all components, including dollars, to the natural resource section and in 2 months bring back the final document to the PAC for review. 3. Bring the entire MPP Taskforce back together to review the entire MPP document before brining it to the City Council as a final document. 4. 3-4 months is the goal to present to City Council with the final document Haugen: Notes that partnerships for this portion of the MPP can be public as well as private donors. Parr: We totally agree and staff will look at all funding sources and invites all PAC members to make further suggestions or provide other ideas/alternatives to funding. · Recommend having original MPP task force come together to discuss how passive and active portions ofthe MPP will work together. No formal action required. 5. PROJECTIUPDATES, Friedges: Due to all the recent back to back snow events Parks Maintenance has been busy plowing and flooding rinks. But we have done quite a bit of tree trimming and tree removal, fence repair on fields, shelter repair, re-stain and paint picnic tables and trash receptacles and the practice field on Ponds 7 continues to be worked on. At the first City Council meeting in February we will propose that 2 of our 72" lawnmowers be changed out for 2 new ones and that we replace 1 tractor. We will be completing all the 2009 projects stated in the Park Maintenance Equipment matrix No formal action required. 6. RECREATION UPDATES BY ANGIE BARSTAD, Barstad: The Winter Blast will be held at Lakefront Park on 1/17/09 from lOam - noon. This is FREE family fun with sliding/skating, music/juggler, snow sculpting contest judged by the 4H and crafts, donuts, hot chocolate and much more. We held our second teen hang out time at Club Prior today from 3-6pm. The first one and this second one have been very successful with 25 kids ages 12-15 attending. They have been having a great time hanging out with their friends and playing Wii, pool, Dance Dance Revolution and more. A bus brings the students from Twin Oaks Middle School to Club Prior then the parents pick up their children at Club Prior. It is a great way to fully utilize that great space. No formal action required. 7. F~r:rURE MEETING DATE - February 19th, 2009 (6oml: Motion to adjourn was made by Kyle Hagen and second by Kelly Loose, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator Pike Lake Park Facility and Grounds (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description Quantity Estimated Cost I I Facility Improvements Windows IH $4,240 ** Skylights IH $800 I Plumbing/heating (material/labor) OS $35,000 I Electrical (materials/labor) OS $10,000 Wheat board interior walls (materials IH $16,000 ** only) I Interior maple trim (materials only) IH $6,000 Exterior cedar siding (materials only) IH $9,500 Structural alterations (Le.: architectural OS $35,000 work, removal of stairs, general internal structural remodel, general labor) Insulation-recycled blue jean material IH $7,000 ** I Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher IH $2,500 I Sink (recycled granite) IH $463 I Seed pressed cabinetry IH $5,330 ** Recycled (milk jug) composite OS $3,200 ** countertops I Framing lumber IH $6,000 I Ceiling tile (recycled tree roots) IH $3,400 ** Nails/fasteners IH $1 ,000 Soffit and fascia IH $2,500 Drainage/gutters IH $2,000 Deck/stairs IH $20,000 Doors-interior/exterio r IH $4,000 Misc. furnishings-interior/exterior IH $15,000 Disposal OS $2,000 Solar panel installation/photovoltaic OS $3,500 ** Labor OS $25,000 Subtotal $219,433 Exterior Physical Improvements Engineered turf parking lot (at 60 stalls $150,000 trailheads-west and east sides of park) total 30,000/S.F. Play structure (at trailhead-west side of OS $58,485 park) Picnic pavilion (at trailhead-east side of OS $43,000 MPP-Passive/Natural Areas Description park) 2-5 year olds (includes curbing and surface material I Recycling/trash receptacles I Bituminous Trail I Boulder Retaining Wall I Wood chip trails Compost toilet Rain barrels Picnic tables Bike Racks I FIN Pier I Demolition of septic drain field I Interpretive signage Arched/elevated boardwalk (8 ft in width) Boardwalk over wetland Trailhead signage Arched/elevated brdige Consulting design work and materials for educational plant communities-to be located directly around the interpretive center facility I Subtotal I Exterior Natural Improvements I Invasive species removal I Reestablishment of native prairie Restoration of Maple/Basswood ecosystem I Reestablishment of wetland Improvements to the east side of Pike Lake-shoreline restoration Rain garden installation * Land/Easement Acquisition Subtotal Grand Total Other Cost Considerations: Quantity Estimated Cost IH 14 $9,800 IH 1,000/L.F. $35,000 IH $15,000 IH 12,960/L.F. $29,820 OS 1 $5,000 OS 2 $300 IH 5 $4,110 OS 2 $1 ,440 IH $30,000 IH $3,000 OS $12,000 IH 200/L. F. $75,000 IH 400/L. F. $30,000 OS $12,000 IH 60/L. F. $22,764 OS/IH $25,000 $561,719 IH N/A $0 IH 3.5 acres $18,396.88 IH 17.7 acres $255,047.00 IH 3.0 acres $18,902.34 IH L.S. $17,000 IH 2 $3,000 * * * $312,346.22 $1,093,498.20 *It remains unclear at this time what land and easement acquisition costs will be for assembling the fully envisioned Pike Lake Park. However, much of the easement portion of the acquisition will take place as a way of meeting future PUD criteria or park dedication requirements as land along Pike Lake is developed. MPP-Passive/Natural Areas ** Staff intents to utilize the facility as an educational center to showcase green materials and demonstrate how citizens can incorporate them into existing structures. As part of showcasing these materials, staff would work with companies to have these materials donated or purchased at a reduced rate. Proper acknowledgement of the material and the donation would be provided within the facility. Other Possible Site ImDrovements: Geothermal installation (adequate space will exist when the septic drain field is removed). Approximately $120,000 cost. MPP-Passive/Natural Areas City 01 Prior lake .~M""'e,""^+, CITY PARKS PROPOSED PIKE LAKe: AREA , ""[ji- . f ' J ~ ,.... ~. . I r" I , I .. l ,.... I ' - ~ ' , Dr: (" , ~ Campbell Lake Park (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description I-=--==-=--=__==-----~=----~ = -~-- Natural Site Improvements Prairie restoration IH I Basswood woodland restoration IH Shoreline restoration OS L _ m_~lJbt(~tCl~--- _ --~- - -- I Physical Site Improvements Benches I H Recycling/trash receptacles I H I Bituminous trail (8 feet in width) IH Floating boardwalk IH Picnic shelters IH Wood chipped trail IH Boardwalk (eastern extension IH . along Campbell Lake) Pavilion (similar to Lakefront Park) Parking Lot (engineered turf) I Subtotal Quantity Est. Cost 4 acres 9.5 acres 1,340/L.F. $21,025 $136,889.96 . $18,000 _~175,~14.96- ~ 10 $8,000 6 $3,468 12,950/L.F. $388,500 300/L. F . $9,000 1 $40,000 600/L.F. $1,380 1,200/L.F. $90,000 1 $575,000 120 stalls $300,000 $1,415,348 __,,______.__..__._____~______._______.__.____.____...___ ..__ ___ ______.____n__'. _._____.._______.____..___....__ ..---- \---.Grand Total--- ---- -- .--- -- - ----$1,591,262.90J ~______.___.._ ___ ___ _ _.__ _ _._ _..__ ___ _ ____ __ ._ ____ n__ __ _____ - - . MPP-Passive/Natural Areas e n lD"lI =i ~~ 0( ~8 ;: ~~ :II t ;lI; ~ '" On "'~1 > ~ ~ ~,~ '6.'3 <" <:: 0 Whitetail Island Park (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description Quanti!y -r-n__~-~- I Est. Cost Natural Site Improvements Invasive species removal (Canary Reed Grass and Cattail) Subtotal IH $*** Physical Site Improvements Boardwalks Picnic shelter Interpretive signage L_~I..I~totC!1 I IH IH OS 2,400/L.F. 1 I $180,000 $40,000 $5,000 __ ~_25,OOO I I I I I I ~__II I ~-------r $*** Grand Total __$?_?5,_09Q____ Other Considerations: *** City staff hopes to create partnerships with the DNR, Ducks Unlimited, and others to create duck habitats. Grants will be a necessary part of the large undertaking around Whitetail Island invasive specie removal efforts and establishing duck habitat. P:\White Tail Island Park Cost Estimates.doc Crystal/Rice Lake Park (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule _Description __ Quantity. Estimated Cost r-.----.-----.------=~.. -.--..----------------.------~ I Natural Site Improvements I Limited removal of invasive species IH 0 $0 j Restoration of Maple/Basswood IH 3 acres $43,228.41 ecosystem Restoration of Oak/Savannah ecosystem Shoreline restoration IH 3 acres $31 ,265.82 ** $0 -----------..-----------.---. $74,494-2_3_ 1_ _~ubtot~L_-- __" . I --.- .-- I Physical Site Improvements Jnterr:>~e..!lve ~na9.e I Subtotal 1 OS $6,000__ 1 ----~-=_=~=_$6,000.. ...--===---\ 1--- Grand Total----------- - -----.--$80,494.23-- -- ] ___..._..._.__._.__._. ___ .__ ...._______. .__ __.'___'__" __._____J ** City staff will work with the DNR and youth in Prior Lake schools through the FIN Program to restore necessary segments of the shoreline (labor and plants free of charge to the City). P:\Crystal-Rice Park Cost Estimates.doc CRYSTAL I RICE COMPLEX AERIAL PHOTO FROM APRIL 2007 ~ W+E s N EXISTING TRAIL PROPOSED TRAIL CITY PARK PARCEL 0 400 400 200 , I Feet Westbury Park at Five Hawks (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description r.--- --.-_..---~._- I Physical Site Improvements I Interpretive siQnaQe Restore and upgrade 8ft bituminous trail to 10ft width I UpQrade woodchip trail Install a woodchip trail connection trail extending from the boardwalk to an adjacent trail I Subtotal Quantity Estimated Cost .--r--- T----- I I I OS I I $3,000 IH/OS 1,600/L.F. $48,000 ... J IIH IH I 500/L. F. 800/L. F. I $1, 150 $1,840 I .. _ _____~____ 1...________1 $?3,990 I r- ---- I Natural Site Improvements I I I Removal of invasive species I I H 0 I $0 I Erosion control/regrading I I $30,000 I Prescribed burn I I ** ** I Maple/Basswood restoration IIH 2 acres I $28,818.94 . __~ublolal -_ cl_-_ - ----- 1_l58,ll!8.~ - - -1 Il- Qrand rotal_==____L-=-.-~_ _~=~111 t2,80~.94 ___II ** The SMSC has agreed to assist City staff with performing the prescribed burn in the prairie areas. P:\Westbury Park at Five Hawks Cost Estimates.doc - . 0-. .:- - ~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ a:: "1IC Z ~i ~ fi:i 0- >.. j ""1""1>. I- ~ ~ U...., U . ( 1 iL ~ 2 { Woodview Park (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description r-------- - ------~-- I Natural Site Improvements I Selective cutting and trimming of trees I Maple/Basswood restoration I Oak/Savannah I Wetland Restoration Subtotal I Physical Site Improvements I Woodchip trail extension I Recycling/trash receptacles I Picnic shelter II Subtotal 1____ ---------- ~---. - G-ra-ndt-otal _____ ._ ___ _ Q.uantity IH IH IH IH o 5 acres 5 acres 2 acres IH 4,000/L.F. IH 6 IH 1 MPP - N atural/Passi ve Areas- W oodwiew Estimated Cost -- ------.1 I I I I I I $0 $72,047.35 $52,047.35 $12,601.56 $136,696.26 $9,200 $3,270 $40,000 $52,470 $189,166.26 . jj+ ~ > "" ij 0:' GO Jeffers Pond Park (I H) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description - -- I- - -- -- --~~ -- rNatural Site Im-provements --- -- -- I Prairie restoration IH Subtotal I ..Qu~Wltity__ Es~~sL 1-- I - ---I 2 acres 1$10,512.50 1$10,512.50 Physical Site Improvements I I Arched bridge IIH I 56/L.F. $22,000 I FIN pier (116ftx30ft) I I 1 I $30,000 Electrical extension for aerator $10,000 system Woodchip trail IH I 3,400/L.F. $7,820 Subtotal I I I $69,820 --.J 1-- - I I r- -------..--- ----- I --- I Jj Grand Total . $80,332.50 ------- ---------------- ,--~ --_._~---- MPP-Passive/Natural Areas-Jeffers Pond City of Prior lake O~ rRIo~ \Minnesota +N ~ ~ 2007 W E ~~ S CITY PARKS JEFFERS POND PARK N I r I I \_ I EXISTING TRAIL PROPOSED TRAIL NEIGHBORHOOD PARK NATURAL AREA PARCEL AERIAL PHOTO FROM APRIL 2007 Last Updated May 2008 City of Prior Lake Public Works Department X:lParks/Jeffers/aerial with trails.apr "1 0.125 o 0.125 Miles This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information and data from various city. county and state offices and other sources. This document should be used for reference only. No representation is made that features presented accurately reflect true location. The City of Prior Lake, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Prior Lake. Markley Lake Park (IH) In house; (OS) Outsource Estimated Cost Schedule Description Natural Site Improvements Removal of invasive species Consulting services to assist in addressing water quality issues Subtotal IH IH/OS Quantity Estimated Cost -~-~-------I I I o I $0 I $10,000 =1- I $10.,0.0.0._ Physical Site Improvements Establish an 8 ft wide bituminous trail Interpretive signage Footbridge I Subtotal ~-~----_._~--------- IH/OS 6,000/L.F. $180,000 IH IH _J _____ __ I I ..._JI I ----- $19.~,o.OQ.=] $3,000 1$2,000 I $185,0.0.0. l Grand Total Other Considerations: If a future neighborhood park is located on the site of the previous City maintenance facility, it will need to be identified in a future CIP when development is anticipated. P:\Markley Lake Park Cost Estimates.doc AERIAL PHOTO FROM APRIL 2007 N W+E S MARKLEY LAKE AREA N EXISTING TRAIL PROPOSED TRAIL CITY PARK PARCEL 300 150 o 300 Feet CITY BOUNDARY APPROX PARCEL Last Updated September 2008 City of Prior Lake Public Works Depanmenl X: \Parks \Concept2024\RaymondAvPark,mxu AERIAL IMAGERY IS FROM AN APRIL 2007 FLIGHT FOR SCOTT COUNTY Feet 200 100 0 ~- This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nur a survey and is not intended to be used as one, This drawing is a cnmpil3tion of records. information and dat;). from various city. county and stale offices and othm sources. This document should be used for reference only. No representation is made that features presented accurately renect true location. The CiLy of Prior Lake, or any ulller entity from which data was obtained. assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein 1/ discrepancies are found, please conlact the City of Prior Lake 200 ,