HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 2009~,~oe PRZO ~~. ~, Ems, f ~~, 4646 Dakota Street S.E. v ~ -;~ } `~'°T. Prior Lake, MN 55372 1714 ~` ~~''`.'~^fES~°~" PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2008 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: A. February 9, 2008 Minutes 4. Consent Agenda: 5. Public Hearings: A. EFH Realty Advisors, Inc has submitted a petition to amend the Comprehensive Plan to re-guide three parcels of land equaling approximately 5.7 acres from R-LD (Urban Low Density Residential) to C-CC (Community Retail Shopping). The site is located at property previously utilized by the Crossroads Church and two residential home sites, west of MN TH 1.3 and south of CSAH 42. 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: A. Review of the 2008 Variance Report B. Chair and Vice-chair selection (nomination, second, and vote) S. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: La09 EILC5109 PLANNING C'OMMISSIOM09AGFiNDA5WG0})~~tlJO1 nr10Yla ke.COCT1 Phone 952.447.9800 / F'ax 952.447.4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2009 1. Call to Order: Assistant Chair Ringstad called the February 9, 2009 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Billington, Perez and Ringstad, Planner Jeff Matzke and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Billington Present Fleming Absent Lemke Absent Perez Present Ringstad Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the December 22, 2008, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Perez read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider amendments to Section 1101.700. The amendments relate to the following: Modifications to the Zoning Map. Planner Jeff Matzke presented the Planning Report dated February 9, 2009, on file in the office of the City Community Development and Natural Resource Department. On October 25, 2006 the Metropolitan Council approved the City of Prior Lake 2030 Comprehensive Plan. At that time, as is mandated by State Statute, the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map were required to be amended to make them consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. In addition to the proposed amendments for the purpose of meeting State Statute requirements, additional amendments are being proposed with the intention of making the Zoning Ordinance snore user-friendly for citizens, business owners, and developers. The Planning Commission has already held two previous public hearings regarding the proposed revisions to the Zoning Map. In accordance with Minnesota State Statute these 1,:\09 F~ILGS\09 PLANNING COMM[SS[ON\09 MINU'ff~S\MN020909.doc Planning Commission Meeting February 9, 2009 public hearings were published in the local newspaper. In addition to the required public hearings, City Staff has called this final public hearing and has mailed notices to the affected property owners regarding the proposed rezonings. Therefore, this meeting has been called to allow the residents of the various rezoned properties to be heard regarding any questions or concerns. The areas of proposed rezoning are as follows: • The C-2 (Community Business) and C-4 (General Business) are proposed to be combined into one Zoning District named the C-3 (General Business) District. This change would create 3 commercial zoning districts, consistent with the 3 commercial designations (outside of the town center area) of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map. • The R-3 (Medium Density Residential} and R-2 (Low/Medium Density Residential) Zoning Districts are proposed to be combined into one Zoning District named the R-2 (Medium Density Residential) District. This change would create a medium density residential district consistent with the new density standards approved under the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. • The TC-T (Transitional Town Center) Use District was added. This area is currently zoned R-2 (Low/Medium Density Residential) and is proposed under the 2030 Comprehensive Plan to be the area guided for the expansion of the Town Center. • A group of 6 R-1 (Low Density Residential) properties along Maplewood Street are being proposed for rezoning to a C-4 (General Business) commercial Use District. This change would bring the properties in compliance with the current commercial designation of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. These changes are being proposed to bring the various properties into compliance with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map and make the current Zoning Map more simple and user-friendly for citizens, business owners, and developers. Staff has received various calls over the last couple weeks since the notices were mailed from property owners inquiring the effects these zoning changes tnay have on their properties. After discussion with City Staff, no residents expressed major concerns with the proposed changes. As in prior public hearings City Staff would recotmnend these changes to the Zoning Map. Comments from the Public: Ron Evens, 6535 Harbor Place East, asked for clarification on the process of an R3 to RZ zoning district. Matzke explained the differences. Matzke also presented a chart indicating different developments with density. James Caswell, 4590 Colorado Street, questioned restrictions with home businesses. Matzke explained the regulations and uses for the downtown transitional zoning district. L:\09 PI1.LS\09 PLANNING COMMISSION\09 MINUTEiS1MN020909.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting February 9, 2009 Mr. Caswell said he recently moved into this home and was told by the building department he would have to request rezoning aild after hearing this presentation he felt that was not the case. Matzke clarified the process. Ringstad commented on the downtown transitional district meetings three or four years ago. Larry Butler, representing Holy Trinity United Methodist Church, ].6150 Arcadia Street, questioned church status in the transitional district. Matzke explained the overall plan and regulations for churches in that zone. It would be changed with the church's master plan for construction. The public meeting was closed at 6:33 p.in. Comments from the Commissioners: Billington: • This is a process to look into the filture with our Comp Plan. Nothing is going to happen over night. • It will make it easier to comprehend. Districts are consolidated. • This will be discussed as the community evolves. Perez: • We have seen this before and have worked on it a couple of years. Obviously there were concerns. It is good staff wanted to bring this to a public hearing. • There were good questions tonight. • The biggest section is the downtown transitional district. Anyone living in that district is free to continue living there. • Support. Ringstad: • Agreed with fellow Commissioners. What we are seeing tonight is a development of the community. • This is for future changes. Today's uses are current uses. • We are just cleaning up the zoning district ordinance. It is a work in progress. • This is the last public hearing. • Thanked staff for their hard work. MOTION BY PEREZ, SECOND BY BILLINGTON, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS AS HIGHLIGHTED IN THE PRECEDING STAFF REPORT AND DETAILED ATTACHED DOCUMENTS. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This item will go before the City Council February 17, 2009. L:\09 FILES\09 PLANNING COMMiSSION\09 MINUTES\MN020909.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting February 9, 2009 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: None 8. Announcements and Correspondence: Ringstad nominated Vaughn Lemke to continue as chairperson of the Planning Commission. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY BILLFNGTON, TO NOMINATE VAUGHN LEMKE AS CHAIRPERSON. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY PEREZ, SECOND BY BILLINGTON, TO NOMINATE DAN RINGSTAD AS VICE CHAIR. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. The next planning commission meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2009. Ringstad asked what projects would be coming up before the Conunissioners. Matzke gave a brief list of the activities. Paul Perez noted the 2030 Comprehensive Meeting scheduled for March 1 1, 2009. 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\09 FILES\09 NLANNINC C:OMM[SS[ON\09 M1NtJ1'CS\MN020902doc 4 ~'~~'~ ..._.r R jo~i \~. ~., r' ', ~ ~ ~.... ~ ~ ~I ,!/ \~ ~~~~'l':VESOK~r1 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior La1te, MN 55372-1714 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: 5A CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.7 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF BOUDIN STREET, WEST OF MN HWY L3, SOUTH OF CTY RD 42, AND EAST OF TIMOTHY AVENUE JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER & DANETTE PARR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIRECTOR _X YES NO-N/A MARCH 9, 2009 EFH Realty Advisors, Inc are requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for three parcels of land equaling approximately S.7 acres and located north of Boudin Street, south of Co. Rd 42, west of MN Hwy 13, and east of Timothy Avenue. The proposed amendment would redesignate the subject properties from R-LD (Urban Low Density) to C-CC (Community Retail Shopping). BACKGROUND: Approximately 5.0 acres of the subject area is the site formally occupied by the Crossroads Church (the church structure remains). The balance of the subject area is comprised of two residential parcels with single family homes (one previously used by Crossroads Church as a parsonage). EFH Realty Advisors, Inc is proposing the amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map in order to allow for commercial development in the future. If the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is ultimately approved, additional approvals would be necessary before any commercial uses would be permitted on the site. The applicant would need to submit applications for the City to consider a Rezoning, Platting of the lots, and likely a Conditional Use Permit (depending on the proposed future uses). An additional public hearing would be necessary as a part of these application requests. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The site consists of 5.7 acres (3 parcels total). www. cityofpriorlake.com . __ ___._.__..__~T:~6't3`CTcsCU~lcoinp p?anCcr`ossi•oadsC"c i•eporr.ifoc_ . ._.__.._~_... __._.._.,.:.__.. ..... __._._._..__... .._ , _._...__._.__.........._._._._.. sage Tm.,_. ......_,..,_ hone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4L45 Topography: The topography of this site varies, with elevations ranging from the highest point of 946' MSL near the center of the three parcels to 920' MSL at the eastern edge of the site. Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. If any wetlands were noted, a specific delineation would be required as part of any development application. Access: Access to this properly will be from Boudin Street. \ Utilities: Sewer and water services will be available from the east along Boudin Street and Commerce Avenue. Adiacent Land Use and Zoning: To the north of this property is commercial land, designated as C-NR (Neighborhood Retail Shopping) and R-LD (Urban Low Density). The northern property is zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-1 (Low Density Residential). To the west (across Timothy Avenue) is low-density residential land, designated as R-LD (Urban Low Density), and zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). To the east (across State Hwy 13) are commercial businesses within a Plamied Mixed Use Development. This land area is within the City of Savage. To the south (across Boudin Street) is commercial land, designated as C-CC (Community Retail Shopping), and zoned C-2 (Community Business). ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to develop this property for co>.mnercial uses, likely to include retail, office, and a motor fuel station/carwash. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with this proposal. Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives which the Staff finds applicable to this request are as follows: GOAL: ECONOMIS VITALITY OBJECTIVE No. 1: Determine and strive for a bcilance of commerce, industry, and population. OBJECTIVE No. 2: Encourage a divers~ed economic base and a broad range of employment opportunities. OBJECTIVE No. 3: Promote sound land use. OBJECTIVE No. 4: Maintain high standards in the promotion artd development of commerce and industr~~. The proposed C-CC designation is consistent with these objectives. The proximity of the property to State Hwy 13 (a major arterial road} and location of I:\09 files\09 comp plan\crossroads\pc report.doc Page 2 nearby adjacent commercial uses would allow for the proposed commercial site to be economically viable in the fiiture. Policies of these economic vitality objectives include: "Industrial and cortunercial uses shall be consolidated in planned areas" and "New development should contribute to the function and success of adjacent neighborhoods". Following these policies the proposed site would act as an addition to the existing commercial areas along State Hwy 13 and service the surrounding neighborhoods. GOAL: SECURITY OBJECTIVE No. 2: Provide a•ational transition for compliance with new standards when a change in ordinance or land use classification is necessary. According to a specific policy of this objective "Transition between radically different land uses should be accomplished on the developer's property or by a natural boundary, an arterial or collector road, and/or through adequate landscaping." Natural or man-made components used to mitigate and screen the transition between the residential and proposed commercial site would be further evaluated as part of any future required site plan and/or conditional use permit applications. COAL: HOUSING QUALITYAND DIVERSITY OBJECTIVE No. Z: Maintain a choice of and etacozarage development of quality residential environaneatts. Dtte to the proximity of the proposed site to a nearby residential environment, this objective is applicable for the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. One of the policies of this objective states "Avoid or mitigate encroachment by incompatible land uses that can have a negative impact on the residential living environment. Mitigation measures include, but are not limited to, the use of open space, berms, dense landscaping vegetation, and similar buffers." In accordance of this policy the screening and buffering methods of this proposed commercial site would be evaluated as part of the any future site plan and/or conditional use permit applications. Also, the Planning Commission and/or City Council may add conditions of approval to a land use which requires a conditional use permit. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Atnendtnent as requested. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: l:\09 files\09 comp plan\crossroadslpc report.doc Page 3 The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map designating the property located north of Boudin Street, south of Co. Rd 42, west of MN Hwy 13, aild east of Timothy Avenue from R-LD (Urban Low Density) to C-CC (Corrnnunity Retail Shopping). EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Concept Plan 3. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map l:\09 files\09 comp plan crossroads\pc reporLdoc Aage 4 s i i~....,,~ly, k -''a ~ ~ ~~ - ~ i p - ~ '~ F t ~, ,~ ~ ~ w. °; .. ~- ~, x t 1~~~ ~ fir,' ::< ~ ,~ _ ~ ,~ ,. ~ ~ t ~ i ='~"" ~ . ~ ,.• v ~'~ ~Ql'TH 'ARK DR ~r i f T ~ 7 - Y 9 ~)) - + A ~tl ~ fi ~ ",[ ~ ~.~. v ~p,~3"a '" ~ r ~. ~ ~ - ,. ~ ~~ ~ ,~ _ aer ~ > ~i r ~-- ~~ - y~,~_ /. 1~ ~, - ~- ~.~ ~- ,fY~ ~{ r w~, ~_~ ~~~ , ~~ ~; E .s a t t i r -~ _ _ - - ~ rl 0'~.. - - ~ r Y ~ f ' L ~~ _ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ` ' • ~ .. ~' ' _ ~ f s %`' K ~~ ~• ~ ~ 5 `,~ .h . .. _.,~. Fee L " ~F _ ____________ k, ____Jf ~ 0 , 150 300 600 900 1,?_00 CROSSROADS PROJECT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT i J U i;~ J j x ~; $ ~~~ ~ Z -vo, 5"ea } ~~ s" _ gjz ~a Z ~I A/ WF S ~ - ~,5~ ~ Y ~ F J r E ~ ~ ~ U I I I ~~ ~ f / 1 ~~ i,__-- 1 ~I~ ~~. .,.t ~.~, ,3~;, ~7 r ~ - 9 7 I I ~ ' sn `~ f ~ ,~ - `d~- I I~ ~~' '~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ f ' `~ ~ ( 'F. ~' ~ '. , i ~ i ~~ _., _q J ~i Y '}>~ / ~i I ~~ ~ 1 r` 1 ~ i I ~ ~ / F 4' ~ ~~ k i A ~~ / ~/- / Y f ~.. - 3~~ ~z ~ I r '~~r ~ ~ _ -- ~ ~ / a ~ ~ i ~~ % / / ~ i ~~i~~~~~ €' ~~~~~ n g~ ~i~~~~6 ~~ 3 3 ~' V ~~~ ~ Z ~ m~rc~rc ~~bJ~ ~ g~3 Z~S~~$'9q ~" N pL[ ~~ i~ ~% C)~ P.R j~~i Fa, I~ `~ ~`~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. ~ ~ `\\ x , Prior Lake MN 55372-1714 ,,,------, ,,, , _.._ ___. _ _._ _ _ _._.µ _.__.____.,. _ _ ..___ _._ ____.._~.... , ..... __._. ~ _._ _.. ,- ,' "'rn,`r-SO~P1 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: 7A 2008 VARIANCE SUMMARY REPORT JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER YES X NO-N/A MARCH 9, 2009 This report provides the Planning Commission with information regarding the 2008 variance activity. It is intended to give the Commission information that will be useful in evaluating future variance requests, and in evaluating the need for ordinance revisions. DISCUSSION: The following table is a summary of variance activity for 2008, and a comparison of activity for the previous 5 years. ,~f ~'~~~ 20,(~ / Z OQ"ff'v~ 4.;.~0~~ ~ .~ ~V~7~z.;. 200~~ e Number of Applications 5 3 6 8 10 12 Number of Re uests 9 18 14 17 23 16 Requests Approved 9 17 14 13 14 10 Requests Denied 0 1 0 4 9 5 Requests Incomplete 0 0 0 0 0 1 Requests in Process 0 0 0 0 0 0 Re uests Withdrawn 0 0 0 0 0 0 PC Decisions Appealed 0 2 0 2 5 6 PC Decisions Overturned 0 0 0 0 0 2 Number Lots in SD 3 2 4 6 8 8 Number of Ri ariati Lots 2 2 4 6 6 7 Note: If an applicant requested a variance and the Planning Commission approved a reduction of the original request, then it is represented as one approved request and one denied request in the tables. www. cityofpriorlake. com .._ ,. t'\QYfi-test)-variartcz=st08~vari-arree-sur~rtt7~rq-tsc:rtuc . _.. _......_.__._._......... ~ --____- ~._.~. _.... ....._.~..____._..- -... _w.__ ~..~-._.._ _.~g~.t . _.. Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 Table 2 compares the specific types of variance requests in 2008 to the requests for the five preceding years. YARIA1~CE~I~~, I»S~1`S 2008 2007• ' 200,6 2r~Q5.. ; 2004, 2003• , Lot Area 1 2 1 3 Lot Width (Front) 3 1 1 Lot Width OHW) Front Yard Setback 4 1 2 4 3 5 Rear Yard Setback 1 3 Side Yard Setback 3 4 4 2 1 Side Street Side Yard Setback Side Yard Setback for walls > 50' 2 1 1 Eave Encroachment 5' Sum of Side Yard Setback 1 1 1 1 1 15' Building Se aration 1 1 2 2 2 Stricture Setback to OHWM 1 1 5 Bluff Setback 1 2 B1uffIrnpact Zone 1 Im ervious Surface Covera e 1 2 2 Buildin Hei ht Wall Length/Building Height Ratio Accesso Buildin s Drivewa Setback 3 1 1 Drivewa Width 1 Maximum Drivewa Slo e Road Access Below the RFPE (907') 2 1 Parkin Stalls 2 2 Subdivision of contiguous nonconformin lots 1 Incam lete/Pendin /Withdrawn 0 0 0 0 0 1 The 2008 variance requests are comparable to requests made in the previous 5 years. The majority of the variances were requested to make improvements in required front and side yards of existing single family dwellings. The applications with the largest number of requests were for nonconforming lots. In 2008, the City adopted the following amendments to the Ordinance text: 1) Section 1107.306 was amended to allow greater flexibility in the proof of parking regulations thereby reducing unnecessary impervious surtaces on commercial and industrial sites which do not require the industry standard parking needs. 2) Section 1104.800 was amended to update the references to stormwater planning documents and define a grandfather period and for existing and future regional collection and treatment facilities. 1:\09 files\09 variances\08 variance summary pc.doc Page 2 The amendments adopted in 2008 were intended to address specific issues. These amendments will have no affect on the variance requests received. The staff has continued to work with applicants to reduce the number of variance requests by reviewing submitted documents and eliminating requests through plan redesign when possible. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Accept the report and direct that it be transmitted to the City Council for information. 2. Direct further study of possible ordinance revisions in response to the report. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion accepting the report, and directing further action revising the report if appropriate. I:\09 files\09 variances\08 variance summary pc.doc Page 3 z, Q ~., U `~ A ~ V U o ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ,. O~~ -•.~ ~o ~ ~ rn rn ;U ~ ' ' ' ' ' Q :A `~ > ° > ~ > ~ > ~ > U' ' ' ~ •' i , ds~. ~. Q Q, d Q, ds~, Q. ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~b ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~~ _ _ ,. W ~ ~ ~ v ~ •~ ~ ~~e ~~ N vp "v, ~ ~ " ~ ~ '~ir, N ~~ ~ N ~ '~ o b •~ N •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ."` ,-. ~ ~ ~ ~ N + N ~ N ~ ..fl in ~ .fl ~p C .fl ,--+ .. 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