HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 17, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. . . ~............................................................................................................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of December Agenda 3. Approval of November meeting minutes 4. Review 2009 Goals/Discuss 2010 Goals 5. E.A.B Grant Update - AI Friedges 6. Picnic Shelter Relocation - AI Friedges 7. Hockey & Pleasure Rinks - AI Friedges 8. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 9. Future Meeting Date a. January 21St, 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 11/19/09 6:00 p.m. - 7:28 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Ruhme Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Eric Spieler, Dan Ruhme, Kendall Larson, Kelly Loose, Ron Ceminsky Staff Present: Jane Kansier, Al Friedges 2. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Eric Spieler; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Mike Feriancek, Second by Ron Ceminsky; motion carried 4. ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAW AMENDMENT: Kansier: A technology amendment was added to all advisory committee bylaws to include recorded testimony. In this amendment a person may submit a DVD or CD within 7 calendar days of an advisory committee meeting if they are unable to attend the meeting in person. Staff will provide a written summery of the recording, if warranted, and hand out to all advisory committee members before the meeting date. See attached amendment document. No action required s. E.A.B GRANT Friedges: Approximately 3 weeks ago Al received information from the MN Department of Agriculture regarding a potential of $875,000 in grant money available to aid in the fight against Emerald Ash Borer. Al and Jane Kansier are working on the necessary paperwork to apply for this grant. The grant deadline is Friday, November 20th. A couple requirements for this grant are it must be for a local government entity and that entity must have an EAB preparedness plan in place within 6 months of the time of the grant. Prior Lake is close to completion of their EAB plan that they have been working on with Scott county and surrounding communities. With this grant the State will allow 15% in kind expenses (versus 100% matching funds) which will include the following: . Inventory, plan and execution of Ash trees . Education/outreach training to the public and businesses . Removal & disposal of Ash trees . Replacement of ash trees . Tree treatments . Salary/wages of staff working on the EAB initiative · Equipment used for EAB All approved entities will receive notice on 12/15/09; if selected all contracts will be executed on 1/15/2010. All approved entities will have until May 30, 2011 to spend the grant funds. Prior Lake is asking for $95,477 with the majority of this money going towards tree replacement. Once EAB is detected, staff recommends starting treatment of designated "significant" trees along boulevards, active play areas and trails. Several staff members are certified to apply this treatment. Treatment will occur every 2 - 3 years at a cost of approximately $15 per year. This will be a tremendous saving to the City vs. utilizing removal and replacement of trees. This will allow the City to spread out their resources further into the future. No action required 6. PROPOSED PICNIC SHEL TER RELOCATION Friedges: In 1996 staff built a shelter between Highway 21 and Blind Lake Trail. With increased development run offhas caused erosion problems in this area. Due to close proximity of other parks this shelter has been under utilized and the expense of trying to fix this problem with the shelter is great. Staff has decided to move this shelter to Watzls Beach next to the concessionlbathroom building. All residents in the current shelter area have been notified of this proposed relocation. Due to the wood floor in this shelter staff can move the entire shelter via a trailer. This relocation proposal will be brought before the City Council on 12/7/09 for final approval. No action required. 7. PROPOSED MEMORIAL FIELD UPGRADES Friedges: PLABA would like the following upgrades: · Remove chain link on existing back stops and replace with netting for better spectator vIewmg · Add 10-15 ft. of net on top of existing back stop to keep more balls in play and out of the parking lot, spectators, etc. · Create a cement slab and move the existing batting cage on to that slab which would be closer to the parking lot · Hire a structural engineer to design and construct a wood raised deck area with 3 tiers, approximately 80 ft. in length · Move existing 8ft fence by batting cage to the back of the field and add a 4ft fence in front of the batting cage · Make an enclosed area outside of the field to move the portable batting cage to so it won't interfere with the field · Move 3 flag poles into center field and light them Al has met with Mark Schroeder regarding these upgrades. Al informed Mark that these upgrades should be identified in the park portion of the CIP. The funding source for these upgrades would be donations. PLABA will raise the money for these upgrades. Once these improvements are in the CIP it then needs to be brought to City Council for approval. This process can begin in 2011. No action required 8. PROJECTS/uPDA TES Friedges: The following projects are taking place in the parks maintenance department: · Restoration Project at Lakefront Park - Work is being conducted on the last phase of the management area # 1. The SMSC has helped with Buckthorn removal by doing a controlled burn in the area. . 10 more kiosks are being built for City parks which will include maps, events, natural resource information, etc. There are currently 23 kiosks in our park system. . Tree remove and boulevard tree trimming continues · Repairing of the stairs at Ponds park going to the lower fields is near completion. . Getting ready for winter operations . Burming up of pleasure rinks in the neighborhood parks for flooding . Ongoing turf maintenance (aeration, top dressing) . Pads are ready for the picnic shelters at Raymond Ave and South Shore Dr. parks No action required 9. RECREATION UPDATES - SKIPPED Haugen: In Angie's absence Kyle Haugen mentioned the Downtown Dazzle celebration which will take place in downtown Prior Lake on 12/4/09 from 6pm - 8:30pm. This celebration is done in conjunction with the City and Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. No action required 10. FUTURE MEETING DATE - December 17th. 2009 at 6nm in the Citv Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator ~ P RiO"'\ O~ ).. . . (" f.... . 'p u '.' ~ . t'r'J "1,^,NESO~~7 ""',"'"'" 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Memo To: Advisory Committee Members From: Jane Kansier, Building and Transportation Services Director Date: October 23, 2009 Re: Amendment to Bylaws CC: Staff Representatives Technology has had a huge impact on our daily lives and on the ways in which we do business. This is especially true in the public input process often required as part of the decision making process. For example, at a recent Planning Commission meeting, a DVD containing recorded testimony was submitted in lieu of a live presentation. This was a result of new technology available to both the City and the public. Unfortunately, the bylaws were silent on how this should be handled. We were unable to find any other community that had addressed this issue. On September 8, 2009, the City Council amended its bylaws to address the issue of recorded testimony in lieu of attending the public hearing. Even thought the Council amended its bylaws, the various committee bylaws remained silent on the issue. On October 19, 2009, the City Council adopted a resolution amending the bylaws of the various advisory committees so they are consistent with the City Council bylaws. A copy of the amended bylaws is attached to this memorandum. Section 406 of the bylaws addresses testimony during the public hearing process. Audio and video communications are treated like written testimony. The audio or video presentation must be supplied seven calendar days before the meeting in a sufficient number of copies to send to committee members. The staff will summarize the content of the audio or video communication and both the written summary and the electronic presentation will be distributed to the committee with the agenda materials. The summary and the submitted audio/video communication will become part of the hearing record. Written, audio and video testimony will not be read aloud or played at the public meetings. This is the only change to the bylaws at this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. , i ;1 l'll,'j j'l,< l ;1;; ; : if I , www.cilyofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.9800 I Fax 952.447.4245 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 2, 1996 Amended January 6, 1997 Amended February 16, 1999 Amended December 4, 2000 Amended June 3, 2002 Amended January 5, 2004 Amended October 18, 2004 Amended January, 2006 Amended November 17,2008 Amended October 19, 2009 SECTION 100 PURPOSE 101. The purpose of the City of Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee bylaws is to provide a set of operating procedures for the Parks Advisory Committee, and to establish a code of ethics and conduct. 102: The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the Parks Advisory Committee, and any changes or amendments agreed to by a majority vote of the Commission shall be recommended to the City Council for adoption at its annual meeting. The City Council conducts is annual meeting as the first meeting in January of each year. SECTION 200 STRUCTURE OF COMMITTEE 201: COMMITTEE CREATED: A Parks Advisory Committee is hereby created for the City, its purpose to be of an advisory nature to the City Council and staff on issues related to park and open space development, land acquisition and development policies. Said Parks Advisory Committee shall be composed of no more than seven (7) and no less than five (5) members, appointed by the City Council. Only residents of the City who are at least 18 years old shall be considered for appointment. Said members shall serve three (3) year-terms beginning November 1st and ending October 31st. The members of the Parks Advisory Committee shall annually elect officers in accordance with the procedures of paragraph 205 herein. 202: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: The duties of the Parks Advisory Committee are as follows: 1. Serve as a liaison between city government and the community. 2. Serve as a resource for a new and existing neighborhoods, groups, and civic organizations seeking information concerning the Prior Lake park system. 3. Assist the City in setting open space, land acquisition and development policies. 4. Make recommendations to the City Council relating to specific parks and open space development. - - j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 1 5. Assist the City Council in researching a variety of funding sources for the Capital Improvement Program and related park development. 203: APPOINTMENr: The Committee shall consist of one (1) City Council liaison and no more than seven (7) and no less than five (5) members appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of three (3) years. The Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live in Prior Lake. Committee members may serve additional terms upon approval by the Prior Lake City Council, based upon satisfactory attendance and participation, continued residence within the corporate limits of the City of Prior Lake, and in accordance with the term limit policy established herein. Committee members may serve additional terms upon approval of the City Council. 204: VACANCIES: If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Parks Advisory Committee shall appoint a replacement as set forth in paragraph 205 herein. If the Office of Vice- Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. If an appointed member of the Parks Advisory Committee resigns, is terminated, reaches a term limit, or otherwise vacates a seat of the Committee, the Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement in the following manner: 1. Applications are solicited. A Notice of the vacancy is made public and individuals may be encouraged to consider the position. 2. The City Manager or his designee, the City Council member who has been appointed as the liaison to the P Advisory Committee, or who has been appointed to serve on the work group, and the committee chair (unless the appointment is the committee chair appointment or re-appointment, or in the case where no chair has been determined) shall interview all candidates and make a recommendation to the full City Council. No person will sit on any advisory authority charged with the selection of the successor for that person. 3. The recommendation of the interview panel shall be presented to the City Council and the Council may accept or reject the recommendation. If the recommendation is rejected, the City Council shall appoint another individual or decide to reopen the vacancy to the public for new candidates. 205: OFFICERS: The Officers of the Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. 1. Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed from among the Committee's membership for a two year terms in November, by majority vote of the Parks Advisory Committee. The duties of the Chair include: . Review and approval of meeting agendas. . Presiding at meetings. . Participating with the City Council in the selection of Committee members. . Annual reporting to the City Council. . Representation of the Committee as appropriate. - - j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 2 2. Vice Chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. 3. Secretarv - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. 206: TERM LIMIT: It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three term (9 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. 207: REMOVAL OF MEMBER: Any member of the Parks Advisory Committee may be removed from office for just cause by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire City Council. Such member shall be entitled to a public hearing before such a vote is taken. In addition, any member may be removed for nonattendance at Parks Advisory Committee meetings by action of the City Council. SECTION 300: STATEMENT OF ETHICS 301: POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Prior Lake recognizes that our system of democratic representative government is dependent in large measure upon people having trust and confidence in their public officials. The public rightfully expects that governmental officials will conduct City of Prior Lake business in ways which benefit the public generally and that public office will not be used chiefly or improperly to advance personal interest. The City of Prior Lake has pledged that the goals of fair, efficient and honest government will be fostered and that it will strive for integrity and objectivity from all of its officials. 1. The City of Prior Lake finds that the proper operation of democratic representative government requires that: · Elected and appointed officials be independent, impartial and responsible to the people; · Governmental decisions and policy be made in the proper channels of the governmental structure; . Public office not be used for personal gain; . The public have confidence in the integrity of its government. 2. The City of Prior Lake shall adhere to the highest ethical standards that enhance the public trust in its local government by: . Creating transparency in its actions through honest and open communication; and . Basing decisions and adopting public policies on what is in the best interests of the public and the overall community; . Supporting the public's right to know the public's business . Exercising fairness, optimism, responsiveness and respect in communicating with the public. j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 3 . Providing a forum and periodic training for public officials and staff to discuss organizational values that reflect high standards and current conditions and concerns. 3. The City's Statement of Ethics shall be liberally construed in favor of protecting the public's interest in full disclosure of conflicts of interest and promoting ethical standards of conduct. 302: GIFTS AND FAVORS: No public official shall accept any valuable gift, favor or thing of value, regardless of amount whether in the form of money, service, loan, thing or promise from any person which to the official's knowledge is concerned, directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the City. 303: USE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: No public official shall request or permit the unauthorized use of City-owned vehicles, equipment, materials, property, labor or services for personal convenience or profit. 304: CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Except as authorized in Minn. Stat. 471.88, a public officer who is authorized to take part in any manner in making any sale, lease, or contract in official capacity shall not voluntarily have a personal financial interest in that sale, lease, or contract or personally benefit financially therefrom. (Minn. Stat. Section 471.87) 305: A public official or local official elected to or appointed by a metropolitan governmental unit who in the discharge of official duties would be required to take an action or make a decision that would substantially affect the official's financial interests or those of an associated business, unless the effect on the official is no greater than on other members of the official's business classification, profession or occupation, must take the following actions: 1. Advise the City Attorney of the potential conflict of interest as soon as possible, preferably before the meeting; and 2. The City Attorney shall determine whether a disqualifying conflict of interest exists. 3. Orally inform the committee of the potential conflict and abstain from any participation in that agenda item. 306: The purpose behind the creation of a rule, which would disqualify public officials from participating in proceedings in a decision-making capacity when they have a direct conflict of interest in its outcome, is to insure that their decision will not be an arbitrary reflection of their own selfish interests. There is no settled general rule as to whether such an interest will disqualify an official. Each case must be decided on the basis of the particular facts present. Among the relevant factors that should be considered in making this determination are: (1) nature of the decision being made; (2) the nature of the pecuniary interest; (3) the number of officials making the decision who are interested; (4) the need, if any, to have interested persons make the decision; and (5) the other means available, if any, such as the opportunity for review, that serve to insure that the officials will not act arbitrarily to further their selfish interests. 307: MISUSE OF OFFICIAL POSITION: No elected or appointed official may use his or her official position for a purpose that is, or would to a reasonable person appear to be primarily for the private benefit of the official. j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 4 SECTION 400: CONDUCTING MEETINGS 401: REGULAR MEETINGS: In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Lawall meetings of the committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held as needed at Prior Lake City Hall, 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, canceled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the Chair and/or Vice-Chair. 402: NOTIFICATION: All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: 1. Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. 2. A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying materials shall be received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council, no later than the Wednesday prior to the Monday meeting and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. 403: SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the chair or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting may be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of the article shall be followed. 404: QUORUM FOR REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS: A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. 405: CONDUCT OF BUSINESS AT MEETINGS: The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. Other Business 5. Staff Update 6. New Business 7. Adjournment 406: PUBLIC HEARING FORMAT: Public hearings shall be conducted in the following manner: 1 The presiding officer announces the agenda item that is the subject of the public hearing. j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 5 2 It is the intent of the Parks Advisory Committee to open all public hearings at the time indicated in the public hearing notice, or as soon as possible thereafter. From a practical standpoint, not all hearings can be opened at their designated time The Parks Advisory Committee may delay the start of a hearing until the pending business is acted upon. However under no circumstances may a public hearing be opened prior to the time specified in the notice and published in the official newspaper. 3 Staff and/or a consultant make a presentation or report on the subject matter of the public hearing. 4 At the conclusion of any presentation or remarks by Staff and/or a consultant, the presiding officer asks the Parks Advisory Committee members if they have questions of the Staff or consultant. 5 The presiding officer requests a motion and second from a member of the Parks Advisory Committee to open the public hearing and calls for a vote. 6 The presiding officer declares the public hearing opened, announces the time and then proceeds to ask for citizen input, comments and questions. 6.1 Members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may address the Parks Advisory Committee orally. If the speaker intends to present written or hard copy materials to support their presentation to the Parks Advisory Committee, they must provide the Staff, at the time of their presentation or before, copies of the original for distribution to Committee members, City Staff and the Recording Secretary. The materials will be included in the public record. If the speaker intends to present audio or video materials to support their presentation to the Parks Advisory Committee, such materials must be in an electronic format that is compatible with the City's existing equipment. An audio or video presentation may not introduce testimony from any person other than the author. The electronic materials must be submitted to the Staff by 12:00 noon of the day of the meeting. 6.2 If unable to attend the meeting, members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may submit written comments and supporting materials. Nine (9) copies of the comments and materials must be submitted to the City Staff prior to the Parks Advisory Committee meeting. The comments and materials will be distributed to Committee members, City Staff, and the Recording Secretary. The written comments and materials will become part of the record, but will not be read aloud at the meeting 6.3 Recorded testimony if unable to attend a meeting. Members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may submit testimony to the Parks Advisory Committee using a prerecorded audio or video communication. An audio or video communication must be in an electronic format that is compatible with the City's existing equipment. An audio or video presentation may not introduce testimony from any person other than the author. The author of the recorded testimony must provide nine (9) copies to the City Staff at least seven calendar days prior to the meeting in order to allow Staff an opportunity to view the presentation on the City's equipment to make certain there are no technical difficulties with the equipment. It is the j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 6 responsibility of the individual using an audio or video format to consult with the City to determine compatibility. The City Department responsible for the agenda item will also prepare a brief summary of the audio or video presentation. The presentation and the summary will be provided to the Parks Advisory Committee as part of the agenda package. The presentation and the summary will become a part of the public record. Generally, agenda packages are distributed to members of the Parks Advisory Committee on the Wednesday preceding the meeting. 7 After all persons have been heard, the presiding officer will ask twice whether there are any other persons in attendance who want to be heard on the matter pending. If there is no other testimony, the presiding officer requests a motion. There are two possible motions, seconds and votes: . A motion and second to close the public hearing. Once the vote is taken, the public hearing is closed. The presiding officer announces, for the record, the time the public hearing is closed: or · A motion and second to continue the public hearing to a date certain. The presiding officer, in consultation with the City Staff and Commissioners, shall select and announce a time and date certain for the continued public hearing. No additional publication or notice requirements are needed if a hearing is continued to a later specified date. No public hearing may be continued more than once without re-notice, publishing the time, date, location and subject of the public hearing. 8 The Parks Advisory Committee addresses the subject matter through deliberation. The Parks Advisory Committee may ask questions of the Staff. If the public hearing has been closed Commissioners should refrain from calling upon a member of the public except for the sole purpose of asking a question that can be answered by a "yes" or "no" response. The presiding officer will call upon each member of the Parks Advisory Committee for their comments and reaction to information received from the Staff presentation or public hearing comments. 9 If the public hearing has been closed, rather than continued until a date certain, the Parks Advisory Committee may take action on the subject matter. 407: VOTING: All members of the Committee have equal voting authority. SECTION 500 SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES 501: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on Park matters identified in Section 100 or as assigned to the committee. The Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the city council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 7 502: SUBCOMMITTEES: The Committee may divide its membership into Subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. SECTION 600 AMENDMENTS 601: AMENDMENTS: These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised bylaws to the City Council for final approval. j:~ane\research\bylaws\2009 amended\parks advisory oct 2009.doc 8