HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 27, 2009 /~ PRIO~ / C7 ~ ~ ti y U x \ /~ \~INNESO~Q/ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2009 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. L Call Meeting to Order: 2. Approval of Minutes: A. March 9, 2009 3. Public Hearings: 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: A. 2010 - 2014 Capital Improvement Program Review 6. Announcements and Correspondence: 7. Adjournment: L:\09 FII.ES\09 PLANNING COMhIISSION\09 AGENDASWG042709.DOC www.cityofpriorlake.com . Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 PLANNIN{3 COMMISSION AAINUTES MONDAY MARCH 9, 20{#11 1. Cali to Order: Present mere Ring+s#~d. ~ ~~. 1<`oy and Perez, Caa~rtt~fty t~eveic~raenttN~turel I~eeaourc~a E~ire~or Parr, Plsr-r~ ,J~ and h~kl~ Aas~etant 2.~ R®M Cad Pr+ssent ~~; ~'' P Piet ~. Apersv~tl ©l The from t#te Petry 9, 2t1~, ~~ Cra}t~ vw~e prese~teQ. 4. Consent; tote 5. Pfd Fha~rl~s EFH Realtor Ad~sors, tnc. ~s snltted ~ pe~tlor~ to ~ the Cet+shenahw P~ to re-~wld~ three party trf i~nd ~ ap~re~ci 5T acrsa ftttim R-LD (l~tfihrt Lo~v Density Restdentla~ to C-CC (Conrnwnky RetaN 8hclhgj. Tha she ~ toeAtsd at property previqusly wtM#zsd by the Crossro Church snd tv~o re~ial borne sties, west o!f MN TH 43 and south of GSAN 4~. 'M4TK~V 8Y t=LE1+~lNt3, SI~~IIJ BY Blt_LMIC3T~N T© OPEN'tt~ Pt.FC ttEJ4~RpiC3. VOTE: ryes by Bllton, Fiem~q, Fir, Pef'ez ertd i~rtgstad, ~'he ~ artd t1'w plc at a•'IO p.~. Ceans ~var ~ n.,-waor~o _ i ArNr4lt't~1M3~Ni~EM~o9xbc Plannir~q Commission Meeflre~t March !, 24011 Gene liappe, owner of the property acquired from Crossroad Church and one of the houses. Stated he met with many neighbors a couple of weeks ago aril talked about the comprehensive plan as well as their desires. Explained that he acqur®d this property ~s a result of selNng the Crossroads Church another building in t3umsville and in .order to accomplish that they had to sell the Church and he ended. up with it. He now needs to figure out what to ~n do wt~ It. The Church site alone did not work well because with a new road and stopl~ht, it will narrow the property so much as to be unusable. That :prompted him to buy the tHro additional parcels whkh have been inducted in the. request for comprehensive plan amendment. Commented that Prior Lake has the disadvantages of traffic volume and noise, but does not have the benefit of the tax zoning that would come from commerdal property zoning. Requested the Planning Ccarnmisslon to approve the oomprehensive plan amendment. Assured that he can minimize the bract on the neighborhood, Fleming: Asked what neighborhood ooncems are. Heppe: Replied the concerns expressed range from not wanting arty de t to not wanting the bnpad of raise, tragic, views etc. Commented that h® has campieted about 45 succes~fui projects in BurnsvNie anti recently in Eagan and such canoerr-s are common. In those cases, he addressed c:oraerns with neighbors end received support from them. Fleming: Asked attendees and speakers to be respectful as they presented thek and i~tenad to others glue . Michel 1fVright, 143 Tbn~hy Avenue, stated he lives acxcs~s the attest tarom this s~ and wrwk! be looicing et a wad. Commented that `he lived in Prior t_a#ce based on the 2030 Comprehenshre Plan and having ilia urea zoned R-7 . A sense of s®curity and. sanctuary c>f harr~e, where Syr step and rest and escape from rrs~icing a lhring, is ~nportant. Putting hem behind ~n y ~ bttslness has Impact ~ property value. Encouraged the Plara~ing Corrunieslon b stick w~h the 2030 Cornpreher~Nre Plan. Commented that. tta plan locks 20 years ~ the ~+ anti k a ccxrtrrtty plan. This church had a growth probtem unique to them, :but edfhes are ne~ied to. Changing ~ land use has negative effect on whole neighborhood which has been eroded step by step wvith commercial growth. Believes there is a negative bYtpact on his parer property: 1) no canpensa~n for bss of home value, 2) kiss of safety for ~esktents who ice walk through the netgi>bortaod, 3) do not need it to take care of commercial comrrity needs, and 4) there will be a safety probtem of gridlock. Asked if a traffic study has been done: or if emergency vehicle access has been amsidered. Commented that 2030 Vision and Strategbc Plan goals and ot~ectives fcx the community are to assure a smas time feel in retaining developments and to have walkable neigltl~rhoods. Believes the neighborhoods should have yards big enough to play in. Asked how b~yde traffic woukt get through the npbghbofiood as there is not er-ough room for trails. Displayed pictures of his house and surnouncfr~g areas in both daylight end darkness commenting that the Hghta of a parking tot would "white out" the stars. Btllington: ThanFced Vtlrlght for ©omments Arid asked if there is any pro}ect he ~eei corrafortable w on that si#e as an alter~tiue to Mr. Happe's proposal. Wright: Rep#ect that x»tktq refers to gent levels of resk4entl~d zonir~ 6#aulct be ne~ct to f2-1 zoning rather than cx~rnrrrerch+l zoning. ®fliingt©n: Claritiiec# that VYrl~tt ie thirtkir~g ~ exclusive harms of continuance of resider~d developmer-t on the property. lWiatt .f~obsen, 6798 ,stated he beeves the on ro neighboriwoct: 4) too huh ref speeds of n~ator vehicle and bike traff~ c:orr~irtg arc~tu~d-the oo ontci Boucikt, which ooutd hazardous if barrier walls and plants are placed mere; 2) there ere tic backups dieing busy perbds ~ mornirigfeverdng with other busir-e atxl daycare and cxmcemed that will bee fed; 3) emergency vehiciea woubi have a more ~t tirrie accessing the neighbarlaod; ~) this woukt be first ma~Cx fuel slap on ~ skfe of TH 13, k w~l cause addigo~l snowmen, boaters, who might across neighborhood yards: 5) t ~ t~sws ~ oa~s~ u~ .mac 2 Piannlnp Co~misslon Me+t/ny~ March 8, 2E101 have signatures from 35 peop~ who could not Dome to this meeting, but expressing they do not want the plan: 6) tl~ wa#i around the development would create a barrier which is not in Nne with a mature residential neighbat~ood - would become the ne~hbort~ood behirt-d the t<wik Trip; and 7) with respect to the oven Corry~rehensive Plan, there are 14 open lease spaces with a half mile akeady. Ringsted: Explained t the pubtic hearing. is just for the comprehensive plan chang® corysratkxy, not`For a particular development plan of the site. There would be speditc put~ic hearings for development concepts. Requested that no references to particular site use be made even though references ware made ~ a particular use in the newspa~r. Jeff Phelan, 14271 T'srtothy Avenue, thanked Heppe for spending ~e with the neighborhood. Requested that the comprehensive plan amendment request be denied. Stated he purchased his home a year ago and the deeded lake access w+as of interest to him. The comprehenshre plan he reviewed stated the area was zoned urban low density. This encroachrr~ent of commerc~i zoning would ~ his .property, t3eiieves that extension of resdential zoning would be a better use of property. Stated he would f®el concerns abcwt sectxity for hk young d~dren, noise abatement and deckrting property value if the zonktg were changed b corYtn'~rcial. This development would change the neighborhood to being stuck next to a noisy deve~pmeryt. Lee Smith, 1435a t-ois Averyue, carrxnented about the number of feet between resktent#al property anti TH 13 aspttaft and questioned whether it would be different Oa' Savage and Prior Lake. Asked ~ changir~ the sib ~ oonwr~erciai would result ~ spot zoning. Believes people would not buy property far residential purpc3s®s ~ neighl3oring zoning can be ganged si a wt~m. tCatti® OstNe, 14419 Wa~rsecige Tray, stated she reviewed. the matter from procedural aspects and reviewed 2Q30 Canprehensive Pin noting that some of tfi~ obJecfiivas of the Comprehensive Pfart were included with the earlier presentation. Read from the Comprehensive Plan about discouraging or prohibiting spat zoning or rezoning of tend uses when adequate zoned land k available ki the dty; aryl that industrial and oorntryeraai use should interface with the corr~rnunlty rather than to catch traffic. This arneruiment to the Comprehenshle Plan cans .For a dy~rnge from. k~w density residential to modal retail shoppir~ and to make that big of a ~ not in the. spirit of the Comprehensive Plan. Believes such action would. be going against our own plan. Commented that several oammercIal businesses arcwrrd this area have tried t failed and believes that shows this Is not a good kx:atku- fa- people looking For retail shopping. Expressed concern about property ve#ues. Stated that streets are in bad cemditkH't and have not been resurfaced in rrrore than 20 years acxording to neighbors. Beeves that ~ commerdal traffics is added, the streets in the nelghbonc~~od would gave to be Imprc3ved because traffk; would cut through the neighborhood to get back to CR 42. Tory t3oisvert,14387 Watersedge Tray, has lived to the rhkxxhoad for 2t) years and commeraed that trc has doubled since Tirr~thy Avenue was dosed s~ce Bye only way to go west is to go throt~h the neighborhood or through four stop signs - so people go through neighborhood. Asticed if ~s rezoning would lower texas. Rirygstad: tZsd tip ~ would l~ceiy Crease revenue from what was churdt property by hxxeastng the tax berme of city. &~isvert: k wout~l i©awer resicler~'s Pr'~nY v• Calge Ost8s,144t>~ wa0erssdge Trail, added that C naive Ptary ado rnen that corrsryeirclai zoreng be deyne an parcels Ihat are 40 acres or rncxe aryd this s~ ie d©ughty saes. Brbrn Vhf, 87$1 Sbast, camped #tat #~e hee Need for soven yes and usec# b w t~s kid cnt tiitie knc~ next to the ~ w stagy ~ ~. dewbproent went up aroul1d the area bat a lot of r~Ftt Conned t t'rior t.~ce ~ ryigtyt fight. Aso ooncAm®d about traffic situatkxy expialr>ing reoor>slnon of Bcxrdin l'1t19 ~kE$tkl~ P1.14NrwMt1~3 GK~#~AMF~yffiio!l1A9 M{I~ .dot 3 Piannlnp Commissfon Maednq March 9, 2©09 in#ersectlon caused many people to turn to the :north to go to the businesses and they do not stop at the two-way stop (north/south). Beeves additional ~mmerdai traffic may not know of residential uses and be speeding. Believes the Ctty should look at other areas for comrr~rdal and put homes on Timothy Street. Judith Payn®, 14424 Wat®rsed~e 7ralt, opposes reassignment of tfiis parcel of land. Stated this corner is the gateway to Prior Lake and the t~ce and tat people who drive through on TH 13 see hits comer first. Sad It would be neat to see homes and trees rather than big stores and barren land. Alicia L~ g806 eoudin Street, e~uessed concern about ~afttc stating fat to cross TH 13 to qet to Boudin is dtff#c~t and c~mmmtardal property traffic would Just add ~ the problem. Robert Canton, 14251 'Timothy Avenue, stated that the Impact of change would be primarNy on his and Phelan's property and t-e Is opposed to the Comprehensive Pian change. Stated he made decisions ~ M~xovements to his place and the amendment change woukt mesa with hta life. Asked the Planning Comrrr~ssion to ~t a headcount of who is opposed to this by :those present who dki ,not speak. Vicky Derouch®y, 14273 tdatal~ ll, stated that she and her neighbors care about a residential nelghborttood -- ~ is a lake propeRy ar~i a refuge and tfiey want ~ keep ~ that way. Michael yvngrtt: Asked who would receive ttte petition they have. Parr: Mated the pef~on would be ®ntered into the pubic record. AAOTIt?N 8Y Ft.EMlt~f3, S€CC}~[?ED BY B~ItLMIGTOfid T4 CLOSE Tt~ `Pi1i3~lC 61l=ARtI~O. VOTE.: Ayes by E'~lington, Ftsrr~rtg, Mow#eY. Perez and Rir~StaQ. Ttte nx~lon carried and ifie pubic t~utng ok at 8:55 p.m. Cott~tuits: Fluff g: Asked 11~ isng~ ol` hot Ikte tl' wraald ~e n~c/ed by amen artd t~ fkst Parr: gtot to e ~ frmm ; ~ ~ to be about ~ feet to property boundary. Fluting: Aced i'1ow k ~ , edge of a dweltktg ~ gte area that wMl be clown. Pu-: a#.~ Wit. Puez: AaMced about t+he s nelg~Orttood rill afitoppkta artd ~+rr ~. Party: sie~#' was date ~ bw~ictnp at tt~ c~rnpt~t~sef"~iive Pla~rt utd spoke v ate Cky ~y bbout interpre~atiort. Expl~teid that C-l4t~t-~ne~hd r shoppinSi) k service oriented , ~rtg snd end designer! ~ serve r>isidenn~ ~ I#te to netghborfiood. L on'tyrpe, ~e ar~d y of dk~rrtert# to enswe oompa rrtrs areas; the txhrntrn bu~ding size is 1 a,E>DA sq. R., the nom bt area is ~.vtlt~ sq ft and the rrtaxlnturrt kit area is five acx!ss. staff bc~iced oi~ey ~t the ten-acre r~erertcx~ trutde dbowt cr~tnmEtnity retail-ettiopping. T'tte si#es to 1#re rtorfl~t and south of property are. zoned c~rrterdal. There sere five modes in ~ ~y zont~d as corrtrrter+dat and is cx~te of them. This pray wr~ulct become part of the node thief exists on either stile of it. The C-CC (taorrtrrtut~ity reta~ attoppktg) ~ serves a broader area which -~Y be I~te ~ reslden~l c#taveloprnent with deslgrt that had an a transition to reskiential areas, wttidt t:af- be t~rotgh phy or rettur~ banners. Reglortal caters and fa ' are riot contutp~ted for such a si#e. Peres: Asked how'n- dlffst~nce ~ tragic ~ ar>'tic~pated hood yet sttvpping arai cxrmrnerc~l rem eh~pirtg. ~:~ t~t:aswe QL ccs t~s :~ 4 Planning Comrnlsslon AMetMp March ~, 2009 Parr: Replied that would depend on the types of uses and some uses could be brought up with the site plan. review that would ask for a traffk: study. Flemings Asked staff what they ~terpret in the Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance that allows them to consider going outside of the five-acre guideline. Parr: Read that the minimum lot area for C-NR is 20,000 sq. ft. and maxicrwm lot. area is five does. Fleming: Clarified that the site area ~ 5.7 aa-®s and asked wily staff is OK wig it. Pane: RepNed that it is abtxit the of site and what safeguards could be M pace mitigate for ~e residenkai neighboficx~d. Staff beNeves in Code and there are sirnnila~r Comprehensive Pian dssignations next ~ k~v-de~#y rss~ial. 'f~++ere are sirr~r areas in Prior Lake. Drove by the sites and viewed evolu~r-s and that ~ rvher® the comfort lave! comes from. Fleming: Meted he is aware ~ issue that arose in WNW wAien that tCwik Try went fti and many mitiga~r~g conditions were ptaoecl on it and it turned cwt w~. Five-paa~#-sever!-acres vs. 5.0 means we #~ve exceeded the by over 1a seat he questionei consistency throughout ~e City. Commented tat w~-at feats good ~ the Wilds not feel good ~ Boudin. Beeves we must .pay at~ntion to the numbers and would riot went ~ exceed guide~nes because k feats Meted he k try~g to grapple wt~ the enx~on behind it and the ordinance and assure tart we do not keep a our own policy. Psrr: Ruled that ~e designatkm referred b was for C-NR, but developer is reciuestir~g C- CC. Ftemhtg: Assured he made the comment to -keep ava~e of a ixc~ad ou~ootc. Perez: Asked kx daraaon ~ Flstning`s positk~n. Flemiing: Rep~ed hla rn ~ thrat ~'-e subJed area is S.T acres and the Cornprehensiv~e P#an cads for a maxknum of 5.0 sexes and the ty of uc-dd~tg of poticles wee have established ~ t~ Comprehensive Plan a an amendment seises. P®rez: C-P~t has maximsxn of 5 mss, bu# the dev~tpper ~ ic~rPcing at C-CC wtsCh has a minimum of ~n sores, The two cxl~mcr-ercl~d areas on side arxl the sut>tect area n~rko up more than ten axes. Parr: ~tatec it`~t ant broug#a point Meat the ir-csi~:dss the rsy easement, but ~ reminder of ~e site ~ 4.25 acres.. Perez:. Cried tl~t'lt'woutd tt ur~r C-NR PA+r: Techrscally, ~ could be to lase than ibMe aor~s ~gl4nglcn: :3taited ti~tat, in t~ iOCa#an a~xl Mar- of the pr+openy it ~ reat~te to oonc~ude that at Borne pit k w~ bed oc,~nra~,erclt~l. Added lhait ~e #s not nec:esssarr}ly l b be a l~w~c Trip and any a w~ be head b high st~dards of design on this site. Zon~g tsauea, , core use permit, pubac kings, etc need fio be ~mpteted artd cxxrrprst~er~aiv~e plat arr~e~ rat is a v~y prelknlr~ary std. Stated the Cky has to loaFc at a diverse ecorEOrrdc base and tax base that b needed by any sma~ c:ommuriky. Commented t1~t i dalrek~prnent needs b be done rlgt~ wit dtizen concerns at tt~ very cx~ro arid. protectiar- of ~e ant a w~{ be cxansktered. 'The process Is transparent, w~ be r~etved and residents w+i1t know what is go~j on. Wi# suppc~t the moment tv the plc. Howley: AstKed if requested oorrr ive pin arnendrnent ~ fdr the entire. area. Parrs Replied t~-t k k Duet for the area ~n the est. Howley: BeNeves the poMt abotd 5.7 scree vs. 4.25 atxes k valid. oonsiderir~ k as less than l~ acres Just makes k r k- swa~ow. Commented ~ would a lie if 1t were gust ~ property and r-ot the two addttiol homes that; starling b swipe tom fifie nelgltborhood. Bves Nis chum property I~~ st'~ould ha~nte been ooanmerdai aN ar~d probably wid be some day. [loss not support the ~r~erx#ct`tent. L:W9 RL~#109 PLId~Nl~i3 €'~FAMN~' l~Ut6 AiM~iI~F~ .~uC Ptannlnp Cvmmlaalon Meetlna March ~, YOOf~ Ringstad: Commented that if he lived. in the nerighborhood he wed also be at the meeting and probably for fdenticai reasons. Fleming brought up the i<wik Trip application in tl-e Wilds but beeves this is diff®r®nt as that was already zoned comn~rcial arxi only conditional use permits were needed. Added that many people from the Wlkls showed up at the public hearing and tlt®re ware emotions attached to that situation. This zating is not currently c~rrrrrrerdat and he Knows that many of the attendees at this public hearing feel they are gett{rtg sideswiped. Stated he will support the amendment as there i$ commercial property to the north and south and as well as across TM 13 and pert of the Comprehensive Plan .goals are for economic vita~#y. Added That if this amendment requerst moves forward, it will still need to go under review by the City Council and Met Coun~l and there would be many more steps to go through and consideration to making mitigation to the neighborhood. Fleming: Asked Heppe how new development would add to the fur~tion of the neighborhood. Heppe: Believes this development would not drive more traffic Into ~e neighborhood as ~ ~ already t#tiere with the commercial property north and south of this site. Be~eeves redesign wiN minimize traffic through the neighborhood:. Cathy Anderson, Ardtiterctural Consortium, oomrrrer#ted that development ~ this efts encauage pedestrian traffic of people in the ne~#rborhood that would utNize the services that wNl t~ included rather than drfvirrq elsewhere. FMmFng: Asked if the site is 5.7 acres or 4.25 ercrea. Parr: Typka~y It would be referred b 5.7 acres. Heppe: Stated the uaat~e property is 4.2~ acros. Ringstad; Stated that fos' tonight's discusslat ~ cart be referred to the dttxah property acrd titer two homes so a~ w~l k+~v what is being talked about. Poraz: Rusted d~rrificatifln for C-l+l#t or C-CC ion, whether # would b® X4.26 ears: or 5.7 acres and whetfi~r theme ~ an option for tl~te s#e b be C-NR. Parr. Re~ierd that ~ would Mt In either. Have to bole more and rotwrkler the comrrte~ial on ear tilde. fi~tske: Atideci there is a differernce ~ #te of five ear deaf wilt C-CC. P®rerz: ~ the s and trar~s~g objecth~ may rwt nt~ce a ra~nal trldort to C-CC ter' C-1^iR w#h the adjacent neighborhood Added that tits C-CC ar+'+enent r is what is before the Pianr~rtg Corrtmhsbn and her does not rug suppcxt Wit. Fleming: S#a#ed he can support the request 1f considered as 4.25 aawes. Parr: Cornrrrented that. past pry has not cute to rwt of ffte M<rtd artier or take aaray Pratt , H:vwiey: /ksaed ff ate stated ~ttat we ~ irtodude i3aser~nt cx if them been pmt pra+ctlCe. Asloed ff mere k a way b ~ ae~ 4.25 aa~s tits !fie C-t~lft zoning ka C-CC far alts. CC ~'fa~d: Rettera~d that C # berfcxe the n$ Corrtrrtiaslon xrrts Is for a C- parr: R k-e flat t>f bt arse ktarrt ewde Ids si~ert! odd bg exceed ~ anh-e art the Irrxrm urea off a bt'area. Ri~stad: # wound brig ate su~b~ect art~a to 4. ~b yes. ding: _ fed ~e be tamed ~ be oxtnsiclered as 4.25 ass. Ringst: ~ we refer to bt area knowrf as tiro r+oerd ~ and house *A" anct house "8" ©n Tlrjrtothy, of ~xeatets the tnrent of ~ woro wlthkt the three pr~er6es beoani,tg anti pem~1 and what flies rust area ~. F_ M4Tl~hf RY tiatt.L~MCTbN, ~~ ~tY FLEA 'C4 A+PP'RE f~ '1'Hll~ A1~3i?tAEi'+' OF TiiE C iN31' Ist./~l list= Pi.iAAi C~SFC~NAT~V(3 ThfE P4~01~'ERTY Wd~'i'H Cif t3~tli)1iti1 STREET, SUUTH tJf EX~1kiTY RC?A~ 42, WEST E>F MtiS~TA CRY 13 ~ ~.ES~ ~+~ ox>Marresxt~ue ~+urfv~creae,ooc b Plennrfp Comt»hsron ~HnQr March ~, ~ AND EAST Cif T~V40THY AVENUE FROM R-LD URBAN LC}W DENSITY TO C-CC C011AMUNiTY RETAIL SHOPPINC3 INCLUDINC3 THE ADDRESS OF 14311 TIMOTHY AVENI~E AND 1~12g1 TIMOTHY AVENUE AND THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS CROSSROAD CHURCH. VOTE: A~ by 81~ngton, flert~ing, and Ringstad. Howley and Perea o#~posed. Tt~ motion cash Pair. ad t~ nequeet now ~ to C~ur~cil on r~hsr tie tNarch 1 a or Apra a s>r-etg. a b® -r,otrad t~varct to Me~po~tan council. ta. tJfd ~ ~ w~ : t. t+~w 6we#waa Ptattner M~rtzitf tm ~ in ~ ~n~is~kx+ t tW~s variances and na _ _ ~ wee Ttm~ Icrts wane wl c~trict. Prt~tfed cam a for tie preva t~sre ya-ars nc~ng rry W rsla wero b mice knarcwer~n®rkt~ ~ :ya~t a~ sat~adc areas.. Spoke of arnsnd mat were made zoneig or Zt~ t#lat wer® Int~dad to grr Icy ~ per#chrp rag and rodt~oe irr~aorvtous surfaces on oornrr~rc~al sites for s~ tares uses. Otter arnerxil~nts updet~tl refet~ettc~s tti etorrnvveter doourr~et~ts and d~eArr®d a gram ~ perbd fa a and future regional tdion ar~d tre Ct~ntrnertted that var#anCe requests are redid by r plan dest~s and offig sa~iorts to residents and busi~ss o~avners ~- their deaigne rather than regt.~st~g a vr~tianise. Ctina~et~ts: Rk~stad Ccxnmented t dscue in ~~ to die b r~uiseMn~ std on c#essigns arzd thantted staff for wing a t k*~. Fiem#~: Corr~d. Porezs sup~cw# ~t of r®ptsrt. tom: ~: o+Q ~~. A-MOTiE9M V4t~tS ~ t31( FLE AfJfi) #CCfl 13Y t~Rlt~ TO APT T#!E REPt}RT FORwVA~ IT T'O TFi~E t E'Y CCIC~.. VOTE; by taf, ter, Psroz add #stad. Tl~te ~ carried. ~~ A tWfl-TtC3N tNAS iWtAE7E BY P'~Rt:Z Ate &E~fl 8Y Ft.Et T4 NC~wlNNATE RtMC$STtRt7 FOR PLANNt~ COI~M3$tON C.kt~4tl Y+OTE: Ayea ~ ton, Wig, t"', Perez anti Tt~e ~ c~rfited. A MOT1C~+1 VI/A8 ~ 8Y BI~a.INC3TOM A;ND SEC.ED 8Y PEZ Tf~ t~lt'iATE Ft.E1~Ntt~ FOR YICE-C1. VOTE:- # by , Fier, icy, Pot'ez and Ri . Ths ti. aetd C-err•s t~ ~s tils r~rrutr=' .+oc 7 Plann/ny GommtssYon Il~st/rt~ March f, ?OOS Rtngsta~d: introduced new ~ Commissioner Charles Howley and Invited him to share information about hlrr~elf. Howley: Comrrtentec! t he is a nacre Prior Lake resident and graduated i'rom Prbr Lake hlgh sd,«~ witl~t the c~asa of 91. Attended the t~versity of Minnesota. Is a dv~ eng by trade. Thanked the Cixy Counc~ for approving his appc~#ntment and looks fcxward to swing. ». Ad~ou-rt~rn~~tt The M '~#ft3 p.trv. tr~tive l~~ta-nt L.`~B F~tE3V0~ #~IMVNiCi (~A1hMS~pM .doc S f i~lti0 4646 Dakota Street. S.E. u ~ Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 \y~hNES~r AGE1+iL1A IT~11+It 3A 3UB.TECT CU~T$ID~~E ~~1~-264 CI~PITAL I~i~'~'Et~VENT PR4GRAlt+t PR~S~tWTER: JIFF MAT'L~ ~I,AI~IEIR PUBLIC H1~AI#IAtGt ~ ,_,K ICU-t~ilA DATT APRIL 27, 34®9 jj~iTl#4~i; Stat~a prw~#e~a fat a!~ a~ bt~~x~etta be reviawcd by the ~-ls~rni~ Comm'.. ' for cot:tmr+cy with the Can~~sive Pte. Attached is a draft of ttic 2p1 ~-2414 Ctal movement Yrorn (CI'P}. ' summary describes CIP ' and the Rtnd~n$ saur~s Rvat~ble to the city end exp+~ted to be used in paw &~ ~e individual pr©jccts. T#~e butt €or ~ l within the S CIF rem a tai of •pproxsnately 24.3 rr~illion do#lars. I~il~USi~iflNs '~ ara smveral si~rifta ~cl~md in ~ C1P. ~ of meat :i~if ptro}ecta ~ ' C~ty'a of tl~i 3~ aa~d 4~ 1 ©€ CSAI~i 12 pt+®,~mct (2©10), the CSAH 12/~rcadia~'CS~H 21 pect (20111) ~ lain Aveur~cJCR 441TR l3/and CR 21~'Qutnain st,Ipnal (2fl12). ~ addition, the City will be ~rurtaking s of recottatruction P~c+gocts, inclttdir~ flee ~dust~al Fuk Street t~rftction (2012j, strmet rc~onatrwttrticut on the south aids o€ downtown (2OI2~, and the -dy Beach reco~t~u+ction pra,~ct (2413-2014). Activities :scheduled ~ ~e t~ity`s m~# oyes tie next S y w# installation of play atcwct~un~ to develc~a, ilicludm~ Stor~ebriar f~4~ No~iwoard Mea~wa (201 i) add tips lsve at G1 Lire (2012). }n ddi#ion, p1Ay ,tn~cts~+es, picnic ahaltors, bola, barketbatl ccnxrts arm st~cd to be co~strmd in No~thwoad Meadows (2U 11) d the F.tsalave at Emory Lslce (2412). The Plartni Ccxissiar~'s Dion is !© review t~ mss, dmtae~tiino whether they ice ac~nse R~sst perspective c>f' ~ Ctirnha~'tve Plan awl eke specific rxonendations about ~ ~~ In the CIl' «~ shoot pro,}~ts ~ the current GIP which the Coni~ssisn ifeels would better achimve Cam 'vm Phi gala. The Commission does not # to ffeed tatraii to restrict its cansidmntion only to tl pro,~ects cc~taid in tl~>aed CP. Arty recn~ion for b the C1P indicate pattilar cx lY in the Cep+rsive Plat is being advanr~d b~+ rc:~ended pact. ?'he ths~ng to keep i~n mil is 4hat are inB for a limited o€my and the CP is limited to tt4ose presets alt thehist 1~~~y 1~ r~ , ~N 1t.F,~?I~~I~tEDt 11~ afttl secotxl ~ ~ottid ~ #© !bs Clll'' as C'nis e4olo~tmes. ~u3t~1-344 d~sdoe Fade 1 wurud.clf~tpriorlake.com Phaie 952.447.9Hf?O /Fax 952.447.4245 W Y g 0 a 0 v '~" f a tV ~~ .~ a .~ d. C!. t~. D H~ -'~J C ~~ A ~~: j LL ~ , ~j ~i r- ~ ~. w ,~ ffi q~ ~ QQ LS A P l'~ !`! r ~ ~ , .. !" aaa $ ~ dgglFF 3 ~~~~i~~3 ~" ~f r~ +~» ~ ! I . ~ ~ `' ~ ~ s~ ~ !~ ~4 s~ ~ qs sg e; w! ~S ~1 ~! ~qa ~' ~ a' 9~ r ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ g~ ~ .~, ~~s a~~ 91 gs~ ~s9 g~ ~t~ ~o~~~~ !~ as ; ~N~~~~ ~~ r !i Ida ~t~ }~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ s~ ~'~~ ~~~~~~ ~s o9 ~! ~1~ g9 S4 ~~ ~!! ~~ g9 ~4 ~1 ~1! w ~9 i! l104! ~~~~~~i~~I~[~t~ ,. ~~~~ r " ~"