HomeMy WebLinkAbout030695 Regular JOINT COUNCIL/PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:30 - 7:25 P.M. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Mamh 6, 1995 1. CALL TO ORDER ........................ 7:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid b. Consider Approval of Release of Easement, Lot 6, Shady Beach c. Consider Approval of Proclamation Declaring the Month of March as Red Cross Month. 5. PRESENTATIONS: A. Ted Hansen, the City of Prior Lake's representative to the Scott County Planning Advisory Committee will be presenting an update to Council regarding the Committee's activities and challenges for 1995. B. Community Values Committee Members, Jerry Spies and Pat Kennedy, will be presenting a plaque and an overview of the Committee's "1995 Values week." 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Conduct Public Informational Meeting to Consider Classification by the City for the Following As Winter Accesses: West Avenue, Terrace Circle (South) and Sand Point Beach. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Consider Approval of Report on Utility Franchise Agreement issues including: 1. Right of Way Acquisition 2. Undergounding 3. Franchise Fees 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 44744230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Page 2 City Council Agenda March 6, 1995 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider a Proposed Amendment to Section 4-1 of the Prior Lake City Code Adopting the 1995 Minnesota State Building Code Fee Schedule and Appendices. B. Consider Comments Regarding the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Outlet Channel Vision Statement, 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE 11. ADJOURNMENT A30695,WRT MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 6, 1995 1. CALL TO ORDER - Acting Mayor Kedrowski called the meeting of the Common Council to order on Monday, March 6, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Acting Mayor Kedrowski Councilmembers, Scott and Schenck, City Manager Boyles, Public Works Director Anderson, Engineering Technician Sherman, Parks Director Mangan, City Attorney Ratllke and Recording Secretary Birch. Mayor Andren and Councilmember Greenfield were both absent due to being out of town. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Acting Mayor Kedrowski led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - City Manager Boyles stated that on page 3, after the motion (first paragraph) that another motion had been omitted. Upon examination of the taped recording there was no action taken by the Council on this issue. Therefore, no changes were made to the minutes. MOTION BY, SCOTT, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE THE Minutes MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Scott and Schenck, Kedrowski abstained due to having been absent at the last meeting. The motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid Invoices Release of ease- b. Consider Approval of Release of Easement, Lot 6, Shady Beach men~ - Shady ~ea¢ c. Consider Approval of Proclamation Declaring the Month of March Proc. Red Cross as Red Cross Month. Month MOTION BY SCHENCK , SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE ConsentAgenda CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (c) Upon a vote taken, yeas by Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck, the motion carried. 5. PRESENTATIONS: A. Ted Hansen, the City of Prior Lake's representative to the Scott scott county County Planning Advisory Committee, discussed his role on the Planning Adv. Comm. Rep. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, rVlinnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447~4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN E(~IJ'AL OPPORTUNITY EHPLOYER Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 6, 1995 Committee and presented an overhead depicting an example of an urban overlay. The overlay was an example of how sewer, water and street service can be extended to rural plats. Mr. Hansen also discussed the Committee's endeavors toward designating industrial land for school bus parking and storage. B. Presentation by Community Values Committee Members, Jerry Cor~unity Values Spies and Pat Kennedy. Pat Kennedy, Coordinator of the Committee Community Values program, reviewed the agenda for Community Presentation Values Week. Jerry Spies, Director of Curriculum, presented a plaque to the City which Acting Mayor Kedrowski accepted on behalf of the Council. Mr. Spies and Ms. Kennedy thanked the Council for their support and endorsement. 6, PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Conduct Public Informational Meeting to Consider Classification by the City for the Following As Winter Accesses: West Avenue, Terrace Circle (South) and Sand Point Beach. - Lani Leichty, Water Resources Coordinator, presented an overhead depicting the accesses under consideration and gave a brief overview of the Lake Advisory Committee's recommendations, the Council's actions to date, reviewed the purpose of the informational hearings, and discussed the Lake Advisory Committee's recommendations on each access. The COUncil also discussed snowmobile access, regulating hours of use at access and lighting of the areas. The meeting was opened for public comment. Tom Faust, 16051 West Avenue, expressed concern about the snowmobile traffic and speed on West Avenue and inquired as to whether the access could be closed during the evening hours. Council discussed enforcement of traffic in the area. Mr. Faust stated that he did not wish to see the access closed to snowmobiles but he was concerned about enforcement of traffic laws. Councilmember Scott expressed a desire to see signs posted limiting the speed and hours of the West Avenue access. Further discussion occurred on the number of accesses available to snowmobile traffic and whether or not posted signs would be adequate to address the issues. Council concurred that the Parks Department did not have sufficient resources to open and close gates, however, the Police Department could be requested to monitor the accesses periodically. MOTION BY SCOTT, SECOND BY SCHENCK, DIRECTING West Avenue STAFF TO INSTALL A SPEED SIGN AND HOURS OF Winter Access OPERATION SIGN ON WEST AVENUE AND TO ACCEPT THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO KEEP WEST AVENUE AS A WINTER ACCESS OPEN TO SNOWMOBILES. Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 6, 1995 Upon a vote taken, yeas by Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. Discussion then occurred on the Sand Point Beach access. Councilmember Scott inquired about the "No motorized vehicles allowed" sign currently posted, and suggested it be changed to "No snowmobiles allowed". Thomas Moore, 5651 Woodside Road, a Sportsmans Club member, commented on the necessity of having an access available 24 hours a day. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO sand ?oint APPROVE SAND POINT AS A WINTER ACCESS Winter Access TWENTY-FOUR HOURS PER DAY AND CHANGE THE SIGN TO READ "NO SNOWMOBILES ALLOWED," Upon a vote taken, yeas by Scott, Kedrowski and Schenck. The motion carried. Terrace Cimle South access was discussed and Council concurred that the "No Snowmobiles" sign should remain. Walter Jobst, 15110 Martinson Island Road, suggested that Council address safety and speed issues before addressing the access issue. Brad Gulstad, 2865 Center Road, asked for clarification on the access. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fisher, 2922 Spring Lake Road, expressed concern over the reckless driving by snowmobilers in the area of C.R. 12 and T.H. 13; They also had questions about the Northwood Road Trail which is a regional park jurisdiction. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO ACCEPT Terrace Circle THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMI'I=I'EE'S RECOMMENDATION TO w±nter Access CLASSIFY TERRACE CIRCLE SOUTH AS A WINTER ACCESS, POST A "NO SNOWMOBILES" SIGN AND RESTRICT THE HOURS OF OPERATION, Upon a vote taken, yeas by Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. The Council asked staff to research whether the winter access hours of operation should be set forth in an ordinance, and whether park hours need to be revised if parks are to be used as 24 hour lake access. A short, recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Consider Approva/ of Report on Utility Franchise Agreement issues includinG: -3- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 6, 1995 1. Right of Way Acquisition 2. Undergounding 3. Franchise Fees City Manager Boyles reviewed the purpose of this item and introduced Engineering Technician, Ken Sherman, who presented uti]_~.ty French±sE details of his reseamh including a survey of fourteen cities, the public A§reements utilities commission and the city's records on the subject. Sherman stated that the cost of undergrounding the utility lines on C.R. 44 would be approximately $170,000 and the cost for burying all existing above ground electric lines would be in the neighborhood of two million dollars. Northern States Power appears to be reluctant to endorse a franchise fee. Extensive discussion occurred regarding franchise fees, the cost, public opinion and public resistance to paying the franchise fee. City Manager Boyles suggested, and Council concurred, that staff should check on the advantages and disadvantages of a franchise agreement and report the result in an Update Memorandum. 8, NEW BUSINESS A. Consider a Proposed Amendment to Section 4-1 of the Prior Lake City Code Adopting the 1995 Minnesota State Building Code Fee Schedule and Appendices. City Manager Boyles reiterated that the new State Building Code has been revised and updated, and reviewed the proposed fee schedule as recommended by Building Official Staber. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO AMEND OR 95-04 SECTION 4-1 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE, AND ADOPT THE NEW MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE AND FEE SCHEDULE. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. B. Consider Comments Regarding the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Outlet Channel Vision Statement. City Manager Boyles reviewed the Watershed Board's Channel Vision Statement and discussed the city's position. Council discussion occurred regarding the responsibilities of jurisdictions within the watershed. Watershed Ken Conrad, Watershed Board representative, commented on the Board Channe'l need for planning by the entire watershed district. Councilmember vis,on Scott questioned the last portion of the Vision Statement referring tostate=ant charging the appropriate body for water runoff and how the determination wou~d be made. Further discussion occurred on the Channel Vision Statement and the fact that it should address the entire watershed not jus'~ Prior Lake. Council concurred that both the Council and the Watershed Board should agree on agenda topics for the proposed joint meeting. A few topics suggested were: Upstream -4- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 6, 1995 flow and Spring Lake's inflow to Prior Lake. The proposed agenda will be discussed in an Update Memorandum. 9. OTHER BUSINESS City Manager Boyles reviewed the update memorandum, including: -- South of the river communities lobbying organization and cost. -- Sidewalk policy. -- Fire Station open house dates. -- Scott County. -- ISTEA project. -- 1994 recreation expenditures. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 1~;30 p.m. The next Council meeting wil~ be Monday, M~ch 2~p,<"~'5/at 7:30~ p.m. Recording Secretary -5-