HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft March 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes O~ PR104> C ~ 4646 Dakota Street S.E. U ~ Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 I't1 I\rlNNESO~~ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. Present were Mayor Myser, Council members Erickson, Kee- ney and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Girouard, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Finance Director Erickson, Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr, Building and Transit Services Director Kansier, Fire Chief Hartman, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Adminis- trative Assistant Green. Councilmember Hedberg was absent. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. It will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Items to be considered on the agenda may be addressed at the Public Forum unless they have been or will be the subject of a public hearing or public information hearing at the City Council, the Econom- ic Development Authority (EDA), the Planning Commission, or any other City Advisory Committee within the foreseeable future. Forum items are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than as a plat- form for private agendas. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Public Forum. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the Public Forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Manager Boyles requested that item 10D about work session format be removed from the agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE MARCH 1,2010, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. D. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. E. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. F. Consider Approval of Resolution 10.017 Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for the 2010 Sewer Slip- Lining Project. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT G. Consider Approval of Resolution 10.018 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Camille on Rouge, LLC for Property Located at 16220 Main Avenue in Down- town Prior Lake, H. Consider Approval of Resolution 10.019 Making Recommendation to Scott County for Appointment to the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District Board of Managers. Mayor Myser requested that item E, Consider Approval of Fire Call Report, be removed from the consent agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Myser: Commented that there was a recent article in the Prior Lake American regarding sharing costs with the townships for fire services and asked how that is calculated. Boyles: Responded that the Prior Lake Fire Department has served the Credit River and Spring Lake Townships for more than 15 years as those townships do not have fire departments of their own, and other jurisdictions would have a greater distance to travel to arrive at some locations. Commented that the for- mula for cost sharing considers the value of vehicles, fire stations, firefighters, training, etc. and then pro- rated to actual expenses based upon the proportional valuations of the city and two townships. Stated that approximately 35% of the Fire Department costs minus certain items is prorated to the townships. Com- mented on Fire Chief visits to the townships which help to provide understanding of issues involving town- ship fire calls and fire contracts. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE FIRE REPORT VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Community Safety Advisory Committee Police Chief O'Rourke reviewed the inception of the committee explaining that a 2030 Vision Element, Safe and Healthy Communities, was created in 2007. Stated that a Task Force was created and that group researched and identified issues that should be addressed. The Committee was developed following a recommendation of the Task Force. Introduced Chair Spitzmueller who reviewed the objectives recom- mended by the Committee for 2010 activities. Comments: Millar: Complimented the Committee for an impressive amount of work accomplished in a short period of time. Asked about legality of enacting ordinance requiring background checks. Girouard: Replied there may be some concerns about such a requirement as it may have constitutional implications. Commented that it may depend on whether the background check is proposed as a recom- mendation or a requirement. Keeney: Considers the safety and welfare of residents, particularly children and youth, to be a duty of the City. Areas of driver safety, substance abuse and distracted driving efforts have room for improvement and is glad the Committee is focusing on them. Invited the Committee to bring its recommendations for policy or ordinance to the Council. Believes there is opportunity to use City resources in the area of communica- tions to add content to the cable channel and Website. Erickson: Commented he is serving as liaison to the Committee this year and has had opportunity to ob- serve the passion and commitment of Committee members. Myser: Asked how the Committee prioritizes its projects. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT Spitzmueller: Replied that many of the objectives surfaced during discussion which continued until con- sensus was reached by Committee members. Myser: Commented on a report delivered at a SCALE meeting regarding increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases and queried whether that topic should come under the purview of the Committee. O'Rourke: Responded that the Committee is recommending calling the original Task Force together to review progress and consider whether the Committee is on path regarding issues. Stated the Committee is more than willing to address additional issues. Myser: Expressed amazement at the number of volunteers who step forward to make these things possi- ble. Confirmed that objectives appear to be appropriate. Intersection Improvements on TH 13 at 150th Street Public Works Director Albrecht informed the Council that improvements to TH 13 in the 150th Street area were scheduled for 2016 but MnDOT indicates there may be funding as early as 2013. The scope of the project and its issues were reviewed. Albrecht explained the location does not meet warrants for a traffic signal and a roundabout is not suitable due to the level of north/south traffic. Indicated that the Zinran/TH 13 intersection is of greater concern from a safety perspective and low costs steps could be taken as an at- tempt to address those concerns. Stated that the Savage Council is supportive of the 2013 time frame for the 150th/TH 13 intersection. Described proposals for the TH 13 / 150th Street and TH 13 / Oakland Beach / Zinran intersections. Noted such intersection restrictions would change traffic flow for residents leaving their neighborhoods. Comments: Erickson: Agreed the Zinran intersection is problematic adding that drivers making a left turn there could make the turn at 153rd Street and arrive at the same location. Commented on putting temporary posts in the road to block a left turn in addition to signage prohibiting a left turn on that corner. Albrecht: Replied that posts are typically used as traffic control during projects and removed during the winter so they are not destroyed by snow plows. MnDOT supports eliminating the left turn. Savage did not comment on closing Zinran. Erickson: Expressed concern about more traffic pressure on the 150th Street intersection with reconstruc- tion of CR 44 / CR 27. Albrecht: Responded that closures for CR 44 construction will be done during the summer which is non- school time. Erickson: Asked how traffic would be handled on TH 13 during that construction. Albrecht: Replied that through traffic would be maintained with reduced speeds. Commented that it will not be a long project and should be mostly completed during the summer season while school is not in session. Erickson: Asked if there has been discussion about continuing CR 27 northward. Albrecht: Replied there are restrictions caused by the Fen, but other routes through the downtown Sa- vage are being considered. Keeney: Expressed support for the changes at Zinran. Queried whether the 150th intersection could be moved northward or if there is too much grade disparity. Albrecht: Described the grading and land use, and the obstacles caused by them. Explained Savage does not want to pay the costs of acquiring additional properties. Costs must be considered as traffic count increases are projected to be minimal for this highway and MnDOT does not plan to broaden TH 13 beyond a two-lane highway. Keeney: Asked about removing the intersection at 150th and making improvements to Zinran to allow that to be the primary intersection. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT Albrecht: Identified the economic issues of the lakes impact upon right of way and the potential for taking business property. Noted that compromises with Savage needed to be agreed upon for this roadway de- sign to be approved. Keeney: Asked about the drivers turning left on Zinran. Albrecht: Replied that is more of an issue during school time. Keeney: Supportive of Zinran improvements being moved to 2013. Concerned that this proposal does not totally improve the problems at 150th. Albrecht: Stated a smaller project to propose the Zinran intersection could be discussed with MnDOT. Keeney: Would support that. Millar: Commented that neighborhood impact for traffic rerouting would be higher at the 150th intersection. Albrecht: Believes it would not cause a significant impact as the Fairlawn and Fish Point roadways can accommodate the traffic. Green Oaks would have more issues. Millar: Asked what the policy is for no implications to neighborhoods. Albrecht: Replied that would be determined by the Council. Millar: Stated the affected neighborhoods should be contacted with plenty of advance notice about rerout- ing traffic. Agreed Zinran should be fixed for safety reasons. Myser: Asked why MnDOT does not allow TH 13 to be a broader roadway. Albrecht: Replied that it is considered a preservation roadway and is not a priority to MnDOT based on traffic volume. Stated MnDOT does not have the funding to build a four-lane highway through this lake / wetland area. Myser: Asked if the million dollars of funding proposed for 2013 will be applied elsewhere if the City does not take advantage of it. Albrecht: Replied that both intersections have been identified by MnDOT as a single safety project and cooperative funding could reduce the City's share. Some of the safety aspects meet their criteria for the funding; otherwise it will go somewhere else. Myser: Asked if the turning problems will be pushed to other intersections by closing these areas. Albrecht: Replied that an intersection with good sightlines cannot be built at the 150th Street location. Left turns are being moved to areas with better sight lines. Myser: Queried why some of the intersections cannot be aligned across TH 13 Albrecht: Displayed the parameters of the properties involved and explained that this proposal is the best compromise. Myser: Commented he would want to know if there would be tradeoffs in the transportation plan if this project is accelerated. Commented that he could support working with Savage and MnDOT to seek interim options. Albrecht: Replied he will provide alternatives to the transportation CIP that include this project. 2009 Variance Report Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr explained that the Planning Commis- sion serves as Board of Appeals for variance requests. Provided information on 2009 variance activity stat- ing there was a drop in activity due to slowdown in development, an update of code provisions, and efforts to find solutions other than variances. Comments: Erickson: Commented it is good to see the number of variances going down and that the staff and Plan- ning Commission has updated codes and helps to find solutions. Millar: Expressed appreciation of the good work done by staff with people who come in seeking help. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO ACCEPT THE 2009 VARIANCE REPORT 4 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was conducted. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report on a Downtown Park and Ride Building and Transit Services Director Kansier provided a history of transit services in Prior Lake, its partnerships and funding. Noted that no property taxes have been levied for transportation services. Stated that Prior Lake has increased express buses to three and, combined with Shakopee, there are eight buses that residents can use to go to the metro area. Discussed whether a downtown park and ride lot would be an appropriate location and appropriate use of transit monies. Explained that larger park and rides are more heavily used by riders. Stated that using the municipal lot as a park and ride would add up to $27,000 in annual costs because of added route times; and such use would be impacted by future down- town redevelopment. Noted that regional funds and grant monies were received for the Southbridge and Eagle Creek park and rides due to their location and the cost of a downtown park and ride would be borne solely by the City. Suggested a survey be taken before any changes are initiated. Comments: Millar: Expressed support for a downtown park and ride, but not in the municipal lot. Would support a sur- vey showing how many riders would use it and supported talking to downtown businesses about it. Erickson: Stated that the benefit of a park and ride closer to downtown is that it would draw customers to downtown. Believes surveying current riders would not reveal the potential riders, but rather should survey people whose needs are not met by current park and rides. Believes the people who would want a down- town park and ride are using the Lakeville site. Agreed municipal lot might not be the best location and suggested the use of church lots such as the Baptist Church located on CR 21. Keeney: Commented on his impression from the report that there is a preference by riders for larger loca- tions due to more buses per day for choices in time of riding. Believes resources should be concentrated on fewer and bigger park and ride locations. Does not favor seeking downtown area park and ride lots. Myser: Suggested further analysis to learn the impact to downtown businesses noting a downtown park and ride could be taking the parking spaces for people who come downtown. Would support a survey. Asked if there is a way to make a downtown area park and ride a feeder system to the larger facilities. Be- lieves consideration should be given for short-term and long-term planning to consider how a parking facili- ty would fit into the downtown redevelopment. Asked if transit monies can be used to extend the local cir- culator to provide service at night from downtown to residences. Millar: Recalled that there is a local business that provides that service on weekend nights, Erickson: Added that having a smaller lot in the downtown area would provide opportunity to have the Prior Lake buses stop there to be picked up before they go to the South bridge park and ride lot. MOTION BY ERICKSON TO DIRECT STAFF TO PURSUE OPTIONS FOR A DOWNTOWN VICINITY PARKING LOT INCLUDING AN INQUIRY WITH THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Myser: Stated he would like to learn what other alternatives the City has to use the transit funds. Boyles: Indicated that each council member has a good transit idea but it is difficult to synthesize them. Suggested another work session about transit be conducted and from that direction could be provided to staff. The motion died for lack of a second. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT MOTION BY KEENEY, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO TABLE THIS TOPIC TO A WORK SESSION FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE ACCORDINGLY FOR SUCH A WORK SESSION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Grant Funding from the Prior Lake/Spring lake Wa- tershed District and Scott County Watershed Management Organization for the Street Sweeping Phosphorus load Reduction Study Public Works Director Albrecht provided background on efforts to receive funding for a University of Min- nesota study about results of street sweeping on amount of phosphorus in the lakes, with the potential of reducing the cost for reducing phosphorus. Equipment proposed for purchase will allow tracking of activi- ties related to sweeping equipment. The equipment can also be transferred to snowplow trucks to help make them more efficient. Comments: Keeney: Supports accepting grant. Queried how much of the phosphorus is anticipated to be removed by sweeping. Albrecht: Replied that a reduction of as much as 50% is anticipated. Commented the City wants to max- imize what is being done now and see if that will be credited to future phosphorus reduction requirements. Study results should enable us to learn what is the best sweeping method and the best locations for par- ticular processes. Believes this will take sweeping to the same smart level as the snowplowing. Keeney: Asked about reducing other things such as sodium, Albrecht: Replied the equipment will provide a full barrage of chemical analysis and should allow route study to correlate to best management practices; and, perhaps, help some of the agencies around us. Keeney: Asked if this is a reasonable cost for GPS. Albrecht: Replied the equipment measures operations of the vehicle, gas mileage, pounds swept and much other information besides the location. Erickson: Asked if this equipment will tie into the Cartegraph program. Albrecht: Affirmed. Erickson: Commented on the amount of sand used on County roads, Albrecht: Responded that the County uses different snow and ice control methods and is set up to man- age high speed roadways, which may not translate well to areas around lakes. Commented that the City is working with other cities and counties to share roadway care methods. Erickson: Commented that the City needs to educate the public that smart sweeping reduces costs. Will support. Millar: Will support. Stated that this is an example of the City being on the cutting edge of science and technology and working hard to protect waters and save taxpayer money. Myser: Commented that it appears pending requirements might add between $1 and $2 million per year in costs and this action might save that much. Added that meetings were held with the County to support collaborative efforts and the City may sweep County streets too. Queried about communities that encour- age residents to sweep leaves onto the street for their city to pick up. Albrecht: Replied he is aware of such programs, but encouraged people to keep leaves off the streets to avoid wash outs to the lakes. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-020 ACCEPTING GRANT FUNDING FROM THE PRIOR LAKE / SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT AND SCOTT 6 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT COUNTY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION FOR THE STREET SWEEPING PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION STUDY. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Preliminary Plat to be known as Maple Glen 3rd Ad. dition Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr outlined the preliminary plat proposal. Noted the Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the proposed plat with conditions and added that staff recommends a fourth condition of a conservation easement over Lot 4, Block 2. Comments: Millar: Asked about access to Lot 1, Parr: Replied that lot has an existing house and has access from Wedgewood. Millar: Asked if plans would be made to move the access to the east side. Albrecht: Staff determined that lot should continue to use Wedgewood. Millar: Will support. Erickson: Asked if the developer would be putting funds into Sun Ray Blvd. Parr: Responded that roadway would be developed in the future so no monies are being taken now. Erickson: Asked if the four lots will have sewer and water. Albrecht: Replied sewer and water was stubbed in during the development of Maple Glen 2nd. Erickson: Clarified that Lot 1 will remain on septic. Albrecht: Responded that it will be required to go on city services when sewer and water is extended to it. Erickson: Will support. Keeney: Sought clarification on the conservation easement. Albrecht: Stated that a conservation easement is needed to provide protections as it is not an outlot. Keeney: Stated that if the City prefers to have wetlands protected by an outlot or by a conservation ease- ment, a policy should be constructed for that and would invite staff to clarify that for policy for the future. Myser: Asked how much money will be given in lieu of a park and what the funds will be used for. Parr: Replied that about $15,000 will be put into the parks fund. Myser: Asked if any consideration will be given to removing Ash trees rather than other significant trees. Parr: Replied that trees are removed to accommodate grading and the building pad area. Added that Ash trees are not considered significant trees. Myser: Will support. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10.023 APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MAPLE GLEN 3RD ADDITION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED HEREIN WITH FOURTH CONDITION ADDED BY STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Accepting Quotes and Authorizing Staff to Contract with Haulers I Vendors to Provide Services for the April 17, 2010 Annual Spring Clean Up Day Public Works Director Albrecht informed the Council that grant funding from the County may be cut by the State. Stated that the County is moving forward with contracts as it does not have confirmation, but this funding is on the list from the State to be cut for 2010. Believes that grant funding will assuredly be cut in 2011, Commented that contracts with vendors need to be executed at this time if the City wishes to con- 7 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT duct Clean-Up Day even though grant funds from the County generally are not received until summer. Re- viewed past year activities and costs to city for sponsoring the event. Suggested raising gate fees. Noted that fewer than 5% (520) of Prior Lake households participate in the event and that there are other options for residents to dispose of their recyclable items. Comments: Keeney: Stated this is a good value for residents and would support increasing the gate fee to at least $10. Benefit is getting rid of rubbish that people otherwise don't have the opportunity to get rid of. Queried whether it should be limited to things that people can't put in the trash as there are means to dispose of yard waste and rubbish. Asked if costs go up if there are more people. Albrecht: Replied that the cost is charged per pound and noted that most other cities charge more than $10 per vehicle. Keeney: Supports raising the fee and keeping the program. Erickson: Commented that the major cost is electronics. Albrecht: Affirmed. Erickson: Suggested subcontracting with a third party for electronics that could be on site and people would pay them directly for electronics. Albrecht: Replied it could be researched although he is not aware of anyone that does that. Agreed that electronics are a primary cost. Erickson: Noted there are other alternatives for disposing of electronics. Supports alterative #2, disconti- nuing electronics, unless a third party could handle it on site. Supports raising gate fee to $10. Millar: Concurred fee should be increased to $10, Stated the electronics aspect is costly and suggested an added fee for electronics, Albrecht: Responded that it is time consuming at the site to weigh each piece so weight is estimated. Be- lieves it would be difficult to set a fee to account for all electronics and it becomes an efficiency issue and a function of keeping the people moving so cars do not stack up on CR 44. Erickson: Suggested not allowing any electronics in the gate fee. Millar: Supports continuing clean up day, but agreed it would be good to have separate access to a vendor with electronic items. Favors increasing the gate fee. Myser: Asked if the event could be held at a later date to know if monies are coming from the County. Albrecht: Replied that if this kind of funds are cut by the State, the County will be greatly impacted. Be- lieves it will be as late as mid-summer before it is known if the funds will be cut. Myser: Sounds as though the event needs to move people through efficiently. The event is a service to residents and it could be a pay as you go. Suggested a gate fee of $20. Stated he does not want the City to be on the hook for funds that may not be forthcoming from County and other residents should not be subsidizing the users of this event. Erickson: Commented that ApplianceSmart may take the appliances for free. MOTION BY ERICKSON TO DISCONTINUE ELECTRONICS AND ADVISE PEOPLE OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES, LOOK FOR CONTRACTORS THAT ALLOW ELECTRONIC DISPOSAL ON SITE WITH PAYMENT MADE DIRECTLY TO THEM, AND RAISE THE GATE FEE TO $10. Albrecht: Suggested the motion allow entering into contract with lowest bidder and staff can research the appliance option. Myser: Suggested keeping the status quo with gate fees increased to $20. Erickson: Stated that people have options for recycling electronics. Buckingham allows people to drop off at their site and charge for it per pound. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT Millar: Reiterated that it appears grant funding will not be received and the value of this event to the public in general should be examined. Believes a $20 gate would be proper and is still a good value for someone bringing in electronics. Keeney: Would support either alternative or a combination that comes out to about the same budget. Myser: Believes a $20 gate fee resolves some budget issues. Motion died for lack of a second. MOTION BY MillAR, SECONDED BY MYSER TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-021 ACCEPTING QUOTES AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO CONTRACT WITH VENDORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR THE 2010 ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY INCREASING GATE FEES TO $20. Erickson: Asked where additional funding would be from. Albrecht: Replied that the City has allocated a budget of $6,800. Millar: Commented that the grant will certainly not be available in future years and the City should prepare accordingly and make a responsible decision to control costs. This program is a great value at $20. Keeney: Stated he will support a $20 gate continuing to accept electronics. It is a community event and he would hate to not have it. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Keeney and Millar. Erickson opposed. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution in Support of SCALE Submission of an Application for the Google Fiber for Communities Project City Manager Boyles presented information about Google's request for information regarding its Fiber to the Home project. Explained that each of the SCALE members will be considering a resolution to support an application to be included in the program. Comments: Keeney: Generally supports making the application. Believes there is a possibility to bring jobs and oppor- tunities here. Building fiber networks is cheaper than building roads and can bring business to the commu- nity. Believes we should encourage companies to come in and bring these kinds of opportunities to us. Favors this action and cautioned that we need to be aware of legal issues that may exist with franchise agreements. Boyles: Responded that if the network is provided to all of Scott County it is provided to each geographical entity so there would not be an issue of service territories. Keeney: Stated that as long as those issues have been considered and are prepared to be comfortable with that, is in favor. Erickson: Stated this would be an open network so companies such as Integra and Mediacom would be able to use it. Noted this does not give people free Internet. Believes this is an economic development opportunity and could be comparable to having a six-lane highway in Prior lake. Millar: Agreed this could be a boost to economic development and a boost to intellectual resources and a boon to the whole area with new ideas and new technologies. Recognizes that this is another good oppor- tunity for partnerships through SCALE. Will support. Myser: Will support stating this provides a valuable service for residents and could be huge for economic development and schools. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes March 15, 2010 DRAFT MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-022 SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION BY SCALE TO GOOGLE'S REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FOR THE FIBER TO THE HOME (FTTH) PROJECT. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events Millar: Extended a St. Patrick's Day greeting to all viewers. Erickson: March 27 is Egg Hunt at Lakefront Park. Free event for children from 1 - 11 years old. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Millar and seconded by Keeney. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m. Frank Boyles, City Manager Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. 10