HomeMy WebLinkAboutElevation Certificate e e e .J Ul i. "::'U. .:..LJuu _'. ..J..Jr. J I r-.:.. FPOI') : HI LLCPEST HmlES I ~C _,:!v' ....~.;.y~ lll~ l.):JO !'AA tH:.!4474:!4~ PHONE NO. &12 898 33&4 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~002 p1J~~ ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ~i.~~1i.~f)Il(?3;J PIIOERAL l!MERGENCY MANAGEMl!NT AGENCY NAnONALPLOODINSUAANC.PAOG~AM \TTI!!NTIOH: Un of tnl'l cltrtltlaue 00.. nOr pl'OllkJti a Wallll" or lh. tlood inl;uranee purott... rvqulr8menr. Tnls form Is u.~ only It:l ,l'Ovlde elevation I"tormstion nec8Kll&ry It:l ensure compUane. with applQble community lIoO<lplaln manalilement ordlnBncea, to dClermln" the prOpQr insuranCQ premium rlUll, and/or 10 support 11 r~ueat tor a Lstt.,. of Maj) Amendm.nt 0( ReVlaJon (LOMA or LOMA), InstruaUon. for campleflng thl. 'OnTI can be found an the fellowlng peg.a. SECTlON A PAOPliATY I),JPORMATION ~ INIIUFU.NCS COUPI4l>N UlU POliCY PlUMS!!R BUIlDING OWNE;:l'B Nl<Mii -r-, . ry ~'2~1 74d {';4f~' f.:b . P/~/()" ~.r4ib ~TAE.O:~ (InoIU<lI"~ AOL.. Uno,. a"... at\IJIOt elOt. Numoer) O~ '.0. ROUT!l.l.NO 80X NUMBeR CCIo(~ANV HAle Nu",aEll orHCR DESC~'ON ILoll"d alo<lJ< NutNl<WW. ~) ,0J/!,.( </ ic?~4! CIT'f ;:t10,( ~.>-} Ie 36CTION rJ ~ LvI...P I~ KJ {j/J is /k;(J~.I brAT\! / /~A/ FLOOD IN!!uA~e~ RA~ MAP (FIRM) INFORMATlOH ZIP COOl! ProvldJt the fOllowing 'rom 11'1. pra~r FIRM (S91l Insrrucl1onl): I CO......UNITV NUAA9~R I. ~ANiiL NUa..tOliM 3. aU~~IX ... OAT'!! o~ PI..... INC.X 8. F1~'" ~Nf e. ~~~ ~~ ~~'r' d7043:X cw1 C il'L/ti 7 7'f;;; 9ClJ<'/ 7. Indlca[. rhe e!""'l'It1on daturTl sYlltem U6ed on tllll ~I~M lor Bal~ Flood EI.vatlone tBFE): 0 NGVD '29 -, Olhllr (d9Icrl~ on bilck) 6. For Zoneo A or V. .....h.r9 no I3FE I. provided on th~ FIRM. llnd the community has MtabJl,hed a BFE for Ihi3 bulldlng site. Indlcal\! tntl cornmunilY'~ 8FE' ',~ leel NOVO (ar other FIRM datum-SII. Section B. Item 7). SECTION C ~UILD'Na e.LEVAT10N INFORMATION 1. USIng the E<lll...aUon Cerlllicare Imllructla'ls. IndlC&jfhe diagram number Irom thll dlagram"ounCl on PIGes 5 and 8 thai best dllicrlbBs IhlllPubject t:l~g'& relllrenca level . <'(A). FIRM Zone a A 1.A30.~ AH. and A (with BFE). TIll' lOP of the reterence levellloor from Il\e '1I111clad dl_gram Ii af an elllvat10n "r _ '4141t NGVD (or oct'llr FlAM dalvrn-iee geCtlan a, Itam 7). (b) FI~M Zones v,.V30, vE, !lnd V (wltn BFE). The botlom ot the loweal horl.antlll SIr\Jcturlll memb.r 01 the rlll.reAcolevel trom th41 ''''OClO<! diagram. I~ al ~n Q!cvatlon of I q IVI'7I.fJJ reet NGVO (or clhar FIRM datu~.ll SQc:;!Ion B. Il.m 7). (e). FIRM Zcnll A (wllnout SFE). Th. floor used all l~ refere"~fllevel from tMe ulec1ed dlagrwn Is ~. U feet 300ve C or be1o..... _ (chect< onll) the hlgnNl graCe ~.cent ta the bvJldl~ (d) ~1F:lM Zone AO Thlt floor used IIlI Ihe reterenc. level 'rom m. 1IIIIIctad dlagrsmlll .-.!.-:.~ IlIlIt abave 0 or lalow Q (~hlck Dna) the hlgh"'ll gr8(l, adjaoent to the bulldfng, II no llood depll'1 num~r i/\ available, 15 !tle bulldlng'sloweSl lloor [lIf.rence IIi...el) ekl...rlllid in accordancll with l1'Ie c;gmmunlty's flOOdPlain matlllGemenl ordinance? :: Yee -: No 0 Unknown J. Indicate Ihe alQvllUon datum system ulIlld in detemunlnliil the abOlI. rllfer.nclllellel alllvatJonl:<Q. 'NOVD '2~ ':J Other (dncrlbe ut1dllr Comments on PllQIl 2). (NOTE. "tf1~ ~~v.tJon d~tLJ", u.~ Ifl me8J1LJrfng Ihfl flltWlJtlo;{;l; dlffer.1It trnlfl ttlaf u,ttd on t/1e FIRM (~.Ul SeeMn a. Item ?], ttl.,., ~nV8rr the ./flI/IiClons CD ChtJ datum lJr-C~ U69d on rhe FIFi~ and snow the CQf1VfH'5ion equation tJngir Co"'m.n~ on ~r;. Z.) . 4. Elevation relerencli mar1<. ueed appllQra On FlAM; 0 Ya. %' No (8ee l~lIuctlonl on Page ll) 5. The ",lllrance lQvlll elevation II based on: ~act\Jal con.\1\Jc:tkln 0 con&trlJOtfon drawings (NOTE: USlI 01 CDfI1ftnJr;tIon ctrtJwmQ$/S orlJ; ...~id If lh6 building dOli. flDr y.r n.va !he flf~f.nc. I.vall/oar In pI.ClI, in wfllch eJf.ss tnls c:entfW:llte will only 011 valid lor ttl. building dlJrlnQ ttlB coo'" of com1tructlon. A pcat-constnJctlcn EI9vatlon C.nlflcJjM wlJl O. fEl'qulred OncII consrrvctlon Is completa.) e. Thll alll...atlon of trle loweet grade ImmadioUQly BdJBCltnt 10 the oulldl"tlla; I q I t~~ ,.7: 'HI NOVO (or O1h.r FIFlt.1 d.llolm.... S'lCtion e, Iwan 7). SECTlON 0 COJotMUMTY INFORMATION If the community otflclal relponsible lor ".nlylng building elevationl .pedfles that the ref.'ence 18vullndlcatud In Section C. Item 1 Is not the -Iowelt floor" a~ Oelined In Itle ~rnmul'\ll'{1l nQodpJaln management ordlnancl. the llhtvat!on of lhe build In,,'. 'Iowelt noor' all dllfln9d by (hill ordinance Is; I i I I I I,U IMt NOVO (or Other PIAM ~lVn1-6" SedJon !!!. Item 7). 2. O,,{lI or the atart of co"atr\,lcllon or lublltantlllJ improvement fEMA fa"n i '.]', """",,. 90 llel REV1!!ASC !llca POP CONTIM./ATlON 1I1~I..AC.S All 'IIEIIIOUS tOITlONS JUI',. -=:u. -=:UUU :,. ..)..),TI l,j rROM : HILLCREST HOMES INC. . .. ..." "" v ~":_ A.~.. oJ v 1'11...4. U 1 .t" ~ I i..& .l q G PHONE NO. : 612 898 3364 CITY OF PRIoR LAKE I4bOOJ e s_,~ E CEftTlF1CAllON Thl9 ~rtttlcalIon Is to be signed by a \an~ IW'Ve.JOI', engineer, 01' lIf~ whC I. authot1zad by stant 01' Ioc:allaw to camfy elevftDon IntOl'm4l1oo when !he "8vallon fnfonnatlOtl tor Zonea ""~, AE. AH, A (with aFE),Vl-V30.VI!!, and V (with BFE) 1& required. . CommunIty otflolal. who aM aurholUed by IcaaIllIw or 0I'dinIInC8 10 provkfe fIaodpIaIn menagement informadon. may al.o sign th. c:enlfic:aIIClll. In the CISlS. of Zones 10.0 and A. (without a FEMA ~ cammuolly Issued BFE). II bulld\l1g olflClal. a propeny . , , 01' an owner', . : ,_ ,"" Intative may 11I100 sign !t\G cenIf\Catloo. RlIler.nee \9Vet diagrams 8. 1 and B . ClaUngulshIng FeatlJni&-lf the <:8I1lfler is unable !Q certify to bllJaka'Way/nM'bc'eakaway W8lI, endosute ~8, loeatIcn of servicing equlpmllnt. atea use. wall opening&. or untinJahed area Faatunt(;). then liat the F..ture(s) not Included In en. aartlb1loo under Comments beloW. The d~nl/TI "um~r, geetIon C. lIem 1. muB'l aUlI be ern.red. I C:flrtJly m..t rhe Inform~ in s.. ""'. ,6 B and C 011 this CtIfTI/k:;Jt9 rept'eflfHJt.s my bNt fitton. 10 Il1terpff1t (fHI daLl ~. I u~rand ttlat aJ1Y f.JlS. st3Mm."t may ~ ;wnl$n~.l1y fins Of /lnpTllIONnent vnde' '/1 U.S. C0c3, Secr/on t001. j./tf/Uy It? /2rA--l;J. C, M~ ?.--Zojf ~I'lT1F1Efnl HA~ /) ur!~1ii NUWAER (Of. SMI) ~~ . ~;(.y4W Prvc; ~e~ $;-e.. TITLI! c;oI.UWlv ~ /0 <-(OJ V~ ~e ,t;:.l)M ,Ifz~ /f?/I/ _J)J Vf,/ ADDRESS jJ. Y erN C/u/(Xj (G~9<.f79Iou1J" SlGNAruA8.---::1'~....t~ ~~ . _ DAre j PHONll CQplea should ~ ITUI~ :. th;l Cefttflcate for. 1) ~ocrtmtanHy oIIIallll, 2) InaurarlQe agentlCCXftJMnv, and 3) "wIding owner. COMUeHTS: - ON sue WIftl .. , OM llILU. ~-l;Q~ ~,~ k--~ ~ r< ~ I\l>CII . . --""" r '~-, ....!!M!L , ~; :~;~ ---'~ - ~ v .iiD I-~"~,' )-=-! -~ . U~ \\ J.- ~ '\ ~ ~\ ..,.,..., r ~~~Jll;M\I~ll'l!~'\' , ~~':el! \ 1!1'.m~ ~fl~~'r ~ .. ~\, ....: Jr..> :lilY, , 1... 0~~:~~:~Ir...,f!ij~i:~~'~ II v ZCHl!lI ZONes -}p " ~DlU ,. ZOHI!I The dlagrama a.I)Ow IIIuStral8lN poInta II 'WhlotI the ",...,aIIons 8houId be JneUUTId In A Zclne5 and V Zones. elevation' for all A. Zones ShouJd be mouuted at tne ~ 0' \he refeeence level t\Qor. EI&<iallonS tor all V Zones should be meaured at en. boUlCm 0# the 1aW'lIist...... ;........J 1It1tlaU"" m ."... . PIll/8Z e