HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey - Ledger '/ "'.J <l" <?..J'o S..9' <?&" --?" ~& J'6' '", '/ ~ I- '" ~~, 'J \, -1 / I / I I / /-\ /", /~ / TRACT c 1\1OST E . of lOt;; J Cor /1 _1_ -}:l q " , "oJ'. (, <5'0 ~ IJ'", 0 IJ' :r <5' . 6' /~ MOST r. )7 <to Cf i()r 1/ 3 \ C.r " '-'. \ .', ~}( " I tI' / i)o- Jo ./ "':;;. 'y / I / >, /' / \ KE // \ -- Cf.to . tJfT C G s' <: :/,/y, .3/C', .- '0 ,,- <:'5' ", N 83045'09"W .~ )()~ 5') _ <;1;-.,1{,... . /4/24. or <:t ~---l ,~ 404 trL. Ll~ -24-, Ir:'l G4R4GE ,,) ) (VI' 0 , . PROPOSED I:;; TWIN HOME :?J \.9 J- , 0 r~ G4P4~ ~/ y. >...J..:..__ 404 '-'_ 24 I --___. 't' -----.~ . ~~ I N~9~5'09"W ~! 155 C~ ~j1f. " ! 40'4--::-, " ';tL-' ~ t . -24"?.-, l~ , 1 GAR4GEl,~1 ~ \ , 'f ~r . "" ,. G4R 4GE ~t -... ..:. .~. 50 1404 . 24 . ;.-~~ --.. ';t j;-..--;;; I . "<:,,,,,,". ~r: ....;' Of..... , 'I '.;,~.. <1'1 '< ". "~S' L 1'- - j 25.00ft. -' ", // \ \ / .~ r-.'.;:) . '.r: . , '.1/' / TRACT " 56 :t - / / / .-, l~o f..([) ,.... / '-, I I ?q't ..... - 75' z rRACT GI~ I~ (~ Irj ~(4~ ~ I~ .\~~ " " / '. / / I ( I .PROPOSED Th I h HOfylE a / Dr::srPIr'rION 'l'PJ\CT 8: 86't . " - - -(64 2 583"4590 ~, North /' 9 E Ine of the 5 outh ./ / / Tlwt part or Lot::; :2 a.nrJ -3, Block 1, f)W[ll'l'S ::'~;'1' ADfHTIO :':innesota h'i:lq 710rth and ':ICSt of the foliO\'I~[YJ describ ~---- 5 'I --- ------ y Ime of lot 3 _.r------ / // / :'C'~i'lIllnq .)1 the J;Y)st norther1',' cot.:':ter or sai.,: T~ot ~ :.,ou~h\A;"tc;r1" alon'l the W(;stc,t.:'l-; line of :-;.)~ : Lot 3, c::ur./(' COiled'."" t.O t.hC' sOl1t:..'tcast, havi:lfJ a "l',tillS or .1 ,'in) le of 2310 fl.'ecs, \'-, minut(~s, :?:.:' sccon1S a chord ,Jc'(irr::c,;, ',0 minutes, 11 second:,; ',';(>st Cl ehur:: len0,th 'Jm'th S 3.:''<'Jl_-'x's, 4') ;1\lnut\'s, G'J ;;cco:rl;c, "Jest a (list nr 1(>:,,::; to Lhe shoreLi:lc of !~"iC)r T"ilke, iln_: there tE \])1 li'in" :-;()utl~ illY.: east 0: the ,:ollO'...:inq lescribel iil / l3C'(Jinn i!1q i:lt t::.,'lc rmst cilstc'l.'l',- ..'ut.:'!1c.r ,')f ~ot l, Blo( t/hencc SO\ltJM\'s~crl''; illnrrf t.::h,-' (.a:;terl'/ Lnc of SClL' /~1ont.::Hl'f\'ntlCll curJ" cunca'/c' I:c') U1e sou~hedst, havine / - 1 - t.) 1 . -1. ~, / teet, d c0ntr.J anqlo nL _ ,a:qrccs, :) :11,nutc:3, -J' I he,)]'in.! nf ~;o\lth ]:l ck'qn','s, ::'1) ::lL;tU1_cS,J'\ seconds of hl<!. (,() ':eet to the. '~ollt:1ca:;t COlner of sai 1 Lot soutl'M0st0rl',' .:110n] ";~lL,] curve, havl nq a 1'"c.Khus of ' cIDlle of:n c1f''ln'f', (I' ::linutcs, no seconcb a chocl (.kqrec:s, :2') mi:1utc~,;, 4'; scco[KL,; ;}e~;t,J. c~,or:J 1cnqt; ~lortJl 33 Jc."_lroes, 4 ') r:llnutC's, (19 S0con ls '.lest Cl -:lis or less to the shore 1 i ne of Pr ior Lake, aTlc~ tJlcre tc nd 1, Block 1, mDIC','S l:;'~ :\c"I)[':';:i)'J,;cott :~ollnty, ~hnn(;otc:l lyi:lCj : [JarallellNith and distant ~25_il() f:c:'ct nort.:lcr1 of the)\lth lint' 1, ancl l':~ir-YJ soutSi ,~nl! oa~;t I)~~ t:1C follrftJ1 nc r}escribe-j ~IC: C'ontainintj1p[,roximat\'1'.' 1-:', 14() sc;uau.? ~,~t above e Dst norther1'j corner 01.' sal,l Lot ;, S!.od: 1; thence lCj tJ1C ,-,'esterl':, 1 i.nc or sai : Lot.:, alonl .:1 nontarqentia he southetlst, ha\f~nCJ a rildiu~' \)!'lr,O.ll fpot, a central ~s, 35 minutes, ~):2 :::;cconds 01 chor'~ beari.lYJ of ::;outh 32 ~s, 11 seconds '-;est (} chor:l 1CI1<lth or 134.02 ~cet; thcnc 4 5 i.1inute~-;, 0') socorr_l::; ;'Jes t a cl: stance' o~' l' 0 feet rron )reline of Prior Lake, .1[1(1 tl1(~a' t'-'Elindtirrj. ~"ntJ.._fttt.\l'" "'I\~ Ih~ llll;CIl~ ftt "" ~\Iml!"t ~ .,M ...._____..........-~'H In 1111} li?,I.! \;hj~'~f:.tn!H:~ ,,~~)\ ..,,~ ~;'\tF JThJ.tel~' 17, ')GO SqUilL" "c..'C t ,:lbFC ,_:lc'.'3LLon 'lrq.