HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 17, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING ~."............................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 2009 . CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. ................................................................................................................................................ 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of September Agenda 3. Approval of July meeting minutes 4. 2010 Budget - Kelly Meyer 5. Storm Water Retrofits for Northwoods and Sunset Parks - Ross Bintner 6. Spring Lake Park Development Plans - AI Friedges 7. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 8. Feedback from PAC on Lakefront Days - Kelly Meyer 9. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 10. Future Meeting Date a. October 22nd, 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 7/16/09 6:04 p.m. -7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by acting Chair Feriancek. Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Kendall Larson, Eric Spieler, Ron Ceminsky, Kelly Loose Members Absent: Dan Ruhme Staff Present: Angie Barstad, Al Friedges 2. APPROVAL OF JULY AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Eric Spieler, Second by Ron Ceminsky; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF JUNE MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Ron Ceminsky, Second by Eric Spieler; motion carried 4. COMMUNITY GARDEN NAMING: Barstad: Per the City Council direction, the City staff solicited the community for possible names of the new community garden area located at Lakefront Park. Per the Park Naming Policy guidelines, over the past 30 days staff solicited names by placing ads in the local papers, City Website, City News Wire and local cable channel These are the 3 names that were submitted for consideration from the community for the garden area: 1. Kop Family Community Garden: 2. John & Meda Kop Community Garden: 3. Kop Community Gardens All above names were submitted due to the significant contributions the Kop family has made to the City over the years. The PAC may choose one of the names above for the community garden area or come up with another name not listed above. Kyle Haugen motioned to accept name #1 from above adding an "s" on to the word "garden" to make it plural since there are more then 1 garden plots at the site. This motion was second by Eric Spieler, motion carried. '5. RYAN LIGHTING RECOMMENDATION UPDATE Friedges: PLA Y made a request to City Council to extend the hours of use at Ryan Park to 11 pm. As the PAC is aware, a public meeting was held on June 10th to receive resident input. At the June 15th City Council meeting, a motion was approved to change the existing ordinance to 11 pm. See attached ordinance for exact wording. To date things have gone well at Ryan Park with the extended hours. Maintenance staff continues to monitor the length of time the lights are on at the park. 6. PROJECTS/UDA TES Friedges: Maintenance has been busy with the tremendous amount of field usage. On June 20th/21 st there was 192 game tournament at Ponds and Ryan fields. There was also a huge tournament last weekend (7/10-7/12) the encompassed 13 different fields and 250 games in Prior Lake. This weekend (7/17 - 7/19) there will be an in-house softball and baseball tournament going on along with a state qualifier soccer tournament. Local businesses have benefited greatly from all these tournaments because of the amount of people that are being drawn into Prior Lake. Haugen: Has heard a lot of compliments on the condition of the baseball fields Friedges: Other projects that are occurring are: . Boulevard tree trimming . Oak Wilt inspections . Mulching trees to retain moisture and keep equipment from hitting the trees. The City is not mulching high mounds around the trees anymore because they have found that this leads to root girdling. The roots are growing in a circle around the tree versus further into the ground because of the way the trees were mulched in the past. EAB preparedness plan is being put together with Scott County as well as with all the City and Townships in Scott County. Each community needs to do the same thing to prevent the EAB from spreading, etc. This preparedness plan will include and consider: . education/awareness to the communities, . provide links to websites for information, . inform all public officials of the EAB status, . train contractors and staff on how to detect and possibly treat EAB, . prevention/preparation, . inventory how many Ash trees all communities have and mark any trees that may be considered "legacy" trees that may need to be saved, . cost, . reviewing all ordinances in every community to make sure they are the same, . response time if EAB is found, . develop the same policies for handling and detecting EAB in each community, . what communities would do with wood that is infected and what would be done with the infected chipped wood. SCALE wants a strategic plan together by 1/2010. Scott County is the first county in Minnesota to start such a plan. If we catch EAB soon enough we can slow it down so we can stretch our funding out longer. Currently if someone suspects a tree is infected with EAB they should contact the Department of Agriculture to confirm or verify the diagnosis. No action required. 7. RECREATION UPDATES Barstad: We had a successful beach day on Friday, July 10th with several hundred people in attendance. We had face painting, crafts, DJ and hot dog meal deals from 11-2pm. The free Concerts in the Park are being held every Thursday night at 7pm at Lakefront Park through 8/27. We have tot lot/playground for 2 more weeks. We still have room in this program and on the upcoming trips to Hastings Aquatic Center, Cascade Bay, Paintball, etc. Check out all that we offer at www.oriorlakerecreation.com. The teen hangout days continue to be successful with 30+ 12-15 year olds in attendance. We have 2 dates (1-4pm) scheduled in July and August and will start more dates (3-6pm) in October for during the school year. Lakefront Days starts 7/29 at Lakefront Park with the Ice Cream social, crafts, face painting, and canine carnival. Spieler: My daughter started in tot lot this year at Memorial park and loves the program and leaders. Thank you for all the wonderful programs you provide. No action required. 8. FUTURE MEETING DATE - AU!!Ust 20th. 2009 at 60m in the Citv Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Ron Ceminsky, Second by Kendall Larson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator