HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 19 10 City Council minutesCity Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 MGM Wine and Spirits to Saga Hill Wine & Spirits, Inc dba as MGM Wine & Spirits. J. Consider Approval of a Taxicab License for Bile L. Siyad. Councilor Hedberg requested that item H be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mayor Myser requested that items C and G be removed from the Consent Agenda MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Hedberg: Regarding item H, commented that he received commentary subsequent to the Council's public hearing on this liquor license. Recapped past Council action stating that last year Jazz Co Cafe applied for a wine and beer license; the Council was concerned about the proximity to the dance studio which is occu- pied by youth with parents; and the Council approved the license with the condition requiring the construc- tion of a divider separating the dance studio from the cafe. Stated his concern was that there had been no issues which have arisen as the result of the sale of beer and wine at this premise and there would not be substantial changes of operation proposed with the addition of liquor to the license. The police report upheld that, and the hours and character of the business would continue to be that of a cafe, not a bar. Myser: Regarding item C, asked staff for comments on building permit reports and what may be happen- ing with the building industry. Kansier: Replied that the City is receiving single family home permits at a greater level than last year at this time and hypothesized that may be due to the homebuyer's tax credit stimulus. Believes there is also some forward movement in the market. Myser: Regarding item G, queried if the utilities services is part of the project. Albrecht: Replied that these costs are part of engineering costs and this segment is broken out because Scott County does not do the utilities on the project. Any other incidental items will be brought to the Coun- cilfor approval also. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE MARCH AND 1sT QUARTER BUILDING PERMIT REPORTS, AND RESOLUTION 10.032 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CITY'S STANDARDIZED CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE CR 12 PROJECT VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Mayor Myser recused himself from discussion and voting on item H, turning that portion of the meeting over to Acting Mayor Millar. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10.033 APPROVING AN ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR JAZZ CO. CAFE. Pace: Queried whether Councilor Hedberg is satisfied with the finding of facts stating that hours are not expected to change noting that the resolution as presently written does not create a condition of the li- cense. Hedberg: Asked if it is in scope of the City's authority to put hours of limitation on a business adding that he would be most comfortable setting the hours of 10 p.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. on Friday/Saturday. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Pace: Replied the motion could be changed to address the hours Ms. Myser represented Jazz Cafe would serve liquor. Erickson: Questioned whether that causes an undue burden on Jazz Cafe noting that the discussion arose due to the close proximity of the dance school and that the dance school is not in operation after these hours. Hedberg: Acknowledged that, adding that his concern had more to do with the character of the business than with the clientele. Concern is if the restaurant is open to people staying around drinking after restau- ranthours are over, it might change the character of the restaurant. Erickson: Noted that the current license of beer and wine had no restriction on hours and questioned whether it is appropriate to put restrictions on now. Hedberg: Replied this license is to extend liquor serving privileges and rights. Would prefer making the hours a condition. Offered an amendment to the findings of fact to identify that the hours of serving liquor will not change from the current closing of 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Friday/Saturday. Keeney: Seconded the amendment. Suggested hearing from the applicant to learn whether they are agreeable to that. Camille Myser: Affirmed that current closing hours are from 9-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Fritlay-Saturday. Would prefer less restriction, not more. Believes they have proven themselves and that clientele is not a problem. Does not see how extending hours would impinge on anyone. Acting Mayor Millar called for a vote on the amendment. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. Erickson opposed. The motion carried. Acting Mayor Millar called for a vote on the motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-033 APPROVING AN ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR JAZZ CO. CAFE WITH HOURS OF SERVING LIQUOR RESTRICTED TO10 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, AND 11 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. VOTE: Ayes by Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Michael's Cycles Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr introduced Michael Knoll of Michael's Cycles. Knoll described the location and scope of his new business stating that the culture of outdoor en- thusiasts in Prior Lake will be an excellent fit. Plans to have hybrids, path bikes and kid's bikes and pro- grams partnered with schools, safety and helmets. Will be supporting the DARE ride and other civic in- volvementprograms that they can do. An open house is planned for May.. Hours will be 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. week days and noon - 5 p.m. on Sunday. Comments: Hedberg: Stated his delight in having this business come to town. Millar: Expressed appreciation that Michael's Cycles will be sponsoring the DARE bike-a-thon. Erickson: Asked if they will be doing bike repair. Knoll: Affirmed stating they will have three repair stands. Erickson: Asked if there will be programs to teach how to ride a bike. Knoll: Likes the idea although he has no plan to do so at this time. Has focused on children who are mov- ing from tricycles to bikes. Keeney: Welcomed Michael's Cycles and asked Knoll what made Prior Lake the right place for him. Knoll: Replied there is a lack of bicycle shops in close vicinity, the number of bike paths and trails in the community and an enthusiasm for the outdoors from people in the community. Keeney: Asked if he will have any employees. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Knoll: In addition to himself there will be one other employee, and perhaps a couple of part-time em- ployees. Myser: Reiterated that it is great to see this service come to the community. Jon Ulrich -14941 TH 169 Intersection Improvements Scott County Commissioner Jon Ulrich briefed the Council on funding received for improvements to the 1494 / TH 169 intersection. Stated that numerous discussions elevated the importance of the intersection improvements to the region for economic vitality and movement of traffic. Project bid will be awarded in November 2010. Thanked everyone who contributed to achievement of the project. Comments: Erickson: Stated that he worked on the Transit Commission and the 169 Coalition, both of which were active in the push to complete this project. The 169 Coalition includes cities from Mankato through Edina and Bloomington; and their concentrated effort made a difference in achieving the funding. Encouraged continued support of the 169 Coalition. Ulrich: Noted the vote for funding was nearly unanimous. Keeney: Thanked everyone involved for accomplishing this key element to the long-term success of Prior Lake, Scott County and everything south of the river. Hedberg: Thanked all involved. Looks forward to having the project completed. Millar: Concurred with previous statements. Noted that he uses the corridor regularly. Asked about the timeline for completion. Ulrich: Stated the project will be awarded in the fall, work begins in spring 2011 and it is anticipated to take two to three years to complete. Noted that MnDOT's Website has information on the project. Myser: Congratulated Ulrich, Erickson and former Mayor Haugen for their perseverance on the project. PAC Goals and Objectives for 2010 Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges introduced Parks Advisory Committee Chair Ruhme. Ruhme listed the goals and objectives of the committee: review existing neighborhood parks, use and funding; update the park comprehensive plan; develop Jeffers Pond Park using funds from Jeffers Foundation; review and document results of 2010 Feld maintenance partnerships with local athletic organizations; develop a lake recreational usage plan for Pike Lake; implement the tree inventory program and monitor Emerald Ash bor- er; and continue to work towards implementation of the 2030 Vision goals and objectives. Comments: Millar: Asked about Pike Lake Park and whether the plans for it are ambitious. Queried whether there is potential for grant money. Ruhme: Responded that a plan should be made for development steps and efforts made to have public access to it as soon as possible. Millar: Asked if there would be parking issues. Ruhme: Affirmed. Millar: Agreed it is a beautiful piece of land and it would be nice to see it utilized. Hedberg: Added that the majority of the purchase of the Pike Lake property was by federal funds and their expectation is that the City will fund the improvements to it. Stated that the PAC thought a plan should be developed to show we want to at least get started. Friedges: Concurred that having a plan should set well with the Department of Natural Resources and it could be undertaken in small increments with small amounts of money such as starting a chip trail with the chip products the City makes with its tree removal and trimming in other areas and beginning prairie resto- City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 ration in areas that could serve as education areas. Agreed that parking space is limited, but could start with a gravel base that could accommodate three to four cars. Hedberg: Added that a master park plan was completed to serve as a blueprint for the City; and now the PAC is working on what will make it sustainable and responsive to what residents need and want. Keeney: Concurred with the desire to have Pike Lake more accessible. Commented that many people don't know it is City property and signage and maps could be a good first step. Stated the City will have serious challenges in sustaining neighborhood parks long term and he would not want to see a lot of facili- ties gointo disrepair or make promises that cannot be kept. Erickson: Agreed with having signage at Pike Lake Park including at the entrance off CR 42. Suggested that park should be used for cross country skiing. Asked if the PAC considered joint development and co- operationwith SMSC's surrounding property. Myser: Complimented PAC on its goals. Believes the neighborhood park goal and its consideration of funding and strategy for managing parks more cost effectively is a good perspective. Wondered whether the State's Legacy granting could be available for Pike Lake Park. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was conducted. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Declaring Costs to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of an Assessment Roll for the 2010 Improvement Project, and Establishing the Date of the Assessment Hearing for the 2010 Improvement for CR 12 (Project #10.011). Councilor Erickson recused himself from discussion and voting on the CR 12 project. Public Works Director Albrecht stated the public hearing for assessments on this project would be sche- duled for May 17. The assessment amount is projected to be $2,815 per parcel. Stated that staff and the Assessment Review Committee have determined it is appropriate to assess the Creekview Circle proper- ties, but there are additional circumstances to consider which will be presented at the hearing. Described funding. Comments: Keeney: Commented that the City's history of classification of roadways vs. driveways is clear and it fol- lows that the Creekview Circle properties would be included in the roll. Hedberg: Pleased that the proposed assessment amount has dropped and hopes the low cost will help people to appreciate the benefits. Will support. Millar: Concurred he has never seen an assessment this low for street reconstruction. Will support. Myser: Sought clarification of the process whereby residents could appeal their assessment. Albrecht: Replied that if a property were removed from the assessment roll by the Council during this meeting, they could not be assessed; antl during and following the public hearing, the Council might re- ceive information that would preclude a property from assessment so it is best to include all potential par- cels receiving special benefit. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10.035 DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 2010 IMPROVEMENT OF CR 12 PROJECT 10-011 AND ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT HEARING AND PUBLICATION THEREOF. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Consider Acceptance of a Report Regarding the City's Standardized Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Process (PUD). Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr commented that in the past few years there has been a change in the economic climate including development foreclosures. Identified issues that have arisen in existing developments and modifications that could be considered. Staff recommends the topic be scheduled for a future work session. Comments: Erickson: Will support. Keeney: Supports reviewing development processes, contracts and PUD requirements. Also proposed that changes are necessary in letters of credit, minimum requirements. and formalization of requirements on PUDs to assure the City receives the things promised in exchange for granting a PUD. Suggested the work session and any modifications be completed before the next PUD application comes through. Hedberg: Favors deferring to a work session sometime this summer or fall. Each of the issues identified in the agenda report should be included in the discussion at the work session. Believes the City should distinguish between standard developments and PUDs and that the City should not intrude into standard developments about the kind of style or size that will be built as the market will dictate that. In the case of a PUD, the City has more flexibility to include things that might not be in a standard development in exchange for the benefit to the development. Believes the PUD ordinance and contracts should be documented so the City is consistent from one PUD to the next. Millar: Concurred with Hedberg and Keeney comments and supports having a work session. Myser: Will support. Concurs with finding a mechanism to assure follow through on things that were agreed to by the developer. Would like to address what should be done if circumstances change during the PUD process. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO DIRECT STAFF AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE FOR AND SCHEDULE A WORK SESSION REGARDING THE CITY'S STANDARDIZED DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Negotiated Sale of $1,300,000 General Obliga- tion Street Improvement Bonds of 2010. Finance Director Erickson reviewed the bond request for roadway improvements noting that the antio- ipated amount is for $1.235 million or less. Explained that the improvement projects also include funding from enterprise funds, state and county. Introduced Steve Mattson of Northland Securities, Inc. Councilor Erickson queried whether he should be recused from this discussion and action due to owning property on one of the improvement projects. City Attorney Pace advised that it was not necessary as no personal benefit will be derived from this action. Mattson: Provided an overview of the process that would be followed upon approval from the Council to sell the bonds. Noted that a final resolution will be brought to the Council to finalize interest rates, prices and to ratify the sale. Explained the municipal bond market stating he believes this process allows City to sell bonds when there is little competition for municipal bonds and a better rate is received. Commented that the process has worked well in the past. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Comments: Hedberg: Stated he has seen this process work and has been pleased with it. Will support. Millar: Concurred. Will support. Erickson: Clarified that this authorization is for one time only. Mattson: Affirmed explaining that if interest rates go up, he would not act on it and the resolution would remain effective to be acted upon for two months. Keeney: Clarified the anticipated interest rates. Mattson: Replied that the current interest rate is 2.83°/a. Keeney: Asked if we pay down the rate. Mattson: Replied that whoever sells the bonds, needs to pay fees. Keeney: Will support. Myser: Asked why more entities do not use this process. Mattson: Replied his firm is not only a consultant to cities and underwriters, but can also negotiate, whe- reas other firms must charge a fee. Myser: Clarified with staff that this has been verified to be the way to get the bonds for the least cost. J. Erickson: Added that interest rates change on a daily basis and staff does not have access to the rates as they are current. This process is very competitive. Myser: Queried how it is determined what is paid by City funds and what is paid from bonding. J. Erickson: Replied it is based on costs associated with the infrastructure being replaced. Funding sources must be appropriate for a particular cost. Myser: Asked if the City will bond for $1.3 million or $1.235 million. J. Erickson: Replied that $1.235 million is anticipated but staff will be fine tuning the appropriate amount before the bonding occurs. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-036 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2010A. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Awarding Bid for Animal Control Purposes for 2010-2013. City Manager Boyles described the ordinance and statute applicable to animal control. Stated that a re- questfor proposal was solicited and one response received from 4 Paws, the current provider at a cost sig- nificantly less than the present contract. Comments: Keeney: Asked if the City has a pet license ordinance. Boyles: Affirmed adding that the agreement provides assurance that no animal will be released without a license being issued. Keeney: Reminded people that it is important to have pets identified as that provides a better chance of having animal returned. Will support. Erickson: Asked if unreturned animals are sent to the Humane Society. Boyles: Replied that 4 Paws is committed to doing the best they can to have the animals adopted. No animals are allowed to be used for research purposes. Euthanasia is a last resort. Millar: Asked if the City is receiving the same amount of service as in the past. Boyles: Affirmed. Hedberg: Will support. Myser: Asked why the vendor provided a lower price for services than in the past. Boyles: Replied it may have been because they anticipated a competitor. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Myser: Asked if the fees collected from pet owners by 4 Paws reduces the City's monthly fee or does 4 Paws keep it. Boyles: Replied that anyone who collects their animal from 4 Paws pays for apick-up fee and a boarding fee. 4 Paws keeps that money which, in essence, provides the City a lowered cost for the contract. Any license fee they collect will be forwarded to the City. Myser: Commented that a reduced number of pick-ups might reduce the amount of future contracts and proposed that 80% of the pick-ups might be repeat offenders. Wondered whether applying a progressive fee schedule would reduce the incidents by repeat offenders. Boyles: Indicated he would contact 4 Paws to learn whether that concept is being tried with any of their other customers. Pace: Commented that the proposal submitted by 4 Paws would be incorporated into the contract. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10-037 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CITY'S STANDARD CONTRACT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Updating the City's Municipal State Aid System. Public Works Director Albrecht discussed how the State allocates money for state aid roadways, and that the monies are placed into a construction account and used for maintenance of state aid roadways. Stated that state aid roadways have to meet particular criteria and funding is intended for higher use streets that have no funding sources such as assessments. The City designates the state aid roadways in con- junctionwith the identified parameters. The State has audited all of the identified roadways and wants to have non-existing streets revoked so money can be reallocated to higher need roadways. Described the City streets proposed for revocation from the state aid system, and those that are proposed to be added. Comments: Millar: Clarified that if the miles of the non-existing streets are not revoked, the City state aid funding could be reduced. Albrecht: Affirmed, adding that the designated streets can be changed in the future. Hedberg: Queried the area where Chatonka Beach Trail is proposed for revocation asking if a higher ca- pacity roadway will be needed when that land is developed. Albrecht: Replied that its steep grade may not meet state aid roadway requirements. Also, the roadway has been designated for over 20 years without being built and MnDOT removes roadways from the system after 25 years if not built. Keeney: Will support. Erickson: Noted that the City is revoking 2.17 miles and designating 2.06 miles. Asked if the remainder can be added back later. Albrecht: Replied that the City will keep available mileage in reserve and work towards having needs up- dated and audited in order to maximize the use of state aid. Erickson: Sought clarification of the basis for the City's allotment of about 20 miles of state aid roadway. Albrecht: Replied that it is based 50% on population and 50% on the dollar value of streets that are desig- nated as state aid. Erickson: Asked if the City can expect a greater allotment due to increasing population. Albrecht: Our mileage goes up every year and is currently 18.68. Erickson: Asked if the FremontlNorthwood street that is being overlaid this year would qualify for state aid. Albrecht: Replied that it is in state aid, adding that this year's project is just resurfacing and the state aid money will be used when it is reconstructed. City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2010 Myser: Asked if the frontage road along CR 21 is being considered for state aid designation because the Snell property is for sale. Albrecht: Replied that Fish Point Road is a state aid road and a frontage road will connect to it. Myser: Asked if the state aid money is at risk of being cut by the State. Albrecht: Replied that the majority of that money is statutorily designated to cities and counties. A small amount of the monies come from car taxes and the legislature has flexibility on how to designate that amount. Commented that the State constitution would have to be amended to withhold the monies from the City and nothing has been heard from the State about reducing that. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10.039 REVOKING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET DESIGNATION FOR 112-010 CHATONKA BEACH AVENUE (NON EXISTING), 117-010 MARTINDALE STREET (NON EXISTING) AND 128-010 WILDS PATH (NON EXISTING). VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 10.040 ESTABLISHING AND DESIGNATING DAKOTA STREET, ARCADIA AVENUE, COLORADO STREET, EAGLE CREEKAVENUE, NORTH BERENS ROAD, FISH POINT ROAD, ADELMANN STREET AND COTTONWOOD LANE AS MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried. RECESS MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO RECESS THE MEETING TO CONDUCT THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Millar. The motion carried and a recess was called at 9:01 p.m. RECONVENE Mayor Myser reconvened the meeting at 9:37 p.m. OTHER Community Events Hedberg: Chamber needs volunteers on April 22 for their "Ladies on the Town" event. Millar: Aprilfest at St. Michael's this weekend. Myser: Commented that the Local Board of Equalization and Appeals will be May 3 and asked if there is anything residents can do to prepare. Boyles: Replied that the Assessor asks that they come forward with comparables to their property. Added that residents can contact the County Assessor's office with questions any time prior to the Board hearing. Myser: Commented on passage of the cable bill in the State legislation and complimented Rep. Beard, Senator Robling and City Manager Boyles for their efforts. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Millar and seconded by Keeney. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Frank o s, ity Manager 1~µ1%Zh.~?~ e o Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. 10