HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/07
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16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
January 9, 2007
The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting was called to order at 5:25 P.M.
Members present: Donna Mankowski, Charlene Jasan, Jim Marchessault.
Others present: Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer, Ross Bintner, Water
Resources Engineer, Warren Erickson, Council Liaison; Bill O'Rourke, Police
Chief; Bret Krick, Sheriff deputy; Kevin Studnika, Scott Co Sheriff; Adam Block,
DNR Conservation Officer; Lieutenant Scott Carlson, DNR; Kim Elverum, DNR
Waters; Cari Grayson, PAC, and 8 members of the public.
Motion to approve prior meeting minutes, Mankowski, Jasan - Pass (3:0)
A. Proposed 150' no near-shore parking ordinance.
Marchessault introduced the issue saying that new on the table was a
response from the DNR on the proposed ordinance and asked Kim
Elverum of the DNR to characterize the response.
Elverum stated that he forwarded the proposed ordinance to many areas
of the DNR including the Commissioner. Responses came back
unanimously against the proposed ordinance for three main reasons
including; endangering public safety by moving parked vehicles further
out on the ice, a reasonable option for safety exists in that the county
sheriff can close down the ice, there was a lack of public benefit to the
ordinance and it seemed to benefit only a small minority of riparian
Marchessault asked for comment from members of the public.
A member of the pUblic asked if there were a fishing tournament if there
can be a variance from the 15' cluster parking rule.
Bintner stated that a variance procedure exists in 703 already and that
the Scott Co Sheriff can issue one.
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Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
Marchessault clarified that the ordinance under discussion is not public
law, it is only a draft proposed for feedback from the DNA.
Erickson asked how enforcement would take place. Krick responded
saying that witnessing the parking or getting admission from the parties
would be used.
Elverum stated that he could find no precedence for this ordinance in
local rules and said in his experience communities overreact and pass a
comprehensive fix, only to repeal parts or all a few years later. Elverum
stated that a step by step approach is recommended over a
comprehensive approach.
Erickson explained how the City of Prior Lake and homeowners along
Shady Beach Trail have been experiencing problems with property
damage and noise and litter.
Elverum ran through a list of counties that have closed lakes over the
course of the last year.
Bintner stated that sheriffs are often afraid to close lakes because of the
message it seems to send about the safety of the lake and asked if there
were any lawsuits to anyone's knowledge on the subject. Elveum stated
that he knew of none.
Poppler asked if the new sheriff would change the departments position
on this topic. Studnika stated that he is reluctant to shut the lake down.
A member of the public asked why snowmobiles would be included in the
proposed ordinance. Mankowski stated that she said that there may be
no reason to prevent snowmobiles from parking within 15' of each other.
Public asked how snowmobiles would be warned of the ordinance.
Bintner stated that signs would be placed at the public accesses. Public
asked if signs would be placed at trails as well. Bintner stated that if the
ordinance were passed and approved by the DNR, additional signage at
the snowmobiles trails accessing the lakes would make sense if the
ordinance included snowmobiles.
Elverum said that the weight of snowmobiles parking together isn't a big
problem and that they have more problem with them roaming over
sections of thin ice.
Public asked if he visits a friend on the lake, why he would have to park
150' away if unable to park on the shore. Erickson stated that this
ordiance would not be effective on Spring Lake until it was modified at a
time when the City of Prior Lake encompasses Spring Lake.
Bintner asked if the cluster parking portion of the ordinance had any
precedence or support. Elverum stated that the 150' portion had a lot
more discussion, however there was some analogy to the 10' separation
requirement the DNR enforces for distance between fish houses. Block
stated that this was less an issue of weight and safety rather a good
neighbor provision so that an ice fisherman cannot fish right on top of
someone already there. Block stated that it is enforced on a complaint
basis and that he does not go out looking for 10 foot separation.
Poppler asked if the same complaint basis could be used for vehicle
separation. Block stated that because people leave their vehicle they
may know anyone has parked next to them.
Elverum stated that he met with Block, Carson, Krick and Studnika to
come up with alternatives to the ordinance. The group suggested that
homeowner use a snow fence of orange filter fence to mark their
shoreline to provide a visible barrier so that parking on-shore is
dissuaded. Krick stated that the City of Prior Lake is doing something
similar at its beach now.
Jasan stated that she didn't believe this solution would solve the problem
related to cars parking on the ice, bunching up.
O'Rourke stated that the problem of trespass can be simply solved by
telling those parked on the shore that they are unwelcome, or by posting
a sign stating that.
Erickson asked if the sheriff would consider giving a warning or testing
the thickness of the ice and set some criteria on when to close a lake.
Studnika stated that he is wary of making that determination.
Krick stated that recently he put thin ice signs out on the ice near the
wagon bridge recently. They stated that permanent signs such as that at
shady beach were placed in more locations and many were stolen.
Mankowski said the committee will have to take all this information and
decide whether to modify its recommendation to the City Council.
Marchessault asked for further citizen input. Member of the public
responded that he recommended that if a problem exists at Shady Beach,
the problem should be treated there, not as a lake-wide solution.
Member of the public stated that ice conditions for years have been thin
between Sand Point and Shady Beach and that closing one or the other
would increase traffic over a riskier ice location.
Mankowski asked if a limited parking restriction would be viewed
differently by the DNR. Elverum stated that he doubted a parking
restriction would meet with any favor at the DNA.
O'Rourke stated that he was required by City Council to provide extra
enforcement and that between 10 and 11 every night for 10 nights, only 1
person was cited using the access.
Sintner recapped the three recommendations that the LAC gave to the
City Council and status of each. The first was the ordinance, the second
was working to open the DNR access at Sand Point, and the third was
increased signage and enforcement.
Jasan stated that the first recommendation seemed like it wouldn't work
with the DNR requirements.
Mankowski said she doubted any further attempt to pass a no-parking
limitation on the ice wouldn't be approved by the DNR.
Jasan said that an education effort could be tried and just like the lake
buoys, after time, people will learn.
Bintner asked if the three members present were considering retracting
their first recommendation to the Council. All three members concurred,
Saying they wanted to discuss further in February with all members
Erickson stated that in the long term improving the Sand Point Beach
access and proving a stable winter access at that location is the most
desirable solution.
A. Shannon Lotthammer left the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District
to take a job at the MPCA. The District is currently working to fill the
District Administrator position vacancy.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Bintner
Water Resources Engineer
Ross Bintner
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:10 PM
Ross Bintner
Re: FW: Rescheduled LAC
Re: FW:
Rescheduled LAC
Hi Ross,
Thanks for emailing me to let me know of the next Lake Advisory Committee meeting and also
the minutes of the January 9th meeting. I have been out of the state for all of January
and most of February, so I was not able to be at the January meeting and will not be able
to be at the February meeting either.
Since I will not be able to be at the meeting, please pass on my comments to the
committee. I cannot express how frustrated I am after reading the minutes to the January
9th meeting. First of all, someone should at least amend the minutes to avoid a very
misleading statement. At the bottom of page 3 the last paragraph stated "O'Rourke stated
that he was required by the City Council to provide extra enforcement and that between 10
and 11 every night for 10 nights, only 1 person was cited using the access." Someone
should add a statement that says, (However, the weather was warm and the ice was thin so
there was little or no activity during this period.) Also, the key word in O'Rourke's
comment was "cited". He did not use the word "sighted". I want everyone to know that I
personally counted 10 vehicles come off the lake one night that I was home a week or so
ago, and a police car was there, but they only stopped one vehicle to talk to them. So the
lice records do not accurately reflect the actual activity. The records will only show
_de citations that the Officers choose to ticket. So please continue to have the City
provide greater enforcement of the Shady Beach Trail access road hours.
When I was home, I observed that the police where not there at all on one weekend night
and there were about 10 cars that came off that night between 10 pm and 11pm. One truck
came off at 12:30 am. If each of these vehicles had been ticketed, then the message would
get around fast that the City is serious about this. Right now I am disappointed in the
lack of tickets being handed out.
The minutes were also frustrating in that everyone is again passing the buck.
The DNR does not want the 150 foot ordinance and the Sheriff will not close the lake to
vehicles even though other Counties do when the ice is really not safe. The DNR expects
homeowners to put up unsightly orange fences to prevent parking on shorelines. Also
frustrating is that there was no mention in the minutes regarding what Lake Minnetonka is
allowed to do. If you refer to their lake ordinances, they require vehicles to traverse
150 feet straight out from their access roads. Did anyone ask the purpose of this
ordinance? I would think that this alone would make people think twice before driving out
on the ice. Why can't we have this ordinance? Even though it is true that vehicles on Lake
Minnetonka can then drive back to within 150 feet of shore to park, they probably are not
turning around and driving back to park near the access road. Their ordinance is helping
to preserve the ice near the access road by not having cars immediately stopping and just
parking near the road. So we should be able to have the DNR approve a similar rule that
could be posted.
This would deter vehicles from driving out on the ice when they know they have to traverse
150 feet out before coming back to park closer to shore.
Another frustrating issue is that the minutes made no mention of Lake Minnetonka's
ordinance not allowing vehicles to be left unattended for long periods. What is the
purpose of this ordinance? It has to be for safety and not wanting vehicles to fall
pugh the ice because owners are expected to be aware if the ice starts to melt around
~ucir vehicles. This is the problem we have. So why can't we have a similar ordinance that
says vehicles cannot be left unattended for more than say four hours. If they were
required to move their vehicles after four hours, or be ticketed, then they would be able
to observe that the ice is melting around their vehicles. This would help avoid the
problems of vehicles having to be towed out of the lake over private property. Since Lake
Minnetonka has an ordinance, we should be able to have something also. Anything like this
would help the situation, but the Sheriff's office must then enforce it so that people get
he message.
Also frustrating was that there was no mention in the minutes that anyone asked if the
City is allowed to have a no parking on shoreline ordinance because it does not need DNR
approval at least on the shoreline within say 100 yards (because everyone can visualize
the size of a football field) of the City Park access roads. The City should have this
authority since these are City Parks (including the Shady Beach Trail Access Road) and not
the authority of the DNR because it is not on the ice. If this is not true, then ask
yourself why the police has the authority on land and the Sheriff when on ice?
The DNR is trying to pass the buck to the homeowner by suggesting unsightly orange fences
on their shorelines. Please don't let the City pass the buck also. The City should have
some kind of ordinances near these City park access roads. Are you aware that the Shady
Beach Access Road does have posted "No Parking" signs on the road itself? So why can't
this be expanded to around the shoreline of the access roads? The City then must ticket
the violators so that people get the message.
Our neighborhood appreciates the efforts that the Committee is making on this.
Please seriously consider the suggestions that are made here. Something has to be done and
it takes the cooperation of everyone. Please do not pass the buck back to our
Thanks everyone for your help. I wish I could be at your meeting.
Roger Kamin
14253 Shady Beach Trail NE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
e Cluster parking ordinance should be possible even if it is reduced to 10 feet to be
,.e same as the fish house ordinance. Did anyone ask the DNR if they would go along with
that ordinance? This only makes sense for safety reasons and would also be a "good
neighbor provision" much the same as the fish house rule. It would give everyone more room
for loading and unloading equipment as well as the safety of otherwise too much weight in
concentrated areas.
DATE: December 1,2006
TO: Frank Boyles, City Manager
Lake Advisory Committee
FROM: Ross Bintner, Water Resources Engineer
RE: Beach Testing Results and Policy
Because high bacteria concentration in swimming waters can cause a hazard to public
health and welfare, each summer the City of Prior Lake monitors bacteria levels at its two
public beaches. A summary sheet is attached showing levels sampled in Prior Lake
during the Summer of 2006, generally these levels are low. Details on the testing
program follow:
Time Frame:
Beach Closure:
Testing Method:
Second week in June (Beach Opening) through the third week in
August (Beach Closing)
Sand Point Beach and Watz1's Beach
Once every two weeks.
Beaches shall be closed if E-Coli concentration average over 126
CFU/lOO m1, or a single test indicates concentrations over 235
CFU/lOO ml.
If E-Coli levels show a hazard to public health, the beaches and
will be closed until test results show levels the threshold for
hazard. The Engineering Division will contact Parks and
Recreation to coordinate beach closure. The City will take
additional tests daily until levels are shown to be below 100
CFU/100 mI. If an illness that may have been caused by high
levels of bacteria is reported, the City will take additional tests to
ensure the E-Coli is at a safe level.
Samples will be taken by the Engineering Division at the
approximate center of the swimming area. The sample will be
taken at a depth of 2.5 feet. The closed sample bottle will be
submerged to a depth of 6" below the surface of the water. The
bottle will be opened under water, collecting the sample. The
sample will be taken to the Engineering Division for laboratory
pickup. The samples must be tested within 24 hours of the
G:\WatecBodies\lake water quality\E-Coli Testing\Beach Test Results 2006.doc
Test results will be available within one week. If the test results
show that the E-Coli levels are becoming elevated, the Engineering
Division will request that the laboratory provide test results as soon
as they are available.
The test results will be tracked and monitored by the Engineering
Division. A summary sheet will be distributed at the conclusion of
each summer.
Test Results:
G:\WatecBodies\lake water quality\E-Coli Testing\Beach Test Results 2006.doc
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09/02/2008 20:03
1305 P.002
911 Emergency Only. (952) 496-8300 . FAX: (952) 496-8305 . www.co.~mn.us
September 2, 2006
Prior lake Advisory Committee
City of Prior Lake
Prior Lake, MN 55372
To the Committee:
After nearly completing my second year of water patrol, there are a oouple of changes I would fike the
committee to consider with regard to ordinances on the ~.
First, I would like to see the speed limit changed in particular after sunset. Currently, ordinances
703.402 and 703.403 read, "from one hour after sunset to sunrise..... I would like to see this changed
to read. "From sunset to sunrise: The reason for this is that there are some nights, especially when
cloudy, that forty miles per hour (or no speed Omll) is entirely too fast To avoid a serious accident in
the future this needs to be changed. There are now too many wBtercraft on the lake at the later hours
to justify aHowing these boats to travel that fast
Second, I would like to see a phrase added to 703.401. I would like to add, "No person shaH operate a
watercraft while towing a person on water skis, inner tube. aquaplane or simUar device while operating
between the red and green channel markers directly north and south of the Wagon Bridge.. This would
eliminate the problem of people puffing their young kids through that channel and not paying attention,
This channel gets very congested at times and I have seen kids fall off of tubes and parents not even
rearJZe it until someone got their attention. As you can imagine. this creates a mess when someone
makes a u-tum in the middle of the channe~ while towing an Inner tube, to go retrieve their child. This
could also be amended to include the channel going into Candy Cove. east of Reed's Island, lord's
Street Bridge channel, going intoIout of Mud Bay and the channel markers south of Yacht Club Island.
Thirdly. I would like to have a new ordinance stating that no tow-able device is allowed on the lake thaf
is designed to ascend of the surface of the water in a manner other than a ski, kneeboard or
wakeboard. This would eliminate anyone being able to use a product like the Wego Kite- Tube that has
now been taken off the mar1<et due to serious injuries and deaths.
Lastly, we should think about doing something about the length of ski ropes. The latest aaze Is called
.surfing.. A Very short rope Is used and the person .surfs- on the wake directly behind tt1e boat This is
very dangerous because a fall could result in serious injury due to the thR.lSt of some of these larger
engines; carbon monoxide poisoning is also a very distinct possibility due to the proximity of the surfer
to the exhaust of the engine.
Thank you for your time, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about any of the
changes that I am proposing.
Deputy Bret J. Krick
Scott County Sheriffs Office
Rec-Safety Division
An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer
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Ross Bintner
From: Ross Bintner
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 1 :41 PM
To: 'dan.breva@dnr.state.mn.us'
Subject: Sand Point Beach Lake Access
dan. breva@dnr.state.mn.us
We spoke this morning about maintenance of the Sand Point access on Lower Prior Lake. After we spoke, I went out to visit
the access and see the nature of the complaints we have been receiving. I wanted to make you aware of the condition of the
access I observed this morning.
Currently Lower Prior Lake is at an elevation of 900.93, just shy of its average water level. After visiting this site I conclude
that the complaints we are receiving are valid and that the access presents risk to safety and property. I have attached three
pictures to illustrate the nature of the complaints. Pictures with file names ending in 20, 24 and 26 are attached.
In picture 20 the east dock is shown extending into the water diverging from the concrete pavement blocks that make up the
access. Picture 24 shows a space between the dock and the drivable surface approximately 6' wide and a drop from concrete
to the lake surface of greater than 1'; this picture was taken from the dock. Picture 26 depicts the end of the concrete pad on
the east side and the washout that is occurring at the end of the concrete surface.
I agree with your assessment given on the phone that there is washout occurring at the end of the surface; however, the
situation today is different from your recollection of your last site visit on two points: There is a large gap between the dock
and driving surface and there is a drop-off not only at the end of the surface but on the east side as well.
Ross T Bintner, P.E.
Water Resources Engineer - City of Prior Lake
P: 952.447.9831
F: 952.440.9678
E: rbintner@cityofpriorlake.com
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