HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 17 09 City Council Work SessionPRIOR 'U `~.:.~?INNES~~ '~ x' try ; 2030 Vision and strategic Plan Developed by our community....for our community Adopted August 5, 2002 Revised Febr~arary 2, 2004 Revised May 24, 2005, Adopted June 6, 2005 Revised Febr~trar y 13, 2007, Adopted May 7, 2007 Reriscd March I I. 2009, Adopted Septef~~ber ~, 2009 City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior- Lake, MN 55372 Phone 952.447.9800 -Fax 952.447.4245 Introduction How We Got Here: The Strategic Planning Process In 2002, the Prior Lake City Council adopted a set of City goals. among which was the need to update the City's Strategic Plan in order to guide the City's growth and develop- ment into the year 2020. Consultant Carl Neu was hired to lead a committee of over 60 community volunteers, rep- resenting abroad range of interests, tl~°ough the long-range planning process. The com- mittee included representation from many areas of the connmtunity: residents, businesses, de~~~elopers, education, senior citizens; youth, arts, athletics, faith~~based organizations, civic organizations, adjoining townships, County officials, SMSC representatives, police, fire and other City staff. "hhe committee met four times, investing over 1000 collective hours, and identified the critical issues facing the City. The issues identified included: • Urowth and Land Use Management, including growth/land use annehation, and relationship between Downtown and the lake. • Ecrniomic Vitality, inchrding commercial development, financial resources, economic base and Downtown redeveloprnent. • City/Community Quality and Amenities, including youth and senior citizen ac- tivities, trails, general amenities, housing stock and City aesthetics. • City Services and Assets, including infrastructure and public safety. • Preservation of Natural Resources, including environment and water quality. • Intergovermnental Cooperation & Partnering • Community Leadership and Involvement On Tune 12, 2002, the committee crafted the initial version of this Strategic Planning document to help guide the City into 2020. The purpose of the plan is two-fold. First, the plan creates a Vision that. will lead the community over the next 20 years. Second, the plan is intended to initiate lasting partnerships. At the same time, the process created commu- nity advocates to help the governing body and staff make this Vision into a reality. The plan was adopted officially by the City Council in August 2002. On October 3, 2003, a group of nearly 70 community representatives met to review, dis- cuss and update the document focusing on the Mission Statement; Vision, and Vision 2 Elements. The City staff then met to refine the Tactical Action Plans for 2004-2008 and incorporated the modifications into this document. On April 12 and May 24, 2005, over 110 stakeholders again met to review and update the plan with the assistance of Consultant Ne.u. The Strategic Plan has been extended through the year 2030 to coincide with the planning horizon established by the Metropolitan Coun- cil for Prior La1ce's Updated Comprehensive Plan. Vision elements were added and con- solidated to better focus upon community priorities as identified in the 2005 residential survey. Five year Tactical Action Plans were renamed, ``2005-2006 Performance Objec- tives" to provide better benchmarks of progress toward plan implementation. The. result of this ongoing process is a plan that not only identifies strategic direction for our community, but one that encourages excitement and motivation for everyone to par- ticipate actively in the implementation of this Vision for Prior Lake. On February 13, 2007, over 120 stakeholders met to examine and amend the plan with the help of Consultant Neu. The Mission, Vision and Tactical elements were reviewed and discussed. Every Vision element was updated to include new five-year goals and two-year objectives. Some Vision elements, like finance, were substantially modified. The most noteworthy revision was the addition of a tenth Vision element, "Safe and Healthy Com- munity," acknowledging the fact that a safe community is everyone's responsibility. On March 11, 2009. once main more than 120 stakeholders met -many of them new to the process. The goals and objectives for each vision element were examined. Most were revised considerably both to reflect accomplishments to date and also in recognition of the market changes ~yhich have occurred and are expected to persist. Perhaps the greatest sin- ~le modification from this review «~as to include onl~~ those i~bjecti~~es «~hich could feasi- bly be f~uidcd i» the hilt t~ti~~ years. ~e-e~~e~ie~e-~-~a~e--ge-a~~-#~re~~~te ten~~~.5; nn~d riTC°°"`~,. uie. iiiipaa,~ v ~.,~:.. ~1,,.,-,a.,.,-., 3 STRATEGIC P'LA1~1101ING: WHAT IS IT; WHY DO IT? Communities are fixture seeking. But fn~st, they must be able to imagine and decide what they want the fixture to be. Secondly, they must decide how they are going to make this desired future become a reality. Strategic leadership is a process that brings people to- gether to think about the future, create a vision, and invent ways to make this firture hap- pen through determination. community teamwork, and disciplined actions. It is the pri- mary fimction of leadership - to make things happen that would not happen otherwise and prevent things from happening thatmight occur ordinarily. It is getting people to work together- to achieve common goals and aspirations; to transform visions into reality. A strategic plan is a document recording what people think -abroad blueprint for positive change that defines a vision and key outcomes that must occur to attain this vision. Other implementation efforts and plans such as the coimprehensive land use plan, financial plans, and development and redevelopment plans are policy and decision making tools that assist the community, council, and administration in achieving the vision. A sh~ategic leadership perspective and. plan will challenge and stretch the community's imagination in defining what is possible and test its will to commit to a great and exciting, rather than "good enough" firture. The strategic plan will forge and sustain the critical partnerships and relationships that will translate the strategic plan into reality. This Strategic Plan is a compass - a dynamic and continuous process about how a commu- nity sees, thinks about, and creates. through decisive leadership alld management commit- ment and actions, the future it desires. It defines the long-tenor "big picture" framework withi~~~ which all policy, fiscal, administrative, and tactical decisions need to occur. It fo~ cases the governing body on defining Ends acrd Results to be achieved and the man- agement team on the Means necessary to achieve those Ends and Results. 4 2030 Vision wind Strategic Plan Quality Economic Strong Community Development Financial Growth Management Community Downtown Capital Redevelopment Assets Natural Resources Housing Quality And Diversity Communication Transportation Budget and Capital Improvement Program Process Safe and Healthy Com- munity Two-year and five-year Focus Performance Objectives Assessments/Communicate Results/Strategic Plan Update J The Team We Ccuz't ho It Without Yoat! This Strategic Plan is about teamwork. Even though the initial planning process is com- plete, our job -the real work - is a continuous jour°ney of achieving our vision of Prior Lahr's firture. A Strategic Plan cannot become a reality without the participation and commitment of each mea»ber of the tt~am. • Residents ~ ~3usinesses • Civic Organizations • School Districts • Other Goveriu~lents • Shakopee Mdewal<anton Sioux Community (SMSC) • City Council • City Staff 6 Mission Statement Job One The mission of the City of Prior Lake is to enhance the quality of life for current and future citizens by providing quality services which result in a safe and healthy community; rec- reation and leisure opportunities; preservation and effective use of lakes, parks and other natural resources; economic vitality; and the promotion of partnerships, volunteerism and civic pride For the community's diverse population. 7 The 2030 Vision Prior Lake is a City which emphasizes its histor~~ical roots as a t1~ra1, recreation oriented community with strong neighborhoods, a tluiving Downtown and the feel of a small town located within the heart of a vibrant suburban setting. The Senior/Community Center, City Hall and Police Station provide the gateway io Downtown anal Lakefront Park amenities. 7'he Downtown area draws its strength from its uniqueness, size and accessibility to the lake and parks. In addition to meeting the service needs of the community, Downtown Prior Labe offers something for everyone and is a destination place to spend the day social- izing, shopping and dining. Recognized as a leader with its three-fold recreation system, Prior Lake attracts visitors from across the upper Midwest The first focus consists of the City's lakes and numerous natural areas dedicated to public use and preservation. The second focus includes the many Community parks, play fields, neighborhood parla, and trails programmed for citi- zens of all ages and interests. Through the City's integrated trail system, residents and visitors can access every City park, residential neighborhood, school and many business districts. ~I7iird, Prior Lake is recognized for the leisure opportunities showcased by many recreational venues. Public and privately-owned golf clubs are prevalent throughout the area along with the County regional park system. Prior Lal:e is proud to be the home of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. The City has a reputation for its positive working partnerships with the SMSC, the School Dis- trict, other cities. townships, County, business community and numerous community or- ganizatio~ls -seeking out cooperative ventures to benefit all concerned. Prior Lake is a people place for a lifetime. Reflecting the region's diverse population, residential neighborhoods are designed to offer a variety of homes, meeting housing needs for all ages and lifestyles. Developments preserve the environment, provide for open spaces and offer ready access to the transit and transportation systems that keep residents ~~~ithin easy reach of the cultural and entertainment: opportunities located throughout the Twin Cities area. Known for high-quality educational programs and intergenerationallearning opportunities, and guided by their own Strategic Plans, the school districts serving Prior La1ce prepare our community learners to meet the challenges of the present and the future. Our school sys- tems provide opportunities that constantly challenge learners of all ages to discover and enhance their individual skills and talents. Prior Lal:e enjoys a balanced and well-planned min of retail, entertainment, social, office, light industrial, high-tech, light manufacturing, and service business opportunities. Prior Lake enhances the quality of life for its residents by providing diverse employment oppor- tunities close to home. Prior Lake government maintains a strong financial position providing quality services to its residents while maximizing the value of the tax dollar. Ethical government is empha- sized and citizen input is encouraged through interactive communications on all levels to identif}~ problems and develop mutually acceptable solutions. Program effectiveness and services are monitored to assure cost-effectiveness with the customer in mind. Priority is placed on aesthetics and the maintenance and replacement of infrastructure. Prior Lake maintains its unique community identity through the recognition and celebra- tion of our small town values of family, education, courage, pride, honesty and human worth. Volunteerism, civic duty and community pride continue to em•ich the City and its residents. 9 2030 Visi®n Elements Areas of Strategic E~iphasis for the Ftctirre The following 10 Vision Elements represent the areas of strategic importance identified by the bong-Rance Planning Committee which must be addressed in order to make Prior Lake's 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan become a reality. The order of the Vision Elements does not imply priority:. all are of equal importance. • Quality Community Growth • Strom Financial Management • Downtown Redevelopment • Economic Development • Housing Quality and Diversity • Community Capital Assets Natural Resources • Transportation • Safe and Healthy Community ~ Communication Within each Vision Element, the primary achievements that must be reached are stated in terms of an introductory statement defining the Vision Ele~rnent followed by long-range (fi~~e-year) goals to be pursued relative to the Vision Element. The goal statements r°eflect the comirnznity's leadership priorities and direction providing the basis for the City and other entities to define specific performance objectives (results) they must achieve toward implementing the vision and goals. The City's approved two-year objectives put the plan into action tlu•ough clearly defined budgets, Capital Improvement Programs, and other pol- icy priorities. The goals and two-year objective statements are reviewed and updated at least biannually to assure they are cur7~ent and reflect the conuliunity's desired future for Prior Lake. 10 Quality Community Growth is of paramount importance to Prior Lakes' citizens as our population grows. fr~zr}='~--~~t~-:~~e~e~lrar~4(a~£~4~~>~et~~z~r~-~ln ~-~~-a1 The challenges n ~+°~' ~ '~+'~ b ien-include planning for the InE~r•~s~l demand on municipal services, infi•astrueture; public facilities and amenities while maintaining eco- ICL J 111111~U1. t11J nrnnic vitality in all market circumstances and-th° ~ .^+;^~ ^~T'~;^~. T °~`°~ '';" ~-r^~~ ' ~ a " * ~ ~-a~c~~ies-The opportunity is for Prior Lake ~?a38-to be characterized by the things our citizens cherish most: open and natural set- tings acrc~~ihlc to all tilrou~,~ii trail ~ul.~i sip e~~~alh s~~si~m, small town feel, attractiveness of its lakes-anti, recreational opportunities and community involvement.. Goal 1: Implement and periodically update the 2030 Comprehensive Plan to guide growth of the City. Objective 1: Incorporate changes in the document necessitated by develop- ment, the c~.~~~n,~-; .,.~., annexation. metropolitan or state mandates to assure continuing accuracy of the document. Objective 2: Implement and periodically update zoning and comprehensive elan guidelines to preserve the small town feel through best de- sign guidelines, best practices and community involvement. Goal 2: ~~re;~na~~"' Ensure ~e-that urban expansion occurs in a well- planned and orderly manner and that am~exed property is developed in accor- dance with. the City's planning. and zoning requirements. Objective 1: Identify and preserve through comprehensive planning and zon- ing, acreage for future needs, e.g. commercial, school, park, open space and residential uses. Objective 2: Plan f~~rinfrastructure nuiintenancc. improvements and identify available revenue sources in the Capital Improvement Program. ,..-a.,,~..° .;+1~_ili-&rrr ~ .,+:.,., ~(.l~o.a.,l° ;,, +t,° .,.-.a~,~l..., ~ ~ ~TCir'r+`~+'~ @-.`rtE`IIEI-~:+.• ,, ,-1 ~,.l.a;.~;~;,,., (,r,a;.,.,,,..o „ S-Yf}nS-tf~lltLr'i~-a~}§i~ ~iz'.r. 11 ~l~.~eet~~-~~ . L11L. llJl. V1 Ll CL11J U11U J1Ul.Y iieJ uluL ur° ~I3}eett~'e~ T~ •pl r~°,-1, ° .,+:l.., ~. +~ .,.,~ _ ,~. L.l 1V1° ti~I"1TTT[1Z L7 ~.~ ~~ ~~ Objective ;g Partner with the SMSC to ensure extension of infrastnTCture to orderly- annexation area. 6Goal Proactively engage our citizens in the planning process, and communicate 3: changes to the City Comprehensive Plan, ordinances, Capital Improvement Plan and other plans as they occur. g{~}eE~i-~c-~ ~ a „ .,+;,,,-, °~'~ ..rte +„ ° ,,,,~ ,. ~;,ao„+~ „~'+T,° ~;,+,~ >~ "~ ~ Goa14: ~~la~iiui~.e th~',lttr;~t~~il~<<«:~>~; ~~~ r~si~i~~n~i~~1. tim~l Lonuu~.~rcir.~l prop~~nic~. Y' Objective 1 Practice consistent proactive code enforcement including. tl~c outdoor st~,r~~~te of inoperable or tullicen~ed ~~ehicl~~~- `''`'' `L`' E~£'~ 9~j-eE.~=e Clea~i up areas which may pose a risk to the City's wellhead pro- ~-?.~' tection area or cause pollution to area surface water ponds, wet- lands and lakes. Objective Create an ordinance} i~~r securing and maintaining aban- ;4 Boned construction projects and foreclosed, vacant, absentee- owner, ~"~.,a~.,.,~' ^^~~'~~~~^`~~~ and other such properties. ~ rU111 1 T,,,,,•~.,~° ,- °.,+; ..,-,„1 !, ..,-t,,.,;+;°r .,.,~ .. ,,:+.• ., ,,+:. ,;+;°~ . ,;+T,;,, +l,° ,,,-T,~., ~~3at~~sten-at~.~I~~rit~~i~~~ C'it~ ~~~r~icc5 tliruu~rh coup~i~~aiion ;lu~l p~irtn~r~hi},~. i )l~j~'; tip e 1 „+:,,,, .,.,a , .°n T.~;.,b ~ ,. „n „g~ g-rett~Uc~~~loE, s~r~it~° iii c~~~;j~incti~~n ~~ith olh~r haz~u~crs t~_> maximize cost effectiveness. Objective 2 Partner with other public and private agencies for better and more cost effective recreation programming ~~ners~ „+~, ~`° 12 Quality infrastructure (municipal utilities, parks, buildings, roadways, etc.) is the essential capital cornerstone of a great and vibrant community. Such infrastructure must be com- pleted in a timely manner using specifications which emphasize longevity and cost effec- tiveness. Once installed, the City must maintain these assets to maximize productive life. ~T~he interconnection of infi~astructure with neighbors is desirable to protect a~aiust system failures and improve cost effectiveness. Goal 1: Construct infi~astl°ucture essential to the delivery of quality services to our growing community. Objective E~n3~}~e~e€i~e-s~~tre~3-#~. 1~: ~'onSLriiCt ~t'cll 1 1 in accordance with the City's ~ti~ater `~~~;~pl~ 1.'iane Objective _ b ~3: ~^~~*~^~~~+° ~~ rire ('on~lec~ C'it~,~ Fall to Policy Station «~ith Countti--wide fiber optic loops-~y~tet~~s Objective ~4: I use ~'~•~~ r~ti~lling stock replacement program based uponus- ~ii~ b~<;l ~?!'~1C I:ICe tlleaSLll'eS. ~=~ ~ 1 -r ,.` L`~~',ivri,~tri-iiicr~i~iY" +~, .:,-1~, ~+ ~4'+'o..r;. ~~t`e-l1: ~ii~;,~CrtcTircr te22i~ ~~~~ Goa12: Acquire property for new community capital assets through subdivision proc- ess ,n accordance wlth Conlt~r~~hensl~~e Plan lncl~ldin~r l~~Tld for lire statio:~. elenl,~~ntar~~ seh~~ol. hater ~~'stem. part: and transportation ri~~ht-of-~~~~tti.{~-9 ~-ear3 13 O~~«~r: E~~~~ "~ riiviricr'iu ., y ~~c«I Objective Explore the possibilities to develo}~ -~f~=dev~le~~~ F o~~-r~~n-ate -operated «atcr ~~ti~~t~~~~~ capital facilities ti~~ith ~e~~ Goal 3: ~V~;~rlc to aecel~~rate the annual street reconstruc- tion and utilities replacement projects tt~ ~« hic~~e _~ale. de~;~ndal-plc struts and utililie~. Objective Monitor progress of 10 year "I r~~nsi~urta~i~,n 1'~I~~n ~~nd c~~mmu- 1~ nicat~ 4tatus t~~ the ~~nhlir. Goal 4: Plan for and field ongoing iirfrastructure maintenance and replacement needs. a~k~ ~~bjeE.~i-~=e ~ ~ E3~~jeeti~e-4 ~~~~p~«. nt~~ ~~-t~l-~+: ~-'l:~r~~'tit-~~~-rse-s#=0}t~=-€af;~~t ~?E~ ~£E~~krz`tyz•£'-iii, cizC c?i -~r=1~?=5-iiiiZiir~~ ~®934-~i~~r~~t-t25--~}~j`--~t8~~3S m ici-crr~'`,zzi3iz [~t'I E?}~ l4 ~~~j-ee~ve-3: >10+0 ~.~ ~ r +l,o f'.,~;1;+<, ~t 1;1~ 1 f; d' y ~1 ~'J~~~l °~"-rciiiuiia~ wiiii,~. uiiu S ~ ~,,.r F ,- +l, o , ~ y ~ `al~ Goal Provide community leadership in environmental practices and -energy conser- ~~: vation. Objective l: Develop a plan for implementation of energy conservation in City fleet and facilities. • Recommend ilnpr~>vei~ICnts to City buildin~~ energy effi- ciency including audits for each building. • Implement a public ativareness program reaardin~ energy conservation. Ob~ectlve 2: °rr~~ co ~ir`3' vuiiuiii~ii2ei'~~=cTt~cic°irc~~ X1,,.1;,.,, .,,,.-1;+~. F.,« ~ ~L, 1.,,:17:,,,, Objective 3: ~•~~'~~~+° ~a "~: - r Objective 4: r,.,,.-.1~.,,0.,+ „ „1,1;.. ,, „g,.,, ,.og.,,.a;,,` o sew=~~t-ioi~~~=~~. ~,,. o„t ,,,,,1 ~.t,,,.n t~..l,,,l.t,.R ~~ 15 A strong, diversified tax base is essential to ensuring the community's long-term economic vitality. Pri~,r Lade encoura~~e~ hi~~h ~tualit~~ resi~l~~rti~ll Auld hu~ine5~; d~~c ~~~~n~tnt. Goal 1: Develop and implement a strategy to ehpancl and diversify the City's business tax base through current business retention and new business developments. Objective l: Utilize t(le I.conomic De~leli;C~ruenl!1d~~i~or~ ~'uu~nliitee t~~ r.~~n- duct~~ periodic meetings with existing Prior Lake businesses.-i~t r`.rvr~~-.-vricri-r2-~ o ~'..,,,-, ,,,-,,;.. rlo.,ot,,.-,t„o~i- ~116f-t~~ • vi c-~liic -z:t- Objective 2: ITtilize EDAC to a~4ssist entrepreneurs with business start-up and ex- pansion information. Objective 3: Utilize EDAC to help a~4ttract businesses from outside of the commu- nity. Goal 2: Ensure that land is available and designated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Or- dinance for current and future business (co~~ul~erci~ll <ziul industrial) development within the City and the orderly annexation area. Objective 1: Regularly update the Comprehensive Ylan o~z~~~~it to assure adequate land inventory is retained for tl~~e business and economic development rnarl;et Prior Lake is most lil:el~~ try serti~c.: Objective 2: Maintain a buildable lot inventory for commercial, industrial, residen- tial and public purposes equal to at least two years' development vol- Lime. ~)hjective 3 Work to keep C/1 tai rates ai~ld land valuations in line with other com- munities to retain and attract business development. Gefl~-?+: ~x ~ ~ - . , -: +~ n r ~' rr .-~ f • C~ li+: ,. , +„ ,a rl o o ~ „ „a • a +~F~6~et}t~a~ Etrt' Yi~7I'IS~' ~tLZnCIZ3~OiCCiTiVi~VVall R-1 CTS. iIC '~~ n ~'n t.fl, ~~-Fl,o v d"Il CJ is ~ • L2VrI •ZI~JJG"JZC1 v ZI"IQ t'~CQ f-CIZTJZTCC-C~ (1}.~~0(.•:~•.. 1 ~t 7~f~ fl ~' ff ~ f n n nf. r.r ~ .- T on~ot•r~~,t r, n ~ r-. {-~ c±•nr n.• QiTjCGrt't~" .~~ i 1 CAL i t l1. i C.1 dlJ l d 1,,, ,,+;+;o~ u l~TC1Z1~1-IJ 71~~S~V LI VVllll l~ LVV11V 11111 L Tlo+o.-»,;»o +l,o c+o»c- +l,o m mi-.o +nl-n +r. o+;+:.,» l,_~ v i~,ro ui~. ~„~-iiiva.-i,~.~i ,i~.7uii ~ui~~. t »~ ~vr'eeii v%v~~ ~.v , ~~e-~311~ t12~SL r'r-cv -irv'dc-r6-~~31-Et-&1~'~ Goal nd + l• oa -, ,. ,., nl n a >, •la• •+» ra ,. „ln+: ,,»~ +„ ~ iuvp~ ~~realiiilli „~ "v ~ ui uiiu v~iiiuiiib peiiiilc ~~~ ~-i°liiiii"n+o +l,o ~+o .,+< o +l, n+ D,.' T 1- l •,l + .7 1 -'+l, -'+l, + '~" +T, ~li,nl;r,- n.,ll or4'~n+;,,o»~~~ „f'~': {t',ClO~lt Stl'ealllllned "l.Ollln~? ap}?1'oVal and building permit processes and regulations to establish a reputation the Yrior Lake pro- ~rides customer-friendl~~ development without sacrificing the duality and effectiveness of City standalzls.~ Goal ~~~clrk t~ itll the ~C: _~ :e-ett-C~- Tr~~_ls~~.>~ tatioll C~~alition t~~ support development ~-4: and impl•ovement of transportation corridors that enhance economic development. Objective L• Id~ntil~ ;~r~~<I~ lt)1' l~~lture husine~s de~~eloplllu;nt,-a3~El--plan and coordi- nate future roadway improvements in and around those areas. Goal Develop and implement financing tools, resources and partnerships to f~~~~; I itat,~ fe-r ~H: economic and business development. Objective 1: Periodical l~ ~rz~=n'~eview and monitor the City's tax increment finance policy and business subsidy policy to evaluate the prudence and effectiveness of each. Objective 2: Explore joint ventures, investments, partnerships and funding with other agencies, entities, businesses, school districts and government. Objective 3: Consider an Economic Development Authority levy to assist with economic development and l•edevelopment fuulding. Goal Identify and evaluate older commercial, industrial and residential properties for busi- G~: ness development/redevelopment potential. Objective 1: Annex property as it becomes available and rezone as appropriate. Objective 2: Evaluate how to most cost effectively redevelop annexedt-13e property. Objective 3: Facilitate redevelopment in accordance with the objective to provide diversified employment close to employee's houses. 17 Goal 1: €-r~Eet a +• +• ~ 1+• L.,,:la:"~.. ~° g rL ~~ i• Ui~~ti,~s_E~!ti~,l, and idcntil~~~ tt;~ traditi~,nal h-i-s~e~E-do~~nto~~~n area in one ci~n1 prehcnsive document much like a site hl~~n~+: :: t,..,r.,..; zli~i`~-. O-crTi~ti ~,` 7: D.. ..+° ,-. ~,r+rc° ~°d° _ Y~'j `.Y ~'~-i~~- b + rl + Objective " + '' '''' °1 • "°° ul"~>~- 13: +, n - c+µ a~_`~-- ----'----- -~+1,° r-~ ~ mate~~rl~er}iI~ .~. v. ~~ I)c~~~luh st.rect~~ acid int.~r>ccti~>lis so they' arc identified as part of traditional ~i~dow-ntown and are satisfactory to meet ultimate necd~. Objective Tl 1 a 1 •,+"+rir~~iirir~ cir Y~.•7._ +..;.," ~ :{~~~,~ ~4: I~e~~c1oE7 ~i~!<~~~~~ll:~ anal trails t~, ~i~~~~~r~• th<It traditiunal~s~e~ie do~~ntown is pedestrian friendly, particularly in its connection of the north and south segments across CR 21. Goal 2: ~ + ~ + • +' ~+ ,wiz, b~r~lc~i-t~~ +I-, r, +,.<.,., „ • 1 n~nr~~ there is 4ul~licieilt harl;in~~ to nIC~~t tradition~~I ~i~a-t~-do~rnto~~~n needs ll0~~" and IIl the flltlll•e. 9~eet~-e--I- ~ '. I~ Substitute "traditional" for "historic." The tr,ldition:Il~ts~ie downtown and adjacent Lakefront Park are unigLie com,~nunity focal points and destination attractions that contribute to th.e City's identity and offer op- portunities for recreation, employment, housing, shopping and dining. b b Goal 3. (''.,,,,;.,,,~ +l,o +L,o,,,.,+;,, ;.izrc~-iirti.,,, „4'Tll,,,-.,+,,,,,,, +l,o l.,l.o ,,.,rl T .,1-oF ,,,,, D.,,•1-. l~e't~1111 hll~llle~~eS lit Li?~ Ira~~111CS11;11 T'7 1101`,J110\~,Il ~`hlcl] ale ~~I11~1>icili with the vision. Objective l: ~"+0„~1 ,.0,7~~+..:~„ ~lo.,,o.,+~ ~ ..1, ., „1.,,,ro«~ 1,;1.0 1-~ 1,~„„l,o~ .,.,rl 1;~'h+;.,~..,lr,.,~ !''l,,,,,+,. T?l,.,l1 71 ,,, +1,~ Tl,,,,~„+l,.,-„ ~{ ~ arm Outer economic development tools as appropriate to those busi- nesses who wis1 to expand or renew their offices. Objective 2: r-~,,.,~+,..,,.+ „~~ ..+r~e+ ,,.,.-1-:„~. ~ .....,~lo,.~ .,+ ~.,,, rl.,;.-.~ ~„a :~ ~~'or1`: ~~it1~ husine~ses better suited for other areas in the city in relocation efforts. Goa14• ~F0'azd ~ iie~,-lo.l 4',,.,:l;+;o~ +., h~lY ,..,,,,,o.,+ Tl.,.,•„+(.,,„, +(. +ho 1.,1-0 .,,,rl T .,1-of.-,.,,+ ~'arl Seek out and eneouratr~ ll;~~~~lc~pl~~ent ~lll~i r~de~~elopll~clzt o,•In~!lti-u~~~ h~lilcl- ings which include: E$3~1i~3~ii'1 pro+.,;1 r~ „~~,.~ , ,;+1, .,,,,a ..;+1,,,,,+ ,. ~;ao„+; .,1 residential with a comi~inatic~n of o11e cJr mare of tim~c uses: commercial. retail or office. ~Toi1~~; L„~1.,,,-., .,o .,,a f'.,.,;1;+.,+o,.olr..,~+;"„ ,. f'1-,,.~ „1,;,,1, ~ •~+o„+. -:+1, Encourage communit}' prograrlls and cvc~uts in Do~t~ntotivn and Lakefront Parl: area tllclt pl°omote a sense of conin~ulrTitS~. 19 The people of Prior Lake have a powerful vision and great hopes far• the community's fi>- ture. For the 2030 Vision to become a reality, the City must ens>.u~e that there i; f in~~ncial cc~nlid~~ncc in the cite an.l th~It-fie financial resources are available, in the amount and ~~•ithin appropriate time frames. to fiend the operating and capital costs associated with im- plementing the Strategic Plan I~~~~~arcllcsti of~th~ pare of ~~e~~elopm~nt. Financial strength includes always assuring that financial resources are used to achieve maximum value for the lowest reasonable expenditure needed to achieve the 2030 Vision. Goal 1: Diversify and maximize the City property tax base ~,~~ith high quality develop- m~_nt Objective Encourage commercial/industrial development to create an l ~: «~1od I;~ i ~ m~~,~-of immediately available developable land in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Objective Promote residential subdivisions which add high quality, high 23: value housing at all price points. Goal 2: Identify and develop non-tax revenue sources transparently showing the ra- llOl~~l~c nc'';llS 1111- C21e1.1th2 ~~~'t'.- Objective 1: Develop and grow non~tax revenue sources to minimize prop- erty tax impact. Objective 2: Annually Review and update general City license Fees. Goal 3: Minimize capital and operating costs an~i m:I~imize service tlu•ough collabora- tive efforts with other public and private entities. l11~'o..r:..~ 1 vv~c~cL~ c-~r: ~ Objective Pursue SCALE initiatives providing additional cost-saving op- l~: portunities (e.g. joint powers agreements, equipment sharing, mutual aid, service swapping). Goal ~1: ~-t ~~ laenili~`. Ca}~I~* ~1'~~' ~tnCl pl'O~"lll~ TOI~ Inc' 111t11n1CnijI1CC ani I'c:i~IaCeIT1CIlI OI inll~;l- strLlCtlli'e. Objective 1: ~' ~ +~ ,,l:V,,;,,.,+o Y,, ..,,-~+..,I„~ ,. ~,1;+ /~I.CI}V'TC ~~}1L1L SCll~leliid IlIII'Cl lnfl';1~tCllCIUI~ tt~il~ CI)~I (7~"~i t_11T~. Objective 2: y „ +„ ol;~,,;,,.,+o lo, ,,, I;.,.,;+~ r .,+ly. '~Il i~`,%~ I~p.'II' ~l1?~~ I'C}~~ t~:~ill~ili ti?~iti. Objective 3: e~~eb ~-fat:' ~ , .,:+~ ,.f',,,,,,o,..,,-., „++„ ol;,,,:.,,,+o ,],,,,T,1,~ +.,..,,+;,,,,. ~jl't)<~,I~~lIll Il~'~,v ~ ~ ~ ' CEt1~~ I~C}1~;1C'CI11CI~ t. I11tI'215h~LIClI,i1'~ COnSII t.ICIICiiI £i~ ~~Il11 Of mLlltl-Veal' t1IlaIlClal tOOIS. I~O~lC1' iC~lll~~~ +~~~'il~~~ 41? lti~;~':; ;llI!~1 }ir'~j hti IC}C111i1 .~IP,~? }]0~,5 ~~il~f ~`,~~l~il iL,_~l 1~ ~'~'!~- culated and used. ~~l~jec~i-vet: c+.-,,,,+,,.-~ ~,,,~ . ~ ,a~ +„ ,,,-+ „ooaoa ~;+„1 ~ ^~'I,'+.~~~ ~~ . el~rel~u ,•1,:.,1, ~ „+ 1,` „+-vrrl'cc-l=dv-i~~iii~znrec~-(; ..I..,„,7 .,+:1,., ~,,,;' Ql~,jpat}~.~=2_ T o .. .,~,ol„ F;,,-,~lo~l +,-„~tL; ~~T' .,+., T rl T.- r ,a ".,~.... "b° ~ ~~ r-rii=riicsa~ircrrrcrsarin-z ., y ~a13dz'1£fltli~~~i$~i tit-~I-ICcT .,Lo ,-,+o,-.-..-~+:. ~ ,.+or .,+ ToFFo,.r GOal fl. Ill„,,lo,-„o„+ of'f;,,;o„+ o ,,rl;+,,,~o r~„a,,,,+;.,., ,,, I~~Iahlill ~I corn}?I~~,hcl-u~~c iiu,lllcial mana~r~Ill~nt police ~~~ilich a~idre~~~~~ tlm cit~~'s ~Ipproach to fund balances, revenues, expenditures and debt.. ll~.~cT l~nro ., .,1 1,,,.Tbo+~ ,.,L,;,,T, ,.~,41o.,++T,o „,.,~+ .,,,~+ 4'f' +' O1}j+~Ct1~'t-z TJ, .,1„~+., !'':+<, ~ .- :..o~ :,, +T, +~~•+ f'r,,,.,1;+„ ~l;Fo a + _-~ _C,. ~ 1\+~.J 111 Lll~coirrc~-c-"vrcrccarrc~--iTizrrc-aircrcc~~ `., ,~4;+ +,. +l,o +., V ~l~TfT~LG-Gp~~C-11 1-I~I _ , r~ n 1 , ~ n rI c„1~1t~0]~dL yl,..~n r ~.a, n+,n nl n~pt, o,•~,+,<+o v~+!<.•+n +n ~n n.l,+~.+ + p~~ n+, nl, n l.lll. V Ll ~ L I.J~~Ii~I1T~ Goal 7: I~r~_ularl~ cc~;l~pi}c ~ll;d ~~ubli~l~l t'!~~ I'e~u}t~ ol~the cit~~`~~k~ "Financial Per- formance Gold Standards" to ensure the financial health of the City alld ~~~ es=(a) serve as best practice measures to strengthen the City's financial position and maximize the return of the taxpayer dollar; (b) ~comnnulicate the fiscal performance and condition of the City to residents in a consistent manned; (c) te-facilitate the setting of policy and fi- nancial direction by the Council with resident input 21 n .,7 T2.,,,.a D, 'o - ' --~ - ~ } ~- 4 ~ c ' ~- ~ ' ` ~ ~' t ~ E E ~ - z rttt~t t i~~ i6~~ ~E i j c Y 2 t ~ ~i~9vE T ; ~{~~ar ~ ~ _ t~}~~~~~''""" b ~~@Yt-t~17f1~~ b 11-.' ~ L T =~ ~ ~ n ~t~~ C 2 '.lo ,ao,,,,~+o ..~~1, 41f.«. ~,F4~o+ « o .- ' - 1,l.«+~ 11.- .,.,,7 Y rv `zac- acct , ~v4&ri=rct`~tn~vv~b-i~t3ae E~c "E3ciarr0irrcii~-r6i~-rc ~rte~s-~e~i~t~e e-t~~~-t~je~te~-~e-rea~e~ ~}~C-~i~~ 7 : ,,;+ ~ „a;+,,,.o lo.,ol +„ ., ~40~ _«.,1 f_„-„7 t,,,,arto+ ,,..+,.,.r,o ~° --a-- - --ciz~tiii~TrS~•,l ., „+.,1-,;1;+<..,++l,0 1,:~~~~,~e~ vL,;o.~~+;-`c~~ TT.,,,.,~o ., oco-/o-~'.-c"i=c~~riE'ii-t~6~t-i6'^LittH~-zii:i'vc vs3ivii. iicucii cciiu ~~a~ifl-es-~e~e~~a ic C ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ ~~ '~ ` ~' ~ ~ i ~- im~ -c7 ai d ~~z -& - ~Cz ~r sE L ~C- @-- : vcrtrc ~C c~s cz F,,. ,, ~:~,,,,1 ., „+., 1.; 1;+.. ~ .,«!7 +„ L ~ .o,,,,l,l;~l,oA - " `~ 3v r ar it r 22 The City of Prior Lake requires a wide variety of housing options to meet the needs of its residents t~ula~ and t~,rtiorro:c. Coal 1: Develop and implement a housing plan that provides opportunities for quality diverse lifecycle housing. Objective 1: + o~~ ,~ , ,;+T, ~,a:,,,.~.,+ ,. ,,;+;o~ +„ ~ ,,;1;+„+0 lii~ l)~:~~~cit>p ~tnd ilr,.~o(cment starategies for meeting the housing needs for all income levels including entry and median income buyers and renters. aic cTr~ c ~ ~ b ~ai~3f'n~ Gefl-~~ ;~ ', b , 5~~ b b 1 Ct13~I'~Jt')•~.~~ (lT,:o~+;,.0 1 Ta~„+;f;~ ~+.•„~+„r~~ .,,-„T T,,,:1,T;,,f,~ ~ ,;+.,T,lo ~ ,-,-, vc~ccZ C-~-cT _________~ ________n ~,o cuiu ~~ui b ,b „b„ i c irPC`~r~'rvi~ (TOa~ T,7o„r: f . ,,.,,a ; .,lo .1iiti,12[ iiaivvci+;,.o ~+.•.,+~,.;or ~ ,- ., o+; .. +l-,o , ,a .- „4' + b "b ~ 1.~ndCCCt3I:c nc~~. 1!ll11.9?i~,"Cti 101' cummLlnlt~~~ and llel~hb01•hOOd llwOlvement. Objective 1: ~z7^'•1. , .:+T, T],,;1,-l0.•~ n ~ „+:~„ ,.~-r ~•+• i ~,r• + a lily Lv u~in~ ' • Encourage the implementation of housing and neighborhood pride programs, Objective 2: Tr,,,,i,,,,+o~~~T~l.,,,,,o,a TT,-,:+ r,o<.oi,,.,r,~„+~ ,,.,a ~+t,~..., ~vza-crcrr 1 lu.u.~.u vl.i b ~ b 23 Provide information which allows/encourages residents to t~a- cilitate the creation of homeowner associations. (Currently the City does not get involved in association (private) issues. If the City is facilitating associations, how will it change City in- volvement? Goal Encourage mixed-use developments especially in the Downtown area. ~d ~,~: I~nxe,l T T,,;+ Tlo ~1., .,+~ +L,.. ..T,,, ,+ +L,o ;+. ~b Objective -~: ~~~e~a~ Objective Assure that the small town feel is retained in~~-~~Pm~c~~~~~- 1~: neighborhood areas. Goal Encourage the development of walkable neighbo~~hoods where services needed -1~+: ~-r'eslde-mare immediately available .. Objective 1: Modify zoning standards to encoti~rage greenway corridors.t~ .^-cc-arii-c viezi2i~i~36~139@E~E{3 ^o„+ ;,, 4;.+.,..~ ~„1-.,a;..:~;,,.,~ 24 The City's lakes and numerous natural areas enrich the lives of its residents and attract visitors from around the area. ~l~hcr~ are fire le~_=~~cv t~~ b~: I~ft to hut~lre Prier I.a!;c citii~>>~. These vahied and unique natural amenities are key to preserv>lig the quality of liFe in Prior Lake. Goal 1: Monitor and improve surface water quality in accordance with city water plans in partnership with stakeholders (i.e. lakes, ponds, wetlands, streams, stolen water runoff anal non- oint runof ~'~~^° ~~-'*~ *~ ~ ~ p ~.; C ~., ~x7„ro - ~ ~f., „r DY~i~-. vim u%~. Objective 1: ~~«a=~ezoc , F_neo~.irE.~.~c:E-e~~I~ete cs,n,~trr~~tic>>~ d_~I'additionr!l ~~~t3ter c~u~ilit~~ i~~~rili- tleS Ike ~Ia1n ~_'~]i'4.~'~Il~. titOrIllwateF jlC)11~~>, ]j1~1~_jC~!!:~)11 }' i?~~~-~ ~i~~ part of City improvement projects.i~~eElEli~d Objective 2: ~viiil,i~tz-cvr'rst • `}I-i~~~ ~acriTCic~T~an ~~~~~~~ ~'r~~ ~ :.,?c ~. ~•.:~~ c~,e~>.i gat±~~n ~_lncl a a~ r~.ini_,ff ~~~ a resource. Objective 3: ~~.e.op='e~u~ Y:,:.d; ^ ^* 'r~;sel~~e and restore parks ~llld I`'~~s'S t1~01~~ lii_ 12i1i ti~lU "~n lr_1r~:~ li!ii)_~.f~-, Objective 4: ~~~, .~.~ .ito~.n~ Y.,,~~u...~. \,~ :t~i~(i ~~~ ~~~`f~_~i~~r~l.. ~pL.L ~L 1. Objective 5: ~~t}r~t-butte r„low „,, ,-1 +l,0 1 ^~14' \x1 r . ~~ r D1 ~s~~n~c cr~,~~;ic,r; ct~il±r~~l ~~;treet cle~anin~~ ia,~ n~:~~~~ dt~~clr~~~m~nt. r~~d~- ~elr~pment and c°:~i~tiu~~ streets. Objective 6: ~~a~~l~aeper~ti,=_°}-~LS,.;~~~,.:Y~o,,,~„r ~I,,,,. ~ a r ~.1'C~1f 1[1 Cillilp~C.ICli7 (1j l~ic t'J'1GI ~,fd.-(_' ( ~i.~.i?:?CI f~r~)~ '~~ ti!1, '. j>~.I, ~:. ~ ':1~: ~._ i t~Llt:~'.t ~Il~~l_~a~i.'llli'll~ ~„~ b Goal 2: Iiii1'i~°iicelit vv„" "I' ~ , ~vvYeraci ~'i. '~Ihllllt'„'' 2~llC~ ]ll~lli"U. ~' ?'e~,?l~-~a;il S'i~i~Llllj\~t1R;l' ciUtllli\ nl aC'CO]'d~in~e R~ll~] ti_fiV ~~,<~[t; 25 plans in partnership with stakeholders. Objective 1: n ~ •^+ :,, +l-,° ^e~~e~+l,° n..:°.. r .,1,° r>1^,,.,°l ,.,,.,..,...^,,, ~~ Promote eater conser~~ation atld use runoff as a resource. Objective 2: ^ ° ~°* ~ ,'"° " Pre~cr~~ <n?~l r~~t~,re j~~~r(s <l~ul lal:c~~ from hinn~~n and~~ natural" im~l:lct,. Objective 3 Jointl}' plan and implement water conser,~ation techniques and educational efforts with neighboring communities. Objective 4 Expand conservation and communication efforts emphasizing effi- cient use of t'~° ~~~^+°~ °•~~^~u=i ground water and promote best management practices including providing account consumption information to customers using the Internet. Objective 5 Reduce the number of private wells and septic systems within the wellhead protection area by extending municipal sewer and water. Goal 3: ~~ - ~ ~ ~ -~d-k~e it ~~' . I:ncc~ur~;.l~re cr~nll~ctin<< }~eo~~lt ~~ith nature and developing an ethic of stewardship and conservation of natural resources. Objective l: T + ++l . + ,~+ ,;+>, e1, .,1-!„~°° ^~ ..~ >1^...° ..;:+1, Connect trail. in hv:rks. Objective 2: d ~, iivv°1i iia~ ~.. viriirriii~r[icr. Enci~ura`~e ste~~ard~hip~~~~ersl~ip ~[~harl,~. Ob~ectlve 3: ' Tci~?pa~cni~_~ + f', ^+° ~ t., °+ +l 1 ~+1,° «7.,+°.. c,,.-„-.1„ Dlaii-~a~iid b ~ b D Gc~ate recreational op}x~rtunitie~ for additional lal:e~. Objective 4: "'+i"„ +'~° ~~«~atez 111Ci~Ca~C' aV'~~a11 nC~s alld edllC;llloil Iol' nL1IUra~ Tc~oUCCe~ ai]CI ci?11- servation. ~~ Goal 4: D..^+^„+ , „+,,,..,1 +l,o r;+...,„,a ., o „+;,,., ~ ~ >,y. „+;„y o Lrzii-eus iii i^ Illln~Llil~l~f ~i pi~I~1 ll]tit tili~!1~ilI"l~ SllStalnal~ICl'I1CPs.?v I'l'~OLlI'C~S C~)11~t'_I~~~~itl(~li. Objective 1: ~ 1"i'~ni_' tii~Pl ~,?YY~ti n(1d 1[1Ccntl~'t`S t~OI' ~.`1'CCil bU11dIn~~~ :1i1'i enci~+?~ eIIlClenCy. Objective 2: .~~ „~+1, .,„.a +...,;1~ +,. Tloo,-~;01l7 T~1~„.T D.,,-l. I'r~~~,~s~ ~r1~~~~I~I st~I~id~u~d~ ttlr l-e~identi~Ii_ and rol~;?Z~eI-ri:il huildin~~ design and construction including incentives to encourage this type of development. Objective 3: .1omo„+,.o~ ,.v~+ b Investigate partnership alternatives to sustain green efforts. ` o,.+ ,... +.,,,~,nr~„T,<. r X11 .,~ D;l,o T .,1,~ ., ~ ,-ool- ll~ c: . ^~ ~+~„rl~r(l~ ~ ,.,- ~.;.lo„+;.,1 .,„,l „1 1-,,,;1.1;„ Elc°, b ic'TrC$ ` I~~+..,,^+; ,,„ „1,,.T;„~.., f;.,.,„..:.,1 .,+;<.~ +!, ~„e-$~-~ ny b GOaI ~; ~ ~ +1, .,+ +l,o ('';r<,'~ ,-1- ., ~I +; F., '1'+;0 0+ 1-...+L, +1,~ „ ,1 t-~rs"s'c" ~ i~, ii ~.u~ivii iu~,iii 'z,-ccizca--[ic- rc~-czrccct • b,•~, „b !. „Ti=lLl'"`J ]I?~Eileln~nt a }~'an to ~~. ~Llg~lx~rts ~ +Iinable energy resources production. Objective 1: no<.ol^,. >\a„~+o,~~,}~1; D,~~ DD` +„ ;„oe~pe-rite P-arI~t~r1~Re and ~~~~rm~~~~~~~Fn<. c~ICtlex: Objective 2: ~t'^r'~ < -~*'~ ~ "~ •b 1TC7g'TCti~CiI~~~`~i~. C~~i vii pivje% ~E'S6t1rE2~ OcTeE~k~~ O`.o,-~o~ ,,,,~1, „~ ,. „~+,-,.,.+; r.„ .,T'~„,.1, ~ „'1'+' 27 A~eFt~e--~~•. ' tee Goal 6: ~, , Dc~~ ~1~~}, a fintrncial j,l;i~, ::u1~ tin?clin~~ ±~~~r 11r~° iin~~!~n~~: ntation i~t ~~se1}t th~• Master Part: Plan-~ ,. ^^*,,,.,,' , Objective 1: e~*~r~lii~erT I~a~c~,tu~<i~~e st~~car~Ishi~~ ol~~~.rrl<~,. Objective 2: ~.,~o,.,,o i.,,,,~~,,.,ro , ,,,*or , „t,;io „ ,. ~;oi,a , .,T.,:i ~1~~ Continuclet}3ei3t refore~tati~~n r~l~rn~i,~~°m~rrt ~~ro~rar» at .Lake- lront Parl.. Objective 3 Identifti~ and protect priu~~~ nat~r~rl ~ueas forpreservatiorl (unique ~~°ater, forest, topograpl~~aph~=;. Objective 4 Create recreational opportunities for other lakes. Objective 5 Encourage green belts betv~=een developments and major road- ti~~av~ try preser~~c the natural ]onk of Prior La1.~~e. D..;,,.. T .,l-o rTrvrzcnc~ Objective 6 Preserve and restore parks and lakes from human and `'natural'' impacts. Objective 7 Manage invasive species. Objective 8 Restore native/natural habitat. O~ecti~-e-~1 ~e~~elep-e~n,ri,,.,,;~<, ,,,.,~o zs ?g The development and maintenance of an integrated and efficient local transit and transpor- tation system is necessary to connect Prior Lake residents to the cultural, entertainment. and employment opportunities located throughout the Twin Cities area ~..ind pron~~~t~ e~c~- nO1111C dC~'~10~1111i'l~t.- Goal L• Complete construction of all street and highway improvements as identified in the adopted capital improvement program. + r ., f' /~' C n T~ 4 7 f «,,,-., r' C n u 'l 1 +., ~` C n LT Objective l: Eer~~~t~~i~st~tEt~e ~ ~ -~~ Re~~ic~~. C~a~7ita1 h~l~~r~w~nicn~ Tian and Transportation Im- provement Plan aiunially ~to establish priorities and fielding for firture projects. nT +,. ~' r-~ c n u i ~~ ,,.,, rru 1 2+ r c n u i ~ 3crt~Et~B v' 6-~~~ r-r-r i-I-1-C-66~r-a~i-0i3-t viti'r C f~6+rt~v "crn+i~'-. -r~'Ti 3i j3~3~rse-tEl--~° T~~~ Goa12 Work with local and regional Iartners to plan and construct roadways that «ill meet future needs. Objective 1: Acduire right-of--ways for future needs at time of initial con- struction. Objecti~'e 2: Construct roadways to be wide enough to meet traffic volumes over the design life of the road. Objective 3: Work with SC~~LE on Unified Transportation Plan. Objective 4: Identify potential partners for projects. Objective 5: Participate in I-liahway 169 Corridor Coalition. Goal Identify ad~liti~~;~al opportunities for park-and-ride facilities and transit service. ~^ ~~~ec-ti~~e ~or.n~~y «:.u «~~ -1- • ~-•,•crric~c-iicre 1.,+~ ,, ,, ,-1 ,.+L,`,- +.-~„~;r ~.,1,., .,rte 29 Objective Aggressively promote Laker Lines and Local I.t~l:~r Linl. transit 1~: services in conjunction with BlueXpress. Objective Monitor ridership to assure routes are meeting community needs. ,~, Goal Implement alternati~ ~ vehicle and pedestrian safety improvements to major ar- 3~1: terials connecting schools, neighborhoods, Downtown, parks and trails. Objective l: Utilize Traffic Safety Committee to consider and recommend safety improvements on roadways within the City. ~31~j-zc;ti-tom ~ an ~~re~~~eT~t~.~Ia-rig Goal 5: Identifi~ and develop alternative traffic corridors to mitigate congestion and pre- serve apedestrian-friendly downtown Prior Lake. Objective 1: Partner with MnDOT and Scott County to plan and study alter- natives for improving pedestrian access between "north" and `south" Main Avenue at CR 21. Objective 2: Construct CR 21 / Arcadia intersection. Goal 6: Support orderly transition to the re-designation of CR 17 to state highway. Objective l: Work with MnDot and Scott County to upgrade TH 13 prior to turn back. Goal 7: Advocate to repeal legislative restrictions related to comnurter rail line in Scott County. Objective 1: Identify priorities for studying, alternative transportation infra- structure. Goal 8: Explore alternative transportation methods. Objective 1: Identify priorities for studying altemative transportation infra- structure. ©~.~,_D7 .-+ •'rr, T~.,TI(lT ., ,,rl C,..,tt (`~„iiiy~tri~tc~E'IOlTZrfnicz=r-iO~CC A LI '11 +l, ,,r ; b b t6~~~ 12: J ~I wicc c rc-~~ .ir vl.:o,~~~ x1,.,.1- , -;+1, 1~,1„lln~irE~e~,@~c`v' c~cci~C~ A LT 1 "7 .,.,~7 2c +,.TU l~n ~~eE~-tom s.~-rt~~~~k~t~~' ~ ,, o,a~~+..;,,~ ~ 1,~+, ~~ ~~~ ~~.LY,.,, .,~ -i1vi t~bU ~ a L,rrcic, c'rc-c~r'-tr~r_.~-i- Write '-V~rlvii~ ~vviiii ~TTIfIT +!, ~+,,.1,. f:,,,.1 .,,,~ .,11.. ~~e-1 • ~~+;,,ol„ ,- ~1.,~,.;~ - TLT 1'2 ..~, T~T.,TINT ,,,-;+~..;., . -:11 ,.,~~~36~~~3tY_ vv'yy`L iii r. f'; a~~, ~ " ""rp>=A ~zii=cc iii3: i LT7Z~I nCC7~T.rT. V P~L I. LL-Pt.~~ VLLrJ lV V\. ~V~ ~~L..~ ~ „1, ~S. 31 Each member ofthe Prior Lake community h~l~ a r~spon~ibilit~T to Mist-engage in, support and participate in ~' ~ ' ' ~ ~ ^' efforts to facilitate a safe, livable and healthy com- nuulity for all persons. Goal 1: Assure that resoLirces are invested so that the police, fire, emergency services and ambulance can accomplish their mission in apro-active fashion considel•ing our changing conununity. Objective 1: Evaluate, implement and continue appropriate community-based policing programs like DARE, Safety Camp and Citizen's Acad- emy. ~}e~ti-~e-2: ~3£-ircrr"-ir`~zziifi-Fs~~~ti~3~$tc^-i1}-~n'ct~-t~-fi-~ . I~ ,;,,.,..1 ~,f•+-~.~-tf~~?i~t~t~r- str~=e-t~~~}tr~~l-t~-~~€et~. TT~-©t~-~-~rm~~3ity-{e:~-~~-E)Q-?~'~-~~~ fi~i~-1, :- Done. Objective Work with adjacent communities; SMSC, Colulty, State and Federal :_~~ govermnent to be prepared for natural and man-made disasters (i.e. :~o~i~r~-F~ pandemic). Objective Address traffic safety issues in the community through ~ appropri- ~4: ate means. Objective Educate City employees regarding the challenges of an ethnically ~~~: and socio-economically diverse community; and the challenges cre- ated by changes in the family structtirre. Goal 2: Encourage citizen participation in crime and violence prevention and treatment ef- forts. Objective 1: Support the efforts of Safe Haven for Youth, Southerzl Valley Alli- ance for Battered Women, and similar organizations that provide housing, protection and counseling services for victims of crime. Objective 2: Partner with Community Education and others to support programs intended to educate the public regarding care giving, parenting, drug and alcohol impacts, financial matters, ethics, citizen responsibility; the Iegal system, English as a Second Language, boat and snowmo- bile safety, fire prevention, CPR; Defensive Driving, gun safety and the like. 32 Objective 3: Support National Night Out. Goal 3: Objective 4: Continue to offer safety and educational opportLUlities throughout the community (e.g. Neighborhood Watch, Operation LD., vacation checks, car seat inspection). Assist homeowners and neighborhood associations to become a vital element in community health and safety. Objective 1: Support and encourage the formation of new neighborhood associa- tions that promote a sense of community. Objective 2: Advise homeowner associations that police officers are available to attend their arunial meeting to discuss safety topics, concerns and programs. Objective 3: Distribute written, video and other information tln~ough homeowners associations identifying the role that residents can play in commu- nity safety. Goal 4 Objective 4: Encourage homeowners to report crime. Objective 5: Encourage actions to assist the emergency response system, e.g. ad- dress numerals for all houses, CO alarms, fire alarm checks, f rst aid basics. Promote ethical behavior in all aspects of govetllment to preserve the public trust. Objective 1: Review City Code, Bylaws and policies with the assistance of em- ployees and make modifications as necessary. Objective 2: Conduct orientation sessions for new employees and periodic train- ing sessions for existing employees to promote ethics in individual action and government processes and practices. Objective 3 Create a reter..tion and succession plan for key staff positions to as- sure high quality leadership. continuity in customer service and in- tegrity in all aspects of city government. ~3 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7 Publicize community health and safety efforts. Objective 1: Include asemi-amlual Police Chief column in local newspapers, Wavelength; and report to the City Council. Objective 2: Highlight police and neighborhood efforts on PLTV 15. Objective 3: Highlight neighborhoods that participate ill crime prevention efforts at City Council meetings. Objective 4: Share the good. news about community safety, volunteerism and available services through numerous media. Objective 5: Write periodic "Did You Know That" cohmins regarding state or local legal requirements. Objective h: Annually participate in conununity celebrations and police, fire and ambulance open houses. ~~;'alrle and support c1i~~ersit~~ to pri~mote a safe and healthy community. Encourage citizen participation in making healthy life choices. Objective 1: 1Vlaintain a safe environment around parks and trails to encourage Llse by citizens of all ages. Objective 2: Partner with other groups to assist in encouragement of healthy choices. eFt~~ g~a°~~t-n~g..~ra~~ mil, ,:+1, , o~~.-.7~ +.. "nai Dui ~,o..r;~: D ,~+ ,;+L, 1, .,1+1, (`„ :+., 1~'.a,l + ' .1 rl, ~ o,a„ „+~ + L,o ,~,,11L~~rf,~x- 'u"" &T•,];, ,Y L,o ~ .,lrl„- b 1'f~~+<>lo~ rirc-3c'v l~s ~. b b 34 Prior Lake will achieve its 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan through people who are aware of and actively involved in their community's plans and partnerships. Energized and en- gaged citizens who provide positive direction for the City and who are our advocates are the key to advancing our Vision. Integral to this effort is a systematic means of objectively assessing the achieti~ements anti progress ~~~b ,,,^a° + «~^r~' ^^'~~ ~° + of the 2030 Vi- sion and addressing issues identified by our residents. Goal 1: Expand community understanding of the rr.lev~lnee and ~~alues found in all components of the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan. 9bjee-tie-~ '~a~~t~e--trpa_a..tpt, :...,..,.~, vn olo ,.+1, „1..,, ,+ „ „~+110 ,,+~ .,+ lo.,~ Lm Objective Celebrate the concepts and successes of ~e the 2030 Vi- ~l: Sion and Strategic Plan usin~~ all communication vehicl.e~. ShO~~. 11t1\~ h~'~'1~. deC1s10nti and aCCOlnI?i1~~1n1CI11~ lli t'11.' `o'Itiloll. „ +l,o ~l,~ol,~;+o .,.,,1 „~l,lo ,.1,.,,,,,ol +1, .,+ : „1,,.lon .7~+.,;1 rl o Yiuiiu~rorvr~iru~pe~. ~ Objective Cer1~i-i}t{e-upa^*;~^ ^r,a ro+,.o~l,;~g ~o„+,,,.,, ~+,...;,,,.: „11 _..,,~,:,, ~w ~.~v v~ioiv ii ui. i." '"'l;ohw. «,+~ l'I11~1~11 ti ~~)?~~ d' 1:Si~: i1 ~?.n~l ~t?'fll~:~~iC Mall }_~OO~iI~'t '~,~! ~~1 rile nllSSlon. ~'1s10I1 and each vision element. Goa12: Continue to T'C~l~e Lt11~; ueti"~lil~~'h:"`~ItalC 1C Ci~111n1L1111C~~tlOn~ 1~.~,!i?. Objective 1: Make information accessible, user-friendly and relevant to all target audience:; using tools that account for varying schedules and differences, • Provide information via multiple channels using "On De- mand," social media like Facebook and other changing tools and technology. • Continue to distribute small publications and newsletters in brochure displays around the City. • Ehpand. Webcasting, search capabilities, visitor's guides and Web realtors. • Continue and e~:pand e-news. Webstreaming and cable TV 35 offerings. Continue and expand use of the Prior Lake American. Objective 2: Gro~~~ partnerships and share resources with schools and busi- nesses. • Implement new ~~~ays to share communication efforts (i.e. putting City news in school publications). • Support business by evaluating advertising on City's Web- site and other communication vehicles. • Brim in student beat reporters, offer job shadowing and partner in a video program. -ectj~~e-~ D 1~.,~0~ .,t,,,,.+ r;+ "TorrT°c-`dv'c°~Ti~rsc 1~ n a r ~>,>^~r>,~~~ n u oib ~,~prJ: E-~}~: ,1' +~'T, + 1. 1, r. D ~ ' ~ 1 ' rl T, ,,l ,lo,•~ ., .,.1 ~`;+., .-.l o+o ~,+ i' w : : ~:; ~ ~@~ ,a + (~.,,,,-1, .,+ ., ..1,1,.,,-L, ia, cr l,,,l l o+: ., . " .. + .l; F'f o .,. tCtYi ont~v u- E~ ~ TLV'rrrdPir ; ,, +rm~re~ ity= rJb}2C~i'~'~~ ~?~an~-~l-re,,+ '1 ~>;T 1,JZT-ccrid' cCYl;ccrs~nTtcrae[rozr.rloci-c.t~~t :r:-~o„~ ,,,..1 +1,~ X11?l6y'- b ' ~~ C ^ D ' [i-Tr 1~iT v S- ,. __ .. b . r,C„ ~xl ol-. . t.~.~,....+~.., ~£'Eti~-2~' ~ o ~ (`vc.-rc~cv cinc i i 5 T .,Lo /~ .1. r-vtiuuiiwe. 36 ~7E'C~iF=e-2 ~13tQtyC~~te--S~}~F~ ,.~ 7+ ~ +(. +l, o + ..,,-l.,+o „~ ~ n : n ~ ~; ~ .-, a Goal 3: 1~laintain il~c i~~~~iti~ e i~~~~7~~e ~~~f~ a clean and ~~elconiin~~ T'rior Lake by shar- ing its values, rules, guidelines and ordinances. Objective l: Communicate information regarding code enforcement in the City. Objective 2: Develop seasonal "Did You know" messages regarding garage sales, pets, vehicles in driveways, park trails. etc Objective 3: Educate residents about natural resources, conservation and re- cycling. Goal 4: Develop interactive communication methods. Objective 1: Focus on innovate ways to disseminate information. Objective 2: Develop ways to engage residents, solicit feedback and discuss concerns via online interaction with the City and its elected of- ficials. Goal 5: Continue tri-annual communications report for Council approval. 37 Section 5 Umbrella Issues I» a wot•d - PaNtnerslzips Umbrella issues are those of such importance that they cross boundaries and are integral pieces of each of the 2030 Vision Elements of this plan. TIu•oughout the long-range plan- ning process, one issue, unanimously identified by each of the stakeholder groups was PARTNERSHIPS. It is no mistake that the committee identified the need to build and maintain productive partnerships with residents, businesses; the County, other area governmental bodies, the School District, and. other civic organizations as a key element in making our 2030 Vision a realit~~. The committee recognized that the people of Prior Lake, and their commitment and energy. are ~-vhat make great things happen. That's why partnerships are so important. Prior Lake is a great place...an exciting place. Through our partnerships, and our people, we can make it even better. 38 SE'CllOY1 The Challenge Prohlems?'....or Opportunities? Tlu-oughout this process, the long-range planning committee discussed many of the assets of our community. as well as many of its issues. The challenge for each of you as we confront those issues; whether as individuals or as pa--tners. is to search for ways to tzcru t~iose issues iyito opportunities. Thii~lc creatively. Draw fi~om the vision the long-range planning committee has identified in these pages. Find solutions that will bring us to our common goal Tell your friends and co-workers and neighbors. about the 2030 Vision that we defined together. Only then can our vision be- come areality. 39