HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 08 09 City Council Work Session~~ PRI ,~ ': ~, V; ~ I `~.: ~ u i ~~ ~,~ i ~~~` ~ a ,, . , ! ~IMVEvSO~P 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 PREPARED BY: JANE KANSIER, BUILDING AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DIRECTOR DISCUSSION CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: SCALE UNIFIED ECONOMIC ITEM: DEVELOPMENT, LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN CHARTER INTRODUCTION: SCALE (The Scott County Association for Leadership and Efficiency) has identified several strategic initiatives. Transportation and economic development have emerged as high priority long-term goals. There is a significant relationship between economic development, land use planning and transportation. In recognition of this, the SCALE Transportation/Economic Development Task Force Technical Team developed a charter document to support a vision for Scott County that is intended to enhance job creation and sustainable development. Barry Stock, Savage City Administrator, will make presentation outlining the strategic initiatives set forth in the SCALE Unified Economic Development, Land Use in Transportation Plan Charter. A copy of the charter document and the presentation are attached. BACKGROUND: Over the past four years, SCALE's Transportation Task Force has worked with the individual communities within Scott County to identify transportation needs throughout the County. The initial 2006 report identified over 75 corridors critical to moving people and goods within the County. The second report refined these corridors and identified tools for moving transportation needs forward. The refined corridors are the backbone of the transportation system within Scott County and the tools identified are intended to help preserve and construct these corridors. One of the key issues identified through this process was a perceived lack of understanding at the elected and appointed commission level of relationship between land use and transportation and of the shared development responsibilities between the cities, county, region and state. To this end, the task force developed an educational module in which County staff will meet with all elected and appointed officials within our communities on an annual basis to discuss these issues. Within the last twelve months, a series of "educational" meetings with each of the governmental jurisdictions within Scott County has been completed. The educational forums pointed out the importance of the role of each jurisdiction in promoting economic development. It soon became clear the relationship between economic development, transportation and land use planning needed to be incorporated together in a comprehensive vision to ensure long term sustainable growth. www. cityofpriorlake. com Phone 952.447.9800 ~/ Fad„~5~ 4~7 ~?45 A Charter Working Group was created in the fall of 2008 comprised of representatives from Scott County and each of the communities within Scott County. Mayor Janet Williams and Mayor Jason Ponsonby served as the elected official liaisons to the group. The group's efforts resulted in the creation of a Unified Economic Development, Land Use in Transportation Plan Charter. A charter is defined as a statement of purpose, scope and principles for a project. In the context of developing a unified plan, this overarching document was developed to memorialize the areas SCALE communities agree to collaborate on in this joint planning effort. The Charter is intended provide focus, direction and policy guidance as the SCALE communities move forward into a more formal effort. The charter emphasizes collaboration by recognizes and respects the autonomy of each local government in the decision-making process. One of the key underlying principals within the SCALE Unified Plan effort is to develop acounty-wide economic development, integrated land use and transportation strategy to achieve a vision of employing 50% of the County's labor force within Scott County by 2030. It also recognizes SCALE members are part of a regional and world economy and our efforts must recognize how those forces affect and enhance our competitive position. In the end, the ultimate objective of this effort is to improve the quality of life for all current and future residents of Scott County. The timing for this effort is appropriate for the following reasons: 1. Nearly all communities have completed their local comprehensive plan and this offers an opportunity for reflection and evaluation of those efforts with current data and information before the institutional memory fades. 2. A Unified Plan will require a high degree of collaboration in order to complete and contribute to efficiencies in the next Comprehensive Plan update requirements under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. With the SCALE Unified Plan process leading the way, we can influence the Metropolitan Council to incorporate our innovations into the 2015 systems statements and planning the requirements for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan update. 3. There is urgency to develop acounty-wide economic development strategy during this recessionary period in anticipation of capturing opportunities during the next recovery cycle. 4. The Metropolitan Council, with the 2009 update of the Transportation Policy Plan, is requiring greater local responsibility for planning and preserving local corridors for future regional transportation needs. This shift in responsibility was not anticipated in local planning efforts recently completed and needs to be addressed as part of the planning effort. Since the transportation system goes beyond local community boundaries, it is appropriate to address this short coming in the regional planning effort on a county-wide collaborative basis. STATUS: The charter was approved by the SCALE membership on July 17, 2009. To date, Scott County and the Cities of Jordan and Savage have also approved the charter. Over the next 3-months, each community in Scott County will be asked to adopt the SCALE Unified Economic Development, Land Use in Transportation Plan Charter. CONCLUSION: Savage Mayor Janet Williams, Savage City Administrator Barry Stock, and Elko New Market City Administrator Tom Terry will be available to discuss the charter and the unified plan. All have been key players in drafting this document. Depending on the results of the discussion at the workshop, the staff plans to bring the charter to the City Council in September 21, 2009, for formal action. Reviewed by: Frank Boyles, City Manager UNIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LAND USE, AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN CHARTER -~' aA~.. Countywide Composite - iT,I ~ ?'%~ Land Use Map fl _. - z~ i ~. ~., ~- Scale Champions: Janet Williams and Jason Ponsonby Executive Sponsor: Barry Stock Project Manager: Lisa Freese Project Charter Date: July 17, 2009, approved by SCALE on July 17, 2009 Created by: Renee Christianson, City of New Prague Brad Davis, Scott County Lisa Freese, Scott County Joe Janish, City of Jordan Jane Kansier, City of Prior Lake Michael Leek, City of Shakopee Trisha Rosenfeld, City of Belle Plaine Michael Sobota, Scott County Barry Stock, City of Savage Tom Terry, City of Elko New Market Lezlie Vermillion, Scott County unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE FOR A UNIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN GOAL OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES GENERAL WORK PLAN APPROACH ENTITIES 7. SUCCESS CRITERIA/FACTORS 8. UNIFIED PLAN ASSUMPTIONS 9. RISKS 10. COSTS 11. BENEFITS 12. PROJECT RESOURCES 13. STATUS REPORTING 14. MILESTONES 15. FINAL DELNERABLES unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Whv a Charter? A charter is defined as a statement of purpose, scope and principles for a project. In the context of developing a unified plan ,this overarching document has been developed to memorialize the areas SCALE communities agree to collaborate on in this joint planning effort. The Charter is intended provide focus, direction and policy guidance as the SCALE communities move forward into a more formal effort. The charter emphasizes collaboration by recognizes and respects the autonomy of each local government in the decision-making process. What is the SCALE Unified Plan? The project includes preparation of a vision for economic development in Scott County, acounty-wide review and synthesis of the land use and transportation systems plans of all cities and unincorporated areas of the County, and integrated land use and transportation plan for all of the members of SCALE. The overarching goal of the SCALE Unified Plan effort is to develop acounty-wide economic development, integrated land-use and transportation strategy to achieve a vision of employing 50 percent of the county's labor force within the county by 2030. It also recognizes the SCALE members are part of a regional and world economy and our efforts must recognize how those forces effect and enhance our competitive position. The Unified Plan will provide valuable information to project partners including the county, its cities, the SMSC and townships as they make day to day economic development, land use, and transportation decisions to improve economic development opportunities. Why are we doing this Unified Plan? We are doing this~Unified Plan to better coordinate land use and transportation planning decisions to promote economic development, mobility, and safety within all communities in Scott County. What do we expect to fain from this effort? • A development vision that is realistic and community land use and transportation plan elements coordinated to support the vision. • A vision of a county -wide transportation system of arterial roadways adequate to support mobility within the County that is understood and supported by all communities. • Ensuring land uses are planned with the appropriate supporting local road network to support the function of the planned transportation corridors and land use designations. • Quantify, categorize, and inventory the types of land uses we have today • Identify future economic development opportunities, and prepare and organize economic development, marketing and workforce development strategies (including training and higher education) for moving Scott County forward to meet the goal of having 50 percent of county residents working within Scott County by the year 2030 • Identify areas where the planned transportation system is incompatible with existing or planned land use and develop a process for reconciling land use and transportation incompatibilities where they become apparent. • Agreement on where and what major transportation and other infrastructure investments are needed to take advantage of and enhance the outcomes of our collective economic development opportunities • Agreement on where major job centers should be located in the county based on commercial/industrial land availability, major transportation access, work force and skill availability and other criteria • Reduce duplication of local efforts in the area of transportation system planning especially in the area of traffic forecasting. Ultimately the goal is to have more analysis of land use and unified plan charter fina17-30-09.doc transportation scenarios than each individual city or the County is able to accomplish individually. Potentially reduce costs of plan implementation by jointly collaborating on plan implementation tools (ordinances, design guidelines, financing mechanisms, etc). Ongoing educational efforts with the elected and appointed commissions to develop a better understanding of the relationship between economic development, land use, transportation, and the importance of long term planning for developing a cost effective, sustainable community. Why now? • Nearly all communities have recently completed local comprehensive plans and this offers an opportunity for reflection and evaluation of those efforts with current data and information before the institutional memory fades. • A unified plan will require a high degree of collaboration in order to be complete and contribute to efficiencies in the next comprehensive plan update requirements under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. With the SCALE Unified Plan process leading the way, we can influence the Metropolitan Council to incorporate our innovations into the 2015 System Statements and planning requirements for the 2018 comprehensive plan update. • There is an urgency to develop acounty-wide economic development strategy during this recessionary period in anticipation of capturing opportunities during the anticipated recovery. • The Metropolitan Council, with the 2009 update of the Transportation Policy Plan, is requiring greater local responsibility for planning and preserving corridors for future regional transportation needs. This shift in responsibility was not anticipated in the local planning efforts recently completed and needs to be addressed as part of the planning effort. Since the transportation system goes beyond local community boundaries, it is appropriate to address this shortcoming in the regional planning efforts on a countywide collaborative basis. What will it cost? This effort could replace some of the local costs of updating future local comprehensive plans. It will require a commitment of time on our decision makers meeting agendas, a commitment of local staff time to focus elements of the work plan including research, organization, presenting recommendations, educational efforts and a commitment of consulting resources for specific work elements. The scope of effort will ultimately determine the cost. Currently each community commits $.50 per person to support the efforts of the SCALE Transportation Task Force. This level of commitment is expected to continue on an annual basis through 2011 to fund analysis, strategy development and other anticipated technical work. unified plan charter fina17-30-09.doc 4 1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE FOR A UNIFIED LAND USE, TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Scott County Association for Leadership and Efficiency (SCALE) Unified Economic Development, Land Use and Transportation Plan Charter is a high level agreement between all the Cities, the Townships, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) and Scott County to develop and implement an agreed upon set of planning practices designed and intended to achieve better outcomes for all Scott County communities. All communities have worked together to develop this Charter which emphasizes collaboration. The Charter is designed to support existing and future planning mechanisms by providing a commitment for responsive planning, consistent decision-making, good design and management. The responsibility of its implementation rests within each community. Each community recognizes that to have a successful collaborative effort it will ultimately be its responsibility to carry forward the vision and framework developed through this effort into their local land use, economic development and transportation plans for implementation. Each community acknowledges that integrated land use and transportation planning plays a key role in delivering social, economic and environmental sustainability. Roads will continue to dominate as the means of movement for the majority of the people and freight in Scott County in the foreseeable future. It is also recognized that the County and the communities with the county are part of a regional and world economy and that our efforts must recognize how those forces effect and enhance our competitive position. We understand it is within our ability to shape the pattern of development and influence the location, scale, density, design and mix of land uses, and through collaborative planning we can help facilitate an efficient transportation system, improve effectiveness of transportation options, support and promote economic development and improve the quality of life for current and future Scott County residents and business by: • Reducing the need to travel • Reducing the length of journeys, especially across the Minnesota River. • Making it safer and easier for people to access services and recreational activities • Creating new opportunities for the Scott County workforce • Supporting better linkage between the transportation system and land use development to maximize the effectiveness and compatibility of both in communities and the County • Ensuring high quality locations for business development are available with excellent transportation access • Improving freight access to key terminals and improved freight flows • Providing for the efficient distribution of goods and services to business and communities • Providing a choice of travel modes. • Ensuring flexibility to meet the demands of the changing economy and market environments • Allow for easy access to the Metropolitan Region and world markets to promote commerce and business development. • Promoting use of the Fiber Network for businesses. Each Community acknowledges a joint planning effort will help each community understand the opportunities and constraints its current plans and resources pose for the sustainable economic growth of the County as a whole. With improved understanding of these relationships, each community will have better information to apply to its local plan updates, will understand the impacts of adjacent community's plans and will create more open dialog with each other. An integrated planning effort will result in a unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 5 county-wide framework that will provide for enhanced economic opportunities, infrastructure efficiencies and improved quality of life for Scott County residents. 2. GOAL The goal of the UNIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LAND USE, AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN is to develop and implement acounty-wide economic development strategy and integrated land- use and transportation plan that helps achieve the vision of providing enough employment in Scott County by 2030 to support 50 percent of the county's labor force, while respecting the authority of the cities and townships within to make planning decisions on the local level. 3. OBJECTIVES The listed objectives are intended to assist SCALE and its members in accomplishing the above-stated goal. The objectives focus on: a) processes of integrated planning and b) the intended and expected outcomes of the process. 1. Integrated and inclusive planning processes • Collaborative process that includes all communities and stakeholders, especially the private sector for support and ideas to move forward and create partnerships. 2. Investment decisions that are linked to the Unified Plan • Strategic planning and management linked to infrastructure and economic decisions 3. Making Better Use of Existing and Future Infrastructure and Urban Land for Business Development • Identifies and collaboratively markets high quality sites for business expansion 4. Protecting and enhancing transportation corridors • Reduces overall long term costs and improves efficiency and mobility 5. Increasing accessibility by widening choices of transportation Modes and reducing the growth rate of vehicle travel demands and impacts • Improves efficiency, transportation options for County residents and sustainability 6. Creating places and living areas where transportation and land use management support the achievement of the quality of life outcomes • High quality of life is good for economic development 7. Increase opportunities for accessibility in both the present and longer term • The county is within the Twin Cities Regional marketplace for probable long term growth opportunities 8. Recognizing and supporting the unique role each community in the county plays in the living, working, shopping, and recreational needs of its residents and workers • Collectively we will create more high quality economic opportunities 9. A safer and healthier County • The Unified Plan will promote a land use plan, and economic opportunities and transportation system that will support safe and healthy lifestyles for County citizens. unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 4. OUTCOMES SCALE has identified the following outcomes over the next 10 years: • County-wide Economic Development Strategy and Marketing Program • County-wide Land Use Development Framework to support economic development and quality of life goals. A key component of the framework will be a clear description of how each community's land use goals fit into the overall Framework, as well as an understanding of how each community, and Scott County in its entirety, will benefit from the Framework. • The development of land use and transportation model(s) countywide for more robust analysis of scenarios, understanding of impacts and strategies to address impacts. This analysis will allow communities and Scott County to make better informed decisions and realize cost savings by reducing duplication of effort. • Transportation System Plan that focuses on the major arterial network and the importance of the interface between awell-designed local road system and arterial road system. • Workforce Development, Higher Education and Training Plan to meet the needs of businesses and citizens • Integration of the elements listed above into a Unified Plan • Implementation plan developed identifying roles and responsibilities of each community, as well as Scott County • Continued education and dialog with each community on how we are tied together and the importance of collaborative planning of land use, transportation system and economic development. 5. GENERAL WORK PLAN APPROACH The work plan utilizes an approach that analyzes the communities', townships' and Scott County's current land use, transportation and market analysis information to determine the extent to which they are supportive of SCALE's goals. Current land use/transportation forecasting models will be assessed, and appropriate models used to determine a) the gap between current land use and transportation plans and future needs, and b) strategies and/or approaches that may help to close the gap and create infrastructure capable of supporting SCALE's economic development goals over the next 20 years. Each community or other entity that joins in this Charter understands the following activities will need to be undertaken jointly and collaboratively. • A development vision that is realistic for Scott County and that can be supported by community economic development, land use and transportation plans • A vision of a county-wide system of arterial roadways adequate to support mobility function within the County that is understood and supported by all communities. • Ensuring land uses are planned with the appropriate supporting local road network to support the function of the planned transportation corridors. • Ensuring the land use plans are realistic, marketable and can be supported through private investment over the long term. • Quantify, categorize, and inventory the types of land uses we have today. • Develop and adopt an economic development and marketing strategy for moving Scott County forward to meet the goal of having jobs to support 50 percent of employable county residents within Scott County by the year 2030. • Identify areas where the planned transportation system is incompatible with existing or planned land use, and develop a process for reconciling the incompatibilities. unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 7 • Identify our collective future economic development opportunities and prepare a workforce development strategy for training and higher education needs. (What are the jobs in 2015?) • Agreement on where and what major transportation and other infrastructure investments are needed to enhance economic development opportunities. • Agreement on where major job centers should be located in the county based on commercial/industrial land availability, major transportation access, work force and skill availability and other criteria. • Reduce duplication of local efforts in the area of transportation system planning especially in the area of traffic forecasting. Ultimately the goal is to have more analysis of land use and transportation scenarios that each individual city or the County is able to accomplish individually or choose to accomplish collaboratively. • Potentially reduce costs of plan implementation by jointly collaborating on plan implementation tools (ordinances, design guidelines, financing mechanisms, etc). • Ongoing educational efforts with the elected and appointed commissions to develop a better understanding of the relationship between land use, transportation, and economic development and the importance of a long term plan for developing a cost effective, sustainable community. The aforementioned activities should be continually tested against ongoing support for SCALE's Mission and Strategic Initiatives. 6. ENTITIES: The following stakeholders are expected to be involved in the analysis of Scott County's economic development, land use, and transportation assets and future needs (requirements definition): a. Cities i. Belle Plaine ii. Elko-New Market iii. Jordan iv. Prior Lake v. New Prague vi. Savage vii. Shakopee b. County c. Townships d. SMSC e. School Districts £ Business representatives g. Development Community (private developers) h. Economic Development Authorities i. Scott County Community Development Agency j. Dakota-Scott Workforce Investment Board unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc Following is a conceptual organizational chart of how this process will fit into existing entities and the SCALE organization. County Board City Councils Township Boards SCALE ~. . ~ f _.. SCALE Executive Committee SCALE Transportation Task Force/Economic Development Technical Team Education Charter WarFr Plait 7. SUCCESS CRITERIA/CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS a. End result must support SCALE's Vision. b. End result must support the Cities, Township and County's Plans. c. End result must be consistent with the Regional Policy Plan, or provide a rational, reasonable basis for revising the Regional Policy Plan. d. Requires SCALE leadership support at all levels i. Education 1. Of the big picture -why are we doing this? 2. Of the Unified Plan objectives 3. Of the Unified Plan process 4. Of the Unified Plan resource needs e. Communication Marketing Plan showing benefits to the approach and of the Unified Plan objectives. £ Openness of stakeholders to collaborate on and contribute to the Unified Plan. Ability to reach agreement with each Agency regarding expectations of the Unified Plan and its implementation. i. Effective project management ii. Define a Unified Plan work plan unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc g iii. Create effecTive project staff team from the member communities iv. Set goals and objectives and assign time-sensitive responsibilities v. Realistic planning given constraints vi. Define authority levels vii. Secure adequate resources -internal and external 8. UNIFIED PLAN PROCESS ASSUMPTIONS a. We will learn from history but will not repeat what did not work nor will we let history become a constraint in either thought or action. b. We are looking at the "what's and why's and when's" and not the "how's" (solutions) at this point of the Unified Plan Process. Solutions will be developed collaboratively and at the appropriate time after we commit to the Unified Plan c. The right resources will be assigned/procured and available for this project. Each community is expected to contribute financial and staff resources to support the various aspects of this Unified Plan effort. d. The existing local planning structures will be supported during this project. e. This project will support the Regional Policy Plans and could also drive future regional planning efforts, by producing changes or revisions to the Regional process. £ Use a proven methodology for land use and transportation analysis to identify the model requirements and gaps. g. The project will not impede or preclude Communities from seeking changes in their local comprehensive plans during the analysis. 9. RISKS a. If resources and Unified Plan support are not regularly communicated from the highest levels of the participating communities regularly, then resources and support for the effort will likely diminish. b. Proven, reproducible processes will not be utilized in this effort. c. Efforts and lessons learned from this project will be used once and shelved. d. The right resources will not be assigned/procured and available for this project -people (internal and external), process, technology and funds including back staffing where necessary. e. Scope is too large -efforts may tend to be too broad and miss opportunities or two narrow and bog down the process; scope may drift. £ History may impede the efforts to succeed. g. Focusing on nuances instead of substance h. Communication will not be broad enough - e.g. a strong coalition will not be created or sustained thereby jeopardizing the support for the project. i. Time and patience to move this effort forward will falter. j. Failure to engage the private business community representation input. 10. COSTS (TO BE UPDATED AFTER REVIEWING WORK PLAN) SCALE Transportation Task Force Funds - $120,000 a. Indirect costs i. Staff time (rough estimates) ii. Total Indirect - b. Total Direct and Indirect costs for the project- unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 10 i. Total Direct - ii. Total Indirect - 11. BENEFITS • Quality, Economic Development with efficient public infrastructure positioning the county and cities to build tax base and generate jobs to support 50% of the county's Labor force being employed within Scott County. • Sustainable and compatible Land Use development patterns • An Efficient, effective and safe Transportation System with improved mobility • Potential regional investment if clear vision/support is identified 12. PROJECT RESOURCES (AREA REQUIRING FURTHER DISCUSSION) 13. STATUS REPORTING a. A written project status report by the Project Manager is due quarterly to the SCALE members and Partners. This report should include the following: i. Brief summary- where are we against plan, what's been completed, significant issues, next steps ii. Tasks completed iii. Issues -detailed descriptions, possible remedies, recommendations for resolving, action items to remediate issues -areas where we're behind schedule iv. Costs -dollars, time v. Steps for next period -tasks being worked on (and who), items expected to be completed, etc. b. Project plan i. Needs to be updated and communicated monthly ii. Publish updates with project status report. 14. PROJECT MILESTONES a. Generated from Project Plan. b. Significant events would include: i. Completion of project charter ii. Completion of phase one work plan iii. Selection of vendor/project manager/tool/methodology iv. Project team assembled v. Project team training vi. Project plan drafted/approved vii. Completion of needs analysis viii. Completion of gap analysis ix. Recommendation for next step; closing the gap. unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 11 15. FINAL DELIVERABLES The outcome of this project will include: a. An analysis of existing plans-understanding what we have, how it works (or doesn't work) together and recommendations for future collaboration. b. A definition of the Transportation Land Use Economic Dev. Model best suited to the needs of SCALE which enables analysis of development scenarios. c. A defined Planning Transportation and Land Use Framework i. Timely ii. Relevant iii. Understandable iv. Consistent v. Accurate d. A County Wide Economic Development Strategy e. A Work Force Development Plan CITY OF BELLE PLAINE CITY OF ELKO NEW CITY OF JORDAN MARKET Tim Lies, Mayor Jason Ponsonby, Mayor Pete Ewals, Mayor CITY OF NEW PRAGUE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CITY OF SAVAGE Bink Bender, Mayor Jack Haugen, Mayor Janet Williams, Mayor CITY OF SHAKOPEE SCOTT COUNTY John Schmitt, Mayor Jon Ulrich, Chair unified plan charter final 7-30-09.doc 12 Working Together to Strengthen Each Other • September 8, 2009 ~; ~~ C~ ~: ~ ~ ~ . A Brief History • Formed in the spring ~ of 2003 .. .J '.. • A model of intergovernmental ~s~-;` cooperation • Meets monthly ~",. ~_,:. • Membership ._,,~ composition ~Y Y~ Mi i - ss on i ns~+' ~ aex aa~ 1 The mission of SCALE is to explore new and '~ r,~ - innovative ways in -'~ ~]v which government ~`~ ,~k ~a entities can collaborate \~~;- T: ' to provide superior ~ y-~ ~ ; services while making `'"'F' the most of limited ~~~ _ resources. ~_ Core Values Relationships _ ~;~ ~ ~" Partnerships ~ ~~\~'~, ~ ~ Innovation ~` = `~r:- Education - ~~t,, ~'~ ` ~ ` Influence '~ , I~ i ,i Leadership ~-~~' lt; ~~ ~ . , - Quality ' ~ - . ,~ of Life ~ ~: Establish . ~ ~. coordinated policies '!~. 'y and programs that .~' " ~ ~ improve the quality ~~~ of life within our communities. 1 ~~' ~ ~~ 'F~ Economic evelopment Create a supportive -~ ~ business ~ environment that attracts and retains !~ business across all of Scott County. Transportation Improve transit and transportation infrastructure and services that enhance access and mobility, encourage business development and manage costs. ~t~a ~,i1 a ~~ Service >:: ~- ~ Delivery Consolidation of services and/or sharing of resources to provide superior services at the lowest cost, total cost, to our taxpayers. its Unified Economic Development, Land Use anal Transportation Plan Moneg~n, t~ r~ Where tfiejobs are :.mmr„~a,~~ w~ryM ~>uc,.. .,_ ., m •..~,.,.a,m>R v.. 4. soon eounry. rnn p L1 ... _.raoosarouo-~. ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. i What factors impact business location decisions? ` Access to major 4-lane roadways that provide ~ access to: . ~ • important markets \ rail and air transport. ~ ` ~~ Proximity to business owner's principal place of I ~ . residence ~ ~ • Qualified Labor Force ll l l a eve s • affordable ~ Land ready to go with no hassles. Proper zoning ~: and infrastructure (watedsewer/electriclgasttiber etc)in place. ~"' Cost of Services and Taxes ,t c ~~'7 ``',.r.~~ Business Development Incentives Purpose of the Charter ~~.. -~ The Charter has been designed to build upon the principles that we have supported through our SCALE initiative. These principles include: • Collaboration ~'~~.-: Partnering ~~ Commitment to quality f ~~ The desire to achieve cost efficiencies r,'. Y ~ Improving effectiveness Maximizing our resources _ Job opportunities ,- Improved public safety ~ `~ = r 'E ,`y+ `~' Mobility -Making it easier to get to and from ~ ~,~ - ~-' ' Tax base enhancement ~~~ ' Sustainable economic growth - - ~ - Improvement in the quality of life for our residents Why now? Timing is everything! An opportunity lies ahead of us! Never before (at least in recent history) have we been able to assemble in one room the spirit ~. of collaboration that now exists as a result of SCALE. ' ~~ ~ ;'j Never before have we been able to achieve the level of "trust" that we now have between our members. _._.,. ~. Never before have we all been on the same page in terms of the status of our comprehensive plans. Wei have within our hands the ability to shape the pattern of developrrrent and influence the location, scale, density, d~sign and mix of land uses in Scott County. Through a collaborativeaoint ~•; i planning effort we can facilitate the following:. Efficient transportation system. Improved effectiveness of pFp ~ transportation options. I ~~, Support and promotion of economic development. n Improved quality of life for current and future residents and businesses. How will your jurisdiction benefit from this effort? This process will: ...help identify and provide an understanding of the opportunities and constraints within your current comprehensive plan. ...allow us to identify the cost factors related to the concept of providing sustainable economic growth within Scott County as a whole. ...improve our understanding of the relationships between our communities comprehensive plans and ...help support a framework that will provide for enhanced economic opportunities, infrastructure efficiencies, and improved quality of life for Scott County residents. Anticipated Work Plan Activities • Quantify, categorize, and inventory types of land uses we have today. • Ensure that land uses are planned with appropriate supporting local road network. • Ensure that the land use plans are realistic, marketable, and can be supported through private investment over the long term. • Establish a vision for acounty-wide system of arterial roadways that can adequately support mobility in the County that is understood and supported by all communities. • Identify areas where the planned transportation system is incompatible with existing or planned land use and develop a process for reconciling the incompatibilities. • Obtain agreement on where the major transportation and other infrastructure investments are needed to enhance economic development opportunities. How much is this going to cost I ~ -.. ~,;~~._ and who will pay for it? r; ~ tl ~ Estimated Cost 5120,000 ~ To be revisited upon completion of final ' } `' .30,9 $' ~ work plan. Planning Effort i ! ~9 Incumbent on contribution of local staff 1 ay fir time to complete certain project ' ~.. elements as a means to maintain cost i~ ~ '.4° efficiencies. '` +; Proposed Financing Plan Continue to annually budget contribution that has been committed ' by local jurisdictions in 2008 and 2009. This contribution was based on i' ti $O.s0 per capita. Where do we go from here? Step #1 SCALE offer motion of support approving the Unified Economic Development and Land Use Charter. Step #2 Present Charter to each jurisdiction and obtain resolution in support. (August -October) Step #3 Develop Phase I work plan. Step #4 Quarterly verbal report to SCALE membership and written report to all members and partners. Questions