HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 22, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of October Agenda 3. Approval of September meeting minutes 4. Facility Fees Report - Angie Barstad 5. Lakefront Days Presentation 6. Trail & sidewalk replacement & repair policy - AI Friedges 7. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 8. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 9. Future Meeting Date a. November 19th, 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 9/17/09 6:08 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:08 pm by acting Chair Feriancek. Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Eric Spieler, Ron Ceminsky Members Absent: Dan Ruhme, Kendall Larson, Kelly Loose Staff Present: Angie Barstad, Al Friedges, Kelly Meyer, Ross Bintner 2. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER AGENDA: Angie Barstad moved Recreation Update presentation, #9, up to #6, in front of Spring Lake Park Development Plans by Al Friedges. Motion to approve the agenda with these changes was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Eric Spieler; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF JULY MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Eric Spieler, Second by Ron Ceminsky; motion carried 4. 2010 BUDGET: Meyer: An update was given on the 2009 - 20 I 0 budget which included reductions, changes and possible added revenue ideas. See attached presentation document. Friedges: The City has had talks with PLAY, Soccer, PLABA about field maintenance fees for 2010. The City went through what is a basic and non basic service and developed the attached list for all organizations. See attached document regarding field fees. Ceminsky: How will the City inform the community of service changes, reductions, etc.? Suggestion was made to put information in the Wavelength, local cable, etc. Meyer: The City will be working on informing the groups that will be impacted by cuts, etc. K. Haugen: How will the field fees and maintenance changes affect the Adopt a Park program? Frieges: Right now small projects/maintenance is done by adoptees. In the future the adoptees may need to do more maintenance to save City staff time. K. Haugen: Is there a plan in place to train the sports organizations on how to maintain the fields so quality is not sacrificed? Friedges: The City will hold "field days" to train the organization on how maintain the fields. Feriancek: Would like to hear a motion that would include the maintenance fees document become part of the September meeting minutes. Eric Spieler motioned this and Kyle Haugen second, motion carried. Feriancek: With no lifeguards this summer, were there any incidents at the beaches? Barstad: No incidents were reported and it did not seem to lower attendance at either beach. Feriancek: What percent of the Parks budget is the $105,000 in cuts? Meyer: The $105,000 is not just solely out of the parks budget. It comes from various budgets in the City. No action required 5. STORM WATER RETROFITS FOR NORTHWOODS & SUNSET PARKS Bintner: Ross Bintner is the Water Resource Engineer for the City. He is presenting this project to the LAC and PAC before he brings it to the City Council at the end of2009/beginning 2010. There will be 2 water quality retrofit projects. One called the West System, which will be located at Northwoods Park and one called the East System, which will be located at Sunset Park. The West System will be a bio retention system that would allow an area at the park to be passive use in the summer (including plants, etc.) that can be frozen over in the winter to allow for a pleasure skating rink. Currently the area that is frozen over for the rink is grass and has died out in the summer months. The bio retention system will help aid water flow through the park. The East System will be an underground infiltration system constructed around the baseball field at this park. This will help gather rain water to be used on the baseball field. Both of these systems will help water quality in the area once the County Road 12 reconstruction project begins in 2010. The cost of the project is approximately $100,000. The watershed district is paying $73,000 toward this project with the City matching this amount. The City portion comes out of the storm water utility fee that is charged to residents. The rest of the funds will come from grants. Spieler: What percentage of run off reduction will occur? Bintner: 50% - 90% Speiler: Will there be any reduction in park amenities due to this project? Friedges: These retrofits won't take away any park amenities Feriancek: Staff should make sure to communicate this project with all neighborhoods surrounding these parks. No action required 6. RECREATION UPDATE Barstad: 2009 summer and 2010 recreation plans were discussed. See attached document. Autumn Gathering will be held October 3rd at Lakefront Park from 2-4pm. This is a free family event with pony rides, apple cider, gourd painting, etc. No action required. 7. SPRING LAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT PLANS Friedges: On 9/8/09 the City Council approved the orderly annexation agreement on park improvements for Raymond Ave. and South Shore Dr. parks. The improvements that will take place are as follows: South Shore Park = modify existing play structure and improve the curbing around the play structure, construct a 20x 40 shelter with 4 picnic tables, add a garbage container and park slgnage Raymond Ave. Park = Clean site and install a 20 x 40 shelter with grills and picnic tables, construct a 200 ft. long fishing pier with 3 boat slips for boat parking, install a woodchip trail to parking lot and pier, add park signage. This park has 800 ft of lakeshore and has a lot of potential. (i.e. a boardwalk, wetland enhancements with Duck Unlimited, tie in trail system with tails on that side of town). The total cost for the above improvements will cost $130,000. Part ofthat total was earmarked to replace the play structure at South Shore Park but since that play structure is not very old we will hold off on replacing it at this time. This will save us $45,000. Currently the City attorney is working on the land paperwork to make these parks City parks. Feriancek: Will there be access lake access from Raymond Park? Friedges: No there will be no boat launch from Raymond Park. No action required. 8. PROJECTS/uPDA TES Friedges: Here are some of the projects that the maintenance department is working on: . Tree trimming . Boulevard trimming · Inspecting diseased trees · Watering trees and plant material (due to the lack of rain this continues to be a large task) . Striping and mowing for football and soccer · Air Knifing of trees - A 1" pipe is attached to a compressor and sent under the ground to the roots of a tree. Air is sent down the tube to clear away dirt and debris. The area is then back filled with compost taken from the compost site we share with the SMSC. A light layer of chips is also placed on top of the compost. This is done to stop the roots of the tree from girdling. No action required 9. FEEDBACK FROM PAC ON LAKE FRONT DAYS Meyer: In light of the tight economic times, the City would like input from PAC members on what they liked/disliked about Lakefront Days this summer and if they had any ideas of ways we can reduce/save costs while still being a part of this event. All suggestions and comments can be emailedtoKellyMeyeratkmeyer@cityofpriorlake.com 10. FUTURE MEETING DATE - October 22od. 2009 at 60m in the Citv Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Eric Spieler, Second by Ron Ceminsky, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator e 2009 Reductions - Phase 2 Communications Communi('.alion~ Communications CDNR CDNR CDNR CDN~ 10.000 3000 2,000 1.367 250 200 5,000 Reduce annoal wavelengths from eight to four- Public infonnatlon print less or make electronic General equipment O....ertime Small tools & equipment - compost check.in Small tools & equipment - general equipment SubdivisiOn/Zoning update; Elected not to hire eon~ultaot to complete work but to use staff Cut Earth Day community e....ent~ Deferred for futurE: Dues and subscriptions. Zoning News Dues and subscriptions - Sensible Land Use Mise expense. demonstration compost bin TraInIng expense Software. defer upgrade for Eagle Point AutoCAD Professional services. reduce consultants for fiber General equipment defer scanners to 2011 format printer to CDNR CDNR CDNR CDNR Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Dl'tta Processing 3,500 60 200 250 2,000 6,000 5.000 7.000 15,000 . 2009 Reductions - Phase 2 Budget Ordinance City Manager City Manager City Manager City Mar'lager Boards & Commlssio Accounting AccouJ"lting Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Personnel Pers.onne. Personnel Personnel Communications Amount 4,000 5.000 3,500 2.000 500 1,500 300 250 6.000 900 190 1.285 1,000 750 2,000 900 5,000 1.120 Rationale Cut $4000 Of $9000 of public notices Professional services. redUC$d allocation for 203( Trallel & conferences lunches wrth CC to discuss No office modifications needed this year Office equipment Reduce'" of EDA meetings from 6 to 2 Office supplies Small lools & equipment Bank feG's for utility-related charges allocated to Trallel and conferences Dues and subscriptions Mlsc Expense Petty cash Printed forms Professional services - employee training Dues and subscriptions Eliminate elty contribution to annual recognition Part-time employee salaries 2009 Reductions - Phase 2 PoNce Po"~ Police Polieo!l Po.......& Police Polle.!> Police POlice Poflce POtiCR Polieo!J Police PoNce Poti.....e PollC8 Police Fire Fire Fke Fke Fire 4.500 Reduced 01 because of ellmtn.ation of Lakefront 11.000 Overtime 6.000 Operating suppheOJ 1,000 Operating supplies _ unlfonns 1.000 Repair and mainteuance - equip,osnt 2.000 Reduce furniture sn<:f Sllelvlng ?OOO Repair and mainti&nance _ vehicles 750 Eliminate motorcycle training course 1.500 Prof9-ss.ional servlCE>s - pn!!'-employment Mstln" 1.500 $Bvlngs from joint powers l"Igreement _ SWAT 4,000 MIse expense 2.700 Motor Vehicles. Investigation '",&sed ....ehlcle :72,530 Motor Vehicles. Dodge Charger 6.437 Motor Vehicles ~ Savings on vehlde Pllrch./!!l$es 8,200 General equlpmenl ~ eliminate a new laser rBdar unit Bnd thA .....BmerBS for the t"'IU'r1!l 8,405 Remaining equipment (8,400) Generel <equipment - add back lasers 6,800 FT Wagets - start Chief on Augu$t1 9.900 100/., Reduction in fl.-e cull hours 50 Office Supplies reduce 100/., 750 O~rlilt;ng suppUe& ~ reduce 10% 200 Operating supphe$ medical reduce 100/0 600 Repair & maintenance l!;uppli",,, equipment 2009 Reductions - Phase 2 nop." & ...............,,'"',,"'.. .....ppl"~.. b...lld,ng ...du",... ~n...ll ...........'\, ..q"'pn,,,,,...,. ....<:1,_,"'... ..O~/" Tr....n.ng ..""p"'.,,..",,,,, ""'_'~'c... 10'1'. Publlee ,n'",rrru..tlon _ ''''''''ue... 1 U'-" r~..'"""'h ~ nl"'''''~''..r'<.o'''' OU"dl""" 20"*, .ed,-,,,,..~,, ". O~,'",r",,' UPk......p .-;-'.'n<.."""...,_",", BldCl &. Tr..ns.p e...rv eldg "" ...,....,..P 5...,,, Oldg 8. Trans", So...... 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Do "0' r...pl","ce- """P"" 'n 7.009 onl",. Supplt.... P.-o'......lo".., ""....-vle..'" - tw<OIue" eon..._,""'"'" Tn.v...l .....<:1 con'....--..n'"""... ...........;...;...g '"nd", C,........"...............'='_ :'O.22i!'1 1.000 700 ~..on<.) !'lo.OQO "'-.onn n...c'......tlon R....r"'..tlon P......... 20.000 20.000 1.000 ".000 50.000 Te........f., .......-ino.. frn", ..qulP.<"n.n' p....cl;........ F410_ l.lb....." EO<:>onoml", 0.....10"'"' F;,.,.;u,omlc O.......,Op....., " EQOnQ",l", O"'",,""op....... E"OOno,.....tc 0.........101"...... Con.I"p....,cy CApil..1 O"".Y & "..7.. nnn Sell I Reduce Services ($105,000) . Have been meeting with athletic organizations to solicit recovery of costs for maintenance. . Will also seek to sell or reduce services to Civic organizations for special events, such as Chamber, Rotary, Roll-in, Farmer's Market. . Need to plan for cut backs in service if unable to sell services. 2010 Property Tax Demand 2% Property Tax Increase (ClP/Equip Matrix/Park Matrix/debt) Target for Budget Adjusln.ents Department expenditure reductions (continued from 2009) Personnel cost savings (0% COLA, No Steps or equivalent) Coml--^=ll;xJ~I;;~ Leave Fund (defer funding) Reduce Fire Relief Assoc.. contribution Reallocation of Salaries to Ent, Funds (continued from 2009) Services (revenue Increases or expenditure reductIons) . PLAY/Soccer/PLABA . Chamber of Commerce . Large Contracts . Rotary (DARE, School Liaison) $1,022,000 $200,000 $822,000 ($202,000) ($165,000) ($50,000) ($52,000) ($117,000) ($105,000) $131,000 ,-.f",~..,.c.",,,,,..,..,,.,,_ /O...'O..../~~EO~'\ (~' .~ ~. ~~ .u m \ \ ""~ ./.' \",4rJ;;m~'~;~,/ "-..."......-..,....- In 2009 and before, the City provided all the services listed under the heading "Maintenance Activities." Because of limited resources, the following service levels will be implemented beginning 2010. Maintenance Activity I I I I I Top Dressing I Irrigation I Irrigation Installation/Repair I Irrigation Testing Etc. I Athletic Field Maintenance I Dragging Fields I Grooming Fields Chalking Batters Boxes and Base lines Painting/Striping Foul Lines Turf Management Mowing and Whipping Herbicide /Fertilizing Aeration Painting/Striping Football Fields Painting/Striping Soccer Fields Nets, Windscreens, batters eye, batting cages, fence installation and repairs Edging, lip repairs, crowning Grand Stand, bleacher, dug out and bench maintenance Soccer Goal Moving Soccer Net Install/Remove Field lighting turn off Bathroom Cleaning Sanitation Lighting Maintenance Concession Stocking/Operations Close Facilities Landscaping Maintenance Building/Shelter Repairs and Maintenance * * City ** Assoc./ Private Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes City of Prior Lake 2010 Athletic Facility Services September 10, 2009 Notes City Weekdays only / Associations Weekends Services can be purchased from City with notice by September 28 and payment by Jan. 1 in advance of season Services can be purchased from City with notice by September 28 and payment by Jan. 1 in advance of season Services can be purchased from City with notice by September 28 and payment by Jan. 1 in advance of season Limited to one cleaning on weekends per facility Limited to one pickup on weekends per facility All City services are weekdays only between hours on a.m. and 3:30 p.m. with the exception of facility closing, light turnoff and limited weekend bathroom cleaning and sanitation, unless otherwise noted. ** Weekend /Weeknight City Services can be purchased at OT rate for full time employees on volunteer basis and can't be guaranteed by City, unless otherwise noted. Note: The City will complete all maintenance activities for Adult Softball leagues and will adjust league fees accordingly. -, Staff - 13 tot lot/playground staff " '. , -1,\. '- Tot Lot/Plav!!round - 5 weeks in length and we covered 8 different parks across the City 0/ Beach Party - 7/10 hundreds of participants enjoyed free crafts, face painting, DJ, funky hair and hot dog meal deal. We had perfect weather '~ ~/~ Fire Safety Camn - 7/17 coldest day ever but 150 kids participated and had a great time going to all the different stations Camns - WATER SKI we started with 2 sessions but because of the high demand we added 2 more sessions 3rd LAIR SKATE BOARD over a dozen kids enjoyed learning the latest tricks Clearv Lake Adventure Camn - held the first 2 weeks in August. Over 80 kids enjoyed the games, zoo mobile, dunk tank and sleep over in the tents at Cleary Lake's Oak Grove Camp Ground Concerts in the Park - 13 concerts were held with an average of 150 in attendance each week. New this year we sold extra playground t-shirts, water bottles and crafts while advertising our upcoming programs Lakefront Davs - Seasonal staff members assisted the DNR with the F AMIL Y FISHING event as well as the CANINE CARNIVAL and of course the City sponsored ICE CREAM SOCIAL Monthlv Tot/Parent Class - every month the classes have been full to capacity and then some. These are very economical classes for the little ones at $7 per child. Some themes were Princess Party, Farm Fun, and Super Hero Day. Teen Hangout - 2 Fridays each month from 1-4pm. Average attendance was approximately 20-25 participants each day. We had various instructors teaching different crafts, etc at each one of the days thanks to a grant from Community Ed. We will continue with this program again thru the school year co-sponsored with Community Education. Tennis - New this year we offered adult lessons at Lakefront Park every Thursday night. The class was full the entire summer. The fee was only $10 for the entire summer. Trios - We offered 12 trips this summer and only had to cancel 2 because oflow enrollment numbers. The other trips had great enrollment over the summer. We went to Cascade Bay, Waterpark of America and Como Zoo to name a few. 2010 As you are aware there will be some changes in 2010 regarding the City budget as well as the addition of the YMCA. --I-h f'.S With the YMCA opening ... ~nonth my department has been in contact with them several times over this past year regarding their programs to ensure there is no duplication. · In the summer 2010 the YMCA will be offering all day/every day camp at their facility, we will be offering our Y2 day tot lot/playground camp in local neighborhood parks. We appeal to a different demographic then the YMCA so we feel our tot lot/playground program will be a good compliment to their programs. Per public feedback we will be adding 1 more week onto our tot lot/playground program while reducing Cleary Lake Adventure Camp down to 1 week. · We are planning on reducing our Concerts in the Park from 13 down to 3 while adding neighborhood park parties every other week during the summer. Seasonal staff will run FREE family, "carnival type" events on a week night from 6-8pm at 2 different parks in the City. These park locations will change every other week so we will be in at least 12 different neighborhood parks over the summer months. We feel this will generate more sense of community while getting to know your neighbors. This also fulfills a 2030 Vision goal of keeping community and small town feel alive in Prior Lake while helping the Community Safety Task Force with knowing your neighbors and neighborhoods. · Weare planning on expanding our teen events due to the success and positive feedback we have heard from throughout the community. We would like to add more "Teen Hang Out" days at Club Prior after school to further increase our utilization of that space and offer more trips that appeal to this age group. We will be working with our Community Education partner on this initiative. City of Prior Lake ,.~~i",""" A \~~~:2009 \\-'~E '<':,,,,:~_-- s RAYMOND AVENUE PARK ......... EX, CITY TRl-ILI SI:EWA.L'< ~.. EX. C:::;'JN~Y "EGI'::J'~AL TR.;IL '""" F,-,T'_IPE 81~'~MlrK'L'S TR>\ll ~ '" JT'JPE 3\!"-RCNVAL" ~ "")T')PE aplDGi::: F'.!T'.-'PE.CONCPETESIDE'IIA.->\ -,^ F'-'T')PE I'\000CHIP TRAIL NEIGHBOR>-tOOCPARK o COMM',,'NITr PARK NATURl\L"A.'<K CO'-'NTYREGIOr1ALDARK .. 1 10 ~ ~ ~ E,,~ ~; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i ~ " ~ III o c: il!~ ;alii ;lIi: o ;a m ii~\C'l \'1~!~ ~ g ~~ <D ~Q -+-i