HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 2009o~ ~~ P Rlo~ , ti " ~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. ..~ U 7~ Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 '^>. ~~NNGSO`~ ~ REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2009 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Approval of Minutes: A. April 27, 2009 3. Public Hearings: A. Consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. These amendments relate to the establishment of Interim Uses: • Section 1101: General Provisions of the Zoning Code • Section 1102: Use District Regulations of the Zoning Code This amendment proposes that shopping center uses with a gross floor area greater than 150,000 square feet will require a conditional use permit: • Section 1102: Use District Regulations of the Zoning Code These amendments relate to the process of Appeals to the District Court: • Section 1109: Administrative Procedures of the Zoning Code • Section 1006: Administration and Enforcement of the Subdivision Code 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: 6. Announcements and Correspondence: 7. Adjournment: www. cityofpriorlake. com Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2009 1. Call to Order: Chairman Ringstad called the April 27, 2009 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Fleming, Perez, Billington and Ringstad, Planner Jeff Matzke, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler, Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson, Council Liaison Ken Hedberg, and Community Development Assistant Michelle Czycalla. 2. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the March 9, 2009, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 3. Public Hearings: None 4. Old Business: None 5. New Business: A. 2010 - 2014 Capital Improvement Program Review Planner Jeff Matzke presented the staff report dated April 27, 2009, on file in the office of the Community Development and Natural Resources Department. Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer, reviewed the 27 items outlined in the CIP. Questions from the commissioners Ringstad asked if park dedication fees on individual lots as they are platted make up the funding for park improvements or does this come from a different fund in the City. Poppler stated the fees come from the capital parks fund which is funded through development. Poppler added that when compared to last years CIP the City has moved things back because development is slow. Ringstad asked if the fees get paid at the time of platting or when the building permit is issued. Poppler replied at the time of platting. Ringstad asked if the park dedication fees for bare lots have already been paid and are in the accounts right now. Poppler replied yes, some commercial development can also generate some of that as well. Fleming asked if the $24.5 million is an increase or decrease over the previous CIP. Poppler stated that the previous CIP included other intergovernmental items listed and this CIP is only the City funds. Last years CIP included the funds that the County contributed to projects so it was closer to $40 million. Fleming questioned why the water storage fund cash balance goes down drastically. Poppler replied that this is mainly because the new storage facility is part of the CIP. He added once the facility is constructed it will provide storage for the City for many years and we likely wouldn't need additional storage until some of the annexation area gets developed and those funds are built back up. Fleming asked if the $30,000 for tree planting could be expanded over the entire 5 years, spending $6,000 every year. Poppler stated this is a comment that we can pass onto the City Council. L:A09 Fll,F.S\09 PLANNING COMMISSION\09 MWUTIsS\MN042709.doc Planning Commission Meeting April 27, 2009 Fleming commented that in 2012 the City is due to receive $200,000 from the State and asked what degree of confidence the City has in that number and what options are available to us to ensure that the CIP goes forward. Poppler stated that he doesn't have a good answer for him right now. Fleming commented that he will pass that along to the Council for their consideration. Poppler commented on Flemings previous questions regarding the $24.5 million. When taking out the intergovernmental aid from last year, we would be right around the $24.5 million. Perez asked if the six year revenue projection on page one was on the conservative side. Poppler replied yes and stated that a lot of the items that are in the CIP are for later years. Poppler added that the City can adjust things back if projections are inaccurate. If the City sees that development is not picking up again some of those items (backstops, etc.) can be pushed back to future years. Perez commented when looking at street improvements, it looks like there is nothing planned for 2010. Perez acknowledged that street improvements are always a concern in the City and often hears that we are behind. Perez asked what does this do when the City is taking a year off. Poppler replied that the City is not taking a year off. The City is dedicating the 2010 and 2011 funds towards the next phases of the CR 12 project and other County projects. Partnering with the County on those projects sacrifices the City reconstruction projects until the dollars and recourses are available again. Perez commented that as far as the residential streets, this is obviously going to put us behind. Poppler stated that CR 12 is more or less a residential street. There are many homes on that project; it is a different type of County road. There are many water and sewer services along that project that will make it a neighborhood project and the City will be heavily involved. Perez asked if connecting Fish Point Road to CR 21 has been taken out of the C1P. Poppler replied that the project was always developer driven and added the City would need to partner with the developer in expanding that roadway to collector street width. Poppler noted that with development the way it is now, the City doesn't see that happening in this CIP period. Billington commented that given the fiscal scenario, he believes this is a prudently drafted CIP plan for the immediate future. Billington doesn't see any real problems with it. Billington added it is certainly within the parameters of the Comprehensive Plan and given the fiscal restraints the City will face, he thinks it's well done and will support it. Ringstad commented that he agrees with Commissioner Billington that this is a well drafted plan. Ringstad invited Councilman Ken Hedberg to the podium for comments. Hedberg commented that there are a few items that he thinks should be addressed by the Council and is curious on the Planning Commissions input. One of the items is the two year period of no neighborhood street reconstruction because of County road projects. Hedberg mentioned the City had a similar period a few years ago where it didn't undertake any neighborhood street reconstruction and that put the City behind. The Council then restructured the street reconstruction program and put more money into it to get these projects done quickly. Hedberg thinks the Welcome Avenue street reconstruction and the CR 44/Main Ave/TH 13 intersection are both important, but they displace neighborhood street reconstruction in this CIP period. If the City put one or both of these projects off for a few years it could accelerate some neighborhood street reconstruction. Ken will raise those questions to the Council. Fleming asked if there is a way to do both. Fleming added he doesn't want to forgo one to achieve the other. He asked if there is efficiency in looking at the entire pot of money, identifying the critical areas in L:A09 FILES\09 PLANNING COMMLSSION\09 MINUTES\MN042709.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting April Z7, 2009 neighborhood streets and putting aside some money for those but not forgoing our commitment to the bigger projects. Fleming stated he would be in favor of that. Ringstad asked if traffic patterns on the County road projects and the amount of cars these roads are carrying on a daily basis funnel into the immediate need of doing these projects now, whereas a neighborhood street isn't going to carry near the same amount of traffic so they get pushed back to work out the greater need of the public traffic patterns. Poppler added that the industrial park project is in our wellhead protection area and the City think it's important to get sewer and water to those properties so infiltration issues don't occur. Poppler thinks the City could delay the Main Ave/CR 44/TH 13 project. Poppler added the staff was possibly going to propose delaying the Main Ave/CR 44/TH 13 project as an alternative and that it would be discussed more at the workshop. Poppler thinks the staff would support this. Hedberg commented that CR 12 not only functions as an important east-west connecter, but it also functions as a neighborhood street and desperately needs reconstruction. Hedberg stated the Council has had a lot of debate on the Arcadia/CR 21 intersection. This is an important project to get completed because as traffic builds with Main Avenue and CR 2l becoming increasingly nonfunctional there needs to be another way for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic to circulate from the north side to the south side of downtown. Hedberg added the CR 44/Main Ave/TH 13 intersection is a traffic disaster. Martinson/Lords Street/Edinborough isn't even on the list in the next five years, and that area is a mess. Hedberg commented that the City is putting off the Boudin/Timothy/Watersedge neighborhood to 2014 and beyond and that has been a mess for years. The steps the Council took last year to restructure the transportation plan and funding so the City could get all the remaining street reconstruction done in 18 years was an important step forward. It's still going to take 18 more years from that point to get through the street reconstruction, by which time the ones that were first constructed to modern standards will be 32 years old. Hedberg is concerned about deferring neighborhood street reconstruction and invited Finance Director Erickson to comment about the availability of funding and how we have been working that into our City budget. Erickson commented that the City would have to go back and reevaluate the funding availability regarding the City reconstruction projects. Erickson also stated that in order to meet the plan mentioned earlier about the reconstruction of the City streets, the City would have to go back and reevaluate as part of the work session with the Council Members to determine if there should be any reprioritization of individual streets. Hedberg clarified that he has heard two Commissioners indicate if it's fiscally possible they would like to see us keep the neighborhood reconstruction projects moving forward without the two year delay but not decommit from the larger projects. Billington asked Councilor Hedberg if there has been criticism or concern from the citizens about the current conditions of the streets in some areas. Hedberg replied he has heard that the Shady Beach area is a disaster and there is increasing complaints from people in that area. The Boudin/Timothy Ave/Watersedge neighborhood has been rightfully complaining about their streets for about ten years. Poppler added that has heard a lot from Shady Beach over the last five years and has heard from the Glendale/Rustic area, the Blind Lake area and the Boudin area regarding their streets. Hedberg commented that he is shocked he hasn't heard from the Lords Street/Martinson Island people, because some of those streets are horrible. Hedberg has personally heard quite a bit from different neighborhoods. Hedberg added that before we did this longer term transportation plan and moved up the L:\09 FILES\09 PLANNING COMMISSION\09 MINUTESUvIN042709.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting April 27, 2009 schedule of street reconstruction, the City is looking at 30+ years before all the neighborhood street reconstructions are completed, at which time the oldest would be approaching 50 years old and way beyond their design life. These reconstruction projects are designed to last about 30 years. From Hedberg's personal views, and from what he has heard from a variety of residents, he believes the City has got a lot of streets that just don't measure up to what is expected of our community. Ringstad asked if the street reconstruction projects are paid through City funding or if they were assessed back to the homeowners on those streets through years on their taxes. Erickson replied that it is a combination of debt levy as well as special assessments and other funding sources from Municipal State Aid and some of our Enterprise Funds, the Water Quality Fund and Sewer Fund. Erickson added that when referring to the 18 year plan there is a balance of incrementally increasing that debt service levy to accommodate these projects and if the City wanted to do all of them in a shorter period of time that debt levy would go up so there would be a direct tax impact. Ringstad asked about what percentage would be assessed to the homeowner and what percentage is the City going to pick up. Poppler replied that we assess 40 percent of the street and storm sewer components of the project which amounts to 30 percent of those bid items. The assessments have been in the neighborhood of $6,000 to $7,000 per parcel. The City assess them "unit method'' meaning each parcel is assessed the same amount. Ringstad clarified that the cost per unit that gets assessed back to the unit is about $6,000 to $7,000. He then asked if the owner has the opportunity to pay that all at once or it goes on their County tax bill over a period of time. Poppler replied yes, over a ten year time frame. Perez explained his reasoning behind addressing this issue. He stated that if the City could do both he would be in favor of that. MOTION BY FLEMING, SECOND BY PEREZ, TO ASK THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS BE FORWARDED ON TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR REVIEW ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Announcements and Correspondence: Planner Matzke introduced our new Community Development Assistant Michelle Czycalla. 7. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Michelle Czycalla Community Development Assistant L:A09 FILES\09 PLANNING COMMISSION\09 MINUTES~MN042709.doc 4 -.----- ~._....~~ 1. /,~ ~ PRO ~, : .i 9 ~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. U ~` x~ Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 \~~N.NtiS~?~~w PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 3A SUBJECT: CONSIDER VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES IN SECTIONS 1006, 1101, 1102, AND 1109 PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO-N/A DATE: MAY 26, 2009 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider various amendments to the City Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance. The amendments are proposed for the following specific sections: Amendments related to the establishment of Interim Uses: • Section 1101: General Provisions of the Zoning Code Section 1108: Conditional Use Permits, Variances, and Amendments of the Zoning Code An amendment proposing that shopping center uses with a gross floor area greater than 150,000 square feet will require a conditional use permit: • Section 1102: Use District Regulations of the Zoning Code Amendments related to the process of Appeals to the District Court: • Section 1109: Administrative Procedures of the Zoning Code • Section 1006: Administration and Enforcement of the Subdivision Code DISCUSSION Interim Uses: During the current Zoning Ordinance Update review process the City Council discussed situations that may exist when a land use of temporary or seasonal nature may be suitable for a specific Use District in which they otherwise would not be allowed. In an effort to allow these uses to exist in a temporary state the adoption of allowing Interim Uses with specific conditions is proposed. In a particular case, a school is requesting permission to operate from a site in a Commercial Use District. All uses classified as educational schools in the Zoning Ordinance may currently exist in Residential Use Districts only. I:A09 files\09 ordin amend\zoning\interim uses\pc repot'b'H~CfA~~61~pr1or~ake.COTr1 Page 1 Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 Shopping Centers greater than 150,000 square feet: Currently the Ordinance allows for shopping centers with gross areas below 275,000 square feet to be permitted with conditions in the C-2 General Business Use District. All shopping centers greater than this square footage maximum require a Conditional Use Permit. The proposal would decrease the square footage amount to 150,000 square feet maximum. Further study of this topic identifies that shopping centers of 150,000 square feet or larger may at times have significant environmental, traffic, noise, and other impacts on the local community. Due to these impacts further analysis such as environmental and traffic studies are generally required during the development planning process. As a result, the City Council and City Staff have proposed that the review process for such large scale projects require a Conditional Use Permit with the listed conditions. Appeals to District Court: This language is proposed to be placed in the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance as a reference to the process of appeals. This process is already in place under Minnesota Statue Law. ANALYSIS: Ordinance amendments regarding the adoption of Interim Uses include the following: Section 1101.202 is amended to as follows: This Ordinance divides the City into 12 Use Districts. Within each Use District certain uses of land are permitted, permitted with conditions, permitted by conditional use permit or permitted bean interim use permit. Section 1101.400 is amended to add "interim use" to the definitions as follows: Interim Use. A temporary uses of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permits it. Section 1108.902 is amended to add Interim Uses to the list of Land Uses that are subject to Site Plan review procedures. Section 1108 is amended to add a new Subsection 1108.1000 "Interim Use Permits" as follows: 1108.900 INTERIM USE PERMIT. 1108.1001 Purpose and Intent. Certain uses, while generally not suitable in a particular Zoning District, may, under certain circumstances be acceptable for a prescribed period of time. An Interim Use is a temporary use of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a particular event or until the zoning regulations no longer permit it. An Interim Use may never become a Use that is permitted, I:AU9 files\09 ordin amend zoning\interim uses\pc report 052609.doc Page 2 permitted with conditions or allowed by conditional use permit unless a Use District in the Zoning Ordinance is amended, following the procedure set out in Section 1108.500, by a 4/5ths vote of the City Council to add the Use. 1108.1001. Process. Two steps must occur before an Interim Use can occupy a property. The first step requires the City Council to designate a particular Use allowable in a specified Use District as an Interim Use. The second step requires the application for and approval of an Interim Use Permit. (a) Designation of Interim Use. An Interim Use may be designated by the City Council in the same manner as a Zoning Ordinance Amendment. (b) Application for Interim Use Permit. The procedures for applying for an Interim Use Permit, the required exhibits, and the criteria for granting an Interim Use shall follow the process for Conditional Use Permits, as set out in Section 1108.200. (c) Limited Application. Interim Uses shall only be allowed in extraordinary circumstances and in response to a need that benefits the overall community. The issuance of an Interim Use Permit does not confer upon the property owner and vested right. (c) Permit. The City Council may grant an Interim Use Permit for the interim use of property if: (1) The use conforms to (is allowed in) the zoning district; (2) The date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty; (3) Permitting the use will not impose additional costs on the city if it is necessary for the city to take the property in the future; and (4) The permittee agrees in writing to any conditions that the city council deems appropriate for permission of the use. (d) Assent Form. An Interim Use Permit requires the applicant to sign an assent form and any approved exhibits which acknowledge the terms and conditions under which the Interim Use Permit is granted. The applicant thereby agrees to observe and be bond by the terms and conditions set forth. (e) Permit Termination. An Interim Use Permit shall expire or be terminated by: (1) A change in zoning regulations, which prohibits the use. (2) The date of event(s) stated in the permit. (3) Upon a violation of any condition under which the permit was issued. (f) Permit Review. An Interim Use Permit may be reviewed annually but may be reviewed at any time if the council is of the opinion that the terms and conditions of the permit have been violated or if one (1) of the criteria for termination has been meet. (g) Permit Extension. The City Council shall have the right to extend the termination date for such additional periods as are consistent with the terms and conditions of the original permit, but in no event beyond ten (10) years. Ordinance amendments regarding the adoption of the Shopping Center amendment and Appeal amendment are included in the attached draft ordinances. l:\09 files\09 ordin amend\zoning\interim uses\pc report 052609.doc Page 3 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT FINDINGS Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance states that recommendations of the Planning Commission and final determinations of the City Council shall be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following policies: 1. There is a public need for the amendments. Interim uses will allow for certain uses which may be suitable for a temporary period of time in a particular Zoning District which may otherwise restrict or prohibit them. The proposed change in the Shopping Center Use will allow for increased study of development projects with a square footage area greater than 150,000 square feet. 2. The amendments will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted plans or policies of the City. Goals and objectives of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan include: • Promote sound land use; and • Encourage a mixture and diversity of industrial and commercial land uses that will remain relatively stable under changing economic conditions. Purposes of the Zoning Ordinance include: • Protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the community and maintain their stability. • Promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land and public areas. The proposed amendment strives to accomplish these goals, objectives and policies by strengthening the effectiveness of the existing ordinance. 3. The adoption of the amendments is consistent with State and/or Federal requirements. This amendment is consistent with federal and state laws. In the case of the Appeal amendment, the ability to appeal any decision is currently allowed under Minnesota Statute Law. CONCLUSION The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and objectives of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the enabling legislation set forth in Minnesota statutes. Based upon the findings set forth in this report, staff recommends approval of the amendments. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the proposed amendments as recommended by staff and indicated in the attached draft ordinance (3 separate motions are required for each amendment topic.) I:A09 files\09 ordin amend~oning\interiin uses\pc report 052609.doc Page 4 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the amendments as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny any of the proposed amendments. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. ATTACHMENT: 1. Draft Ordinance Amendments I:A09 files\09 ordin amend zoning\interim uses\pc report 052609.doc Page 5 Zoning Code SECTION 1109 ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES SUBSECTIONS 1109.100: Administration 1109.200: Public Deliberations and Hearings 1109.300: Appeals from the Decision of the Zoning Administrator and the Zoning Board of Adjustment 1109.400: Appeal to the City Council 1109.500: Apt~eal to District Court 1109.600: Building Permits Deleted: 500 1109: Requirements For Certificates Of Surveys As Part Of The Building Permit Deleted: soo Applications 1109,j300: Certificate of Occupancy Deleted: 700 1109,20: Enforcement Deleted: soo 1109 1000: City Fees Deleted: 900 1109.100: ADMINISTRATION 1109.101 Purpose and Intent: The purpose of this subsection is to outline the general administration procedures and provisions of this Ordinance. General administration functions deal with matters such as the interpretation of the ordinance, appeals of the decision of the Zoning Administrator or other appointed bodies, general notification and public hearing requirements, enforcement of the Ordinance, building permits, certificates of occupancy, application fees, and other administrative procedures. 1109.102 Interpretation of the Ordinance. The provisions of this subsection are intended to establish guidelines to follow in clarifying ambiguities that may arise regarding the meaning of text in the Ordinance, the interpretation of the Zoning Map, or the application of rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. Subject to the requirements set forth in this subsection, the Zoning Administrator shall render interpretations of any provision of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation issued pursuant to it. Any person seeking to establish a use of land or a building which is not specifically listed in any of the use categories in this Ordinance may ask the Zoning Administrator which category of use shall be applied. The Zoning Administrator's decision will establish whether the proposed use is permitted under any of the categories in this Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator shall consider functional similarities between uses listed in the Ordinance and the proposed use including nuisance characteristics, traffic appearance and mode and hours of operation in making its determination. The determination of the Zoning Administrator shall be in writing and shall include a statement whether the use is "permitted", "permitted with conditions", "permitted as a conditional use" or "permitted as an accessory use". If the Zoning Administrator determines that the proposed use is not permitted under any category, that conclusion shall be stated in the written determination. City ofPr-iar Lake Mcry /, 1999 1109/pl Zoning Code Any decision of the Zoning Administrator determining Use District boundaries or permitted land uses may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment under the provisions of subsection 1109.300. 1109.200: PUBLIC DELIBERATIONS AND HEARINGS. The requirements of this subsection identify the general procedures applicable to all public hearings conducted in the administration of this Ordinance. 1109.201 Responsibilities of the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator, subject to further direction of the governing body, shall perform the following duties related to public hearings resulting from the administration of this Ordinance, and consistent with the other provisions of this Ordinance: - Schedule and assign the matter for review and hearing. - Conduct the correspondence of the hearing body. Give notice. - Maintain a record and enter into the record relevant dates such as those of giving notice, hearings, postponement and continuances, and a summary of the action taken by the hearing body. Except in cases of the City Council, prepare minutes of the hearing, which include the decision on the matter heard and the reasons for the decision. - Reduce the decisions of the hearing body to writing within a reasonable time. - Mail a copy of the decision to a party requesting the same upon payment of a reasonable fee, if a fee has been established. 1109.202 Notice of Hearing. Notice of a hearing shall contain the following information: - The date, time and place of the hearing. - Where the hearing involves a development application for a specific parcel of land, a description reasonably calculated to inform a person of the location of the property for which the action is pending, including but not limited to the use of a map or a postal address and subdivision lot and block designation, a metes and bounds description or the tax map designation assigned by the County Auditor. - The nature of the issue up for hearing. - The sections of the Ordinance pertinent to the hearing procedure. - Where and when information regarding the application may be examined, and when and how written comments addressing findings required for a decision by the hearing body may be submitted. 1109.203 Procedure for Mailed Notice. A notice of the hearing shall be mailed at least 10 days before the date of the hearing to each owner of the affected property and the owners of record of property located wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property for which the application has been filed. For Comprehensive Plan Amendments, notice shall be mailed to the owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the property for which the application has been filed. Addresses for mailed notices required by this Ordinance shall be obtained from a certified abstract company. A copy of the notice and a list of the owners and addresses to which the notice was sent shall be attested to by the person giving Ciry of Prior Lake May 1, [999 1109/p2 Zoning Corle the notice and shall be made a part of the record of the proceedings. The failure to give mailed notice to individual property owners or defects in the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings provided a bona fide attempt has been made to comply with this subsection. For Conditional Use Permits, Variances or other applications within the Shoreland and Flood Plain Districts, a notice of the public hearing must also be mailed to the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources and the appropriate Watershed District at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. For Conditional Use Permits, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendments, a notice of the application shall be posted on the site. The notice shall include a description of the application type and a phone number for further information. 1109.204 Procedure for Published Notice. A notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing. 1109.205 Rules of Evidence. The public hearing is neither an administrative nor adversary proceeding. Nevertheless, it is necessary that certain rules of procedure and evidence be followed in order to preserve the issue before the hearing body and to protect the rights of the interested parties. To this end, the presiding officer may make rulings as are necessary to preserve fairness, order or proper decorum. The presiding officer, any member of the governing body, the attorney, the Zoning Administrator, or any interested party may object to and the presiding officer may exclude any evidence, testimony or comment which is incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious to preserve the issue before the governing body. The presiding officer, any member of the governing body, the City Attorney and the Zoning Administrator may question any person giving a summation, presentation or comment. Any affected parties may offer evidence or testimony in explanation or rebuttal only with respect to evidence or testimony which was not presented at a previous review proceeding, and the presiding office may determine that testimony for such purposes shall be limited in duration. 1109.206 Decision. Following the hearing, the hearing body shall, within the time limits imposed by this Ordinance and by Minnesota Statutes, approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application or, if the hearing is in the nature of an appeal, affirm, reverse or remand the decision that is on appeal. The final decision on a matter may be extended for a reasonable period of time by agreement between the applicant and the hearing body, but not to exceed 6 months from the date of the first hearing on the matter. For applications within the Shoreland and Flood Plain District, a Notice of the decision must be sent to the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources within 10 days of the date of the decision. 1109.207 Findings of Fact. The hearing body shall prepare findings of fact which shall include: A statement of the applicable criteria and standards against which the proposal was tested. City of Prior Lake n~Qy t, [999 l 109/p3 Zoning Code The reasons supporting a conclusion to approve or deny an application with or without conditions. The decision to approve or deny the proposed application and any conditions which may be attached to the decision. 1109.300: APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. 1109.301 Right to Appeal from the Decision of the Zonina Administrator. At any time within 5 business days after a written order, requirement, permit, decision, refusal, or determination by the Zoning Administrator has been made interpreting or applying this Ordinance, except for actions taken in connection with prosecutions for violation hereof, the applicant or any other person affected by it, or an officer or department representative of the City may appeal the decision to the Board of Adjustment by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Community Development and Natural Resources Department addressed to the Board of Adjustment stating the action appealed from and stating the specific grounds for the appeal. 1109.302 Setting a Public Hearing. The City shall set a Public Hearing for the appeal by the Board of Adjustment to be held not less than 10 days nor more than 45 days after it receives a Notice of Appeal. Notice of the hearing on the appeal before the Board of Adjustment shall be given by mail to all applicants pursuant to subsection 1109.200. A notice of hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least 10 days before the hearing date if the appeal involves the determination of boundary lines of a Use District. Any interested party may appear at the public hearing in person or by agent or attorney. 1109.303 Board of Adiustment to Decide. The Board of Adjustment shall determine all appeals from any written order, requirement, permit, decision, refusal, or determination of the Zoning Administrator; and from any interpretation of the text of this Ordinance, the location of boundaries of a Use District as shown on the Zoning Map. The decision of the Board of Adjustment shall be by resolution. The resolution shall be adopted by a majority vote of all members present and voting on the issues presented by the appeal. In making the decision, members of the Board of Adjustment shall consider the questions raised in light of the general purpose of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the resolution of the Board of Adjustment shall be mailed to the applicant. 1109.400: APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Any owner of affected property or any owner of property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the affected property or any officer or department representative of the City may appeal the decision of the Board of Adjustment to the City Council. The appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the Zoning Administrator within 5 business days after the date of the Board of Adjustment decision. The required fee shall be paid when the appeal request is filed. When an appeal is received by the City, the applicant will be notified of the date and time the City Council will hear the appeal. No appeal will be heard until all owners of property within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of the date scheduled for the appeal hearing. Notice shall be provided in the manner set out in subsection 1109.200. The City Council shall hear the Ciry of Prior Lake May 1. 1999 11U9/p4 Zoning Code appeal within 30 days of the filing of the appeal unless that period is extended with consent of the appellant. The City Council may uphold the decision of the Planning Commission, or where applicable, acting as the Board of Adjustment, may affirm the decision of the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment. The City Council may reverse a decision of the Board of Adjustment by an affirmative vote of the majority of its full membership. The City Council shall render a decision within 30 days of the conclusion of the appeal hearing. 1109 500' APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT: Anv person aggrieved by an ordinance, rule, regulation decision or order of the City Council shall have the right to appeal within 30 dam after receipt of notice of the decision to the district court. 1109 600: BUILDING PERMITS. No person shall construct, alter or expand a structure Deleted: 500 within the City of Prior Lake without first obtaining a building permit. No building permit shall be issued unless the building or structures and proposed use of the land comply with the requirements of this Ordinance. 1109. X01 An application for a building permit shall be on a form provided by the City and ~eleted: 501 shall be accompanied by the appropriate attachments including, but not limited to the following: (1) A current survey of the property, unless exempted under subsection 1109.600, and/or a site plan drawn to a scale not to exceed 1 inch to 50 feet showing the proposed size and location of the structures, bufferyards, parking areas, drainage, lighting, loading berths, and landscaping existing on the site or to be installed on the site. (2) A statement of the proposed use of the structure and the land uses on all adjacent properties. (3) Exterior elevations of the proposed structure which will adequately and accurately indicate the height, size, design and the appearance of all elevations of the proposed building and description of the construction and materials to be used therein. (4) Any other information the Zoning Administrator may require to determine compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 110902 Future Decks. An application for a building permit for a new residential structure Deleted: 502 shall include the location of a future deck. This provision precludes the installation of second story doors, deck ledger boards, and so forth, on a structure that does not allow for a minimum 10 foot deep deck in addition to the minimum yard setback required in the use district or other applicable setbacks. If the location of a future deck addition is not shown on the building permit application, the property owner must sign a statement that a deck cannot be constructed in the future. This statement shall be recorded against the property at Scott County._ 110903 The applicant shall be responsible for determining the following: Deleted: 5os - Whether permits or approvals are required from any other governmental agency. City of Prior Lake ,yay (, ~~99 1109/p5 Whether the property is located within a protected wetland. - Whether a structure will be built over an existing easement. Zoning Code 1109,,700 REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATES OF SURVEYS AS PART OF THE Deleted: eoo BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS. A certified lot survey with all improvements shown thereon, prepared by a registered land surveyor, is required as part of the building permit application for all new construction unless exempted by the provisions listed in this subsection. 1109 In the case of a replacement deck only, the property owner may, in lieu of the Deleted: 601 certificate of survey, provide clear field identification of the lot pins, and scale drawing of the lot accurately portraying all current construction on the property and showing all dimensions from the structures to the side, rear and front lot lines, provided that: (1) The replacement deck must be the exact width, depth and height of the existing structure; (2) The location and size of the existing deck must be verified by City staff; (3) The site plan must be accurate and specific to the satisfaction of City staff; (4) The new deck must comply with all current Building Code requirements; (5) The City may request a new certificate of survey be provided, if, in the City's discretion, it is considered desirable under the following circumstances: a. The existing survey show proposed structures rather than existing structures. b. The existing survey does not show all the structures on the property. c. The topography or other physical characteristics of the site are such that the City cannot reasonably verify the location of the existing and/or proposed structures, even though the property pins have been located. d. The existing survey does not identify the existing easements on the site. e. Anew certificate of survey is necessary to determine elevations on the site for the purpose of identifying drainage patterns, wetlands, bluffs, flood elevations, and/or ordinary high water elevations. f. The City has reason to believe the conditions on the property may have changed since the date of the original survey. g. The City believes the proposed project may create aesthetic issues which require additional information. h. The City believes the proposed may impact adjacent property values in such a manner that additional information is required. Ciry of Prior Lake May [, 1999 1109/p6 Zoning Code (6) Any subsequent addition to the replacement deck in width, depth, steps, roof or amenities may require that a certificate of survey be completed and submitted with that permit, unless exempted by the provisions listed in this Section. 11092 Anew certificate of survey will not be required for additions to existing structures Deleted: 602 or new accessory structures on lots outside of the Shoreland and/or Flood Plain district, subject to the following provisions: (1) The existing survey must be signed by a registered land surveyor, and must depict the actual location of the existing structures on the lot. (2) The City will require that property pins be located on the site so staff can verify the structure setbacks. (3) The addition and/or new structures must be drawn on the survey to scale. (4) The proposed addition or structure does not exceed 480 square feet. (5) The City may request a new certificate of survey be provided if, in the City's discretion, it is considered desirable under the following circumstances: a. The existing survey shows proposed structures rather than existing structures. b. The existing survey does not show all the structures on the property. c. The topography or other physical characteristics of the site are such that the City cannot reasonably verify the location of the existing and/or proposed structures, even though the property pins have been located. d. The existing survey does not identify the existing easements on the site. e. Anew certificate of survey is necessary to determine elevations on the site for the purpose of identifying drainage patterns, wetlands, bluffs, flood elevations, and/or ordinary high water elevations. f. The City has reason to believe the conditions on the property may have changed since the date of the original survey. g. The City believes the proposed project may create aesthetic issues which require additional information. h. The City believes the proposed project may impact adjacent property values in such a manner that additional information is required. 1109 Anew certificate of survey will not be required for new decks within the Deleted: 603 Shoreland and/or Flood Plain Districts, subject to the following provisions: (1) The existing survey must be signed by a registered land surveyor, and must depict the actual location of the existing structures on the lot. (2) The City will require that property pins be located on the site so staff can verify the structure setbacks. City ofP~~ior Lake Mny [, 1999 l 109/p7 Zoning Code (3) The addition and/or new structures must be drawn on the survey to scale. (4) The City may request a new certificate of survey be provided if, in the City's discretion, it is considered desirable under those circumstances set out in subsection 1109.602(6a) through (6h). 11092 The City may waive the survey requirements for decks set forth above when, in Deleted: 604 the judgment of the Community Development and Natural Resources Director and Building Official, the property owner provides reasonably reliable evidence of what the property owner believes are the property boundaries and meets the conditions and requirements below: (1) The deck must be drawn on a site plan to scale. The site plan must identify dimensions of both existing and new structures, and the distance from any lot lines. (2) The property owner shall pay a fee for the staff review according to the adopted fee schedule. 1109 800 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. No person shall use or occupy any land or building within the City of Prior Lake without first obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. 1109,01 Uses Requiring Certificates of Occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy is required to be obtained from the City for any of the following: - The establishment of a new land use. - A change or expansion of any existing land use. - Any change in anon-conformity. - The construction, alteration or expansion of a building. - Any change of ownership or occupancy as determined by the Building Code of an existing commercial or industrial building. 110902 Responsibility. Both the property owner and the lessee, shall be responsible for securing the Certificate of Occupancy required by this subsection. 1109,03 Application and Information Required. An application for a Certificate of Occupancy shall be on a form provided by the City an shall be accompanied by the appropriate attachments including, but not limited to the following: (1) A current survey of the property, unless exempted under subsection 1109.600, and/or a site plan drawn to a scale not to exceed 1 inch to 50 feet showing the proposed size and location of the structures, bufferyards, parking areas, drainage, lighting, loading berths, and landscaping existing on the site or to be installed on the site. (2) A statement of the proposed use of the structure(s) and the land uses on all adjacent properties. Deleted: 700 Deleted: 701 Deleted: 702 Deleted: 703 Ciry of Prior Lake May !, 1999 1 109/p8 Zoning Code (3) Any other information the Zoning Administrator may require todetermine compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 110904 Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancv. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be Deleted: 704 issued by the Zoning Administrator upon satisfactory completion of an application submitted on a form provided by the City if the Zoning Administrator determines that the use complies with all applicable sections of the Ordinance and approval of the building construction has been given by the Building Official. The City shall not issue the Certificate of Occupancy if the information provided by the applicant is insufficient to determine compliance with this Ordinance. 110905 Revocation of a Certificate of Occupancy. A false statement of any fact Deleted: 705 material to the decision whether to issue a Certificate of Occupancy made or contained in an application for a Certificate of Occupancy shall automatically void the Certificate. Whenever the City determines a false statement has been made, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the holder of the Certificate in writing that it is void. Any person who occupies or uses the land or building 10 days after notice has been mailed that the Certificate previously issued is void, shall be guilty of a violation of this Ordinance unless that person applies for and secures a new Certificate based upon a true statement of fact. 1109 900 ENFORCEMENT Deleted: soo 1109 901 Compliance with Regulations. All persons, firms, corporation, and voluntary Deleted: 801 associations shall comply with the regulations and conditions contained in this Ordinance. Any person, firm, corporation or voluntary association who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or builds or alters a building in violation of any detailed statement, conditions or plan imposed in the manner permitted by this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that a violation occurs shall be considered a separate violation. 1109 9.02 Methods of Enforcement. The City, in its sole discretion, may enforce any ~ereted: 6oz provision of this Ordinance by mandamus, injunction, or any other appropriate remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction and may require reimbursement of all legal fees required for the enforcement of any provision of this Ordinance from persons found guilty of a violation. 1109.;03 Mediation. The City may enter into mediation regarding issues in the Deleted:8o3 -~ enforcement of this Ordinance, provided that mediation shall not be pursued where the issue involves a specific dimensional or performance requirement. Mediation may be pursued when the issue involves an interpretation of the application of Ordinance requirements. Mediation shall not be substituted for a variance proceeding and the City shall not agree to be bound by the Mediation process when the result would be an action inconsistent with the intent of this Ordinance. 1109,9, 04 Violations. Violations of this Ordinance include, but are not limited to the Deleted: 804 following: (1) Land used for purposes not permitted in the Use District in which the land is located. City of Prior Lake Mcry 1, /999 1109/p9 Zoning Corle (2) No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed, or structurally altered, or used for a use unless it is a use permitted in the District in which the building is located. (3) No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered to be higher than the height limit established for the district in which the building is located. (4) No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed, or structurally altered unless it conforms to the area regulations of the district in which the building is located. (5) No building shall be erected or structurally altered unless the site on which it is located provides the off-street parking and loading facilities required by this Ordinance. (6) The yards, parking spaces, and open spaces required by this Ordinance for buildings existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance or for any building erected after its adoption, shall not be encroached upon or considered as part of the yard, parking space, or open space required for any other building unless joint use of parking or a combination of yards or open spaces is specifically authorized by this Ordinance. No lot shall be divided nor shall any structure be erected or altered to reduce the floor area ratio below that is required by this Ordinance for the district in which the lot is located. (7) Every building erected or structurally altered after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be located on a "lot" as defined in subsection 1101.400 and in no case shall there be more than 1 principal building on 1 lot, except as provided elsewhere in this ordinance. (8) No building or land shall be used or occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued authorizing its use. (9) No building or land shall be used or occupied for a use which requires a Conditional Use Permit until the Conditional Use Permit has been issued. (10) No building or land shall be used or occupied for which a Conditional Use Permit has been issued unless that use complies with all of the conditions of that Conditional Use Permit. (11) If a building permit has been granted or if plans were on file with the Building Official before the effective date of this Ordinance or any amendment adopted after that effective date, or if a Conditional Use Permit has been approved, the provision of this Ordinance or any later amendment shall not require a change in the plans, or in the size or use of the land if the construction described in the permit or those plans is started within 90 days of the effective date of this Ordinance or later amendment. If, however, building construction is voluntarily discontinued before completion of construction of the structure described in the permit or the plans by the permit holder for a period of 90 days, any further construction shall conform to the provisions of this Ordinance or the later amendment. City of Prior Gake May 1, 7999 l 109/p10 Zoning Corle 1109 05 A use which violates the provisions of the previous Zoning Ordinance, which this Deleted: 805 Ordinance supersedes, shall not be validated by the adoption of this Ordinance unless it is permitted by these Ordinance provisions, nor shall this Ordinance extend any temporary use beyond the expiration date of a temporary permit granted prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. 1109,,?06 Enforcing Officer. The Community Development and Natural Resources Deleted: 806 Director is the appointed Zoning Administrator who shall enforce this Ordinance under the direction and control of the City Manager. 1109,207 Remedies. Any land use found by the City Council to be in violation of a permit for approval issued by the City may be revoked or suspended. Any permit approval for which there is a hearing on a violation or which is revoked or suspended is subject to subsection 1109.802. 1109 1000 CITY FEES 1109.,1001 Establishment of Citv Fees. Each year, by resolution, the City Council establishes fees for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance. The processes for which fees are established include, but are not limited to, the following: - Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy - Conditional Use Permits - Variances - Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan - Planned Unit Development Applications - Appeals to the decision of the Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Board of Adjustment - Site Plan Reviews - Interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance - Sign Permits 1109 1002 Reimbursement for City Costs. The purpose of this subsection is to provide a procedure to reimburse the City for its costs of review, analysis, and evaluation of development proposals, conditional use permits, comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments and enforcement of this Ordinance in cases where, due to the level of complexity of the application under consideration, excessive costs beyond those normally incurred by the City as a result of the administration of this Ordinance are incurred. The excess costs result from problems presented in review, analysis, and evaluation which necessitate intensive investigation and research. The intent of this subsection is to insure an adequate level of review of these cases and to insure that the adverse effects of development on the City are minimized and that compliance with goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and this Ordinance are obtained. 1109/003 Conditions Where Reimbursement is Authorized. The City may, in its sole discretion, require reimbursement of City costs under the following conditions: Czry of Prior l,nke ,~~> >, X999 1109/p 1 l Deleted: 807 Deleted: 900 Deleted: 901 Deleted: 902 Deleted: 903 Zoning Corse (1) When the City Manager finds multiple Planning Commission and City Council meetings are required to review a particular item and additional staff time is expended subsequent to the initial meeting. (2) When the City Manager finds it necessary to retain consultants and experts to review requests and advise its staff of specific impacts of a proposal, including but not limited to impacts on traffic, utilities, drainage, and aesthetic or environmental characteristics of the community. (3) When it is necessary for the City Attorney to review a proposal. (4) When the City Manager finds that other extraordinary costs are incurred by the City as a result of the administration of this Ordinance. 1109,1004 Procedure for Reimbursement. The City shall notify the applicant at the Deleted: 904 earliest possible time that the City will incur additional costs and, if possible, provide the applicant with an estimate of the expected additional cost. The applicant shall pay the estimated additional cost to the City by certified check or bank money order. If the amount paid to the City initially is insufficient to cover all City costs, the additional amounts shall be billed to the applicant. Any money which has not been used to pay additional costs after the applicant's request has been processed shall be refunded to the applicant. No Certificate of Occupancy for any project subject to this subsection shall be issued until all money owing to the City has been received. All costs billed under this subsection shall be based on the actual cost to the City of staff time, overhead, material costs, and actual billings from consultants, experts and attorneys. 1109.,1005 Refund of Fees. If any application for a Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Deleted: 905 Appeal or Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the Official Map or the Comprehensive Plan is withdrawn by the applicant or is not processed by the City for any other reason so that a final decision is not made by the City, the applicant is entitled to a refund of 50% of the application fees paid to the City if the application is withdrawn prior to the publication of the notice of the public hearing. (THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY BLANK FOR FUTURE AMENDMENTS) Ciry ofPnor~ Lake May 1, 1999 ~ 1~9/p12 ,Sr~bdiririon Code SECTION 1006 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SUBSECTIONS: 1006.100: NIONPLATTED SUBDIVISIONS 1OO6.ZOO: VARIANCES, PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, STANDARDS 1006.300: PROCEDURES 1006.400 APPEALS TO DISTRICT COURT 1006ti500: VIOLATIONS AND PENALTY Deleted: 4 1006.100 NONPLATTED SUBDIVISIONS. 1006.101 Administrative Land Subdivisions. The City may administratively approve a subdivision of an existing platted parcel when it meets the following criteria: - The divisions will not result in more than three (3) parcels. - All newly created lots must meet the minimum standards of the Zoning District in which they are located and the resulting parcels must generally conform to the shape and area of existing or anticipated land subdivisions in the surrounding areas. - The division will not cause any structure on the land to be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. - Any easements that may be required by the City must be granted. 1006.102 Administrative Land Subdivision Procedure. 1. An application for an administrative land subdivision, signed by the applicant and the fee owner of the property, shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The application shall be accompanied by the following: - Ten (10) full scale copies and one (1) 11" by 17" reduction of a certificate of survey identifying the existing and proposed lot lines, as well as any existing structures on the lot and the setbacks from the current and proposed lot lines. - The required filing fee as established by the City Council. 2. Following receipt of a complete application, the City staff will review the application for conformance with the provision of the Zoning Ordinance, the City of Prior Lake 1006/p 1 Subdivision Code Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances. 3. The City shall take action to either approve or deny an administrative subdivision and notify the applicant in writing of this decision within ten (10) business days of receipt of a completed application. 4. The decision of the staff to approve or deny an administrative land subdivision may be appealed by an affected party within five (5) days of the decision. An appeal shall be processed according to the provisions of Section 1109.300 of the Zoning Ordinance. 1006.103 Registered Land Surveys. All registered land surveys in the City shall be processed in the same manner as a combined preliminary and final plat application. In accordance with the standards set forth in the Subdivision Ordinance for combined preliminary plat and final plat applications, the Planning Commission shall first approve the arrangement, sizes and relationships of proposed tracts in such registered land surveys, and tracts to be used as easements or roads should be so indicated. Unless a recommendation and approval have been obtained from the Planning Commission and City Council respectively, in accordance with the standards set forth in the Subdivision Ordinance, building permits will be withheld for buildings on tracts which have been so subdivided by registered land surveys and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair or maintain any such tracts unless so approved. 1006.104 Conveyance By Metes And Bounds. No division of one or more parcels in which the land conveyed is described by metes and bounds shall be recorded if the division is a subdivision, as defined by the Subdivision Ordinance. Building permits will be withheld for buildings or tracts that have been subdivided and conveyed by this method without City approval and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair or maintain any such tracts. 1006.105 Exceptions. The provisions of Section 1006.104 do not apply where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be twenty (20) acres or larger in size and five hundred feet (500') in width for residential uses and least five (5) acres or larger in size for commercial and industrial uses. 1006.106 Council Resolution Waiving Requirements. In any case in which compliance with the foregoing restrictions will create an unnecessary hardship and failure to comply will not interfere with the purpose of this Section, the Council may waive such compliance by the adoption of a resolution to that effect and the conveyance may then be filed. 1006.200 VARIANCES, PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, STANDARDS. 1006.201 Findings. The Planning Commission may recommend a variance from the minimum standards of the Subdivision Ordinance (not the procedural provisions) when, in its opinion, undue hardship may result from strict compliance. In recommending any variance, the Commission shall prescribe any conditions that City of Prior Lake 1006/p2 Subdivision Code it deems necessary to or desirable to protect and preserve the health, welfare and safety of the public and property values. In making its recommendations, the Planning Commission shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of land and the existing use of land in the vicinity, the number of persons to reside or work in the proposed subdivision and the probable effect of the proposed subdivision upon traffic conditions in the vicinity. A variance shall only be recommended when the Planning Commission finds: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the strict application of the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to other property in the territory in which property is situated. 3. That the variance is to correct inequities resulting from a physical hardship such as topography. 4. After considerations of the Planning Commission recommendations, the City Council may grant variances, subject to subsections (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection. 1006.202 The provisions of Section 1006.201 apply only to variances to the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. Variances to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance including, but not limited to, setbacks, lot area and lot width, must be processed according to the provisions of Section 1108.400 of the Zoning Ordinance. 1006.300 PROCEDURES. 1006.301 Requests for a variance or appeal shall be filed with the City on an official application form provided by the City. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the City Council. Such application shall also be accompanied by ten (10) copies of detailed written and graphic materials necessary for the explanation of the request. 1006.302 Upon receiving said application, the application, along with all related information, shall be referred to the City Planning Commission for a report and recommendation to the City Council. 1006.303 The Planning Department shall set a date for a public hearing. Notice of such hearing shall be published in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to said hearing, and individual property notices shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing to all owners of property within five hundred feet (500') of the parcel included in the request. 1006.304 Failure of a property owner to receive said notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within the Subdivision Ordinance. City of Prior Lake 1006/p3 Subdivision Code 1006.305 The Planning Commission shall make a finding of fact and recommend such actions or conditions to the City Council relating to the request as it deems necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of the Subdivision Ordinance. 1006.306 The City Council shall not grant a variance until it has received a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission and the City staff or until sixty (60) days after the first regular Planning Commission meeting at which the request was considered. 1006.307 Upon receiving the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission, the City Council shall make findings of fact and impose any conditions it considers necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 1006.308 The City Council shall decide whether to approve or deny a request for a variance or an appeal within thirty (30) days after the public hearing on said request. 1006.309 A variance of the Subdivision Ordinance shall be by majority vote of the full City Council. 1006.400 APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT: Anv person aggrieved by an ordinance rule regulation decision or order of the City Council shall have the right to appeal within 30 days, after receipt of notice of the decision. to the district court. 1006x500 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Deleted: a 1006 501 Penalty. A violation of any provision of the Subdivision Ordinance is a Deleted: a misdemeanor. Each month during which compliance is delayed shall constitute a separate offense. 1006.502 Sale of Lots From Unrecorded Plats. It shall be a misdemeanor to sell, trade, Deleted: a or otherwise convey any lot or parcel of land as a part of, or in conformity with any plan, plat or replat of any subdivision or area located within the jurisdiction of the Subdivision Ordinance unless said plan, plat or replat shall have first been recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Scott County. 1006.503 Receiving or Recording Unapproved Plats. It shall be unlawful for a private Deleted: a individual to receive or record in any public office any plans, plats of land laid out in building lots and streets, alleys or other portions of the same intended to be dedicated to public or private use, or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent thereto, and located within the jurisdiction of the Subdivision Ordinance, unless the same shall bear thereon, by endorsement or otherwise, the approval of the City Council. 1006504 Misrepresentations. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person owning an Deleted: a addition or subdivision of land within the City to represent that any improvement upon any of the streets, alleys or avenues of said addition or subdivision or any sewer, water and storm sewer utility in said addition or subdivision has been Giry of Prior lake 1006/p4 Subdivision Code constructed according to the plans and specifications approved by the City Council, or has been supervised or inspected by the City, when such improvements have not been so constructed, supervised or inspected.. Ciry ofPria~ Lake 1006/p5 SECTION 1108 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, VARIANCES AND AMENDMENTS SUBSECTIONS 1108.100: Standards and Procedures Governing Conditional Use Permits, Variances and Amendments 1108.200: Conditional Use Permits 1108.300: Continuation of Certain Conditional Use Permits 1108.400: Variances to the Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance 1108.500: Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Official Zoning Map. 1108.600: Policy for Amendments 1108.700: Special Procedure for Comprehensive Rezoning 1108.800: Procedure for Comprehensive Plan Amendments: ~~~,~ 1108.900: Site Plan Review 1108.1000: Interim Use Permit 1108.100 STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, VARIANCES AND AMENDMENTS. The purpose and intent of this subsection is to outline the general procedures for the process and review of applications for Conditiona'I Use Permits, Variances and Amendments to this Ordinance, the Official Zoning Map, the Comprehensive Plan, and Site Plan Reviews. This Section also includes the standards by which these applications should be reviewed. 1108.200. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 1108.201 Purpose and Intent: This Ordinance identifies certain uses, which because of their nature, operation and location in relation to other uses require a Conditional Use Permit. The Conditional Use Permit process regulates the location, magnitude and design of conditional uses consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and the regulations, purposes and procedures of this ~, Ordinance. ~~~;: . The Conditional Use Permits contain minimum conditions to minimize the impact of the use on adjacent properties. To achieve this, this Section sets out the general provisions and criteria applicable to all uses authorized by a Conditional Use Permit. This subsection also describes the procedures governing the application and review process. When considering whether to approve or deny a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission has the discretion to impose site specific conditions designed to mitigate the potential impacts on adjacent properties. 1108.202 Standards For Conditional Uses. The Planning Commission shall review all applications for a Conditional Use Permit and shall make findings with respect to the following criteria: City of Prior' Luke May 1, 1999 1108/pt (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the Planning Commission and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the Planning Commission. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the Conditional Use Permit approved by the Planning Commission. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the Planning Commission may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these ~ circumstances, the Planning Commission may impose restrictions and ~,n~M conditions on the Conditional Use Permit which are more strin ent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions ~' above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the Conditional Use ~; Permit approved by the Planning Commission. ~_ 1108.203 Conditional Use Performance Standards in the Shoreland District. In addition. to the standards listed in Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission ;:;; - shall consider the following criteria when evaluating requests for conditional use permits in the Shoreland District. Evaluation Criteria. A thorough evaluation of the waterbody and the topographic, vegetation, and solid conditions on the site must be made to ensure: The prevention of soil erosion or other possible pollution of public waters, both during and after construction; The visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters is limited; City of Prior° /,ake May 1, 1999 1108/p2 The site is adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment; and ~ The types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project will generate are compatible in relation to the suitability of public waters to safely accommodate these watercraft. (2) Conditions Attached To Conditional Use Permits: ` The Planning Commission, upon consideration of the criteria listed above and the purposes of this Section, shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Section. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following Increased setbacks from the ordinary high-water levels; Limitations on the natural vegetation to be removed or the requirement that additional vegetation be planted; and Special provisions for the. location, design, and use of structures, sewage treatment systems, watercraft launching and docking areas, and vehicle parking areas. 1108.204 Conditional Use Performance Standards in the Flood Plain District. In addition to the standards listed in Section 1108.202 and 1108.203, the Planning Commission must consider the following criteria when evaluating requests for conditional use permits in the Flood Plain District. (1) Evaluation Criteria. The Planning. Commission shall consider all relevant factors, including the following: The. danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments. The danger materials may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of others, or they may block bridges, culverts or other hydraulic structures. The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, contamination and unsanitary conditions. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and'the effect of such damage on the individual owner. ,~~:.; y The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the ~~ <~ community. 7- The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location. The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding for the proposed use. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in the foreseeable future. Y The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and flood plain management program for the area. - The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the flood waters expected at the site. Such other factors which are relevant to the purposes of this Section, Ciry of Prior lake May [, x999 l l08/p3 (2) Conditions Attached to Conditional Use Permits: Upon consideration of the factors listed above and the purpose of this Section, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the granting of a conditional use permit as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose of this Section. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: - Modification of waste treatment and water supply facilities. - Limitations on period of use, occupancy and operation. - Imposition of operational controls, sureties and deed restrictions. - Requirements for construction of channel modifications, compensatory storage, dikes, levees and other protective measures. Floodproofing measures, in accordance with'the State Building Code and Section 1105. The applicant shall submit a plan or document certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the floodproofing measures are consistent with the regulatory flood protection elevation and associated flood factors for the particular area. 1108.205 Application for a Conditional Use Permit. An application for a Conditional Use Permit shall be on a form provided by the City which shall include the name, address and telephone number of the applicant, the name, address and telephone number of the property owner, and the Use District(s) in which the CUP is proposed to be located. The application shall also be accompanied by the following information:. (1) A general development plan including the following: - Site conditions and ewstng development on the subject property and immediately adjacent properties. The proposed use of all areas of the site. - ' The proposed density, type, size and location of all dwelling units, if :dwelling. units are proposed. - The general size, location and use of any proposed nonresidential buildings on the site: y All public streets, entrance and exit drives, and walkway locations. ~ ~ i jai iu ai.a Ncu.ai caa. ;~,. - Parks antl open spaces, public plazas and common areas. "°~,,= - Site dimensions. - Generalized drainage and utility plans. - Any other information the City may request to determine whether the proposed project meets the requirements of this subsection.. (2) Summary sheets which include the following: Proposed densities, ground floor areas, and floor area ratios. - Acreage or square footage of individual land uses on the site. All proposed modifications of district regulations being requested. Ciry ofYrror Lake Nlm~ 1, 1999 1108/p4 (3) Generalized phasing plan for the project, including the geographical sequence of construction and the number of dwelling units or square footage of nonresidential property to be constructed in each phase. (4) A map or plat showing the lands proposed for the conditional use permit and all lands within 350 feet of the boundaries of that property and the names and addresses of the owners of the lands in the area as they appear on the records of the County Auditor of Scott County or other appropriate records. 1108.206 Procedure for Approval of a Conditional Use Permit. (1) The application shall be reviewed by the City; staff and reports concerning the application shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its consideration within 30 days of receipt of all material required by this Ordinance for review of the application. (2) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with subsection 1109.200. The Planning Commission may continue the public hearing, if necessary, and shall take final action on the application for a conditional use permit within 60 days of a complete application, unless the deadline for action is waived by the applicant. (3) The Planning Commission may. approve the Conditional Use Permit in whole or in part, may approve the Conditional Use permit subject to conditions, may deny the Conditional Use Permit, or may continue consideration of the Conditional Use Permit for further investigation and hearing at a later date. 1108.207 Conditions and Modifications. The Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions on any Conditional Use Permit and may, at any time, on its own initiative or upon application by the property owner, modify the conditions of an existing Conditional Use Permit as changing circumstances warrant. No modification of an existing Conditional Use Permit may be made until a public hearing has been held by the Planning Commission in the manner outlined in subsection 1109.200 except that minor amendments shall require only notice to the holder of the Conditional Use permit and approval of the Planning Commission. ~+~' ^ 1108.208 Minor Amendments. A minor amendment may be granted for proposed ~, ~, changes or modifications which will not have an effect on required parking, required yards, floor area ratios, ground floor area ratios, signage, building height, density, covenants or agreements required by the original Conditional Use Permit, or changes in Conditional Use Permits issued in the flood plain 1108.209 Assent Form. No Conditional Use Permit with imposed conditions is valid until the applicant has signed an assent form and the approved exhibits which acknowledge the terms and conditions under which the Conditional Use Permit is granted and agrees to observe them. 1108.210 Filing. The resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit or modification of a Conditional Use Permit shall include the legal description of the property for which the Permit was issued and a list of any conditions set forth by the City ofPrror Lake May 1, 1999 1108/p5 Planning Commission as part of the approval of the Conditional Use Permit. A certified copy of the resolution shall be filed with the Scott County Recorder within 60 days of approval of the resolution. 1108.211 Revocation and Cancellation of Conditional Use Permits. A Conditional Use Permit may be revoked and canceled if the Zoning Administrator determines that the holder of an existing Conditional Use Permit has violated any of the conditions or requirements imposed as a condition to approval of the Conditional Use Permit, or has violated any other applicable laws, ordinances, or enforceable regulations. The following procedure shall apply to revocations and cancellations: (1) The Zoning Administrator shall notify the holder in writing of the violation. The notice shall be given in person or by certified mail, addressed to the applicant at the address stated on the original application. Notice shall also be served upon the occupant(s) of the premises for which the Conditional Use Permit was issued or, if no occupant can be found, notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon such premises. Service shall be effective on the date of mailing, personal service or posting. (2) The notice shall be issued a minimum ten (10) days prior to the date of a public hearing conducted. by the Planning Commission. The holder of the Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to reimbursement for any City costs incurred pursuant to subsection 1109.902. 1108.212 After One Year, No Construction Required. All Conditional Use Permits shall be revoked and canceled if one year has elapsed from the date of the adoptipn_of the resolution granting the Conditional Use Permit and the holder of the!'Conditional Use Permit. has failed to make substantial use of the premises according to the provisions contained in the Permit. 1108.213 - After One Year, New Construction Required. All Conditional Use Permits shall be revoked and canceled after one year has elapsed from the date of the adoption. of the resolution granting the Conditional Use Permit if a new structure or alteration or substantial repair of an existing building is required by the Conditional Use Permit and the holder has failed to complete the work, unless a valid building permit authorizing such work has been issued and work is progressing in an orderly way. 108.214 Upon Occurrence of Certain Events. If the holder of a Conditional Use Permit fails to make actual use of vacant land or lands and structures which were existing when the Conditional Use Permit was issued and no new structure, alteration, or substantial repair to existing buildings was required, or if a new structure was required by the Conditional Use Permit and no building permit has been obtained, the Conditional Use Permit shall be deemed revoked and canceled upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) A change in the Use District for such lands is made by amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by the City Council. (2) Eminent domain proceedings have been initiated to take all or any part of the premises described in the Conditional Use Permit. City of Prior Lake May i, t9~9 1108/p6 (3) The use described in the Conditional Use Permit becomes an illegal activity under the laws of the United States of America or the State of Minnesota. (4) Title to all or part of land described in such Conditional Use Permit is forfeited to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes. (5) The person to whom the Conditional Use Permit was issued files a written statement in which that person states that the Conditional Use Permit has been abandoned. The statement shall describe the land involved or state the resolution number under which the Conditional Use Permit was granted. (6) The premises for which the Conditional Use Permit was issued are used by the person to whom the Permit was issued in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of such Conditional Use Permit. 1108.215 Time Period for Abandonment of Existing Conditional Use Permits. The 1 year period used in this Ordinance to compute time to determine whether a Conditional Use Permit has been canceled or revoked shall begin with the date of adoption of the resolution granting the Conditional Use Permit. 1108.216 Abandonment if Conditions Not Met or Use Discontinued. (1) Conditional Use Permit granted by the City is revoked and canceled if all conditions imposed in the Conditional Use Permit are not satisfied within 1 year or if the approved use is discontinued for a period of more than 2 years. (2) If an extension of the time period applicable to subsection 1108.216(1) above is requested by the owner of the property on which a Conditional Use Permit has been discontinued prior to`the end of 2 years, the Planning Commission may approve, by resolution, such requested extension if the Planning Commission finds the use to be acceptable and a satisfactory reason exists to grant an extension; however, such extension shall not be granted if it would allow the discontinued use to extend more than an additional 3 years beyond the original 2 years. 1108.217 Extension of Time. The Planning Commission may grant one or more 90- day extensions of time under subsection 1108.216(2) beyond the termination date for any Conditional Use Permit. The fee to process an extension request shall be set by the City Council. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Zoning Administrator before the termination date of the Conditional Use Permit, but such request shall not be filed more than 30 days before the termination date. 1108.218 Denial. Conditional Use Permits may be denied by resolution of the Planning Commission. A resolution of denial shall set out the findings by the Planning Commission that the conditions required for approval do not exist. 1108.219 Appeal to City Council. Any aggrieved person situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the subject property or any officer or department representative of the City may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council pursuant to subsection 1109.400. The appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the City Community Development/Natural Resources Department within 5 business days after the date of the Planning Commission decision. A decision of Ciry of Prior bake ea~N 1, 1999 1 l 08/p7 the Planning Commission shall not become effective until the end of the appeal period has expired. If an appeal is filed before the appeal period expires, the decision of the Planning Commission shall not become effective until the City Council has rendered a decision on the appeal. 1108.220 Duration and Enforcement. Conditional Use Permi as long as the conditions stated in the Conditional U but nothing in this section shall prevent the munici amending official controls to change the status of con comply with those conditions results in termination Permit. 1108.221 Reimbursement of City Costs. No Condition; valid until the applicant has paid to the City subsection 1109.900. 1108.222 Building Permits. No building permit shall be which the Planning Commission has approved a the applicant has paid to the City all required fees and has filed any required letter of credit. 1108.300 CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN CONDITIONAL US is shall remain in effect se Permit are observed, pality from enacting or ditional uses. Failure to of the Conditional Use >e Permit shall become fees due according to ed for any property for ditional Use Permit until > signed an assent form, 1108.301 Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to continue certain Conditional Use Permits issued under provisions of the previous Zoning Ordinance and to set forth procedures by which a Conditional Use Permit may be terminated or converted to a Conditional Use Permit complying with this Ordinance and by which property affected by such Conditional Use Permits may be altered. 1108.302 Definitions. The following terms have the meanings shown when used in the context of this subsection. Certificate of Zoning Compliance means a certificate issued by the Zoning Administrator to the owner of a property covered by a Continued Conditional Use Permit certifying that the property is in compliance with all provisions of the Continued Conditional Use Permit. ~,`,. - Continued Conditional Use Permit. A Conditional Use Permit continued in ~ effect pursuant to provisions of this subsection. Current Zoning Ordinance. City ordinance number 09-XX adopted (New Ordinance approval date), which became effective on (new effective date). Previous Zoning Ordinance. City ordinance number 99-02 adopted February 16, 1999, and all subsequent amendments thereto which was in effect on April 30,1999. Conditional Use Permit. Aland use approval issued by resolution of the Planning Commission under provisions of the previous Zoning Ordinance. 1108.303 Certain Conditional Permits Continued. Land uses permitted by Conditional Use Permits under provisions of the previous Zoning Ordinance are either Cih' of Prior Lake Mcy i, 1999 1108/p8 permitted, permitted with conditions, conditional uses or non-conforming uses under the provisions of this Ordinance. This subsection establishes the status of Conditional Use Permits approved under the previous ordinance based upon the 4 categories described below and sets forth procedures for the termination and, in some cases, conversion of Conditional Use Permits. (1) Conditional Use Permit Uses Now Permitted. Conditional Use Permits issued for land uses which, under the current Ordinance, are now permitted uses in the Use District in which the property is located .are hereby continued in full force and effect. The owner of property subject to a Continued Conditional Use Permit may request termination of the Conditional Use Permit by providing the City with a letter requesting termination. Upon receipt of a letter requesting termination, the City shall issue a written termination to the applicant which shall be recorded on the title to the property by the City. The owner of the property shall sign an assent form provided by the City wherein the owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City for any actions or consequences arising from termination of the Conditional Use Permit. .Upon termination of the Conditional Use Permit, the land use shall be governed by the regulations of this Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances. Once a Conditional Use Permit is declared terminated, it may not be reinstated. (2) Conditional Use Permit Use Permits issued for la uses permitted with condi are hereby continued in f Continued Conditional U. Use Permit by providing receipt of a letter reap ination #o the applicant wh ie City. The owner of the pr wherein the owner agrees ins or consequences arising by Perm Now Permitted With Conditions, Conditional 's which, under the current Ordinance, are now i the Use District in which the property is located and effect. The owner of property subject to a mit may request termination of the Conditional ity with a letter requesting termination. Upon termination, the City shall issue a written ch shall be recorded on the title to the property operty shall sign an assent form provided by the to indemnify and hold harmless the City for any from termination of the Conditional Use Permit. anal Use Permit, the land use shall be governed once, and other applicable ordinances. Once a ~d terminated, it may not be reinstated. (3) Conditional Use. Permit Uses Now Conditional Uses. Conditional Use Permits issued for land uses which, under the current Ordinance, also require a conditional use permit in the Use District in which the property is located, are hereby continued in full force and effect. The holder of a Continued Conditional Use Permit may request the City to verify compliance of the property with the terms and conditions of the Continued Conditional Use Permit. A holder of a Conditional Use Permit requesting such verification shall submit such plans and other documentation necessary to demonstrate to the Zoning Administrator that the property complies with the terms and conditions of the Continued `conditional Use Permit. Upon a satisfactory demonstration of compliance with the conditions of the Continued Conditional Use Permit, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a Certificate of Zoning Compliance stating that the property complies with the terms and conditions of the Continued Conditional Use Permit. The Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall be recorded on the title of the subject property by the City. City of Prior Lake May I, 1999 1108/p9 (4) Conditional Use Permit Uses Now Non-Conforming Uses. Aland use which was permitted by Conditional Use Permit and which became a non- conforming land use in the Use District in which it is located when this Ordinance was adopted shall be a legal non-conforming use subject to the provision of Section 1107.2300, and the Conditional Use Permit authorizing the land use is now null and void. 1108.400: VARIANCES TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. The opportunity to vary the literal provisions of the Ordinance is provided for as required in Chapter 462.357 (sub. 6) of the Laws of Minnesota by the creation of the variance procedure. When practical ,difficulties or unnecessary hardships unique to an individual property under consideration, and not mere inconvenience, would result from strict enforcement of the literal provisions of this ordinance, application may be made to vary or modify any regulation or provision of the ordinance, subject to the findings in Section 1108.406, so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done. A variance is one remedy available where the Zoning Administrator has determined that no zoning certificate or permit may be issued without varying or modifying the regulations or provisions of the Ordinance. 1108.401 Applications for Variances. Applications for Variances shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and shall describe the exceptional conditions of the lot and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a basis for the Variance. 1108.402 Applications. All applications for Variances shall be initiated by, or with the consent of, the fee owner or owners of the property. A complete application shall consist of: Y An application form provided by the City, signed by the applicant and the fee owner of the property. ~ An application fee as determined by the City Council. r A survey of the property showing all property lines, structures and easements, and all proposed structures. ,~ ,;°~~ - A map or plat showing the lands proposed for variance and all lands ~,~~ within 350 feet of the boundaries of that property and the names and ~iy.~ addresses of the owners of the lands in the area as they appear on the ;{y~~~~,~~, records of the County Auditor of Scott County or other appropriate records. L Any other materials required by the City. 1108.403 Before a Variance request is approved, the request for the Variance shall be considered by the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment shall consider the strict application of the provisions of the Ordinance and the requirements of all applicable State Statutes. 1108.404 Notice. After receipt of a complete application, the Zoning Administrator shall set a date for a public hearing before the Board of Adjustment for any variance request within 30 days after receipt of the complete application for a variance. The public hearing shall be held only after the notice required by subsection 1109.200 has been given. Cite of Prior Lake ,uay i, X999 l l08/p10 1108.405 Hearings. The Board of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing in accordance with subsection 1109.200 and shall hear arguments at the hearing for and against the proposed Variance and it may continue that hearing from time to time if a continued hearing is reasonably required. Final action on the proposed Variance shall be taken within 60 days after the date the complete application was received by the City. 1108.406 Issuance. The Board of Adjustment may grant a Variance from the strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, if it finds that: (1) There are extraordinary conditions or circu narrowness, or shallowness of the lot or exc conditions which are peculiar to the properfi lands within the neighborhood or the same Us (2) (3) (4) (5) The granting of the variance is necessary to The granting of the variance intent of the City Ordinance an property involved. The granting of the variance will not unreasc neighborhood or be detrimental to the health The hardship is due to ci actions of the owners of ces, such as irregularity, al totographicl or physical do not apply to the other rict. .:the reasonable use of the mpact the character of the fety of the public welfare. the general purposes and the erty not resulting from (6) The granting of the variance will not result in allowing a use that is prohibited in the zoning district in which the subject property is located. (7) The granting of the variance may; be necessary to alleviate a hardship of the inability to use'solar energy systems. 1108.407 Limitations. No application fora Variance shall be accepted, and no Variance shall be granted by the City for any of the following: Land uses not specifically listed within a Use District. Floor elevations lower than the Flood Protection Elevation, or levels of ~~`, flood protection required in the Flood Plain District. 1108.408 Conditions and Modifications. In granting a variance, the zoning administrator or the Board of Adjustment may impose such reasonable and appropriate conditions and safeguards as may be necessary to accomplish, to the extent possible under the circumstances, the purposes of the regulations or provisions which are to be varied or modified and to reduce or minimize potentially injurious effects of the variance upon adjoining properties, the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, or general welfare of the community. A variance and any conditions and safeguards which were made a part of the terms under which the variance was granted are binding upon the applicant and any subsequent purchaser, heir, or assign of the property, and any violation of a variance or its conditions and safeguards shall be a violation of this ordinance and punishable as such. is in harmony with d the Comprehensive Ciry of Prior Lake e~~, >, t999 I l08/p] l 1108.409 Appeal to the City Council. Any aggrieved person situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the affected property or any officer or department representative of the City may appeal the decision of the Board of Adjustment to the City Council pursuant to subsection 1109.400. A decision of the Board of Adjustment shall not become effective until the end of the appeal period has expired. If an appeal is filed before the appeal period, the :decision of the Board of Adjustment shall not become effective until the Gity Council has rendered a decision on the appeal 1108.410 Payment of Fees. No application for a Variance from the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered until the applicant has paid the application fee established by the City Council. No appeal of a decision shall be heard until the appellant has paid the appeal fee established by the City Council. 1108.411 Assent Form. No Variance with imposed conditions is valid until the applicant has signed an assent form and the ,approved exhibits which acknowledge the terms and conditions under which the Variance is granted and agrees to observe them. 1108.412 Filing. The resolution approving a Variance shall include the legal description of the property for which the Variance was issued and a list of any conditions set forth by the Board of Adjustment as part of the approval of the Variance. A certified copy of the resolution shall be filed with the Scott County Recorder. 1108.413 Revocation and Cancellation of a Variance. A Variance may be revoked and canceled if the Zoning, Administrator determines that the holder of an existing Variance has violated any of the conditions or requirements imposed as a condition to approval 'of the Variance, or has violated any other applicable. laws, ordinances, or enforceable regulation. The following procedures shall apply to revocations and cancellations: (1) The Zoning Administrator shall notify the holder in writing of the violation. The notice shall be given in person or by certified mail, addressed to the address of the applicant stated on the original application. Notice shall also be served upon the occupants of the premises for which the Variance was issued or, if no occupant can be found, notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon ~~~ such premises. Service shall be effective on the date of mailing, personal ~`~~; service or posting. ~• ~. (2) The notice shall be issued a minimum ten (10) days prior to the date of a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission. The holder of the Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to reimbursement for any City costs incurred pursuant to subsection 1109.902. 1108.414 After One Year, No Construction Required. All Variances shall be revoked and canceled if 1 year has elapsed from the date of the adoption of the resolution granting the Variance and the holder of the Variance has failed to make substantial use of the premises according to the provisions contained in the Variance. 1108.415 After One Year, New Construction Required. All Variances shall be revoked and canceled after 1 year has elapsed from the date of the adoption Cily of Prior l,nke Mcry I, 1999 1108/p 12 of the resolution granting the Variance if a new structure or alteration or substantial repair of an existing building is required by the Variance and the holder has failed to complete the work, unless a valid building permit authorizing such work has been issued and work is progressing in an orderly way. 1108.416 Upon Occurrence of Certain Events. If the holder of a Variance fails to make actual use of vacant land, or land and structures, which were existing when the Variance was issued and no new structure, alteration, or substantial repair to existing buildings was required; or if a new structure was required by the Variance and no building permit has been obtained, the Variance shall be deemed revoked and canceled upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) A change in the Use District for such lands is made by amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by the City Council: (2) Eminent domain proceedings have been initiated to'take all or any part of the premises described in the Variance. (3) The use described in the Variance becomes an illegal activity under the laws of the United States of America or the State of Minnesota. (4) Title to all or part of land described in such Variance is .forfeited to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes. (5) The person to whom the Variance was issued. files a written statement in which that person states that the Variance has been abandoned. The statement shall described the land involved or state the resolution number under which the Variance was granted. which the Variance was issued are used by the person to e was issued in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of 1;108.417 Time Period for Abandonment of Existing Variance. The 1 year period used in this Ordinance to compute time to determine whether a Variance has ~~ been canceled or revoked shall begin with the date of adoption of the ~„"~., resolution granting the Variance. k. 1108.418 Abandonment if Conditions Not Met or Use Discontinued. Any Variance granted. by the City is revoked and canceled if all conditions imposed in the Variahce are not satisfied within 1 year If an extension of the time period is requested by the owner of property on which a variance has been discontinued prior to the end of the 1 year, the Board of Adjustment may approve, by resolution, such requested extension if the Board of Adjustment finds a satisfactory reason exists to grant an extension. 1108.419 Extension of Time. The Board of Adjustment may grant an extension of time not to exceed 1 year for any variance. The fee to process an extension request shall be set by the City Council. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Zoning Administrator before the termination date of the City of Prro~~ Lake Map 1, 1999 1 f ~8/pl3 Variance, but such request shall not be filed more than 30 days before the termination date. 1108.420 Denial. Variances may be denied by resolution of the Board of Adjustment. A resolution of denial shall constitute a finding by the Board of Adjustment that the conditions required for approval do not exist. 1108.421 Duration and Enforcement. Variances shall remain in effect as long as the conditions stated in the permit are observed. Failure to comply with those conditions results in termination of the Variance. p amendments. 1108.501 Initiation of Proceedings. Amendments to this Ordinance may be initiated in one of four wavs as follows: The by m The 1108.502 ing the review of such amendments council may on its own motion initiate amendments by em to the: Planning Commission for review. rty owner may formally petition the City to consider an t to the Official Zoning Map for land for which he/she is ual may petition the City to consider an amendment to the of this Ordinance. Applications for Amendments to the Official Zoning Map. All applications for changes in the boundaries of any Use District initiated by the petition of the owner or owners of the property shall be on a form provided by the City and shall be accompanied by the following information and/or attachments: ` A legal description of the property to be changed. y A map or plat showing the property proposed to be changed and all properties within 350 feet of the boundaries of that property.. The names and addresses of the owners of properties within 350 feet of the property to be changed as shown on the records of the Scott County Auditor. - An application fee as established by the City Council. 1108.422 Reimbursement of City Costs. No Variance shall become valid until the applicant has paid to the City all fees due according to subsection 1109.900. 1108.423 Building Permits. No building permit shall be issued for any property for which the Board of Adjustment has approved a Variance until the applicant has paid to the City all required fees, has signed an assent form, and has filed any required letter of credit. 1108.500: AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP. The City may, either by its own initiative or by petition of a property owner, consider amendments to the formal text of this ordinance or to the boundaries of the Use Districts established on the Official Zoning Map. This subsection outlines the rocedures for consideration of these Ciry of Prior Lake nrnv [, t999 11081p14 1108.503 Applications for Amendments to the Text of the Zoning Ordinance. All applications for amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance initiated by the petition shall be on a form provided by the City and shall be accompanied by the following information and/or attachments: - A written description of the changes to the formal text of this Ordinance and the reasons and rational for the proposed changes. An application fee as established by the City Council. 1108.504 Notice. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided pursuant to subsection 1109.200. In the case of amendments to the text of the Ordinance, notice to property owners is not required; however, a notice!of the pubic hearing shall be published for 2 consecutive weeks prior to the hearing. The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources shall be notified at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing of any request to amend the text of the Flood Plain regulations or the boundaries of the Flood Plain district. Flood Plain boundaries shall not be amended unless the City provides adequate information to the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources that the map is in error or the lands are adequately protected from flood. 1108.505 Procedure for Review of Amendments. The proposed amendment shall be reviewed by the City staff and a report concerning -the proposal shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its consideration within 30 days of receipt of all material required by this Ordinance for review of the application. The Planning Commission sha11 hold a public hearing in accordance with subsection 1109.200. The Planning Commission may continue the public hearing, if necessary, and shall make a recommendation on the amendment to the City Council within 60 days of the date a complete application, including all of the necessary submittals, was received by the City. If the Planning Commission fails to make a recommendation within the 60-day period, the City Council may then consider the amendment without the Planning Comrnission's recommendation. ~~~~ ; . The City Council may approve the amendment in whole or in part, may deny the amendment, or may continue consideration of the amendment for further r ;~:, investigation and hearing at a later date. The City Council shall render a .. ~ decision regarding the amendment application within 60 days of the Council's initial consideration of the amendment. 1108.506 Adoption. Amendments to this Ordinance or to the Official Zoning Map require a majority vote of all members of the City Council. The adoption or amendment of any part of the Zoning Ordinance that changes all or part of the existing classification of a Zoning Use District from residential to either commercial or industrial requires a 2/3rds majority vote of all of the members of the City Council. 1108.507 Fees For Rezoning and Amendments to the Text. No application for change in the boundaries of any Use District or for change in the text of the Zoning Ordinance shall be filed until the person making the request has paid the fee which has been set by the City Council. If the City Planning Ciry of Przor Lake May 1, 1999 1108/p15 Commission initiates proceedings for rezoning and text amendments, the Council may require that such payment be made by owners of property involved before making any change. 1108.600 POLICY FOR AMENDMENTS. Recommendations of the Planning Commission and final determinations of the City Council shal!'be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following policies: (1) In the case of amendments to the Official Zoning Map filed by formal petition: `> The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the land was originally zoned erroneously due to a technical or administrative error, or The area for which rezoning. is requested has changed or is changing' to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage redevelopment of the area, or The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the neighborhood. (2) In the case of amendments. to the formal text of this Ordinance: There is a public need for the amendment, or L The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City, or L The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal 1108.700: SPECIAL PROCEDURE FOR COMPREHENSIVE REZONING. Whenever the Planning Commission, in` its capacity or acting on referral from the City Council, recommends a comprehensive rezoning of a substantial part of the City which consists of not less than 50 lots in a platted area or 5 acres of unplatted area in order to conform to changing conditions, the City Council may make all or part of that recommendation effective by amendment to this ~~~.`~ Ordinance. In such a case, the provisions of subsection 1108.500 shall not be applicable; but the procedure for such amendment shall be as provided in subsection 1108.701 through 1108.705 below. 1108.701 Maps. A map shall be prepared and filed in the Community Development/Natural Resources Department which shows all streets and lands in the area proposed to be rezoned in sufficient detail to permit each platted lot and each parcel of ground to be identified by the Use District classification assigned and all Zoning regulations which will be applicable to them if the proposed amendment for rezoning is adopted. 1108.702 Planning Commission Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold one public hearing in a manner described in subsection 1109.200 prior to making a recommendation for a Comprehensive Rezoning to the City Council. Ciry of Prior Lake May 1, 1999 1108/p 16 1108.703 Notice. Notice of the public hearing on the proposed rezoning amendment shall be published in at least 3 weekly issues of the official newspaper. The hearing shall be held not less than 9 or more than 24 days after the last publication. 1108.704 Adoption. The City Council shall act upon the proposed rezoning. within 60 days after the Council has received the Planning Commission recommendation. A majority vote of all members of the Council shall be required to adopt any amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The adoption or amendment of any part of the Zoning Ordinance that changes all or part of the existing classification of a Zoning Use District from residential to either commercial or industrial requires a 2/3rds majority vote of all of the members of the City Council. The City Council may alter the amendment proposed, but if the alteration results in a modification of the Zoning Map filed at the time of the first publication of notice of the hearing, it shall not be made until 10 days after notice has been given by registered mail to the owner of the property to be zoned that an amendment is being considered and may be adopted which is different from that shown on the original Zoning Map filed in support of the requested zoning change. 1108.705 Publication. If an ordinance is adopted which provides for comprehensive rezoning even though less than the entire City is affected, the City Council shall require that new zoning maps be prepared showing the Use District boundaries after adoption of the comprehensive amendment. Those maps shall be published as part of the publication of the amendment. The adopted ordinance need not describe the tracts of land included in each Use District in any way other than by reference to the zoning maps required by this subsection. 1108.800 PROCEDURE FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS. 1108.801 Purpose and Intent. The Comprehensive Plan is a compilation of policy statements, goals, standards and maps for guiding the physical, social and economic development, both private and public, of the City of Prior Lake. The Comprehensive Ptan' includes goals, policies and standards, a land use plan, a community facilities plan, a transportation plan and recommendations for plan ,~~~"•-'~ execution, and is an adopted statement of City policy concerning development. ~~' The Zoning Ordinance is adopted for the purpose of carrying out the policies and ~~ ~4 goals of the land use plan. However, any amendment to the formal text of the ,~~~,~~~,,,, Zoning Ordinance or the Official Zoning Map which is inconsistent with the `""''` Comprehensive Plan shall not be invalidated as a result of the inconsistency. ,~. ; `~~. The City may, either by its own initiative or by petition of a property owner, consider amendments to the formal text of the Comprehensive Plan or to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. This subsection outlines the procedures for consideration of these amendments. 1108.802 Application.. Any person requesting a change in the Comprehensive Plan shall submit an application in the form prescribed by the City. The application shall describe the change requested, state the reasons for the requested change, and attach documentation to support the request. The applicant shall pay a fee established by the City Council when the application is filed with the Community Development/Natural Resources Department. If the request requires a change in the Comprehensive Plan Map, a map or plat showing the lands proposed for the City of Prior bake n~Qy t, ~ 999 1108/p 17 amendment and all lands within 500 feet of the boundaries of that property and two copies of the names and addresses of the owners of the lands in the area as they appear on the records of the County Auditor of Scott County or other appropriate records shall be filed with the application. 1108.803 Staff Review. Upon receipt of the complete application, the City staff shall 1108.804 Planning Commission Review. The PI requests for an amendment to the Compr Plan Land Use Map at a public hearing. provided pursuant to subsection 1109.2 hold the public hearing on the date in subsection 1109.200, and may continue Commission believes it necessary to co new notice shall be published for the continued hearina. 1108.805 consider the testimony rec~ other material it deems recommendations to the C application, including all of t If the Planning Commission period, the: City Council i anning Commission shall review all ehensive Plan or the Comprehensive Notice of the public hearing shall be 00. The Planning Commission shall accordance with the procedures in the hearing once. If the Planning ntinue the hearing a second time, a The hear make a recomm 'n consider the Planning Commission shall ing; the staff reports, and report its findings and s of the date a complete was received by the City. ~ndation within the 60-day amendment without the 1108.806 City Council Action. The City Council may approve the amendment in whole or in part, may. deny the amendment, or may continue consideration of the amendment for further investigation and hearing at a later date. The City Council shall render a decision regarding the amendment application within 60 days of the Council's initial consideration of the amendment. ~~' ` 1108.807 Adoption. All. Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be adopted by >tm`~ . r , resolution of the City Council approved by a 2/3rds majority of all members of the Council. The resolution shall be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities for its approval. The resolution shall be effective upon approval by the Metropolitan Council. 1108.900 SITE PLAN REVIEW. 1108.901 Purpose and Intent. The site plan review procedure is an administrative review performed by City staff for uses which, because of their nature, operation and location in relation to other uses, require a more thorough review procedure. The purpose of this procedure is to identify all relevant issues and permit requirements prior to the application for a building permit. To achieve this, this subsection describes the procedures governing the application and review process. Cib' of Prior Lnke review the request and determine whether an amendment as defined by guidelines established by the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities for its review of Comprehensive Plan amendments is requested. If an amendment is requested, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for its review within 10 working days of receipt of the request by the City. May 1, 1999 1108/pl8 1108.902 Uses Subject to the Site Plan Review Procedure. Site plan review shall be required for all of the following uses: - Temporary Structures, allowed under the provisions of subsection 1101.510 (3). - Any uses permitted with conditions in the A, RS, R-1, R-3 and R-4 Use Districts. - All uses permitted and permitted with conditions h the C-1, C-3, C-3T, C-4, C-5 and I-1 Use Districts involving new construction or substantial building alteration that may impact required parking, landscaping or other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. - Interim Uses 1108.903 Application for Site Plan Review. An application for a Site Plan Review shall be on a form provided by the City and shall include the name, address and telephone number of the applicant, the name, address and telephone number of the property owner, and the Use District(s) in which the property is located. The application shall also be accompanied by the following information: A certificate of survey of the property; - A detailed site plan based on the current survey. The site plan must include the following information: ' Site dimensions ' Site conditions and existing development on the subject property and immediately adjacent properties. The proposed use of all areas of the site. ~°'" The proposed density, type, size and location of all dwelling units, ~ rf dv~elling units are proposed. ' The general size, location and use of any proposed nonresidential public streets, entrance and exit drives, and walkway locations. areas. May ], 1999 ' Outdoor mechanical equipment. Landscaping Plans, including irrigation plans. A tree inventory and tree preservation plan. Lighting plans showing all outside and building exterior lighting. Signage Plans. Grading and erosion control plan, including stormwater drainage calculations. Utility plans. A fire protection plan identifying fire lanes, hydrant locations, post indicator valves and Siamese connections. Building plans, including exterior wall elevations, exterior building materials and cross section floor layouts. Any other information the City may request to determine whether the proposed project meets the requirements of this subsection. Ciry of Prror Lake l 108/p 19 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering - Summary sheets which include: ^ Proposed densities, ground floor area and floor area ratios. ^ Acreage or square footage of individual land uses on the site. 1108.904 Procedure for Approval of a Site Plan: After receipt of a complete application, the Community Development/Natural Resources Department will refer the application to City Departments and to other interested parties. The Community Development/Natural Resources Department will then review the proposed development for compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision Ordinance and other applicable ordinances. Within 60 days of receipt of a complete application, the City Staff will take action to approve or deny the application. 1108.905 Appeal to the Zoning Board of Adiustment: The decision of the City Staff may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment within 5 days of notification of the decision of the staff to approve or deny the site plan application. Appeals shall be processed according to the procedure outlined in subsection 1109.300 of the Zoning Ordinance. 1108.906 Building Permits. No building permits shall be issued for any property for which a site plan has been approved until the applicant has paid to the City all required fees and has filed any required letter of credit 1108.900 INTERIM USE PERMIT. (bl Application for Interim Use Permit. The procedures for applying for an Interim Use Permit. the required exhibits and the criteria for granting an Interim Use shall follow the process for Conditional Use Permits, as set out in Section 1108.200. (cl Limited Application. Interim Uses shall only be allowed in extraordinary circumstances and in response to a need that benefits the city ojYrior Lcrke M~~ t, X999 l 108/p20 overall community. The issuance of an Interim Use Permit does not confer upon the property owner and vested right. ~ ~ ~`~~ Crry of Prior- Lake May 1, /999 1108/p21 (cl Permit. The City Council ma~arant an Interim Use Permit for the interim use of property if: