HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 10, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of June Agenda 3. Approval of May meeting minutes 4. Public Hearing to consider extension of hours at Ryan Park 5. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 6. Future Meeting Date a. July 16th, 2009, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 5/21/09 6:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Ruhme. Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Kendall Larson, Eric Spieler, Dan Ruhme, Ron Ceminsky, Kelly Loose Staff Present: Danette Parr, Angie Barstad, Kelly Meyer PLA Y Present: Randy Geister PLABA Present: Mark Schroeder 2. APPROVAL OF MAY AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Eric Spieler, Second by Kyle Haugen; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF APRIL MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kyle Haugen; motion carried 4. COMMUNITY GARDEN UPDATE: Parr: The gardens will be open for planting on Saturday, May 23. There was a meeting held on 5/20 for all registered gardeners. The rules and regulations were discussed, the combination to the water pump and garden plot numbers were handed out. There are a total of 36 plots sold as of 5/21/09. Gardeners have until 6/15/09 to plant their gardens. If nothing is planted in a reserved plot by this date the gardener will forfeit their plot. Plot registration costs $35 per plot for the season plus a $20 damage deposit. On October 31,2009 City staff will go through the gardens to make sure they are cleaned out. If they are cleaned out the gardeners will receive their $20 deposit back. There will be an end of season wrap up presentation given to the PAC in November. No formal action required. 5. COMMUNITY GARDEN NAMING Meyer: There is a City policy established for naming parks, facilities, streets within parks and public places. This policy provides a process for when the City receives a name request, and when the City initiates the naming process. The policy also sets out certain criteria for names that are submitted. Staff has established a timeline for this naming process: 5/21/09 - PAC initiates process to solicit applications for proposed names 5/26/09 - 6/26/09 - City staff solicits applications via PL TV -15, web site, Enews, and through PL American 7/16/09 - PAC reviews applications, discussed and makes recommendation to the City Council 7120/09 - City Council consider recommendation Motion to open the naming process of the Community Gardens for 30 days beginning 5/26/009 through 6/26/09 was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Mike Feriancek; motion carried 6. RYAN PARK HOURS Meyer: PLAY is requesting that the park hours be extended to 11 pm in order to accommodate those instances where there are game delays. Currently PLAY is concluding scheduled games by approximately 10: 15pm. The City Council has asked the PAC to conduct a public hearing to solicit feedback on the proposed change. Randy Geister: Currently there are 2 sets of games that occur at Ryan, 5:45pm and 8pm. 8pm games have gone over to 10: 15pm. With the 6th and ih grade age group there will be approximately 45 games that will be interrupted or shortened because of the 10pm end time. Ryan fields are the only fields this age group can use. Games can not start earlier because of travel times needed for out of community opponents. If lights could be on until 11 pm this would give PLAYtime to do maintenance on the field (i.e. cover field with tarp, etc.) before leaving. Mark Schroeder: He represents kids 16+ and adult baseball. Adult baseball runs longer then lOpm. Staffhas asked PLABA to use Ponds and Ryan to save on Memorial usage. PLABA has approximately 12 games at Ryan fields. PLABA could also have time to do maintenance after the games if the lights were on until 11 pm. Meyer: Staff recommends the following timeline: Timeline for Consideration of Ryan Park Hours May 15,2009 May 21, 2009 May 22, 2009 to Week of June 8th Week of June 8th 2009 Week of June 8th 2009 June 15,2009 June 2009 Directed by City Council to Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider Amending Park Ordinance to Change Ryan Park Hour from 1 to 1 Review Directive with Parks Advisory Committee and Set Public Hearing Date Post Notice of Public Hearing. Letters to Property Owners and PLAY, City Newswire, Prior Lake American, web site, PLTV-J 5. Public Hearing of Parks Advisory Committee Parks Advisory Committee to finalize recommendation to City Council. City Council Considers Ordinance Amendment and PAC recommendation. Publication Date if Ordinance is Amended Motion to conduct the public hearing and to finalize the recommendations to the City Council on 6/1 0/09 at 6pm at City Hall by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson; motion carried 7. DISCUSS NATURALIPASSIVE MPP PRIORITIES Parr: On 6/1/09 staff would like to take the natural/passive parts of the MPP to the City Council for approval to accept the document. Staff is not asking City Council to adopt this document at this time because a future workshop is needed to discuss the priorities as funds become available. The priorities were broken down into 5 segments: 1. Access (trails, trail signage, anything assisting modes of access) 2. Elements not dependent on City matching funds (FIN program, grants, developer driven, land acquisition) 3. Park amenities (benches, barrels, recycling bins, etc.) 4. Buildings and structure 5. As time permits (labor intensive, invasive species, restoration, etc.) The above priories were applied to Pike Lake Park, Crystal/Rice Lake Park, Campbell Lake Park, Woodview Park, Whitetail Island Park, Westbury Park at Five Hawks, Markley Lake Park, Jeffers Pond Park. Motion to bring this document to the City Council was made by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kyle Haugen; motion carried 8. FUTURE MEETING DATE - June 10th. 2009 at 60m in the City Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Committee Report To: Parks Advisory Committee Members Dale: June 10, 2009 Agenda Item: 4 Agenda Title: Public Hearing to Consider Extension of Hours for Ryan Park Prepared By: Kelly Meyer, Asst. City Manager D ~ Final Review I Prepare Recommendation to City Council History: Through the purchase and development of Thomas Ryan Memorial Park, the City conducted nine public and neighborhood meetings to solicit input from surrounding property owners who would be most impacted by the development of the park. In August 1999, the City Council adopted an ordinance that took into account the concerns of the neighborhood and balanced those concerns with the needs of park users. The ordinance addressed two primary issues: o Park Hours - The adopted park hours for Ryan Park are 8am to 10pm. The rationale for having an earlier close than The Ponds or Memorial Park, was that those parks were adult facilities. This park is for youth. The later open time and earlier close time were to limit the impact on the surrounding neighborhood. o Alcohol- No alcohol is permitted since this is a youth facility. Since that time, the park has been developed for soccer and baseball fields, and PLAY and the soccer association have been using the facility for youth baseball, soccer and fall football programs. In 2006, the City was asked by PLAY to consider installing lights for four baseball fields at the park in order to extend the time the park was useable for games and proposed a change in the park close time to 11 pm. The PAC conducted a public hearing in November 2006 to solicit feedback from the public. The primary concerns raised at the public hearing were (1) light spillage onto adjacent properties, and (2) hours of operation of the park. As the PAC is aware, the field lighting, parking lot lighting, shelter and other field improvements were completed at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park in 2007 largely due to a donation by the SMSC of $450,000, and a $300,000 commitment from PLAY. The park hours of 8am to 10pm did not change. June 10, 2009 Current Circumstances: 1. Puroos~: PLAY is requesting that the park hours be extended to 11 pm in order to accommodate those instances where there are game delays. Currently PLAY is concluding scheduled games by approximately 10: 15pm. The City Council has asked the PAC to conduct a public hearing to solicit feedback on the proposed change. At its May meeting, the PAC set a public hearing date for June 10, 2009. Staff posted a notice of the meeting in the Prior Lake American, and mailed a meeting notice to property owners within 800 feet of the park. Proposed Action: Public Hearinq: Tonight, the PAC should · Open the public hearing, and ask for interested parties to provide input. Two written comments have been provided for inclusion in the record, which / have distributed to PAC members. · Close the public hearing. · Ask questions of staff and/or the public and discuss the input received. · Offer a motion and second, and voting on the recommendation to make to the City Council regarding any ordinance change. The City Council will consider this item and the PAC recommendation at its June 15, 2009 City Council meeting. . Page 2 Kelly Meyer From: Mike Kasparek [mikek@mvec.net] Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:51 PM To: Kelly Meyer Subject: Public hearing to extend hours at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park Hi Kelly, we spoke on the phone in regards to this subject. I am opposed to extending the hours of operation, I can clearly see the park from my windows and do not wish to see or hear any activity after 10:00. Please forward my comments at the public hearing. Thank you. Mike Kasparek 6/5/2009 Kelly Meyer From: Sent: To: Subject: Brian Schlangen [bschlang 1 031 @gmail.com] Monday, June 01,2009 12:50 PM Kelly Meyer Ryan Park Hello Kelly, I recently received a letter in the mail concerning the hours of a nearby park. This letter was a notice of a hearing to extend the hours of Ryan Park to 11 pm (I think). I must agree that this park is a wonderful and useful park to have events at. I also know how, at times, games can extend beyond their intended schedule. One of the issues that I see (and anticipate others have as well) is how can the city afford to extend the hours of operation when it is facing nearly a half million dollar deficit this year? To extend the lights an hour, you not only need to pay for the electricity, but also staff to operate the lights as well as other maintenance (garbage, cleanup, etc). Another element to consider is that when this park was first approved and built, there were plans to not include lights in the first place. In fact, this information was partly used to sell the idea of the park to the local residences that surround the area. As many know, the lights are there and are very bright. We keep hearing about school schedules and the impact of these schedules on our students. One of the arguments involves how much sleep is needed for a fully attentive child. Would this extension promote this required sleep or would it add to the problem? I live about a mile from the park and I can hear the cheering and other noises that are expected and looked for during an intense game. I can also see the aurora of the lights around the 10 o'clock hour and hear the rush of traffic drive past my house when the game is over. I am not nearly as affected as others that live closer to the park than I do, but I still do not wish to see the hours extended into the night, but rather the games started earlier in the day. If the games need to extend into the night, there should be some level of penalty (deposit maybe) to the groups that use the fields to cover costs as well as provide an incentive to play/plan more efficiently. Thanks, Brian Schlangen Cc: Prior Lake American Editorial 1 June 10, 2009 PUBLIC INFORMATION Ryan Park Hours SIGN BELOW IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK Name t{l vv, ~/t I k' ~~tcrjY\ ~c,-riL S:hm~"r _~k P d\-zr - ' , ~ ----' "/ /I(:~,:/ L., /:1 1/,,;,.0\/ ~-Iti./[ f#{f7 /. .~\ Ge\~ ~~,i..'-\ Schol\ S fiLii/C)' It/d/J r Address I1tlLe&7 ~./lvt)V\tC\tf\ Rc\ ~~~ (7"A\,,~~. ~ . ~ U (c, (\ f..(1 L. rk, v'(v\. llf t- (iv'$,~ ~~;~-Cc1~~-, '7- I, >. - 0 /1 '11 / \?;: ~ ') t- -i\, --.....;4/)' I, \ /4 \I' C' SlJ /(;, If) rr,JSPe1e- ~Z S U') <(' 'S-w '4 " '-.Q '-v v^-^'- 1(10 G G I~ {((s ,--,f CI""v