HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 16 10 City Council Work Session e e e 1 e e e 2 e e e 3 e e e 4 APPROVED TRANSPORTATION CIP 2010 - 2013 Year Improvement MSA Street Tax Bond Assessments Utility Water Trunk Countyl Total City Ov'ersizing Levy Type Fund Quality Fund State Cost 2010 CR42/McKenna Road Signal $40,000 $50,000 Recon $157,000 2010 Resurfacing Program (Shady, Rustic, Lords) $700,000 Recon $100,000 2010 CR 21/Arcadia Intersection - Design & ROW $500,000 Recon 2010 CR 12 Phase III $350,000 $213,000 429 $300,000 $710,225 2010 CR 21 (CR 42-North) 2nd Phase $50,000 $100,000 $90,000 Recon 2011 CR 12 Phase IV (County has Moved to 201E $0 $0 429 2011 BoudinslTimothy/Denise/Lois/Natalie $840,000 Recon ?QJ1 CR 21/Arcadia Intersection .. ..... ... $715,000 $100,000 $660,000 Recon blJ 11I'-- _ u_. !~""'JI $0 $560,000 $0 $500,000 $60,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $1,960,000 $2,425,000 2012 Industrial Park $1,000,000 429 $900,000 $80,000 $50,000 2012 Rutgers/Watersedge/Grayling $980,000 429 $650,000 $500,000 $80,000 2012 CR2~al $200,000, ,$100,000, Recon _I! -.11111 I~Jll .I~ ~".jJ r .. 2013 Main AvelTH 13/Ridgemont $425,000 $200,000 $900,000 Recon $100,000 $200,000 $1,905,000 Debt: 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 , Existing CIP -$31,209 (60,589) (52,438) (58,638) (109,837) New CIP $139,000 186,000 180,000 250,000 240,000 EDA Lease Revenue $18,880 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Market Referendum $45,285 20,463 27,162 34,325 (160,057t New Approved $171,956 160,874 169,724 240,687 (14,894) Change from Original - (66,000) (92,000) (24,000) Original Levy Increases (%) 4.62% 6.61% 6.37% 3.34% ~evised Levy Increases (%) 3.97% 5.77% 6.24% 3.39% Change -0.65% -0.84% -0.13% 0.05% MINIMUM TRANSPORTATION CIP 2010-2013 Year Improvement MSA street Oversizing Tax Levy Bond Type Assessments . Utility Fund Water Quality Trunk Fund Countyl Total City State Cost 2010 CR42/McKenna Road Signal $50,000 Recon $157,000 $247,000 2012 Industrial Park (Utilities Only) $100,000 429 $500,000 $0 $100,000 $700,000 2012 RutgerslWatersedge/Grayling $980,000 429 $650,000 $500,000 $80,000 $2,210,000 2012 CR21/Fountain HiIIsSignal $200,000 $100,000 $0 Recon "" $300,000 II 11__ ll11irli!iITIT m LI.III.III ' ~_"_L _ " 11ll~1~ 11l~\flllllll1 .]I.PUi i_J lB I...... ~ f , 2013-ArcadialPleasant $'t,5{)()iOOEl: i $20~€l,e.€J' $2,400,000 Recon $100,000 $180,000 $750,000 $5,130,000 ~~ I.~ _1m 1IIIm"g,"jJ"._II,.~ _II I j' I.. _T"1'l1Xf ~ Debt .. t 3111 t 2012 I 2013 I 2014 J Existing CIP -$31,209 (60,589) (52,438) (58,638) (109,837) Revised Minimum CIP $139,000 42,000 101,000 130,000 288,000 EDA Lease Revenue $18,880 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Market Referendum $45,285 20,463 27,162 34,325 (160,057) . Minimum $171,956 16,874 90,724 120,687 33,106 Change from Original - (210,000) (171,000) (144,000) 48,000 Original Levy Increases (%) 4.62% 6.61% 6.37% 3.34% _Revised Levy Increases (%) 2.54% 5.09% 5.26% 3.91% Change -2:gS% -1.52%, -1.11% 0.57% AL"[ERNA:t.LV,E~l'IlANSPQR2J;Al1QN~ ell? 2.Q1;0..201.3 Year Improvement MSA Street Oversizing Tax Levy B"ond Type . Assessments Utility Fund Water Quality Trunk Fund Countyl Total City State Cost 2010 CR42/McKenna Road Signal 2010 Resurfacing Program (Shady,Rustic,Lords) $40,000 Recon Recon $157,000 $247,000 $800,000 $100,000 2011 BoudinslTimothy/Denise/Lois/Natalie $840,000 Recon $560,000 $500,000 $60,000 $1,960,000 2011 CR 21/Arcadia & Pleasant Design , $300,000 Recon $300,000 ~I ill _ .~_ 1"-- Ir-,.,,~ IIIW "..... ;... :__111 Il.~ 2012 Industrial Park (Utilities Only) $100,000 429 $500,000 $0 $100,000 $700,000 2012 RutgerslWatersedge/Grayling $980,000 429 $650,000 $500,000 $80,000 $2,210,000 2012 Arcadia/Pleasant (ROW/Ease) $500,000 $500,000 2012 CR21/Fountain Hills Sinal ..."""",." $200,000 $100,000, $0 Recon """", "", $300,000 _I~I" 1 '." \1, ~~.... i 1lI1~"r II! I:'" -IS II~" llillll~w '_~ll'" .._ Debt 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 Existing CIP -$31,209 (60,589) (52,438) (58,638) (109,837) Revised Alternate CIP $139,000 126,000 137,000 190,000 252,000 EDA Lease Revenue $18,880 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Market Referendum $45,285 20,463 27,162 34,325 (160,057t Alternate $171,956 100,874 126,724 180,687 (2,894) Change from Original - (126,000) (135,000) (84,000) 12,000 Original Levy Increases (%) 4.62% 6.61% 6.37% 3.34% Revised Levy Increases (%) 3.37% 5.40% 5.75% 3.54% . Change -1.25% -1.21% -0.62% 0.20% "'C OJ tl.O l:: rc ~ u l:: OJ OJ ..c OJ > rc ~ V'l ..... U OJ '0' ... Co ... o in' ..... V'l o u rc :::l ..... U rc ..... u OJ ;;:: OJ ... o ..... "'C OJ tl.O l:: rc ~ u l:: OJ OJ ..c OJ > rc ~ V'l ..... l:: :::l o E <C II Year Improvement 2010 CR42/McKenna Road Signal 2010 Resurfacing Program (Shady,Rustic,Lords) 2010 CR 21/Arcadia Intersection - Design & ROW 2010 CR 12 Phase III 2010 C~21 (C~ ~~:~orth) 2ndPhase B.II~I..lSJfG!'-;;,'\"<r,'rf'iWf;:,.,;", 2012 Industrial Park 2012 Rutgers/Watersedge/Grayling 2012 CR21/Fountain Hills . ;;r<"",,;,-IlO'I, il'"nc>?(II.~ " 2013 Main Ave/TH 13/Ridgemont 2013 Martindale/Carriage Hills Resurfacing 2013 Mushtown/Maple/Panama 2014 Franklin Trail Resurfacing (CR 44 to Summer) , ,. 201~ EauClaire~Hi~hland/Marsh/Skyline riW~1fJi.lrIO~,1 elll.ot'rO.18ii 'i.i 'I Ii, , ",~ : ',,\;1J'i\;' 2015 Downtown South 2015 CR 83 Coop Agreement Payment 2015 Credit River/Maplewood/Grainwoood/Albany 2016 Balsam/Sunrise/Spruce 2016 TH 13/150th Street b-'-1I'llllls fiml,~ !!Ql,~,da, ", .. , 2017 CR 42/TH 13 2017 Island View Circle 2018 Vale/Butternut/Kent/Monroe 2018 CR21/Main Ave/TH13 ',' ," '2DB' e'" "~~d'" 'lJ'OJi".z"."_v,,, " ", ..,.."J., .. .,.. , ,M.' :. ...,., ~" "^ " .,. '''"rM"''''N-.,..,''.,.., "..,'. .... 1'".,., ",. ':'o:,::.c",~r ~~@ ~" ,'* ",,%lILY " ' "X:.;, ,,~;;<ffi{(5,,)~}?">, ";'0<"" ,>" ',:,,':''d~:/<:,',~,' " . 2019 Blind Lake/Dublin Cedar/Hillcrest/Lyons 2019 Resurfacin~ Pr~wam :,I;;.ii1;;;%&Ojl_eiOJ~t1:;$~ltii,~;~i;;ii,ij;iia~il Program Totals City of Prior lake 2010-2019 Transportation Plan Approved 7/20/09 MSA Street Tax Bond Assessments Utility Water Trunk Oversizin~ Levy Type Fund Quality Fund $40,000 $50,000 Recon $700,000 Recon $100,000 $500,000 Recon $350,000 $213,000 429 $300,000 $710,225 $50,000 $100,000 $90,000 Recon ,;r:':';;i;liaIlllIMD ;;11,;111.1.1100 ;11.~8.1100 0-" I ijj" , ,,',,''''" ,', " ::IL~ ::f:t~~Jmt , ,";,A~~, ',," '" II it ", ,., $0 429 $0 $0 Recon $560,000 $500,000 $60,000 Recon $100,000 $100,000 , rlll,ljQQO " ,.r,'....1 . ,.iM, 'i.' ...~..,. . $200,000 1\;iii;:~~1lI'Um , ~", _ ~~" HMllI.lDl_ . . $1,000,000 $980,000 $100,000 "ii;11,11f,;;112JOpl~Ooq 2011 CR 12 Phase IV 2011 Boudins/Timothy/Denise/Lois/Natalie 2011 CR 21/Arcadia Intersection l.jl...1J~:ii!l'~ .. $425,000 $200,000 $900,000 $500,000 $600,000 ):i~;;:~i)iiMJiIQ8 :i,";;;iii;{$IIOlBI ~il;;i':J iW$2lQQOJ'000 . . $200,000 "~21111100n ,':~"]~"","R' ~,~ $1,425,000 $500,000 c i;i-$1~ICSIQ~ ~' 'iiifii"SIQQJOIO $1,200,000 $800,000 Cc'''X ....,':-ce-G.AftOI noo f,~~~;{~%g:?-:: <i~j\l;U, '~''-' ,~' $4,330,000 $1,050,000 $19,240,000 429 . 429 Recon $900,000 $650,000 $500,000 $80,000 $80,000 $50,000 Recon Recon . 429 $100,000 County/ State Total City Cost $157,000 $247,000 $800,000 $500,000 $1,646,048 $290,000 $li48l~ $0 $1,960,000 $2,425,000 '-"f 1$4ielCS,oOI . I II I I ,f ",. $2,030,000 $2,210,000 $300,000 10 ' ,,;F'-:'i$4RQjQQI $200,000 $1,905,000 $520,000 $1,460,000 ';11.8CS~_ $80,000 '.JUO $200,000 $75,000 $300,000 Recon $1,700,000 429 $970,000 :12.80;100 ' ',,-1970,010 $425,000 $700,000 429 $575,000 $57,000 429 $1,300,000 429 .$411;'00 >:" ;;, ,:;il'.oJ',oll $1,000,000 429 $600,000 $1,000,000 Recon , :iSJlIOO,QI~ $550,000 .. ,.~, $80~OQO 1$750 nnn'.J11.1r;1;;~.55raoO ,~ ",JJ;M'oVM', s~,,< ,:''': .iif"" , . ~~~", '* $80,000 $80,000 iiJIIQjOQo Recon 429 429 $500,000 Recon $350,000 $150,000 , 1~:$:Ij)Q.QOO $80,000 $80,000 ;itJU'O~~~, $80,000 $80,000 .111QIUlI ,'-;1111,111 429 Recon $680,000 $400,000 $100,000 ',;il.'~QO.itlDl'i'iri; $7,675,000 $5,510,225 $1,417,823 R\CIP\CIP2010-2019 TP Final- Council Workshop 2010.02.16 ii'il'fIO " $0 $400,000 $3,350,000 "ilO i. "i:ci.tfOlQlI~ ,III $1,975,000 $57,000 $2,670,000 , ,'I~II ,;;: i,XYI2.IIQQ $2,030,000 $1,880,000 ri$Q .1iil'IIJ.oIQQI .. ' .,1.0 $2,360,000 $920,000 ~~" '",..' .0/' 'OUO'OI' 7: <fS' ' '{mt:<::sTL , {";:~<)~~Kwr;@' ,~,"" ',,",,~~ . $50,000 $1,107,000 $40,380,048