HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 2009/~ PRIO / V 1'i ti ~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. U x' Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 A~ ~ \j~'NES~`~P PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2009 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: A. February 9, 2009 Minutes 4. Consent Agenda: 5. Public Hearings: A. EFH Realty Advisors, Inc has submitted a petition to amend the Comprehensive Plan to re-guide three parcels of land equaling approximately 5.7 acres from R-LD (Urban Low Density Residential) to C-CC (Community Retail Shopping). The site is located at property previously utilized by the Crossroads Church and two residential home sites, west of MN TH 13 and south of CSAH 42. 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: A. Review of the 2008 Variance Report B. Chair and Vice-chair selection (nomination, second, and vote) 8. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: L:W9 FILES\09 PLANNEVG COMTvIISSION\09 AGENDASWG030909.DOC www. cityofpriorlake. com Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 PLAMNIN(; COMAAIS810N MINUTES MOPIDAY, AAARCH 9, 20t#9 1 Cad to OrcNr: Present w~er® C~ir Rlyd, Ccxrtmieskrners 8l~t'Ki. Fle€sin@, t#aw~,~yr and P~+ea, Ca~m~n~y ENwelop~iae~t/~latural Rssourc~s l~ec~eor Parr, ~ J~f Awe ~d~atiue ° M t3reen. Z: R®M C P~e~t Pry ~. ApPrewal ~ Ttie 1~rorr- ~ ~~ 9, Cotalas ww€s ~ as 4. 6tsent t~lor~e ~. ~ tt~rii~s EFH Rsl Advisors, lttc. has steed a p ~©~ the t~~r~xa#srttuehte Pert t4 re-gwt~le three part e~ land equa~~rg appraxtnaaRSly ~.7 acrss how R-#.D ~t~ Lawrr benslty Resk~entt~~ to C-CC (Commwnlty R@tatl 8t~plhg). The alts ~ boated st i's'olY prevlgt,:ly utM~zed by the Crossroads Church and two res#let~tlat honor saes, west o~ MN TH 13 arttd sout~+ o! CSA~H 43. '~OTK~V BY ~LElV4#P~1tt, 31~~© ®Y'~t.Llt'IC3TO~N TO C)PEN TAE PlJll«laC I~EARMK3. VOTE: Ayes by B~n~, Fterrq, l~r~le~+, Psrez arxl l~It~}stsd. The motlan died ssed tl at 6;.40 p.~. Con~urrteots ~~ rs~~ ~>es~ L Plannlnq Gommissfon MaeMn~ March !, 2a0i~ C3ene Happen owner of the property acquired f{om Crossr©ad Chwch end one of th8 hoes. Stated he met with many neighbors a couple of weeks ago and talked about the canprehensive plan as weld es their desires. Explained that he acquired this property as a result of selling the Crossroads Church another building in f3umsvill~ and in order to accomplish that they had ro sell the Church and he ended up with it. He now needs to figure out what he ~n do wig It. The Church site alone dki not work well because with a new road and stopi~ht, it will narrow t#a3 property so much as to be unusable. That prompted him to buy the two additkanal park:els which have been inducted in the. request for comprehensive plan amendment. Commented that Prior Lake has the disadvantages of traffic volume and noise, but does not have the benefit of the tax zing that would k~rne from commerdai property zoning. Requested the Planning Omission to approve the comprehensive plan amendment. Assured that he ~n minimize tfie fact on the neighborhood. Fleming: Asked what neighborhood concerns are. Hoppe: Replied oorac;erns expressed range from not wanting anY development to not wanting the impact of rwise, traffic, views etc. Commented that he h completed about 45 successful projects in Burnsvtlie ant! recently in Eagan and such concerns are t~rnrnon. in those cases, he addreaseti concerns with nelghbtars and received support from them. Fleming: Asked attendees and speakers to be respectful as they presented their and i~teried to others give iii. Nichol WVrlght, 143 Timothy Avenue, stated he lives across tha street from t#~is site anct W~OUkt be kaokMg at a wah. Ctarr~r~ented that he lived in Prkx Lake based on the 2030 Comprehertslrre Plan and having area zoned R-1. A sense of seGUrity and sanctuary of home, where they step and rest and escape from making a living, is important. Putting tft~rt t~hind an y v# business has impactx tm property value. Entxa+xaged the Platwtinq Comn~sst~ b sttdc withh the 2030 Comixeher~lve Plan. Commented that ~ plan kooks 20 years ~~ the lure atxt is a community plan. This church had a growth prot~em undue tta them, twt cxwdties aro need to. Changing the land use has negative effect on whole neighborhood whic~a has been eroc~d step by step with commercial growth. Belic~aves there is a negative impact on his parhCUlar property;1) no kx~mpensetkst for loss of home value, 2) kiss of safety kar n~klents who eke to walk through the neighborhood, 3) do neat need It to take care ~ commerdal t~rrrmunity needs, and 4} there will be a safety problem of grld~dc. Asked if a traffk: study has been done or ifi emergency vehlde access has been considered. Commented that 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan goals arrcl ob~sctiv~es for the corrununity are to assure a sma~ time feel in retaining developments and to have walkable neighborhoods. Behaves the r-eighborhoods shoukt have yards b~ entaugh to play ~. Asked how bicycle traffic would get through the ne~ttbc>fiood as there is not enough room far trays. t3ispiayed pictures. of his house and surrounding areas in both daylight end derkraesa Gommentinq that the Ilgh#s of a parking lot wotdd "wt-ite out" the stars. Billington: Thanked tNrt for cbrrrrrrenta and asked ~ there is .any pro}ect he would feel ca~fortable with. on that site as an aker~tive to Mr. Happe's Wright: Replied that toting refers to different levels of resktenti~d zoning should be next to R-1 zoning rather th~trt ccxrantercial zoning. 8llitngton: Clarified th~t# Wri~rt k tfiinking ht exclusive terms of continuance of resid~eot devebpment can the. property. IWlatt J~obse», 679 bier, s#etetl he ~e irnfaact an re nhborh~ct: 1) too huh ~f speeds o! ntcator vghide and baCe treff~ ccsning around oom~ onto Bcwdin wh~h betxanae hazer ii barrier wads and plants are here; 2} Ntere ere hagic backups during busy peri{ada ~t nxxningfaning with other busira® and deyt~re and ~ concernad that will bee led; 3) emergency vehicles would have a mote ~t time atx:essing the raeighborh~ood; 4) tt-is wand be first fuel stop on ~ ~e side cat 1'H t3, k cause additaonat snawm~les, boaters, who might tres{~ass aa~s nelgt-borhkaod yards: 5) t:rkis ~ ~ kxaa~+sstore~ eutsswre.ds-c 2 Planning C~mlaslan MtlElny~ March 9, 2G0S hays signatures from 35 people who could not come to Otis meeting, but expressing they do not want the plan: 6j the way around the development would create a barrier which is not in Nne with a mature residential neighborhood -would become the neighborhood behfind the Kwik Trip.; and 7j with respect to the overt Comprehensive Pian, there are 14 open lease spaces withkt a half mile already. Rtngstzid: Explained tf~at the pubic hearing is just for the compreherleivs plarn cfiangs conskferaticm, not fa- a partirx developmen# plan of the site. There would be spsc~ic public hearings fix development oonc~ts. Requested that no rsfsrenc+ss to .rlar site use be made even tihough references were made to a particular use 1n the newspaper. Jeff Phelan, 14271 Ttrrathy Avenue, Thanked Heppe for spending with the neighborhood. Requested that the cxm~prehensive plan amendment request be denied. Stated tte purdfased his home a year ago and the deeded faits access was of interest to him. The comprehensive plan he reviewed stated the area was zoned urban low density. Thin encroachment of commerdal zoning wou~l his property. Believes fhst extension of residential zoryir~g would be a better use of The property. Stated he would feel concerns about secxirity for h~ young d~dren, ndse abatement and det~ning property value if the coning were changed b conraai. This development would change the neighborhood to being stuck next fo a noisy developmen#. Lee Smlth,14355 Lois Avst~xae, corrxnented about the number of feet between residential property and TH 13 asphalt acrd questkx~ed whetter it would be different for Savage and Prior Lance. Asked N aging this sib ~ commercal would result in spot zoning. Bsiievss people would rx~t buy property for residential pcuposes ~ neighboring zoning ~n be dtangsd at a wt~m. Kettle Ostite, 14419 Wa~rssdge Tray, stated she reviewed the matter from procedural aspects anti reviewed 2030 Ccxnprehensive Pin Hating That Borne of Ttte objectives of the Comprehensive Piert were included with the earlier presentation. Read from the Comprehensive Plan about discacraging or prohibtfing spat zoning or rezoning of land r.~es when adequate zoned land Is ava~able ~ the dty; and that industrial and oarnrnerciat use should interface with the community rather than fo catch traffic. This amerutrnent to the Comprehensive Plan calls Far a dzange from low density residential to corrcial retail shoppir~ and fo make That big of a ~ not in the spirit of the Comprehensive Plan. Believes such action would be going against our own .plan. Commented that several commercial businesses around this area have tried arxl failed and believes that shows this is not a good location for people boktng for retaN shc~ping. Expressed concern about. fxoperty values. Stated that streets are in bad c.onditkm and have not been resurfaced st more than 20 years acxording to neighbors. Be~seves that If cx~rnmerdal traf>to is added, the streets in the neighborhood would have fo be improved because traffic would cut Through the neighbort~oo~d ro get bade to CR 42. Torn Boisvert,14387 Weterssdge Tray, has lived in-the neighborhood for 2() years aril commented that trafRc h~ doubled since Timothy Avenue was dosed woe ~e cxrly way to go west is to go tt~ugh the. neighborhood or Through fourstopsigns - sa people go through neighborhood. Asked if s rezon~g would lower taxes. Ringstad: Rep~ed ~ would ~cely increase revenge from wfiat was churc~- property by tncreasirtg the tax base cr< . Bdsvsrt: ~ word. ttr gte resident's prop®rty value. Cr~lpo Ost#•,144#g 1Ma Tray, ackied Comixelxrnsive Purr ado merEeorrs that ~cial zonlrtg strotdd be dolts ~ pares that aro 1fJ acres or rnors ant! tfris sib is vcwgt~iy titre acres. t3rwrn Wald, ti781 [1~srtiese Wiest, ~rrhd tfiert l+~ `has Need ~1Are for years and treed fA wig his kids c~rr Ilhe knc~ Next b the dtta'ch wetc:hir~ the std at -''t. What devebprr^-ent went around TI~re area its a lot of rrlght Nght. Conrsrnsd fat Pt~r Lake losing Also oorx~mad abou4 traffic sitton a That reoonseucgort of 1:W9 tgl~st0g F~LANNINQ t~t,AF ~ .hoc' 3 Pfannlnq CotnmJss/on Mreflnp March ii, NfD9 intersection caused many people to turn to the north to go to ate busirtesses and they do not stop at the two-way stop (north/south). Be#ewes additional commerdal traffic may not know of residential uses and be speeding, t3elieves the City should look at other areas for ca~tmerciai and put .homes on Timothy Street. Judith Payne, 14424 Watersedge Tray, opposes reassignment of this parcel ~ iand. stated this caner is the gateway to Prior Lake and the lice and that people who drive through on TH 9 3 see this corner first. Saki ft wrouid be neat to see homes and trees rather than big stores and barren .land. Alicia Lee 6806 Boudin Street, expres:ed ccx~cern about ~affic stating fat tryMg to cross TM 13 to get to t3oudin is diffiaalt and carnmert~ai property traffic would jus# add to the problem. Robert Carlton 14251 Timothy avenue., stated tfiat the impact of change would be primarNy on his and Phelan's property and rte is opposed to the Comprehensive Plan change. Stated he matte dadsions on ir~rovements to his. place arui the amendment charge would mess with his life. Asked the Plann#rtg Commission to get a headcount of who is opposed to this by those present who did not spaaJt. Vicky Derouchey, 14273 ldat~e Road, stated that she and her n care about a reskiential neighborhood - it is a eke property end a refuge arui ~y-want to keep ~ that way. Michael Wright: Asked who would receive the petition they have. Parr: stated the ~tltion would be metered infix the public rte. Mt3TiCSN 8Y FlEMIi+tE3, S~Cfl BY B~L1N{3TOfil T4 CLOSi= Tim PU~3l.19C M~AFtit~fl. VOTE: Ayes by ~~rigton, Fler~g, Ftov~y, Perez Ftir The rno~rt carr~d anti t#te pub#c t~ okf at 8:55 p.rrt. Cols: F Ate! Mee ~ of bt that would be by arn~l~m~ and #~ Bret P#rr: ~teptisd gist ~ a sts,r fpm , k to be aba~tt 3!9 ~ lFte ~'' bouncleiry ~l+ng: ASd how ~ ~ t edi$e of Y~ in tt'~s ~ ti`-st wiN be t down. Parr. 2#.9 tit. Per+sz: iced about tfie ddl~ers belwv ets~~od iii smppirp ar~d wry Part: ata~ was to in ~ at Ntie C€~rr~prrst~ P arx! spoke ~y At~ey abo~ Ir~rptielatk~tt. E~pialndd fat C-P1R (r~erighbrxi~od rete~i rKi? ~ servioa orisnfied rem, strd czst and !designed ~ serve ire nak#en to neighborhood. Lbw ere p vn type, Sze ~d ist of asraskert# t ensure atY wig aka ryes areas; the maxima.Jm size k 1t),f)00 sq, ft., the ~m bt area is 20,x00 sq ft and ~e maximum bt area is firr® scree. 8th kxrked doseiy at the tern- reference made about ,corrtmr re~i4 shop. T'he sees to ~e north and south of this pro~brtyere ~txted corhmerclsl. There are fiv+s rxxies k- ~e dry zoned as ccmrner+~al and ~ one fsf them. Th#s property would beoorne part of the node Neat exishc on either side ~ ~, The C-CC (community reta~ shoppis~) serves a broader area w#~ch +~y be {~t® to resldantisal d®vebp~nent wig design that has an effective transition to residential areas, wi~ich can be tixo~rgh physk~d or nature barriers. Regiortia! c~rtters and fa are not cotternirhirted for such a Vie. .Peter. Asked how n difterer-ce ~ traffic ~ antidpated between neighborhood retail shopping and eorr~rr~erdal ret~ ; l.:itl8 Fil.fcsW'0 ~ ct~iklt~'~i0r I~IJ~ _ .doc 4 Planning Commission MaeHnp March S, 2009 Parr: Replied that would depend on the types of uses and sane uses c:ouid be brought up with the site plan reWew that wotlid ask fa' a traffic study. Fleming: Asked staff w~,at they ~terpret in the Cor~xehensive Pian or Zoning Ordinance that allows them to consider going outside of the fiv®-acre guideNne. Parr: Read that the minkrtum lot area for C-NR is 20,000 sq. it. and maxknum bt area is Elva acres. Fleming: Clarifiied that the site. areal ~ 5.7 ac~'es end asked why staff is O#C wl~ i#. Parr: Replied that it is t feet of situ and wha# safeguards oouid be In piece to mitigate for the resklential ne~hi>orhood. Staff beeves in ~e Code and there are s~niiar Comprehensive Plan designations next ~ town-d~-s~y rea~ider~t~i. 'Tlt®re are sirt~r arses in Prior Lake. Drove by the bites and vtev+red ~i evoiu~ons and tha# ~s where ~e comfort lerrei cxm~es from. Fuming: Stated he is aware of issues that arose k- the Wiit~ wrd~en mat tCw~c Trip went in and many mltiga~ng oondidona were placid an ~ and It turr~ec! cwt wed. Fhre-pca~t-aev+~-acres vs. 5,0 means we hav® exceeded the guida~e by oar 10 and he questk~d consistency t~rcx~ghout City. Commented t#~t what feels good ~ the Wilds rnig#et not tee good In t3oudin. Be~e+res we mast pay attenticet to the r~ra and would not want to exceed gu~e~nes because i# .good. Stated he k trying to ~"epple with the emotion behind hand ordnce and assure het we do rx.~t keep exceedfag cwr awn .poky. Pater: Replied that ~e designat~n referred. to was for C-NR, but deveiaper ~ reciuestir~ C- CO. Flerning: Assured he made the oornment to key arse of a xoad . Pera=: Asked for dartftcetion off 's poeitlon. PlarMng: f2ep~ed his cwncem b that area is 5.7 sexes and the Cott~pret~ensiti"e Ptatn cis fa- a maxknum of S.O acres and the pos dt undo~rg Nye cif polidss ws have estakrfd the Cott~rehens~e Plan a an amenr~r~ent a~ise~. Perez: C-i~R has maxim~rrn of 5 mss, taut ~ d is k~rbdng at C-CC which has a mid +~ ~n sexes. The two a~trnerci~ erases on eiaaer side and the subject sires melee up mare than sexes. Parr: Mated tha# ra broug#~t uP point: t#~t the irx~sdes the ~oadr-~ty easerr~ent, but rem of ~e ite ~ 4:25 sexes. Perez: It would n under C-i+iR Parr: Teohr~caMpy, ~ could be r+sferred to as than acae~s. ~3sllinon: Stated that, Mt pdtto~i, glut ifte lnca~on anti ovnfiguralkxt of the property It ie reasonatie to crude that ~ pct K w be developed ootrrmnarc~l. Added that ale is not necessary ~ bra a Kwsc Tt~ and ~y kie held t© high standards of design on sib. 7Arg issues, ,con pe~"~t, h~saa'ings, etc a~ need to be comps arxi this 's#>en~e pig erg request is a very pf ry step. Stated the City has to kook eta ecxonomic base arod tax base as ~ neec#ed by any sma~ oarimunity. Commented the de r~ needs b be done rim wilii dtizsn concerns at the very core and. prcitectbrt of the ad~ac~nt properties wi11 be cx>r~idered. 'The .process is tea t, c>anmunica wrsl be -roc~ived at~i rosldents wfg know what is going on. `1Ni~ support merit m die plan. klowiair: Asked ii the requested oorr~r®he~Jve p#an arrenckr-ent is i~r the entire. area. Parr: Re}~t~i met # k Just for in ~e exhltrlt. Howley: the point aicout 5.7 acres vs. 4.25 is val. considering k sts less man live acres ~+st makes k easier to ffiwraNow. Crud l wmad aieo be osier N it rwere )ust ttee ~ property and not the two addi~onafl homes that ks io swipe Pram the neigf~orhood. vas ~e c~urd~ property {~rotshou~d have been oon~+erci~ aM aka and probat~ly w~i be some day. [3oes not support dment. L:~ tawa ~,aeNrxa ~ .doe Plannlnp Commlaalon Meetln~ March 0, 200D Ringstad: Comrr~n#ed that if he lived in tits neighborhood he would also be at the meeting arxi probably for identical reasons. Fleming brought up the Kwik Trip app~catlon in the Wilds but beeves this is different as that was already zoned commerdal and only canditiooal use permits were needed. Added that many people from the Wilds showed up a# the public hearing and tlier~ were emotions attached to that situation. This zoning is not currently corrimerciai grid he knows that many of the at#endees at this public hearing feel they are ge#ttng sideswiped. Stated he wlH support the amendment as there is commercial property to the north and south and as well as across TM 13 and part of the Comprehensive Plan goals are for economic vitality. Added that if this amendment request moves forvvard, it will still neat! to go under review by the Gity Council and Met Council and there would be .many more steps ~ go through and consideration b making mitigation to the neighborhood. Fleming: Asked. Heppe how new development would add to the function of the neighborhood. Heppe: l3e~eves this development would not drive more traffic Into the neighborhood as ~ is already'there with the commerdai property north and south of this stte. Be~eyes redesign wiM minim~e traffic t#trough ~e neighborhood. Cathy AMderson, Ar~itectura! Consortium, c~imented that deveiopmertt of this site coil encxwrage pedestrian traffic of people lri the neighborhood that would ut~ze the services that wHi be included rather than drivlrig elsewhere. Fleming: Asked if ttte site is S.7 acres or 4.25 acres. Parr: Thy ~ would tie referred b S.7 acres.. Hinppe: Stated the usable. property Irk 4.25 setts. Ringst~; Stated that for k>»ight's diacxreslon it cwt be rued to ~ ohurdi FAY and the two t>~xii®s so all know what is being talked about. Perez; Rested otitrittcalNbn for C-~R or GGC ion, i~rtiether ~ vrai~td tie 425 a or 5.? sexes and whether the is an option ,tor s##e b be C-1Nft. Parr: k would ~t in eltt-er. Have ~ bolt rr arxi cx>rtsider ais c3oma1 cart side. Mat~tke: A€klad is a differerws kt #ie s of five ar w~i C-CC. Psroz: ~ the security acid #raoning ol,>~ctives majr m~e his a raft GGC ~ e wi file adj~t~rit rielghborl~od A,d~d tfie C-CC amenc~er# request ie what is fie the Pianrdng Cornrr~sslon and he does nvt neoessai~#y s~+pport #. Flsrnfe9: Stated he can support the request if considered as 4.25 ate. Parr: Comrr~ented filet past prar~ce ties not cut ® is out c>{ die ~rxl area or take away from tree s. Howterf,-: Asked ~ sta#ed i#ieit we ~ tncliede ~ eased or N that been. past praot~. Asked ~` mere ~ a wiry b t era 425 scree as ~ P C-PiR zoning ~ C-CC for f#~ site.. Rli~st~ed: Reil6eri t » rsq~st bal<Cxa gis Cornislr~ri at Nifis ~rria is kit a ~- CC +~ itm. Parr: Rs~,1 dtlon of b# area t~ravi ~e zoranQ code which s11 axis oot~c! h exolu~od ~ arrive at the ni~trrwir~i area cif a lot . Rl~aad: tat woutCl si.~ec# area ~ 4.~5 mixes. Ping: feel he rev~aed ~ be eidered as 4.25 eicrrat. Ringstad; ~ vw refer ~ bt area knoaan as t~ ' ~ artd house "A" andd house »B» on Timot~r, if awes ~ lnlent of trylr~ ~ vrork w the axes properfiies becoming one parc:ei erect what the set land area ~. F : M4Tt~1 llitY tLil~3Tt~N. SECX3l~Efl BY t'#.:El> TD AiPPR4YE E3~P 'tt~E /etrAElrikEi~1' OF Tki'E Ct11~AitiEN31'~fE PLAI"1 t13L Pi.Art MAP ~E81~NATit~iC3 Tl#E PfiI~PERTY kti C3F EICMJI~ti~I STREET, SOUTH t?F EX3~1TY -ROAD 42, WEST Of S~DTA ~IAY 13 ~: ~..~e ~ c~ teNMU~~pidoc 6 Plannl~ CommissFan ~Mnp Mn~cl1 ~, 2f~i~ AND EAST C?F Tt~AOTHY AVENUE FROM R-#.D URBAN LOW DENSITY TO C-CC COMMUNITY RETAIL SHOPPINC3 INCLUDIN{3 THE ADDRESS OF 14311 TIMOTHY AVENUE AND 14291 TIMOTHY AVENUE AND THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS CROSSROAD CHURCH. VOTE: Ayes by Bi~ington, Fleming, and Ringetad. Howley and Perez o#~pcased. The motion camel. Parr. Comrnentad requas# wig now ~ to Coundl on e#her the March l ~ or A~'il Q-~. if wl~ ba moved taorwarr! b >l~e Merman Counc~. ~. tad 8 Nb End w~ s ad. 7 f Bea P#a,rr Mica rsrte~l can the ~- in ~nkxn Pig C~ tt~ ~a ver>anoes end nee were ec~d apart. Thrr~e kats w~era w~ stic»rr+pd eilstrtcL con~aral~s for ~e previous years nodnq q~et „rt#y cai request: ware ka make im~nts ~ rcl artcl satt~ac~C areas. Spoke tN arnendnssnts that mare rnada k> zor~g or during 2tkM > ware to avow grew' 1ty in perk regulations and radtx~ imparvl!ous swfaces on oomrnerdai sites #Car s~pac~ic lend uses. Oilh~ arr~onts updated referarac~s tca s#orrrrivater doo~rr+ents and a . period ~r e>~is~rtg and 'e regional c~et.Ekan and #raatme~ tao~ldas. Cor~wnented that varktnca requesta ere red~c# by ravfe~ng pian designs and offering b r end ixtsinass o4vners ~ their designs ra#h~-r than reques#~g a Corroteas: $. and C®rroa~c;o t:W~ lit. Pty (t7+~-a~814~14o A~tiU1'~ .+doc Prennl~y Gomr»isalon A~tNtg Alarch !. 200i~ Ringstad: Introduced new Ptan~g Commisskxrer Charles Howley and H~vited him to share information about Leif. Howlay: Commented art hs fa a nave Prior take resk~ant and graduated ~ Prior take high stud w~~t the class of 91. Attended the University of Minnesota. Is a civ~ engi by trade. Thanked the cry Gounc~ for approving trls appointment ~ looks forward to serving. 9. Adou~rrtent: The reed at '~a3€1 p.m. L.19B NtE Pt~M