HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15 False Alarms ORDINANCE 02-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 503 AND 806 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO FALSE ALARMS The Prior lake City Council does hereby order that 1. Section 503.200 and 503.300 of the Prior lake City Code is hereby arnended in its entirety as set forth below: 503.200 False Alarms. Enforcement regulations for alarms systems are regulated under Section 806 of the Prior Lake City Code. 2. Part 8 of the Prior lake City Code is amended to add Section 806 False Alarms as follows: 806.100 806.200 PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this Ordinance to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Prior lake. The City operates a volunteer, on-call fire department. As a volunteer, on-call fire departrnent, the volunteers are paid for each call to which they respond. Responding to false alarms depletes the limited resources, people and equipment, with which the City has to respond to emergencies. Further, increased development in Prior lake creates additional demands on the resources of the Police Department. Therefore, in order to protect the residents of Prior lake by maximizing the limited resources available to the City, this Section attempts to encourage Alarrn Users to properly maintain and use their Alarm Systems. DEFINITIONS: The following words and terms when used in this Section shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Alarm Company: The business by any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity of selling, leasing, maintaining, monitoring, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing any Alarm System or causing to be sold, leased, maintained, rnonitored, serviced, repaired, altered, replaced, rnoved or installed, any Alarm System in or on any building, structure or facility. Alarm System: Any instrument or other device that, as one of its purposes, is used to protect buildings, premises or persons from criminal acts, unauthorized entries or acts of nature by warning persons of crime, unauthorized entry and acts of nature through the emission or transmission of a sound or signal. Alarm User: Any person, employee, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind which uses or is in control of an Alarm Systern, regardless of whether it owns or leases the system. False Alarm: Any activation of an alarm not caused by or as a result of a crirninal act, an unauthorized entry or an act of nature that is received by the Fire and/or Police Department. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 806.300: 806.400: 806.401 : 806.402: 806.403: 806.404: FALSE ALARMS; PENALTIES: (1) The City will impose a penalty on any Alarm User for each False Alarm in excess of three (3) per calendar year. The penalty will be: Fourth Alarm Fee: Fifth Alarm Fee: Sixth Alarm Fee: Seventh Alarm Fee: $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 The fee shall increase by the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each succeeding False Alarm thereafter. (2) If the responding police officer or firefighter determines that a False Alarm was caused by the actions of the Alarm Company, a penalty of $100.00 shall be assessed against the Alarm Company with no corresponding penalty assessed against the Alarm User. SUSPENSION OF POLICE/FIRE RESPONSE: SUSPENSION OF POLIcE/FIRE RESPONSE: If the requirernents of subsection 806.403 are met, the City Manager, upon consultation with the Police Chief or Fire Chief, may suspend police or fire response to Alarm Users by Notice to the Alarm User as provided in subsection 806.402. However, the Police and/or Fire Department will respond if independent information is received by the Police and/or Fire Department that verifies the need for immediate police/fire response. NOTICE: The City Manager may serve, in person or by U.S. mail, the Alarm User with written notification that effective fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice, the Prior Lake Fire and/or Police Department will not respond to alarm dispatch requests received from that Alarm System for the remainder of the calendar year. REQUIREMENTS: When an Alarm User generates more than four (4) False Alarms within a calendar year; or when an Alarm User is rnore than one hundred twenty (120) days overdue in payment of the Penalty as described in subsection 806.300. REINSTATEMENT: To prevent the suspension of services, the Alarm User may elect to pay a penalty of $500.00. The first False Alarm after the payment of this $500.00 penalty will be considered the first False Alarm in the calendar year for purposes of assessing further penalties under subsection 806.300. This ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2003. following its passage and publication. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake on October 21, 2002. ATTEST: _/S/ City Manager DN: 163293 ---1S/ Mayor ORDINANCE 02-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 503 AND 806 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO FALSE ALARMS The Prior Lake City Council does hereby order that Section 503.200 and 503.300 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended iri its entirety as set fotth below: '503.200 False Alarms. EnforcetnentregnJations for alarms systems are regulated under Section 806 of the Prior Lake City Code. . 2. Part8ofthePriorLakeCityCode isamende4to' add Section806 FalseA1arms as follows:' , PuRPOSE: The pnrpose and intent of this Ordinance to Protect the health, safety and welfare of. the residents of the City of Prior Lake. The City operates a volunteer, on-call fire deparbnent. As a volunteer, on:'call fIre department, ~he volunteers are paid for each call to which they respond. Responding to false alsrms depletes the limited reao1lfC08; people and equipment, with which the City has to respond to emergencies. Further, increased developrnentinPrior Lake creates additionaJ demands on the resources of the Police Department. Therefore, in o,rder to.p~~ct the residents of Prior Lake by maxumzmg the limited resources available to the City, this Section attempts to encourage Alarm Users to properly maintain and use their A1arm Systems. DEFINITIONS: The following words and teDllS when nsed in this Section shall have the followirig meanirigs unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: A1arm Company: The busiriess by any individualf partnership, c.orporati(:m~o~er entity of sellin~,. leasmg, .l;DalDta~ng, monitoring, serY1ctng, repamng, altenng, ~Iacirig, movirig or iristalling any Alarm System or causing to be sold, leased, maintained, llIonitDred, 84lfVlced, repaired, altered, ~~1IIO\'<ld; or iIlStalIed, any A1armSystemmoronanyblplding. slructti1e or facility. Alarm Syswo: Any instrument or other device that, as one orits purposes,is used to pr~ buildii1p, pre.miscs Of persons from criminal act,s, ,I1'!"U!horized entries or act,s ofnatunbywatningP"l"SODS of crime' unanthorized entry and act,s of ,,' , .. . .. naturethroughthcenusslonort:ransm1SS1on ofa sound Of sisnaJ.., , Alarm User: A1rt ~ emp!oree, fum,partnerslQps~~t :,~:;:~~~~ corDIlanyor~,Ofanykind\vlri<lli lIli8,t\6A03: ',', ~'When "an AIalm User generates more than four ~ (4) PaISe Alarms witbin a calendar year' , or when an Alarm Vser is more than on~ . bundred ,twenty (120) days overdue in -I payment of the Penalty as described iri subsection 806.300. 806.404: lWNsrATEMENr. . To prevent the suspension of services tlieAiarmUsermayelccttopayapenaJtY ofS5oo.oo. The first False Alarm afte. tbepayment ofthisS500.oo penalty will be con.sl(lered the firstFalse Aiarmintlie calendar year for purposes of assessirig' further p~nalties under subsection 806.300. ThisordinanceshaJlbecomeeffective ' January 1. 2003. following its passage and pnblicatioo. Passed ted by the' City Council-.of _ of Prior Lake on I October 21, 2 (Publi~i:fu LakeAnericanon ' ~llllllllllllllllll n ~nnn 11 1111 Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Scott ) Stan Rolfsrud, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or the authorized agent. of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, Jor~ Independent, Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts herem stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualific~tion as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applIcable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit a~d identified as No.. n5'~ was published on the date or dates and in ~he newsp.aper ~tated. m the attached Nonce and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of thiS AffidaVit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a. copy of. the low~r case alphabet .from A to Z, .b?th inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as bemg the kind and 0 type used m the composItIon and publication of the Notice: By' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv Subscribed and sworn before me on this J~daYOf# ~2002 ~~I'/f; Notary Public Stan Rolfsrud, General Manager or his designated agent e GWEN M. 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