HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-053 Coop CR 21 Extensionf~~~ PRIp~~ .;; ti ,~~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. v ~~ _. x , Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 ~iINiVE50`tp' RESOLUTION 09-053 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH SCOTT COUNTY FOR THE CR 21 EXTENSION PROJECT SAP 70-621-024 Motion By: Hedberg Second By: Millar WHEREAS The reconstruction of CR 21 between. CR 42 and CR 18 is considered an important improvement to the Scott County transportation system; and WHEREAS, On December 1, 2008 the City Council approved the preliminary layout and design for the CR 21 Extension Project; and WHEREAS, The plans and specifications are consistent with the previous City Council layout approval; and WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Scott County for the CR 21 Extension Project; and WHEREAS, The final design for CR 21 has been completed; and WHEREAS, A Cooperative Agreement for the completion of the CR 21 Extension Project has been completed based on the final design; and WHEREAS, The City of Prior Lake's street and storm sewer cost share is allocated as follows: Cit Street, Storm Sewer Costs Construction $694,000.00 Count Desi n/En ineerin 21% $146,000.00 Federal Fundin -$215,000.00 Cit Street Li hts/Monumentation $100,000.00 Total Cit Cost $725,000.00 The pro osed Cit fundin sources for this ro'ect are identified below: Cit Fundin Street Oversize Fund $100,000.00 Munici al State Aid $425,000.00 Water Qualit Fund Stormwater $50,000.00 Street Reconstruction Bonds $150,000.00 Total Cit Fundin $725,000.00 M:\COUNCI~\RESOLUTI\2009\09-053 Coop Agree for CF~1 wF~~~~~.lake.com Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 The City of Prior Lake's .utility cost share is allocated as follows: Cit Utilit Costs Utilit Construction $490,000.00 Count Desi n/Administration Cost 3% $15,000.00 Cit En ineerin /Administration $30,000.00 Total Ci Cost $535,000.00 The proposed City funding sources for the utility portion of the project are identified below: Cit Fundin Trunk Reserve Sewer & Water $535,000.00 Total Cit Fundin $535,000.00 and WHEREAS, The City of Prior Lake shall reimburse Scott County approximately $1,130.00 for the CR 21 Extension project as estimated above. This amount excludes the City's Administration and Engineering costs for Utility Construction of $30,000 and $100,000 for street lighting and monumentation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein 2. The Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute a Cooperative Agreement on behalf of the City with Scott County for the CR 21 Improvement Project. 3. The City will reimburse Scott County and estimated $1,130,000 for the CR 21 Extension Project in accordance with the Cooperative Agreement. The actual amounts reimbursed by the County based on construction bids shall be approved by the City Council prior to payment. 4. Construction costs will be recorded in the Construction Fund (#501-48366) 5. City Staff is authorized to request $425,000 from the City's Municipal State Aid Account for the project to be deposited in Construction Fund Account #501-33419 6. City Staff is authorized to transfer the following amounts to Construction Fund Account #501-39203: o Trunk Reserve Fund: $535,000 (#502-49303) o Street Oversize Fund: $100,000 (#503-49303) o Water Quality Fund: $50,000 (#602-49303) 7. City Staff is authorized to include $150,000 in Street Reconstruction Bonds for this project as part of the 2010 Bond sale. Proceeds from the bond sale will be deposited in the Construction Fund. 8. The City Engineer is authorized to sign the CR 21 Extension Project Plans. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 6th DAY OF APRIL 2009. YES NO Hau en X Hau en Erickson Absent Erickson Hedber X Hedber LeMair LeMair x Millar X Millar Frank Boyles Ci Hager M:\COUNCIL\RESOLUTI\2009\09-053 Coop Agree for CR 21 Extension.doc