HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 16, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. ................................................................................................................................................ 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of April Agenda 3. Approval of March meeting minutes 4. Community Garden Discussion - AI Friedges 5. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 6. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 7. Future Meeting Date a. May 215\ 2009, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment PAC SIGN-IN SHEET MARCH 19, 2009 PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 1. ,\' letrlY1UV1 Cwugn ?)C1 ie TimbeR-rfi, ~r~.~J QS2-LJ4l-"lPioS' <:''- r,(Df) W7IJfJf5 6C1''h lImtx:c if r:.'fj.I. 0(2 '3'2H- 3L(L{0 ;J;A"1. .M0.aA-f:::L~ ZI 9 iu ~l.VVW(L ~ _ iJ~," ~ '-/y7-3~ 7 ./ ~ L7Clvlh~:1nj14 .'tf1jfiCnL40:tik). ( tJ,4 \ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. SIGNIN Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 3/19/09 6:00 p.m. -7:23 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Ruhme. Members Present: Kelly Loose, Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Kendall Larson, Eric Spieler, Dan Ruhme, Ron Ceminsky Staff Present: Al Friedges, Angie Barstad, Jeff Matzke Citv Council Liaison: Chad LeMair Communitv Members Present: Shannon Keough, Jane Keough, John Muelken, Walter Johnson 2. APPROVAL OF MARCH AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ron Ceminsky, Second by Mike Feriancek; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF JANUARY MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson; motion carried 4. COMMUNITY GARDEN DISCUSSION: Friedges: Jane Keough brought this subject to Al Friedges to see if our community could move forward with a Community Garden. Jane Keough: She thought there would be a community garden constructed at Heritage Park, also known as Kop Farm, by now. Gardens are becoming very popular. She doesn't feel kids today know about the "miracle" of gardening. She wants to teach kids how planting a seed grows into a beautiful thing. Community Gardens reduces crime, increases community involvement, property values, and ties neighborhoods together. There is a lot of support out there for a community garden. She suggested that there should be different plot sizes and monthly classes to teach environmental subjects, etc. John Muelken: Representing the Scott County Master Gardeners. The gardeners would be able to set up and organize the community gardens and help any way they can. Friedges: Staff needs feedback and direction from the PAC as to if they should proceed with this project and what staff needs to research (i.e. more then one locations, fees to be charged, funding alternatives, security, etc.). Loose: Is Heritage Farm (Kop Farm) location ready to be used for a community garden? Friedges: The Heritage Farm area will need some trees removed, grading done for access along with a rock wall and boardwalk built across the wetland. Spieler: Staff should do a feasibility study first and start out small then increase the garden size as participation grows. Haugen: Staff should research costs immediately so we can move forward with this project. Feriancek: Staff should research several possible sites with water access for the gardens. There may need to be a sub committee for this project. Ceminsky: Concerned about up keep of the gardens. We need to govern it some way so it won't look bad. We should try one garden location first, and then if that is successful we could look at more locations. Jane Keough: Rules can be enforced by taking away lots from people who do not keep their lots weeded, etc. There can be a community walk through a couple times a year so people will always be mindful of the up keep. There should also be portable toilets by the gardens. Chad Lemair: Timing? The next PAC meeting is in April. We should move on this before that time so it can get on the City Council agenda before we lose the planting window for this year. We should start small the first year. Feriancek: Motioned to have staff put together a plan for the City Council. Kendall Larson second this motion; motion carried. Ceminsky: We should advertise the community garden in the local papers so the community can find out that they exist. Friedges: Staff will bring a plan to the April City Council meeting. 5. SOUTH SHORE PARK AND RAYMOND AVENUE PARK Matzke: Gave the history on these parks. The City of Prior Lake and Spring Lake Township agreed to these park improvements through the annexation agreement. These improvements are to be completed by 12/09. There is no cost to the City for the land. This plan will have to be presented to the township board and City Council for final approval. Friedges: The following improvements will be made: South Shore Park: Curb will be added around the current play structure and re-grading will be done at this site to accommodate the cub. A picnic shelter will be constructed along with some tree planting. There will be picnic tables and a grill under the picnic shelter. Raymond Avenue Park: Initially the design for Raymond Ave. Park was planned to be as most typical neighborhood parks. After discussions with representatives from the Spring Lake Township and the DNR it was decided that Raymond Ave. Park should be more passive. Therefore this park will not receive a play structure as earlier planned but rather a fishing pier, picnic shelter and floating board walk and bridge to allow access to Raymond Ave. Park for the South Shore residents. Future plans would be to partner with the Water Shed District on the 40 acre wetland to the south of Raymond Ave. Park and possibly install a board walk system and enhance a wildlife habitat. The next steps for the park is to bring the final design to the Spring Lake Township Board for approval and then to the City Council to authorize the funding in the CIP. Feriancek: Made a motion to go forward with these projects with the exception of making the boardwalk into a "t", versus what was discussed in the plan. Kyle Haugen second the motion; motion carried. 6. PROJECTSIUPDATES BY Al FRIEDGES Friedges: In addition to the Community Garden project, and the previously stated projects, we are getting ready for spring by cleaning up and doing maintenance on fields and landscaped areas. We continue to do our Buckthorn removal and natural resource projects. There will be a controlled burn at Lakefront Park in the fall and there will also be a controlled bum some time this year at the Five Hawks Nature area. We are also going into buildings that have been closed up for the winter and cleaning and repairing them. No formal action required. 7. RECREATION UPDATES BY ANGIE BARSTAD Barstad: Summer registration began March 5th. We received over 350 registrations on the first day alone. We will not have lifeguards at either beach this summer but we will still offer concessions at both beaches and collect parking fees at Sand Point Beach. The Recreation department will be offering tot lot/playground at only 5 parks around the City in order to reduce seasonal staffing costs. April 4th is the FREE Eggstravaganza at Lakefront Park from Ipm - 3pm. There will be the egg hunt, Easter Bunny, fire truck, police car and Trisha and the Turmies will perform that day. For more information on what we are offering you can go to our new online registration site at www.oriorlakerecreation.com. No formal action required. 8. FUTURE MEETING DATE - Aoril16th. 2009 (6om). Motion to adjourn was made by Kyle Hagen and second by Kendall Larson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator I , . .. " "-....... ~ ..' ..' ...... ....... KOP FARM MASTER PLAN Prior lake, MN & ". ..' ... ... ..' . ~. " ....-... ........ ....: "-..-,,. ....... ......................... ------.." . '''f~r.....pi~ PROGRAM ELEMENTS OCommunity Gardens Sizes ranging from 150 to 400 sq. ft. 6' ADA accessable walkways Small commons area With hose hookup, benches and garden shed 4 ft. fence barrier with single gated entry 8Event Lawn 16,000 sq. ft. turf grass Gentle decline northward to wetlands ....... '.. .................... ..... ............ .... .-..................... ............ "::":0' 8 8 Barn 40' x 60' Stone foundation to match ex. house foundation 213 loft with 113 open to below With tables and chairs Entry from east end Post and beam construction Wood sided and shingled roof OHouse and Windmill Existing stone foundation to remain 1/4 open walled, brick sided Constructed to look like a ruin Roof or arbor structure over portion of house Turf floor Restore Windmill with turbine - 00rchard Overflow Parking 26,000 sq. ft. structural soil wi turf grass 58 Parking stalls 18 to 20 ft. drive aisle Parking for Community Gardens and the Event Lawn Non-fruiting, flowering apple trees, approx. 60 0Main Parking Approx. 9 stalls Class 5 material ~ {; ~ ~ .~ $ 8Wetland 8' boardwalk to Lakefront Park Excavate man-made wetland for ice skating 80' x 120' skating area Dock located off of boardwalk Lit by flood lamps Parking in Event Lawn (winter months) 0Warming House 20' x 30' accessory building Post and beam construction Corrugated steel siding and roof Heating device 0Fruiting Orchard Apple trees that will bare edible fruit Flowering to match Orchard Parking trees 0' 20' 40' lIIlI SiD Hoisington Koegler Group, Ine 123 North Third Street Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55401 p: 612-338-0800 f: 61-338-6838 Scale: 1" = 20' N.. 01.09.2006 Lakefront Park /" Pond / r- / ~ ~ O' 50' 100' Scale: 1" = 50' N. 01.09.2006 KOP FARM MASTER PLAN Prior Lake, MN PROGRAM ELEMENTS OCommunity Gardens 8Event Lawn 8Barn OHouse and Windmill .Orchard Overflow Parking 0Main Parking Glce Skating Pond OWarming House 0Fruiting Orchard 00Picnic Knoll OOGateway to Prior Lake 08Vegetative Buffer I I J ~J ~ I" I rm L"~.9 J I#"'...,...",~ ~".~~J ~~ ~ I I I N J Prairie Restoration Wetland Turf Grass Bituminous Trail Water Oak Savanna Orchard Class 5 Driveway Class 5 Walkway Boardwalk Fence Boulder Retaining Wall III K Hoisington Koegler Group, Ine 123 North Third Street Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55401 U.an p: 612-338-0800 l!!I f: 61-338-6838