HomeMy WebLinkAbout122109 City Council Minutes/~ PRj~~ City Council Meeting Minutes ~~ ~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. December 21, 2009 U x Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 \\,,~ESO~P REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm. Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Fi- nance Director Erickson, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Ad- ministrative Assistant Green. It was recognized that Councilor Millar's absense was excused. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the publican opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Items to be considered on the agenda may be addressed at the Public Forum unless they have been or will be the subject of a public hearing or public information hearing at the City Council, the Eco- nomic Development Authority (EDA), the Planning. Commission, or any other City Advisory Committee within the foreseeable future. Forum items are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than as a platform for private agendas. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Public Forum. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the Public Forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO'APPROVE THE DECEMBER 7, 2009, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE; Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion. carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. D. Consider Approval of Animal Warden. Report. E. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. F. Consider Approval of Resolution 09.178 Making a Recommendation to Scott County for Appointment to the Prior Lake-Spring: Lake Watershed-.District Board of Managers. G. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Renew the Contract with 4 Paws Animal Control for Animal Control Services for the City from January 1, 2010 Through December 31, 2011. www. cityofpriorlake. com Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes December 21, 2009 H. Consider Approval of Resolution 09-179 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into a Subrecipient Grant Agreement with the Metropolitan Council for the Operation of the Jobs Access Re- verse Commute (JARC) Grant Funds. I. Consider Approval of Resolution 09.180 Accepting the Water Treatment Facility from Rice Lake Construction and Approving the Final Project Budget. J. Consider Approval of Resolution 09.185 Approving the Sentencing to Service Contract with Scott County for 2010. K. Consider Approval of Resolution 09.181 Amending the Equipment Replacement Program for the 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program. L. Consider Approval of a Grant Application Activity Report for 2009. M. Consider Approval of Resolution 09.182 Electing the Non Waiver of Statutory Municipal Tort Liability Limits and Declining Excess Liability Insurance Coverage. N. Consider Approval of Body Art License Renewals for Jerome James, William Richards, and Derek Winski. 0. Consider Approval of 2010 Cigarette License Renewals. P. Consider Approval of 2010 Renewal Massage Therapy Licenses. Q. Consider Approval of a Taxicab License Renewal for Southwest Metro Taxi. Councilor Hedberg requested removal of Item K, Consider Approval of Resolution 09.181 Amending the Equipment Replacement Program for the 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program, from the Consent Agenda. Councilor Erickson requested removal of Item 0, Consider Approval of 2010 Cigarette License Renewals, from the Consent Agenda. City Manager Boyles requested that Item G, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Renew the Contract with 4 Paws Animal Control for Animal Control Services for the City From January 1, 2010 Through December 31, 2011, be removed from the agenda. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion carried. Hedberg: Asked staff to present the report about amendment of the Equipment Replacement Program for the 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Albrecht: Explained that budget amendment is being requested to provide funds which will allow defer- ment of purchasing new equipment by refurbishing existing stock. Vehicles and equipment have been identified for elimination or extension of replacement date. Modification of the equipment matrix to reflect the changes is also requested. Amending the CIP to reflect the aforementioned items will allow staff to work on these items during the winter of 2010. Hedberg: Commented that specific changes are in the first five years of the matrix saving about $158,000 over that time frame. Erickson: Asked Albrecht to explain the salt mixes. Albrecht: Explained that a deicing program is in place that has reduced the amount of salt and uses other products in its place. Staff experiments with the mix of various products to determine which combination works best in which scenario. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes December 21, 2009 Erickson: Commented that these are cutting edge practices and other governmental agencies are looking at our system to improve theirs. Erickson: Asked Boyles to explain why a cited business is being approved for a cigarette license. Boyles: Explained that Narayan Gas has been cited for selling cigarettes to an underage buyer. The mat- ter is pending before Court. They have requested tobacco license renewal and, using the basic theory that one is innocent until proven guilty, they are permitted to do so. In the event they are found guilty of the cita- tion, City ordinance would require revocation of license for this third offense. Haugen: Added that Narayan Gas was cited and convicted in 2006 and 2008. If they are found guilty of the 2009 incident, they will be subject to the ordinance that disallows a tobacco license. Asked how this would apply to any liquor license violations. Boyles: Replied that liquor license offenses do not extend to cigarette license violations. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 09-181 AMENDING THE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE 2010-2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS WELL AS APPROVE THE CIGARETTE LICENSE RENEWALS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Recognition of Retiring Advisory Committee Members City Manager Boyles introduced the presentation to retiring advisory committee members by describing the City's form of government and the importance of the role of volunteers in the system. Stated that the City has established seven advisory committees to focus on issues about which the Council receives rec- ommendations. Mayor Haugen introduced the seven advisory committee members who are retiring, thanked them for their service and presented recognition to those present. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was held. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of Resolutions: 1. Adopting 2010 Prior Lake Budgets and Certifying Final 2010 City of Prior Lake Property Tax Levy to Scott County Department of Taxation, and 2. Amending the 2009 Water and Sewer Fund Budget. Finance Director Erickson explained the Council met numerous times to discuss challenges and strate- gies in developing the 2010 budget. Stated the Truth in Taxation hearing was held as proscribed. Stated the General Fund budget is proposing a reduction from the 2009 budget of nearly three percent. Explained that the requested two percent tax levy increase would be used to repay debt service on street reconstruc- tion bonds and to provide funds for the revolving equipment fund and the park matrix. Noted that the Coun- cil is being requested to amend the Water and Sewer Fund for 2009 to allocate appropriate salaries and benefits to that fund. Comments: Hedberg: Addressed the tax levy requesting a two percent increase despite the fact that the General Fund is declining in order to pay debt service. Commented that every growing community experiences infrastruc- 3 City Council Meeting Minutes December 21, 2009 ture needs and it is important to borrow money wisely in order to fund them. Stated the City has been catching up with needs of the community and is making efforts to accelerate street reconstruction to re- place aging streets. Referred to a graph displaying debt service payment plans and noted that Prior Lake's debt load is about average compared to other cities. J. Erickson: Commented that the graph reflects existing debt for decisions that have already been made and that debt service needs to be repaid over the next ten to twenty years dependent upon the kind of bond that was issued. The graph also displays projected debt for infrastructure based on the transportation plan and reconstruction plan and shows the City portion of the project along with the special assessment por- tion. Noted that the combined existing debt and projected debt reflects that debt services will be declining. Hedberg: Reiterated that as a growing community, debt has built up to an amount that is about the aver- age of nearby cities. The City is facing the maximum debt services currently and that will begin to decline after 2013. Spoke of some of the items anticipated for future purchase and the funding sources that the City will plan to use. Anticipates that the City's capacity will be greatly improved in the future and we are experiencing the pressure now to stay the course for infrastructure needs. LeMair: Stated that Council and staff have worked hard on the budget for the past six to nine months. Commented that at the Truth in Taxation hearing a person asked if taxes will ever come down and the chart depicted at tonight's meeting reflects that future debt is going to come down. Will support the proposed budget. W. Erickson: Will support. Commented that one of the increase areas is in the enterprise fund and one of the largest increases is in the transit portion of that. Added that these funds are not tax levied, but rather come from the Metropolitan Council and is generated from license plate fees. Haugen: Stated that the 2010 budget is indicative of consistent budgeting over the past few years. Noted that the City has made investments to build and enhance infrastructure, but that debt was incurred with low interest payments and will recede over time. Will support. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 09.183 ADOPTING 2010 PRIOR LAKE BUDGETS AND CERTIFYING FINAL 2010 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PROPERTY TAX LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 09.184 AMENDING THE 2009 WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGET. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and LeMair. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS No new business was conducted. OTHER City Manager Boyles and members of the Council reflected on the service of Mayor Haugen and Councilor LeMair noting the accomplishments they achieved during their tenure and expressing appreciation for the commitment of each. Mayor Haugen and Councilor LeMair addressed the audience to thank people for their support. A reception was held following the meeting to recognize and honor the service of Mayor Haugen, Council member LeMair and outgoing Planning Commissioner Vaughn Lemke, Lakes Advisory Committee member James Marchessault, Traffic Safety Committee member John Parrish, Economic Development Advisory Committee members Dave Chromy, Bob Jader, John Muench and Eric Plaisted. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes December 2l, 2009 ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Erickson. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Frank o s, City Manager Charlotte Green, Administrative sst.