HomeMy WebLinkAbout041795 Regular REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 17, 1995 1. CALL TO ORDER ........................ 7:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4, CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid b. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report c. Consider Approval of Building Report d. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-26 Authorizing Variance Request for Don Carter Narveson. e. Consider Approval of Resolutions 95-21 and 95-23 Revising the Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) System. f. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-22 Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Funds. g. Consider Approval of First Quarter Budget Report and Overview. h. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-24 Authorizing a Premise Permit for O'Mallys on Main for the Shakopee/Prior Lake Hockey Association. i. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report j. Consider Approval of Work Agreement with Public Affairs Consulting for the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Guide Element. k. Consider Approval of Final Plat and Developers Agreement for Westbury Ponds Second Addition. 5. PRESENTATIONS: 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Consider Approval of Draft Land Use Guide Plan Element Map. B. Consider Approval of Report from Parks and Recreation Regarding Appropriate Location for "Play'n In" Prior Lake. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider Approval of Appointment of Councilmember and Staff Member to Serve on the MnDOT Sponsored Highway 13 Task Fome. B. Consider Approval for "Cops Fast" Grant to Fund a New Police Officer. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE A. 11. ADJOURNMENT A41795 WRT 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 17, 1995 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Andmn called the meeting of the Conunon Council to order on Monday, April 17, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Kedrowski, Scott, Schenck, Greenfield, City Manager Boyles, Public Works Director Anderson, Planning Director Rye, Recreation Supervisor Woodson, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Andren led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS M±nutes MEETING. - The following corrections were made to the minutes: Last sentence in second paragraph Page 3 of the March 20 minutes was a duplicate Amendment and was to be deleted, the motion was a duplicate of the first one which authorized Page 3 the Mayor and City Manager to sign the developer's agreement. Page 1 - April 3 minutes - 5th paragraph - the vote which read Upon a vote taken, M±nutes Amendments yeas by Scott, $chenck and Kedrowski should have read: Upon a vote taken, y~as by Andren. Greenfield and Schenck. The vote should also have shown Kedrowski as being absent. Page 2 - last paragraph - Larry SCHOMER should have been spelled as Schonuner Amendments as well as on page 3 - third paragraph -Schorner again should be Schommer. Page 2 Page 3 - paragraph 7 - Sentence 7 - acquisition process in 1996. Should be ~aendments changed, the in 1996 to be deleted. Page 3 Page 3 - last paragraph - Assistant City Engineer Boettcher should be changed to Amendments Acting Assistant City Engineer Boettcher this change should also be made on page Page 3 4 - Item C second sentence. Page 4 Page 4 - last paragraph - it should have been noted that Councilmember Schenck vacated the chair to avoid any possible conflict of interest. Page 5 Page 5 - third paragraph - the vote indicated Councilmember Schenck as voting, he did not vote as he had vacated the chair. 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 Page 6 - third paragraph - the vote indicated that Councilmember Scott abstained Page 6 from voting - it should have indicated that she did not vote as she had vacated the chair. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE Minutes MINUTES AS CORRECTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid Invoices b. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. Dog Catcher Bldg. Report C. Consider Approval of Building Report. RS95-20 Don d. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-20 Authorizing Variance Request for Carter Narveson Don Carter Narveson. RS95-21 &23 MSAS e. Consider Approval of Resolutions 95-21 and 95-23 Revising the Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) System. RS95-22 Outdoor f. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-22 Authorizing the City Manager to REc. Grant. Apply for Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Funds. 1st. Quarter Budge g. Consider Approval of First Quarter Budget Report and Overview. h. Consider Approval of Resolution 95-24 Authorizing A Premise Permit for O' RS95-24 Permise Mallys on Main for the Shakopee/Prior Lake Hockey Association. Permit 0'Malleys I. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. Treasurer' s Rpt. Land Use Guide j. Consider Approval of Work Agreement with Public Affairs Consulting for the Public Affairs 2010 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Guide Element. consult lng k. Consider Approval of Final Plat and Developers Agreement for Westbury Westbury Ponds ponds Second Addition. Final Plat& Developers AGr. Councilmembers requested that items (d), (h) and (k) be removed for further discussion. Consent Agenda MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCItENCK, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) thru (I) with the exception of (d) (h) and (k). Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott the motion carded. Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 Item (d) - Councilmember Schenck withdrew from discussion and voting on this item due to possible conflict of interest. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO R595-26 APPROVE RESOLUTION 95-26 AUTHORIZING A VARIANCE Don Carter REQUEST FOR DON CARTER NARVESON. Iqarveson Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski and Scott. The motion carded. Councilmember Schenck had withdrawn from the discussion due to possible conflict of interest. Item (h) - Councilmember Kedrowski withdrew from discussion and voting on this item due to possible conflict of interest. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE 0'Halley's On Ha: RESOLUTION 95-24 AUTHORIZING A PREMISE PERMIT FOR PrerM. s Perm'it O'MALLEYS ON MAIN FOR THE SHAKOPEE/PRIOR LAKE HOCKEY ASSOCIATION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Schenck and Scott. The motion carried. Councilmember Kedrowski did not vote due to possible conflict of interest. Item (k) - Final Plat - Westhury Addition. Planning Director Rye discussed the amended Developer's Agreement which replaced the one originally included in Council's agenda packet. The changes included payment for the installation of the sidewalk, indicating that the developer is responsible for this cost This change is also reflected in Resolution 95-25 and the third item related to the outlot. Discussion occurred regarding withholding the building permit for the outlot until the easement has been recorded. Discussion occurred regarding whether or not this action would be setting a precedent. Staff concurred that this is a unique situation and does not set a precedent and it would be difficult for anyone to fit within this type of situation. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 95-25 AS AMENDED TO REFLECT THE RS 95-25 ~dest:bur UNDERTAKINGS CONTAINED IN THEIR LETTER OF APRIL 15, Ponds Developmt 1995 FROM WESTBURY DEVELOPMENT TO THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE RELATED TO CONDITIONS #6 AND 7 IN RESOLUTION 95- 25 AND ALSO THAT THE EASEMENT REQUIRED BY CONDITION 3 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 9 IN THE RESOLUTION BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY BY 12:00 NOON ON APRIL 18, 1991, AND NO PERMITS WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL THE EASEMENT HAS BEEN RECORDED BY THE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck, the motion carried. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR WESTBURY Westbury DEVELOPMENT AS AMENDED IN EXHIBIT D (LAST PAGE - Ponds Developers SUMMARY SHOWING CREDIT TO THE DEVELOPER FOR THE Agreement SIDEWALK) DEVELOPER TO INCLUDE THE COST OF SIDEWALK IN THE AGREEMENT. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott. The motion carried. 5. PRESENTATIONS:. There were no presentations. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: - There were no public hearings. 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Consider Approval of Drafi Land Use Guide Plan Element Map - Draft land use guide plan element map City Manager Boyles briefly reviewed the purpose of the map with Council and Planning Director Rye explained the color coding and discussed the zoning and density proposed for each section. He first discussed land outside of the MUSA and touched briefly on land inside the MUSA . Mr. Rye stated that the Planning Department had tried to be especially cognizant of wetlands, steep slopes, and other topographic concems. Councilmembers expressed concem regarding property within the MUSA - and lack of park and open space designation for the North Shore area. Extensive discussion occurred regarding the concept of designating adequate land for future corporate headquarters type construction. Council concurred that staff should bring this item back for consideration with overlays depicting setbacks and easements around Jeffers Pond. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO TABLE TAble THE ITEM UNTIL MAY 1. Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Greenfield, Schenck and Scott. The motion carried. A short recess was called at 9:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. B. Consider Approval of Report From Parks and Recreation Regarding Appropriate Location for "Play'n In" Prior Lake - Bret Woodson presented details of StafFs report on their evaluation of concert sites for the Play'n In" Prior Lake which included Site A, B and C. Mr. Woodson then reviewed the pros and cons of each site. Site "A" in front of City Hall, Site "B" at the Old park shop location and Site "C" at Dakota and Main. Discussion occurred regarding the electricity anticipated to meet the needs of any vendors. It was decided that this was a topic which would be addressed at a later date if it becomes necessary. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE Play N Pr±or Lake SITE "A" FOR "PLAY'N IN PRIOR LAKE" FOR 1995. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck, the motion carried. 8. OLD BUSINESS: A. Consider Approval of Appointment of Councilmember and Staff Member to Serve on the MnDOT Sponsored Highway 13 Task Force - City Manager MnDot Boyles discussed his recent meeting with MnDOT who recommended that a HJ_ghway 13 Task Force be formed from each jurisdiction (Spring Lake Township, Scott TAsk Force County, Prior Lake and MnDOT staff). Mr. Boyles suggested that MnDOT and the Task Force review the general content of the past Highway 13 Task Force recommendations, and outlined steps to be taken between March and October to formulate specific proposals with regard to such things as road format, accesses to roadway, and regulations pertaining to the roadway. MOTION BY SCOTT, SECOND BY KEDRROWSKI, TO APPOINT Appt. of COUNCILMEMBER GREENFIELD AND PUBLIC WORKS members to DIRECTOR LARRY ANDERSON TO THE MnDOT HIGHWAY 13 lt±ghway 13 TASKFORCE. MnDot Task Force Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried.. Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 B. Consider Approval for "Cops Fast" Grant to Fund a New Police Officer. City Manager Boyles reviewed the purpose of the "Cops Fast" Grant, and discussed the city's liability over the three year period. Mr. Boyles also discussed the future plans for police personnel and whether the Council wished to pursue this grant. Discussion occurred regarding whether or not to consider the grant. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE GRANT AND SEND A LETTER TO TItE FEDERAL "Cops Fast" GOVERNMENT WITH COPIES TO THE LOCAL Grant REPRESENTATIVES EXPLAINING THAT THE CITY MAY NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GRANT SHOULD THE STATE LEGISLATURE IMPOSE A TAX LEVY FREEZE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: Topics discussed under other business were as follows: City Manager Boyles discussed the April 14 Update Memorandum which included the Twin Cities Urban Summit, legislative perspective, upcoming Watershed Board/City Council meeting and the letter to Bob Lessard regarding the Savage Fen. Councilmember Schenck stated that Channel 11 will be honoring volunteers who do positive tasks for their community, and that members of the Prior Lake Volunteer Fire Department will be honored on May 4. Councilmember Greenfield inquired as to whether the City has received word from the County on CR 21 speed limits in the wagon bridge area. City Manger Boyles discussed legislation which would provide funding for low to moderate income housing based on Metro Council guidelines by using residential tax base sharing in the same manner as Fiscal Disparities does now. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE 11. ADJOURNMENT Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council - April 20, 1995 There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 19~}70 p.m.. The next Council meeting will be Monday, May~l~~/~1' 1995. / (~7/~5~__~// City Mana, g// / Recording Secretary M40395CC